i-_;_1..· Friend-ls -(!'!~ _Who -Knocks .Befote··He -Enters -- Not After---He--Ledv'tJs''
Published Monthly During the School Year by Cardigan Mountain School CANAAN, N. H., SATURDAY, FEBRUAR}' •t. 1956 Number ,'j 4 Pages 5 Cents Volume VI --------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Parents Give Land to School as Memorial Parents Arrive Here For Annual W eekertd . Parent s 'l.J eekend ope ned last ni g ht at Cardigan Mountain School. .M.any :of the b oys spent the evening o ut with th eir folks. Otl~ers were guests at the Friday evening dinner. Accommodations in Canaan and vici nity are again at .a permium due t o the influx o f g ue sts. Nye House, Cobb H o use, Stagecoach Inn and other local places are filled, alother local places a re filled. The resera ti on list includes: Cobb Hou se-Mrs. Conwell, Dr. c'ld Mrs. Davison , Mr. anrl. Mrs . v orrance, Mr. and Mrs. Duksta, Mr. Hambleton , Mr. a nd Mrs. Holl, Mrs. Judge and daughter, Mr. Judge, Mr. and Mrs. Kravet, M1. and Mrs . Rice, Mr. and Mr s. Rubens te in, Mr. an d Mrs. Scheff r ee n, Mr. and Mr s. W a t so n, Mr. and Mrs . Yoffe. Chandler's-Mr. a nd Mrs. Arm-. s trong, Mr. a nd Mrs. Snyder. Nye House-M r. and Mrs. Anker , Mr. and Mr s. B e nso n, Mr. and Mrs . Byrnes, Mr. a nd Mrs. Kaplan. L o rden 's-Mr. a nd Mrs. Coc hrane , Mr. and Mrs . Emmons , Mrs . F r ee dman, Mr. and Mrs. Ke ll ey, M r. a nd Mrs. Puckey, Dr. an d Mrs. Russo. · L a. B ombard's-M r s:. R a nda ll and Miss Marchant, Mr. Barne,. , Stagecoach Lodge-Dr. and Mrs. . Moriarty, Mr. and Mrs. L a P oi nte. Dick Clan cy served a spec ial l)reakfast this m orn in g fo r t he par·e nt s and th e student body. It consist e d of bananas·, o range s, orange juice, ho t and cold cereals; scrambled eggs, t oas t, ja~1 and_ milk or coffee. Th e ski e'.v ents. in "C" ciass . fo ll owed th e morning .m eaL Later, the various g r oups left fo r Han over a nd - the ·Dartmouth Winter Carnival eve n-ts. -Mr. W. C. Kennard was in char-cge of transporta ti on pla ns for all. Those who returned early found Mr;. Ken.na rd , assisted by other wives of faculty m embe r s, ·ready to • se rve tea in .-the Clark-Morgan Hall re ceptio n r oom . At the same time , . Mes. Thomas E . .Bennett, Jr. , was -providing hot cocoa· for cold boys r eturn ing from winter pastimes. Her;· act iv iti es centered around the (Con ti nued on page 4)
Examination Schedule Gets Complete Revision This Week Two-hour examinations ·at Cardi-; least a week after the y a r e due in ga ,; Mountain School will be broken ; the sc hool office. up into period len g ths, if held at a ll, Members of the fa culty m ay deup into perio d len g th s, it has bee n cide henceforth w hether they wish announced in the future , if held at to have Jon g final and term exama ll, by He a dm aste r R oland W . Bur- . inations in their classes. If they do, bank. these will be bro ken u p into cae, The thre e -day sess ions of two·- two or even three class periods, and hour test s, bunched as th ey were, no t be g iven in two-hour stretches are believed to have been too much as hereto.fore. of a psychological barrier for some I Students must become acc ustomed s tudents . Hence, if examinations to long written examinations, Mr. are given, they will be broken up Burbank admits, but he believes and offered during regular class that the time for that w ill come periods, it is said. soon en ough in college. He feel s . Marks and teachers ' comments that Cardigan is no t the place to will be due in the school office get this ex!')erience all at once, but, thr ee times during the remainder of rather, it should be approached th e yea r, Feb ruary 17, April 21, and gra dually. Jun e 5. He a dm as t e r Burbank cauAnother departur e from the custi o ns parents not t o expect t o re- t om of recent years w ill be the patceive any marks in th e m ail for at (Continued on page 4)
Burbank Annoumces. Sprained Ankle Sends Tuition Rise of $200 Kit Rice to Hospital
Snow finally ca m e to Cardigan Mountain School just in tim e for the outdoor activities of Parents' Weekend after weeks of un easy watching o n th e part of th ose in charge---not only locally , ..but at ; · Dartmouth , to o. Last .Tuesday nig ht , th e first fa ll a rrive d. W edne sday mornin g the boys awoke to find the bare gro und 11ad beeu g iven a light, powdery 1:overing from two to three inches deep. All day ,-Thursday and into Friday, a second storm . brought (;mcfr ~ of ·the ~hit.e stuff so exce llent for skiing-even if it do es make work fo r skaters. Six to e ight in c hes h ave made ·· s now condi,tion s id eal for the ar-
Citi ze nshir w ill be stressed as an important part of a Cardigan M o unta in School student's training, Headmaster Rola nd W.' Burbank has announced. Grades w ill be record ed in this fie ld, as well as in the formal s tudie s. Announced to the student boys at a m ee ting in Hinma n Hall auditorium Tuesday by Mr. Burbank, ·d h b b . fl d . t h e I ea . as een ne y escnbed as the w 1ll111gness of . · and aptitude . . a boy to fit mto. the soc ial life of . t he school, to abide . by its rules, . . . and to adi . ust to . dormitory . cond1t10ns. It will b e Judged mamly. o n pr ogress demon strated. . The he a dmaster outlmed the plan a t a r ece nt meeting with the facu lty. Its ramifi ca tion s were di scussed at lengt h and seve ral sugges tio ns were made by members of the s taff o f Cardigan School. H e n ceforth , along w ith hi s other gra de s, a boy's com· ment sheets wi ll includ e a pl ace for h is citizensh ip accomplishmeut. Comments from m emb er s of th e fa culty, it is a nnou nc ed, w ill be reinstituted th is mon th . Ther e w ill be rnree m a rKm g pe n octs lletwe en now a nd graduat io n . A seco nd will fall some tim e in April : Briefer commen t s wi ll be mailed home at that t ime, o nly if a boy · has made start ling ga ins or ser ious dips in hi 5 g r ades. In Jun e, full comments will aga in be turned in to the headmaster by the members of th e fac ulty . A s tud ent' s r ecor d in bis life in th e dormitories w ill cou nt most in gradin g th e boy o n citi zens h ip, Mr. Burbank says. D eportment in class a nd o n th e playing field w ill be t ake n int o cons ideration, it 1s oo inted out, but it is th e ''home" . life of th e s tudent in hi s room and 'l t th e tab le in the di,nin g h all, hi s mastery of social g r aces . hi s manners, a nd hi s ability t o li ve in the socie ty of h is class m ates t o his ow n. ~.dvantage that will bea r th e· heav ies~ str ess . A bo v must m ake a positive contributi on to the school life i r. order to r eceive a n ab ove-ave rage citi ze nship grade. it is pointed out. Passive obed ie nce rates o nly an ave rage m ark, Mr. Burbank believes.
