2 minute read
The Beginning
Nobody knows when the universe began, but we know it happened a long time ago. Nobody knows how the universe began, but we know that God made everything. God was always there. He doesn’t have a beginning. Everything was dark and shapeless. And God decided to create a beautiful universe.
He spoke and, in this way, he made everything. He made the galaxies and stars and planets. He made the sun, and he made the planets. The earth is also a planet. All the planets had their fixed places and rotated around the sun. And so, there was light and darkness, day and night. The sun shone during the day, and the moon and stars gave light at night. God spoke and made clouds and oceans and rivers. The earth tilted a little, and so there was summer and winter, hot and cold. God saw that everything he made was good.
God spoke, and there were plants and trees on earth.
He made fruit trees and plants with seeds.
Each plant had its own kind of seeds. God saw that everything he had made was good. God made all the living creatures on earth. He made flying insects and crawling insects. He made every kind of wild animal. Some were tiny, and some were big. They lived in trees, in mountains, on plains, in the sky and in the sea. He made animals that could live with people. God saw that it was good. God also made human beings. He made a man from the dust of the earth and breathed life into him. The man’s name was Adam. He lived in a beautiful garden God had made for him. He had to take care of the plants and the animals. But he was lonely. And so, God made a woman and took her to Adam. Adam was glad when he saw the woman. He called her Eve.
God made people in his likeness. He made them to be like himself. God blessed Adam and Eve and told them to have children. He also told them to take care of the earth and everything on it. And to make sure that the earth would always be a good place to live on. God saw everything he had made. And it was very good. Then God rested from his work.
Genesis 1 & 2