l~-3.l' Q .t;i 3: ti ~,(F
Vol. VIII-:No.l
Campus Edition CARDIGAN iJfO'fill'rAIN SCHOOL" September 30• 1957 -·-- ---·--- -··--·-····
"" I _I0 _C/ !j" f\j t·
1,-- 1 ;.._
It ·-
1'1EW F,\CULT_!
/Bill Dye"r
\. This year at Cal."digan !there ar,e three new !masters and the ix• wives. iThey are Mr. &. Mrs.
Schutt and Mr" Brayman. Mr., Brayman ltkes his room at Clark-Morgan very much and says he ~ouldn 1 t give it up foranything. Last year Mr. Brayman lived down at the infirmary and he
iLlnn.t Jr" : Mr. & Mrs
o Harrington ~re from Dover~ N. H. !They have one child, a ~oy, and his name is
~his year will teach l9A Social Studj_es, 9B ~ath and 7A Social
Studies. Mr. & Mrs,, Thompson
! .
as meetings t~d un·paeking oco u~< e d most of the time., The s'tudent :1 i·eturned Su.nd~J i-d t ) l 'i 4 new
t'Vas a.way from school
Mr .. Harrin~ton
~re originally from Claremont, N. H.. Mro 1hompson also graduted lfrom the University of' · !New Hampshire. They bave two children, both ~irls, named Cindy and Karen.., Mr. Thompson ~his year is teaching ~A French, 7A Math, 7B ~ciencs and 8A Matho ! Mr. & Mrs o Linn are \both originally . from (ittsburgh, Penn. They ~oth received their {Bachelor de ·:rees·, at ~alem College and Mro i.nri received his Masn ers from the . Uni.verity of Pitts~urgh~ · · tr~ L~nn tee ches all o1' he 5bh and 6th grides nd Mrso Linn is a anguage train.i-nf{:'·tea.-: : pher;
Only three people
~~o & Mrs., Donald T. ~hompson, Jr& and w~. ~nd Mrse Theodore Fo
Steph en F lir•banks ' 58 The S-tu,.lant Council r•eturned S1 turday, September ~ l~ a day earlier thl n the student body.. The time for the stv1l ,nt Coun= cil passed (.__\1 1c!:::ly
liW-t~ in Clark-Morgan: Ste 'll e Hanly, Chip
Robert J. Harrington,
ReTu.R1"J.~ Jeff siaws by'5?f
Canaan, N.H ..
boys and 26 cld , neso 1 rhe students we)."'(;. greeted by the Stu' ent
life.., Now he is right in the center of things,., As for Chip and Steve, Council. They help~ tl·iey 2ro 0:1 tbe top them unload their ba ._c; 1 floor in room thirtyand get them set in 1 two .. One of the few their roomsa troubles they have is All in all we had a that there is no hot pretty successful day water on the third and the council had a. flcor so they must go big hand·· in getting to the kitchen to get the boys ·settled coinit. I· fortablW as a new year Even though there is I bege.n,. no hot water~ it looks i as though everyone 1 enjoys bis room at you your - lips \I IfWould. Clar•k-Morga.n., keep from .slt, s Of these fin~ things TENNIS COURTS beware Ben Stev~ns"c;°r1 ·-,gg Of whom you speak Cardigan Mountain To whom you speak School has been offer~ ! And how i, and ·when, edJ' (by a man unlst Jwn I· and where to the student bocly), money for · two new covrts .. It is not ADVERTISE .IN THE known where they are CHRONICLE to be yet 11 • but vse :. ·
hope they can be put U,P by spring 01~ summer ..;
I '
Se@ Jaek Woods for details
Cf.RDIGAiT crrnorHC LE )
FHOM THE 'i{~fiD~J/\S 1r1m ts DESK
,,__Editor -in-chief
·- Peter'1r'.(bee
S.E,orts Edi tor
Char'.1.ea Schutt Art Editor Steve Fairbanks
~}l~~is Mal}~&€:,~ ac Woods Clrculat ion Ma ag~r
padd~iecl our canoe down a
wind off and let us warm up. As we got closer to the lake the trees were not so close together and the sharp breeze reminded us to ~top and put on a n extra wool shirt before the full wind hit us on the open lake. As good woodsmen always 10g we LISTENED, not consc lously ,. but ou:b of long ha.bit ,, A heavy splasht spla s ht told us the re was a moose around the little point not 20 feet .
Feature Editor
----wlTietc ob
summer we
long., w1nd:i.ng 1 narr•ow stream. The banks wer·e covered with many t1.. e es that kept t he cold
As s 1 s t ar: t; Editor
Bi!! Dyer
September 30~ 195?
