• Vol.VIII-No.8
DuTing Janu~ry and Feb\raqry we hP.YC hAd very little ice to skate on because of the snov. Mr. !Noldt and Mr. Jenneaa I :would be down on the ice :trom 1:15 till 6 o'clock
! 1
and then often eftor 'aup-,er until 11 '.:·.
· Mr. Noldt wns working like med to get the ice
ready for the d~nce lPst SeturdAy. He cle~red it down the middle but there w~s snow on e ch aide. On .Monday afternoon there w s 'a hockey game oo we had :to get the sno~ of the ;aides. Mr. Noldt and Mr. iJennese were down there right after lunch and the hockey teein got dre .. sed e.s fest as they could and also went dotm to shovel. Since then all we have to do ia flood it After eech day of hockey ~rRctiee. Thenks to Mr. Noldt and Mr. Jenness and a few o~ the boys, we have had cketing for tho le . t eek. 0
Add to the lie~ of advert.izera See Chip ¢chutt.
Constant uae will wear out anythingespec1ally
Friends -· •·
,-,,,- ..•
Febru 0 ry
The condition o~ the ico was bad.· One corner we8 ell slush. The rest of the ice was rough and h~rd to ekate on. Hanover scored two goals in the first period end thon we ~ot one. After that we really wer ~ood. John Borneo got two in. Then w took the lead for a while. Then came a reRl tense t1mQ. With fice seconds to go, HanoYer got a goal to tie the scoro
four all.
17, 1958 Canaan, N. H.
Bill Wurster 160 Februnry 12, HonoYer J.V.'s caroo to CPrdigon to ~lay our hockey team.
Aft r thAt
~ivo minute overtime · ~eriod could not break the tie.
HOLDERNr.SS HOCKEY GPME Bill Wurster 160 Febru2ry 7, the Holderness School ice hockey te~m cRm$ here to ,lay ag~inst our te~m. Tho game got otr.rted nbout, o'clock. Holderness scored first and t.hen again.
In 'tho ao-
cond period we scored and they did too. Then in tho ~inal period, Holderness got one end so did we. The game ended four to two in Holdorneso Favor. Both t9ams Played a eood gom e.nd I am sure thnt it we mid another chance to nlny them we could do better. Somo cf the boys ":ho ,leyed ri good gr-me were Bill Soely, Bruco f,f at•tin, DPVO Ber. sen and John B 11.
John Barnes '58 At four o ' clock on Februar~ 8th, girl3 from Oann~n, Enfield, LebPnon, Hanover and Lyme descended on Cerdigan for one of the ye~r•s biggest dencee. Thie yeer it wee c~lled the Snow-Fl~ke Hop. In thb e.:fternoon there wes skiing
e.nd skating, then dinner. After dinner ell went to the auditorium for a moY1e and the dance. The d~nce went well. All wore socks and ski clot··· es. Refreshments were served around nine and the dance ended at t~n. It was a pretty good danco and a good tim~ w11e hed by ell.
