The Chronicle (August 14, 1971)

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August ·14, 1971

This is the final issue of this summer's Chronicle. We all hope you've had a laugh, shared a smile or just had your memory moved a little bit while reading our pages. And if you think it 1 s fun reading this p~per now, put it away until February and then take it out! It's the reverse of a snowball that you saved in the freezer until July! A really pleasant touch of summer in the cold of winter. We hope to see you again, all of you! J, Nagle, G. Schwartz, Mr. Buckler, and all 6f the many writers. BREWSTER I Brewster I is a very nice place to stay if you like sex. Everyone in that hail is crazy about girls.

to John Rowland's room. Then Ted Gordon's is on the other side~ Then across from him is John Bagley and Bill Stevens. Their neighbors are Robert Carley and Carlos Pou. Across from them is Jimmy Douglass and Scooter Mitchel; Then come Sandy Ingerbrigtsen and Kirk Maassen~ Their neighbor is John Dennison who has Scot Poole and Phil McBain for his. Our Dorm masters are Mr. Buckler and Mr. Finkbeiner. Sometimes boys in Hinman I fill up their wastebaskets with water and dump it on other people. When a certain baby sitter comes to the Buckler's house shouts of greeting travel through the hall. There are regular boys at Hinman. -John Rowland HINMAN II - NOISEVILLE

This week has been the quitest week because our famous noise maker Charles Hick-0x has gone on the hike. On home to like an writing

Monday Mark Suplicy came Cardigan. His cast looks ink well from everybody their name on it.

Trying to get to sleep is one of the hardest things to do. It sounds like the roof is going to cave in with Archie Ackerman throwing one of his fits upstairs. --Mike Imperiale HINMAN I The secret is now to be uncovered. Here are the true names of everybody in Hinman I. As you first walk down the hall you come

Put snapping towels, loud voices and Hinman II together and you come up with Noiseville, U.S.A If you want proof listen during rest period, study hall and after lights out. With a crew of "Machine-Gun Kelly " , i;Jumping Jones'; , '!Punch Jacksonn, 11 Vocal Vaughn 11 , 11 Windbag Wilson 11 , "Killer Carelln, 11 Daffodil Lillyn, spelled with a capital T for troublemaker, ncharley hors en Caldwell and i; Idget ;i Ivers on Hinman II is the noisest dorm in ·the world. I never make noise of course. Well~ at least I'm quiet 99 44/100% of the time! I might be called 1:Bookworm 11 LaPlant because of all the books I read, then eat. (How do you think I got so fat.) I might also be called ';Lumpy" LaPlant because of my habit of si~ting on people

Page 2 HINMAN II (contrd) including one Keith Jackson. Anyways ~ I 1 m sure Himan II will continue to be the noisest and most disturbing dorm you ever heard. -R. LaPlante FRENCH I During the weeks the campers are gone we have a few empty rooms. One morning the floor woke up and found in the middle of the hall signs that a dog had been there. Mr. Jackson cleaned the floor while Turner stood laughing at him. One night Burton spilled some stuff on the floor and Mr. Jackson made him clean it up. Burton ran into Turner's room and grabbed his towel. Turner started yelling and Mr. Jackson finally gave him a work detail. Both Mr. Jackson's and Turner ' s first. That ' s all the news from French I. -L. Merrill FRENCH II French II has been very quiet since Ed left. He ate too much and got fed up, but his spirit remains. Mr, Jason bought a whip and we all have sore backs (TRIVIA). French has the best squamash team in the school (MORE TRIVIA.) Things have been terrible in French : no pillow fights~ no nothin . but there are about five days l~ft so look out! (VITAL FACT).

