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beginning Freshmen prepare the

An open forum for student expression

for life as Rustlers

NEWS....................Scheduling Drama: Counselors face difficulty after scheduling mishaps pg. 02 OPINION...................Best Spots: Stampede staff members share some favorites pg. 05 ENTERTAINMENT...................The Chart Reworked: Meet five school leaders pg. 09 FEATURES...................Coming Home: A beginner’s guide to Homecoming pg. 08 SPORTS...................Football Frenzy: Inside the Rustlers’ latest season pg. 12

c.m. russell high school great falls, mont. sept. 6, 2011 vol. 47, issue 1


print editor-in-chief

katie hodges

Tight schedules cause upset among students, many flock to change classes by caitlyn aakre This summer many Rustlers got tickets to wait hours for a movie or a ride at the fair. In the second week of August, several received a ticket to go stand in line in the counseling office: their schedule. “I’m not in drama and it makes me angry,” said senior Mandi Engen, a thespian who has been in drama since freshman year. Engen was just one of dozens of students to come in to change her schedule on Friday Aug. 19. She came in at 8 a.m. and eventually had to drop classes to make room for Advanced Drama. Others experienced similar problems. “I want to be in choir,” freshman Rebekah Howell said. Other students were double scheduled or had unwanted open periods. “I have to be in two different places at the same time,” senior Isabel Judice said. She was also put into a class she doesn’t have prereqAbove: Counseling secretary Kathy Gilliland talks with a concerned student and his mother. Left: Gilliland shares a smile with many students who came in to get their schedules changed Friday Aug 19. Right: Students sit in the counseling office. Many waited for over two hours. Photos by Kristi Gange and Beth Britton.

uisites for. She and a friend, senior Jill Adkins, were both waiting in line for hours more than they wanted to. Counselor Jacie Shoenen said that she felt the irritation among students. “Some (students) were very frustrated. The classes they wanted were only offered at the same (time as another needed class) and I don’t blame them for getting frustrated. We get frustrated because we can’t help them,” she said. Although everyone involved was frustrated, counselor Brenda Lowry noticed the patience that most students and parents exhibited. “Most parents try to be very helpful. We have only encountered one hostile parent,” she said. She explained that he had waited an unusually long time. “For the wait they had to endure, everyone was really nice,” she said.


Has school started already? It seems like just yesterday I was rejoicing over the opportunity to sleep in past six, and now I’m starting my senior (!) year. Despite my surprise at how quickly summer ended, I couldn’t be more excited at the chance to come back to school, especially since it means getting back to the Stampede. One of my favorite parts of the Stampede is how it is one of the few places that brings everyone in the school together. This is not the seniors’ paper, it’s not the administration’s, and it’s certainly not the staff member’s paper. This is CMR’s paper. Along with striving to accurately report what goes on in this school, the Stampede strives to report and include all members of this school, regardless of if they are freshman or seniors, the star quarterback or a drama geek, cheerleader or speech and debater. If you are interested in becoming a staff member (one of the best decisions I have made at CMR), you can always come in and see what that involves. Talk to me, or anyone in room 326. We are always happy to have more writers, photographers, and designers on staff. Above all, I hope that you come to see the Stampede as something more than a distraction in class one Thursday a month. This is what happens at CMR: the news, the struggles of faculty and students, as well as their triumphs. The things that entertain us, and the things that we do in our free time. The sports that are played and what girls do for prom. In short, everything that makes up high school.


online editor-in-chief

shayna leonard

Chasing Sanity

Sept. 6, 2011 The Stampede

In the last decade the customs of journalism and social media have changed drastically. Printed newspapers are distributing smaller papers and writing more stories for online publications. Online media has become the new way of getting news, and we at the Stampede are doing our part to keep up with the changing times. This year I am the Online Editorin-Chief of the Stampede. One of my main goals this year is to get more of you involved in our student body newspaper. I want all of your voices and photos to be recognized and appreciated, for we are a forum for student expression as our paper states every month. Another goal I have for this year is to make a place for students to get all the hard hitting news and for the community to be able to see what really goes on in our high school. We have many aspects to our website. We have our top stories which are accompanied by a dominant photo at the top of our main page. Stories from different parts of CMR from sports to student life are easy to access. We also have photo slideshows and featured photographer sections that anyone who has taken great pictures at CMR or of student activities can be part of. There are also polls, important links, archives from past years, and even some journalism wisdom. Also, don’t forget to follow our Twitter account. We will be tweeting all about different events and occasions at CMR. Our Twitter account is @rustlernews. So, support your paper, the Stampede, and check out our new website. And don’t forget to read the print copy every month!

