Chronicle (May 10, 1957)

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tgra<;te ha~ a ~~l1a le ; of J J ' ' !:l time 11 in dUJ;'• j the weekend of May . .,._:_____ ;_____....:.~_::..,__:__::_ · J , 3 to 5 o We were· lucky . FIRE DRILL Jeff Dorrance '57 ~o_·Bu:rbank gave us_ Ic,iG C11s~::::el ~59 This year the Senjg)3rmission' ,to g·o c.n c. :Ap:C' :..J. '22 ,- CMS has iors decided to get · . _ jthat l'vt."' 0 ·Clancy p::ic:par- ;;us ·~ had :,a fil e drill 'i.~-he pr1overbial alumni . . j=d such exc·el~ent f _ood .- du:;-:,ing c~a~s 2s0 ball rolling by electWe went to Maine to • Mr., Nold1: h ad the i ng c'.:..a ss officers. -11.earn· about fish<;;rman whoie id ea planne d ., He The new Class officers nd how they lived. We .· made the _c harts of the are: President, Bill ere studjing this in different f16ors and Pezzulli, and Secretar~ ocial Studies. The Aurooms . and the . exits Ronnie Mainelli. The .i ~ ~hor of ·the book wrote which the boys too~.President will function 'the book about BoothAll in all it went. ; as head of the classj ~ay Harbor; :Maine. We pretty well. The time un~il the end tf the ~aw ·some of the views it took to get the year. The Secretary ;of .M aine that were in boys out was two and will be our link with l?·u r book. . .· . . ,o ne half mi-mites• each other in years to (. Some of_ the . things· The rules are: ,(1) c~me • . All '57 class NVe did were; visit There is no talking Al1-1mni news will go . · !Boothbay Harbor, ;v isit (2)The last one Hut through him. These twd !four of the historic should turn the Li~hts · officers have elected ' · jf?rt~ of Maine,· see .. . _cu-c and c.lose all wina third officer, Jeff , . !fishing boats made, · dows and doors- (3) Dorrance, who will editi .· dig clams, fish · (with They ~~ould g,J to the four pages in an9t .mu c h luck), look their muster areas (4) other Chronicle issue. jfor lobsters (they .· ·. No unneces~ary stops. We all hope that . . !were good), vi-sit a . SWIMMING TRIP _ these worthy men will . Irish hatchery., and :. . John Ross ,59 do well in their pre,see a · typical fishing April ~;O - Some of status. · )~illag e. · the boys here at ·~ We staJed at· the Se- _school had. the priviALUMNI WEEKEND . as co Es ta t e s ( the . lege c-f swimming in Andrew Vall.on ., 60 ·_· .uushmant s. cottage)• . the Dartmouth pool _A lumni weekend starts/ • :::;om.e of the kids slept· today. In order to gq . May 11 and ends oh the ) put and some indoors, , they had to have a 12th. All ff!A"mer stu-- · , e had playing flash •·citizenship mark of dents, faculty · member~ i · ight tag at night and A or B. wivf.;s and children are : unt old buoys during All the boys who invit e d. · day. It. was a ni.ce went on the t:iP, said Scheduled events anr.ff . ~rip and the 4th an~ . - they en1oyed it very plenty of informal ac- • : r-1th grade learn~d_a lot~ much. We stayed for ativities make up a proi1 We are now writing · bout an hour and a gram designe d to help . hank ytou notes to half .. The water was a :.umni renew freind1 , 11 the people who just right. Mr. W/;\:_keships and e·ee the I . ~de tl;e trip _possible,. 1;J.y, 1V1r. Jenness_........,......,...,_ and (Con' t p.a, Col.3) I. J.nd doing pr:_,9Jects • IMr. Bla~~-filli.... I