The French II awards given to the utmost in nothing: Most Muscular: Roger Brelsfora -A Most Goodie: Peter Douglass Most Popular: Lance McRoberts Longest Hair: Scott Stevens School Flirt: Parker Thomson Fastest Runner: Virgil Sager Drawer of Most Flies: Jim Vogel Agrees with All Rules: G. Schwart~ We are very grateful to Joe the garbageman; without his help we would have had no article. Malted Corny Flakes, bicarbonate of trivia, 20% newts' liver, 20% beef Jerky, 50% garbage and 10% ink and paper. Thank you for your waste of time. -G. Schwartz HAYWARD HALL This week we saw a bat. Guess how? Robin Bagley was skipping rope with her towel and suddenly a bat came flying out of her towel. You should have seen the girls screaming. We have a shower club where we dance the hula hula dance and sometimes we dance and sing the song 80 days around the world. The people in the club are Lisa~ Robin, Lalo, and Wendy. We have to take a cold shower every night. Friday August 6, Lisa got up at 9:30 and got a glass of cold water. She ran into Nora's room while she was sleeping and threw it in her face. The next morning Nora said , 11 Thank you, Lisa, it was hot last night. ,:

Page 3 HAYWARD HALL (Contra)


We ·have a new club called the daffodil club. The kids in for life members are Lisa , and Meg plus a few more kids but I don ' t know who. Bye boys and girls. around next summer maybe.

See you

-Lisa Suplicy THE RACE Here we are at the Figure Eight Race with Nut Reynolds and Bean Top. In the first line is Black and Jona; 2nd line - Gavin and Shane' 3rd line - George and Mull , and other people in the other lines. For the first few times, no one hit , then smash : Shane and Black hit . Whac a collision . Both their fenders were U' s. Blood was everywhere so as they got that off the track, Mull got drunk and turned around and went the wrong way. SMASH! Mull hit Gavin on the turn. Cars were piling up. I went right pass them . After a few laps, George lost his steering and hit the wall, George ' s head hit the windshield. He cut up his head and lost an arm. There were about two laps to go for me and - the others had five laps so I won! -Jona Wakely THE SMASH GAME It was a pleasant night after dinner when Hinman and French met for a wild game of ,; smash 11 • Smash is played with brooms and a nerf ball and you play it like hockey. Some of the main players were Walt Thomas and Erik Vaughn. It was a clash to the death. French finally won 13 - 10. - Daffodil

The bus ride to the fishing A fe w songs were sung along the wy. One boy locked himself in the bathroom and played in the sink. We traveled two and one half hours. The same boy who locked himself in the bathroom had a hard time staying in his seat. He also had his sock stolen. What a bus ride '} trip was relly wild.

-J. Rowland A TERRIBLE FLOOD It was a good, warm July afternoon but that evening it got cloudy and started to rain hard. The next day it was raining too and for ten days it was raining .

We live by a river and just below an old concrete dam which was about to burst . It had water going over the top and around the sides. Soon the rain stopped but the watef still went up. That night I heard a loud crack and the next day I went to look at the dam . As I looked there was a crack right in the middle of the dam. This dam was at least sixty feet high and was ready to burst. I ran home as fast as I could to tell my father the dam was just about to burst. Soon we moved to the top floor of our three story house . We called everyone in the area and told them to move their belongings to the highest floor in their house Soon the dam started leaking and an hour later it broke. I heard a rumble, and I saw a wall of water come down the river . Soon it hi t our house . It hit with great force. I thought the

Page FLOOD (Cont'd) house was going to collapse, but it didn't. We had to stay upstairs for three days until it dropped enough to see the next floor. Many people had to stay on their roofs to get away from the flood. After six days the flood was just about over. It still was coming over the banks of the river a"little bit, but it soon dropped to a normal height. -Bruce Kelly


OMISSION' There were three small errors in the last CMS Chronicle. Let us correct these now. John Ro-land wrote the unsigned article titled aGreen and White Soccer " and Roger Brelsford wrote the French II news of last issue. The third error was using Mary Wakely's name for the author of the last interview quote. Actually Greg Schwartz was responsible for that quote. As one of our editors said, 11 If the Mew York Times can make mistakes so can we!: ;

CLARK-MORGAN NEWS As our summer at CMS draws to a close everyone slows down. Spot goes to see Mr. Ball and never returns, Stamm gets stranger every day. Britland sleeps with his tape ~layer on and Lewis is always in the head master's office for something. -S . Lewis An Opinion THE AMERICAN WASTE We have problems in our socalled world. Pollution, Revolution , crime and destruction. When we go to the moon we cause pollution in our earth and also the moon. It is . real great that we were the first to go to the moon. Everyone that is for the space program says look what we have gained. But if we spent all the money on our problems like the slums, Biafra, murders in New York we'd get somewhere. We go to the moon to show status and it is like saying we are the best of all because of it. But we aren't until we fix up our earth not overlook it. -Frank Feroleto

