Hultquist aw2012 catalogue dkk eur gbp

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392636 S-BR

392635 S

392630 S

392631 S-G

392645 S-G3 + S-G6

392749 S-BR

392630 S 392631 S-G 392635 S 392636 S-BR 392645 S-G3 392645 S-G6 392749 S-BR

earring hook silver with black diamond crystal and fresh water pearl earring creole silver with black diamond crystal necklace 42 cm silver with black diamond crystals necklace 100 cm necklace to adjust hematite with black diamond crystals,fresh water pearls on brown cord ring size 53 silver with black diamond crystals ring size 56 silver with black diamond crystals bracelet macramé silver with mixed colour crystals on brown cord

DKR 299,00 399,00 299,00 499,00 379,00 379,00 399,00

£ 40,70 50,90 40,70 64,60 47,50 47,50 50,90

€ 44,75 56,00 44,75 71,00 52,25 52,25 56,00


392627 S-G

392624 S-G

392642 S-B3 + S-B6

392647 S-G3 + S-G6

392749 S

392641 S-G + S-B

392634 S-G

392624 S-G 392627 S-G 392634 S-G 392641 S-B 392641 S-G 392642 S-B3 392642 S-B6 392647 S-G3 392647 S-G6 392749 S

earstick silver with black diamond crystal earring hook silver with black diamond crystal necklace 100 cm silver with black diamond crystals bracelet adjustable silver with black diamond crystals on black cord bracelet adjustable silver with black diamond crystals on grey cord ring size 53 silver with black diamond crystals and black rock stone in resin ring size 56 silver with black diamond crystals and black rock stone in resin ring size 53 silver with black diamond crystals ring size 56 silver with black diamond crystals bracelet macramé silver with mixed white and black diamond crystals on grey cord

DKR 269,00 129,00 399,00 269,00 269,00 349,00 349,00 269,00 269,00 399,00

£ 33,80 16,80 50,90 33,80 33,80 44,10 44,10 33,80 33,80 50,90

€ 37,25 18,50 56,00 37,25 37,25 48,50 48,50 37,25 37,25 56,00


392712 S

392728 S 392637 S-G

392710 S-G

392710 S

392628 S-G

392629 S

392707 S-3 + S-6

392646 S-G3 + S-G6

392628 S-G 392629 S 392637 S-G 392646 S-G3 392646 S-G6 392646 S-W3 392646 S-W6 392707 S-3 392707 S-6 392710 S 392710 S-G 392712 S 392728 S 392748 S-B

392646 S-W3 + S-W6

earring hook silver with fresh water pearl earring hook silver with pyrit colour glass beads and fresh water pearls necklace 42 cm silver / hematite with black diamond crystals on brown cord ring size 53 silver with black diamond crystals ring size 56 silver with black diamond crystals ring size 53 silver with white crystals ring size 56 silver with white crystals ring size 53 silver ring size 56 silver earstick silver with black diamond crystals earstick silver with labadorite stone earstick bi colour earring creole silver bracelet elastic silver / hematite with black glass, beige and creme stone beads

392748 S-B

DKR 119,00 199,00 349,00 199,00 199,00 199,00 199,00 159,00 159,00 129,00 129,00 99,00 159,00 299,00

ÂŁ 15,40 27,00 44,10 27,00 27,00 27,00 27,00 20,20 20,20 16,80 16,80 13,40 20,20 40,70

â‚Ź 17,00 29,75 48,50 29,75 29,75 29,75 29,75 22,25 22,25 18,50 18,50 14,75 22,25 44,75


392727 HE 392706 S-G

392730 HE-G

392722 S-B

392683 S-G

392752 S-G

392649 S-G3 +S-G6

392649 S-G3 392649 S-G6 392683 S-G 392706 S-G 392722 S-B 392727 HE 392730 HE-G 392752 S-G

ring size 53 silver with black diamond crystals and ladadorite stone ring size 56 silver with black diamond crystals and labadorite stone earstick silver with grey pearl necklace 42 cm silver / hematite with black diamond crystals bracelet to wrap 3 times silver/ hematite with a mix of glass beads and semi precious stone beads with black cord earring creole hematite / silver necklace 90 cm to adjust hematite / silver with labadorite stone and fresh water pearl on grey cord bracelet to wrap 3 times silver / hematite with mix of fresh water pearls, semi precious stone and glass beads




399,00 399,00 159,00 299,00 399,00 199,00 399,00 479,00

50,90 50,90 20,20 40,70 50,90 27,00 50,90 61,20

56,00 56,00 22,25 44,75 56,00 29,75 56,00 67,25


392746 S

392726 S

392747 S

392709 S 392723 S

392725 S

392709 S 392723 S 392725 S 392726 S 392746 S 392747 S

earring french hook silver / hematite with black diamond crystals bracelet elastic silver / hematite with semi precious stones and glass beads bracelet silver / hematite, black glass, and labadorite stone beads necklace 42 cm silver / hematite with black diamond crystals and semi precious stones ring adjustable silver with black diamond crystals earstick silver with black diamond crystals

DKR 239,00 269,00 379,00 299,00 349,00 189,00

ÂŁ 30,40 33,80 47,50 40,70 44,10 23,60

â‚Ź 33,50 37,25 52,25 44,75 48,50 26,00


392636 HE-G

392630 G

392634 G-G 392631 G-HE

392630 G 392631 G-HE 392634 G-G 392636 HE-G

earring hook gold with black diamond crystal and fresh water pearl earring creole gold with hematite oval and black diamond crystal necklace 100 cm gold / hematite with black diamond crystals necklace 100 cm necklace to adjust hematite with black diamond crystals, fresh water pearls on grey cord

DKR 299,00 399,00 399,00 499,00

£ 40,70 50,90 50,90 64,60

€ 44,75 56,00 56,00 71,00


392622 G-G 392625G-G

392626 G-G

392648 G-G3 + G-G6

392638 HE

392632 HE-G

392642 G-B3 +G-B6

392749 HE-G

392639 G-G

392622 G-G 392625 G-G 392626 G-G 392632 HE-G 392638 HE 392639 G-G 392640 G-G 392642 G-B3 392642 G-B6 392648 G-G3 392648 G-G6 392749 HE-G

earstick gold with labadorite stone earring creole gold with a mix of semi precious stones earring creole gold with labadorite stone earring creole hematite / gold with fresh water pearl necklace 100 cm hematite with a mix of semi precious stones and fresh water pearls bracelet elastic gold with a mix of semi precious beads, glass beads and fresh water pearls bracelet elastic gold with a mix of semi precious beads, glass beads and fresh water pearls ring size 53 gold with black diamond crystals and black rock stone in resin ring size 56 gold with black diamond crystals and black rock stone in resin ring size 53 gold with labadorite stone ring size 56 gold with labadorite stone bracelet macramé hematite with mixed colour crystals on grey cord

