2 minute read
The Lord frees the Israelites
Moses and his brother Aaron told the Israelites, “The Lord has seen your suffering. He will take you to the land that he promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.” Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh. They said, “The Lord God wants you to let his people go.” Pharaoh said, “I don’t know this God! Why should I obey him? I won’t let the Israelites go.” Aaron threw his walking stick on the floor, and it turned into a snake. Pharaoh’s magicians could also turn sticks into snakes, but Aaron’s walking stick swallowed their snakes. Still, Pharaoh thought Egypt’s gods were stronger than the Lord. The Lord told Moses, “I will show Pharaoh that I am the Lord.” Then the Lord sent ten plagues to Egypt. First, the water of the Nile River turned into blood. The fish in the river died. The people couldn’t drink the water.
Then the Lord sent a plague of frogs to Egypt. The frogs were everywhere, even in people’s beds, ovens and bowls. The Lord sent a plague of gnats and then a plague of flies. Then all the animals belonging to the Egyptians became sick and died.
Next, the Egyptians and their animals got painful sores on their bodies. The next plague was the worst hailstorm to ever fall on Egypt. The crops, trees and plants were destroyed. After that, locusts appeared and ate any plants that were left after the hail. The ninth plague was three days of darkness in Egypt. No one could see anything. Every time God sent a plague, Pharaoh asked Moses to take it away. He promised to let the people go. Then, as soon as the plague was gone, Pharaoh changed his mind and refused to let them go. Only the Egyptian people and their animals were affected by the plagues. The Lord protected the Israelites and kept them and their animals safe. Then it was time for the tenth plague, the worst of them all. The Lord gave the Israelites special instructions to keep them safe. They had to slaughter a lamb without any flaws and smear its blood on their door frames. Then they had to cook the lamb over a fire and eat it. When the Lord saw the blood on the door frames, the people in the house would be safe. That night, all the firstborn children and animals in Egypt died. Then Pharaoh told Moses, “Get out! Leave!”
Pharaoh admitted that the Lord was truly the all-powerful God. The Israelites were free to go.
Exodus 4 to 12