Chronicle (October 10, 1957)

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Campus Edition

CARDIGAN 'JomrTAIN <:;CH00L, October 10~ 1957

Canaan, N. H.

FIR.Sr MOUN Tl~LN __ l~!\t QL3S EJ3Y ~ P. David ?foore




On October 2~ Cardigan observed its first annual Mountain da.y.

We awoke to find a




There has been a new club. started in school

this week. It is & rifle club affj :· ia ted with N.R.Ao and i.l.nder N.RoA. :t'ules. This club will help boys learn more ~bout handling and using a ~un the bottom with Mro correatly, teach boys Leavitt to cook llhnchq how to be a ~ood shot At first we moved up and also how imnortant through a forest of safety is when handling fallen leaves. There a gur1. wr, s color everywhere Mr« Linn who is the red, gold, and orange. head ~nd the main adThe trail run up over visor of the rifle club little 1"idges, and hopes to get in compedown through level tition with other spots .. Then, as we schools next spring~ got hi~her. the colors The officers of the decreased and v;e were club are: Pres. Jeff in a fo~est of spruce Slawsby, Vice-Pres. and hemlock,, Jim Casselman, Treas. Soom the trees disap--1 Bob Bolton~ Seco John eared coru::•le tely, and Masci tis. e reached the roe~ _ _S_o_o_n.;_a_f~-te_r_,_w_e_s_tart slabs which cover Car~d down, and it was igans top~ The tower only a matter of minas about a thousand utes before we were at eet ahead, and the the bottom. ind •,;•as blowing furiThere we enjoyed a •Jslyl'> VJe could hardwonde:r•ful meal of' hamy keep fI'om being burgs and salad and lown of'f after a few games the The vie• from the bus drove us back to ummit was a panorama the campus. f lakes and mountains we want to thank Mr. tretchine as fa~ as Leavitt and everyone ke WJ.nnepesaukee fer · who made the trip o the east poss:1"bl e .. cool, er is p, windy day. ftier being driven to the base of Mto Cordigan by ous, we started upe Mrs. Jenness and Yrs. Black stayed at




Dave Bergeson 1 59 Mr. and Mrs .. Thompson are here at Cardigan because they wanted to be back in N. R. He left Syracuse, N. Y. after 71 years of teaching there. Mro and Mrs. Thompson consider themselves very fortunate to have a position at Cardigan .. Mro Thompson went to College at University of N. H. and he received his B. A~ degree in Language there. From college he went to Tutorial School outside of Concord, N. H. where he tauRht for one year. From there he went to Pebble Hill Day School in Syracuse, N.Y. He taught French, Math, Physics and coached varsity football, basketball~ and J.Vo base ball. Mro Thompson '!:ent to Pebble Hill De.

School in the fall of 1950 and left in the Spring of 1957. He likes coaching football at Cardigan very much. He says that lf you give _the tes.m a little time and experience they will I1 be a winning ball teamj (con 1 t P., 2 Co 1. 2 ) I


Gctob.r l}, _95~


'Page t v,o

~l, r en iol e C:h at te ~ back again

H1 Gang, with tales of all your friends ••• "Wet Legsn Benson has been responsible for higher water rates in the area ••• ~Butterfingera' hitehead has found a way to make himself known. Corporal ord recently made a ather novel appointnt. The appointee as Sargent Bliss ••• Monsier Woods has decided to switch to Fan1sh ••• Barnes ind t1nally met its qual on Mountain Day. nd. Finally. a peeial message to lift •••• Drop over ti ,'"!e.



3ohn Belf



ou may have met Jack Benson. He 1s ambitious boy who wears a flat-top and glasses. Jack is. mana~er of the football team where he has done a ~reat job getting th~ team ready to play. (You also may hnve seen him as water-boy at the



You can find him any night in the library. cheeking books in and out. and generally keeping the peace. He is student Librarian. Among other things he is an editor tor ti.. Ohronicle which inc~llldea 0019recting, eddli'tl (»llto, and edit1q storie 3 ant items like th1a. His hobbies include radio and electronics models and records. He shows a desire to work on jet engines and someday he wants to be an engineer. David Moore 159

A:,: '-' t t~· ~ : ·;·l,£8~.Urr. 1tJr

- ·-pef'er ~1rn>ee News Editor John Benson Feature Editor

(Con•t from P. 1)

The 'rhompson



have two very nice daughters. Their Dyer twlmes are Karen and Sports Edi tor Cynthia. Karen is 3½ Charles Schutt years and Cynthia is Art Editor l½ old. Steve FalrSanks Mr. and Mrs. ThompBusiness Mana~er son both are natives Jack Woods of Claremont, Na H. Circulation Manager They both are very WI11et Cobb glad to be here at Faculty Adviso~s 1 m sux-e Cardigan. I MroEl:rsoRaymond Jenness that everyone at Car• digan is very glad to have them with us this year.