392640 G-G

DKR 189,00 299,00 239,00 199,00 399,00 299,00 299,00 349,00 349,00 189,00 189,00 399,00

£ 23,60 40,70 30,40 27,00 50,90 40,70 40,70 44,10 44,10 23,60 23,60 50,90

€ 26,00 44,75 33,50 29,75 56,00 44,75 44,75 48,50 48,50 26,00 26,00 56,00


392710 G

362635 G

392710 G-G

392712 G

392711 G

392624 HE-G

392624 G-G

392641 HE-B 392707 G-3 + G-6

392646 G-G3 +G-G6

392631 G-G

392647 G-G3 + G-G6

392624 G-G 392624 HE-G 392631 G-G 392635 G 392641 HE-B 392645 G-G3 392645 G-G6 392646 G-G3 392646 G-G6 392647 G-G3 392647 G-G6 392707 G-3 392707 G-6 392710 G 392710 G-G 392711 G 392712 G

earstick gold with black diamond crystal earstick hematite with black diamond crystal earring creole gold with black diamond crystal necklace 42 cm gold with black diamond crystals bracelet adjustable hematite with black diamond crystals on black cord ring size 53 gold with black diamond crystals ring size 56 gold with black diamond crystals ring size 53 gold with black diamond crystals ring size 56 gold with black diamond crystals ring size 53 gold with black diamond crystals ring size 56 gold with black diamond crystals ring size 53 gold ring size 56 gold earstick gold with black diamond crystals earstick gold with labadorite stone earring hook gold / hematite earstick gold / hematite

392645 G-G3 + G-G6

DKR 269,00 269,00 399,00 299,00 269,00 379,00 379,00 199,00 199,00 269,00 269,00 159,00 159,00 129,00 129,00 189,00 99,00

ÂŁ 33,80 33,80 50,90 40,70 33,80 47,50 47,50 27,00 27,00 33,80 33,80 20,20 20,20 16,80 16,80 23,60 13,40

â‚Ź 37,25 37,25 56,00 44,75 37,25 52,25 52,25 29,75 29,75 37,25 37,25 22,25 22,25 18,50 18,50 26,00 14,75


392648 S-G3 + S-G6

392622 S-G

392644 S-G3 + S-G6

392626 S-G

392643 S-G3 + S-G6

392623 S-G

392731 S-G3 + S-G6

392625 S-G 392633 S-G

392749 S-G

392622 S-G 392623 S-G 392625 S-G 392626 S-G 392633 S-G 392643 S-G3 392643 S-G6 392644 S-G3 392644 S-G6 392648 S-G3 392648 S-G6 392731 S-G3 392731 S-G6 392749 S-G

earstick silver with labadorite stone earring hook silver with labadorite stone earring creole silver with a mix of semi presious stones earring creole silver with labadorite stone necklace 42 cm silver with labadorite stone ring size 53 silver with labadorite stone ring size 56 silver with labadorite stone ring size 53 silver with labadorite stone ring size 56 silver with labadorite stone ring size 53 silver with labadorite stone ring size 56 silver with labadorite stone ring size 53 silver with labadorite stone ring size 56 silver with labadorite stone bracelet macramĂŠ silver with mixed colour crystals on grey cord

DKR 189,00 199,00 299,00 239,00 269,00 299,00 299,00 199,00 199,00 189,00 189,00 299,00 299,00 399,00

ÂŁ 23,60 27,00 40,70 30,40 33,80 40,70 40,70 27,00 27,00 23,60 23,60 40,70 40,70 50,90

â‚Ź 26,00 29,75 44,75 33,50 37,25 44,75 44,75 29,75 29,75 26,00 26,00 44,75 44,75 56,00


392706 G-G

392705 G-TA + S-B

03751 G-B

392747 G

392746 G

392709 G

392749 G-BR

03751 G-B 392705 G-TA 392705 S-B 392706 G-G 392709 G 392746 G 392747 G 392749 G-BR

necklace to adjust gold with black diamond crystals and fresh water pearl on black cord necklace 90 cm to adjust gold, with black diamond crystals, fresh water pearls on tan cord necklace 90 cm to adjust silver, with black diamond crystals, fresh water pearls on black cord necklace 42 cm gold / hematite with black diamond crystals earring french hook gold / hematite with black diamond crystals ring adjustable gold with black diamond crystals earstick gold with black diamond crystals bracelet macramé gold with mixed colour crystals on brown cord

DKR 379,00 379,00 379,00 299,00 239,00 349,00 189,00 399,00

£ 47,50 47,50 47,50 40,70 30,40 44,10 23,60 50,90

€ 52,25 52,25 52,25 44,75 33,50 48,50 26,00 56,00


392637 G-G

392633 G-G

392629 G 392628 G-G

392627 G-G 392628 G-G 392629 G 392633 G-G 392637 G-G

earring hook gold with black diamond crystal earring hook gold with fresh water pearl earring hook gold with pyrit colour glass beads and fresh water pearls necklace 42 cm gold with labadorite stone necklace 42 cm gold / hematite with black diamond crystals on grey cord

392627 G-G

DKR 129,00 119,00 199,00 269,00 349,00

£ 16,80 15,40 27,00 33,80 44,10

€ 18,50 17,00 29,75 37,25 48,50


392720 BI

392714 BI

392718 BI

392714 BI 392718 BI 392720 BI

earstick bi colour bracelet bi colour necklace 3 row bi colour

DKR 159,00 239,00 379,00

£ 20,20 30,40 47,50

€ 22,25 33,50 52,25


392719 BI

392708 BI 392715 BI-BR

392707 BI3 + BI6

392716 BI

392717 BI

392707 BI-3 392707 BI-6 392708 BI 392715 BI-BR 392716 BI 392717 BI 392719 BI

ring size 53 bi colour ring size 56 bi colour earstick bi colour bracelet to adjust bi colour on brown cord bracelet bi colour on brown leather bracelet bi colour necklace 42 cm bi colour with a mix of semi precious stone beads

DKR 159,00 159,00 129,00 129,00 269,00 299,00 299,00

£ 20,20 20,20 16,80 16,80 33,80 40,70 40,70

€ 22,25 22,25 18,50 18,50 37,25 44,75 44,75


392727 BI

392713 BI

392721 BI

392715 BI-G

392713 BI 392715 BI-G 392721 BI 392727 BI 392748 BI-G

earring creole bi colour bracelet to adjust on grey cord necklace 90 cm bi colour earring creole bi colour bracelet elastic bi colour with labadorite, fresh water pearls and stone beads

392748 BI-G

DKR 199,00 129,00 269,00 199,00 299,00

£ 27,00 16,80 33,80 27,00 40,70

€ 29,75 18,50 37,25 29,75 44,75

17 R I P E WA L N U T S

392650 G

392650 S

03750 BI-BR

392651 G-BR

392651 S-BR 392653 BI

03750 BI-BR 392650 G 392650 S 392651 G-BR 392651 S-BR 392653 BI

necklace 80 cm bi colour on brown cord earring stick gold with black diamond crystals earring stick silver with black diamond crystals bracelet to adjust gold with black diamond crystals on dark brown cord bracelet to adjust silver with black diamond crystals on dark brown cord necklace 80 cm bi colour

