Chronicle (June 8, 1957)

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Visiting Maine

.. June 8; 1957

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We started o ur .trip Friday about 10:00 A.M,- M r. Wakely packed w ith the he lp of '.,., ... Kit S igman. The cars were driven · .by Mr. and Mrs. Wakely_ The boys that went we re Bob B utl er, J ohn Christy, Arth ur · Cox, Bob Fiske; Joey -Mies, J eff Snay, David Rees, K it Sigman, Bill Cushman Eric Turner and David van Esselstyn. We went t o Maine for a social .study project. We went by car a ll the way. The fish hatchery in Warren. N . H. was our first stop. A man showed ns the ins ide of the building w ith the eggs and baby fish . <The man showed us three stages of eg-gs. · Af ter leavi!1g there we went through the White Mountain s and saw OI<l Man of the Mountains along with the Cog Rai lway. When we arr ived at Bi ll Cushman' s cot-tage at Sebasco Estates, w hi ch is where we had been in vited to s tay. most of th e boys went out on a big rock and played. The others set up their tents or sleeping bags anr! helped with supp er. · The nex t m orning we left for South B ri s·tol. On the way we stopped at \,Yiscasset and saw some old sa iling sh ips. When we got to South Bristol we stopped at Gra11ge's Boat Ya r d. we ha d a lot of fun exploring the 76 foo t scoallop boat that they were builditJg. We a lso saw some fishing net drie r s and lots of lobster boats. After leaving South Br istol we went to Pemaquid Lighthouse. We had fun playin_g v ira tes amongst the rocks beca use it was . low tide. Then we went to Ft. \ ,Yilliam Henry, Gilbert's Lobster Pound, and to Pemaquid Beach fo r th e lun ch that we had packed in the morning. In the aft ern oo n we headed for Boothbay A couple of months ago a gro up of boys H arbor. It is a beautiful place. We we nt to As of two m on ths ago a new fire crew Boothbay H arbor because we thought that was added to th e Ca rdiga!1 Mountain took a trip over to look at the Dartmouth Outing Club cabins. ' it was the same place that was referred to in School cam nu s. \ ii/hen they ca m e bac k they reported tha t our Social St udi es book as Courage Cove. U nd er dir ection of Mr. R olan d Burba nk We went shopp ing, vis ited a fish ha t ch er y, and Mr. Roge r Noldt ther e is a group of th e cab in s were in good condit io n a nd that saw lots of boats, and some old homes. about 16 boys being taught how to use the they wo uld like to stay at so m e. Fi nally some groups were organ ized a nd We also saw Fo rt McKinlev in Wiscasset, new fire tools w hi ch the school acquired they took trips over to some of them. Bath Iron Works, a nd Ft. Edgecomb. After seve r a l weeks ago. They vis ited H a ppy Hill w hi c h is th e that we wen t to a big fort at Popham Beach This cr ew w ill be mor e expe ri e nced n ex t that was built during the First v\Torld War. year so that in case of another dry spell o ne pictur ed above. The ot h er s we r e·: Fted There a r e tun els all thro ugh it and one big lik e we had this year they w ill be ab le to H arr is. Hinman, a nd Clo udland. We a r e very indebted to D artmout h one that we nt through all of it. The fort su nk go out and fight. College and wish to thank them ve r y much. a sub about a mile away. The tunnels are all Bob Leighton '57 Bob Leighton '57 cave in . We w ill w rite to Washington, D. C. for the name of the fort. The fort has a Look other sid e of Cardiga n Mountain. The Forest I Out Tower. F ire Crew was asked up to Mr. Burbank's . After leaving the forts we went to look house that day. Kit Rice went along w ith M r. for lobsters for our supp er and found t hem. Burbank to the fire. It was said that Kit had Through the efforts of Mr . R oge r No ldt, They we1·e very goo d. a ll the equipm ent Mr. Burbank had asked Sunday morning we cleaned Cushman's members to bring. The re st of the crew Cardigan Mountain School had · its first fire drill. Mr. Noldt made several signs cottage and packed the cars. We then went learned a little m or e about fire-fight in g. to Mr. Wake ly's fami ly cottage in Bath and K it said, when he came home that night, and stuck them in the differenl classrooms had fu n digging clams, fishing- and eating that it was a n inter esting expe ri ec ne. Mr. so that we boys wo uld know wh ich e:;;::t to dinner . Then we headed back t o Canaan. We Burbank had planned that Kit would be a take in case of a fire. After the first fi r e drill was g ive n, Mr. stopped a t the Casco Bay Trading Post to messe nge r boy, but when th ey got to the fire do some shopping. Vve had a wonderful time. the men were short of help and so Kit ended Noldt put a big sheet of paper m1 the bulThe Four th and F ifth Grade r ~ up u sin g an Indian pump . H e said it was the letin board t ellin g the time it took us to fir st time that he had done a nyt hing like this. leave the building and the different fa ult s In the future Mr. Burbank intend-s to t ake we m ade. In all it was quite successfu l and I think the forest fighting cr ew w ith him. This is the During the wee k of May 7 New Hampshire first year th a t anything like thi s has been th at Mr. Noldt shou ld be congrat ul ated. Bob Leighton '57 put a ban o n all woods, a n d included golf done. The r e are thoug ht s that the fire fi g htcourses. On May 7th Mr. Burbank was called in g crew will be a b ig success. C lass numerals s iimify elate of g r aduation for a forest fir e which was burning o n the Paul Snyder '57 ft-om CMS, ninth grade.


