The Underground (April 18, 1968)

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STAFF Editor - Thomas M. Hunt General Editor - Evans Arnold Faculty Advisor - Mr. W. D. Stires

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on the protection of religious freedom that the United States was no longer able to support it.

-------- ----------NOTIC:3 - Only six more weeks to the end of school.

ADV:RTIS:0i.ICHTS .Since this is the first issue, we would like you to iJUt in advertisements. Even if you want to sell a pencil, we will put it in.

CONT:CS_T Unscramble this word., 1:JDIBYET?ST:C Give answer to Evans Arnold. be in the next issue.

·winner will

-------HUHAN RIGHTS A major accomplishment of this yearts General Assembly of t he u. N. in the field of Human Rights was the unanimous adop tion of the Declara"i:,ion on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Homan. The United States considers this a satisfactory declaration, which should encourage freedom and opportunity for women in many parts of the world.

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11 Si-.iAFT 11 As time goes on., protests--like those over the Vietnam 1:Iar--will continue to mount. This Hill cause more and more misguided hot-headed youths to burn their draft cards. The results: Tons of draft card smoke or 11 smaft, 11 will then be belched into the nation's atmosphere. 11 SPRCG 11 The grmving use of Hair Spray Products will release tremendous amounts of atomized lacquers, plastics, etc. into our atmosphere. Hair sppay pollution, knmm as 11 Sprog, 11 will be further aggravated by Nasal spray mists, underarm spray deodorant clouds, and insecticide bomb fogs.

Who Is An Artist?


Anyt i me before April 26, the person who turns in the·wildest, but most artistic drawing, will have his name put in the paper and the drawing will be posted somewhere on cam pus.

Uni'ortunately, little other progress ttttttttt!Ttttl!ttttttttlllttllfttttlll was made in the hur,1an rights field, chiefly because of lengthy and re],:igious intolerance_. Al thou2;h a.11.ti-Semitism NOTIC:::::HJ was specifically condemned in cl.raft Article VI of this Convention as recommended by t he Human Rights Commission, the Social Help needed on The Underground. Committee decided against mentioning .. There are two openings for reporters. any specific example of religious inSee Tom Hunt. tolerance in the Convention. Of the entire text it voted approval of only'the preamble and Article I. The preamble, BEWAfilll! 1-1hich sets the framework for the drafting Saturday night the Cardigan Rumble and subsequent articles, was so changed Gang will be out before t· :e movies. Hatch by the Committee from its original emphasis where you are going! (continued next column)

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