DKR 299,00 189,00 189,00 189,00 189,00 299,00

ÂŁ 40,70 23,60 23,60 23,60 23,60 40,70

â‚Ź 44,75 26,00 26,00 26,00 26,00 44,75


392682 S-G

392753 S

392666 S-G

392655 S-B

392664 S-G

392659 S-B

392688 S-B3 + S-B6

392686 S-G

392655 S-B 392659 S-B 392664 S-G 392666 S-G 392682 S-G 392686 S-G 392688 S-B3 392688 S-B6 392753 S

bracelet to adjust silver with black diamond crystals on black cord bracelet silver / hematite with black diamond crystals on black cord earring stick silver with black diamond earring hook silver with black diamond crystals and labadorite bead necklace 94 cm silver / hematite, black diamond crystals, mixed labadorite and black glass beads bracelet to wrap 3 times silver with black diamond crystals, fresh water pearls, semi precious stone and black glass beads ring size 53 silver with black diamond crystals and black enamel ring size 56 silver with black diamond crystals and black enamel earstick silver

DKR 239,00 239,00 199,00 159,00 189,00 429,00 379,00 379,00 99,00

ÂŁ 30,40 30,40 27,00 20,20 23,10 54,30 47,50 47,50 13,40

â‚Ź 33,50 33,50 29,75 22,25 25,50 59,75 52,25 52,25 14,75


392654 S-B

392690 S-B

392691 HE-B

392667 S-B

392661 S-B

392654 S-B 392661 S-B 392667 S-B 392690 S-B 392691 HE-B

earring hook silver with black diamond crystals and black glass bead bracelet to wrap 5 times silver with black diamond and black glass beads bracelet to adjust silver with black diamond crystals on black cord necklace 100 cm to adjust / hematite, black diamond crystals,on black cord necklace 100 cm to adjust hematite, black diamond crystals on black cord

DKR 199,00 299,00 189,00 299,00 299,00

ÂŁ 27,00 40,70 23,60 40,70 40,70

â‚Ź 29,75 44,75 26,00 44,75 44,75


392667 S-G 392692 S-G

392689 S-G

392671 S-G

392669 HE-G

392667 S-G 392669 HE-G 392671 S-G 392689 S-G 392692 S-G

bracelet to adjust silver with black diamond crystals on grey cord bracelet elastic hematite / silver with black diamond crystals bracelet to adjust silver with black diamond crystals on grey cord necklace to adjust silver with black diamond crystals and fresh water pearls on grey cord necklace 100 cm to adjust silver / hematite,black diamond crystals on grey cord

DKR 189,00 349,00 199,00 299,00 299,00

ÂŁ 23,60 44,10 27,00 40,70 40,70

â‚Ź 26,00 48,50 29,75 44,75 44,75


03752 S-W +S

392678 S

392673 S

392667 S-BR

03752 S-W 03752 S 392662 S-G 392663 S-G 392667 S-BR 392670 S-BR 392673 S 392678 S 392679 S

392679 S

392663 S-G

392662 S-G

necklace 42 cm silver with white pearl necklace 42 cm silver with black diamond crystals bracelet to wrap 3 times silver / hematite with black diamond crystals on leather earring stick silver with black diamond crystals bracelet to adjust silver with black diamond crystals on brown cord bracelet macramé silver with pearls on brown cord earring creole silver necklace 42 cm silver / hematite with black diamond crystals necklace 42 cm silver with black jet, black diamond crystals and fresh water pearls

392670 S-BR

DKR 269,00 269,00 299,00 269,00 189,00 299,00 189,00 109,00 299,00

£ 33,80 33,80 40,70 33,80 23,60 40,70 23,60 13,30 40,70

€ 37,25 37,25 44,75 37,25 26,00 44,75 26,00 14,75 44,75


03753 S

03755 S

03754 S

392695 S-G

392684 S

03753 S 03754 S 03755 S 392684 S 392695 S-G

necklace 42 cm silver / hematite with black diamond crystals necklace double chain 100 cm with black diamond crystals necklace 80 cm silver/hematite with black diamond crystals and wax pearls bracelet silver / hematite with black diamond crystals earring hook silver with black diamond crystals

DKR 239,00 399,00 349,00 299,00 199,00

ÂŁ 30,40 50,90 44,10 40,70 27,00

â‚Ź 33,50 56,00 48,50 44,75 29,75


392656 G-B

392678 G

392670 G-B

392671 G-B

392664 G-G 392684 G

392656 G-B 392664 G-G 392670 G-B 392671 G-B 392678 G 392684 G

necklace 62 cm gold with black diamond crystals and black glass beads earstick gold with black diamond crystals bracelet macramé gold with pearls on black cord bracelet to adjust gold with black jet crystals on black cord necklace 42 cm gold / hematite with black diamond crystals bracelet gold / hematite with black diamond crystals

DKR 379,00 199,00 299,00 199,00 299,00 299,00

£ 47,50 27,00 40,70 27,00 37,30 40,70

€ 52,25 29,75 44,75 29,75 41,00 44,75


392660 G-B

392654 G-B

392655 G-B

392673 G 392753 G

392659 G-B

392654 G-B 392655 G-B 392659 G-B 392660 G-B 392662 G-B 392673 G 392753 G

earring hook gold with black diamond crystals and black glass bead bracelet to adjust gold with black jet crystals on black cord bracelet gold / hematite with black diamond crystals on black cord necklace 90 cm gold with black diamond and black faceted glass beads bracelet to wrap 3 times gold / hematite with black diamond crystals, on black leather earring creole gold earstick gold

392662 G-B

DKR 199,00 239,00 239,00 499,00 299,00 189,00 99,00

ÂŁ 27,00 30,40 30,40 64,60 40,70 23,60 13,40

â‚Ź 29,75 33,50 33,50 71,00 44,75 26,00 14,75


392679 G

392657 G

392658 G

392665 G-G 392661 G-B

392657 G 392658 G 392661 G-B 392665 G-G 392679 G

necklace 85 cm gold with black jet crystals bracelet gold with black jet crystals bracelet to wrap 5 times gold with black diamond and black glass beads earring creole gold / hematite with black diamond crystal neclace 42 cm gold with black jet, black diamond crystals and fresh water pearls

DKR 429,00 269,00 299,00 269,00 299,00

ÂŁ 54,30 33,80 40,70 33,80 40,70

â‚Ź 59,75 37,25 44,75 37,25 44,75


392682 HE-G

392663 HE-G

392686 HE-G

392663 HE-G 392682 HE-G 392686 HE-G

earring stick hematite with black diamond crystals necklace 94 hematite / gold, black diamond crystals, mixed labadorite and black glass beads bracelet to wrap 3 times hematite with black diamond crystals, mix of semi precious stones and black glass beads