On Monday, Fe ·· ruery 10,
Cerdig~n•s ne
rPdio stP.tion wcus mede history by ta.~e-recording the entirG hockoy gnme with Holderness. Mell Allen was not available but our own Steve Hanley did a great job. That Saturday, we also ta.?ed the third annual Cardigon Mountain School ~now-Fiake dance. There, Mr. Linn and other feculty membere, were interviewed concerning the eucceso of the donce. Also, we got assorted co~ments from the boys and t -.e girls thet th y denced
with. COMING SOON '.10?1.S
· -------'----------------,/,.._------------- I
flpge Two
No other boy on campus could be mistaken for tall and handsome Harry Whittelsey. Harry came here lest year from Greenwich, Conn. He ouickly fit into life here and contributes g~eetly to life at Cardig~n. Harry's favorit~ sport ii, skiing as most everyone knowe and we have heard about his fine skiing in the different ski meets. He has been skiing for almost nine yea.rs. He also plays football. He was the first string center last fall. Other taan soorte he is a good dencer (Rock-N-Roll) and makes friends e8sily. He lives on th~ first floor of Hinman where he maintaina the floor leader 1 e job. Harry is also e member ot Student Council._ Bill Dyer '58
NEWS SDI~OR Jeck Benson FE.'TURE EDITOR Bill Dyer S:::>ORTS EDITOR Charles Schutt ART EDITOR Steve Fairb~nks BUSINESS MANAGE·~
Willet Cobb FACULTY ADVISOR~ llr. &'•lrs. Raymond Jennee e
SKI MEET AT HOLDERNESS William Bnrker •59 On Tuesday, Februery 110erdigan Mountain School aki tea■ went ·to KoldU"n•• School tor a •kl meet. Ther, were to be only two event.a, alalo• end giant slalom. First there was slalom. A fe1rly difficult course vgs aet
!-,_ _
:5eter Albee
NEW HAtf?TCN HOCKEY G/11.(E hip Leckey 9 60 On \1ednesdRy, Febrw ry 12, CRrdig<:1n entertPined ew Ham,ton in Hockey. ew ffam ~ton brought fives strings of ,lRyers. All were Jo V. ..,layers • The first ·ieriod New Ham~ton scored two goela. The first goal was shot from the blue line, the second ~rom close in. In the second ~eriod New Hamoton scored two more goals a.nd likewise in t.he third .,e:riod. All-in-a 11 it was a fas\ game. Cerdigan put up a good r1~ t 1bi.::i:, ,,e lou'.;. ci - O. ,1:.1w JHamoton had more ·de 1th ond more exoerienoe although the Cardigan teem lioked very good at times.
---· -- .......
s E I\J_I_IO___R. _,O___~-.. o_ E_.J_~. .E~-.~- · · -·~·- --\Jt7
6hronicle St ff' EDITOR-IN-CHIEF f.:~si~~~N~e~;ITOR
Febru~ry 17. 1958
Let's get out and boost our team's 1norele. We havo the teams but they need sup~ort. A lit~le cheor here and there h~lps out a lot. Next hockey gamo or
. :.~ :. --~:.
L:',' a: ull e,0';, o·:.t
there and cheer the teems I on. Gi ve them the help so
w111 be proud ot. ,l __ t_h_e-y_c_a_n_d_o_a_j_o_b_t_h_a_t._y_o_u_
UP. The team did all right anyway. Each man was al-
love4 two run• on lom.
The •lope • • 1n tine
cond1t.1on and vaa hardpacked, and there were some icy spots ·. There wae no sun on the slopes. Then a gi ant sla lom was
i l
Peter Davidson ie onG of our boys who lives 1n • Portl9nd, Maine. Right now ·we're sure everyone at school here knows ?ete tor he has be~n elected Senior Class President. He also 1s Dormitory leader o~ Hinman Hall and a Student Council member. Pete loves sports es~ec. ially football, besebell and skiing. He played football both this end l~st year. He nlayed J. V. besttbell lP.~t year and has become ouite a good skier this yePr. Pete is a t-~lkative, smiling fellow who is always nearby. When it comea to school work, he forgets everytling. He is a good, anxious to le0rn student vho you will see on some honor list auite ofteno Bill Dyer 1 58
I i
John Bell i5e
One of the many new boys thnt h0s ar~ived et Cardigan since the beginning of the ye~r is Palmer Sessel. f Ee
s i.n 9A Grid. is t!10 cnl;t
student who is taking five
majors. Among other things, he likes football, hockey and crew. Bia f'P-vortte eport ia football. He uaed to go to Choate School in W~ll1ngford, Connecticut. Hi• ls in New Canaan, Oonn.
eet up and ws teirly tast.
There we• only one run. Harry Whitt lesey and Oren Anderson did Tery well in
thie event. Ve won the meet feirly eesily 188-181.
I' f
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