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Stampede Tries: Ice Skating
23 rustlernews.com December 19, 2019 Stampede Tries: Ice skating
It sucked for the first half because my skates were too big, so I used the thing that makes you not fall on your face for a while. I tightened my skates, but it didn’t help at all. I finally got smaller skates, got rid of the thing and started cruisin’. Anthony Matury
On Nov. 24, a few members of the Stampede staff strapped on their skates and hit the ice -- or
“Elsa’s creation” as described by online editor Holly Spragg. It was the first time gliding on ice while wearing thin-bladed death traps for all but two of the participants. Some were moving effortlessly and laughing their way around the rink. Others realized how difficult it was to get up on ice and some never left the wall. There were even a few “scrapes” along the way. And by scrapes, we mean bruised butts and bleeding ankles. This spread documents the participants’ experience and their traumatic stories they came back to class with. Please enjoy.
Grace Carr

I had a really great time. I surprised myself by going out on the ice and getting away from the wall. It was my first time ever skating, and the skates I rented were a little too big and they scraped up against my ankles, but I didn’t get new ones because that’s a social interaction and I’m not for that. All together I had a fantastic time.
Raef Hamlin
*record scratch* That’s me, you’re probably wondering how I got here. Well, it started on an otherwise normal day...until it wasn’t.
I was not aware of what I got myself into until I saw people just walking normally on blades, including a child fresh out of the womb (I still don’t understand). Kerrigan Edwards, an experienced lace expert who had to tie my laces (so tight I couldn’t get them off at the end of my excursion) because I couldn’t even get the laces tied. I rolled my ankle before I even touched the ice, and that should have been my first hint at the adventure ahead of me. It took some c o nv i n c i n g

from Grace and the others, but I managed to enter the ice cold prison (only after holding on to the doors for dear life and preventing people from leaving) and learned to just pull myself - do not move your feet, whatever you do, do not move your feet. It was going unexpectedly well until the inevitable happened: I lost control of the little movement occuring and started my descent to Elsa’s creation. I gave up for about two minutes considering I had no idea how to stand up on blades let alone blades on ice. My face of pure exhaustion and shame staring back at me through the glass as I tried to gather my thoughts. Meanwhile, there were toddlers skating in circles around us - and that is not just a figure of speech, actual circles if we got in their way. My mother was apparently a really good figure skater, but I guess that gene missed my DNA - maybe it went to my brother. I got around the rink once (I have no idea how others could go around twice or even leave the wall), but then decided that taking pictures might suit my skills better.
Holly Spragg

At first, I was hesitant to go in the rink because I know myself that I was not in any way equipped with the essential skills to skate around (though, I would not say that outloud). However, only when I finally decided that I wanted to join in and have fun did I realize another talent: falling… with Grace, literally. To say that I am bad at ice skating is bad enough, but asking a 5-year old girl to teach me how to skate is worse. See, I was told to keep my body straight at all times to keep my balance, but honestly, how can someone defy gravity? Clearly, whoever invented ice skating did not understand physics. In the end, it was a day full of cursing, falling to the ground, and kissing the ice. The only thing that made up for the embarrassment and the awful pictures was my determination. Seeing little children younger than me show off on the ice fueled my competitiveness. I wanted to get better at it, so I am going to try it a couple more times until I go to the Olympics.
Gloria Baldevia
I arrived at my destination with McDonald’s just in case I got hungry. I put my jacket on, rented my skates, and was ready to glide across the ice. It was a little rough at first, but got much better and I was able to skate without holding on to the wall. I had a few breaks and ate, and my ankles hurt at times, but it was fun. Except for when the speedy children continued to pass me even though I could probably step on them. The best part was when others fell down; it made me laugh a lot.

Amya Terry

You forget how hard it is to balance on two blades until you actually have to do it. After a while, I finally got the hang of ice skating again, but the beginning was a little bit rough. I used to take lessons when I was younger and I wasn’t any good then, and I’m still not. I was glad that there were no Tonya Hardings in the rink causing me to really be Nancy Kerrigan. My knees are already messed up and I would not need more pain that is unnecessary. It was nice to try out skating again, but it still isn’t my favorite thing ever. It was fun to be around entertaining people, doing something mildly terrifying.