DKR 269,00 189,00 429,00

ÂŁ 33,80 23,10 54,30

â‚Ź 37,25 25,50 59,75


392656 HE-G

392688 G-B3 + G-B6

392656 HE-G 392664 HE-G 392688 G -B3 392688 G-B6

necklace 62 cm hematite with mix of labadorite stone and black glass beads earing stick hematite with black diamond crystals ring size 53 gold / hematite with black diamond crystals and black enamel ring size 56 gold / hematite with black diamond crystals and black enamel

392664 HE-G

DKR 379,00 199,00 379,00 379,00

ÂŁ 47,50 27,00 47,50 47,50

â‚Ź 52,25 29,75 52,25 52,25


392693 HE-G

392692 G-B

392666 HE-G

392695 G-G

392667 G-B

392666 HE-G 392667 G-B 392692 G-B 392693 HE-G 392695 G-G

earring hook hematite with black diamond crystals and labadorite bead bracelet to adjust gold with black diamond crystals on black cord necklace 100 cm to adjust gold / hematite, black diamond crystals on black cord necklace double chain 80/86 cm hematite with black diamond crystals earring hook gold with black diamond crystals

DKR 159,00 189,00 299,00 399,00 199,00

ÂŁ 20,20 23,60 40,70 50,90 27,00

â‚Ź 22,25 26,00 44,75 56,00 29,75


392680 G-W

392672 G-W 392675 G

392672 G-W 392675 G 392680 G-W

bracelet elastic gold with black diamond crystals and stone beads earring hook gold with black diamond crystals and fresh water pearls necklace 94 cm gold with black diamond crystals, beige stone beads, fresh water pearls and acrylic beads

DKR 399,00 269,00 529,00

ÂŁ 50,90 33,80 68,00

â‚Ź 56,00 37,25 74,75



392689 G-B

392683 G-W

392668 G-W 392674 G

392668 G-W 392674 G 392683 G-W 392689 G-B

bracelet to adjust gold with black diamond crystals, fresh water pearls and black cord earring hook gold with black diamond and fresh water pearls earstick gold with off white pearl necklace to adjust gold with black diamond crystals and fresh water pearls on black cord

DKR 299,00 269,00 159,00 299,00

ÂŁ 40,70 33,80 20,20 40,70

â‚Ź 44,75 37,25 22,25 44,75


392681 G-W

392687 G-W

392677 G-G

392676 G-G

392685 G

392676 G-G 392677 G-G 392681 G-W 392685 G 392687 G-W

earring french hook gold with black diamond crystals earstick gold with black diamond necklace 90 cm gold with black diamond crystals, mix of fresh water pearls and wax pearls bracelet gold with black diamond, fresh water pearls and semi precious stones bracelet to wrap 3 times gold with black diamond crystals, fresh water pearls and wax pearls

DKR 299,00 129,00 399,00 349,00 429,00

ÂŁ 40,70 16,80 50,90 44,10 54,30

â‚Ź 44,75 18,50 56,00 48,50 59,75


392657 S 392677 S-G

392657 S 392658 S 392661 S-HE 392665 S-G 392676 S-G 392677 S-G

392676 S-G

392665 S-G

392658 S

392661 S-HE

necklace 85 cm silver with black diamond crystals bracelet silver with black diamond crystals bracelet to wrap 5 times silver with hematite colour glass beads and black cord earring creole silver / hematite with black diamond crystal earring french hook silver with black diamond crystals earstick with black diamond crystal

DKR 429,00 269,00 299,00 269,00 299,00 129,00

ÂŁ 54,30 33,80 40,70 33,80 40,70 16,80

â‚Ź 59,75 37,25 44,75 37,25 44,75 18,50


392681 S-W

392675 S

392687 S-W

392668 S-W 392670 S-B 392675 S 392681 S-W 392687 S-W

bracelet to adjust silver with black diamond crystals, fresh water pearls and black cord braclet macramé silver with pearls on black cord earring hook silver with black diamond crystals and fresh water pearls necklace 90 cm silver with black diamond crystals, mix of fresh water pearls and wax pearls bracelet to wrap 3 times silver with black diamond crystals, fresh water pearls and wax pearls

392668 S-W

392670 S-B

DKR 299,00 299,00 269,00 399,00 429,00

£ 40,70 40,70 33,80 50,90 54,30

€ 44,75 44,75 37,25 56,00 59,75


392680 S-W

392683 S-W 392672 S-W

392674 S

362685 S

392672 S-W 392674 S 392680 S-W 392683 S-W 392685 S

bracelet elastic silver with black diamond crystals and stone beads earring hook silver with black diamond and fresh water pearls necklace 94 cm silver with black diamond crystals, beige stone beads fresh water pearls and wax pearl earstick silver with off white pearl bracelet silver with black diamond, fresh water pearls and semi precious stones

DKR 399,00 269,00 199,00 159,00 349,00

ÂŁ 50,90 33,80 24,30 20,20 44,10

â‚Ź 56,00 37,25 26,75 22,25 48,50


392702 S-BR

392700 S-BR

392704 S-BR

392698 S-G3 + S-G6

392697 S

392703 S-BR

392697 S 392698 S-G3 392698 S-G6 392700 S-BR 392702 S-BR 392703 S-BR 392704 S-BR

bracelet silver with black diamond crystals ring size 53 silver with black diamond crystals ring size 56 silver with black diamond crystals necklace 100 cm silver with black diamond crystals, brown leather and cord necklace 42 cm silver with black diamond crystals on brown cord bracelet silver on brown leather bracelet silver on brown leather

DKR 199,00 159,00 159,00 399,00 239,00 299,00 299,00

ÂŁ 27,00 20,20 20,20 50,90 30,40 40,70 40,70

â‚Ź 29,75 22,25 22,25 56,00 33,50 44,75 44,75


392702 G-TA

392700 G-TA

392698 G-G3 +G-G6

392704 G-TA

392703 G-TA

392698 G-G3 392698 G-G6 392700 G-TA 392702 G-TA 392703 G-TA 392704 G-TA

ring size 53 gold with black diamond crystals ring size 56 gold with black diamond crystals necklace 100 cm gold with black diamond crystals, tan leather and cord necklace 42 cm gold with black diamond crystals on tan cord bracelet gold on tan leather bracelet gold on tan leather

DKR 159,00 159,00 399,00 239,00 299,00 299,00

ÂŁ 20,20 20,20 50,90 30,40 40,70 40,70

â‚Ź 22,25 22,25 56,00 33,50 44,75 44,75


392702 G-B

392700 G-B

392704 G-B

392703 G-B

392700 G-B 392702 G-B 392703 G-B 392704 G-B

necklace 100 cm gold with black diamond crystals, black leather and cord necklace 42 cm gold with black diamond crystals on black cord bracelet gold on black leather bracelet gold on black leather

