Chronicle (August 17, 1956)

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17 , 1956


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- Ro~er t Lou i s S t e v e nsori

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by Hank ' Leuteman \fo ll, here •::G 8,re a t t ~·1e :x;1,rl;:ins space t two thir d s of t h e way up :i<t. Caro.i e,an. 7.~r . ~-o:r;::,an 0 i ves the l ast- mi w~ te instr uc t ions , a n d then v-re s t 2,rt u :J t h e Loun t 2,ii.'1 . I t was a l o:nl:; and easy cl:lnb ; when we s ot t o the to p , we could s e e for mil es aro1.,rncl . UlJ oi,_ t h e fi re to·,re r '1T q ·1 .~·,-, ac, on.,,, ·,,.-, ·'u·o ;..t.,·11 Y'Ostar e .._,.,J.. :...1. a1. ..;1e- S - ::..., -• Then we sta r t ed down for a cookout . \

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One Sunday , we wsnt to t h e Eol"'s e : :useum , ab01.1.t t h irt;y fliles outside of Canaan . The speci@en s i n the s t .owcases were co l l ec te c-:. 1J? Er . a n 6. i ir s . 1:or oe on t Ti )S t o Af rlc a , I nd.le, s.nd ;i-i_e.n:· othe r p l aces Th e trout ~Jona. ·oe>;l.nd t:-ie u use t .ri1 a l so attra c ted i•rn,n :· ~Je o~::, l e a n d helued ~e~e it s n i nt ere □ tin s t r ip . 1

t 11 t- e Hild. Anirrnl F2,rn , in Ve 1°;1: oat . It was a ve~~ int e r e □ tin ~ trip , and i t was wet too , There was a show wi t :1 1.:0~1.lrn y s , . do e:; s a~1c1 a ~;on:• . We a l o o smr peacoc h: s 2.nd t 2,me d eo r' whi c h t!e col1- lC. f3 s c. . Th e raJ.n wa s c;sttir:.G vrn:t"oe , so ,rn ~:ioa:!:."'de c. t h e bus and left f or h ome . ,., T '-,· 1··, i:> c:c·n .!.-L-.l.. ;.e,~.~,- , Or. ,.Le

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On t h e ne x t tri p , tte we nt to t,11.e \.r a.J:-1l"'l e11. St s/c e l?i si1. ~-i8/ccl1e rl~r' . When we ~o t t ho r e , th e dir e cto r to ol: us aroui"'l.d , s h owi j.12; us w:1ere the e , s 1.·re r ·c l12,tc~1e d. and 1Joii1tin0 ou t a ~~;U.:.-l!Jer of · wL 1.:.:., )Oo l s . One exhib it , in fo r ma l de hy d e , showe d t r out ~nd sal 2 on in v ~rious s t a~es by court e s y o f i :R I :t'IULLU:-2 SPACE

of ~r owt h . T~e trip vas i:nteresti n :_;'i

No t lonG aso , we went t o t he mi c a mines on Tu ~ ~ ounta i n . I t vrn.s 2, 1 0:1:, h a:ed. c l i mb t o t!:Je ~ i ne w~1er 2 t :1.e re Vkc S a s r'.1 2,ll 0 1:. :v e and rnuc h lo ose i] i cB,. T}1i s wa s Em "open pi t 1' n ine v,l1ich al l ovre c1 t/1e chilJ pinl off of mica fro m tha c li ff s . Then we sa1.-T a t h u n c7-er:1e a C::.. 2,;1d 1eft. "\"le went t o ~= t . Ke 2,r sc,: e one d.2,y . At t h e 1Ja.s o · 1•,r2 :.ot a cJ.r inl;: and then s t arted "\.,\ 9 . I n a hal f hour , we vr0r e . in t~-ie to re r t EJ,11: i n (:_ . to the :i'.' 2,nce :;." . It Ha s o.. s;_1 ort 1,_arc::. c 1 :LJ.b u p , but e,n e a s2· oi1e corn i n 2 c10M1 . 0

On Suj_1do..y , Aucys t ,1 0 th , the scho o l wi l l .::;o t o the P i i1~:~haD Notc1_ 1- ~\It ~ ,1c'.Gl1.L-ic~t oi-i 2,:;:•3 a . Los t rivo~ , the Profi l e , the Co s Rai l·wa~r Ba se S t at i on anc. Ca rn10n ~~t. a r e just a f 2w o f the stops .