• A ri se of $200 in tuiti on _was voted A badl y spra in ed ankl e sen t Kitby Cardigan Mountain School's tredge Rice from Cardigan Mountru s te es at their fa ll meetin g las t tain School' s ski slope t o thL, Mary yea r and a nn o unced in a recent let- Hitch cock H osp ital in H a nover ,' ter from H eadma ster Roland .W N . H., in less th an an hour and a Burbank. ha lf Thursday afternoon, Februa The r ise is due, Mr. Burbank sa id, ary 2 . to increased salari es a nd prices In a turn at th e foo t of the slope, wh ich lift th e cos t of operating th e Rice in som e manner crossed his sc hoo l. H e stated that tuiti o n in- s ki s a11d twi st ed his ankle. At first, com e mu st cove r th e operating ex- it was feared that it had been fracpe nses of the schoo l and that thi s tured and the cha in of eve nt s that yea r 's· r eceip ts would not be suf- followed clearly demonstra ted th e fic ie nt to· do this. This m akes the precautions taken her_e to saieguard in cr ease necessa ry. the boys. At the sa m e time , a r eques t was Assistant Headmaster D o na ld R. ma d e fo r gifts from parents who Stowe and Mr. Freder ick C . felt that they co uld m ake a do naHou g hton of the faculty we re 111 tio n that wo uld help to m ee t th e charge on th e slope. Mr. Stowe cos t of a Cardigan education. Th e q ui ckly dispatched Larry Moo,re t o head ma ster exp re ssed d ee p apprt. ph one the sc hool from Clancy's cotciation fo r the g ift s that have alta ge . Ronnie Mainelli brou g ht up ready beg un to come in. the t obogga n to carry the injured In r espon se to a question, Mr. boy t o th e r oad. Burbank s tat e,d, "It's tru e th a t thL Mr. H o ug hto n had go ne fo r th <. tu :tion charge pays o nly a part of the cos t of a boy's educatio•n. Gifts station wago n as soon as Mr. Stowe from ge nerous friend s a r e neces- and Bill Kidder wen t to Kit's sid e. sa ry to build the buildings, c\o m a jor The phone call had prepared eve r yrepairs a nd provid e large item s of thing at school a nd in a ma tter of minute s, K it was on h is way to th e eq uipment . Ri chard Pierce r ece ived a v isit doc tor, who, in turn, ha d been from hi s parents who drove her~ a le rt ed by Mrs. Ruth T a lb ert, · asfrom· Gardner, Mass., last S unda y sistant to the headmaster , in a a ft ernoon. ph on e call from Mr. R ola nd · W . Bu rbank 's office . ·
Snow ·H its Canaan in Time For Parents' Weeli.end Visit by R,onnio Mainelli
Citizenship Will be Stressed at Cardigan
rivaLof_ g uests . this wee_k end. Snow sc ul p tur·es ha s blossom ed in from o f both dormitories a r e Brewste r Hall and Hinman H a ll vie for ho nors with Mr. Thomas E. Bennett, Jr., as the sup e rvis o r . Thursday a nd yesterday, the s ki t ow was in full operation an d thu slope was t ermed idea l. Those who wou ld skate muttere d a nd sc r aped, hoping that . they could clear a s uffici e nt area for hockey practice and pleasure. The snow was a blessi ng, too, for the hockey rink behind Clark-Morga n Hall. Skiers were p•a cking it down preparing it for flooding and fr eez ing. All expressed th e hope that a t long last it wou ld be in co ndition for gam es and practice, passib ly nig ht-tim e sk a tin g activities.
Dr. Israel Dinerman examined th_e ankle and decide_d a trip to the hosp ital was n ee de d, A s Mr. Stowe, Mr. H oug hto n and Kidder drove wi th R ice to Hanover, th e do ctor had ca ll e d the Mary Hitch cock Mee morial and th e attendants · ther e we r e wa iting w he n th e Cardigan vehicle arriv'e d. Ho sp ital authorities complimented the school on its th oroughness in q1 ring for the em ergen cy. Less than an hou r and a half had elap,s ed from th e tim e of the . mishap until Ric e was being cared for at th e hos pita l. Ca rdiga n Mountain School student s of g r a de s VII, VIII and IX went t o Leb a no n re ce ntly · t o see i "The Court Ma r ti a 1 of Billy 1 Mitchell."
