No. 2
March 12, 1958
This Picture and Paragrap4s fro1n Cover of Canaan's 'f own Report Many people vis it Ca naan as a result of th e sc hool' s act ivities and ca rr:y stories of the town's bea uty to a ll corne rs of the United States and sever al foreign countri es. Boys applying for admiss ion are requireu to vis it the campus w ith their fam ilies before acceptance. This year's enrollment of '90 boys fi lls all available space. Now partly
Talk on Labrador On F riday,
14, Mr.
li ves in Hanover, came to Cardigan to show slides of his recent fishing trip to Labrador. He we nt mainly to fish for sa lmon. o-f
pr epa r at ions
for hi s trip showing the lu ggage he took and his comp a ni ons.
The citi zens of Canaan are proud to be numbered among those whose enco ur agement a nd generous fi na ncial support have made possible the growt h of Cardigan
H ayward,
Board of Trustees
The first pictures were
Mountain School. As in other independent schools organ ized not for pro fit , new buildings and eq uipment must come from g ifts while tuition s cover most ordinary operating expe n ses. In turn th e school contributes to our economy, being, fo r in stance, the largest local employer and biggest Post Office customer
Seniors Elect Davidson
by John Stowe' 60
Secretary of the
completed is a new class room building that w ill make possible an increase to over 100 next yea r.
Next we saw pictures of
Gifts Help Cardigan by David Moore '59
Ca rdi gan is fortunate to have ¡ been given gifts in many forms fo r various pu r poses by parents. This year Mr. Filic,s has given money for the ski tow's new motor, and the power lin es to supplement it. It is electric and replaces the old und ependable truck moto, which was used formerly.
th e land they fl ew over in a light Stinson p lane. Finally they landed 111 Labrador where they picked up g uides and met native Doctor Ja goda gave m enough Asiatic Indian families. The n ext pictures showeo flu vaccine to inocu late th e whole school. the party ca noein g to . their camp on an in -This may have saved the school from a m a land river basin where salmon spawn. After jor epidemic of the flu. seei ng pict ur es of their camp we saw scenes Mr. Duksta, whose so n went to Cardigan of actual fis hi ng where m emb er s of the party caught salm on and trout. There were last year has been nic e enough to give sce nes which showed the fish bein g cooked equipm ent for our hockey team and Mr. and eaten. It su r e looked de li cious. We Albee has donated fire hose so that the saw pictures of a mink and cubs and of a hockey rink ca n be flood ed more easily and bear that they shot. The m ea t was smoke d qu ickly._ and brought back. All through the show Also, not to be forgotten, are the many were pictures of the scenery with beautiful friends who contributed books to our rapidly expanding library. mountains, lakes and river s.
Senior Elections by Jack Benson '58 The Senior Class of Cardigan ha d a meeting at the Headmaster's house on Sunday morning, J anuary 26. The reasun for this m eeti ng )was to elect a class Pres ident_ Secretary and Treas ur er. The fir st person who was elected in to office was Peter Davidson as Class President. Pete 1s a dorm leader in Hinman Hall. He is also o n the Student council. The second person who was elected was Peter Moore, senior class Secretary. Peter is the head of the year book committee . Our next officer that was elected was J ohn Bell as Treasurer. J oh n is on the Student co uncil and is also head of the Stu_de n t Recreation Department. All three boys ar e good students; th eir names often appear in the honor rol l. T h ey a r e also interested in Ath letics. Bell is a three letter athlete. Davidso n is a good footba ll player , skier and baseball player. Moore is hoc key manager and played center field for last year's J. V. baseball tea m. 0
Page 2
The Cardigan Chronicle
Art Editor Steve Fairbanks
Through the past two months, we have been blanketed with snow ranging at times from a mere inch to a few feet. A lthough we cannot control mother Nature, we have proven that we can endure her forc e by getting to class es on tim e, packing ski slopes and shoveling t h e hockey rink. Throug h m ean s of one very important machine, the tractor, Mr. Hines and his cr ew have m anaged t o ke ep roads and walks clear. During the w inter we have learned how to face up to adverse conditions. In closing I wo uld like to say that our sch ool spirit has been a great factor 111 our learning. JB
Business Manager Jack "\Al oods
Third Term Marks
THE CHRONICLE STAFF Editor-in-Chief J ohn Bell Assistant Editor Peter A lbee News Editor Jack Benson Feature Editor Bill Dyer Sports Editor Charles Schutt
Circulation Manager "\iV illett Cobb Assistants Chip L ackey Roger Rice John Christy Faculty Advisors Mr. and Mrs. Ray m ond N . Jenne ss, Jr.