THE THIRD HIKING TRIP On July 19, the third group of campers left. We stopped the truck at 10:00 and started off. The first day we went two and a half miles. We put on our swimming suits and went down the big waterfalls. The next day we hiked five miles and went down to check out the water. We all came back and ate lunch. After cleaning up, we went swimming down at the stream. On the third day, we went up a mountain called Garfield. It was three and a half miles up. We came back down and it was time for supper when we got back. We ate and then went to bed. The next morning we climbed up a mountain called Southwin. We ate lunch and hiked back to cam~. It was time for supper. We ate, cleaned up and went to bed. The next morning was Friday. We hiked seven miles to the road We ~limbed into the van, had an

Page 5 HIKING TRIP (Cont 1 d) ice cream treat and returned dirty, and tired but with lots of fun things to remember and talk about. -Eric Grayson A BACKWARDS LIFE I woke up and ate my prayers I said my breakfast As I was falling up the stairs I watched to school And walked television As I was drooling at the mule. I tossed my cookie And gobbled my ball As I was playing with the bookies. -Mike Imperiale There was an old man from Spain Whose name was Phil McBain He walked with a wiggle And started to giggle Whenever they mentioned his name. SAILING RACES On Wednesday of last week the boys who had sailing could participate in a meet. In the first race Nora Sutton and Brooks Wallace won with Paker Thomson and Jim Nagle in second. Third was Justin Pierce and Andy Finkbeiner and fourth Joe-Sandy Ingerbrigtsen and Ed Goldschlag. In the second race Parker Thomson and Jim Nalge were first with Nora Sutton and Brooks Wallace in second place. The others didn 1 t finish. -Jim Nagle

LOVE Love is like a flower blooming, It is always in your mind, Even when you're singing. -Eleanor Beaty THE FIFTH HIKING TRIP The guys that went on the trip were: Carlos Pou, Greg Schwartz, John Bagley, Tim Collins , Mark Suplicy, Scooter Mitchell, Doug Grayson, John Dennison, and Scott Poole. We woke up at 6:00 and had breakfast. We-left at 8:00. At 8:30 we started to climb Mt. Moosilauke. On the way Mark Suplicy broke his arm. Whcn·we reached the summit we found the cabin. There - were three guys ; two of them left. Max and Mr. Johnson brought Mark down. Before they came ~ack a group of boys from a camp came. There were about ten guys and two counselors. The cabin was full so they borrowed our tents and slept out. The next day, Tuesday, we walked 11 miles, we walked all the way down and 7 more miles. On the way we saw Mr. Jenness. When . we reached Arlington cabin it was locked. Mr. Johnson broke the lock and went in. There was a group of girls from a camp staying in the cabin. But they were not there when we came. Later they came back. They were surprised but when they saw Scott Poole they decided to leave. Wednesday we walked 14 miles We climbed Mt. Cube and Mt. Smart we slept on Mt. Smart. We met Smokey the Bear there. He's our hero!

Page -6 FIFTH HIKE ( Cont ' d) On Thursday we walked 12 miles. We slept in Clark Pond shelter. Everybody took a bath in the lake. Friday we walked back to school. We walked 4 miles. Everybody had a very good time , -Carlos Pou THE FISHING TRIP On Thursday morning , August

5 , about fifty people from School went on a deep sea fishing trip to Rye Harbor , N.H. We went on a Vermont Transit bus . When we arrived , we got off the bus and were given a bag lunch. At the same time some huge planes came flying over our heads. It looked like they were about to attack us . (They probably heard that we had some of Clancy ' s lunches.) After that we got on the boats There were two of them, one named the Traveler and the other called the Miss Rye Harbor. We went out to find the fish and when we started fishing, Mr . Ball got a hook stuck in his hand, It was finally removed and he was ok. Mr. Jason and the bus driver got the most fish , I think Mr. Jason got eighty-one fish, When we were coming back towards the shore , everyone was taking fish and throwing them to the gulls . We brought the rest back for dinner the next day. Hardly anyone ate any at that meal. - William Stevens