Gard11er Site For Stud·e nts by Robert Leighton At least 50 acre s of land on the slope o f . Mt. Tug, off Jerusalem ro;i,d in Canaan, N. _ H ., has been offered as a me_m orial g ift t o Cardigan Mountain Sc hool by Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Gardner, parents of a •former st ud ent, it has been announced by Headmaster Roland W. Burbank. Th e· area wou ld b e a memona ·· J t o th e 1a t e W a lt er G ar d ner, J r., son o f th e d onor an d one o f c ar d'1gan M oun t am · c h ool' s fi rs t s t u d ents. ~c W lt 1 t 1 · l'f · ·d a er os u s 1 e_ ,i n an acc1 ent at college after leav m g here. Th ·t f th d ·ft h e si e O e propose g , as been de scribed as suitable for s ki ing and outings. Several of the students and a t least thr ee mastersAssistant H eadmas·t e r D o nald R. Stowe, Mr. Fre de ri ck C. Houghton , a nd .Mr. Arno ld E . Grade - have visited the spo t sin ce Mr. Gardner first took M r. and Mrs. B urb ank there w h en he m a d e hi s offer. The idea of a n outing club for Cardigan und e r the dir ect ion of Mr. Grad e is gainin g m om entum from t h e prospec t of th e g ift. A g roup of studen t s spe nt last weekend th e r e with Mr. Grade a nd reported it a · fine loca ti o n ·for suc h ac tivities. No do ubt , the Ga rdner Memorial plot will be the cen t e r of th e outing club's plans in the future. Ski trail s a nd an ove rnight cabh, a r e a m o ng th e uses w hic h the stu. dents and masters have proposed for th e lan d. Already, one party of ski e r s from sc hool has fried oilt · th e location . .'
Night Skating Party Will Replace Dance Skating. o n the ice of Canaan Canaan Street Lake _a t th e Cardigan Mountain School waterfront on th e evening of Saturday, February 25, with g irl s to b e invited from Canaan and su r rounding t ow n s ~ ill r eplace th e usual Val e1}tin,e da nce,. it has been announced. The departure in e nt erta inmen, was the choice of many o f the boys. They s ugges t ed the idea to : Mr. R o land W. Burbai1k, headmaste1. It was d ecid ed t_ci try the plan in ·place of th e danc~· orig in ally sc hed (Continued 011 page 4)
Plastic Dinnerware in Use A..,t, Cardig~n~s Dining llall
Plastic dinnerware' ·obfa~ ne'd with of -Jeffry Harris, o ne of las t su m· th e assistance of Marc "Harris's m e r 's stud ent s, and th e younger father a t a very sub stantia l saving br othe r, Marc, now a· member . of w ill replace Cardigan Mountain Cardigan's stud e nt body, offered t o School's monogramm ed china ser- help_ the sc hool to obt~jn the n ew vice in th e school dining hall beg in- se rvice. ning thi s weekend. Over 1,000 new plates, sauc e Enlarged e nrollm e n_t and c~ns tant ?ishes and o th_e r it em s w ill be put b r ea kage have combmed this yea r mt o service this weekend, Mr. Rp 1 at the new building ·t o dep le te the land W. Burbank, headmast er, ha s hands ome g re en and ivory se t that r eported. These ar e made of nonhas be en in use for some y ea r s. breakable plastic mat erial a nd see m It was largely t o offset the problem bett e r suite d to · re sist th e onof broken di she s that th e p lastic slaughts of th e Cardigan din in g room help than th e less durable if m a t e rial was selec tecl. When lea rning of th e projected m or e hand some mon ogramm ed por·· · pm-chase Mr. George Harris, ·f ather. celain. ·
Pae-e 2
Cardigan Chronicle Published monthly during the school year at Cardigan Mountain. School in the interest of the school, its graduates and the •s tudent body. Editor-in-Chief Assistant editor Advertising manager Sports !>di tor Feature editor Staff photographer Circulation manager
Frank Judge '57 Robert Leighton '57 Toby Kravet '56 Anthony Russo '56 Kenneth Abrams '58 Buster Blomerth '56 Paul Snyder '57
REPORTERS Harold Randall '56 Charles Schutt '58
Lawrence Moore '56 Charles Scheffreen '56
FACULTY REPRESENTATIVE Clifton T. Holman, Jr. Publrshed monthly during the school year at Cardigan Mountain School in the interest of the school, its graduates and the student body.
Welcome to Our Parents! Parents' Weekend has arrived again. The school year is half gone. The masters get together w ith Mother a nd Dad to discuss our future! In welcoming our parents to Cardigan Mountain· School t his weekend, we are following the advice of one of the Ten ,co mmandments - "Honor thy father and thy mother." We have planned for this event. vVe've put t?gether _a prograni of special features, r ehearsed. a ]?lay, stud1~d music for the band concert, practiced o n the ice and ski s lopes. Now it's time to prove our worth. N O matter if we do make a slight fluff here or there, our parents w ill understand. They always cl?- It's a wonder, tully secure feeling to know they are backmg u s - no matter what come'?. There ar e other ways to make them proud, though. They'll love us w h ether we get low g rades or high , but ,vouldn't _they be pleased to h ear that we had really studied and earn.ed honors in that field a:s well as our entertainment efforts? Right now it's too late to do much for th!5, weekend about those · g rades. But we 1re fortunate that 1t s never too late to lea~n. Vv e can make good u se of the weeks ah ead to prove o·ur worth and make mother and dad the proudest ever! . Let's try! Ai1d - perhaps · we'll be surprised to learn· l1ow good it feels to be 011 top!