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May 10, 1957 CARDIGAN CHRO~ICLE :'age 2. - !; hroni0le Staff my thoughts• In es senCIIBONIC~ C!IANGES HANIBi · Edi tor-•in ••Chief tials, unity; in non~ Paul Snyder 1 57 John Bell essentials, lib e I'ty; in April 29 ... Today a nev ,_ Assistant Editor all things, charity. Cardigan Chronicle Peter Albee We must be united in staff was · picked for News Editor the essentials of leall'l- ·next ycaro Mn jenness Jack Benson ing, good conduct and · will be the new facnlFeatur~s Editors hon~sty. Each boy must ty advisor in place o~ George Goldsworthy se.t himself a high stan- M ss Emerson. She and f Wilbur DyeF' dard ih these important Mr. Jenness got togethSports. Edi tor essentials; and Cardigan er and picked the Charles Schutt demands that he do so. staff . They are as ·Art Editor A student must always follows: ~ohn Bell, Steve Fairbanks try for improvement in ditor-in-Chief; Pete Business Manap:cr order to be worth the lbe~ Assistant Edita' / Charles Kaplan time of good teachers. vilbur Dyer and George irculation Manager In the field of nonoldsworthy, Co.feature Willett Cobb essentj_als we can get Editors; Steve FairFaculty Assistin~ important training in banks, Art Editor; · &Mrs~Raymond Jenne~~ the use of liberty. Chip Schutt, Sports DITORIAL ·Each boy thinking of Editor; 6harles Kapla~t In student council othe rs and co-operatBusiness· Manager and · eeting on April 2~ it ing as a member of the Will~t C~bb; Circulawas voted unanimously group can make many tion Manager that bermuda shorts be rules that limit libeP Th~ new staff plans allowed. In · case you ty entir e ly unne cessaw. to put out two more don't know the rule,it Charity r or c oncerri Campus Editions. The is: You can wear them for others, . is the basis old staff will put out any time when you wake of our standards -of the printed Edition ir,: up .until five minutes good manners and courJune which will go out before supper. · tesy. N6w is the time to ~veryone. I Bermuda 'shorts are to set high goa]s for Most of the old mem,•quickly becoming the ourselves so that life bers are ninth grader& style, because of tog e ther will · be pleas- There are three old ! their comfort and anterand we will have members that will be \-'Y · coolness.However, .' valuapt~ habits to he]p on the new staff next they should always be us when we become adults. year . They are Chip orn in a neat clean RWB Schutt, Charles Kaplan BUZZ SESSIONS n.nd Willet Cobb . · JB Stephen Fairbanks '58 (con • t from col 2) ADMASTER 1 S l\IBETim;GS A buzz. session is an the groups of . eight Since vacation I havelideal ~nd unique way~ divided in half and talked to thc1 whole · slimming Cardigan's one half put down idea school a number of t:imes -popula tion down into for improving regular I bout very important smaller numbers,. Boys anners while theothe r thing~ I have been ask- divide up into groups listed table manners . ji ed to say here again, of eight with a spe ciThe objective of this briefly. The id~as be- fied adult leader ·who was to make a list of came clear in my mind hel~s them with •their manners and try to a -! daily problems and. hile working in the bide by them. I thin~ oods around the Head- difficulties. At the Buzz sessions are a l ast 'headmaster t s , aster's house during very good idea~ i vacation aDd then I e e treng we went with i ead three lines by ur leaders to diff.erSpring is wonderful,l he 17th Century Bis~ nt parts of the audiyesterday I saw a far-I hop, John Comeniws, orium where we dismer and a golfer be- i that seemed excellent ussed manne~s. then their plowing t o-I pegs on which to hang con't Col 3J . r.






May 10, 1957 CA'.iDIGA:N CHRONICLE ---~- ·---··~- -·--· ·----- - - - ·-·--·---·•-- ------ - --- ·-- ·- -- - -..--- . -.. .,. .