DKR 399,00 239,00 299,00 299,00

ÂŁ 50,90 30,40 40,70 40,70

â‚Ź 56,00 33,50 44,75 44,75


392699 S-BR

392694 S-G 392754 S

392696 S-G

392701 S-BR

392694 S-G 392696 S-G 392699 S-BR 392701 S-BR 392754 S

necklace 42 cm silver with black diamond crystals earstick silver with black diamond crystals necklace 90 cm silver with black diamond crystals on brown cord bracelet silver with black diamond crystals on brown cord earstick silver with black diamond crystals

DKR 199,00 269,00 299,00 379,00 189,00

ÂŁ 27,00 33,80 40,70 47,50 23,60

â‚Ź 29,75 37,25 44,75 52,25 26,00


392699 G-TA

392754 G

392694 G-G

392696 G-G

392701 G-TA

392694 G-G 392696 G-G 392699 G-TA 392701 G-TA 392754 G

necklace 42 cm gold with black diamond crystals earstick gold black diamond crystals necklace 90 cm gold with black diamond crystals on tan cord bracelet gold with black diamond crystals on tan cord earstick gold with black diamond crystals

DKR 199,00 269,00 299,00 379,00 189,00

ÂŁ 27,00 33,80 40,70 47,50 23,60

â‚Ź 29,75 37,25 44,75 52,25 26,00


392699 G-B

392697 G

392701 G-B

392697 G 392699 G-B 392701 G-B

bracelet gold with black diamond crystals necklace 90 cm gold with black diamond on black cord bracelet gold with black diamond crystals on black cord

DKR 199,00 299,00 379,00

ÂŁ 27,00 40,70 47,50

â‚Ź 29,75 44,75 52,25

42 STA R S

392734 G-G

392741 G-BR

392740 G-BR

392739 G-BR 392736 G-G

392734 G-G 392736 G-G 392739 G-BR 392740 G-BR 392741 G-BR

earring gold 10 cm long with black diamond crystals earstick gold with black diamond crystals bracelet double wrap gold with black diamond crystals on brown cord bracelet to adjust gold / hematite with black diamond crystals on brown cord necklace 90 cm gold / hematite with black diamond crystals on brown cord

DKR 159,00 269,00 299,00 159,00 269,00

ÂŁ 20,20 33,80 40,70 20,20 33,80

â‚Ź 22,25 37,25 44,75 22,25 37,25

43 STA R S

392734 S-G

392741 S-G 392735 S-G

392734 S-G 392735 S-G 392740 S-G 392741 S-G

earring silver 10 cm long with black diamond crystals earstick silver with black diamond crystals bracelet to adjust silver / hematite with black diamond crystals on grey cord necklace 90 cm silver / hematite with black diamond crystals on grey cord

392740 S-G

DKR 159,00 129,00 159,00 269,00

ÂŁ 20,20 16,80 20,20 33,80

â‚Ź 22,25 18,50 22,25 37,25

44 STA R S

392738 S-G

392736 S-G

392737 S-G3 + S-G6

392732 S-G3 + S-G6 392739 S-G +S-B

392732 S-G3 392732 S-G6 392736 S-G 392737 S-G3 392737 S-G6 392738 S-G 392739 S-G 392739 S-B

ring size 53 silver with black diamond ring size 56 silver with black diamond earstick silver with black diamond crystals ring size 53 silver with black diamond crystals ring size 56 silver with black diamond crystals necklace 42 cm silver with black diamond crystals bracelet double wrap silver with black diamond crystals on grey cord bracelet double wrap silver with black diamond crystals on black cord

DKR 349,00 349,00 269,00 299,00 299,00 199,00 299,00 299,00

ÂŁ 44,10 44,10 33,80 40,70 40,70 27,00 40,70 40,70

â‚Ź 48,50 48,50 37,25 44,75 44,75 29,75 44,75 44,75

45 STA R S

392738 G-G

392749 G-B

392733 HE +S

392735 G-G 392751 HE-G

392737 HE-G3 + HE-G6

392732 HE-G3 392732 HE-G6 392733 HE 392733 S 392735 G-G 392737 HE-G3 392737 HE-G6 392738 G-G 392749 G-B 392751 HE-G

ring size 53 hematite / gold with black diamond crystals ring size 56 hematite / gold with black diamond crystals necklace 90 cm hematite / gold with black diamond crystals necklace 90 cm silver with black diamond crystals earstick gold with black diamond crystals ring size 53 hematite / gold with black diamond crystals ring size 56 hematite / gold with black diamond crystals necklace 42 cm gold with black diamond crystals bracelet macramé gold with mixed colour crystals on black cord bracelet to wrap 3 times hematite / gold with fresh water pearls and glass beads

392732 HE-G3 + HE-G6

DKR 349,00 349,00 349,00 349,00 129,00 299,00 299,00 199,00 399,00 479,00

£ 44,10 44,10 44,10 44,10 16,80 40,70 40,70 27,00 50,90 61,20

€ 48,50 48,50 48,50 48,50 18,50 44,75 44,75 29,75 56,00 67,25


392745 G

392745 S

392744 S

392743 S-BR

392744 G 392743 G-TA

392750 G-BR

392750 S-BR

392624 S-W

392624 S-W 392743 G-TA 392743 S-BR 392744 G 392744 S 392745 G 392745 S 392750 G-BR 392750 S-BR

earstick silver with white crystal bracelet gold to adjust with black diamond crystals on tan cord bracelet silver to adjust with black diamond crystals on brown cord earstick gold with black diamond crystals earstick silver with black diamond crystals necklace 42 cm gold with black diamond crystals necklace 42 cm silver with black diamond crystals bracelet to adjust gold with black diamond crystals on brown cord bracelet to adjust silver with black diamond crystals on brown cord

DKR 269,00 159,00 159,00 189,00 189,00 199,00 199,00 159,00 159,00

ÂŁ 33,80 20,20 20,20 23,60 23,60 27,00 27,00 20,20 20,20

â‚Ź 37,25 22,25 22,25 26,00 26,00 29,75 29,75 22,25 22,25


392756 BI

392755 BI

392758 BI

392404 BI

392757 BI

392404 BI 392755 BI 392756 BI 392757 BI 392758 BI

earring hook bi colour necklace 42 cm bi-colour with green agate stone bead necklace 70 cm bi-colour with green agate stone bead earring hook bi colour with green agate stone beads necklace 70 cm bi colour with green agate stone beads

DKR 159,00 269,00 299,00 189,00 269,00

£ 20,20 33,80 40,70 23,60 33,80

€ 22,25 37,25 44,75 26,00 37,25


391717 S

391717 G

392620 S

392620 G

392621 S

391717 G 391717 S 391717HE 392620 G 392620 HE 392620 S 392621 G 392621 HE 392621 S

earring creole gold earring creole silver earring creole hematite earring creole gold earring creole hematite earring creole silver earring creole gold earring creole hematite earring creole silver