Brotherhood Week Brotherhood Week wi ll be observed February 19-26. Brotherhood Week was established by the National Con:ference of Christians and Jews in 1934. In each sub sequent vear the President of the United States annuall y proclaims the special week · as a bi:ief period during w hich we Americans should emphasize r espect for each oth er's rig hts. That means Americans of all racial origins and cr eeds. We should be nothing but optimistic about the future. Progress is being made toward understanding between peop ies of the world. It is an extraordinary fact, for example, that many American citizens now see themselves as responsible citizens of the world, as well as of their own nationan evolutionary viewpoint that has developed only during the last two decades. · Why? Because there is g rowing within each of u s, or so it seems, a deeper appreciation of those five fundamental values that contribute to good citizenship: self-reliance, cooperation, faith, tolerance and friendship. In their absence, the only other vis ion of the citizen is a gloomy one indeed.
Students Hear Talk On Newspaper Career
Newspaper experiences in the career of a young journalist were the topics discussed by Mr. E lmer Dulmage, publisher of th e Canaan Reporter, in a talk before the students of Cardigan Mountain School in Hinman Hali a udit orium Wednesday e~ening, February 1.
We are sorry to announce that this
Mr. and Mrs . Dulmage were 5 uests of the boys at dinner in the .; choo-1 dining hall. Later, Mr. Dulnage told the students of the man.1er in which he began his news:iaper work and offered advice to ,hose who might like to try such a .rofession.
else, and even though he hasn't any
Among the highlights of the talk, Mr. Dulmage told of his work as sports wr it er at various Olympic games in Los Angeles and in Berlin. He spoke of his ea rly experi ences .nterv_iewi ng hockey players and :1 ow he got into public relations
said, "you're just human beings."
is the little man who won't be there to help us celebrate Brotherhood Week. Somebody once gave him the idea that he was better than anybody
idea why, how or in what way he is any better, he just likes to think it's so. He regretted that he couldn' t join with us -
lOs itions .
Three of I.Jast Year's Students Write ':Afan Butler, for mer student at Ca'r digan Mountain School, has written a note ' forth.er Headmaster Wilfred W. ·Clark 'recently in which he asks r\ews of the students and sends his present address . Alan has returned to his home in Manila, Philippine Islands, after spending last year in the eighth grade at Cardigan where he ranked an~ong the very top scho lasticallynot only in his grade but for the entire school. ·Some pictures of life in Manila are promised by Alan soon , but for the present he asks that hi s addr ess be g iven to anyone who would like to write. It is "Alan Butler, c/o Standard Vacuum Oil Co., Manila , P. I." "I'm back in school", A lan writes, "and we're comp letely settle d here .
I spent my summer in New Jersey in a
s c out can1.p.
took a month to drive across the Ken Henderson States v isit in g. We stayed about a half week around Palo Alto and Promising to write again . HenMenlo Park in Califo rni a , then flew derson closed by. saying that he to Hawaii for a week in the Sud- hoped to vis it Cardiga n before rider Hotel, Honolulu. graduation June 6, unless his exams "We toured Pearl Harbor and a preve nt. few other places, then took the S.S President Cleveland from Honolulu \ i\Tallis Mi ll er, a student at Trinto Manila via Japan. On the whole, . ity-Pawling School m Pawling, the trip was very enjoyable desp ite.1 N . Y. , wrote recently to Assistant my mother's broken leg." Headmaster Donald R. Stowe. Alan wrote that he would appre- Wally was a member of last year's ciate news of Cardigan and any graduating class at Cardigan Mounchanges as well as from the boys tain School. who are still here from last year. .Plane geometry and defensive He hopes that some of his fr iends tackle were Wally's two main subwill write him. He sends regards jects in his letter. The geometry has been simple, so far, he claims. News from Kenneth Henderson. He r:eport,ed that his footba ll exa member of last year's graduating periences .weJce providing him a class, has been received here at grand time. Cardigan Mountain School. He Spanish·, an~ther of Wally's · subby Nick Stenzel . w rit es from Lenox School in Leno-x, jects at Trinity-Pawling thi s yea r , Spell ing bees as evening activit ies Massachusetts. near Pittsfield. have been held at Cardigan Mo unKen says that he finds the new tain School among the fifth , sixth school rather difficult academicall y. and seventh graders J anuar y 17, He found it rather hard , he adds, with a co nte st between the eig hth to become adjusted to it, but it * and ninth g r aders the next Hight. * ·* becomes easier as one fits himself Timothy Stevens was the fifth OFF CANAAN STREET g r ade winn er, Mario Penzo took to the schedules . In his letter to Assistant HeadCANAAN, N. H. t op ho nors in the sixth grade and Martin Rubenstein led the seventh master Donald R. Stowe. Ken regraders. J efferson Dorrance was veals that he had read of our new the champion of the eighth grade ·headmaster having once lived in the. J~nc===~n:-·~~ Berkshires, not far from Lenox. a n d Toby Kravet outspelled othe r ninth grade r s. In th e n ear future, it is planned WALLPAPE,R & WINDOW to divide the school into grades SHADES with three top spell ers from each .
·Offi ~e Changes Made Cardigan Spellers ,I n Clark-Morgan Hall Pick Champions by Tobias van Esselstyn Changes have been made recently in the office at Clar k-Morgan Hall of Cardigan Mountain School. Mr. Neil Hines,. s up erintende nt of property, has been assisted by Mr. Ralph Coutermarsh and Mr. Ralph Howes in buildi11g a new room at · "the end of the former corridor between the office and the school library. Mrs. Marjorie Smith now uses t his for her office. The large safe that was in Mrs. Ruth Talbert's office, has been moved to make room for a desk u_sed by Assistant Headmaster Don. aid R. Stowe.
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. Hanover, N H.