by B iff Williams At Ca rdi ga n we have ju st ended o ur third t erm of th e sc hool yea r. M r . "Burbank at · th~ last head mas ter's meetin g stat ed that a ll boys havi ng a 65 or better in t heir lessons would have room study. A lso a ll tho se w ho have all B's o r bette r in a ttitude. T hi s m eans that th ey ma v go to th eir room s ,me] st udy durin g th eir m ornin g study p eri od. Befo r e thi s new ru le, th e boys had to get on th e Privilege list to have room studv . Mark for the Privil ege li st still is 70, H one r Ro ll is 75, and Hig h Hon o r Roll is 80. High Honor Roll
J o hn A. Bell To hn H. Christy Ke nn edy L Ru ber t , III
From the Headmaster's Desk ...
Sever a l yea r s ago boys di scover ed that Hono,· Roll it was beco ming difficult to ent er th e college R oge r Che n ey of thei r choice. Th e next step follow ed Pe ter M. Davidso n swift ly. Prep sc hool place s fo r those who D a vid C. Freema n wer e not good wo rk ers became much ha rdRegin a ld J. Lackey, J r. e1- to find. In ev ita bl y. junio r sc hools su ch D av id H.· Moor e as Cardiga 11 had to u se such space as th ey Yas ut eru O hta ha d fo r stud ent s w ho cou ld a nd wo uld wo-r k. Cha rle s P. Sc hutt, Jr. Thi s is good. It is no favor to a boy to -·------ - -a llow him t o loaf through sc hool a nd then - - - - - -- - -·thru st him, untrain ed a nd untried, into a fi er ce ly competiti ve wor ld . R ece ntly Cardi ga n ha s forma li zed its minimum sc holasti c standards. Boys w ith a r eco rd of co nsi stent or multipl e fa ilu res are put on Schol as ti c Probatio n. The Cqmmitt ee o n ScholHanover, New Hampshire a stic Standards is cha rged w ith separating such a boy w henev er it is to hi s b es t inter est or that of th e sc hool. In making its deci sions the co mmit tee is influenced most by a boy's effo rt. No student who really Over 40 Years of Friendly works is separ ate d during th e yea r; but th e lad w ho is wast in g hi s tim e is not allowed Service to was te th e t ime oi th e scho ol a nd th e mon ey of th ose who co ntr ib ut e to its sup CHEVROLET port. Sm a ll classes, specia l wo rk in La~guag·e T r ainin g, sympat hetic teachers a nd a health y a tmo sp her e m a k e Cardiga n a goo d pl ace for a bo y who n ~e ds a lift in hi s schooling. Phone 7 - Hanover However, h e mu st want to lea rn. We can supply a road a nd a g uide; _the stud ent mu st provide the motive power.
Camera Shop
Wednesday, March 12, 1958:
Year Book Charles P. Schutt, Business Manager
Pla ns fo r our first iss u e of th e yea r book. th e B laze, a r e we ll u nde rway. Late in Febru ary lett er s of soli citatio n we r e se nt out. to man y fam il ies an d bu sin esses. To parent s a nd fr iends of th e sc hool we sent a lette r notif ying of ou r patron s J)a_g·e. A contribution o f two dolla rs is being askecl of a ll who wish to be incl ude d as patron s. To bu sin esses havin g any r elil'.tio ns with Ca rdiga n we sen t a letter co ntaini ng o ur a dvert ising r a tes a nd gen eral in formation a bo ut the boo k an d its a d ve rti sin g pages . The bu sin esses of many of the boys' par-· en ts we re included in th is list at the prompting of the boys . T he resp~ n se to both li st s has bee n pleas in g. W e hope fo r mor e contrib ut ions, however. to h elp make our initial iss u e of th e B laze a real success. If you have not r eceive d a copy of eit her lett er we inv ite you to co ntribut e o n yo ur own ini ti at ive as a patron or adve rti se r. Our advert isin g r ates run from $30.00 for a page to $16.00 and $8.00 for on e-h alf and one-qu a rt er pages . If yo u have not ve t r eplied to on e of these lett ers, please tr y to do so be for e Apr il 1st since th at is om· deadline for accep tin g patron s and adve rti sers. If yo u have r ep lied, we tha nk yo u for taking an inter est in Ca rdi gan's year boo k and in th e boys it r ep r esents.
