Chronicle (April 28, 1958)

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Cam~us Edition


April 28a


Canaan, N.H.

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Day1d Moore



May ,rd and 4th ia the elate oft.he annual Alumni Weekend during which former students will return to Cardigan for a reunion. The following is the schedule for the weekend. Saturday Breakfast Pree morning to browse and Yisit new buildings. Cookout at waterfront Baseball Gome C.M.s. n. Holderness Alumni Vs. Student game (if' time pel"l!lits)

Dinner Alumni Meeting Sundaz


Dick Weeks 159 At the Headmaster's meeting on April 16 9 Mr. Burbank t.alkod about the electione ot the student Council for next year. He talked about the three main things you should look tor in a person. Chnraoter was tho first thing he talked about n11••• t.hen honesty. He really exnressed honest~ ond gPve an exnm~le. If your buddy found a f1Ye dollar bill, would he return it or not. Mr. Burbank said tha~ it was a great temrtat1on but it he were honosta he would return


1 t to the owner.

Breakfast. Trip to Walter Gardner Memorial Tract Cookout. Bani Concert by 52 pieco Dartmout.h Band Elections will be held during the Alumni meeting on Saturday night. There

ular1 ty he gave a good examolo. He asked it. yoj would be a bully or would you break up the bullies and tell them it was wrong; thut they should not pick on weaker ~eople. At the meeting Mr. Burbank also gaTe credit to the Cott machine runners, Pet.e DaT1aon and Jack Benson. Then he said how well room study was going and that he honed more boys w111 be on 1t. this marking periodo 'mere W1 ll no't oe an7 major change in our scedule as a result o~ the Alumni, but as alwaye, when .visitors are on CPmpus it. is a good . pol1C7 to act our bestQ

will elso be re~orts ~om 'the President and Secre~.ry-

treasurer and from the Walter Gardner Memorial committee and committee. The Headmaster will also make h1s report. A discussion will be held on a possible Boa~on and/or New York ~anouet, and also of Alumni participation in the 2nd annual fund.

On pop-


The Spring Danoea Sat.urday nigh'ta Anr11 26,. I think wae the b~st we eYer had. The girls were from HanoYer, En~ield, Cena3n

and Woodstock Country Day School 1n Woodstock, Vermont. Some ot the hosts walked the girls from the ~ere and introduced them t.o the boys. Both boye and girls were dressed semi-

tormally. The music was furnished by records@ During 1nterm1se1on we were entertained by the Three s~ades consisting of Bitt Williams Ben Stevenson and Jeff Slaw. shy, and the Five Keys who

, chi included Frank Tom Hamilton, Il JackOhta, Benson and John P'ran-

Blise, Tat- •!



chot.. The refreshments were serTed while the boys and girls were dancing. '!'hey were cookies, decorated o,lpcakee and punch made or grape juice and ginger ale.

I e•e-1 girls seemed to

Pop com and potato chips weN passed around all




good time. Tho 1 Auditorium was decorated II very beautifully by the j : dance commit • At the end or t.he dance the boys helped the girls on with their coats and too~ them to their car• and thankei them for coming. Much credit goes to Chip Schutt as Chairman ot th~ dance and his hardworking assistants who produced a fine, enjoyable dance. be haYing a

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A r11 28,

Chronicle Statt EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Normand Schreuder ASBlSTANT EDITOR Da.,id Moore NEWS EDITOR

Dick Wee~ FEATURE EDITOR Da:l'e Freeman ·



Bill Wurster



Mike Deven-,ort


Roger Rice FACULTY ADVISORS Mr.& Mrs. Raymond Jenness


W•• the new




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'flJG SNOW$HOE TRIP Kit Sigman I 62


Sunday, April 1,, Mr. Lenvitt, Mr. Blnck, Bobby Olemence, Rickey Fisher and Kit Sigman went up tug on snovehoes. Wo left school at 9(~0 in the morning. On the way up, the first sto!) wes for Kit Sigm~n bec~use his snow shoe fell off. When we got that fixed Bobby . Clemences•s snowshee tell off so we ~ixed it. When we got to the saddle, Rickey Fisher and Mr. LeAvitt had a snow ball tight and, of cour1:1e, Mr. LeaYitt won so R~ckey ha~ to cr>rry the packs When we were ~lmost at the top, we found some beAr tr~cks, so Mr. LeAvitt and Kit followed them up to the top. There we waited for the others. We Md lunch at and then st:¾ rted down. After we had started Fisher fell and almost fell all the way down. When we got down to the c~r, it was 5,30 and we started home.

