Campus ·edition C:AHDIGAN MOlJNTAIN SCHOOL, C.anaan, No H. November 20 1956 C. M, S. VERSUS V. A. Cardigan Mountain . school had a football game against Vermont Academy la.st Wednesday. )) The players were =-{ /\/j L( D A taken over my Mr. Leavitt 1 s beachwagon, ed, and all the rigmole '. Mr. Kennard's car and that goes on. Yours . school beachwagon. truly was dressed in a • Mrs. Jenness with pair of Bermudas, plaid l David, J/TI's. Wakely knee s o cks, white bucks,; with Charles and Mrs. a white shirt, and that · Black supplied the irresistible white tie~ cheering section. So Bob, Dana, and I . , The game started out started off the dance l~ very well. Cardigan a snowball. The music I almost gained a touchstopped and we p_;ot a i · down in the first new partne r .. v; e had , quarter.· In the seeveryth i ng from a wait,• cond quarter Vermont t,l a fag, thanks to i Academy scored one Mr o Barne s, polkas, touchdown. They everyt h ing you can stopped Cardigan sevthink of. eral times from getWell after the dance ting a touchdown, you never heard so Chuck Davison was many bull stories in taken out in the first y our life, It seemed quarter because of an that every boy had a injured back. special girl, or so The C.M.S. players they th1nk, VJell the ! put up a good fight. stcry last e d for a few Iv. A. players were a days, the n the b 1.lll was i little taller and not slurig cJ. ny more• But I tougher than C .M.S. I I think e v e rybody had The final score~ a barrel of fun. v. A. 19, C.M.s. o. Paul Buckley Paul Snyder MRS. WAKELY FIRST VACATION Mrs·. Wakely is a gradJj The Thanksgiving . uate f rom Brid g ewater S tate Tea chers College, I recess begins at 12 and Columbia University. noon Wednesday Nov~ 21 and ·ends 9:30 P.M. Mrs ., VJa ke ly says she likes it at Cardigan Monday Nov. 26. I hope you have a nice v ery well > She lives ti~ e and come back nn t he f ir st floor of siir.man ' ~:i 11 .. ready to work. John Chris:ty Bob Leightoif
HAVE FLlN AT " B£ / Well you see old Car1 digan thought us young 7 unsought to indulge in the art of having a ! dance. So the student 1 council said that a committee should be made to run the dance. Well, 3ob Page, Dana Eddy, and yours truly were chesen and Mrs. Black as faculty re- _ presentative. You would think that running a dance • is a , simple thing, wellllit isn 1 ti First you gbt to get out the 'invitationsi decorations, refreshments, records, cleanup and help to serve the refreshme nts. Well we couilid n o t have got anywhere without IV'irs. Black,- She was like a _g oddess who hears all, sees ail, and knows allo So we (I) thought up a de ~ orat}on, (not) con ·· ceited no, well M"'.'s. Black was the re to~) cf having a string nf Bermudas hung a c ro~ s the st 0g e s ay ing Bermucia Hop. · 1 Weli, the night c ~ the Big da nce c e ~e . T I have nev e r seen ol Cird{~in boys s0 ~pruced up - hair ~ombed, Ahoes pcliRh-
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. Ji'o1'.' tbe best in Modeis NOR'YHEA 3T HOBBY DISTRI"3UTS RS Paul E" o Sn der
No~~n0er· 20 5 1956
Page Three
. A LES~i)E ----- --- --- ,.· - ~VLii:ffiR OP '.::OlTI'E~'l' CHESS "Do tmtc:i--others as ·- A'f -8·c:rr-;.,cr -:.,::--,:;~~:it A FA<:!u C_J 'f. iffr.''r'tTG GAME ., __,___ -- __.._ you w.o uld have them Carri:, ? ·).n Cr:1:ontc~_e I On3 of the oos~ redo unto you" is a v.-oulrl. lik to ~.!::.r,o:x.:1ce ce n t of t:1.e clubs at very mild subject tr:..e rr:i:,::-P.: ·. -::' the C') il• · . Car~iga~ is the cheffi for an edi.t6ria_l . . l test who W-"1.s ,/ irn· c ,.:; ~-1 J " ·():r .. 