Hopkins Hall by David Moore '59
S in ce th e last Chron icle, H opkin s Hall has r eceive d ma ny vas t improve m en ts. If yo u happened to be among the many lu cky boys who toured the b uildi ng a fe w Sun da ys ago, you mig ht know som e of th em alrea dy. Th e fifth a nd six th !Tr acie r ~om will have · its own lavatory and sink. Th e building w ill have a two way sou nd sys tem to any room in th e sc hoo l. Thi; w ill en ab-le Mr . Burbank to talk back a nd fo rt h be twee n a ny ·a nd all rooms in th e sc hool. A lso reco r ded mu sic can be pioed throug h the sys t em. Several o f the r oom, h ave provi sio ns for ~ T.V. cable ma kin g it possibl e to hav e te levision so metime in th e n ea r future. The class roo ms a r e hu ge comp are d to Cla rk-Morga n. The ,-cience room can be· di vided into th ree separa te room s by m ea ns of parti ti ons a nd t her e is e'ven a special pi pe for getting rid of Mr: No ldt's acid compound in ste a d of throwing it on t he snow as h e does n ow. As wo rk progresses, new ideas are added to the structure of H o pkins Hall to mak e it a comforta bl e place in w hi ch to wo rk and study . ·
The News Spot Inc. Books - Records - School Supplies Lebanon, New Hampshire
W ednesday, March 12, 1958
.Page 3
Comins Elected by Dave Bergeson '59 J an uary 12, Mr. Jenness called a meeting with the hockey team so we rould elect a
captain. Those who were nominated were: Bert Comins, John Be ll,° Bill Seely, Chip by Charles Schutt '58 Schutt and Peter Albee. Everyone voted and Bert Comins was elected captain of the This year was not too successful. Mother hockey team for this year. Natur e was aga inst u s. We got o ur boards Bert has been skating since he was eight up after Christmas and then the snow came. year s old, he is now fourteen. Last year We then had a thaw following w hi ch our ice playing on any hockey team. He played turned rough. We proceeded to flood it to left wing for his school team in Winchester, get it in shape for our first game. Mass. This yeor Bert is also playing left Our schedule of 1958 was as follows : wing on the nrst lin e. Bert is a good leadFebruary 7, Ho-lderness Home er and a fine team p layer. February 10 Hanover Home Feb ru ar y 12 New Hampton Home February I S. Proctor Away February 19 Vermont A. Away Out of the games scheduled we played by Mike Davenport '60 only five gam es. W e did not play on the This year is the fir st year that Cardigan dates s-c heduled. W e played when there has had a ski team. Mr. Leavitt is coach- was ice to skate on ·and no snow. ing it and Oren Anderson, Bill Barker , Our fir st game was w ith Holderne ss on Willet Cobb, Steve H an ley, Mike Davenport,. February 7. It was ,_,layed home. The ice and Harry Witte lsey are on it. As th e year goes on w e hope to have more memb ers. was very poor. It wa s slush on the edges. If you ,,;,;ere not car efu l, whether you wen, The team has thr ee eve nts. T h ey are a spectator or a player, you would get a cross-country, downhill and slalom. The face fu ll of slush . Holdern ess sco red two cross- country course starts at the side door poin ts in th e first period. I1;i the second of Hinman and goes to th e end of the point period we got one goal and th ey did a lso. back aroun d by the wat erfront, cr oss es th e In the final peri od it ·wa s the same , H older road and up the ski slope a nd run s down n ess scoring and we a lso. The game ended the power lin e to the fini sh back near Hin4 to 2 in Holderness' fav or. man. At th e pinnacle down-hill is run on Our seco nd g ame was aga in st H a nover De vil's Hiwa y, a new tr a il cut thi s yea r , and High School o n F ebrua ry 12. It was a lso a. slalom o n th e main slope . W e have a g ood tea m thi s fir st yea r a nd ho m e gam e . T h e ice aga in was ba d . T h e corner s we r e slush, but it was hard ice in ·h ave wo n quite a fe w m ee t s . the midd le. H a nove r sco r ed t wo goa ls an d we sco r ed o ne in the fir st pe r iod. Th en we go t two m o r e. In th e t hird period we sco r ed o ne a nd we r e in t he lead fo ur t o thr ee. by Mike Davenoprt '60 Wi t h fi ve seco nds to go till th e end of t h e gam e, Ha nove r sco r ed a goa l. A t t he encl On Sund ay, J a nua r v 12, th e ski tea m and of the gam e th e sco r e ·was ti ed. 