392621 G

391717 HE

392620 HE

392621 HE

DKR 129,00 129,00 129,00 199,00 199,00 199,00 239,00 239,00 239,00

ÂŁ 16,80 16,80 16,80 27,00 27,00 27,00 30,40 30,40 30,40

â‚Ź 18,50 18,50 18,50 29,75 29,75 29,75 33,50 33,50 33,50


392375 S

392371 S

392381 S

392382 S

392353 S

392378 S 392353 S 392371 S 392375 S 392378 S 392379 S 392381 S 392382 S

necklace 42 cm silver necklace 42 cm silver necklace 70 cm silver on black cord earring creole silver earring hook silver necklace 42 cm silver with black diamond crystals necklace silver with black diamond crystals

392379 S DKR 379,00 129,00 239,00 189,00 129,00 159,00 239,00

ÂŁ 47,50 16,80 30,40 23,60 16,80 20,20 30,40

â‚Ź 52,25 18,50 33,50 26,00 18,50 22,25 33,50


391689 S-G

391836 S-G

391689 S-G 391836 S-G

necklace 70 cm silver with fresh water pearls and shell beads on grey cord bracelet silver to adjust with fresh water pearls and shell beads on grey cord

DKR 379,00 199,00

ÂŁ 47,50 27,00

â‚Ź 52,25 29,75


391993 S

392001 S-B 392001 BI-BR

391995 S 392001 S-PW

391993 S 391995 S 392001 BI-B 392001 BI-BR 392001 S-B 392001 S-PW

necklace 42 cm silver ear stick silver bracelet bi-colour on black cord bracelet bi-colour on brown cord bracelet silver with black cord bracelet to adjust silver with powder cord

392001 BI-B

DKR 129,00 99,00 159,00 159,00 159,00 159,00

ÂŁ 16,80 13,40 20,20 20,20 20,20 20,20

â‚Ź 18,50 14,75 22,25 22,25 22,25 22,25


392358 HE

392285 HE

392281 HE

392281 HE 392281 S 392285 G 392285 HE 392285 S 392358 HE 392358 S

earring hematite with black diamond crystals earring silver with black diamond crystals earstick gold with black diamondcrystals earstick hematite with black diamond crystals earstick silver with black diamond crystals necklace 42 cm hematite with black diamond crystals necklace 42 cm silver with black diamond crystals

392358 S

392285 S

392281 S

DKR 159,00 159,00 159,00 159,00 159,00 189,00 189,00

ÂŁ 20,20 20,20 20,20 20,20 20,20 23,60 23,60

â‚Ź 22,25 22,25 22,25 22,25 22,25 26,00 26,00


39434 AS

391537 S 391538 S 39864 AS

391311 AS-W

39434 AS 39864 AS 391311 AS-W 391537 S 391538 S

necklace 70 cm silver with white crystals earstick silver with white crystal earring hook silver with white crystal necklace 42 cm silver with white crystals necklace 42 cm silver with white crystals

DKR 339,00 129,00 99,00 129,00 269,00

£ 42,70 16,80 13,40 16,80 33,80

€ 47,00 18,50 14,75 18,50 37,25


392154 S

39933 AS

391898 S-W

392346 S

39541 AS-W 391312 AS-W

39428 AS

39428 AS 39429 AS 39541 AS-W 39543 AS-W 39826 AS 39933 AS 391312 AS-W 391898 S-W 392154 S 392346 S

bracelet elastic silver with white crystals bracelet elastic silver with white crystals ring elastic silver with white crystals bracelet elastic silver with white crystals earring creole silver earring creole silver set of 3 rings adjustalble silver with white crystals earring creole silver earring creole silver bracelet elastic silver

39826 AS

39429 AS

39543 AS-W

DKR 129,00 159,00 129,00 199,00 269,00 129,00 379,00 239,00 189,00 269,00

ÂŁ 16,80 20,20 16,80 27,00 33,80 16,80 47,50 30,40 23,60 33,80

â‚Ź 18,50 22,25 18,50 29,75 37,25 18,50 52,25 33,50 26,00 37,25


391137 AS-W

391310 AS-W

03571 S

03571 S 391137 AS-W 391310 AS-W 392024 S-B 392024 S-BR 392026 S 392156 S-W

earring silver white crystals necklace 42 cm silver with white crystals necklace 42 cm silver with white crystals necklace 42 cm silver with white crystals black cord necklace 42 cm silver with white crystal on brown cord earring hoook silver with white crystal earring hook silver with white crystals

392026 S

392024 S-B

392024 S-BR

392156 S-W

DKR 199,00 199,00 199,00 199,00 199,00 189,00 269,00

£ 27,00 27,00 27,00 27,00 27,00 23,60 33,80

€ 29,75 29,75 29,75 29,75 29,75 26,00 37,25


39943 S

391987 S-W

39945 S 39947 S

39714 AS-W

391986 S-W

39714 AS-W 39943 S 39945 S 39947 S 391986 S-W 391987 S-W

earstick silver with white crystals necklace 42 cm silver with white crystals and freeshwater pearls bracelet elastic silver with white crystals and freshwater pearls ring elastic silver with white crystals and freshwater pearls ear stick silver with white crystal ear stick silver with white crystal

DKR 189,00 429,00 239,00 159,00 199,00 159,00

ÂŁ 23,60 54,30 30,40 20,20 27,00 20,20

â‚Ź 26,00 59,75 33,50 22,25 29,75 22,25


392024 G-BR 391958 G-G

391312 AG-W

391959 G-G

392350 G-G 391987 G-G

39714 AG-G

39826 AG 39933 AG 392156 G-G

39714 AG-G 39826 AG 39933 AG 391312 AG-W 391958 G-G 391959 G-G 391987 G-G 392024 G-BR 392156 G-G 392350 G-G

earstick gold with black diamond earring creole gold earring creole gold set of 3 rings adjustable gold with white crystals creole gold with black diamond crystals creole gold with black diamond crystals earstick gold with black diamond crystals necklace 42 cm gold with black diamond crystals on brown cord earring hook gold with black diamond crystals creole gold with black diamond crystal

DKR 189,00 269,00 129,00 379,00 199,00 269,00 159,00 199,00 269,00 239,00

ÂŁ 23,60 33,80 16,80 47,50 27,00 33,80 20,20 27,00 33,80 30,40

â‚Ź 26,00 37,25 18,50 52,25 29,75 37,25 22,25 29,75 37,25 33,50


39428 AG

392346 G

39434 AG 39541 AG-W

39429 AG 391987 G-W

39714 AG-W

391311 AG-W

39543 AG-W

392156 G-W

39864 BI

39428 AG 39429 AG 39434 AG 39541 AG-W 39543 AG-W 39714 AG-W 39864 BI 391311 AG-W 391987 G-W 392156 G-W 392346 G

bracelet elastic gold with white crystals bracelet elastic gold with white crystals necklace 70 cm gold with white crystals ring elastic gold with white crystals bracelet elastic gold with white crystals earstick gold with white crystals earstick bi-colour with white crystal earring hook gold with white crystal ear stick gold with white crystals earring hook gold with white crystals bracelet elastic gold with black diamond crystals