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had raised his hopes for conquest, but he admitted that he wasn't too sure. "Please say hello to Mrs. Stowe and all the big seniors for me", Wally requested in his letter. He asked that Clancy be told that his food was missed. "They don't feed us enough here", complained Wally. The note closed with a speciaf greeting for Bill Kidder and the ex-p re ssed hope to see Cardigan again· ·before too long.
THE NEWS SPOT For the Best in Transportation
Wally Mil!er
Hanover ~co~.52525252525222 . , . . . . u . . . , ~ ~
S a turday, February 4; 1956
·c L
Page 3
Hockey Tealll Engages Proctor and Holderness
---\-\l_ii_i_i_i]_i_l_i_i____________ Bn.H Pezzu.Hli Scores Ski H:u.ke Around Lake Only Cardigan Goal
Mountainers Bow Twice to Rivals
Runs Into Big Wind
by Gregory Moss by Tony Russo•, Sp~rts Editor by William Byrnes Scorin g a sin gle goa l for CardiA lucky goa l by Holderness in Hiking on skis around the shores ga n M o untain School aga inst a the final minutes of play, r obbed of Canaan Street Lake w ith Mr. stro ng Proc.t o r Academy hockey Cardiga n Mountain School of a 2-2 Frederick C. H oug hton was a nev. aggrega.tion, Bill P ezz ulli pr evented ti e with th e P lym o uth, N . H ., skater s tw ist to afternoon activities a t Ca r- the Mountai11eer ska ters from beyesterday afternoon. diga n Mount ain Sc hool We dn esday, ing shut out at Andover, N . H., in Two goa ls by Captain Tony Ru sso ; J an uary 18. t he first co ntest of th e season Janhad eve ned the count and the two teams we re goin g nip and tuck until Seven bc-ys w ho m ade the t ri p ua ry 25. we r e Kit Rice, Bill P ezzulli , T ony A lthoug h Proctor's ice m en tallied the end of the ga me. Then Holderness sneaked the puck t hroug h Rus so, Harold a nd P eter Randall, fo ur goa ls, th e Ca n aan team put up Cardigan 's defense s to w in, 3-2. Richard R enn ier and Butch Bvrnes. a good fight and showed plenty of Last F riday, J a nuary 27, CardiThe g roup we nt th roug h th e fi eld spirit befo r e the fina l w histle wasg an's hocke y squad gave up a 5-3 be hind Br ews ter H all a nd a lo ng th e blow n. Lack of suffi cient practice score t o Holderness in their openr oad tha t goes aro und the lake. due to the poo r weat h er co nditions ing game. This r eturn match was They foll owed thi s a bout a third of r ece ntly we r e to b la m e fo r the loss,. better played, but the fate s fa iled a mile before ta king a path to th e th e boy s fee l. to smile · o n th e visitors from lake shore. Proctor scored twice in th e open in g period. Another got by the Canaan. When th e ski-hikers were o ut on Cardiga n goa lie -in th e second .sesIn the J a nu a r y 27 game, too, Capth e lake, the w in d blew so powe rsion a nd a fina l point was chalk ed tain .Russo scored two goal,; for the or ski compe titio n s· for P ar ents ' Week end shows how new tow full y, th ey reported, th at it ca rri ed up fo r t he hom e team in t he :finaf Mo:rntaineers. These in the last them ri g ht across the lake a t co nbou t. period gave a g limme r of hope to helps stud ent s up s' ope beh ind Cla n cy Cot tage. He r e skiers take pa rt siderab le spee d. Once across, th e 111 tr yo uts for classificatio n s. Bobby M o rri s, Ca rdi gan's r ight Cardigan playe;s, but it faded. stud ent s followed Mr. H oughton wing man, r eceived th e first hockey Holderness scor ed shortly af ter into t he swa mp near Camp Crescent injury of th e season ." His li p was the game began. Late in the first whe r e they obse r ved a beave :·'s hut . period, Morris passed to Russo · who The har dest tes t o.f a ll cam e -w hen shot the puck to Ma inelli. Main elli . the pa rty h eaded back to sc hool scor ed. rig ht into the w ind. All report ed H olderness added its o th er fo ur an enj oyab le afte rn oo n. goat's in the second period after a shift in th e Cardigan lineup. The Moun ta in ee rs tried to scor e continually; but missed every cha n ce . Ru sso added Ca r diga n's se cond point in the third ca1, to a n d shortly by Le,rry Moore th er eafte r he r epeated fo r the CanBasketball started a t Ca rdi gan aan squad's third and fina l tally of Mounta in Sc hool thi s yea r when a · th e cont es t. A nea r mi ss in the final group of st ud ent s we nt to th e Kim• minut es of play was dishear te ning. ball U nion Acade my gymn as ium in Me riden, N. H ., S unday,' J a nuary 22, w ith Ass istan t Headmaste r Donald R. Stowe a nd Mr. Roge r No ldt of Three ski classification s fo r comt he fac ulty. p e t it ion at Cardigan Mo untain
Basketball Season Set to Open Soon
Ski Classifications
School hav e been chosen in t ria ls co ndu ct ed hy Assista nt H eadm as ter Uo nalct R. Stowe a nd Mr. Freder ick C. Houghton recently. T l~ ey are a nnoun ced as follows: Class A-Dorrance, Hanley, Kidde r, LaPointe, Mori;irty, Morr is, H. Randall and P. Rand all. Class B-Cob b, B yrn es. Grant, H o 11, Mainelli, Renner, Russo, Scheffreen, Smith , S nyd er, R ice and Sharp. Cla ss C- Abrams, Ank er, A rmstrong, Barnes, Benson, Blornerth , Bronson, Butler, Coc hran e, Couse ns .and Cushm a n . Also Davison, Dukstra, Dunn. Fisher, Freedman, Gamage, Kaplan, Kelley, Kravet, Milham, Moore a nd Moss.