Steve Hanley was born on October 12. 1940, in Oreenridge, Conn. but now livea in Camden~ South Carolina. Be has been Co-Captain of the football team for three years 1n succession. He also plays hockey and b~seball and does som skiing. He is school leader which means that be 1s responsible for all the Student Govern• ment on the campus • Steve admits that he likes the campus. how 1 t is run and what 7ou can do on 1t. but he insists that there are not enough dances at school and that we should import some southern ~irls. Steve ls member of Student Council and I think that he makes a great school leader. Normand Scheuder 159 EDITORIAL

Charlies a senior all alone. He didn't want to buy a year book because he thought they were silly. All his friends around him are looking back on what has happened dur~ the year. Some of them even have their names and pictures in it. He heard Joe remark that his article had gotten 1n the year book. Maybe he was wrong. Don• .t you make Charlies mistake. tet•s everyone put all we have into our first ' year book and make it the beet one and most memorable one we can. JB

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By Charles Schutt '58 The only adventure I can think of was last Spring Vacation when my sister went back to school o Our nurse and I took my sister to the station. It was a bright and sunny day and we were all in a solemn mood. We both hated to go back to school. It was fifteen minutes till tiie when my sister asked me. 11 Have you -:ny ticket,1 11 1 :.: ·•! plied. "No, don't you have it?" Then everything became frantic. I remembered it took ten minutes to go from the station to ot,r house. 1Ne had thirteen minutes to go till the train pulled in. I said "Lets try to get the ticketii,, •re hopped in the station wagon and took off. I asked my chauffeur, "How fast can you get throughttown?" He replied, "As fast as the red lights can change". We hit about eighty in some places going through town and went through four red lightso Upon arrival at the house we had five minutes to go. Rushing frantically into the house I began the search for the ticket. There was no ticket in rny sister's room . I finally found it on my mother's desk. We had four i inutes to ~o. I hopped 'in the car and we tore off for the station. As we ~ot in town I spotted a police car. He was going in the s •:. me direction as we were and stopped at every red light. Two minutes to ~o. We were ~etting no where fast. so I told the policeman our troubles and asked him for a police escort. He said "o.K.n and started off. Boy, that was the slowest police car I ever saw\ No siren at allt I was frustrated, two blocks from the station with thirty seconds to ~o, I got ouii and ren. As I ran up the steps I saw my sister waiting. no train in si8ht. My sister said look at the train schedules. The board said forty-five minutes late\ I sat down and laughed. e used to wash his bands for him. But now that be is not ..._...._.~, so small. 1 He scrubs his own. n, . . t; lut\:•1 \ unhelped. while we :'" -...:... ,i. c,.., ... r,_,,,◄ ,;1 I Just w sh the sink, the Su._,, r,Jc.! Y- . soap. the wallo AU..:. -t.:• >"" -rl~ l' For the Best in

---- ---





Go to Spar Hill


Wilmington. Delaware harles Schutt - owner

Po I :~M--11 ··

sign on an Electricians truck VOLTS WAGON A


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· Page • Four



Steve Fairbanks 1 58 The first sight upon entering the auditorium on September 31. was a man with containers from pickle jars to locked steel boxes. Mr. Gilbert E., Merril from. the Museum of Science in Boston was there to show us the animals he had. We were shown rattlesnakes, gila monsters, porcupines, snapping turtles, black snakes and salamanders. They also had a big owl named Spooky, who~ when asked to fly to his perch suddenly decided to take a detour around the auditorium. Mr. Merril 1 s show was very entertaining and everybody seemed to like it very mucho

Oc~ober 10, 1957


Chip Schutt 1 58 On October 9, 1957 Cardigan went over to Lebanon to play 6arter Community Building in Football., The game started out · pretty good but Lebanon got a touchdown during the second .-,uar• ter. Then we drove them back and got a saftey. At the half Le~anon led 6 to 2. After a pep tala from the coach. we went to work. In the fourth quarter Robert Bolton went around right end for a touch down. We lead 8 to 6. Then with about l minute and 45 seconds to go Schutt made a bouch down over the left FIVE CE?~TS OFF!. guard. Then Williams Buz DOl! and get Seely made the extra brand new, U.S. Geologpointo There was not ic Survey, Topographic much ti~e left as we maps of N~ E. United . kicked off. Carter States for only 25¢. tr:ted to pass on the Buying in ruantty enIi first down and Seely ables me to make this r,ot an interception money saving offer. and ran for 20 yards. For further i·'1formabefore being tackledo t1on see David Moore p ~ were in striking d Stevens HouHe, but distance again when hurry because this the game endedp Cardioffer expires Tuesday, gan won 15 to 6. October 15• 1957. (There are three of these Topographic maps Nothing attracts framed nenr the library The mustard From door.) The wieners As quickly as slacks Stephen Fairbanks Just back from Worm Dealer The cleaners Weld:, Ma.ine


Jeff Slawsby 159 Cardigan's first football game with Claremont Junior High turned out victorious for Cardigan with a -6 0 wine Jack Woods~ Chip Schutt and Steve Hanley were the stars of the game. Jack ~oods scored Cardigan's touchdown in the second quarter with a run around left end. Everybody played a very good game with no expeption. The other team also played a very good game although the coach says that in all other games he always wants us ahead by two touchdownse The cheer ~ ader "Tiney" Turner should also be given a band for cheering Cardigan on to their first victory of the seasono ··----·------1

There 1s one thing To be said for Ignorance It sure causes a Lot of arguments

The Rex Corporation - Wire and Plastics Ac ton, Masso · Pres. G. E. Bell

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