Chronicle (January 20, 1958)

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• Vol.VIII-No.6

Campus Edition

CARDTGJ\N ~mtWTAIN SCHOOL, January 20, 1958

Canaan, N. H.


David Moore 9 59 In a Headmaster's meeting on January 15, Mr. Burbank told us about Cardigan's second annual fund and the gifts donated so fdr. s a comparison; last year we were 80le to collect $1800. This ' year we have received 1 so far almost !t:3600 .. from alumni, parents and friends. Some of its uses may be for new footbPll equipment which may cost us up to 92000, and new typewriters for the Lane,ll""· , age Training De partment.!



Jack Bensen 1 58. As you all know, we have a new machine in school. It is gener• ally thought of as the Cott Machine. The boys · who a1•e in charge of the machine are Jack Benson, Secretary and Peter Davidson, Assistant Secretary. The profits go into the Cardigan Chest which contributes to many worthy causeso The first week has gone by and we arB almost sold out of Cott beverages ~ We started -CCH.flfil(' ELECTED .• - ··--, out with 30 cases and now only have three Dave Bergeson 9 59 leftQ Bottles will be January 12, Mro redeemed for two cents Jenness called a meetevery Wednesday aftering with the hockey noon and on some Satteam so we could elect urdays. The machine a captain. Those who dispenses seven difwere nominated were Bert Comins, John Bell, I ferent flavors. Most Dill Seely, Chip Schutt,! popular is orange and half-and~half is least and Peter Albee. popular. Everyone voted and Remember our slogan Bert Comins was elect"Go man go, go ~et a ed Captain of the Cott; all you need is hockey team for this a dime for the slot." year. Bert has been skating since he was eight wing for his school years old. he is now fourteen. Last year team in Winchester, was Be t•s first year Mass. This year Bert playing on any hockey is also playing left team. He played left ing on the first line .

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Douglas Cassel ,59 Cardigan has added a new ski tow. The gift was given by Mro _ Filios, father of Fred Filios, and is most appreciated by everyone. The new tow is run by electricity. This ten horse power motor is more reliable .than the old ~asol!ne truck we had last yearo The truck kept breaking down. Some of the boys had to bring water from the kitchen for the radiator of th truck. They had to bring gas a'n~ put anti freeze in. Now we onl need to push a button and we are pretty cer~ tain of having a whole afternoon of uninter= upted ski1ngo This year we are golng to put lights up , on the ski slope,. Then the boys who want to go ni~ht skiing on I Saturday may e.nd use the tow. We hope to have them up soon. The ! new tow makes skiing I more fun for allo J Everyone on the hoc-=--~ key team can be sure · of having good leadership this year from

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January 20. 1958

------------~ ·---------··-----·- --.----------------. EDITORIAL CHRONICLE S'I'AFF The old cry of "Sir, EDT OR-IN - CHIEF Ch:,, ·an i a1 e how can I raise my John Bell ASSISTANT EDITOR Peter Albee NEWS EDITOR Jack Benson FEATURE EDITOR

Bill Dyer S POR'T'S EDITOR Charles Schutt ART EDITOR Steve Fairbanlcs BUSINESS ~ANftGER





i'-'ll'&Mrs.Raymond Jenness

HONOR ROLL !High Honors i



John Christy Fredrick Filios Kennedy Rupert,III

jHonors I John Bell Roger Cheney Peter Davidson Reginald Lackey Richard Meyne~l Charles Schutt,Jr .


List !1Privilege William Barker !

Albert Comins

; ii

Michael Davenport Charles .h:verest David Freeman Stephen Hanley Peter Jagoda John Mascitis David Moore Yasuteru Ohta John Randall Ro~er Rice Normand Schreuder


l l l

mark", is beginning to get around again. This is good, for mar~ will mean a lot from the gr~de - you are now in until you get into college . Marks mean a lot but the effort you put into your work is as important as the grade itself. A person that puts everything he can into his class participation, homework, and tests is going to be the one who ill benefit in the long run. Let's put everyt~ing we have into the last half of the school year and close it up with a bang . JB