'vVe playe d a f ew o ther boys wer e ta k en over to the fi ve minut es overtim e but n o sco r e was o ther side of Cardigan M o untain to sk i a nd ma de. The ga m e en de d fo ur to fo ur. comp ete in a simple sla lo m a nd ha rd er slaOur t hird ga m e was against N ew Hamp lom. Th er e is a rop e tow a nd a lodge ove r to n on i:e w hi ch was still not pe rf ect. New th er e, run b y th e A ppelachi a n Moun ta in Climb ers A ssociation. W e arri ved at th e H ampton's depth m a de the biggest di ffe r ence a s th ey were a ble to use four lin e~ lodge at 8 :45 a.m. w hi le we had only two. A fine defen se and In the mornin g some of the boys skied a good goalie did not all ow us to scor e at through a simple slaiorn . If the y did it unall whil e they managed to pour in six goals . der a certain time, they won a gre en triAltho ugh the final scor e wa s 6-0. th e Carangle patch that said Cardigan Sta ndard digan team pla yed better tha n these fi gure s with the number three on it. Later, just beindicate and managed to mak e it a closely fore a lu nch, they h ad a harder slalom and most of the boys won a re d patch that said played game. Our fourth game wa s against Procto1 Cardigan Standard w ith .a number two on it. At 12 :30 we went to the lodge and ate. Academy. It was an away game. The F o r t he re st of the afternoon we skied. M'r. team left right a fter lun ch . The ice was i11 Leavitt and Mr. Black went with us. We fair condition . In the fir st period the p uck stayed ·pretty much in the neutral zon e. came back to school happy hut worn o ut. Our tea m was minus two of our best . line m en but we mad~ out fine. ·No goals 'were scored in th e first period. The second 'P eriod we did about the same . Both teams pushed hard but no one scor ed. JEWEI RY ' - GIFTS In the third period Proctor got a lot ot 4 West ·Park Street .. · Lebanon penalties. They had o nly three men lef t on
Ski Season
Hockey Season
Ski Team
Ski Trip
(Continued on page 4.)
Bill Barker '59
, Saturday, J a nu a r y 25, Cardigan h ad its first ski meet again st Eaglebrook School from Deerfield, Mass.
The downhill was run first. An Eaglebrook contestant got the best time,. and a n ew record for th e downhill trail. However, Car digan won th e event on points. The sla lom was run after lunch . The Eaglebrook team wa s prepared for thi s event, turning in the best times . The sla lom was very close. After this event the teams returned t o sc hool w h er e a reception was held fo r the team s at the Burbanks' house . There the final score was announced 192 - 189 in favor of E ag lebrook. On Saturday, February I , Cardigan won it s first ski victory over Emerson School of Exeter, N. H. The first event wa s slalom in which Ca rdigan ca pture! the fir st four place s for a p erfect base . Then th e teams returned to th e ca mpu s for the cross countr y. Th e E m erson te am was ham pe r ed by the lack of cross country skis and boots . Again th e Ca rd igan tea m got a perfec t b as e. The fin a l sco r e was 200 to 10>8 in favo r of Ca rdiga n. A ltho ug h E m erso n boys we re bea ten, t hey had gootl t eam spirit a n d we hope to see t hem next yea r. On Tu es day, Fe bru a r y 11 , Ca rdi ga n Mo untain Sc hool ski tea m we nt to H olde rn ess School fo r a ski m eet. Th ere wer e to be o nly two events, sla lom an d g iant slalom '. Firs t th er e was slalo m . A fa irly di ffic ult co ur se w;is set up. T h e team di d a ll ri g ht a nyway. E ach m a n was all owed two run s o n th e slalom. The slope was in fin e co ndit io n a n d was ha rd- packed, a n d t her e we r e so me icy spots. T he r e was no sun o n th e slopes. Then a g iant slalom was se t up, a nd wa s fa irl y fas t. Th er e was o nl y on e ;un. H arry Whittl esey a nd Or en And erson did very well in thi s eve nt. W e won the me et fairly easily 188 - 181. Th e seco nd of the away ski me ets w as held on Fe brua ry 22. The team wa s com peting· again st Verm ont Aca.demy Junior Va rsity R ese rves . Th e dow n hill wa s run first . Their cou rse W2. S excellent and tough too even though Cardigan placed well. Then came th e sla lom. The cou rse w as ver y rutty because the J.V. team had gone over it fir st. Man y contestants . f ell and missed gate s. After the se two event s we were ve ry close but V .A. wa s ahead . Then a ll th e team s r eturned to the sc hool for lu nc;h. After lunch . we watched some jumping before the crbs s - county began. The crosscountry course was a mile long with many up and down grades. T h e first man was for A . but Cardigan boys fin:ished second and .fc;iurth. We lost th e m ee t by a close deci: : (Con tinued on page 4.)