New Fire Crew

DOC Cabins


Fire Drill

Ban on Woods


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The C~rdigan Chronicle THE CHRONICLE STAFF Editor-in-Chief Robert Leighton '57 ·Assistant Editor Paul Sny\:fer '57 Advertising Manager Charles Schutt '58 Asst. Advertising Manager Charles Kaplan '58 Sports Editor Bob Page '57 Feature Editor Jeffrey Dorrance '57 Staff Photographer , Steve Fairbanks Circulation Manager Willet Cobb '60 Circulation Staff Tom Adam s '60 Jeffrey Snay '62 John Christy '62 Faculty Assisting Mi ss Dorothy Emenson Mrs. Millicent Jenness T h e Cardigan Mountain School' s Caroigan Chron ic le will be publi s hed a nd c ircu lated, on t h e campus and thro u g h the mails, to abou t 900 in terested r ead e rs, in three printed issues t his academ ic year. Additional Campus Editions, mimeographed, just among ourselves, w ill a lternate w ith our maile d issu es. Four of th ese have already been don e this year, made up entirely of s tudent writing, collected by the student board an d worked out with a minimum of essential faculty assistance. Our objective is a genuin e stud ent n ewspap er, with the highest possibl e stude nt standards, the widest possible student partic ip a tion, a nd the deepest poss ibl e student sa ti sfac tion . D. E.

Senior Weekend Sen ior Weekend 1s the eve nt m os t looked fo rward to by the se ni o r class throughout th e w hole school year. This yea r it was held on the weeke nd of May 18, 1937_ from Saturd ay until S und ay afte rn oon. The even ts we r e as follows : Saturday . . .

Girls arrive d Saturday afte rn oon. Baseball game. Cardigan vs. Ca rt er Community. Scor e : Dinner in the dining ha ll . Dance from 7 :30 to 11 :00 P.M . in the auditorium . The girls spe nt the ni g ht at the Cobb House. Sund a.y . ..

Breakfast in the dining hall. Trip up Cardiga n Mountain with a cookout. Girls left Sunday aft<"rn oo n. Most of the cred it for t h e evrelent sch edule of eve nt, rrnes to Mrs. J ennes s w ho arr 2.nged the entire pro-g r am. S ~o tt Smith ' j7 i


Next Year's Chronicle I would like to say a little about next years Chronicle staff and thank this years. As far as the_ thanking goes I on b e half of the rest o f the staff would like to thank Miss Emerson for all she had to put up with this year and the patient way she went about thin gs getting us to work. I would like to thank all the Staff and Mrs. Raymond Jenness who did all our typing for us plus helpin g us whenever we needed it.

In r ega rds to next years staff I would like to wish th em good luck and I know that they will do a good iob from what I have seen of the two campus ·editors. Bob Leighton , '57

Baseball Field Out of th e kindn ess of the new owners of the old school and athletic field the Cardigan Mountain School junior va r sity baseball squad has been given permission to u se the old baseball field. The field itself isn't in the best of condition, seeing that it hasn't been ca red for for a couple of years. The field is bumpy and ha s holes in th e outfield g ras s. but it is bett er than nothin g, a nd we express our thanks to · th e new ow ners . GreQ:ory Moss •5-

Shrubs Mr. Marshall Cook, fa th er of Allen Cook who is now attending the seve nth grade at ardigan , has very ge nerously se nt the sc hoo1 29 shrubs and trees to im prove the new campus. Mrs. Burbank a nd the fourth and fifth g rade r s planted one of them on Arbor Day, a Dwarf Betche ls Flowering Crab3.pple Tree. off the south eas t corner of Clark-Mor gan Hall. All the tr ees and shrub s have been planted on the camp us. We w ish to tha nk M r. Cook for hi s generosity. Gregory Moss '57

Thursday, June 6, 1957

Mr. Hinman Returns Mr. Harold P . Hinman, one of the school'. truste es r eturned from Fla. last month. In talkin g with him he rep ort s that he had. a nice time down there but he was also glad. to come back. At a 9th g rade meetin g w hich· was held at Mr. and Mrs. Burbanks hou se Mr. Hinman was invited so that we would get to kn ow him and ·he to know us . The purpose of the me etin g was to elect four un.dercla ss m en as ush ers and two mar sh els. After a series of votes we elected Peter Abbe, Peter Davidson, John Bell. and Jack Benso n to be the usher s and S teve Hanley and Mike Caffrey to be th e marshals. At the end of the meetin g Mr. .Hinman was asked if he would like to say anything_ and he said that h e wanted to comp.Jiment the b oys on the way th ey conduct ed their m ee ting and he wished th em good lu ck in. future years. Bob Leighton .. 57