JOKE TIME A man tried to get a job in a stage show. '" What can you do? n asked the producer. " Imitate birds, 71 the man said. n Are you kidding? 11 answered the producer. 1 ' People like that are a dime a dozen. :, nwell , I guess that 1 s 11 that, said the actor as he spread his wings and flew out the window. -Jim Gillette OUR VISIT TO RUGGLES MINE As you might already know , the people that did not go on the fishing trip went to Ruggles Mine and other places such as Sunapee fair, and the Lake Sunapee beach. We had a blast at Ruggles mine with rocks of all kind. Faithful Jimmy Douglass found a deep dark cave. He got Mr. Dixon , and we went back up into the deep dark cave equipped with flash lights and everything. In the cave we found loads of mica. The people that went up into the deep , dark cave with Mr. Dixon , were Jimmy Douglass , Sandy Ingebrigtsen '. Lee Iverson, and Bruce Kelly, After our visit to Ruggles we went to the Sunapee fair located on Mt. Sunapee ski area , After that we went to Lake Sunapee which has the cleanest water I have ever seen in my entire life . There, I guess we had the most fun going under the raft . Parker Thomson kept turning up everywhere under the raft. After we swam Parker Thomson , Jim Nagle , and Steve Lewis built a sand castle . After our fun at the beach we came back to school and had a steak dinner on the beach . After

Page RUGGLES MINE (Cont ' d} dinner we had some games such as kickball, volley ball and ping pong. Then we went swimming. - Sandy Ingebrigtsen A SAD STORY WITH A BLUNT ENDING Once upon a time, a Goode number of years ago, back in the Black ages, there lived an old man named Kelly Iver and his sons Ruotolo Iver and Mitch Iver called merely Iver's/sons. Kelly carried a White Kane, as he was legally blind , but despite this handicap , he was Sager than any other citizen.


Having a great amount of Gaul, Ruotolo approached the stranger ; nHaven 1 t we Met(z)? 11 said the stranger. ::You Otto recognize your cousin Jas!~usin Gord is just down the stream at Brels v house. '1 After much backslapping and laughing the cousins walked the ox down to the house where the Brel family lived . The river was shallow here and they could cross. i;Would Gillette us ride the Hick ox across the Br els I ford? i: 1 said the cousins. ' We'll go with you to see the king and find out what the gray stuff is. 11 11 Fine 11 said Ruotolo. " Everyone get on . Is Gord on? 11 nYes. 11 Is Jas on? 11 11 All set ;, , and they were off.


Ruotolo woke one morning to see Haze/n fog covering the valley. Through the fog flew a huge bird , a Nagle, which dropped Sutton at his feet. It was a Bag(ley) full of a heavy substance. "' What's Innes, I wonder? 11 he said, as he carried it into his father. The old man had Rizzon to a sitting position and he accepted the Bag(ley) curiously. :i is it gold father? ,: asked Ruotolo anxiously. " That was not Cald/well , my boy, n 11 said the old man. Gold is yellow, but this is Gray,son. n Ruotolo then asked if the gray material could be valuable. :; I 1 11 1 take it father , ; said Ruotolo. i: No :. = said Iver , 1;Mi tch ' ell take it. Ruotolo excitedly grabbed the Bag(ley) and rushed out to the Carell to saddle his Hick ox, for they did not own a horse. He soon was on his way to the Imperiale palace to see King Ingerbrigtsen. 1


As he rounded a bend in the road he came to a deep river: As he Mulled over in his mind a way to cross the river he saw a man approaching carrying a long Pou(l) .