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JHRONICLE ~HATT3R e ar Ca~ds: We .ta ke 1· f· ·., . 1..--:i en in ~-:.ands to · b1•ing \ ••./ \._., .! ! ) l .) I , t 0 ll, ~ ou this first edition . 1 f CHRONICLE CHATTER. by Bill Dyer ~58 by George Goldsworttil,y 1 cflections at the The subj e ct of this '58 pring Dance-Paul prof:l.J.e is Ronnie This profiJe is d edil cated to Bill Pezzulli uckley' s love life is Ma ine ., Secretary President of the ninth etting along faiJ:ily of the Senior Class" grade~ President of ell ••• Chuck Davi son Ronni e! s home town s all finished and is Johnstown, Rhode St\ ident Council and reg Moss is all Dunn. Isl and. He came to Clark-Morgan supervi•• To· ·scott Smith:·-we· • Ca rdi gan last y e ar as ~or . ill gladly supply a . an eighth grader and Bill's home town is eox of Smith Brothe rs played hockey both , Whitefield, New Hamp1!1e dic a teds-Why ;'.!)U.9'h ? 1 this year and l as t and sh ire o The re he attend• .~lash 'L La t e st mem:Jcr· s I thia ye a r he was the c d the local grammar of the Pola r Be nr Club 1 t eam capt ai n ,. He is m achool through the six gradeo He then came to ainelli and. Le ;gbt~nJ the Stude nt Council ere s een swimming in , and Qlso the schoolts Car·digan ,l\h ere he is oldty Babe Creek~~o job for eman~ The job finishing his ninth Ne dedj_ca te to Fifi t for e man assigns e v ery grade., As for sports, Bill reedman, the Paul Bm-1 boy in school to a jcb ya_n of Hinman, this old Ronni e like s boa ting, has done quite well. His· first year in the saying"Axe me no i a nd working with ras e venth grade he made uestions etc •••• our di0s a nd e ngine s as a eagle eyes spotted hobby• The subj e cts he · s~6ond string football this add in the Canaan I likes best are English (which by the way is his . favorite sport) eport e r; Wanted; One and History. air of well-oiled Wh en Ronnie graduand was a letter man .. oller ska tcs for use I ates from Cardigan he ~n b a sebal]. His se· etween 2 and 4 P~M• · will enter Ta b or Acad- cond ye a r he receive d very day. (sighe d) cmy •in Marion, Mass. Baseb a ll, Football and Hockey l e tters . This , rank Bliss·;, .a• "B9b i We a t Car digan wish (@ e t a liorse) Holl was i him good luck. · year he again recei v c d 1 as Captain, a football [ ? cently se ~ri7 cleaning {Contt from Pg. I)' letter for fall $pDrts . .. is root? .. NoVI we know , school and it's new 1 8 In the winter h e made rhy he _ always 1n. te ; •campus. He re is what nd the ski t e am and is .o class •• ~.W~ wo er ~ is planned; Free mornow trying for his ·f the se midnight . · ning to browse and 1 Bas e ba ll award. trolls ~;f Buckl~y an~ : v.isit, tours of the When Bill graduates ees are on the level· i new campus,, cook out from Cardiga n he hopes .hey.always weem to be : at the water front, to a ttend st. ~ohnsbur ead ~ng toward .Room :3 , bas e ball game. Ac a demy and then to . n :Hinman. 7ush cakes ; Sunday: Trip to Holy Cross~ We at Caranyone? Thats all for ! Wa lter Ga rdner Memd igan wish him l~ck. ow folks• . j orial Tr a ct, cook out Signed_ and fr e e time. · Pee Wee Whipple I I ho. pe everybody has NORCRESS&LEIGHTON, INC• Tuffy Phelps ' a nice time the 11th Insure Your t T-Bone Tomorrows Today ~ ;r-;~ ;! ;\ ;: ;r ;<1< :r1~ 1~,'f an d 12th.





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There is one thing t THE REX CORP. {! e said about ignr:ranc PLANTATION STEEL COM, t sure causes a lot · Wire & Plastics I.2 Stuckly st. · ·0 f · t t· a Acton, .Mass. Providence, R.I. 6 eQ~~ • e r s ing rg~: .•_...,.,..f_.__P:.._:,_~_: E __ ~B;!_,l_'----•_,.,___H_u_g_o_R_ ., _M_a_i_n_e_1_1_1_ __.