Skeet Club T his year during the fall term som eboys decided to sta rt a skeet-shoo tin g club. We star t ed building th e house during th ewinter term. We didn't get throu gh till. thr ee weeks befo r e the end of th e w inter term . W e shot one time before we went hom e w hen th e t empe ratur e was ten deg r ees out. and the g un s froze up because· we didn't have the ri g ht oil o n the guns. a nd the gases mad e th e g un s freeze. The maste r in charge of th e skeet-s hootin g ha d a pump shotgun . His g un ha d six in che s. of ice in the barrel. My gun had ice all a lo ng the m agazine an d chambe r , a nd the sh ells kept blowing up in it. One of theother boy's shotgun th e firing pi n froze . Besides th at th e shoo tin.s>: wa, good. \ Ve h ave shot six times sin ,e then. Now the weather is warm a nd it's e:tsier to handlethe guns a nd shoo t. This vea r th e Pr es ident of the club. Bill Cushma·n ; th e Secretary, Paul Snyder, and' Bil! Pezzulli. th e ow ner of -the tr;i.p, art. graduat in g . The sc hool wants to keep theSkeet -S hooti ng club runnin g, but with Pezzulli going the r e w ill not be o ne. The club· is in nee d of a trap so they ,tre trying to raise money fo r a n ew one. Steve Hanle y '58

Annual Awards Headmasters's Prize:

For m ost all around improveme nt during the yea r. Room Inspection Award:

To the bo y w ho maintains the best room neatnes s throughout the yea r. Senior Prize :

To the member of the senior class with th e highest academic sta ndin g. Written. Expression Prize :

A n award mad e to that student in each w ho, in th e judg m ent of the English Department . best exp,resses him self in w ritin g . Hinma.n Prize :

"A prize given a nu ua ll y by M r. a nd Mrs. Harold P. Hinma n to t h e m ember of the school. w ho, in th e opinio n of the faculty, by indust r ious app li ca tion to hi s studi es. through his a ttitud e on the playing field, and

by his behavior a nd integrit y, most nearly approach es the ideals of m a nh ood as conceived in the mind s of th e F ound ers of the Cardiga n Mo unt a in School." The Founders Prize:

"Awarded anonymously to the- boy in thest ud ent body who "Has \Vh at It Takes," w ho has the wi ll to complete a ny project, r egardless of the difficultie s enconutered, witlmu t though t of pe r sonal gain. an d whose ob jective is a job well done. in the same. 2pproac h tlnt has cha r acterized the life of Harold P. Hinm a n, o n e of the fo und ers of the Cardiga n Mounta in School." The Chro•n :cle Prize:

"Awarded to the boy w ho m akes th e mo st effort to m ake th e Cardigan Chronicle a fi ne school newspaper."


Thursday, June 6, 1957


Page 3

This Section Is the Seniors' Own So -Here's to the llass of '57

Farewell As ed ito r of th e four Senior pages devo t•ed _to th e Seniors_ in this iss ue, I feel it my duty and pleasure to wr ite- the Sen iors a f·a_r ewell a nd a fi1~al look at the sc hool · we ha-ve 'left: -

It ha s been a goo d year for m ost of us ai1d m any came out better than th ey an-

ti cipated. Our memories are

goo d,


many of us are looking forward to the time when this sc hool will have its even better boys.

There will come a tim e when boys

will be accepted entirely on the basis of their character. Most of our class has been of a hig h caliber. Some boys in the sc hool were di sliked. Some still are. How eve r, in going' to any


school, or camp, wh':!n li vin g in any town , you will always hav e to put up w ith them as lon g as you live. I am saying thi s - T know I am not an angel, otherwise I would not be her e; conseq uently I would no t be sayin g thi s . So w ith a goo d word for Cardigan, farewell!. This has been an education in itself. ]. H. Dorrance, '57



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Thursday, June 6, 1957

Sketches of the Senior Class James Thomas Hambleton, 11 Summer Drive, Lexington 73, M,a ssachusetts. Pau[ Street. Goffstown, New Hampshire. Dur- entered Cardigan in 1955. His sports then. ing his thr ee years here, Jim has played were football, skiin g a nd baseball. This Bruce , Ralph -Bronson, Old Phillips Hill football, hockey and baseball. H e likes to year, he was on the Student Council anci Road, New City, New Fork. Bruce came ski a nd has been in th e Mechanics Club was a dormitory leader. Both years he waSto Cardigan in 1954. He li ve<l at Blodgett and Dramttics Club . J im specia lizes 111 o n the Chronicle staff, this year as asH o use o n Canaa n S tr eet. His best liked w r ecking engines sis tant edito r. activity was skiing w hi ch was th en a n ew Walter William Howell, Wetherbee sport to him. His stude nt offices have been Street, Waltham, Massachusetts. Wally James Jere Sullivan, 205 Maple Str ee t , School Librarian and Secr etary of th e Stu - ent er ed Cardiga n in 1956 and was o n th e Danvers, Massachusetts. Jere entered Cardent Council. After th e sc hool yea r h e will football and baseball teams. He enjoys di gan in 1956. H e was o n th e '\1arsity basereturn to hi s home in New Yo rk Ci tv. He ca_mpcraft, skiing and skating. He has a lso ball team a nd a lso we nt out for skiing. expects to be ab le to a tt end North wood enjoyed school very much. · His ni c kname J ere hope s to go to Tabor Academy next.. School in Lake Placid, New Yo rk , for the is "Tigge r." yea r. next few years. Andrew D on Bitgo(?d, Highland Moosup, Connecticut. 'No comment.