'r u.e 8 os:;:_, the Howeve:r a'fter being .Bo7R h'd ., ~; 11,:~:.i wa::; reorga nizedhere laiit. y_ear and I :'r:'el thE.t he had a and ~2s Tic0 ~fficem. considering 't he ·ve-:::-y good ori. gL1a l 1 Chnc:l-Fr·22ctiuan was ' place an up·s-_p$akable edi ~orie 1 i:vhic. 1:: was elec t'ed PY-es:i.c.ent, · riarriEfd th:i'.'r'ig; ,this year worth lett::.. n\; h:;_m be and Jor:~:i ~ ·1r.lcd:3e i is even worse. No one gc;es ·c editor i'or tnls Vice -pl'e sident and has ·the slighte'st editior. Sec.retary·-t::.,easurer. res pe~t for . somenne T½e r unners up were Tour~&ment s are being elses feelirig~. After Jeff Dorr$n~e. Dick plan ~e~ with a silver b~ing t~:i:mented ~11 Ram se~,· anJ 1F i'l :_e·;-. t cvp of ~ome sort for my _life for som~ of Cobb wh o I also fel t tbe ~~ampion chess my.,. _m_in9r fault~ I did a ·very · g o,:;J job · pJ 9 ·ye~""' feel . pretty lmmune. Bob LalBh ton 22ve r2.l new members However if r · were in have joined , and so~e other people's ELECTROFICS CLUB th6se wb o do not know shoes that. I . }mow of · The e· l ectronics c lub hc,w · to play are being I would be a raving has ·heid 5 meetings so shown . : Minor tourna maniac by now. I f a r this vear., Clu'Q ments will be held in don't wi~h t6 mention offib~rs ·~~~ Scott ' . f~eir case. If any names but I know s·ome Smi th.:.:chairman, ' Dana : one :.Li.pan reading this kids hav e taken a lot Eddy-secreta·ry, _ Tqm artic le wishes to · of 11 flack 11 this year. Dunn-treasurer, At , join the chess c~ub, Be s ides ~-q e i n·g·· ·tea s e d our last meeting we nlease contact John t~ey h a ve bee0-vicdiscusied the prin, ~utl~dge or Chuck tims of quite .a few , cipl es and operat ion Freedman$ Games wil l nialicio,us -.thingEJ • . i of the vacuum tube.. : be played during Now I am ngt _going to Fridfty there was a . ! c onference period s?,y stop·tt -or . else, . I: t ~st on what we covered. with•special perjust stop -it for the ,· ; J ohn Be ll's father ; mlssion obtained from sa:k.e of your own th inks he·,wi ll be able ! your •dorm master or pr.ide · and s _e +f".".reto ge t some heavy an; during free period s·p,e c.t •.. tenna wfre for us to : sund,a y ~ Mee tings will -~ .· : · .'. ,Jeff Dorrance use vlfith the -transI-be held at the stan: _( ,,,. ' mitter we hav·e now.~ i dand club time. (7:GO :. : . . WATERFRONT ! This should i mprove and ! 7:30). ·.·- 1W a ter fr-oh t is . a streng then our signal. John Rutledge pppular·: .a ctivity en-. •, The .treasury now conjoyed by ten boys. · sists of t2 .oo and "THE INDIANS LOST 11 Right ,now we are ~2.75 mar~ coming to be . Most Cardigan boys burning .brush and used to buy materials ; are partial to Dartclearing the woods f or the club. : mouth College. Last by the wa ter front. W.OaMoS, will go on 1 Saturday we buckled_ S ome times we go the air with a regular · on our overcoats (very out in canoes around schedule ri ~ht after : necessary) and venthe lake$ Thanks g iving vacatrion. ; tured into the unThe ictivity is fun Also some of the boys i known. As we chugged even if you must work who hav e osc illators 1a nd wheezed through 3 01r.e t i me S , up here migh t like to Dick Ramsey ; form a r ad io net to be : Mascoma Valley we sang various rugged on the air for maybe I chants, many of whi ch 15 minutes eve ry day. · (cont,onpage5col.I ) Scott Smith -
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1895 he attended Colorado E<J., He h&8 also been at Boston University, and the North East Conservatory. He received _h is ma +- el., \ ~ de Q' r e e [l ·1, ' ·Ha~;"';P.r:1~ i n 't;"f: field ·· o i' ,~ "-l -y ~h r. ~ o g y - I Thi;;:~ ~Li g ~~a test fe at w2s 'te~ching geometry at the Pe r~ kins Ins'ti tute. for the ~lind in Watertown. His experience with boys incl~d~ being; juvenile parole offi• cer at Cambridge. Then he retired for thr\:e years. · During the summers he worked_ at a . C~mn in Maine. One . of the ; campers t~ere ~is now Head of the camp.He . · ind Mr. Harnisr: (a : ( lawyer of' Weston,Mass established, or helprd, · to establish, the b-0y~ club of 1'ial thatn, Mass., sponsered by Wal th_a m Watch of that _town. . He novr teaches _ li bera 1 arts at Cardi.., gan Mountain S~hool , arid helps out in th~ lib:--.ary. _ . . . L~ke all the teachers her~ h ~ ~ays he thinks t :1 a-:-,.; _([ Ca rdi e;1;J. n is ,a • ····cho •· , f 1-nes _ 'o l 1t-a . J~ff Dorrahce C,