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• • ,.~r . i .oi-' 0 a n :cei:'.1inds a l l 1J8,Tent s thcJ, t t he Sur-m e:r- Se sr-: lion closes on Tue sday rnornine, , Aucyst ~~1s t, and t~at parents s hou ld ar~an c e to pie}.~ 1.,1-p the ir boy s befo:i'.'e noon , · For t h ose p l ann i n c:; on t '..1e i r soi-is 1 fl7in ~ , res e rvations s ~ ould b e made we l l in advance . • ·• C A 1·l ? I N G



by Harve3r De l son ~e just ~ads paGe oTie with t h is !

Auc;ust 17,. 1956 Th8 first trip fo:;."' U1e 1.·dry '"..:)oys trips to 1 ,-:ikos a nd strci:ms,. One d:ty th ey of Card i 3an was Sunapee Stat e ?ar~ ~ we nt brook fishinG with quite some sueiJe U i.1.)_)8,C!.rnd OU::."' ('.~Ga:c at the C8X.~9CCGS . site and shortly smel led supper be In Str oe::t Lc,ke , t her e 2.rc bnss, perch, pic kcr o.l, k ibbios and horned pout. inc ~Jrepared . A short caE1~::-fi:re, Ono of the boys r ecently found <2 famstori es £:1.11.0. ::1a:;."'s:'ll:~a,llous :: ounc1ec1 0

ou.t -c11.e evej_1.i1~~~ - Ti18n 1•.,:-e s·tc,j_'":·Gacl fox., !Jec1 • .:~ft,22~ ~J1' t,l1e 110~~t.,

ily of hor m,cl pout. 'l'hero were o.bout ono thousand fi sh . AJ.l in all, t he Cnrdi&, crn boys do □ ornin~ , we took the ski to~ to t he qui t c a bit of fishing. ( EDIT OH ' S NOTE: S l.l:·., · i i t of' the L10untain Emd r~2.1:i the hills, s,11 the ,-.:2,y · to ~:t . .!2,s~::_j_110riut IlOW no.ny- fish?) ·t on • .!e l12..c1.. f:cied c:.1 ickGn fo:c din- -- . -·-------·--·-··- ··•··-- --------- - - - - -

ner and folloued t~is , aftoT ~~ ~our t:1 D, SFL1 2, t t '.1.e ! • :;:_,2,t8:i." , 1·;e C A R D I G A N clm-:i1.8C~. v2,,st cua;_1ti ti8n of s11.·:xt10,::. ino S H O O T E R S so,nC:i'ric~~os 2,:, set out for sc~1.ool .



