1 minute read
A Little boy is born
Abraham and Sarah were very old. They had always tried to obey the Lord.
Long ago the Lord told Abraham to go to a faraway country. He packed up his goods and animals and left his family and his people. After travelling a long distance, Abraham ended up living in Canaan. The Lord promised Abraham that the land would belong to his family who came after him. Abraham became a rich man, but he and Sarah never had children. They often wondered how the Lord was going to keep his promise to them. The Lord kept telling Abraham to trust him, and at last Sarah became pregnant. Then Abraham and Sarah remembered all the times the Lord had spoken to Abraham. They remembered his promise that he would have a son. They remembered the three men who had visited them and told them that Sarah would have a baby boy the following year. Exactly at the time the three men had promised, Sarah’s baby boy was born. Sarah was very happy. She said, “The Lord has made me laugh again. Everyone who hears about my baby will be happy with me.”
Abraham named their baby Isaac. It means ‘laughter’. Isaac brought great happiness to his family. Abraham and Sarah played with little Isaac and watched him grow. Whenever they saw him, they remembered how the Lord had given them the baby he had promised. Abraham remembered all of God’s promises. Although he only saw one of them come true, he knew he could trust God. He knew that God would give his descendants the land of Canaan. He knew that his family who came after him would be a great nation. And God kept those promises. Abraham’s descendants became the nation of Israel, and they lived in the land of Canaan. Genesis 21