Robert Hill Leighton, Kendall Street . Paul Anthony Buckley, Jr., 139 S hade Tewksbu ry, Massachusetts. He came to Street, Lexington 73, Massachusetts. He Cardigan in 1955 and has been here for At the 'time of w riting this, out of a class first enter ed Cardigan in 1956, his first and three yea rs . His activities were skiin g and last year. In football h e playe d left-half school improvem ent. H e was also editor of nin et ee n , fourteen seniors have received and linebacker on defense. He was award- of the Cardigan Chronicle and a m ember th eir tentative o r permanent acceptances . ed a lett er in hockey for playif\g left. w ing ,of the Student Council. H,e will attend th e They a r e: Buckley_ Bronson, D or ran ce, Duka nd center. He now plays baseball in ce nter · tenth gr-a de a t Tabor Academy n ext year. sta, Dunn, E ddy, Garcelon, Leighton, Mainfield . H e has two lette rs a nd will probably elli, Moss, Pezzulli, Smith, Snyder and receive a not her in baseball. In th e · school Ronald Anthony Mainelli, 15 V a llev Sullivan . New H a mpto n ha s accep ted Paul Buckley gove rnm ent he is a m embr of th e Student Vi ew Drive, John st on, Rhod e Island. In Council, fl oor leader and secr etary of Hin- his two year s at Cardigan, Ronnie was o n and Bill Garcelon. Northwood School, in Lake Placid, N . Y., man Hal! . He has been accep ted for en- th e hockey team both year s a nd this yea r ro(l~ent 1n New Har:n,pto n School. H e came- : was capta in. H e spe nt all of his activity has accepted Bruce Bronson and Jeffrey 0 n gm a lly f,on:i_ . I,._ex1ng ton, !viassachuse tts. tim e wi th school improvem ent excep t dur- D or ra n ce. Fryeburg Academy, in Fryeb urg, Maine, .. ·• in g hockey season. The subj ects h e like-s Harold Bills Cushman, Jr·., SJ .Lincoln Cir- best are English and History. H e has been has accepted Cha rl es D uksta and Scott cle, Swampscott, Massachusetts. H e was on th e Student Council and also secretary Smith. Proctor has accepted Tom Dunn and Paul president of th e Skeet a nd Rifle Club a nd of the Senior Class of 1957. His hobb1e, a m ember of the Chess and Dram a ti c Cl ubs, ate r adios and work. ! Snyder. Tabor Academ y, Ma rion :Massachusetts, a dorm leader and member of th e Stud ent Co uncil. He was a leader in all hi s activ i- I Gregory James Moss, South Roya lton, has accepted Bob Le ig hton, Ronnie Ma ine lli, ties. While manager of the ball team, his Vermont. He ent ered the seve nth grade 'at and J ere Su lli van, Vermont Academy , at Saxton's Ri ver, haSm o tto is still D ead o r Alive - Sc." "Remem- Cardi gan in 1954. He played varsify · footber - Eat Cu shma n's a nd fee l in tipt'op co n- ball thr ee· years, varsity hockey two ,years accepted Dana Eddy. S t . J o hn s bury Academy, Ver mo nt. accep t sdition." Because of his hobb _v of shooting ,me\ junior varsity base ball three years. He m as ter s, hi s cell numb er is .00600000000. plans to atte nd St , J o hn sbur y Academy in Gregory Moss a nd Bill Pezzulli. the fall. Jeffrey Graves Dorrance, 311 Boston Post Road, Weston 93, Massac hu setts. He came WH!iam John Pezzulli is .., pr·e sident of Thi s year, the Senior s decided to get the to Cardiga n in 19 55 and ent ered the eigh th St d t C ·1 d I th 1 ·d grade. H\is m ain spor t this year and· las~ ud eCnl ·k0Munc1 an a so , e· c ass pres1 ent proverbial ball roll ing by electing class offik" H · I , • an a1 - orga n sup ervi so r was s nn g: e is a so _intereste~ ~n- woo~His home town is Whitefield New H amp- cers .' _The class office r s are: President, Bill Pezzulli, and Secretary, Ronnie Mainelli. craft. His extra-curricular act1v1t1es are h' H • •· th e Ch romc · Ie _an d th e R a c1·!o _Cl u b·. H e 1s - gs rad iree,. ·e cam , e to Cardigan 111 the seve nth The Presid ent wi ll function as head of the also on the Library Committee. Next yea r I II t B.11 h d ·t II H . class until the e nd of the ye ar. Th'e Secrehe is goi ng to Northwood School in Lake fi ~ a spor s,th 1 as t~ne Qld!l e ~e · d15 ta r y wil be our link w ith each other in Placid, New York. He hopes to becom~ a rs dyeatr _111 f etbselvlen( h · g1ra be, t1he ma e yea rs to come. A ll '57 class A lumni new Slawyer. ~e<;on S .r1ng 00 a, W I C 1, y e way, wi ll go throu gh hi m . These two officers have is h1s· .favonte- sport) and was a letter man appoi nt ed a third sen io r, Teff Dorrance. who Charles Boardman Duksta. I l Park Ave - in baseball. · In- ·his ·-secon d year, h e received edi ted the four pages in this Senior Chronnue, Westerly, Rhode Island. During his Baseball, Football a nd Hockey letters. Th is icle issue, two years at Cardigan, he has ,enjoy ed yea r, he again r eceived , as Captain , a foot - , skiing, waterfront, rifl ery and fi shing. His ba ll letter for fa ll sports. In the winter, h e next three years . h e . w ill spe nd at Frye- ~ade the ski team and is now trying for berg Academv. His rn cknam e is "Ducky." I his Basebal_l award. . When Bili graduates from Cardigan, he hopes to a tt e nd St. J ohn sbury Academy Thomas La~ghorne . Dunn, 221 We st ~I- a nd then to Holy Cross. We at Car<liga;1 Editor lens .La n e, Ph ilade lph1 a 19, Pennsylvama. Wish him Ju k J eff Dorrance Tom entered Cardigan in 1953. He is in- I c · Photographer . terested in radio a nd horses. Tom has been 1 a member of the Skeet Clu b. Next year he 1 ~ohn Lyman Rutledge, 95 Lakeshore St eve Fairbanks e-nt ers Proctor Academ y. Dnve, Westwood, Massach usetts. J ohn enProphecy . tered Cardigan 111 the 1956-57 ,emester and B ru ce Bronson Dana Lee Eddy, Washin g ton Street , we nt out for footba ll, _skiing and junior Duxbury, Massachuset_ts. He c«me to Car- vars ity baseball, H e wi ll attend Westwood J eff Dor rance digan in the yea r 1956-57. He w ent out for Public High next year as a sophomo re . Paul Bu ckley woodcraft, skiing and watedro nt. He is Scott Smith, 262 Melrose 's treet, MelWill going to Vermont Aca demy nex t yea r. H e rose, M assac hu setts . Scott entered CardiSenior Class was floor leader on th e seco nd flo o r of gan in the fa ll of 1956 from pub lic sc hool. Bi·ewster. "The i\l[ ~s t" He . enjoys sport s such as skiing, ska t in;,, Bob Leighton William Thompson Garcelon _ 60 Temple and ho ckey. Most of thi s free time is sp ent Jeff D o rra n ce Street, \Nest Newton, Masachu,etts. H e at- on radio and elect r onics . his hobby, Ne·:t tended Sun:un er Scho_o l at Cardigan in yea r he expects to attend Fr::eb urg A cadAdvisor;; 19~6. This is his fir st sc hool vea r her e . He emy in Fryeb urg, M aine. Bob Lei g hton is goin g to New H ampto n Sc lioo l nex t ye:i r. Paul Edwin Snyder, Jr., Miss Dorothy Em erson 45 Buckm:rn





