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LIGHTING QUALITY STANDARD brings new order into lighting world

The six-part program by OMS is the game changer that allows evaluating either single luminaires or a lighting solution by objectively quantifiable criteria. Customers are not confused by vague and baffling rules of particular producers of light fixtures. Welcome to the new order, welcome to the LQS, the first and only unique system of lighting standardisation using objectively quantifiable criteria. Living by rules is important.

Until now there was no unifying

lighting device or solution is for use

Respecting laws is relevant as well.

system used in the world of lighting

in a given space. Simple and intuitive

The ancient conflict of our world

for evaluation of eiher light fixtures or

approach to the agenda is exemplified

is driven by patterns and order;

lighting solutions, and every producer

by the LQS Composer, a unique tool

otherwise we become adrift by chaos has got its own way fot that. Consumers to evaluate each and every lighting get lost in the vast array of criteria used,

these days. Whether the former or

and comparing neither products nor

the latter concept is the right one,

solution was an option. OMS brings

There is a six-part program behind the

is an eternal question. One thing is

order to this chaos. We are prepared to

acronym LQS. The chapters are named

certain: we in OMS love the order

help the LQS become a unified standard

Ergonomics, Emotion, Ecology, Efficiency,

much more than chaos. That is

used by the whole lighting sector. No

Esprit and Exceptionality, or just 6 E’s.

why we have created a brand new

overstatement, the LQS is an important

If you imagine a house, the first four

lighting quality standard to help the

step to the new level. Not just for our

chapters are strong pillars representing

customers, buyers and competitors

company, but for the branch and the

criteria that are well-known in the of

better understand and evaluate

giant world of lighting.

world lighting. The remaining two are the roof, a powerful superstructure

lighting devices and solutions.



that is present in our civilisation to

We have chosen more than twenty

on the top of these pillars. Together,

objectively quantifiable criteria and

they create an inseparable complex,

we are using them to evaluate both

because the parts of the whole cannot

individual light fixtures and complete

be perceived independently, but only

lighting solutions for different types

in their context. That is the basic

of spaces. Each criterion has got its

philosophy of the LQS. Immerse in the

value and the result is the LQS Index.

6 E’s and conceive the idea of living in a

The higher the index is, the better the

place where rules are crystal clear.



Figure 1.2.4:

The black-body curve (Planckian locus) defines the range of color temperatures, from warm (reddish) to cold (bluish), within the CIE 1931 color space

An incandescent bulb emits light with color temperature around 2700 K (reddish end on the black-body curve). Because incandescent lamp uses heated filament in order to emit light, the temperature of the filament is also the color temperature of emitted light. Spectral analysis of visible light makes it possible to define color temperature for non-incandescent white light sources such as fluorescent tubes and LEDs. LED which emits light with color temperature of 2700 K has actual temperature of active area around 350 K (~80 째C), thus the temperature of outgoing light correlate with the temperature of black-body radiator and not with actual temperature of LED light source. It is the reason why we, in case of non-incandescent light sources, have to speak about correlated color temperature (see also Figure 1.2.3).


Surface-treated sheet steel – white powder coating in various shades and structures is applied to sheet steel to achieve required reflection. If highly efficient Lambertian reflection is needed a special material (WhiteOptics97) is applied to sheet steel. Materials for refractive optics PC – is easily mouldable and thermo-formable. It has index of refraction equal to 1.584. PMMA – is transparent for infrared light within the range from 2.8 to 25 micrometre, and opaque for radiation shorter than 300 nm (UV radiation). Index of refraction = 1.49.


Aluminium – it is most common material for high quality reflectors thanks to its excellent reflectance. Anodized aluminium, glazed aluminium, and aluminium sheets covered with several layers of silver are also used to reach higher reflectivity and resistance against scratches.


Forward current control Since LED emits light depending on forward current magnitude, easiest way how to control LED light source intensity is changing bias current value. Figure 4.2.1 depicts relative luminous flux as a function of forward current value. Luminousflux change depends on forward-current change nearly linear; therefore control algorithm implementation is very easy. 250%

Relative luminous flux as a function of forward current.

200% Relative Luminous Flux

Figure 4.2.1:


4.2. Driving LEDs

150% 100% 50% 0% 0










Forward Current (mA)


However, altering of forward current value leads to a shift of chromaticity coordinates (Cx, Cy), what directly affect qualitative parameters (CCT, CRI) of emitted light (Figure 4.2.2).

Figure 4.2.2:

Cx, Cy

LED OSRAM LCW W5PM – chromaticity coordinates shift with: a) forward current b) junction temperature.

