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The Beginning of the church

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Jesus is crucified

Jesus is crucified

On the day of the feast of Pentecost the streets were packed with people from all over the world. Jesus’ followers were together in a house, praying and praising God. Suddenly the people outside heard a sound like a strong wind inside the house. It was the Holy Spirit coming to Jesus’ followers. A crowd gathered outside the house. Soon they heard the disciples speaking about the wonders of God in many languages. Then Peter began to speak to the crowd. He said, “What is happening here is not something new. The prophets of Israel spoke about it long ago. The prophet Joel said that God was going to pour his Spirit on everyone who believed in Jesus. And everyone who believed in Jesus, would be saved.” Then Peter told them about Jesus. God had sent Jesus to live among his people and he had done many miracles through Jesus. Jesus helped many people. Then he was betrayed and the Roman governor ordered him to be crucified. Jesus died on the cross. However, that was not the end. God raised him from the dead. He appeared to the disciples and to many other people before he went to heaven to be with God. Then God had sent his Holy Spirit to the believers. That was why the disciples were not afraid anymore. The Holy Spirit was in them

Many people were convinced that Peter was speaking the truth. They asked, “What should we do?”

Peter replied, “Turn away from your sins and believe in Jesus. Be baptized in the name of Jesus. Then your sins will be forgiven. You will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” About 3 000 people accepted Peter’s words and they were baptized that very day. They were the very first church. Every day the believers met together in the temple courtyard. They praised God for his goodness. Their hearts were full of joy and they listened to everything the apostles taught. They often gathered together, and they ate and prayed together. They shared everything they had. They sold property and other things they owned and gave the money to the disciples to give to those in need.

Everyone was amazed at what God was doing. They saw how the disciples healed people, just as Jesus had done. Everyone respected the believers. And every day the Lord added new members to their group. And that was how the church began. Acts 2

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