Several miles further they came to a large Poole with a thick coating of ice covering it. The three brave men Pierced the ice and caught several fish for supper. As it was nearly dark they made camp near a Lilly patch. Just before dark a visitor came into camp ; a small deer Vaughn stumbled upon the three men and they quickly caught it to sell to the city of Zuill. Come morning the three men and two animals again started to continue their journey. However they soon found they must cross the thin ice to reach the land near the palace. Two men rode on the ox and Jas rode the little Vaughn. Suddenly the animals started to Stammpede. ::Turn 'er! Turn ' er! " shouted Gord as the ox headed for the open side of the lake. But Ruotolo could not turn the Hick ox, and it ran straight into the water and sank. Jas followed in their Wake(ly} •nd it seemed that the

Page 8 A SAD STORY (Cont'd) deer would also go into the water until it slipped on the Sup er (1) icy surface. Over and over it did Rowland finally came to a stop. Jas was fatally wotinded but he got out an ice pick and chiseled his final words into the ice in Morse code. He said, nDo not go out on thin ice, Maassen, (he had a Southern drawl) for it will surely be a Britland. It will only (La) Plant you under its crust and you will become a deceased Dennison of the depths. ;:

HOW TO FLIP A SAILBOAT TWO TIMES IN A 10 MINUTE INTERVAL I started off at sailing class with a crew of an unknown person who I will not mention in .an F.J. It was very windy and white caps were showing upon the lake. We were starting off pretty good. We got all the sails up and everything was in order (except my crew). We got about in the middle of the school area of the lake.

Soon we were getting pretty close to shore. I told the person we were coming about and we came about. Normally you switch the Ho one ever heard of the men again, sail to the other side and sit except for the message . .As for the old on the wind ward side and hikeman Iver, he died soon after ~he boy left out. He did not do any of these home, for in the bag of grey material were things, so naturally we went really special herbs to cure his illness, right over. When we got the sent over by air express from the pharmacy. boat upright, I explained to him what he did wrong, but he insisted that he knew what to do. So with ARCHERY only the jib up we sailed away bailing all the time. We finally On August 5, 1971, CMS was got all the water out of the boat. defeated by Camp Connistance in I tried to head into the wind so archery . The score was 800 to I could put up the main sail, but 550, but we tried hard. We were every time I tried we just blew missing Dennison 3 Daffodil, P. off course, so I decided to put White , Schwartz and Doug Grayson the main up with the wind blowing from our regular team. Spot and behind us. Thomas shot at twenty yards and at fifteen yards M. Grayson, J. Finally, I got up the main Wakely and Federman. J. Jones sail and started back. I looked was a spectator. Eric Grayson was around. By this time we were our manager and we all had fun. way down in the farthest end. I told him we were coming about, so -Walter Thomas we cut across the cove on a starboard tack. We were moving quite swiftly and were getting close There was a young boy named Steven to shore . I told him we were coming about. He said, :: ok :r and Who always tried to get even Whenever they punched we came about. He sat on the wrong side and had the jib on the He threw up his lunch That naughty young boy named Steven wrong side, just like before. Before I could do anything we went right over. -Sandy Ingebrigtsen

Page One day I was on work detail cutting grass when, t. Buzzzzzzzzz , Plungoowee ! Plungoowee ! r, What was that noise? It was coming from that red and white polka dotted mushroom. To my surprise; it was a tiny man dressed in green. His skin was green too. He said, :.Bzzzz. Plungowee! Plungowee ! Name? i ; I didn't know what to say so I said, 11 Rrroobbinnn. n :; Bzzz. Plungowe ! Plungowee My name is Ivan, king of the Buglogans. I was looking for me long lost girl, Aileen. u A tear rolled down his cheek as he went on. ··she was a beautiful gal, she was. I loved her well but she is lost in the woods and me heart is breaking.:; 11

I wish I could help you, but hey ! i can help you, Ivan. First let me wait for two hours. I don ' t have to go to drama. It's a free afternoon. :: 1 : 0kay, Robin. Your work for this afternoon is over, ;, yelled Mr. Shelton. :' Thank you, Mr. Shel ton. ·· I ran to my friend Ivan and said Ivan , let's find Aileen. We walked f~r four miles and we were on Cardigan Mountain. We saw many small waterfalls. We stopped because I brought some candy for a snack. I looked over and saw~ small green girl ~ the size of a peanut, She was taking a shower under a small waterfall. I saw Ivan's face turn red, yellow , purple , and back to green. ;; Aileen! Robins me long lost girl. 1' Aileen ran out, rushing to Ivan 1 s arms. .:Thank you, Robin. For your reward , you will have three wishes. Go home and wish them but now I must leave to go back to Buglogan. Goodbye. " I rushed home to my room and