Membe rs of Grades VIII a nd IX were paired off in a pr act.ice tilt . J oh n Kelley and Marti n Ru be nstein sui;•e r vise snow sc ul pt urin g as J ohn About 16 boys went. VanEsse lst yn Quigley builds bo:it a nd ot her boys he p prepare the fo r judging today B ill P ezz ulli a nd M ilham we r e cap ta in s of th e· -photo b y Oakey tea ms. The two maste rs r efereed cut by a fl ying puck. He was tr ea ted th e ga me. by Mrs. Thomas E . Bennett, J r., - P a ul M o riarty, To n y Ru sso, sc hool nurse. Fra nk S harp, Bill P ezz ulli, Rill Kid_T he pla ye rs for '. Cardigan we r e der a nd Larry Moore are ·. iikely Gregory Moss and J eff Mi lh am, by Herbert Anker prospec ts , it seems, for a t ea m this · goa lies; Lar.ry Moore, Chip Sc hu tt P :a ns a r e in prog r ess for : l junior year to r ep lace last year's starring an d Buste r Blomerth, Bi ll K idder va rsity hoc key team at Ca rdigan aggregation. Others who might and Chu ck Davison, defens e; RobM ountain Sc hool. As sistant H eadplace ar e Char les Kaplan a nd J a m es ert Morr is a nd S teve Hanley, Bil[ master D o nald R . S towe w ill coach Hambleton . M ilham and Va nEssel- Pezzulli and R o n n i e Ma inelli , the you nge r players, it is r eported. styn are expected to lead the o th er s win gs; P a u·l Moriarty and Tony At hl etics D ii-ector J esse J. M ordue large ly to height. ' Ru sso, ce nter s.
Will Lead l)utin{!S 'Junior Varsity Plans Are Now in Progress
'·-·--·-·-•-•· ,,· -·.
Franli I(. Clarlie
Phone LAkside 3-4208
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TRUMBULL-NELSONCompany Genera] Contractors for Cardigan's New Do_rmitories and Dining' Hall
New' Hampshire
10 Lebanon St.
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Hanover, N. H.
\Play_People Prepare Parents' Entertainment
Dormitories Give Parties fo:r Boys
New School Catalog s Go All -A.round W io:dd.
N ew cata logs desc ri bi ng life a n d educa_tion a t Ca r di gan Mo unt ain Schc•ol ha ve bee n sent a ll over t he wo rld this pas t week from Ca na a n, M rs. Ruth Talbert, a ssistant to the hea dm as ter , has a nno unced. The new boo kl ets co ntain a g rea t number of int er esting picture s of Car diga n School, t he boys, the facult y an d Ca naa n S tr eet. M ost of t h e ill u strati ons were take n la st fa ll by P oblen z S tud ios of F r anklin , N .. H ., Mrs. T a ;bert rep o rt s t hat th e place s to w h ich th e catalo,gs hav e bee n sent include Venez uela and Colum bia in So ut h Ame r ica, L iberia a nd Capetown in Africa, Guat am ala in Ce ntra l A m erica, t he D ominica n R epublic in th e W es t Indie, , Switzerl a nd , Great B ri ta in . .th e Ph ili ppin e Is la n ds. CaEfornia and m os t .of t he sta tes of thi s co un t r y .
by Paul Snyder Parties for the boys living in the Cardiga n Mountain School don i1i tc ri es have been h eld recen t ly. Mr. and Mr s. J es se J . :M.organ , J r. , entertain ed the fe llows o n th e · 1ower fl oo r of H inman Ha ll Wednes day evening, J anuar y 25 . Th e boys wa tch ed telev ision in th e Mo r gans' apartme nt fo r a while to see part of t h e Disneyla nd progra m . M1·s. Morgan se r ved po,p co rn a nd g inge r ale ice cr eam sodas. Mr. Morgan took picture s of the gr oup w it h his Polaroid ca m era, a nd all had qu ite a k ick ou t of seein g t hemse lves o nl y a m ome nt later. The par ty 'bega n abou t 8 a nd broke uj) arou nd 9 :30 p.m. Mr. a nd M rs. Clifto n T. Ho lm a n, l Jr. , he ld ·a pa r ty for th ose livi ng on th e fi rs t floo r of Brews ter H a ll T hur sday · eve nin g, J a nu ar y 19. ' T hey· se r ved ice crea m,' cake and j · soda in the r ecr ea tio n r oom of t he dorm itor y. Som e · of the fe llow, supp lied a: r ecord· playe r a nd . som e mu sic. M rs. H olm a n sh owe d ·a few of the stud ent s · so m·e · da nce steps. R o nnie M ainelli, Frank Judge, P aul ' S nyder a nd Bob L eig h ton -. help ed w ith th e dan cin g . Martin Rub eh· s tein a nd Ja ck Puck ey a ssisted w ith th e r efr es hm ents. A ssista nt H eadm a ster D o nald R. S towe and Mrs. S towe have h ad m emb ers of th e ninth g r a de fr om the top fl oor of Brews ter H all in th eir a pa rtm ent to r ead several evenin gs. A far ewell party w a s giYe n to Ri cha rd Bern stein last week in M r. S towe's a pa rtm ent. Dick is goi ng to Mil ford , Co nn., t o att end sc hool th er e w ith his older bro ther. A pe n was. p r ese nt ed to th e stud en t as a t o k en of th e es tee n in whi ch he has b ee n h eld by hi s class~ates .