Page 4
Richard Clancy
Clancy by William Dyer '58
Our Chef, Richard Clancy but known to everyone as Clancy, has been with the school ever since it began in 1945. Clancy did not start fresh here as a cook; he was also a chef in the service for some time before he came to Cardigan. He has had th r ee children since then. They are T h eresa, Michael and Richard. His wife also _ helps him in the kitchen. Clancy is not only known for his wonderfu l food. Before the school moved to it5 present location, it was down on Canaan Street in the Lodge . While he cooked t h ere he also did other j obs like he lping the sc hool o ut by painting its buildings. He also used to and still does, take boys with him fish ing and hunting. But the same story didn't come back of how t h e big one got away, T hey caught it\ When I first came to. Cardigan I was am2zed at the way Clancy put two fingers up. I soon learned that this mean t seconds on dessert. Cla ncy is a walkiu)\ newspaper, almanac and joke book; always ready to lend useful information and w itty remarks, Coming back to his job as chef, his food is really very good for a school of this size. People may not know it but it is a hard iob to feed about 300 mouths a day, Clancy shou ld r eceive a pat on the back for the job he does for this school.
Wednesday, March 12, 195S
Snowshoes on Cardigan
Camp Keewayden Talk
by Peter Albee '58 Wednesday, tl~e 19th of February, Mr. Wakely and P eter Albee made an attempt to climb Cardigan Mountain. They left right after classes. They brought their dinner with them. The y drove as far as the old gristmill in M-r. Wake ly's car . From there they walked on snowshoes to the parking lot. On the way they passed a house, and the snow was up to the roof . When they reached the parking lot an hour later they dug down about five or six feet to build their fire to cook their food . Peter carried the pack up, to the parking lot, and when he got there he¡ found out that he had been lugging the wood for the fire, too . After they ate they went on, towards the top of the mountain, following the wires. Some part of the way the wires were under the snow. They made it to The Hermitage, and then night set in and the y had to go back. One quar ter of the way back t o the parking lot they met Mr. Brayman and J ohn Franchot. They followed the well packed trail that Mr. Wakely and Peter had
by B lake Munroe '59
made, and still they ¡were exhausted . It was abo ut three miles from the car to The Hermitage.
Ski Season (Cont inued from page 3.) 51011.
Wednesday, February 26, the Cardigan ski team had a meet with Stevens Junio,r H ig h School of Claremont . The first event was down hill. T he course was especially fast. Steve Hanley beat ihe course record by two seconds in his run . We did very we ll and the race went off quickly. Then came the slalom. There was an exce ll ent course se t by Mr. B urbank. The team was in _good p r act ise with excellent performances by Tom Hamilton and Dave Freeman. We got a 100% score . The- cross-cou nty was next. The snow was very wet and there was a g r eat difference in the wax. Finally, the race got underway on our new course. T h e team did very well and we won. On the 5th of March, t he Cardigan ski team he ld its last home meet with Vermont Academy . The Cardigan team was in excellent shape and they won bot h downhi ll and slalom. The cross-country was a different story. The Vermont team was very strong and had a lot of drive. They won this event. The Cafdigan team won bu t by a close margin-29 1 - 285.
On Saturday night, Tanuar y 11, Mr. Chivers gave a talk and showed a short movie on Camp Keewayden. Mr. Chivers is a director of Camp Keewayden. The campis located in -the wilderness of Canada. Thenearest civilization is thirty-five miles away. The movie showed the location of the camp, the surrounding environment and the things. the boys learn there. The things the y lea1_.n are; handling of a. canoe, pitching of camp, cleaning up and. breaking up camp-. They often go on camp ing trip s from two da ys to two months. At the end of camp the boys have contests. These contests are swimmmg aud canoeing. Many boys will be going back next yea1~ and others won't, but I am sure that t he boys who have left will never forget CampKeewayden.