Sept. 6, 2011 The Stampede

Freshmen not only new ones in halls


Rustlers greet some new teachers to the land of the green and gold Lorna Nelson

Steve Skaer

Jennifer Cantley

Brent Volf

>> Teaches Spanish 1-2

>> Teaches Algebra Prep and Algebra I

>> Teaches Chanson, Concert, Chaconne, Chaunter, and Russell Ayers choirs. >> She has taught at GFHS, at the elementary schools in the district, and in her private studio >> She is excited about “Getting to know the students here...getting to work with their voices.”

>> Teaches Men’s Choir and Guitar 1 >> He has taught at Powell County High School, Belgrade High School, and at GFHS >> He “[likes] the students at CMR. They are much different than Great Falls High students in a good way. I really like my classes.”

>> She has taught in the district for 20+ years at North Middle School, East Middle School, Great Falls High School, and CMR. >> She is excited to “[See] the growth of some of my students. It’s exciting to see some of their growth.”

>> He has spent the last 11 years teaching math across the river at GFHS. >> He said that returning to CMR “is a homecoming of sorts.” (He graduated from CMR). “It’s new, but it’s old.”

Are you... Facing an unplanned pregnancy?

Bruce Barta

>> Teaches Construction Technology (High School House) >> He has taught at GFHS for the past 14 years >> He is excited “To teach in this facility. CMR is lucky to have the facility.”

David Heimann

Nick Taylor

>> Teaches Intro to Metals and Intro to Woods >> He has previously taught at Belt High school. >> He is excited about “Working with great staff. I’ve heard a lot of good things about CMR. What I’ve seen and what I’ve heard are really good.”

>> Detective and Student Resource Officer >>Deals with all school problems -- smoking fights, and car accidents. campus.” >>He was a patrol officer with the Great Falls Police Department for 11 years >> He’s “Really excited to meet new people and to make a difference at CMR.”

Do you want to be involved, make a difference or just have fun?

YEARBOOK New Year... New Memories!

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Join Key Club. We meet Tuesdays at 6 p.m. in room 325

Purchase your yearbook in the Finance Office today for $55 Price increases to $65 Jan. 20