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he hnv e o. rifle t cnm here c.t Ca rdigan . Ther e arc six boys on the teo.m. They nr e: .q_ :i."188.. -:.-:E\S Ol~i' sec. c.. 11.0_ Vl G8l':::G!.1(1. C8XC.~Jil1~; Don Hoy (ho shot a 39 a nd is a - . . t, . ---.8 ' SlJO t • 0\'Tl, r.:in.::; 8, G 118 eJ.. l"S B ,C.'.1 nshc,rpshoot or 11 ) , S.::tm Conwell (36 average ~1.ic.,:':ili c_,ht3<l t his ,3!;-e;_1d , a lo n3 .::me: Q 11 Sh.::rp shootcr 1' 3.lso), Kit Ric e ui t:;.-1 a eve;_1in:=_ full o r sur (nvorc.gc of 33-; o.nd 2- 11 }'iarksm;o_n lst 11 ) , pr i zes ·• It was an e::cl ti nc.s 'i:,rip, Seth 1· cs son (an nvor q:::,e of 32 2.n d a but finall:{ 1re he,c'l to :i.. eave Bel11 1 1·.:clr ksmcn 1st"), Bobby (.2vcr:~-i";e ln1s,p too. of 31 o.n d a 11 IJarksm.:m lst 11 ) , a nd Stunrt C~ ill cs:p i c (on o.v e r at;c of 31 ;:,ncJ. o. 11 1-Io.rksBear Brook State ~erk, in man l st 11 ) . The best shot of D.11 :i_s Don Alenstown, was the scene of ou r Roy; he shot bettor than o. 11 Sho.rpshootor'~ l as t c arnpin 0 trip. Althoue5h we These o..vcr 2gcs were made a t o. mntch found t ::1ey h2,d not p1"' ep2,rec:. f or u s , botwoo n Camp Cresc ent a nd Co.rdi gc1n. : It we 1;1ade the best of a i10l"'nally u n wets a v er y g ood match. Tho score wo..s u sed area and found that we could Carclir, nn ... 1203, Cre scent - 1113. And c;et alon::.., vel~y ':rell. \fa s pent Sun- therefore we uon by 90 points. de,'-' afternoon S' n:,:0 in t:1.eir 'l'ho school is hoping to join the po~l and found the tor cyi te Nntionc.l Hifle Association shortly so cold and refreshin~ . that th o boys will b e .::blo to earn bndcc s, mcclo.l s a n d c ertif ic ates .

Gilford ' s E0lLna~ 2ecroatioil~l J

SEffiiOi'J SU3JECTS TERU THS \!EEKS: "I wi ll lift up mine eyes unto the h ill s 11 ":r.:Ie;_1din2;; if a lls " " dhat 1s in a nar11e'i Ou1"' heritase." II

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by Stuo..rt E;ddy Last month, we ho.d 2. ·c ampfire which beg:::m with a c c stinr., c ontest . The 1d.nncr ·w2.s ffonk LEmtcrnan, vho won .J. Dc:ir edevil. Tho cook dnci ded to show th.'.lt there wer e in _the ;t ,,kc , 2n d did so n 1-,hilc ···. I CJ.go a 32 pounder . Th8 boys take:n severo.l fishin:::

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Pc.e;e three ·

August 17., 19.56

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Delson Darlington

by John Perrin The Cardigan softb.:;.11 to::un st.::.rtcd off tho season by losing its first f c1 mc to Cre sc ent by c. score of 3 to 2 . Thero wer e only three h it s in tho c ame, two by Gu.rc olon, one by Cresc ent. Tho second w2s a return mcnt with Cn::sccmt. This time the score wc.s differ ent. The ChS to2m won this· g.::mc by a score of 8-0. 'I'lw winnin[ pitcher wa s PozzFlli. The C.: i. rd ·;,gan t c:2m had t en hits with Harris h itting e special ly well. Gnme number throe w11 s plnycd a t Camp Hascoma. i;Jc won by a score of 10 to 9 . This gc1mo tho C.::i.rdig2m te nm a l mo st lost. In the 7th inninr; , tho H:cscomo t 8am wo.s behind by four runs. Thon t he t o::.m score d 3 runs to make it 10 to 8. In this inning the ir tying ru.n wa s on t hird base when c-. fly bo.11 was -hit to Fro.nk Sh.'.'. r pe: . This clout e nded th o_ game as Sharp e tho ball in his glove. Tho fou:bth gclmc 2.lso wns plnycd with Mascomc.1. o.t crs . The score WD. s 6-5 in :f2· · •,or of t he rfount a in i'lon . In th0 seventh inning , CHS wns behind by one run - but 2. singl e , hit by Ha rvey D0,lson, tied the score . Two more innin[. S to be plc.yod befor e we scored on 2 h it by Sherpa o..n d an error by the oppo tdnt pitchT. The fifth gc,mo was pl ayed with Camp Pinna cle-. l e were 2.e; victorious. h e won tho.t 9 to J. Tho fo;LJ.owint, is the CHS ba tting order,

,. e lw.vo two more s2.mes coming up, one with Suno.poc ( to whom we lost Ur-8 on a first ongagemcmt) c:.nd Camp Hemlocks. (EDITOR ' ,'3 NOTE : Tho bntting lineup o.bov c is for eshortened 2.nd incompl ete du o to r ec ont chanscs by the Coa ch.)