Senior Election

Staff for Senior Class Pages





Thursday, June 6, 1957


Page 5

Cardigan Mountain School Class of 1957





















Page 6

Thursday, June 6, 1957


Senior Weekend

Our Prophecy and Will

After long weeks w ithou t women, th e ninth graders remembered that deep in'· the p,a st of last yea r ther e was a special week end devoted to the Seni ors and th eir dates. The week··· end las ted from Friday through Sunday. During that tim(! the Seni ors and their dates· we nt to the movies, danced, wa tch ed a ball game, e-tc. This year Senio r Weekend was shortened by one day, cutting out th e m ovies and rnuch free tim e:.A rig id sch edul e was fo llowed w it h g r oa ns from the Seniors . H owever a:t the eqcl of the weeke nd the only complain t · about it seemed to be that it was too sho rt. Tsk, tsk. On Saturday the g irls ca m e and wa tched · a fast ·and di smayi ng ball game. This ball game could not be duplicated. At least I h9,pe it wo n't be. After the ga m e a ll Se ni ors· a11i:l dates r etr ea ted to th ei r respective positio ns positions to chan ge for supp er and to exaggerate th eir various exp er.iences. Som e recovering was in o rd er, too. By the tinH' the g irls ca me back to th e sc hool a ll wen, ward coffee was served at the Burbanks. in good enoug h shape to have supp er. AfterIt was good; too. Afte r th e bo_v~ ha·d . showi1 off th eir prowess_- a t drink ing w'ffee a .dance comm en ced in the ·a uclitoriu_ . A.;;. r eal hot comb o suppli ed the mu sic. Th ey · specialized in blues music. · . . After the dance all pa rti cipa nt s clrag_gecl . themselves to a nice warm bed. . T he ·next day after a hearty breakfast a l! the ·--·couples attacked Cardigan :. Mountai n with vigor a nd m a de a r ecord climb. Imagine swiftness on Senior We eke nd. Wh en th ey came dow n a lun ch waswa iting-; along w ith a ·nice re st. At thi s time th e stra nges t switch ing of .dat es started, at the girl s' expe nse. I did no t participate in th e sla ughte r of rights. Back at the sc hool again the p; irls were escorted on a romant ic ride over the lake. The ca noes were comma nded by the Sen ior class. The dates of the boys, t hough fa ir, were st ro ng and supplied mos t of the power. This ended the weeke nd. J eff D o rran ce, '57