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opinion voice it

lindsey buck

Buck Talk news/opinion editor

Sept. 6, 2011 The Stampede


Clubs offer chance to get involved

Key Club: A club solely focused on helping others. Spanish club: a club that gives students a chance to practice their Spanish skills and experience elements of Spanish culture. Botany club: a club that gives aspiring young horticulturists a chance to develop their green thumbs. The one thing all of these clubs have in common? They all are a way for students to get involved in their school. Although education is the most important aspect of high school, it is also very important for students to become involved in their school--become invested in it. By getting So, I told myself that I involved in the school, you start to care about the teachers, the stuwould not do this, but I think I’ll do dents, and the building as a whole. it anyway. I’m going to conform and On a more practical note, being involved in different activities write the stereotypical beginning of makes time fly. If you belong to the group of students who are count- Freshmen discuss joining French Club with French teacher Erica Davis during the the year column about my summer. ing the days until graduation, get involved. Nothing makes the days club fair on the first day of school. Photo by Shayna Leonard. But I figure it’s my first column as go by faster than laughing with new friends who share your inter- leges, and jobs, showing that you have been active in your school news and opinion editor, and I might ests. could earn you major points in a cut-throat competition. Colleges as well do what I feel like, right? This CMR has wide opportunities beyond just an excellent educa- and employers want to see students who care about their schools summer pretty much opened a can tion. Joining speech and debate or drama club gives you a chance and are well-rounded. I.E., students who join clubs. of butt whoopin’ on me, but I don’t So take a chance, decide what you want to get into. Talk to the to perfect your speaking skills and will give you the confidence that think I’ve ever had such an influenyou will use in the future. Joining newspaper will give you a chance club leader, get a club card, and show up on club days. Get involved; tial summer. The most important to perfect your communication skills, making you a stronger writer. take interest in your school. You might find that it will be the best thing I learned this summer was that Furthermore, when it comes time to apply for scholarships, col- decision you make during high school. journalism is an incredible art of expression. At the beginning of my summer, I went to a journalism camp in Austin, Tex., with three other editors on the paper this year. From seeing North America’s largest bat colony to seeing success in their futures. Regardless of your interests and talents, a man flip ice cream in the air, I can Over the summer, a number of things there are things for you to do at CMR. Make say that my time in Austin was more have happened at CMR. The senior parking the most of this opportunity – become inthan incredible. However, besides all lot and area around the fieldhouse was re- volved in the variety of activities and acaof the fun, I really had an incredible paved and striped. demic opportunities you have. At the end of learning experience. Through hours The heating/ventilation system received the year, don’t put yourself in a position of of lesson, I began to become a better a badly needed renovation – we’ll feel the saying “I wish I had….” Instead, be able to writer. I also began to understand the difference in the building this year. Many look back and say “I’m glad I did….” Whatmost beautiful thing about writing: of our students have been involved in com- ever you choose, please remember that you it does not have to conform. There is mittee work this summer, working side by are here to maximize your learning oppornever a right or wrong way to write; side with CMR staff, to plan and develop tunities to prepare yourself for what lies bethere is only your own personal way, programs that will benefit students and help yond high school. which is a beauty in itself. them gain even more from their high school Whether staff or student, the success each As a reader and student, I chalyears. of us achieves in the coming months depends lenge you to make this school year Over the course of the year, you will no- on our effort, enthusiasm, and willingness to count. We can talk about all the tice the products of their work in a variety of maximize our opportunities. Let’s all strive grades, sports, and whatever else On behalf of the administration at C.M. areas. We thank them for their hard work to have the best year we possibly can and the that would improve your year, but coming year will be the most memorable yet. Russell High School, I would like to welcome and insightful input. that’s not what I’m talking about. I Everyone begins a new year with enthuWith sincere best wishes, everyone back for the 2011-12 school year. don’t mean to say any of these things siasm and excitement. As you begin this Dick Kloppel, Principal We sincerely hope that everyone had a don’t matter, because they matter imyear, regardless of which year of high school mensely, but overall I challenge you restful, fun, and productive summer and it is for you, keep in mind that you have only to become a person that you would all are ready for an exciting year that is sure one chance to experience this particular year to be filled with learning opportunities as be inspired to write about. we continue to prepare all our students for in your life.




New year offers Rustlers chance for success, new opportunities

Sept. 6, 2011 The Stampede

Lost? Here’s your quick 5-minute guide

My FAVORITE.... (according to Stampede staff) ....thing to do in the summer is attempt to stop at every single lemonade stand that I see. --Lindsey Buck