Hockey Season (Continu ed from page 3.) the ice plus the goalie. We made some good attempts to score and did. Dave Bergeson scored. The refe r ee then found out that the Proctor penalty time keeper had gotten orders m ixed up. He had left a Proctor boy in too long. After a confe r ence with the coach the referee decided that the point was no good. We were very disappointed. We did not score a~d at the end it was 0-0. Ou r last game was w ith V.ermont Academy. O ur ski team went over in t he morning because this was a big day for them. We went after classes again. The ice was very slushy. There was no dribbling that da y. You would have to lift it. We did just that. In t h e first period Vermont scored one goal. We did not make any. They had a very good goalie. He was the best we had seen t h is yea r. In the second we were scoreless again and they scored one. In the third period we m::ide som e _more fine attempts, but missed by inches. They got a goal on us again. The game ended 3 - 0. Our year ended with three losses and two t ies. The team , in m y op,inio,n did a fine Job on the w hole and I, as a senior. hope next year is m ore su ccessful.
SINCE 1886 Hanover, N . H.
Dan and Betty Fleetham Tel. LA 3-4401 Canaan, N . H.
W ednesday, March 12, 1958
New Ski Tow by Douglas Ca ssel '59
Ca rdiga n h as a clclecl a n ew s ki tow. Th e g if t was give n by M r. F ilios, fa th er of Freel F il ios, a n d is m os t a ppr ecia t ed by ever yon e T he n ew t ow is run by electri city. This te n-ho r se powe r m otor is m or e r elia ble tb a 1; th e old -gaso lin e tru ck we ha d las t yea r. The tru ck kep t brea ki ng clown . Som e of th e b oys had to br ing wa t er fro m th e kitch en fo r t he r a di a t or of t he tru ck. Th ey h a d t o bring gas a nd put a nti- freeze in. Now we o nl y nee d t o pus h a button a nd we a r e pr ett y cer ta in of having a w hole af t ern oon of unint e rrup t ed s kiing . Thi s yea r we have put lig ht s up o n th e ski slope for nig ht skiin g . The new t ow ma k es s kiin g m o r e fu n fo r a ll .
Snow Flake Hop by John Barnes '58
At four o'cloc k on Fe bru a r y 8th , girls fr o m Ca n aa n, En fi eld, L eban on, H a nover a nd Lym e cl esce ncl ecl o n Ca rdiga n fo r o ne of th e yea r' s bigges t da n ces. T his year it w as called the Snow-Fla k e H o p . In th e a ft ernoon t h er e was skiin g and s ka ting, then dinn er. A ft er d inn er a ll we nt t o th e a uditorium for a movi e a nd th e dan ce. All wore · sock s a n d s ki clcthes, pri zes we r e g iv en f or va ri ou s danc e co nt es t s. R efr es hm ents w er e se r ve d a t in te rm1ss10n a r o und nin e. a nd the da nce ended a t t e n. It was a prett y good da nce a nd a good t im e w a s had bv
Sn ow and Shop
by Peter Albee '58
by P alme r Ca ssel '58