Class Will Bitgood-No comment. Well. we ll, here I am wa lkin g throu_gh Bronson-I w ill my ability to torment my New York City. W hat's this, a monastery, fellow scholars in Latin class, and the and who is in it - n·o ne ot her than Andy t eache r, to -John Bell. Bitgood as abott. Let us proceed. Here ·we · Buckley:._! w ill my scar, received 111 are at the J azz Spot and we see Bruce hockey ·to H arold Teeter, in hopes that h e Bronson and John "Chuck Berry" Rutledge \:vi ll ·get another. on the bill of fare. f we walk a block fur~ Cushm an:._! will my past bad grades to ther, we wi ll be at Columbia U. where J eff Steve · Hanley. · · · D o rr ance is correct'ing one little fac tor in . Dorrance-I will my ability to'be able to E in stein's theory. · We are just' passing the put up with oth ers, and · try -not to be a. Ward Baking Company, ho me of "Tip-To p" hee l at the sa m e time, to Him Milham _b r ead, and we see Bill Cushm an, its c:h1ef and Ch uck Freedman. · executiv e. · At th e Basin S tr eet, Charles Duksta-I wi ll my _abi lity to 'go fishing " Gene Krupa" Duksta is now playing. Let's at 5 :00 a.m . t o Dick Treadway. drop in. S itti11g listening to the band is Dunn-I w ill my last carton of Luckies milliona ire Tom Dunn who owns a g lu e fac - to Tersh Eve r est in hopes he w ill change to ry for horses. Someone is whisper in g to his brand. · · me that D a na E ddy has just won th e Giant Eddy-I will my go ldfis h to Peter, the S la lom in the Olympics, son cf a sun . Sit- cat. tin g next to me is Bi ll Garce lon, headmasGa rcelon-I will to C hip Schutt a ca n of ter of St. Paul School (a most excl u sive Brown E sq uir e Shoe Polish. place). This music is boring. Let us go to Jim Hambleton-I w ill my ability t o play the H amilt on's Mecha ni cs School for the D eaf. · F r .· 1· . L _ piano fo r ever t_o M iss arrow . , an 1s tel 111g me tha t Bob e1g ht o n 1s a pa__ Howell-I w ill to Mr. •·. Keirnard a -camper boy for th e Valley New_s. Before I for- p\ete .vo lum·e ·of Nava l Tactics · o.f' the World. get, did you know that_ Ho,~e_l l ts the _last ; Leighton-I w ill to F ra rik Sharp e m y bark 111 the H~well fa mil y. :1 hi s school is_ · a I a bility to stall th e ski tow·,six times in o ne httl e dull. I can t _get a word 111 ;dgew1se with afternoon. . Hambleton blowm g a g ut_. Lets wa lk down Mainelli-I will my past. w inter's· capthe _s tr eet and have a _dr111k. S1tt111g beside ·tain cy of tl~e hockey team to John is_ Ro nm e_ M;111el11. H e ,eems to . be •. Moss-I w ill m y g irl s to Pete D avidso n . clnnk1ng heavily. ~o n of a gun, he has Ju st _ Pezzulli-I· w ill my baseball abili t y to declared to th e w_or ld th at ~rode Island is · 'fa c·k Benson. · ·_ the _la r gest state ~n the U m on . He 1s ·preRutledg~-I wi ll my ab ility -to have a panng to back 1t up by an nex m g New · clean nea·t orderly room to ·· Pete D avid'E ng land and New Yo rk. I beter leave while so n . ' ' I am still ahead. Let's go and see athlete Smith- I wi ll my last inc h of solder to Paul B uckley who is o n the New York Mr. Wakely to build a not her Hi-Fi AmpliBrowns . Paul may I have your a ut ogra i:i h, qer. "Not now, wa it till I finish doi ng the JumpS nyd er-I w ill to Bob Holl my abi lity to ing Tacks that I a m being- taught by Grey get to class on tim e with out de lay. Mor se." Say Paul, did you h ea r that Bob S ullivan-Nothin g to w ill. Page has ju st lear ned to make :rn in co nspic uo us ex it from the dining room Paul says kn ow J er e S ulliva n is running a r educi ng "No, but I have something for you. Bill course, following th e rul e that expe ri ence is Pizzulli is running a co nservative clothing the best t eacher a nd Scott S mith has ju st sto r e o n 5ist stre et." Say . here comes Pa ul received his certifica t e from M . I. T." Jeff D o r rance. Paul Buckley, · Bruce Snyder , director of the F. B. I. I wonder 1f he has a ny class news. Boy, I sure do. Yo n Bronson, '57.

Weirs Beach Trip _On May 25 the Se ni or Class took a trip to Weirs Beach in Laconia on Lake Winnipesau k ee. It was a gr eat deal of fun. Dick Clancy gave us more food than we could eat. Our boxes, loaded wi th provisio n s included six cans of Hawa iian Punch and three cans of Apricot Nec tar. Another cardboa rd ca rton was loaded to th e brim w ith turkey a nd crabmeat sandwiches . There was a bin of potatc, ch ips and a box of twenty-odd cakes or so. Nee dl ess to say, no t all th e food was ea ten . When we arriv ed at Th e Weirs the first thing most of us headed for was the Penn1 Arcade. It took a minimum of fifteen min ut es for the m a jority to "blow their clought." then we settle d dow n t o a clay at the beach. With a beach ball and t wo soft balls, we were soon t earing up the beach . driving everyon e cra zy. Some .of th e kids chi ped in and rented a motorboat . All th e r est a ttacked the food with a re lish. or settled down to see w ho could ge t the best su nburn . In order to ge t the mos t pleasure out of Weirs Beach, we had left right after our first class Saturday m orning. The drive was a long one, but with eve ryone talking at once about th e sa m e thing, tim e passed quickly. When everyone was broke, except for 28 cents saved to take in th e show, and no one was w itho ut a brown or r ed colorin_g, we


• The Most" List "\i\Tho did m ost for th e schoo l "\i\Tho did the schoo l fo r th e most The moist g ullible Most popu lar Most ambitious :Most li kely to s ucceed Most rave nou s Strongest backbone Most co-ordinated Best money maker

Bi ll Pezzulli Bill Garcelon Scott Smith Bruce Bronson Bob Leighton Jeff Dorrance Jere Sullivan Dana Eddy Paul Buckley Bil] Cu shman

went for o ur dinner a t the Laconia Inn. The food was good, but there wasn't quite enough to really sa ti sfy our wants. The movie was "THE SPIRIT OF ST. LOUIS," and was enj oyed by ~d i. After that we started back to school, trying to sleep o-n This space 1s dedicated to Go<l, Mr. the way but t alking too much to b e ab le to. At twenty-five of twe lve we were back at Wakely, and the ot hers, ( in cl udin g Mr. school in bed, w ith nothing but memories Kennard). who against odds pulled the lot behind. of us through at their own expense.