Hockey Team to Play ·A t Hanover this Week
H a nove r Hig h School's youn ge r tea m wiil be hosts to hockt;Y pleye r, Judge on stage of Hinma n H a ll audito rium. Play is o n program fer to nig ht. Cos tum es a nd m a keup w ill fr om Cardiga n M ounta in School at a dd to hila rious lines to entert ain pa r en t s, fri ends an d class m ates . Lef t to rig ht, are J o hn Ba r ll''.S , Chi p the D av is rink in Han ove·r ne x t S chutt, Gr eg M oss, Marc H a rri s, J eff Dorra nce, T o by Kr avet , and Charles La M a r. Frank J udge is W edn es day, F ebruar y 8, A thl eti cs sea ted e n fl oo r. Mrs. H olman dir ec ts fr o m footlig ht s. Direc tor J esse J . M o r gan , Jr ., has -photo b y O ak ey ann oun ced . Th e M ountain ee rs, alr eady smarting fr om thr ee se tb'a ck s, will be o ut for vi cto r y a nd will pour for th ev( Continu ed from page 1) als o be a specia l occasio n, continu- er y thin g th ey hav e aga in st th e r ecr ea ti o n hall in Brews ter H a ll ing fr om 8 to 9 o'clock. Clancy will H a nove r sk at er s. Sp ec tator s from se r ve or ange a nd g r a pefruit sec- Cardigan w ill probab ly be o n hand do rmit ory. P a rent s bega n a rriving y es terda y tio ns, o rang e juice, cold cereals , to chee r on th e Ca naa n Str eet rink a f te rn oon, but no fo rma l pr ogr am bacon a nd eggs, bea ns, corn bread , m en. was se t up until today. M o, t took coffee and mil k . Ther e is a possibilit y tha t Cardi Servi ces fo r the R om an Ca th olics ga n's hoc k ey squ a d m ay dri ve t o a dva ntage of thi s to visit with th eir w ill be a t 9 o'cloc k in Ca naa n Vil- Willisto n Aca demy in E a sth ampto n, sons. Byrn es's pa r ents !ag e. Prot es ta nt ser vices w ill be at Mass :, fo r a · ga m e th is m on th. T h e fr om W illiam Milford, Co nn. , wer e th e fi rs t to 10 in th e Ca na a n S tree t M eth odist sugg·es ted dat e conflicts w ith th e a rrive. T hey cam e ea rl y becau se Chu r ch. S om e pla n to go t o E pisof th e snc-wstorm a nd too k no copal, Cong r ega tio na l, U nit ariap cha nces 011 r eac hing Ca n aa n w hil e a nd Christia n Science chur ches in the d riv in g was possible. Th ey cam e Leba non and H a nove r. With Headmaster in at 6 o'clock Th ursday even ing . A t 11 :I S, followi n_g- th e chur ch by Richard Pierce T o nig h t, fo ll ow in g th e buffet-s tyle se rvices, th e a nn ua l F a th er -Son din ne r, there w ill be a pla y a nd hockey ga m e w ill be fo ug ht o n Memb ers of th e nin th g ra de at · Ca11aa n S tr eet La k e at th e school Ca rdiga n Mounta in. School we re inco nce rt pr ese nt ed by th e stude nt s wa t erfront rink. Athl eti cs Direc tor vit ed to th e headma&te_r 's . hou se M rs. R ae H olm a n in Hin ma n H all a udito rium . Dinn er a t 6 :30 will fea tur e ba ked 1es se J . M o,·ga n, Jr., has prepa r ed , a nd T ues day eve nin g. • J a nu a ry 24, - b y M r. and M rs . Rola nd W . 'Burat1:ng . 1:-ea ns, cold ha m .. !'; ____ - · -s-c:1 1, ; < • r -•~ r-f , '- r s we ll to mee t th e sala d and b row n;~s. Ba2· lun ch c5 onslanN'-t of t ,1e old sters. M a ny (coll t l·11ued f,- 0111 !)ag e 1) ba nk to discuss pla ns for th eir ~ . f I . ul ed fe r Fe !Jr ua1·y 11 . o f sa ndw iches, can Iv b, rs an d t:in- ·1.t hers 1-ave brc ug ht sk ates ;ind a r e . sc hoo_Im g .. n ex t ye_a r a ter eav111g_ her e. O ne of t he reaso ns fo r se t ti ng g erin es wer e _p rovic ed fe r th occ wh .J _, :·1cti ci11g w it h h ockey stick s fo r th e · t t H ti · ft · r-,e n •.. T heir so1~ s a r e confid ent th at .Th e boy s sat a r o und t he fi r e- . the da te a hea d was give n a s being we n o a nover 1 :s :i ern oon. place·· ~nd j)Opped corn. Mrs. B ur -· t he proxim ity of Parents' W eeke nd . M r. Fre derick C. H c,:ightr n ·;,,.•ill t h --' wi 'l t;: ke Dad easily. · h f J· · ' Dinner at 1 :1 5 wi ll consist to·. l~a nk ·served toni c aft er th e pla n s, An ot he r, not yet exp r esse·d, m ay I)e 111 c _a r ge o t 11s evenmg- s prot 8 0' I l M m or row of tom ato jui ce, roas t b eef 1 we r e o utlin ed fo r ch9osi11g· a 1)r e- have bee n th e fac t t ha t th er e _w ill . g r an )eg rnmn g a _ c ~c <. r. 1 d t w it h m as hed a nd pa n -b rowne d popa ratory sc hool. be a full .m oon Fe bru ary 26 arid. if. C r a1g All en w11 prov1 e 111 erm1s-. , ' t a toes, peas-:"ce ler y, h ot ro ll s a nd I t wa s sugges t ed tha t t he boys t he wea ther is favo rab le th e se ttino- ·sic-11 mu sic on th e new school orga n., .. ,. ' " ~r H Jd O'D JI ·11 d. t ti1 ice crea;n. Coff ee w ill be served. _pick thr ee seco ndar y sch oois that will be ideal for th e eve nt . mr. a_ro e w1 . tr ee e . d J cJ · Mr . Be nn ett w ill be in cha r ge of ·appea led to them . They would Lig h ts w il! .probab ly be in sta lled Ca r d iga n stu ent )a n m a gr oup · the snow scul ptu re . Awar ds w ill be 1 f M r. _Mo rga n a nd J ay . 