Chip Lackey

} to keep the Chronicle going well and maybe impro•e it. e. little tor the rest of this year and 1 next. / To get a paper going 'j well you haTe to haYe good reporter• as well as a good editorial statt. We would like to have , a stafi" ot renorters that will be loyal to the :1a,er. The work will be evenly distributed among the reI porters. It will not be } hard and almost certainl7 HOPKINS HALL ! will prove interesting to Rickey Fisher •58 i most of you. July 1957, the ground lt the end or tho year, was broken for the new the reporters like the classroom building named editors, will rece1Ye a after Mr. Hopkine, a forcertificate stating that mer president of Dartthey haTe worked on the too~ College. 1 Chronicle st.aft. Hopkins Hall will coni If you think that the seven classrooms and t work will be interesting to tour rooms for LT nnd • you, do net hesi'tPte to music practice. One o~ i aft: about 1 t. the most important rooma N. s. in then w building ts the \ science room. Thiu room I will contain two leoture rooms and a lab room. The room will hnV$ sound proof ______________..,____--_our_te>_i_n_e_to divide the, the Chronicle, would like














The Senior Class recently chose the Marshnls and ushers for commencement.

The Marshall are B111 Barker and 8111 Whitehead. Their duties will be to escort the Senior Class tnto t.he Church and out in after the ceremonies on gradW1 tion day. The ushers chosen by . the senior elf.I ss are Jett SlAwsby, Bert Comins, Blak Munro and Diel!: Weeks. Their duties vU 1 b be to usher the parents and guests of the senior class into the Chureh and seat them. These boys had a great honor bestowed on them by the Senior Class o


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science room in thiri•• l Another room or importance l 1B tho library. The 11I

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in the hallWS7 some or the ! new boob. 'nle new classroom building has t,ro syntema. One 1s the fire alarm sys-· i tem tn which are on both i floors. Another one is l



an Executone Public Addl"eH system going to almost.

all the rooms in the building. MF. Burbnnk,e.Mr. Wakely, Mrs. Cobb• and Mrs. Talbert and Miss Camp are all moTing into new offices with many modern conTeniences with a teechere room nearby. The dimensions ot the new building is 125 feet by 48 feet and the building will be finished in time for the summer school bora to use.

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CARDIGAN CHRONICLE Three - - - - - - - - -.. .,a,, _ _ .. _.._ _

Cb,.,, 0 n i c



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Aprll 28, -

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Hi Theret Here we go again with facts from far and near about ell your loveable neighbors et Cardigan •••• Mr. Brayman

and his green conTertible meery-g-round went for a spin recently on the back driveway ••• Cardigan 5 s Poler B~ar Club is ~norting a full membership. Charter members are - Ball, Martin, Pannaci and Krohne •••• ~ Someone always seems to be watering the milk ot tablo

nwnber 5. Frank Sharpe is the latest v1ct1m.~••••No sooner did the snow melt this year than the frogs began to jum, right out of the mud. Seo you next time, same ol8ce. Pee Wee Whipple Turfy Phe 1 pa

Follow the bewildering cey of 11 don•t get this junk", into the cles .· room and you will surely ~ind Bill Dyer. Wilbur s. Dyer 11Tes in Falmouth, Mass. which, together with the rest o~ Cape Cod, he claims is God's country. Here at School he ~laya ~areity baseball. He is a good hitter and held first base position all last year. La,·t summer he was on a chamn1onsh1p team. To hia capable hands are also entrusted tho jobs ot Feature Editor tor the 195158 Chronicle and Biogrf!phier Editor for the 1 Blaze•. B111 is well liked by all his classmates and a constant. source of humor and laughter~ John Bell


l"airbanks ' 58 During the past few years Cardigan's waterfront bas acquired many new water craft. The latest additions are three beautiful new sailboats. They ere constructed of tough fiber glass which is much more durable than the more COll'lmonly known wooden sAilboat.s. Tho oYerell length 1s twelve fBet, six inches and the weight 1s two hundred and fifty pounds.


Tho sail 1a ot white dacron with seventy-two soU£1re teet ot sail area. The normal sailing capncity is four e.du.l ts. The sailboat.a are called •Teck Sailing Dinghys• and were designed at the Masse.chusetta Institute of Technology. They are veey sim·,le to onerate and · are equipped with built-in air tanks so that you can sail ashore eYen i t the boat is tilled with water.

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Hugh Armor Wardt or as he is known to eTeeyone, Armor, eomes from Glencoe. Illinois. You could almost call him a walking library or dictiiDB.l'Jo He is a Tery good speller and he hes read a greet many boo)?. You can most always find him at his de1k with a book or a ~en, Armor doesn't play a~orts too much, although he does ski and I ha,re recently seen him throwing a baseball arounde Armor is ~uiet but he hos no faults with anyoneo He is liked by eTeryoneo Bill Dyer



Ned Griffin 8 60 During the weekly meeting ot Brewster Hall on April 14, it was decided that tho cocoa that was being paid tor by people who left their lights on, and their windows open would be sto~ped. Th~n the question came up of what we s to be done with the money. It. was suggested that it should be given to the Cardigan Chest, or put toward a recreational building that tho school might plan in ~ futureo A Yote was taken and 1t was decided that the money was to be put toward a new reo•ea.tional building becouse if a few dollara was set aside for this reason, someday Cardigan might have a recreational buildingo

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