J eff Dorrance '57

- ---------- ----

Thursday, June 6, 1957

ALUMNI NEWS REPORT Dear Alumni: The big news at this time is th e Alumni We ek end, held in Canaan on May 11-12, when twelve form er students were present at o ne time o r another. They held a n informa l .meeting a t the h eadmaster's house to dis c uss the associatio n' s plan~ for th e coming yea r . Elected were the following officer s: Warren D. H'1se '52, pres ident ; John K. White '53, vice-president; and William A. Cash Jr . '48, secretary-treasurer. You r president appointed the following men to ser ve as class secr etari es for th e comin g year: '48, Bill Cash; '53, J o hn Wh ite; '54, David H elm stadter; '55, H ow a rd Deringer; and '56, David D agnino. These m en ar e taking ch arge of collecting news fo r THE CHRONICLE for their r espec tive classes. (As soon as he ge t s ove r his final exams at D a rtmouth, the p-resident w ill sta rt lookin g for class secr eta ries for '47, '49, a nd '51) . They also di scu ssed th e possibility of holdin g a picnic this summer in the Bosto n a r ea. If and w hen plans work o ut. t h e committee will let you know by mail.

Responses have continu ed to com e in from the Alumni Association's qu estio nnaire. We print n ews in thi s issue from memb ers of all the cla sses except '47 a nd '48. Have you filled in a nd r et urn ed you r questionnaire? H ow about it! ! ! '49

Oddy Jr. g r adua tes this month from Norwich U niversity in No rthfield, Vt. H e w rit es that h e is ''c urr ently interested in th e field of E du cation. This I plan to follow up af ter my hitch w ith U ncl e Sam." John at tended Kimball U ni o n Aca demy, playing vars ity football , baseball, and bas ·· ketball. In his last year at ,KUA he was th e recip,ient of the Brewster Awar d . At Norwich, he is a m emb er of th e Canterbury Club a nd th e Intern at ional Relations Club. He also plays inter mural sport s John "saw Henry Ha skell las t summer just after his g r aduati o n fr om Bowdoin. H e was preparing fo r the Q uarte rmas t er Co rp s of Uncle Sam." J o hn 's address : 92 Swan S t., Methuen, Mass. '50 Richard Dodge Morrison gri\d uat es irom Dartmouth College thi s m o nth. Dick w ill at tend the U nive rsity of Ve rmon t :Medical College for th e nex t four years. He h as worked in the ope r at ing room of th e ,Mary Hitchcock Memoria l H ospita l in H anove r as a technician for two summ ers. John

Ball Team Wins The fi r st game Cardigan played was Ap-r il 27. The team we played was Holdern ess. Our pi tche r J ohn Bell and o ur cat ch er F ranck B li ss both di d a wond erful job. All th e boys o n the team did a wonderf ul job of playing in t he ga m e. When J ack Woods got up the bases wer e loa ded a nd the count was 3 and 2. J ack drove a line drive w hich brough t in the win nin g runs. The score was Cardigan I 8 and Holder~~6vs


Eddie's General Store 1n CANAAN, N. H. The Best in Food, Soft Drinks and Candy ----

McNeil's Drug Store THE REXALL STORE Lebanon, New Hampshire




On May 1. we won our second home ga me On May 1. we o ur second home game of the seaso n. Most of New H ampt on s t eam were pre tty big boys. But being big doesn't mean any thing, its th e ab ili ty to play ball 1hat count s. and that's wha t we had. The w ind was strong and blew up a stor m o n th e field. I myself an d th e w hole t eam think our pitcher Jim Hambleton did a wonderfu l job. O ur ga m e e nded up 7 to 6 o ur favor. Bob P age '57


Albert C. Gilpatrick is se r vin g o n the sub marine U.S.S. Sarda (SS488). Gil worked a short time w ith th e tow n of Wrenth am, Mass., Water D epa rtm ent before goin g into th e se rvi ce. His four-vear hitch w ith th e Navy ends nex t Februar y. Gil marri ed th e former Diana A. Jen kins of Wrentham, on October 30, 1954. Th ey have a daughter, Christine Ann, born D ece mb er 26, 1955. Gi l att end ed Fryeburg Academy, Fryeburg, Me .. for three yea r s after Cardigan. H e won school let ters in tennis a-nd track . H e cap tur ed two seco nd prizes an d o ne fi r st prize w ith hi s violin playing in tal ent contes t s an d was concert master of the school (Continued on page 8)

REXALL STORE in Canaan, N. H. Hazel and Lee Morrison

Hanover, N. H.