...teacher is Mrs. Deffinbaugh in room 304. --Luke Sisko

by katie hodges

...combination is Mr. Pibb and Red Vines because it’s crazy delicious. --Kaidin Phelan to relax after a busy day at ...album to wake me up icon is Ke$ha. She school is on the island below Ryan in the morning is Born does what she wants, and Dam. --Ms. Britton This Way by Lady Gaga. I would have a dollar sign at CMR is ...outfit to wear for a --Caitlyn Aakre in my name if I could. Pep Band. --Zach wild, spunky spirit day is a breed is --Keeli Telleen Pottratz fabulous tutu paired with a border collie. spicy boots and topped ...class is English --Ryan Murphy with a classic Rustler T....Disney princess with Mrs. Petshirt. Add: spirit glasses, movie to watch after zold. --Greighsen ...event to go to is with green and gold bows. a long study session: Adams the Senior Gradu--Meg Smith Enchanted. --Kelsey ation Ceremony at I walk the the end of the year. Smith ...thing to do after a hard halls in are my sa--Katlyn McKay day at school is to go train ...thing to do before nuks. --Kendra Hix at Electric City MMA. school is hang out ...thing to write --Peyton Fulbright with friends and do notes with is my last-minute homemulti-colored work. --Corey Allen pen. --Stephanie Mouser ...Broadway musical is Chi...comedian is Bo cago. --Tayler Korb Burnham! They ...angry bird is the little bomb call him the tie...Teacher is Mr. Hibbert, thing. --Mandi Monroe dyed shirt guy. who teaches biology, -- Kristi Gange chemistry, and geology. --Whisper Harris ...dinosaur is the pterodac- ...thing about Great Falls so far is the frozen yogurt at ...kind of music is Big Band tyl. --Shayna Leonard Yogurt City! -Ida Anderson and Swing. I love Dean Martin. --Beth Stanley I walk the halls in are is a pair of pink Converse. my Sanuks. --Kendra Hix --Caroline Perkins

Charles M. Russell: The Stampede The Stampede, published approximately every four weeks, is a public forum for all voices on campus. These voices include the students, parents, faculty and the community at large. The opinions and views in this publication are not necessarily those of the Stampede staff, the student body, CMR employees or the school administration. The Stampede strives to cover the news accurately and fairly; however, when a mistake is made, a correction will be printed in the following issue. All writers are responsible for the content of their articles. Editors will edit all copy to be free of plagiarism and libel, and all writers will double-check their facts before publication. The Stampede accepts letters but limits the length to 200 words. The Stampede reserves the right to edit all letters; anonymous letters are not accepted. The Stampede maintains membership in the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, the National Scholastic Press Association, the Journalism Education Association and Quill and Scroll. Some material courtesy of American Society of Newspaper Editors/ KRT Campus High School Newspaper Service.

editor-in-chief katie hodges online editor-in-chief shayna leonard visual content editor corey allen design editor meg smith news/opinion editor lindsey buck business manager tayler korb features editor kristi gange sports editor alecks leavey entertainment editor caitlyn aakre adviser beth britton


staff greighsen adams ida anderson peyton fulbright whisper harris kendra hix padyn humble de ja lacey katlyn mckay mandi monroe stephanie mouser ryan murphy caroline perkins kaidin phelan zach pottratz jake settera luke sisko elizabeth stanley keeli telleen jennifer verzuh

228 17th Ave. NW (406) 268-6178 Great Falls, MT 59404

If you’re reading this, you’re probably a freshman or a new student. And you’re probably totally lost. You couldn’t be more confused about where to go, and you’re just happy you can get from class to class without a GPS, let alone other places around the school. Well rest easy, because in less than five minutes you can figure out where to go for anything important that you might need using this handy little guide. •

Late for first period or getting back from lunch? Returning from a doctor’s appointment? Get a pass from one of the attendance ladies located in the commons. Need to talk to your counselor about switching classes or any other question? Make an appointment with Mrs. Gilland in the advisement office. (Two ways to get in: from the main office, or from the hallway to the Industrial Tech buildings.) Have a fine to pay off? Visit the finance office located underneath the stairs by the cafeteria. Here you can also pay any club or athletic fees. Looking at joining Key Club, speech and debate, or drama? Visit room 325 to talk to Key Club adviser Mr. Lathrop. For speech and debate head to room 207 and chat with head coach Mr. Rosenleaf. For drama go to room 603 and talk to Mr. Evans.


