Chronicle (April 14, 1958)

Page 1











.,. __

Cnmr>ue Edition 0/RO!GMl .OlJNTAIN SCHOOL,

,. _ _ _ _ _ .. _ _


Harey Whittelsey '58 Tres.suror Th~ 8tu ent Council ro n docid d that thy ould g1 e e 10 donation fro~ th Cardigan Cheat to th Laco::'lia ~ta.t.e School which is for the mentally rot~rd$. W0 wor later informed that th0 money went to the Main St eet 11\md •. Thia 1D to build a r plice of e typical main s~reot .1th bnrber ehop, church, movieo~ drug atore ote. at t.he Gchool. '!'he,


tho olection eTeryonc on cam'.)us uill ota on everyone elao on six itGms. These includes Le8d$rsh1p, ,orgen1zation,_cherocter and three others. Ths students will be rated trom 5 to l. P1ve·1s best and thltao i~ an aver~ge scoro. From tho resulte, thei future school of ·icere will be chosen.

0Rrdig n Cheat 1e f"or donetions '(.O irerious charities. This ~cnoy ~omca f"rom oourcau such a etaM"ation mor lo, swel'r box and books

Thoae top-jobe 111elude

school lender, recreAtional le~der, joo foremen, lib• re.ry head, form lendera and othero.



On last ~arch 11, the etudont Council telt that there was too much s oAring being dope by the boye~ They decided to put the ewoat"-box back into act.ion. If a manb9r of the Faculty or Student. 001.meil catches anyon svonring the person must ?ay five eent~ into the swear•box. The money goee into t.ha Cardin Chest wh1ch is used tor Charity. Sine the DYGar-



Onnaa , •• H.

the m6l'llbers have e

, soft bPll with our baseball ( team.

Due to the seer~t that t


I 'l



1 r





Disbursements ~;25.00 CARE 7 .16 n Com. Center Laconia st~t0 Sel. 10.00 §.42 .. 16 Total


'l,·e and tho Alumn1 aro in

for, the Chronicle can only re~ort the date on wh·ch I th~ OYent ia sch$dtled j this y&ar.




year fo the wsekend. On Alumni Woeken~ 1n th, pat. tho Alumni came and eew old friends, looked ovor new thi a vhich the school had done, and then h~d a ga e of hardbell o~

Money Fo !Ul Book Mo?lq




Bl nee on Hnnd __..

ALU!~I WE...f.TOO)

R1chn.d F1oh~r 158 Mr. Burbank recently announcsd ~ t Al • t: end ot 19.58 will be on~ ,rd and 4th. \'IA ron Huse, the president of the Al ni Aas ciat.1on,,and eome ot

sterVRtion MeFtl


box has been started tho

•wearing has been cut down a lot. Whon the• swePring stope tho student Ootnail will put an end to the box. _..,....,......,,... . ·-- -.-.. ...-~.-,_.,,

in Clark-Morgan.

Some, O the CM r1 tie3 are CARE and tho Cana~n Oom.'?luni 't.7 Cent9r fund• A the moment these are the :t'igurea o. t hand. Tho Choet a~ st.<irted on Jan~17 9th; 19.58.



14, 1.958


-vid loore 159 You ey hevo h ~rd o~ t s,.. ~ le tione eking )lo co t.hi May. Ol.i:ing




COMMENCE:,'EtTT S 'EM{F.R Dean Hart 1


We the student. end faculty oi Cardigan are 'Very hnppy to welcome Rev. Otis Mexf~eld of e ~1rst Community 8hureh in Oolumbw,• Oh1c es our 19;8 commencemb~ a.aeaker. RO'f. Maxfield a former minister of s~r1ngt"1eld, Mass. haa been chos n as tho chief e ·Je?ker at

gradu.qtion excercisec on ,Tune 7, Mr. Burb~nk re-

cently snno~cod.


. ·-~. ·- ·- . _,,_._ . . . -~-.-----···---·----·-. . _. ______· •-----l,0------· '







Cher>.os Schuit J\RT EDITOR Steve onks


-Wfii~tt CobS-FAOULTr'ADVISORS Mr.'t. Mrs. Raymond Jenness



v or

ot --58 Chronicl are ~roud to announc the EditoTial otaff for next yenr'e Chronicle. Renlecing John Bell as f 1s Norm:-,md ScbTeu-

der. As his assist.Ant, replac&ng P~tf:lr Albe, u, DAvid Moo~e. Jack Benson's succesf:lor no News Edi tor ' :,_a R:i.churd W oks.