DKR 129,00 159,00 339,00 129,00 199,00 189,00 129,00 99,00 159,00 269,00 269,00

ÂŁ 16,80 20,20 42,70 16,80 27,00 23,60 16,80 13,40 20,20 33,80 33,80

â‚Ź 18,50 22,25 47,00 18,50 29,75 26,00 18,50 14,75 22,25 37,25 37,25


392393 HE

39714 HE-BD

392156 HE

03623 HE 39428 HE-BD 39541 HE-BD 39714 HE-BD 39864 HE 392156 HE 392393 HE

earring hook mat hematite bracelet elastic hematite with black diamond crystals ring elastic hematite with black diamond crystals earstick earstick hematite with black crystal earring hook hematite with black crystals necklace 42 cm hematite

39541 HE-BD

39428 HE-BD

03623 HE

39864 HE

DKR 99,00 129,00 129,00 189,00 129,00 269,00 199,00

ÂŁ 13,40 16,80 16,80 23,60 16,80 33,80 27,00

â‚Ź 14,75 18,50 18,50 26,00 18,50 37,25 29,75


392393 G

01958 G 01958 S 03623 G 03623 S 39140 G 39140 S 392393 G 392393 S

392393 S

03623 G

03623 S

01958 G

01958 S

earring creole sterling silver goldplated earring creole sterling silver earring hook gold earring hook silver necklace 130 cm to tie gold necklace 130 cm to tie silver necklace 42 cm gold necklace 42 cm silver

39140 S +G

DKR 129,00 129,00 99,00 99,00 269,00 269,00 199,00 199,00

ÂŁ 16,80 16,80 13,40 13,40 33,80 33,80 27,00 27,00

â‚Ź 18,50 18,50 14,75 14,75 37,25 37,25 29,75 29,75


391981 G-B 391981 G-BR 391981 HE-B 391981 S-B 391981 S-G 391981 S-BR 391981 S-TA 391981 S-BE 391981 S-PW 392670 S-B 392670 G-B 392670 S-BR 392749 S-BR 392749 S-G 392749 S 392749 HE-G 392749 G-B 392749 G-BR

391981 G-B 391981 G-BR 391981 HE-B 391981 S-B 391981 S-BE 391981 S-BR 391981 S-G 391981 S-PW 391981 S-TA 392670 G-B 392670 S-B 392670 S-BR 392749 G-B 392749 G-BR 392749 HE-G 392749 S 392749 S-BR 392749 S-G

bracelet gold with white crystals and black cord bracelet gold with black diamond crystals on brown cord bracelet hematite with black diamond on black cord bracelet silver with white crystals on black cord macramé bracelet silver with white crystals on beige cord bracelet silver with white crystals on brown cord bracelet silver with white crystals on grey cord bracelet silver white crystals on powder cord bracelet silver with white crystals on tan cord macramé bracelet gold with white pearl on black cord macramé bracelet silver with white pearl on black cord macramé bracelet silver with white pearl on brown cord macramé bracelet gold with brown / grey crystals on black cord macramé bracelet gold with brown / grey crystals on brown cord macramé bracelet hematite with grey / brown crystals on grey cord macramé bracelet silver with white / grey crystals on grey cord macramé bracelet silver with mix of grey / brown crystals on brown cord macramé bracelet silver with grey / brown crystals on grey cord

DKR 379,00 379,00 379,00 379,00 379,00 379,00 379,00 379,00 379,00 299,00 299,00 299,00 399,00 399,00 399,00 399,00 399,00 399,00

£ 47,50 47,50 47,50 47,50 47,50 47,50 47,50 47,50 47,50 40,70 40,70 40,70 50,90 50,90 50,90 50,90 50,90 50,90

€ 52,25 52,25 52,25 52,25 52,25 52,25 52,25 52,25 52,25 44,75 44,75 44,75 56,00 56,00 56,00 56,00 56,00 56,00


392365 S-B

392365 G-BR

391144 S-PW

391144 G-PW 391144 S-CA

391144 S-G

391144 S-BR

391144 G-BR

391144 AS-B

391144 G-B

391334 G-BR

391334 S-BR

391334 AS-B

391144 AS-B 391144 G-B 391144 G-BR 391144 G-PW 391144 S-BR 391144 S-CA 391144 S-G 391144 S-PW 391334 AS-B 391334 G-BR 391334 S-BR 392365 G-BR 392365 S-B

macramé bracelet silver with white crystals on black cord macramé bracelet gold with white crystals on black cord macramé bracelet gold with white crystals on brown cord macramé bracelet gold with white crystals on powder cord macramé bracelet silver with white crystals on brown cord macramé bracelet silver with black crystals on camel cord macramé bracelet silver with white crystals on grey cord macramé bracelet silver with white crystals on powder cord macramé bracelet silver with black cord macramé bracelet gold with brown cord macramé bracelet silver with white Swarovski crystal on brown cord bracelet golde with black diamond crystals on brown leather bracelet silver with black diamond crystals on black leather

DKR 129,00 129,00 129,00 129,00 129,00 129,00 129,00 129,00 189,00 189,00 189,00 379,00 379,00

£ 16,80 16,80 16,80 16,80 16,80 16,80 16,80 16,80 23,60 23,60 23,60 47,50 47,50

€ 18,50 18,50 18,50 18,50 18,50 18,50 18,50 18,50 26,00 26,00 26,00 52,25 52,25


391504 G-PW

391504 S-G 391504 S-PW

391503 S-PW

391503 S-BE

391503 S-G

391503 S-BR

391503 S-B

391503 G-PW

391554 BI

391503 G-PW 391503 S-B 391503 S-BE 391503 S-BR 391503 S-G 391503 S-PW 391504 G-PW 391504 S-G 391504 S-PW 391554 BI

macramé bracelet to wrap 3 times gold on powder cord black diamond macramé bracelet to warp 3 times silver beads on black cord macramé bracelet to wrap 3 times silver beads on beige cord macramé bracelet to wrap 3 times silver beads on brown cord macramé bracelet to wrap 3 times silver on grey cord white crystals macramé bracelet to wrap 3 times silver on powder cord white crystals macramé bracelet gold on powder cord with black diamond Swarovski crystal macramé bracelet silver on grey cord white Swarovski crystals macramé bracelet silver on powder cord with white Swarovski crystals bracelet to wrap 3 times bi-colour with black diamond Swarovski crystals and mix of semi precious stones and glass beads