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Page 8

Alumni News (Co ntinued from page 7) orchestra. · Addres s, until February. 1958: Drive In Trailer Park. Lot 53, Groton, Conn. '51 Deborah Kimball, daughter of former headmaster Robert 1M. Kimball , wr ites from S mith College, Northam pton, Mass., " I do r emember Cardiga n with affection (well, sometimees with a shudder), and it does make a very good story ! I blame all m y fa ult s on its p sychological imp,a ct s (ohand some of my good po,i nts too) ! "My activ ities were rath er unorthodox, I fea r-and so were th e boys ! - I have in m in d th.row ing the books, sca ring my. poor dog to dea th. pu shing me down stair s, pulling m y hair, etc., etc., etc. !" Now, at S mith, D e bbi e is a m emb er of the College choir and glee club. Addr ess : Frankli n K ing H o use, Smith College, Northamp ton, Mass .. or Box 818, A usti n 64, Texas. Debbie reports, " I have seen Dave Kittell and know that he is working for t he Tim.~ )"h_otC>gr11p hi c Research Lah . . . . I also know that Harry Metz went to the U ni vers it y of M ichiga n , is now teachi ng in the Air Fo r ce, and has a w ife and two k ids (the las t I h ea rd) .. . I've heard tha t \ i\Ti llie Wi lso n is at cc,llege in Coloradothe uni ve rsity , I think." '52 Samuel Sherman Adams a t.te nd s Dartmouth College, where h e is a m emb er of the D artmouth Outing Club a nd Undergradua te Council. H e attended · St. Paul's School in Concord, N.H ., for four year s, r eceiving the Latin diploma and school m edal. H e won lett ers in hockey, lacrosse. and foo tb a ll. Sam spe nt two summ er s working fo r the· U.S. Forest Service fighting fires in Mont ana. H e a lso worked on a farm fo r two summ ers. Add r ess: 210 W oodwa rd Hall, Hanover. N .H .. o•r Lincoln. N .H . David Cheever is at the U niver sity of Colorado. Dave attended K im ball Union Academy for two years . Address: 11 50 College Ave·nu e, Bo ulder. Colo.. o r Stone H enge Rd. , Weston, Conn. Dunca·n Rodger Mcinnes graduates from N ichols Jr. College thi s m o nth. Dunc has been Commodor e of the saili ng club at N ichols Jr. in hi s se nior year. H e atten ded Proctor Acade m y for four years, re ceiving th e trop,hy award and the "Natha nial Wiggin" prize for excellen ce in boat building. He was also on th e sailin g team .


Thursday, June 6, 1957

'53 John L. McEwan is attending M iddleb ury College . H e was a student a t Browne and N ichols School, Ca mbridge, s.: and at Viewpoin t School. Amenia, N .Y., af t er graduatin g .from Cardigan. . Ja ck writes. ·"Ean 'led m y limit last summer by joini11 g· th e . Boston Local of the common la bo r ers uni o n. 1n the other summer s I worked as a olumbing apprentice Am a m em ber of ROTC now by compulsion but I intend to go thro ug h the four year s."; John K. 'White is at Bryant and Stratton Business School. H e ha s worked as a painter during the summ ers. Address: 6 Sheridan Road. Stoneham. Mass. '54 Norman Alton Pierce . at tends H\ou gh ton Academy, H oug ht on, N.Y . H e is vicepresident of the se ni or class at Houghton is a member of the qu ar tet th e1'e, a n d was photogra ph y editor of th e yea r book. ·Addr ess : Box 747, Brockton, Mass . Richard Bruce Watso~ ·is . attending Lyndon In stitu te, w here he is a member of the

band, boys' glee club, mi xe d g lee club, ski and track: t eams. Dick ha s h eld jobs in road con stru ction and farm work. Addr ess Sandb orn H ou se, Lyndon Center, Vt,

Program Process ional Invocation H eadmaster's Address Awarding of Prizes

A udi ence Standin g The H eadm as t er Roland W. Burbank Norma n W ake ly Ass ista nt H eadma ster Comm encement Address · "H.ow Much Freedom Ca n You Stand?" Ernest V•l. K ueb ler, Director, Divi sio n of Edu catio n, Cc:)Unc_il of L ibe raf Chu r ches Presentation of Diplomas Han >ld P. ·H in man Pre sid ent, Board of Trustees Benediction The H eadmas ter Recessional Audience S tanding Class Marshals J ohn A. Bell P eter M. Davidson Peter A. A lbee J ames C. Bovaird John J . Benson J ack Wood s Comme nce m ent Exe r cises at the No rth Chu r ch Saturday, Jun e 8, at ten-thirty. Awards Banquet Friday at six o'clock Athletic Awards and Announcement of th e New · Stud ent Council


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Manuel - Jack - Eddie BARBERS for CARDIGAN MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Visit Our Shop in Hanover, New Hampshire


John Wallis Milfe~ is attending Tri~ity Pawling School, Paw ling, N. Y . Wally writes "I hop e to ge t up to see yo u all n ext year." '56 William James · Byrnes Jr. is a student at th e !Miller School of A lbern.arle. Butch , writes that his outside interests at presen , are hunting a nd boating . Address: Miller School of A lbemarle, Miller School, Va: Anthony R . Russo goes to New Prep in Cambridge, Mass. H e is a m ember of the stu dent council and plays basketball, base ball, a nd :hockey . Address : 2 A ustin Str ee t Som ervill e, Mass .

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