01nmu111·cate tl1 eir cl1oices t·o tl1 ei1se ectto ns. C a t t I1e lak e shor e : No do ubt a big o A_ · wee k en cJ . Co mpet1 ., fa r ce-com ed_y , " Itchin ' to Get ann o un ce cJ t J11s :i pare nts w ho, in turn , wou ld con - bon fi r e w ill be burnin g to help t h e H ifch ed", w ill be pr ese nted . M r s.' tio n has b ee n keen be tween t he en- s ka tin g party here Fe brua r y 25. Anskat ers to k ee{) warm. It ha s bee n Clifton T . H olm a n, Jr. , · has dir ec ted· ·t n·es O f ti1e t wo d o rmi·t or y g roup s o ther tim e may b e sub stituted, o r suggested, too, th at a coo k -out involved. R ece nt snowfall ma de t his th e pla n m ay be dropped: th e cas t. mig ht be a tt em pt ed in place of th e Mr. O 'D ell a nn ounces th at th e possible a t th e last m om ent, a s it At present, th e arr a nge m ent s call usua l r efres hm ents. H o t chocola te, · · for a weekend tri p away for Ca rdi pr ogram tonig ht by th e ba nd w ill we r e. no doubt, woul d be grea tl y ap pre - , he as · folfows : "H oc ti s Pocus P ol, Winn er s thi s m orning· in "C" ga n hock ey · r egul ar s. Th ey would cia t ed. k a", Ba;d T te.nor saxop ho1; e solo; dow nhill ' run s w.ere P ez:wili , 21 go to Willistori Satur d·a y , ·play th e , West Park St., Lebanon, N . H . secon·ds; D uk sta , 22 ; a nd l3r o nson, acad ein y's junior school t ea m, r etac t t h e ·schools, m a king necessar y Jam ~s H ambl eton ; euph onium _s_o lo! Mich ael S mith ; "Melody o f Love", ' K a plan a nd K r avet fred thi rd place, ma in ove r nigh t as g ues t s of Coac h arrange ment s f or entra nce. B a nd ; tub a solo, T o bias va n Esse l- 23. In slalom, ·H ambl eto n, 17 ; Duk- Dick L eavitt, w ho r ece ntl y ca m e to st y n ; "The B ells of S t. M a ry's", sta, 17½ ; a nd K r ave t, 18½ . Tim es Ca naa n to visit Ca rdigan . a r e av er age of. two run s. Ba nd ; trump et solo, ' William Pei T he "A" a nd "B " class ski ers w ill zulli ; " Milita r y Esco rt", Band. · of a stud ent's sc holas ti c a ccom hold th eir events under th e dir ecc F or th e play , M r s. H olma n r ep_lish1ne qt: :;S ta ncJ·a rd s ax e·.-· to · b e por ts tha t th e cas t includes·: Pearl y tio n .of Mr. ,Houg ht on a t 2 :45 to- m ain.t a in ed a t i li ig.fi ·leve l; h.e 111M ae, Chip Schutt ; Hank F:addl e, m or row aft ernoo1i. Th e n ew ski sists. J ohn arn es ; Maw, M arc H arris;. slope a nd the tow w ill be th e sce n e, Th e new ruling w il) wo r k io _t: he ' ~* * Paw, J eff D orr an ce; U ncle· '·Fud, - The.'\:iassroom s a nd building s w ill advant age of -m a ny boys w h0 have T oby K r avet ; Clem, Butc h B yi: nes; a ll be ope n for inspect io n by t he found a th ree -day se ri es of t woLizzie, Greg M oss; Preac her S mith , · parent s and g ues ts all we ekend. hour ex amina ti on s too ·m u·c b for Member s of t he fac ulty w ill a lso Charl es La m arr. them . Se-ver al stud ent s.. ha ve · '·sufThe st age cr ew is made up of Har• , continu e to confer with parents ·"fe red fr om tl,e· nervous t ensio n inold and P eter R a nda ll a nd R obe rt about th e progr ess of th e st ud ent s. duc ed by th e prospec t of thi s fo r-
Parents Arrive for Jf7eekend
9th Grade Pops Corn
Sk •
p arty
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Dewey, Peck & Co., INSURANCE
N ashria, New Hampshire
L eig hto n w ith special help by Paul S ny der. F rank Judge is in charge of sound eff ects a nd musi c. Mr. K ennard ass isted w ith th e sce n ery. S unday b r ea k fas t t omo r row w ill
Come Front
The Reporter Press Printer's Since 1867
Honey· Gardens
Publishers of The Canaan and Enfield
Reporter - Advocate
Examinations Cut ( Continu ed fr om page 1) tern tha t fin al a nd t erm examin at ions m ay be give n a t differ ent tim es in th e vari ous courses-or not at all. The decision h er e too r es ts w ith th e individ ual tea cher s. Mr. Burbank sugges ts th a t the ' m as ter s m ay u se their ow n ideas as to how they arrive at a b oy 's final g r a de-- w hich wi ll b e cumula tiv e, with a str ess on achi eve m ent a nd p-r ogr ess m_ade . M a rk ~, he says, should provi de a t rue picture
midabl e arr ay of te sts. A few,' th eir da ily class work sa tisfac to rily m ai~tain ed, drop ped ala rming ly w hen the fin a l ex amination r esult s we r e tallied w ith th eir term avera ges . It is no t impossibl e fo r su ch cir cum sta nces to ca use a boy to fail in a course, althoug h th ese incidents have b een r ar e at ·· Ca rdiga n S chool wher e progr ess and achi evement in academic work have alwa ys bee n accent ed. .The sy stem of cumul a tive g rading has b':en in eff ect .her e for se ver a l y ea r s, 1t 1s n oted .