CAMP KEEWAYDEN TALK Blake Munroe 1 59 On Saturday night, January 11, Mr. Chivers gave a talk and showed a short movie on Camp KEEwayden. Mr . Chivers is a director os Camp Keewayden . The camp is located in the wilderness of Cana6a . The nearest civilization is 35 miles away. The movie showed the location of the camp, the surround• ing environment and the things the boys learned . The things they learned were; handling of a canoe, pitching of camp, cleaning up and br eaking up camp. They often go on camp• ing trips from two

Chette.r l Your roving threejsome is back with more inews of all your bud• 1dies and tneir oft b~at doings •••• You may have noticed that Mro Leavitt le ft his snow machine running so we iall got snowed under. '. steve Hanley was the 1 rirst to notice and he !unselfishly shared his I isecret with us.o.Mean! while. John Bell is !still puzzling with th, ' problem of where the '. dramatic club will : meet • •• Bob Bolton is : the "best man on" the 1 ice" in hockey ••• Meli vin" Moore has earned I the title "Best man on I the slopes" • • oBefore 1we close we must re l mind you of that wise ! advice from the wellj infor~ed old advicei givers " Go man go ... 1 a11 you need is a dimel for the slot " Pee Wee Tuffy, I T-Borie I

days to two months. 1 At the end of camp I the 0oys have contest•1 These contests are swimming and canoeing. Many boys will be coming back next year and others won't, but I am sure that the boys who have left will never forget Camp Keewayden.


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THE HOCKEY TEAM Bill Wurster '6J The Cardigan Mt. School hockey team has played one practise ~ame so far and they looked good. It as played last S~turday down on the new ink, which is full size with the new oards. One P,ift that was eally needed was the big hose that they use to flood it with. It enables quick, even flooding of the hockey iceo · The players are: Bill Seely and Sandy


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Peter Burton Moor (~ lives in Little Boars Head in Hampton. New Hampshire. Peter is

1ke Davenport •50 This year is the irst year that Cardi• an has had a ski team. o Leavitt 1s ooachng it and so far Oren nderson, Bill Barker, .'illett Cobb, Steve

anley, Mike Davenport nd Harry Whittelsey re on ito As the ear goes on ·we hope o have more mem:Jers.

Doug Ford could be called Mr. Big or the graduating class of 1958. He is a wellbuilt guy who is a real sportsman from the word ~o. He likes ~oojball. basketball and baseball but his favorite sport is hunt~ ing. If you ever want to start a conversation going just mention huntir.g when Doug is a~ound and you will be 1\ ll set o Doug lives in Dear~ ·>orn, Michigan. He is ,s sistant dining room suuervisor and lives 11··arewster. Before

1n his second ye_a r at

Cardigan. He is a tloor leader on the top floor of Brewster and is a member of the library oommitteeo Pete has the ~reat

honor of being chosen Editor of the first Cardigan yearbook called the "Blaze". For sports Pete likes baseball and hacking. Last year he Harris as the 1;oalies was a skier but this • and Chip Schutt,F'rank year he is the manager lit1:!· and Pete Albee at of the hockey team. defensee On the first He says its the eas1• line are John Bell, est job of all, but ert Comins and Dave wait until some away Bergeson. The .second game when its real ·11ne center is Frank windy and raw out and harpe, and Coach he has no gloves or Jenness is loaking for cap. the improvement of su<h Pete hasn't really ~ oys as Ben Stevenson, decided on~ prep lake Munroe, and John school for next year. to round out the Bill Dyer '58 lineo SKI TEAM

January 20, 1958

c.ttming to Cardigan he

v, ,n t to Howe where he

p) gyed a lot of footb,··u


and basketballo

Ar far as schools are ccr.cerned for next ye t~, he is undecidedo _J ohn Bell t 58 run ln Devils Hi-way and slahm on the slope. .kveral Ski meets

are tcheduled with othe1 schools f'or

The team will have three events. They are cross-co~ntry, downhill and slalom. The cross-country course starts at the side door of H~nman and goes up the · toll..,

W~ should have a goo~ team this first year and we hope to win q ,:1. te e. few meets.

crosseo the. oower l i •. e, goer: nr-ouJJ ~ the foo 1,•


Ytal l field, and

ends behind Clarke Morgan., At the pinnacle down-hill is

horne 9.nd away o


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