kristi gange

featrues editor

It’s supposed to be

Welcome to the beginning of another glorious school year! I told myself (and everyone who asked) that I wasn’t excited for the school year to start. I’m regretful to announce that I wasn’t being completely honest. I’m a kindergartener at heart. I get excited to load my writing utensils into my Mario Brothers pencil pouch, like many of you. But unlike previous years, my excitement for this year is expected. That is due to the simple fact that I am senior! Look out. I didn’t want to be one of those people who gets all nostalgic and girly about being a senior, but I now understand that it’s hard not to. I spent 12 years working up to this point and now it’s just… here. Somehow, after all of this time, it feels unexpected. So, here is my plan: pour myself into the classes that mean the world to me, namely, newspaper. To be honest, I didn’t know where I belonged in this school before I joined the family that is the Stampede. I’ve found myself in this class and I’m thrilled that I get to spend another year doing what I love with the people that I love. I also received the honor of being Features editor of our paper this year. Personally, this is a great accomplishment for me and it provides a platform for me to explore something that I’m passionate about. Possibly the most significant plan that I have is to cherish the relationships I have with these amazing people that I may never see again after this year. Overall, I have great expectations for this year. I mean, it’s my senior year, it’s supposed to be epic. I plan on doing everything in my power to make it just that.

Sept. 6, 2011 The Stampede



How to “Homecome”

A guide to hectic Homecoming week One of the most enjoyable experiences of a high school student’s career is the events of Homecoming. It is a time for all students to get involved and represent their high school. There are many ways to join in on the Homecoming fun. If you want to get involved here are some ideas.

Decorate your class hall

Participate in float building

Play/cheer in PowderPuff

During 2010’s Homecoming parade, a group of senior girls drove by shouting their school spirit (top photo). Photo by Lindsey Buck. At 2010’s Homecoming Coronation, the Russell Ayres sing their school into a proper royal crowning (bottom left). Photo by Beth Britton. The Powder Puff game of 2010 finds its school spirit as the boys and girls cheerleaders lead the crowd in “And we’re marching....” (bottom right). Photo by Meg Smith.




me da

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Got mus your co outf ic-relate ol, it re ady d ? Powderpuff Football


da eme

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Help decorate classroom doors Get out your Crazy outfits related to music!



Class t-sh

irt day!

Did you buy one from your class?

! n o i t a n o


It’s dress up day... So look your best!

Fri. old! n and g e e r g r Wea Senior picture BBQ PARADE (downtown) Homecoming Football game, 7:30

ce after

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Who are you and what do you do at CMR?

Associate Principal

Russ Kellogg Band Director

What was the best thing you did this summer?

Spent quality time with my husband, daughter, son and two former CMR Foreign Exchange students.

Seeing my son take a solo bow on the stage of the Kennedy Center in Wash. D.C.

Any advice for incoming freshmen? What do you remember from your senior year? What will you be doing Homecoming night?

. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. . Get involved in the CMR community. . Make your best effort every

Come to school, get involved, do your best.


I was the first class to graduate in the new fieldhouse at Great Falls High.

I was very busy but had a great time.

Supervising the football game and homecoming dance and, organizing the introduction of the Royalty Court for half-time.


a lind

I’m Detective Nick Taylor + I’m the SRO (school resource officer) at CMR

Linda Sullivan Deca Lady

I played tons of golf and got to spend a lot of time with my family

Best?? The most frightening event was traveling the Beartooth Highway- or was it the White Knuckle Highway??

Stay out of trouble + treat your upperclassmen w/ respect. Also, please respect your school traditions. I remember hanging out with my friends and doing piles of homework.

Working the football game & homecoming dance

Come eat at the Deca Store

The good times at Butte High School and getting my diploma.










Sept. 6, 2011 The Stampede

on colt

I’m Colton Carter and the student body president at CMR.

Shredding. Just be kind and respectful and everything will go smoothly.


I’m not a senior yet

I’ll be celebrating enjoying the festivities until it gets dark- that’s my a W and tearing up the dance floor. bedtime.