R liev-

1 ing Bill Dyer ac. Feature

Ediot:~ ia DaTO Freeman and l:'splncini Ohii1 Schutt · ~s Sport.a Editor is Bill Wurste .... Our not1 Business

!fanr;gor, relieving Jack

Woods ie Mike Davennort, Handling Circulation, replacing Willett Oobb, io


Jack Benson


After the boys at Cardigan Mountain School crune back t'!'om spring vacation, tho Student. Counoil thought 1t wise to (olect a new danco OOJZutjittoG. l-rbG council thoU(l;ht the Jiast dance we had left · somGthi1'3g to be des ii.• d. The girls wo~e mostly teo young for the boys and the music wae not eat up properly,. The members of the neu d~nce commi~tGc ~re Ohip Schutt:, P~eaident; Peter Oe.vison, Chairm11n of tho food committee, Palmer Seesel, Ohair':19.n o~ d~c9r-

a'tions and Jadk Bcneon

head of the record cornmi ... . too. j The 'boys on the new dance committee hopo that the dan o sin the 1.'utuN will ho the best the school ha@ eve:;;- pu.-t on. They cordially invite you to attend tho on

26,, in Hi~~ euc.i- . tor-ium.


Roger Rioc.

1h3se boyo rl,'3VO b en

chosen for h~ir interest in this yca~•s Oh:-onicle and ~o~ their ability and µorformnnce in other f'islds. We feel that theae boys are very ca.nnble and knmr th31 m 11 continue to pro ... duce a ehronicle with high standA ds.

, 19

Jonn Christy. Sa tm-dny, t 5tyo A")ril, the ,th and 6th grtides ~nt to M~. Lynn WebcterqG fe.rJ11 to W$tch the procee,a ot me.king ma~lo syrup. When we first got -t~..ero, we nt out to ·,he bui ding whero the syrup

was beL-ig boiled.


watched the syrup boil.,. and saw where 1t ~o in from & stor·· ge tank through a pipo. Afte:rwnrd&1 had hot eyrup on snow~


which was good. 'l'hon we sav their horee, then.wen~ up and pl3yed in tho hay until Mi-. Noldt brought the sohool s tation wagon, which somo of the boya.

went in.

The rest went.

in the We.kel7•a co~ wit Mr. Linn.

BAND John Masci a 160 The band ot Card1gan Mount,, in School s~rt,e<l

at the beginning ot the

~ehool yea~. Since then we h~ve i!BproTed a gi,~et des.l.

participates ia the alectiona for next ya~re ochool 1 le~d~~$. It io vecy importe.11;t for u th1'3 student. body to lio~ tor potencial leaders mw, ooo 'ttho io t.he

At first we had about aoventem i)la.yO?s. Since then we have o.ddod a .f'ew mo~e membere, including somo ofl tho f'e.oulty. We ha.Te given two succes ful concerts to,: the school. Tho quality of the enssmble ie cons imprff~ ing under skillful teaching-and diroc~ion of ouz,

boat le~uor in your class

lef•der Mr. Odell •

EDITORIAL One of tho mo~t impor-

tant things goes on during the school yer,r 1n which t.h entire school

or who haa these th1"ee quslitiesJ loodareW p,

,opularity, and dGpandsbili ty., T'nis iR u t,im., for everyone in the echool to put away !)eraono.1 dislikes and diffo~oncoa nnd honastly, sia.-•o;;o~;Y C'l'!elua.te each ci' his c !asametes •

In the near future Car• digan will tle.vo a an.wieal organS.zat.1011 or-· thioh it wi 11 r~e. l°ly be, pi~oud. · 1 Ff' you in cur v~cinity do not tail•~

d~op in and say Rffello~, and hen~ com good mueio. Visitors a~e ~elcorne~

i-,,----------=-----:--..-~---·--~~JBr-..-------"i~..~..~. ~.=-======~=---~~---------



}1. a ·. t ('