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With the thought in mind that some of the parents and boys might wish to contact members of the faculty during the colder months, we are including herewith their names and addresses. The listing a lso affords a met).1od. by which one may survey the variety which a summer s e ssion may offer. HISS DOROTHY EIJERSON Car di gan Hountain School, Canaan, N.H,


ARNOLD E. GRADE Andover Newton Theolog ical School Newton Centre 59, Hassachusetts


108 Forest St., Lowell, Massachusetts l'ilR • FllEI:ER.ICK C. HOUGHTON , Car di gan Mountain School, Canaan, N.H.


Perrin J. }fo.rris Pozzulli Sharpe S,: llivD.n

2nd s trinr.: : Conwell D. Eddy l"i . Jfarr-i s




Vermont Academy, Saxton I s R~yer, Vt·.

HH . JESSE J • EOffi AN, J R. The Pingry School, Elizabeth, N, J, fill .



Floyd Street, Everett 49, Mass,

Page four


August 17th, 1956

----~-.~ ·------------------------Each boy has something which he may c10.d to the life of a school community such as ours. As we go dm-m the list, we find that some sort of a vivid picture comes into our mj_nds - some contri.bution Oil'.' quality which we · shall attempt to set down hore - not in cJny sense an award, but perhaps an editorial cqmrnendation or remembrance and so that everyone may say, w:ith pride and honesty, "I APPEARED_ IN PRINT". TREY AIB'1STRONG is a. quiet but avid record fan, as his next-door neighbor can attest; JEFF' BRAY is a {?;reat collecter, everything from cere al boxes to le-ad; MIKE BERRY, the gourmet of the group, is our greatest eater; MIKE CAFFREY holds the record as the first student to come to handcraft and ask for a garrison belt kit; BOBBY COCI.-IRMIE holds the record for twilight :root beer consumption; HIY,E CONAN holds the summer downhill record for the "professional slope'' at Sunapee State fork; SAM CONl-v'ELL, as a rifleman, holds the distinction of possessing r1 11 Manuel orig j_nal 11 ; CHARLIE DARLII~TOH has been a willing clrnf on all trips; HARVEY DELSON probably holds the record for the longest composition. of the s1.,1 : mE:r - about a dozen pages, hand printed; DANA EDDY has the quality to hold many fri onds; STUART EDT.lY has undoubtedly the most original (and fati[-;ued) headc ear; JTI-iMY EISENBERG has perhaps learned to eat more different foods this summer and still smile; Tersh Everest has evoked the most conm1ent for a nickname ( 11 Tertius 11 meaning "the thkd"); Don Fischer, with us for but a month, gets a vote for being fully 11 in the swim" within ll c cuple of days; Ricky Fisher has become a budding badminton player, out every fre e moment; Bill Garcelon, always dapper, wins a vote for faithful female correspondence, and one which he must share, wo· s1Jpp ose, with BILLY PEZZHLLI; STUAB.T GILLESPIE receives admiration for his boat and appreciation for playine; the organ at Vespers; FRED HAMILTON seems to have shared in practically every activity,-- as has BANK LCUTEMAI\T; Marc Hc1.rris is lmmm for his infectious laugh, as ;Ls KIT RICE; and also JERE SUI.LIVAN; JEFF HARRIS will be remembered for his many helps, as wiJ.1 DONALD ROY and fisherman Seth 1rvesson; CARTER IIBEZER pos-;sibly holds the record for mail, 1 tho JOEN TREADWAY made out well on his recent bj,_rthday; PETE MENDLESON wins in the infectious smiles dept., sharing honors with FF.ANK }HLLEH; JOHN PERh IN takes honors for misaddressing envelopes; JOHN ROSS runs away with honors for his imitations ("It's o.K? o. K, 11 ) FRANK SHARPE speaks for himself, from a brief ren dins of the softball article_; MIDY VALLON wins honors as battery yaughtsman and "shrillest voice in the corridor". 1

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