On Saturday, Fe bru .1ry 14th, we ha d a big snows t orm . It s nowe d a ll clay and all ni g ht. a nd all the n ext cla y. Eve ry bo dy seemed s now bound. Of th e boys coming back fr om the wee k e nd s, only on e m a de it w h e n h e b y W illiam B arker '59 w as su p pose d to, on Sunday nig ht. Th e r es t The woocls hop a t sc hool is a place tha t could not get t o th e stati on , a nd eve n if do es no t ge t much use bu t is a ve ry inter - th ey ha d th e tr ain s we r e not. eve n running. es t ing place . It was a n old mill b efor e th e The boys cornin g u p o n th e B os t on a nrl sc hoo l boug ht it. Th e str ea m from th e la k e M a in e we r e a co u ple of hour s late, a nd th e run s und er it a nd cou ld be u se d t o turn a New Yor k tra in s we r e a bo ut thr ee hour s wa t er w hee l. la t e. T he sc ho ol co ul d not pick up o ne bov Th e s hop has a goo d asso rtm ent of ha nd w ho ca m e on th e New York tra in, so h e a nd powe r tools. T h e r e is a· t ab le saw, slept in a hote l in \.V hit e Ri ve r Jun ction pl a n er , ba nd saw a nd som e b.Jack smith t ools. Th e schoo l had two u nexpec t ed g ues t s, t oo . Mr. Nolclt has cha r ge o·f th e wo oclshop They we r e th e two m e n wo rkin g in th e a n d has pu t ·m a ny hou r s in to m a king it a n kit che n . T hey were loa n ed slee pi ng ba~ s e ffi cient a nd saf e place t o wor k . Th e s hop by th e boys a n d had a very com fo rt a ble is ope n t o eve r yone on un sc hedul ed a ft er - ni g h t's sleep in t he fac ult y room by th e n oon s. Ma ny boys have work ed in it m a k - fir e. ing a rt ici es s uch as books helves w hic h ar e u sefu l a t sc hool. Ot he r s have m ade gif t s t o be give n at Ch r istmas to pa r ent s a nd b y David Moore '59 fri e nd s. In a H ea dm as t er 's ;r:ee tin g o n J a nuar y 15. M r. B urb a nk t o ld us a b out Ca rdi ga n's sec· o ne! an n ua l fun d a nd th e g ifts do na t ed so in fa r. A s a com pa r iso n ; las t yea r we we r e CANAAN; N. H. a ble t o co llec t $18001• T hi s year we have The' Best in r eceived so fa r alm os t $3800 fro m A lumni, Food, Soft Drinks and Candy pa r e nt s a nd friend s. S om e of it s uses ma v be for n ew fo ot ba ll equipm e nt w hi c h m ay cos t u p, to $2000, a nd new _typewrite r s for the L a ngu age Trainin g D epartment. Th e Bob and Esther Caswell fo otball t eam wou ld li ke n ew g a m e uniform s Owner - Managers for n ex t year a nd m uch of its protective equ ipment n eeds r e placing. The sc ho ol also Enfield, N. H. U .S. Rt. 4A p lans t o buy some sailboa t s which may he Phone Lebanon 985 W-4 tot ally or par ti ally paid fo r ou t of thi s fun~ .
Second Annual Fund
A lo ng w ith nea r - r ecord t em per a tur es Ca rdig an has bee n buried under n ea rly five f ee t o f snow. T h e hoc k ey playe r s have b ee n badl y se t bac k by th e va riou s sn owfa ll s a nd fo r ced to ca ll a.ff seve ra l ga m es. Th e s ki er s a lso have ha d to sp end a lo t of th eir t im e pac kin g th e seve r al Ca rdiga n slopes . The s now has no t a ff ec t ed sch oo l busin ess t oo mu ch, la undry an d ma il ge ner ally co min g throu g h on schedule. ' A lth oug h the s now has r a pidly se ttl ed in t he las t few da ys , it s ti ll bea uti fys th e co untrysid e, a nd the s kiin g is go ing o n a t its r egula r pa ce. S in ce th e ice is not in ve r y good con di tio n, a few ·of the hoc k ey playe r s have dec id ed to m a k e u se of th e snow by skiing o n a da il y bas is . Fo r th ose w ho have r emain ed a t th e r in k th e snow has consider ab ly heighte n ed the so m ew ha t mi niat ur e boa rd s. A ll in a ll, there a r e few t ha t rese nt the bla nket of snow tha t is n ow cove r ing Ca rdiga n.