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Page five ---=~=-=--=--~-:-::::-,~--·-·-··- · - ........ ....... ----· •·-•· --- - - ---, - - - - - - - -,- -----·--'I_q___ 1-:· :L (). (, ~,~} .L-~~:'~~1 -~:~::. ~>"~-,)l!B. I r"r-,--:,-., 9.'.:?.t~_ _;rr_ ~£2i~~I 0~ Ned G·· ade 1'0..,.,m ·,,1y - -.,,~ . ·,~::'..; . · j, .-L. ·· · -=i '·. {-""•" f"' ,.,,T I ...:~ e,n ~nspPC.:,. of Cardigan Moun·t ain . 00 e,,o,, t :s :, m t1d 1:1c..-r e A. t :'.. e11. i& run ,jj_fferentSchool came back reseho 8 J r 1c,,. .-_, ·::--:::c1:'3 i' ,:. It :;_y th:ls year than cently to see the ! 1s ~vC~ r~~~ ~ l~e fo~ l F· Et 7e e ro Last ye~ school, tell his own ; th2 . 3+;1..1. j2~1~s to l e. a,:,n OT'.f'-• bo:T each week adventures and show to ··iv:..' ::.-~::: f or· a :,oa:;::ie.e , wr: \,.l d c: he3k rooms on slides, He also saw ~-It i 3 a l3 0 .1·1 m r,o see hi .c: own flo0r and the woodcraft depart- t it dsvelo~ ! rom a ll mur k d0wn on paper ment through its ' dii'f2:-. c n t s.::.' tic:;,es whf.t was wrong with labors· for a da'y • His i pil s d on t h e ed .'. 't-or I s it ~ A-'c lunch each slides were very in! desk i n t~ 2 printed day a boy from each teresting and showed i sheet which you can f i oc~ ~ould get up good views of the : be proud o:' . It reano. 3a y what was Presidential range. : quir e s a little 0f wr ong with his floor. Mr " Grade is as of · your t i rr,e b·l1t i t w:i.l 1 r;.r.J. s year each now attending a , not take ,ro t: l. c,.1§; ::it:• ;'/ : s room is checkTheological school so , becaus e you are writei t y the floor reas to become a minising on an article of p~esentatives c Their ter. Though he has ~ 0 ssy rooms are put I your ch oic e. The worked here as a I more different kinds down on a list whifu teacher only half a of articles you ~et, has things on it I year all of the old the more well liked that should be checkboys wish he had j your school paper ed Each check means stayed. Asked about will be... that the certain the school he was John Bell thing is okaya At the attending he said it end of the day all felt rather different : REPEAT OF SCHOOL SONG the checks are count11 to be on the other : Here are the wor•ds ed up. In some dorms side of the desk"• ' to our school song. if a boy gets 10 Jeff Dorrance They a ppeared in the checks the lady of last issue of the the floor bakes him (cont. fr P.I) Cardigan Chronicle but a cake. were unorthodox and , the mineographing was Paul Snydernone of which were aso faint that we are CARDIGAN SCHOLARS bout Dartmouth, I am repeating them. I would like-re annot an expert on foot- ; 1 nounce the bo~s who ball and the most I · For here s to dear old made the high honor saw was a spectacular faithful Cardigan roll and the honor quarterback sneak whic~ And to the friends who roll for the first made a goal. We were ,: help e d to lea.d us on term in November 1956. very merry talking 'We give our thanks and John Christy and about the score and praise to everyone William Talbert who never dreamed that we i For all the '; Ood ti - -ies are both day students would forget it. and the fun,fun,fun from Canaan, New Jeff Dorrance In the years to come Hampshire made the we'll tell our suns high honor roll which For the best in turkeys About the many things means that all their that we have done Go to Spar H ill marks were above ·BO%. So here's to dear old Turkey Farm J'im-'o Bovaird, faithful Cardigan Wilmington, Delaware Wolfeboro, N. H. and Cardigan1 Three Charles Schutt-owner Charles P. Schutt of cheers to youL Greenville, Delaware CAFFREY PLUMBING made the honor roll 3½ West Street LET I S LEARN IT t which consists of Brockton, Mass. all marks above 75%. Bob Leighton NED CO~'IJ.t'-LJ?AC).~ ..
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