Start the year off the right way. Be safe. Don’t drink at all under the age of 21. A message from the Cascade County DUI Task Force


alecks leavey

notes from a

smart-aleck sports editor

Sept. 6, 2011 The Stampede



Cross Country

9/8 Senior and Flathead

9/15 Helena Boys @ Fox Ridge

9/10 Flathead Invite @ Kalispell

9/15 Helena Girls @ Bill Roberts

9/16 Great Falls Invite @ Anaconda Hill

9/16 Helena Boys @ Green Meadow

9/24 Mountain West Invite @ Missoula

9/16 Helena Girls @ Fox Ridge

10/1 Billings Invite

9/9 Great Falls Invite 9/10 Great Falls Invite 9/13 @ Butte 9/16 Billigns Senior 9/22 @ Bozeman


9/9 @ Capitol 9/16 @ Billings



9/24 @ Skyview

9/10 GFH

9/27 GFH Crosstown

9/16 @ Senior

10/6 Butte

9/23 Kalispell @ White fish 9/24 Kalispell @ Bufallo Hills

10/6 Helena Invite 10/12 GFH Crosstown @ Anaconda Hill

As this is my first column as sports 10/11 GFH Crosstown editor this year, I would like to make Senior 9/17 @ Bozeman one thing clear: you probably cannot 10/14 @ Missoula stand my favorite teams. 9/23 Big Sky 9/23 Skyview When it comes to professional 10/15 @ Missoula sports, there is only one region of 9/30 Skyview the country I am loyal to. Besides 9/24 Billings West 10/20 @ Billings West collegiate athletics like Notre Dame, my pride rests in the area of Boston, 10/7 @ Helena 9/27 GFH 10/21 @ Billings Senior where teams like the Patriots, CeltHigh ics, and Red Sox compete annually to 10/28 Skyview 9/29 @ Butte prove themselves as the best team in the nation. 10/14 Billings 10/29 Bozeman Seeing that I am one of the few 10/7 Bozeman West who actually doesn’t attack Tom Brady’s hair length or Kevin Gar10/8 Billings Senett’s constant trash talk, I would like 10/21 @ Flatnior our school to rest assured that I am a head fan of one team who we can all appreciate: CMR. 10/14 @ Billings With fall sports underway and 10/28 GFH West an entire year ahead of us full of athCrosstown letic competition, I cannot wait to see 10/15 @ Billings what happens. Jack Johnson’s football squad will be out for revenge after a disappointing 4-6 record last year, while girls swimming looks to keep the championship streak alive for a fifth year. Along with volleyball, cross country, golf, soccer, basketball, wrestling, tennis, track, and softball, the Rustlers this year have a chance to compete, win, and of course have fun doing it. I just wanted to wish everyone and anyone involved in some way with sports this year good luck, and I The Rustle Hustle is the hope the 2011-2012 year will prove to signature dance of the CMR be one to remember. fans. Make your hands into So while you may scoff at my In response to the fighting skulls, bounce them twice above Patriots hoodie, you can without a your head (while shouting Rustler spirit, the seniors wear doubt respect my Rustler football Any time the CMR team makes a goal, touchdown, or basket, the pep “Rustle Hustle”), clap once in camo pants to the sports games. shirt underneath it. band will pump up the crowd with Mag 7, the fight song. front of you, then once behind. Note, this is only a senior tradition.

RustlerSports Traditions

Sept. 6, 2011 The Stampede


Keeping pace at the Aug. 26 time trials, senior cross country runner Bekka Russell approaches the two-mile marker. Photo by Beth Britton.

Rustler athletes eager for competition by alecks leavey With three school days already behind C.M .Russell High School students, it would appear the Rustlers’ year has just begun. But for the fall sports teams, the year had started the first day of practice a month ago. Weeks of hard work and training have prepared the soccer, cross country, and volleyball teams for their upcoming meets and matches as players have had to adjust to a hectic rewiring of their teams. With the old seniors gone and new ones to take their place, and young and inexperienced recruits scrambling to learn the ropes of varsitylevel competition, things have been hectic. “A large portion of players [have] little prior varsity time,” senior volleyball player Jenni Peer said. The inexperience showed Saturday Aug. 27 when the CMR girls dropped their first two games against the Flathead Braves and Glacier Wolves. Yet third year coach Kelly Lindseth, Peer, and senior Kelsey Smith are confident the year will be a success.

On Aug. 25, at a soccer scrimmage, sophomore Joey Serido, junior Nathan Peterson, and junior Nick Downs race towards the ball (top left). Photo by Beth Britton. Reacting to a serve, the junior varsity volleyball players scrimmage on Aug. 25 (middle left). Photo by Meg Smith. Kicking the ball into play, junior Nathan Peterson prepares to commence the play at a Aug. 25 srimmage. Photo by Beth Britton.