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May 10, 1957


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BALL . TEAM WINS FIRST I BELL ELECTED CP.RDL}l.N WINS SEC:OND ill Pe z zulli ·. ' 57 ( Fra :11,~ Blf'3 58 C:'t=. ·o.c g e · 1.nurne '08 ---pril 27 - Cardigan I s ; c a rdi ga n has a base- Ma y 1 ·- We plP.yed cur irst g·ame · took. place j ball tea m that is 'do:ing second game of the sea today a~ the Canaan !·; pretty good this ye a t 0 son today. At the ce~ ~ field. The Cardigan We have elected a boy aan ball field -. Our baseball team had to jthat we think can ban- opponen~s were th~ New play their best bedle himself v e ry well I Hampton Junior Varsity Jcause they were playas a ca ptain. He is ' They were a lot big ling the Holderness John Bell, our pitcher. ger• than us but I thi:1 ·,team and they · were not We we~e get~ing our that we out-played th~ easy to beat .. · We had a unif ot'ms when !'/Ir,, Jen- by a mile• -~tough time beating n es s th ou s ht of a c3.pIt was a pretty bad them but we did. The ltain ~ The . nominations day for playing becausr score was 8 - 6. for cap~ a in we re John uf the dust that was . That day the weather Bell. Jim Ertmb leton, flying from the ball · as very good. The sun and ~aul Buckley. But field • . The wind also lwa.s out and it ·was John Bell won the einterfered with the 1 good all around. lection and is our course of the ball • .·_1 We have some good t · Jimmy Hambleton was cap,ain. jplayers this year, BASEBALL SCHEDULE our pitcher. He really like Mike Caffrey who Harold Teeter 159 did a gFeat job. Only plays at second base, The baseball sched- !three of the balls and J6hp Bell, our ule for this season· is they hit went out of pitcher. Jack Woods pretty good. The coach j the infield. The other plays shortstop and Mr. Jenness, has seven !were grounders and pop Frank Bliss is Catchen games lined up. He is ups. : The boys all playe_d I trying to get more. j Mike Caffrey, our·short . lwell and ~he game went I Here they are with I •top,,, made.. ~e of :a~ong until it wa~ . the scores of those al- the oest plays of.the !tied i:1 the last inn• 1 ready played: April 27, I game• He was playing ling. Finally Jack Woods ! Holderness home (CMS second base and a pre jcame up with the ba~es 8 _ 6 ); May New Hamp- high ball was hit over jloaded and two out in · ton home (CMS 7-6)• his reach. He ran afte !the last of the veighth. May' 11, Stevens (Cla:e,,i- it and jumped high in 1He hit a 3 and a pitch mont) home• May 15 the air. He caught the 'back ~hro1;gh the ~ox. Holde;ness, 'away; M~y ball, right in the top ito drive in the winning 18 , Carter Community of his glove. ,run and one more• _Center, home; May 22, , The. team looke~ very CANAAN BASEBALL FIELD ' Stevens (Claremont) good, but, the wind an reg Moss t 57 away; May 29, New dust ?ut down on ~he - The 6ardigan Mounta:in Hampton, away. catching and batting. ~chool bas~ball team, Con't from Col I. The score was 7 to tu.oder the direction of !therefore it is very 6 • our favor. IMr: Jenness, has b~en dusty. '11he outfield : · h.ising the Canaan field. has grass on it but it For the Best in Turkey · ~hey have been using it is tomrh and hard to Go to SPAR HILL or both practice and run on° The field has TURIIBY FARM . ome ga1;1es ~ The field two go;d dugouts and a Wilmington, Delaware tctself is in fairly water fouhta:i,.n. The Charles Schutt-owner good condition but boys get down on the ~ lacks grass in the in- field in the ~chnol ield; (con' t next Co]) truck ·- - - - - - - · -








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M&y 10 " 1957

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CABINS . ~v1r~ ~,:rr:,: 0 ry Duffany '58 Jim- o Bovaird 1 58. •·,~ : ··" ~ ecently there have Pi-:..R.1. I n four overnight Our• Spring vacation s t. E:,. r ted on the 15th of trips to Dartmouth April., I was excused from f chool the 13th beOuting Club cabins, and cause we couldn! t get :reservations for t ·his repbr.t will tell a . week after the 15 of Api il for Mexico. We I1 here each trip . went took our car a~ far as New Yor~ wher~ we got j :nd what it was· like. a plane to Mexicoo We landed in entirely Trip one went to the different countryo Warm breeze~ and palm mart 1 s Mountain cabin t:eees were all around us, it was about 80 $ on April 6 .. 7 with Mr . We took a cab to our hotel (Continental i rayman . The hiking Hilton) 0 The taxi fare from airport to hotel. f time on the trail was (6 miles) was a bout 48¢'. · That was when we f three hours, and the first noticed how cheap things were in this trail was excellently new o oun tryo markeds muddy at the For the first couple of days we toured bottom a nd snow at the Mexico 0 I guess we were lucky for we knew tap e The cabin sleeps t welve Mexicans, ten of the m lived in Me~ico !four or five with a City and they reall~ showed us the city. We · · 1ki tchen stove and visit e d the thieves market and the poor cooking utensils, people ~s market~ Boy, you could really get I · Trip two went with good buys there, Mexico City is really beauMr. Leavitt to t:he tiful citye They are improving it every day. Fred Harris cabin on I We s aw about ten new buildings going up in April 6-7. This cabin the whole city ., Looking away from Mexico !is large and has lofts CityF we could see the second and third highland a separate kitchen. i est mountains in North America . The party hiked the But let's get back to MeKQCO City. Where trail for forty minutes it is located now uaed to be a largi lake , and all fourteen want They have f ·illed it in and built buildings to do it again. upon it 0 Some of the buildings are sinking Trip three, with Mr . into the mud of the lake a The re is a cathe Leavitt went to Ha p py dral which has sunk four feet. There is also Hill cabin. It can a · building that is rising fnr there are many sleep eight and has buildings sinking a nd in turn they make other six bunks. The trail buildings rise . Most of the transportation took forty-five minin the city is by bus and car . Cars are very utes to walk; was easy e xpensive for the tax from coming from our going with lots of t country to Mexico . A Ford would cost about pla ces to e x ploreo It J$ 5,000 .. Me xico City has many parks and ma+;ry as a wonderful trip ! statues The y also have .many beautiful foun~~~t t~~ •.pl~ce was w eiil ~=~-°- --~ To ~e .. continu:~J _ _ _ ________ _.. I MR~ BRAYT'11.AN' S CABIN Trip four we nt to Moss and Pete Albee • Cloudland ca.b in. This )Pete A"11Jee '::58 • · We left right after !is a very ni c e, two i Mr • Brayman ( one of dinner on Saturday, · tory,: c a bin with bunk , the mast e rs at school) and came back Sunday , e ds and room for nine lowns a little cabin on We all had a great · ~ eople . The par t y went !the top of Round Moun- time at Mr • Brayma,n' s ron April 6-7 with Mr$ !tain, a c ouple of miles cabin . So far there lack in cba rg~ • The jfrom Plymouth, N • H. has been six trips to iking time- was thirty \ One da y Mr . Brayman his cabin and he ex• ·1 inutes. aske d fnr boys tog~ pects to have about 1 Mr . Black and Mr . with him, to his cabin , three more . ~e avitt a re planning They were Bob Page, · o take .'m any more trips ., Mi~e ·Caffr y·Y, G:regg .

