1 minute read
“it’s about expanding the language of design, expanding what kinds of forms one can produce and what kinds of systems of ornament one can generate.” - Michael Hansmeyer, “Sci-fi ‘gothic’ architecture brought to life”
by Laura Allsop
While drawing inspiration from Micheal Hansmeyer’s series of Subdivided Columns, this project experiments with the same underlying recursive algorithmic processes. Only through the utilization of NURBS geometry, rather than mesh modeling processes, so that specific fabrication processes can be extracted and utilized.

Set 3D Superformula
Define UV Divisions Set R Param Set T Param Scale Parameter Construct U and V Domain Define V Domain Interval: -0.5Pi To 0.5Pi Define U Domain Interval: -Pi To Pi
Translate Brep To Mesh Geometry
Subdivide Faces
Deconstruct Mesh
Perform Pyramid-Augmentation To Mesh Faces
Define Plane in xyz Coordinates
Join All Faces
Mirror Cut Defined Mesh
Polar Array From Center
Stretch Z-Axis
Cage Edit

Professional Work
Selected Works With Mak Studio + Other Professional Collaborations | Spring 2022
Māk studio is a furniture manufacturing company that creates customizable furniture and specialty millwork for a variety of programmatic interiors. Mak Studio works directly with designers, dealers, and property owners to make any desired design possible. The following works are just a few selected projects that I had been involved with during my time spent as one of the Lead Fabricators of the Mak team. My overall involvement within the initial design stages of each project varied, however I was majorly involved with the entire documentation, rendering, scripting, fabricating, finishing, and delivery phase of each project. Separate projects from Mak involve working with an award winning design firm, thing of two (designer: Angel Malave), in which I assisted in some early initial scripting and iterative product renderings.