DKR 299,00 299,00 299,00 299,00 299,00 299,00 299,00 299,00 299,00 379,00

£ 40,70 40,70 40,70 40,70 40,70 40,70 40,70 40,70 40,70 47,50

€ 44,75 44,75 44,75 44,75 44,75 44,75 44,75 44,75 44,75 52,25


391975 S-PW

391975 S-BR

391975 S-G

391975 S-B

391975 G-B

391975 G-B 391975 S-B 391975 S-BR 391975 S-G 391975 S-PW

bracelet to wrap 3 times gold on black leather bracelet to wrap 3 times silver on black leather bracelet to wrap 3 times silver on brown leather bracelet to wrap 3 times silver on grey leather bracelet 3 times wrap silver on powder leather

DKR 139,00 139,00 139,00 139,00 139,00

ÂŁ 17,00 17,00 17,00 17,00 17,00

â‚Ź 18,75 18,75 18,75 18,75 18,75


391564 G

391564 G-B

391564 G-PW

391564 S-PW

391564 S

391564 G 391564 G-B 391564 G-PW 391564 S 391564 S-PW

bracelet to wrap 3 times gold with black diamond crystals and brown genuine leather bracelet to wrap 3 times gold with white crystals and black genuine leather bracelet to wrap 3 times gold with white crystals and powder genuine leather bracelet to wrap 3 times silver with white crystals and black genuine leather bracelet to wrap 3 times silver with white crystalsand powder genuine leather

DKR 299,00 299,00 299,00 299,00 299,00

ÂŁ 40,70 40,70 40,70 40,70 40,70

â‚Ź 44,75 44,75 44,75 44,75 44,75


39762 AG-BR 39762 AG-G 39762 AG-W 39762 AS-BR 39762 AS-G 39762 AS-W 39763 G-PW 39763 AG-G 39763 AG-W 39763 AS-G 39763 AS-W 391946 G-W 391946 S-G 391953 S-W 391953 HE-BD 391953 G-W 391953 G-HE 391953 G-BR 391968 G-G 391968 G-W 391968 HE 391968 S-W 392030 G-BR 392030 S-BR 392092 G 392092 S

39763 AS-W

39763 AS-G

39763 AG-W

39763 G-PW

39763 AG-G

39762 AS-W

39762 AS-G

39762 AS-BR

39762 AG-W

39762 AG-G

39762 AG-BR

391953 S-W 391953 HE-BD 391953 G-W

391953 G-BR

391968 S-W

391946 S-G

391953 G-HE

391968 G-W

391968 G-G

391946 G-W

392030 S-BR

392030 G-BR

392092 S

392092 G

earstick gold with light colorado topaz crystal earstick gold with black diamond crystal earstick gold with white crystal earstick silver with light colorado topaz crystal earstick silver with black diamond crystal earstick silver with white crystal earstick gold with powder crystal earstick gold with black diamond crystal earstick gold with crystal earstick silver with black diamond crystal earstick silver with white crystal earring hook gold with white crystals and wax pearl earring hook silver with white crystal and grey pearl earstick silver with white crystals earstick hematite with black diamond crystals earstick gold with white crystals earstick gold with hematite diamond crystals earstick gold with black diamond crystal and tigereye stone creole gold with black diamond crystals creole gold with white crystals creole hematite with white crystals creole silver with white crystals earring hook gold with brown FWP earring hook silver with off white FWP earring hook gold with black diamond crystals earring hook silver with white crystals

391968 HE

DKR 69,00 69,00 69,00 69,00 69,00 69,00 129,00 129,00 129,00 129,00 129,00 159,00 159,00 99,00 99,00 99,00 99,00 99,00 159,00 159,00 159,00 159,00 129,00 129,00 269,00 269,00

ÂŁ 8,20 8,20 8,20 8,20 8,20 8,20 16,80 16,80 16,80 16,80 16,80 20,20 20,20 13,40 13,40 13,40 13,40 13,40 20,20 20,20 20,20 20,20 16,80 16,80 33,80 33,80

â‚Ź 9,25 9,25 9,25 9,25 9,25 9,25 18,50 18,50 18,50 18,50 18,50 22,25 22,25 14,75 14,75 14,75 14,75 14,75 22,25 22,25 22,25 22,25 18,50 18,50 37,25 37,25


HEAD OFFICE DENMARK HULTQUIST-COPENHAGEN Rentemestervej 69 A DK-2400 Copenhagen NV Tel: (+45) 35 43 02 02 Fax (+45) 35 43 32 42 AUSTRALIA Visora Pty Ltd PO Box 1126 Albury NSW 2640 Tel: (+61) 1300 677 271 Mobile (+61) 414 636 692 AUSTRIA Handelsagentur. AT Virginia Schneider Leisnerweg 25 D-81929 M체nchen Tel: (+49) 89 99 27 47 17 Mobile (+49) 17 29 63 30 30 Fax (+49) 89 99 27 47 99 BELGIUM / LUXEMBOURG Hanne Juul Agency Hanne Juul Jensen Janseniusstraat 27, box 0202 3000 Leuven, Belgium Mobile (+32) (0) 477 972 892 FINLAND Sisustusmaailma Suomi Hitsarinkatu 5 FI-20360 Turku Tel:(+358) 407075239 Fax (+358) 22589055 FRANCE CAPRESSO Comptoir de Scandinavie Malene Pilely-Gilles Arnaud Maison de ville Port Royal 77, rue de Syracuse F-34000 Montpellier Tel: (+33) 46 76 57 477 Mobile (+33) 6 08 84 41 53

GERMANY SOUTH Handelsagentur. AT Virginia Schneider Leisnerweg 25 D-81929 M체nchen Tel: (+49) 89 99 27 47 17 Mobile (+49) 17 29 63 30 30 Fax (+49) 89 99 27 47 99

POLAND Design U Wsp처lna 50A/20 00-864 Warsaw Att: Kasia/Katarzyna Rychlewska Mobile (+48) 501021841 PORTUGAL Florence Marion Lolita Rua do Barranco 27 PO-8400-508 Carvoeiro Tel: (+351) 282 357 183

HOLLAND Flash Agency Bartokstraat 4 5102 XK Dongen Tel: (+31) (0) 622481725 HUNGARY Aron Retail Kft. Aron Design Store H-1052 Budapest, Deak ter 4 Tel: (+36) 1 411 1416 IRELAND Elmarch Agencies 10A Fashion City Ballymount Road Upper Dublin 24 Tel: (+353) (0)1 4295707 ITALY Gatta & Gatta S.n.c Via Benedetto Brin 69 I-80142 Napoli Tel: (+39) 081 658 27 51 Tel: (+39) 081 752 96 88 Fax (+39) 081 752 96 88 NORWAY Tina Sand AS Nordlivegen 88 N-2070 R책holt Tel 1: (+47) 46 44 67 70 Tel 2: (+47) 92 85 41 50 Fax (+47) 63 95 29 29

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