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May JO, .1957 ___ ------- - ·------~---

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Je il 3 0n 58 Senior Weekend is one } The U,1 :i:, d :~ g ,:i.;-1 Wr ec k-· . The Honor Roll and f the_ most looked for-I ing c1' ew ::i i: r~;.0k a g a:.n High Honor Roll a-t , • · ard to weekends o~ alll .seve~"'':9-l i d.'.ly3 n. e; o o \~I :tth Car-dig~.n are go~ls on r · he weeken? starts May 1· a wild yell f'r ,Jm Bill ly ach_ieved by .Long ~ 8th and will end on Garcelon, flown :came fue hours of work and ho 19th. · -· · last wa ll of the old studying. In order to The dance will be ice house behind Stev.. make the honor ro1·1 - , eld in our auditorium lens Ho'use 9 On .the· crew you .must- have a 75 he auditorium is fair•i were Bill Garcelon, average or · abov'e In y large. . 'i Bob Le-i gh ton 3 Paul ·.order to make:. tho: The people - on·_-the . ' Snyder a nd Ronnie high honor ro.11 you . ommittee nre: Paul .. ! Ma inelli " The mo.'ster have an avcrag·e : uckley, John Bell, l supervising the de conof 80 or b0tter. Here Ut Rice, Greg Moss, 1st1'.'uction ·was Mr-> are the boys who made ike. Caffrey a.nd Jc,re · 1Houghton .-: . j t~e nonor noll .and Sullivan.'rhe general reaction high honor roll~ - · , In my opinion the \to the job was, quote Honor Roll: Bruce cnior Weekend will be one boy, "It sure was j' Brons·on, ' Peter David• he best time of all ; lfun bringing it _down, son, Stephen Fairbank Charles Kaplan, Tim M ~and we owe Mr. Jenness •but when it was time ja lot of thanks. lto cleEtn it up, well, I, Milham, Charles Pe ·1 so so"o Myself, I Schutt, HaroJd. Teeter SCHEDULE FO}l think the bciys .did a and Eric Turner, . High SENIOR WEEKEND very good· · job in both Honor Roll: J'ohn Bell Saturday, May 18 instances and the John Christy, Jeff } Girls arrive,2:10 iwhole place looks Dorrance and Bill l 2:30 Baseball game ·:quite a bit different. Talbert. 1 CMS vs. Carter. . fllH:e

Ca 1.LI 8 .Y , 58

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j 7:30-11

Semi-f'ormal Dance II unday, May 19 B:15 ·- 9:0~ Breakfast . · ~ I 9:00 Mass "_I 9: 45 ·Climb Cardigan . _ 12 noon Cook out at , base of Cardigan . , . . 2:00 return to school . 3 :OO close of we~kend t


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. CAFFREY PLUMBING" , 3½ Wari St:. •. Brockton, Mass•·

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Fer the best · •· in Models Northeast ·!· Hobby Distributors 1 Paul E. ·snyder

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