Ono ot the tour new ninth graders this year iu




again ~1 n ot 11tt.le kn·own tacta tor 11 o tivid renderD - SteTe Pnirbanka beca ho under-• .o-collar 4ur1ng a h1k recently.

f Som of his follow hikers


summn re ago n bia ft t. 1 in winter chcol , Be oomea fr(J S onk, ~ pait1c1pates in all p0r• 1 and he hae re• ce1Yed a ]6\,ter 1n football hoclcq and baaebnll. Be played gua1·clj d-ofenso man, and cstch • rospect.iToly.

ndl ol d. hi o~, 11 ui.)U.l!!:n. 01 ~on o : a">ortod beaut of a I i shiner for e. day or two. ! t!hat dooe the other guy ! look like? He wos µnle · white and root11rcd numerous ! stitc a, ell in rod thread, ; 141,kes ac . to bring plenty : ot inte~sUng new5 lnt.oly

John Rand~ll and Sandt

In ochoo organizations

! Knudson

t.ook one recentl:, a.nd anded up . dotm in tho" , dur.ipstt ... Frank 11 ltchfoot ; B11s has opened a 011lon ; in Hin n. Rumora soy his

, aenicea are well orth• wh11 and he even has a "toe t.icklirig dep rtmc,nt.. Hie

, !

I l

motto is "Your itchy t'eot

ho alco p rt.io1p..,ter.; in Gle Olub, Bond• Electronictt libra C01'.D!11i .,e, oabinet. Hie biggoet job is diningroom supen1oor \fhioh eYeey ono knows "'S quotes, "my dining roomtt • Also P'rank lo a rer:t joker and 1rl 1;1sy

to get nlong with; a welcome

; mako 111.1 busines■ com'llete" • • t ):mllJass,.ons. ; WG sure do a pprec1~ tG thio , \ ~ mkflEf f Now pehir climate. We j BiR \111l:1am11 knott others who do too. : Th1a_year U-.e banquet


s X. Yameen from

LaWl"ence, Massaohuse~te. Like most. every other bo,at Cardigan there 1o no other ~lace bette~ than home. Thia is so with Tomi in his ens its lawrenoe, Mass. R does cot partici~at in PQrts Te mu h he doeu 11ko waterfront and skating. the t.wo aot1v1t1ee whic:h he attended. On wnt~rt•ront he 1f8.8 011e ot th$ star wot.el" babies and on sleeting, on


mor talentocl f'1gurinos. Tom taksa ?renc• 1~\ead of Science and he 1 doing well 1n all h1e studies. He mado the prlTilege l1et this lnet te • Tom 1a a short, handsome kid who is nsy to get. along with.

He 1c quie"~

and. well ree~ected by all who know him.


9 ~er ~ · to th baacment of' HinmJ1n where we gathered

• ent

Comin, AQd ruon 1 Slswoby

again. We sang songs• heari f'roin our Glee Club and Band nn semo peopl trom our atudeni boq gsve solos on t.lie piano. After that the ooy-s one the ek1 teem roceiTecl their lotter follow 'bf tho hockey team boy gett.1

neJne in print, all you heve

and Cochreno.


to do is

t1ore on the activities wo

ws broken up into two parts~

I,1nn for 1nstnnce, has t~ Mr. had his beret eatti)lped ,11th i a sun v1sos- so ha can ski all summer. e also hear he is conten:ipl~ting head1 ligbt.e for hie knees for

I l




• l

night 8k11ng •••• Remembsr, 11 nt to ses your

I~ you


ct. normial A.nd

you•ll su 7 make th$ chatter column.

Pee .Wee 'f



. First. we sat down in our , own NfJ')OcUvo r,roupo torI wonderful etcak dinner. , j After many courses, 11e heard spo choa giTon by The s"!)eeches

had this t1intor eki tenm, ak1ing, hook:07 and skating. A r hesring frOJll all I tour spoEikorB, •e d parted


tho di~i~~ ~c,om

Then we hef-rd a

report on the Year Book ancl Ohl'onicle. Pr the

point or view ot the •~ dents, this banc,uet w.s Ye eue<Ht$sf\ll.