said, ;i I wish for 200 . fireballs. Instantly 200 fireballs were sitting right in front of me. Two weeks went by and I had finished my 200 fireballs. I was thinking about Ivan when an idea came to my head. I wished Ivan were here. So I wished. Immediately, Ivan was standing right in front of me. " Hi, Ivan. " " Hi , how are you? I have gotten married to me gal, Aileen. I love her a lot. Oh, Robin I forgot to tell you. I'll hear your wish and I'll get what you wish for. I must be getting along. So long. 11 Bye , Ivan. i; When he went out the door, I wished for a cat -- a beautiful cat. There it was in front 6f my face. The cat sprang out of the door and I ran after him. By the time I caught up with him, I saw in his mouth my friend 1 Ivan. He was dead. The cat then pounced on me and killed me. i;

-Robin Bagley THE NUMBER MA~i

There once was a man made all of numbers. His head was made of a zero ; his fingers made of ones and the other parts were made of numbers, too. One day, he was lying under a tree. All of a sudden, two men who were talking across the street noticed him. One of them, Sam1 said, ;:Look at that jumbled up mess of numbers lying under that tree over there. ,; The other man , Jim, said, " Th~t ain't no jumbled up mess of numbers. That there is a man

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NUMBER MAN (Cont 1 d) made out of numbers. ,; So they walked across the street to the ·· number Man. :: The two men were both very surprised to see it was a man. Jim said;, '' See I told you it was a man.: 0

Sam says, • Ya, I guess you were right. Look at his big zero mouth and zero eyes and upsidedown seven nose. Isn't that funny? "' '' Hey, let I s go and talk to him and see if he can talk? '·


'Hi ! My Name is Spring. I live in a chair. I have to tell you about the miseries I had once. One time a sexy lady who was drunk came into the house. The person who owned the house had a party that night. The sexy lady came to the party. She got so drunk she fell on me and went to sleep. That was one of my mis eries. Another time, a fat slob (and I mean fat) came into the house and sat on me and broke me. I was in the spring hospital for two months. Good bye. Nice meeting you. Good bye. : i ·- Brooks Wallace

They went over to him. The Number Man could talk well but all he said was numbers. Sam said, • How are you? " The Number Man answered, ·wine. 1 • How old are you? ;i asked Jim. 11 0ne million, :: he answered

Fly Fly High in the sky See how high the sky is Feel air so fresh in the sky By and By It is fun to see the earth from the sky. -Robert Black

Jim couldn 1 t believe his ears. :,You couldn ' t be} ·· he said. ··one ten · . :·oh _.•· said Jim with a completely blan~::. mind. :;Let's go now/' he said to Sam. They left. Luckily the '' :Number Man " was only a dream of Jim ' s. -Cindy Jason

I FEEL small breeze of fresh air , It is coming toward me, I wis h I was all brave, T 0 ~u~ p in the .lake and feel free.


- ?.;l eaner :Beaty Confucius say: Man who . sleep with vampire w~ke up with pain in the neck. Jim Gillette

THE HANGING OF JOHN OTTO From the darkness of the secret passage came six low moans. When we got out of the passage, we saw John Otto hanging by his underwear on the flaypole. After Schwartz, Walter, and me had strung him up, he stayed up there all night. Finally his underwear wore out and he fell twenty feet down. The fall was broken by Danny Hazen. -David Morse There was a young girl named Cindy Who liked to play when it's windy The weather was cold So I ' ve been told She blew away to East Indy.

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Guarya is located in the Santo Amaro Island in the state of Sao Paulo , Brasil.

