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April 29, 2021




Generations wielding social media by Aaliyah Thornton, intro student Facebook

Known by many people, young, and older, Facebook is a network where people can share moments of their lives and connect to their friends and family. Several people of different generations use Facebook, but the majority usage belongs to millennials and Gen X.


Yes, the blue-bird is back! Fun fact: at least 19.4% of Twitter’s users are based in the U.S., while Japan and India make the second and third main users of the platform. Just like TikTok, Gen Z rules the majority of Twitter’s usage.

LIVING THE HIGH LIFE by Aaliyah Thornton, Chayse Seaburg, and Cadance Durand, intro students

As everyone knows, to get to high school, you must go through elementary and middle school. Out of three, freshman Jack Sparks says, “I like high school more because the California school system sucks. And, there are more opportunities, via electives.” The majority of Sparks’ education came from the Californian school system. It is currently his second year with the Great Falls public school system. Throughout high school, everyone has found out more about themselves; both positive, and negative. As each generation gains new information, new perspectives of potential spiral into existence. Information shapes the future of nearly everybody. People gained life lessons and memories they will never forget. Anyone can look back, and remember the glory days of high school, and remember the adventures of their young and naive selves.

by Chayse Seaburg, intro student JADA ROSE, 9 Streetwear is usually a comfortable, but fashionable style, usually worn by followers of popular cultures, and/or styles. It has become very popular with today’s youth.

AERIN MCINTOSH, 10 Goth. It’s a common word people speak everyday. There are several meanings to the word. The style can consist of dark clothing, which can be mysterious. The style is very unique; in fact, it was formed from emerging music, and fashion styles from bands.

EMMA SMITH, 9 What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think “social nonconformity?” Usually, it’s an act of rebellious nature towards the “normal” standard of society. In the fashion sense, it’s outspoken, yet it screams personality.

ALEX YOUNG, 9 The “skater boy” style belongs to the more comfortable side of fashion. It’s usually described to be loose, and like stated before, comfortable. The style is light and casual, which accordingly makes it easier to skateboard.



High school life is different for everyone. Everyone deals with their own struggles, challenges, or other problems. But, everyone can relate to one thing: that the high school experience is a journey of self discovery, and brand new opportunities. Like many people, CMR sophomore Julia Moyer imagined high school to be a lot different than how it really is. “High school has been overall a relaxing stress. I know it contradicts, but to me, that explains high school perfectly. There are a lot of stresses, but at the same time I really enjoy the experiences and opportunities I receive.” While high school is different for every person, everyone has a favorite part of high school. Senior Maddie Allen, sports editor for the CMR yearbook, speaks about her favorite class. “[It’s] yearbook, honestly. You meet new people, and get to know them. You watch history being documented as the book comes together.”


TikTok is the new popular social media platform that nearly everyone has nowadays. The majority of the users of TikTok belong to Gen Z. Other users include millennials, Gen X, and finally, baby boomers, with barely five percentage of use.

Canceling ‘Cancel Culture’ by Cadance Durand, intro student

Cancel culture is an Internet phenomenon that takes people, mostly influencers, out of the spotlight or fame because of questionable actions. During this day and age, people get cancelled left and right -- for making homophobic and sexist comments or using slurs and derogative language. Not only can people get cancelled, but so can companies, brands, books, movies and shows. Because of our society evolving and our views on what is right and wrong, people’s current and past actions are coming back to bite them. Holding people accountable for their actions is necessary in this society, but forcing them to basically disappear for one of their past actions is not the right way to approach it. Cancel culture is toxic. It builds up this huge force of people online that attacks others. The people who are being cancelled can’t do anything about it. Everyone needs to undertsnad that language and viewpoints change, and what someone said two or more decades ago may now be unacceptable. People change and some past actions should not be used to define who they are currently. For example, the R-slur was commonly used in the early 2000’s, but now it is not OK to say. Times are changing and we have to develop with them, but removing someone from society and shunning them because of something that they said 20 years ago shouldn’t be acceptable.

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