Chip Sc Editor

Palmer S esel 1 50 Thia S!)ring I went to Englan~ my parents and

my two sisteru • . Moet ot ths time was s~~t in and

around London.. . Beside seeing the -uaual sights~ like tho to•rer of London clmnging of the guard, we went to a ot. of" l ittla loca.l spots not ttsue.lly Y1a1ted by tourists. Among the moro w 11 1m pl3ccs we visitnd

were the Hampton Court, Wos-tlDinster .P.bhr•b Buckingham P3 lt! c , s trP.. t:tord on Avon, Oxford 1md Et.on. At nigh'tt 1'£8 ·~isi ted

variouo famous Clubs and restau~n~e, ~u~h as Simpsona0 a\.Ul?linghamwa, Les Ambssa~dours, and _ClP.r1gge3. Contrary to a popular Amerbelie~, English n!.ght life is anything but dull. Moet o~ the ~ime we had good wenthor, ~i~b the ex~ cert.ion of one, ruiny day. fht'J Inglish countrysida was



BASEBALL SEl.SON Biil •~stet' . ~ .


P.mong thom will be Holder-

back from l~st ye..,r•e team.

nsss ho is well coached. We wn 1 and lost, one to

and they know more then they did lf!st Je?I'. For first. base, o haTO tw old boya going out age112.




n of Oloremont. 'fhey s~e.vory good players and we lost. both cf' tho

dth the ue~thor, and the

ngliah, who ar vonderf'-Jl people~ l had a g~ant time.

Oren Anderson and Bill Dyer. For second ~s~~

gamaa fo them la.s•i.. year, ~ h8-ve JPck ·Woods beck '!hos boys have nleyed ·- He dicl an exoellont get e~ mosi of theu· 11Tes. job last yea~. At short Nmrpo-.•t Junior High is stop, we may h,,'NJ ithet" i10~ on o ,.,.. list. They or Peto DAvison or Bif't ·w111- · woll ooache and we 1am•• For third base, :nu-o th07 will ptrt up a tho re 0.1•0 no old boys here good :f'i~t to vin. "Who had it last year. Cartor Community Cent. r · Thia position 1s an ope is cmall but good-s:>i~i\ed. · onG. For right 1'1.elci, vo They boat w. once last year. 1 heve St.av He.nley. Bo 'l'here may be a few more '1 did a good job hitting


but es ot nou these aro th" only oneu .. \fe hope }:l(J t00t1 tfill e. good

last year.

who also hit. well





S tevons



" 24 Carter o. o.{A) " n

28 ,31

Tot-1le Towle



1-----~-----------------------1 the BA~·EB.ALL UNIF'ORHS

Oh1p Lackey

!60 Thore hna b~. nn

addition to tho b.~scball unitoms. It 1~. an oldEngli•h O in dnrk groan on t.he ,braast o~ the Dhirt. It 1a six inchee

high ent1 is sewed on loft. oid • The uniform.a

aTo a- plain grey flannel t1i th

bl~ck tl'inh

emblems m~ke th



loo , much better and the ·,'-'c.m will me.k n better

a.p ,r.,aranco in the.

""'-------..•"'-•'°" "°' "'-• ,. .---•-•-• --.. -,.

For left t'iold there

was Chip Schutt~ who vill do his best again this ·· . yeAr. Peter Albee also· played vell in the out• field last year and will

" 14 Holderness {H) ' 17 Cartsr c. c.(R) n

In center field

l wa ma7 find hank Sharpe


The leavecr were May 5 Holdernean C 10 Steveno \out on tht;,. :trees and flowers in .the u.s., New York had two f'eet. of! snow. What

Chip Satlll't't. i §'8 '1'h1a year's besebell team looks p~etty good. We have a lot ot old boys

This y aF O igan 1s baseball team will be up ~gains~ some tough teams.

all green.

iwero in bloom$ whi_le, b•· ck



be O"t. again thie year. P itching li;,s~ "fear wee Jolm Bell and h9 will h.0 Ye much help this yeer trom Davo Berg on. There

are s0vol"O.l who show prom• io as cat.chers among them are Frank 811ss, lnst yeBr 1s st:orter 11 and ·Bill Whitohee.d. the schedule 1a ll goo·d one and all in all the ou~lio~ looks Tor, hop rui.

...__ ,.._,_._...,_. _ w....,... , _ _ _,,, __ ,.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ - - - - - - - - -

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