.from where ourJ canoe drifted.., Using a silent Indian stroke, we e;:tided around the )'"'o:i.rd; to surp2~ise not one but two of these huge WtH,dsi
F'ac ~~-~ldvisors Mr ~&~~s., aymonctJenness
Had we not had the ha\'lit of always
the mo,)se might ha 'e ,nelted into the forest, tli thout ouz• ever knowing they ~1&d
EJllTORIAL ~-----.e___,,. I am ~coking forward
;' .•
one of the best years:
t Cerd1gan~ School 11::1.s a lot of things to 8ffer if you are will-
~r~ activlties from
artmouth such as foot-,
.erts and clubs to join~!· ardtgan is noted for itu choice of ~ctivi-
1es o
Use your fr .e e
ime wisely and it will dd t o y our en j oyment
f life here~ It all an add up t o a happy nd proi:Jperous year" J'.B
In the north
country the camp spots are uauslly at the end of a por·t.age baca use if :you camp there,,
~hlch to choo~~~such- • f9S Foot.ball., · a,,er1rvn ... ; ( !f'orestry., campcraf't arid l !school :l.rnr•1 ovement.. ~here ar~ hi~es and .ook-~uts~ events at all games and con• ..
we ar:e fussy vrhE·re ~.-a campc,
one lo8ding E,.hd unloading of the canoe is sR 1red . Us1.F-.i lly we do net use these camps,, Portagea arf.:!f most often,. around falls and
ing to learn and give
~ nythlng a try, ..
been cloS€o BecautHi we learn so much f1'.'om LISTENING
These make so much noise that it
ls bard t.o LEVi'Ji:'N 8nd hes.:r- 2.nythlng but the
roar of the water. Dm." ing the week I have ta llred to :rou about tl:;Jng ..i verv .i.•'i'!0orl:;ant t:o you and yo 111-. futureo Ybl h v~ be~n very well behave~o ffow har•d di(~ ycu LIS'I'ErT'? •i w um.ch did you HEAR?
Thes1r. qu.esti-ons and thei.1.,, answer's If you are n. 6 ood. LIS'rKNER
are important..,
1ou will. lee~n much--•fast and pleasantly~ But it; is no~.. ear:iy ,, You mu~ t; .Ke1;:1p yo'U.l'" ear>s iand ,d.nd open, and. yot,r brain f!"om wande~•lng
up some std,~ alley o
Some boys never LISTE!1 t;o announcements ir1 the dining 1:~oom and walk a:r•ound afteJ'.'ward wol'.)dtJring whers the rest or the gang is goingl win one ear and out the othe:r- 0 is e. waste f ul process .. Som~ people make poor LISTENING becaus e t hey want to talk all of' the time themsel-ves .. The harder you LISTEN , in class and out, the f'ast.er you will 1ear•n and the more time you wi l l have for pro j e cts of your own choic~&
Page Three
l-h .r
September 30, 1957
-e l e t ·t ~a r
• •
Bill McLean '""T59 Cardigan Sehool got j- · 14': two new boa ts this { 1 cl summer before summer . ••• .. •••••o•j(>••••••«• :a1 Folks\ Welcome back school started. There :you oldabers and welare about six aluminum :come to the new ones canoes down at the waterfront, one sail :'t oo • ., •.•,,, ,.e 11 ,, J oh n Bell '.showed up this year boat and two row boats. ' W itb a F or d o • • • ~as t Cardi~an has had th~ 0 .Friday snow flurries boats all summer. :were joyously noted at j They also have :football practise. Guess 1 three or four wooden '. the squad expected snow; canoes. The new can·treads to be issued.o. 1 oes &re very lieht and · It would appear that stnnd up well. The ' Steve Fairbanks is orrow boats are also _ganizing a Polar Bear light and take some :Club - with one member. practise in handling. :Reports from Dixie say "Cuz" Hanley really tore up the roads this : summer o . . . . Must have ,taken lessons from '.aimblebee~•••So long :for now, we're late · for our a ppointment to Ripping a hole 'run around the lake ·with Mr. Wakelyo Signed Pee Wee Whipple Tuffy Phelps T
Harry Whitt~lsey '58 The moans and g~oans you hear on campus are .from Cardigans husky fottball players rhen they return from prac-
Even though the boys :
and Mr. Neal. f~o Thompson is really working us out, but, after all, we have to get into condition. The coadh says that we are going to use a split T.formation which sounds good. I am looking forward to a good season this yearo
Jthe f~eulty which is ;intended to aid Chronlicle readers in their ,choices of reading material from the Cardigan library. HA VE YOU READ
-~About VoJ canos ar, -
:Ear'tfiq ua'ttes-
__ __:.:_:enc·e
J. Resel"V,.. _
a1"e moaning they s.rd : ~&ginning to look like : a good team. i The coaches are Mr.., · Thompson (who is new · , this year), Mr. Jenness!
!HAVE YOU READ is a new 1eolumnp contributed by
Daniel Boones 'Landmark !feep Treasure Land of the free series 2000 Leagues Under the Sea Vern '!"fie Last of the Mohi!,cans Coooer
. ·
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