Chromaticity Coordinate Shift

Chromaticity Coordinate Shift

x, y = f (IF ): TS = 25 °C

x, y = f (Tj ): IF = 350 mA

Cx, Cy






0.45 Cx





















0.43 nm


0.35 -40





°C Tj


We have Cx = 0.440 and Cy = 0.408 (corresponding to CCT = 2985 K) at If = 350 mA. If we decrease If to 100 mA, chromaticity coordinates will shift to Cx = 0.448 and Cy = 0.406 (corresponding to CCT = 2838 K), what is difference of 147 K (Figure 4.2.2a). This difference is increased by chromaticity coordinates shift with varying junction temperature. We have Cx = 0.436 and Cy = 0.406 (corresponding to CCT = 3036 K) at Tj = 20 °C, and Cx = 0.428 a Cy = 0.399 (CCT=3121 K) at Tj = 100 °C, what is difference of 85 K. It can leads to visible (disturbing) difference of CCT mainly if several luminaires are dimmed-down simultaneously. Advantages: No flicker effect. Disadvantages: CCT changes when luminaire is dimmed-down.

PWM control Another way how to control LED light source intensity is pulse-width modulation (PWM) method. Principle of PWM lies on biasing LED by constant nominal current which is periodically switched on and off. Ratio between on-state and offstate defines resulting intensity of the LED. Switching frequency is high enough thus human eyes perceive light emitted by LED as continuous luminous flux with intensity depending on PWM duty-cycle. Figure 4.2.3 shows examples of PWM signal with 50 % and 70 % duty-cycle, respectively. 50% Duty-Cycle Figure 4.2.3:

Example of PWM signal with a) 50% duty-cycle and b) 70% duty-cycle.

70% Duty-Cycle






Off 0

20 Time (miliseconds)




20 Time (miliseconds)




Analog interface - easiest way to control brightness of a luminaire Analog interfaces are used in lighting industry only for dimming. It is the most used dimming system for retail (e.g. spot lights in shops). Drawback is that it is not possible to switch off luminaire via analog dimming. There are two basics analog interfaces: • TE/LE - trailing/leading edge (thyristor regulation) – only one luminaire can be dimmed. • 0-10 V, 1-10 V dimming – supports more than one controlled luminaire (Figure 4.5.1). Figure 4.5.1: 1-10V dimming.


4.5. LED driver additional features

Digital interface – sophisticated communication with luminaire Digital interface offers possibility to connect more LED drivers via digital interface, and control them independently. Also supports reading the status of each luminaire. Digital interface supports dimming, presence sensor, remote control, tunable white, scenic light schemes, etc. It is ideal solution for installations/projects with high numbers and various types of luminaires. Digital interfaces used in lighting industry: DALI-Digital Addressable Lighting Interface – most used (Figure 4.5.2) • DSI-Digital Signal Interface • • DMX-Digital Multiplex • KNX-Worldwide standard for all applications in home and building control Figure 4.5.2: DALI interface.

Tunable white If we duplicate some electronic parts inside the driver, we can connect and control two types of LEDs with different CCT – cool white and warm white (Figure 4.5.3). This allows for “tuning” CCT of light emitted by a luminaire and use it in various well-being applications. Figure 4.5.3: Tunable white.

Warm white

Cold white






Accent lighting fixture designed for easy and fast mounting of line/modular system (Figure 6.2.1). Its luminous flux is capable to replace the most efficient halogen lamps, even it is close to replace metal halide lamps. Figure 6.2.1: Lotus



Vario Suspended track system is made from aluminum profile with integrated cabling (Figure 6.2.2).OMS Vario LED spots are attached in requested positions within the track system. According to type of application and distance of objects being illuminated, there are several choices of reflector beam angles. High lumen output, concentrated in extremely compact housing of luminaire, requires additional active LED module cooling – synthetic jet. Figure 6.2.2: Vario


Thanks to its luminous flux, it is able to replace fluorescent luminaires (4x18W T8 or 4x14W T5) – ratio 1:1. Optical system consists of microprismatic diffuser with optimized surface structure. It has rotational symmetric homogenous LIDC provides excellent lighting uniformity (Figure 6.4.1). Microprism limits glaring to the level required by standard. With system efficacy of 63 lm/W luminaire overcomes its predecessors such as fluorescent luminaires with efficacy of 51W. This luminaire (600x600) is made for recessed ceiling. Figure 6.4.1: Gacrux – microprism limits glare value required by standards.