“We have some great athletes and awesome girls, and we can only improve from last year,” Smith said. “My only goal is to provide leadership for the younger girls and leave CMR volleyball with…a bright future.” Rustler soccer is hoping their future remains as bright as their opening games against Butte. Both the girls and boys left the fields victorious on Thursday Sept. 1. Senior Lexi Pyette sent the ball through the net three times in the girls 7-1 win, while junior Nick Downs scored half of his team’s points in an 8-0 blowout. Although Doug Darko’s cross country team has yet to compete and has also lost talent from graduation last year, the group is loaded with rising talent and experienced veterans. Senior Joel Cartwright and junior Patrick Rayl placed 18th and 13th respectively at state last year along with the girls, who competed including senior Bekka Russell, junior Sara Mauseth, and sophomore Shelby Vernon. Soccer is in action Sept. 10 during the crosstown games at Siebel Soccer Park. Cross country runs at the Anaconda Hills on Sept. 16. Volleyball’s next home match is Sept. 8.

Sprinting off after the gun, the boys cross country runners race for the best time at the Aug. 26 time trials. Photo by Beth Britton.

At an Aug. 22 meet, the CMR golfers put their best swing forward. Photo by Beth Britton.


Sept. 6, 2011 The Stampede

After suffering penalties for false starts, the offensive line listens as Coach Scott Hartman gives them advice to end the mental mistakes at their home game against Butte on Aug. 26. Photo by Beth Britton.

Rustler football hustles out win, golf drives to succeed by alecks leavey “We gotta play fast, play smart, and play hard.” These are the dire necessities Jack Johnson is looking for from his Varsity Rustler football group. And now in his 39th year of coaching, he’s depending on the youngest team he has ever taught to do just that. After suffering 12 penalties in the first two quarters of their home opener against the Butte Bulldogs on Aug. 26, things weren’t looking too bright for the young Rustlers who were down 14-10 at halftime. “We made a lot of mistakes,” Johnson said. Yet something seemed to change during the half. Whether it was converting on offense, making stops on defense, eliminating mental errors, or a combination of all three, the Rustlers burst out of the locker room to resume play with 27 unanswered points and the win. The final score of 37-14 sent the Bulldogs packing with tails between their legs, and gave CMR a 1-0 record to begin the season. Still, there are many questions to be answered concerning position battles and the correcting of costly mishaps. “We have to take it one week at a time,” Johnson said. “The biggest improvements come between game one and game two.” Game two was against the Glacier High Wolves at home on Sept. 2, where Johnson saw just how much his team had improved with a varsity win under its belt.

by caitlyn aakre Some sports require players to be cut from the team. With golf, however, coach Brian Halverson finds himself looking for more players. “(I’m) obviously disappointed that we don’t have enough girls,” he said. After winning the girls’ state championship last year with players Katie and Caylee Fish taking the lead, graduation was a huge blow to the team. The girls’ team still does not have enough players to compete in tournaments. When they do, seniors Rachel Solomon, who won the Great Falls Invitational Aug. 22-23, and Lexi Pyette take the lead as they did well last year and have been working on their games. “Rachel is one of those girls who is going to compete,” Halverson said. The boys team finished “middle of the pack” and this week, on Sept. 7-8, they will compete against Great Falls High School. “(They’re) shooting to be the middle to the front of the pack,” Halverson said. “Guys are improving.” During a Friday Sept. 2 meeting, Halverson gave a presentation to his players giving them hints on how to improve their game with tips on relaxation, breathing, and concentration. “You need a process,” he told them. “You need to set goals.” If interested in being part of the team, contact Halverson in room 214.

Top: On opening night, the Rustler defense tries to stop the Butte Bulldogs on Aug. 26. Middle: CMR golfer participates in the Great Falls Invitational Aug. 22 at Meadow Lark Country Club. Bottom: Senior Rachel Solomon starts her drive on Aug. 22. Photos by Beth Britton.

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.