Eddie's General Store
Manuel- Robert- -Eddie
Lakeside Motel
McNeil's Drug Store
BA R B ERS for CARD IGAN MOUNTAIN SC H OOL Visit Our Shop in H anover, New Hampshire
THE REXALL STORE Lebanon, New Hampshire
'Page 6
Tape Recorder by David Moore '59
We.d nesday, March 12, 1958
Flu Hits by Steve Fairbanks
'58 A wave of sickness spread over Cardigan A few weeks ago_ Bud Krohnt wro te a 1 On Monday, February 10, Cardigan's new just before Thanksgiving vacation . It was radio sta tion WCMS made history by tape- · letter to the editor of hi s chss newspaper, ] diagnosed as the As ian F lu and man y boys My W ee kly . Reader. ln his letter Burl re cording the entire hockey game with Holmentioned, "New Beanstalks for Jack," V and masters were bedridden b.ecau se o·f it. derness. story in one of the re cen t iss ues), and toi<i The infirmary was full for more than a Mell Allen was not availab le but our own how even though American Scientists have week and many mild t> r cases were tr eated Steve Hanley did a great job. not been work ing as hard on Sputniks and as boys rem ained in their r ooms. That Saturday, we also taped the thi 1·d rocket s, they have been wo rkin g more for Most of the boys who were sick had n ot annual Cardigan Mountain School Snow- the good of the people. This in itseH seems had flu shots or else caught the disease F lake dance. There, Mr. Linna and other to be the reason for having science. within the two weeks period when the shots faculty members were interviewed conce rn The ed itor agreed with Bud's point and were still taking effect. ing the success of the dance . asked him to w rite him again sometime. We also got assort ed comments from the Here below is a part of that letter. boys a nd the girls that the y danced with . "Thank you for yo ur good letter. \1\1 e '60 The ge neral feeling that the dance was a are glad to have you r special comments on Mr. a nd Mrs. Pob lenz came to take pichappy affair shows . 'New Beanstalks for Jack.' We a r e glad to tures on Novembe1· 14, for the year book. know of your special interes t in this sci- They took single photos of all the st udents ence story. \ I\Te agree w ith you that it is and photos of the masters and thei1· wives. important that a country' s scienti sts work Pictures were also taken of Clancy, ·ML '58 to improve the li ves of the people." Hines an d other workers at th eir j ob. That afternoon they took group, pictures of all \11,T e have a new soft drink machine in the activitie s. Campus Improvement was school. It is gene r ally thought of as the taken down behind Clancy's house sitting Cott Machine. The boys who are in char ge '59 on a stone wa ll. The footba ll team was takof the machine are: Jack Benson, Secretary During Januar y and February we had en o n the new footba ll field. and Peter Davidson, Assistant Secretary. very littl e ice to skate on because of the Campcraft went out on th e ski slope. The profits go into the Cardigan Chest snow. The weight of the snow caused large There they set up a camp site with two which contributes to many worthy ch arit- . cracks and the ice surface became slu shy , tents, a fire with a large pot of cocoa hangable causes. The first few -weeks have gone makin g the snow difficult to. remove. Mr.) in g over it and the boys stationed at their by and we are often sold o ut of Cott bev- Nol dt and Mr. Jenn ess would be down on various jobs. er ages . The machine dispenses seve n dif- the ice all afternoon a nd often after supper. ferent flavors. Most popular is orange a nd Mr. Noldt was workin g like mad to get half-and-half is least popular. the ice ready for the snowflake weekend on February 6. He cleared the middle of tht Jeweler hockey rink but there was snow on the WATCHES - FINE JEWELRY sides. On Monday ' afternoon there was a Repair Work of All Kinds '60 hockey game so we had t o ge t the sn ow Lebanon New Hampshire off the sides . Mr. Noldt a nd Mr. Jenness On \I\Ted nesda y, December 8, at Headmaste r's meeting Mr . Burbank said that af- were down there right after lun ch and the ter the Christmas holiday we wo uld have to hockey team got dressed as fast as they wear a good dress shirt, tie and a sports could and also went down to shovel. Since coat or suit coat to dinner. then all we have to do is flood it after .each The student council an d facu lty decided day of h ockey practice . Thank s to Mr. Noldt on this because some boys wer e ju st wear- a nd Mrs. J en ness a nd a few of the boys, Established in 1860 ing an old woole n shi rt and a coat a nd it we have had skating for a few weeks. did not look good when we had guests . OthLebanon, N . H . Tel. 50 er schools use this form of dress and students go ing from Ca r digan should get into. Compliments of Northern New Hampshire's the habit of dressing well.
Year Book Pictures • by Mike Davenport
Refreshments Anyone? by Jack Benson
Winter Ice by Dick Weeks
New Dress by Bill Wurster
H. L. Webster & Sons New Kitchen Units by David Bergeson '59 Four of the faculty apartments had n ew kitchen units installed in the fall. The unit s were bought because the school thought it wou ld be nice if the fac ulty co uld cook meals when they wanted to. Another reason was that they could cook cookies and other things to have floor p,a rti es for the boys. The k itchen units contain a sin k, oven, refrigerator, cupboa rd and a thre-burner· stove. They have been installed for Mr. I and Mrs. Linn and Mr. Nea l in Brewster and for Mr. Noldt and Mr. Leavitt in Hinman .
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