In the early 17OO ' s, there was a great discovery. A city was discovered beneath the sea. But that ' s not all. People were The day starts around 6:45 A. M. living there. These people had We have eggs and jice for breakwebbed feet and webbed hands . fast. ·w hen we finish , we go to the beach and swim. Around 11:00 After a while , people from we have some coconut juice or above the water began to disturb another drink . At 12 : 00 we g et th e m. They decided to fight. out of the beach until 3 : 00 Everytime a ship would go over, because the sun is too hot . We they would swim to the surface walk around until lunch time. and get into the boat, then they would begin to fight . One man At lunch , we eat fish, oyster , on the boat picked up a knife and potatoes , and some fruits for des tried to stab one of the creatures , sert. Then we rest until 3:00. but the knife would not go into At 3 : 00 I go out to fish and my him. sisters go swimming. If I get any fish in the afternoon, I will - Gavin Ruotolo eat them at dinner. At dinner we eat whatever we want . After dinner we go to have an ice cream and see a movie. After the movie , I stay watching the fishermen and then g o to bed. Guary~ is so nice that people from all over the world come to visit it. Most people have a house to live in when they come , even if it is for a few days. Those who do not have a house will rent an apartment.

There once was a boy named Keith Who thought he wished to bequeath Two owls and a hen A nineteen cent pen And 32 white pearly teeth. I IJ THE RACE

We were at Firebird Lane and some old timers were there like Pete Hammong Richard Petti, Al Ford, and some new comers li k e me and Jona, Gavin and George.

- Mark Suplicy There was a young fella named Bill Who swallowed a gigantic pill When his nose turned blue He said , i' What should I do? u That helpless young fella named Bill There was a young boy from New York Who mistakenly swallowed a cork He replied with a frown As he sat upsidedown "Will someone please pass the fork 11

We went out on the track and lined up. The green flag went down and Pete Hammond and Al Ford went out in front of me. The two cars were fast and the dust went flying all over the place. I hit the back of one of the cars. Five more laps to go and I was in 2nd place. The car in front of me hit the wall and rolled over 6 times. I broke a hand and a rib. I lost the race and also ruined my summer . -Shane Verreault

Page 12 TRY THIS ! If A=l, B=2, C=3 . ... . see where your name is ; it ' s there !

7 -15 -15 - 4-- 5 13-5-20-26 19-21-16-12-9-3-25 1 - 3-11-5-18 - 13 - l-14 6-5~18-15-12-5-20-15 11-5 - 12-12-25 19-1-7-5-18 2-18 - 5-12 - 19 - 6-15-18-4 7 - 18-1- 25-19 - 15 - 14 13-5-18-18 - 9-12-12 19 - 21-20-20-15 - 14 3 - l-12-4 - 23 - 5-12-12 7 - 9 - 12 - 12-5 - 20-20 - 6 12 - 5- 23 - 9-19 ~--1--18-12-5-25 15 --20-20-15 6-5 - 4-5-18-13-1-14 10 - 1 - 19-15 - 14 9-13 - 16-5-18-9-1- 12-5 1 4-1 - 7 - 12-5 22-5-18-18 - 5-1 - 21-12 - 20 4 - 15 - 21-7-12-1-19-19 10 - 1 - 3-11-19-15-14 18-9-26-26-15 23--8 -9-20 - 5

l -· 12 ·· 12 - 5-14 7 -- 1 - 21-12 12-1-16-12-1-14 - 20 - 5 19-3-8-23-1-18-20-26 2 - 1-7 - 12-5-25 19-20-1-13~13 9-14-7-5 - 2-18 - 9-20-19-5-4 22 - 15 - 7-5-12 20-8-15-13-1-19 2-12-21- 13 - 20 6-9 - 13-ll-2 - 5-9 - 13-5-18 2 - 5-1--20 - 25 7 - 15 - 12-4-14-3 - 8- 12-l-7 13-1-1- 1 9 -19-5-14 19 - 20 - 5-22-5-14-19 12 - 9-12 - 12-25 13 - 21 - 12-12 16 --15-21 18 - 21-15-20-15-12-15 26-21-9-12-12 9 - 11~ - 14-9-19 3-1-18 - 5-12-12 23-1 - 11- 5-12-25 16 - 15-25 - 12-5 13 - 3-18 - 15-2-5-18-20-19

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There once was a boy nam.e d Mark Who was completely scared of the dark When the light went out He 1 d holler and shout That scared little boy n~med Mark


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