'1 1 , 19
, • H.
13£ B D CONCERT illiam McLean 1 59 Tho Dartmouth Bond fi-o,..a
Cci!'le to -tho school •
'i'1he ccnc 1·t
uit.Q which was made up o-r two marches and a dnnce, nd was arranged by .?.
Vaughn W1lliat:1s. A stuent. director, John Oav-
o April
1m'lortent as they show ,~.:,~> !lt,.a.dente atnnd soholaotic:w lly. Grndea t 1 c term are much b tter than th n th two yea o.
tho s,,ring n . azn;-,le tor t. • Leadership ,ms shown in the heading ot th ario"D committ as, organizing to ">lan decorntione end ref'reshmento. In1tietive wno shown by the >eo,,le who took :JO. t in it nnd who Burbank use
uith a P~rt-
De.nee ti e t
.Po Th n tho w,s a Folksong
xt o
Ste•• P'Airbanks ·'50 Oradee at Cardigan are
HE.'i!lUSTE!l 'S MEETING Dick \1oeks 1 59 ' At the Hoo.dmast~n·' s
1 1•
Tho first tem last year there wero 55 failur s. Ai the b3ginn1ng o~ this .. there re only ;8 failures. At nresQnt ~his term there.arc only 9 faitures rlth no st.uden't haying any multiple failures.
naugh, directed ¥h Wiscondn MArch and the Por'iet'U.fll J got t ings going; res!)onoiob1lo which we~ both bili~y of the records and writt~n by J. Str~ufls. f for various glnsawaro~ , Than there was the nei"i ta J All these f'1 t. into tho ire-
ots which is e S ,anish
1 arch and
The honor~ H.sts now stand at e. jack!)ot. of 55
for a good
etudento~ twice as many
,,lnyed vary well. student leader. studel'it, John ttid(';ly, r He nl o talked abot_t how f ">layecl the trum -;et for \. ho muoh better ma· ka i:ere
'Zrum•)eter 1 a Lulleby ritten by Loi~oy And-roon.
Thero was music from the how 11 Fanny" ,1hich was very good. There \1' s th~ Tootly arch W?"i t'ten by George
Kenny. Then ~he Victory t f,ea Suite which t·m s 11 t ten b~, Riche rd 'Rodge rs and o.rro.ngod by Robert R.. Bennett. The Ri v,:,r Kt,~ i
I i
from th b ginning of tJ e yan:r a d la.s1. year.. Ho ! gavo th certificates to i
! the boys on the High ! Roll nnd Hono!• Ro 11~ ...l._,._s_,_________ 1
l Da id Moo
sis the starting of the year hen thore we~e op.17
John Bell
Kennedy Rubert Po.lm r Sessol
HONOR ROLL John Bonoon Roge Cheney John Christy . i~hael DA.7en ,ort Fredrick Filios David Fi~oeme.n
arch which wt\s \fhistled by tho m8111bera of the band
Put into effeo"., soon after Sr ing Yacmtion by the Student. Oo•.mcil, the a foar-boT. has be r, not entirel euocoseful ao
with a £ew instrooienta wea Tery nice. Last the Dart,-
tonn~d by 01ip Schutt, Oounoil Ohai man, upon
Yasute_u Ght~
uth Medley from wnioh e get our Cardigan Song sic wa, )layed. The director cf ..ho bsn-1 is Mr. Don ld \fon.d len who id e. v ry good jo~ a"' irecting and e o;•o h m our thanks 'For ?:>r:i ~iging the bond to ,, lay .i.O:'!' us,.
'rne -~otal amount of mon collec~ by this toll on c ·sing ia obo t <e7 end has oen ,l? c&d in
. . . , , I -q
. . . . . . . . . .~M--
t o Ceir : gan Ohest. t'ihile come u..'IOnoy haa boe;.1 collected y this campaign i,ee ing hns not \ v y grea.tly an~ it.
_.....,1':"t·••~--- ~ - • , . , .
Reginald Lackey, J~. Richero ?.foynoll Charles P. SchuU., J •
- ··
ap ~ as th3t t~c ~rime .ob-
ecti~e of th Council has been o ?artial fP.iluro. Ho,r,rever, you'll nrobE1bly
hear wheclc" and ·ao. n 1 u:Jed to a le.rge extent no :'~n-
stead o standbyo •
r _ _ _ _,..,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
the frun111n
-CH •
Normand Scfireuder ABBifift.Rlf a8ITOR
De.Yid Moore
·bav·d 1reemn SPORTS EDITOR
P'ACULTY ADVISORS r.& Mrs. Raymond Jennee• JAOK WOODS ELECTED 111 Wurster
Saturda7. M87 !5, at lunch B111 Barker, the tee.a manager. told us that. ack Woods had won ~he elee~1on for captain of this year's baseball team. Last Friday the baseball ,team was called together l1n the be. sement of Hinman Hall right. after dinner to
olect a captain for this year's ba£eball team. -When the team arrived fiYe boys were nominated tor ca11tnin. Then Mr. Jenness handed ovt slips of ?aper nnd everyone Toted f'or the boy he t.hought. ould make the best cap-
tain. While the Totes were being counted Mr. Jennese told the teem that the a1gnala for running and batting would be g1Ton by the lat base ooaoh. Attenmrde the st(\rting line-up tor Saturday e game was read out. \'ih<:m that was done the meeting was adjourned.
1, ot some'tlhere in the crowd ot boy looking at port.& section 1a Tersh Everost. Ter•h ourr ntly lives in uling-
+.on, ·ri?gini
but he has
t h~ H. ws~ •~ I••
9Ma1ne•s potatoes and lobsters nre th~ biggest and best ot a11•. 1 a saying quite oi-ton heard from the biggest member ot Oerdigan. S~e l's.1.rbar.ka came he
land for son.o time. T rel cam~ hr last yoar as an ighth gt"a er iS CO lo~[J\UI.UJ~ to graduate in June. Before last year Tersh
last y3ar as tll~ biggeat member in school, he still holds the title. H i ember ot the Pol r Bear Olub, b.-Ting gone swimming until No ember
ha.4 nOTer skied in hie lite
lest. ye(\r.
and by the end of this sinter he ende4 up earning a school letter in skiing. He reaV · improTecl a great
Steve is eecre'tPry of the Student. Council e.nd he 1s also quite handy w1tb hie kodek CPmera. St&Te loves to read books and you will nsV$r find him without a borrowed book f'!oom the librer,. Although Ste'11e does do bragging about Maine and about. Maeaachueetta, he 1e not. euch e. beet Mainiec after all.
deal t1
weeks v
year 'tfith hie
ticn of kiing
in Canad"".
Tersh hope to enter Holdernoss noJti. tall as a 10th grader end we all wieb b1m luck. Bill Dyer
Bil 1 Dyer
BAND '60 On Rpril 29. the Cardi-
John Mnso1"t'ra
gan Mountain School Ba.nd
under the d1reetion or Mr. Odell, wont down to Oanae.n High School Auditorium and plarecl for the children. When wo arrived M. Foster. tho Canaan High Sohool Principal, ohowed thi, band members hero to organize theimselvea. The band play d ma.inlymarches~ Tho soloists wore
T'om Hamilton, Frank Bliea, Yatch1 Ohta, and John Christy. l1h1le John Chris-
ty played the "Marines
Hymn• the audience an~ along. The last song played we •our Director• which 1,.1, the Canaan High School song. While 1t was ?layed everybody stood uµ and sang along. ~ecyone on band had a owell ti!H, and the audience receiTed the progr-mn ver, well.