Becrux Luminaire which shows how can be created pleasant atmosphere by installation of modern LED lighting system. Prima facie of Becrux luminaire is unobtrusive and simple system of “holes in a ceiling”, but with well-designed lens optics, which is hidden inside the luminaire. Plastic lenses, put on LED concentrate illuminated light into small holes in ceiling and direct it into interior in accurately limited angle. The result is nearly invisible and clear architectural lighting system (Figure 6.4.2). Another advantage is no glare. According to required illuminance level it is possible to use needed amount of LED modules which are available with various CCTs, even in RGB version. Lighting system is maintenance-free and without any need of follow-up service after installation. Figure 6.4.2: Becrux


1.1. What is LED CALCULATOR? LED CALCULATOR is a user friendly, web based software specially written to compare luminaires with classic and LED based light sources. It matches different economic, environmental and technical data, like CO2 consumption, system power, maintenance cost, influence on air condition systems and many more.

1.2. Why you need LED CALCULATOR? LEDCALC supports to visualize the advantages of LED based luminaires. A lot of information are displayed and calculated:

• Payback time • Energy consumption in a certain time period • Influence of LED based luminaires on air condition systems • Impact of daylight sensors on total investment costs • Effect of presents detectors on total investment cost • Ascendancy of maintenance cycles on total investment costs • Graphical analysis


1. Prologue

1.3. System requirements LED CALCULATOR is web based and running on every operating system with internet browser.

Minimum software requirements

Operating system

• •

Windows 95 or higher Mac OS X

Internet browser

• • • •

2. Where you can find it and how to log in

Internet explorer Mozilla Firefox Safari or other dedicated browsers for tablet computers

2.1. Web browser Open the web browser located on your desktop (figure 2.1.1)

Figure 2.1.1:

Windows 7


From the drop down menu you can select two luminaires. This menu is frequently updated by OMS with the latest information and with new luminaires. The data of the fixtures in this software are based on real photometric measurements. Figure 3.2.1: Parameter and report window

LED CALCULATOR will be updated continuously by OMS so that you are able to compare always the latest OMS LED luminaires.


3.2. Parameter window

3.3. Detailed explanation of parameter window Product 1 Select luminaire 1 from the drop down menu

Product 2 Select luminaire 2 which you want to compare with product 1

Luminaire price 1 Insert the selling price of the first luminaire

Lamp price 1 Insert in case of a luminaire with classic light sources the purchase price from the light source. Attention: Some luminaires have two or more light sources, in this case please count with the total price.

Luminaire price 2 Insert the selling price of the second luminaire

Lamp price 2 See LAMP PRICE 1

Currency Insert country specific currencies which are important for international business activities. (Default value is â‚Ź)


Daylight sensors Several studies have recorded the energy savings due to daylight harvesting. Savings are very dependent on the type of space the light harvesting control system is deployed in, and its usage. Clearly, savings can only accrue in spaces with substantial daylight where electric lighting would have been otherwise used. Therefore daylight harvesting works best in spaces with access to conventional or clerestory windows, skylights, light tube groups, glass block walls, and other passive day lighting sources from sunlight; and where electric lighting would otherwise be left on for long periods. Such spaces have included offices, atria, interior public multistory plazas and shopping mall courts, and schools. However, studies have shown that by using daylight harvesting technologies, owners can see an average annual energy savings of 30%








the sensor must detect no motion for the entire delay time before the lights are switched. Most systems switch lights off at the end of the delay time, but more sophisticated systems with dimming technology reduce lighting slowly to a minimum level (or zero) over several minutes, to minimize the potential disruption in adjacent spaces. If lights are off and an occupant re-enters a space, most current systems switch lights back on when motion is detected. However, systems designed to switch lights off automatically with no occupancy, and that require the occupant to switch lights on when they re-enter are gaining in popularity due to their potential for increased energy savings. These savings accrue because in a space with access to daylight the occupant may decide on their return that they no longer require supplemental electric light.










No dimming Customer has no sensors installed. In this case fill all fields with 1

Presence / motion detector Customer has a presence or motion detector installed. In this case fill this field with 0,9 if the area of installed luminaire is not frequently in use (e.g. corridor in a hotel). The luminaires are automatically switched on if someone is entering this area.

Daylight sensor Customer has a daylight sensor installed. In this case you can fill this field with 0,8.

3.5. How LED luminaires influence air condition systems The fact that LED luminaires have usually a higher efficiency opens the possibility to save energy on air condition sytems, which is a perfect selling argument too.

Compared are two downlights, left side with 46 W LED light source and on the right with 2x32W FSMH (TC-TEL). The luminaire which is equipped with TC-TEL light source has a power consumption of 2x32W (64W total) and a installed lumen package (light source) of 3600lm. The electronic control gear needs 2W additional. The light output ratio is 100%. This results in a net lumen output of 4800 lumens and a system efficiency of 75.0lm per watt. On the other side we have a luminaire which is equipped with an LED module and has a power consumption of 46W in total inclusive driver. The light output ratio is 100% (according the latest regulation for photometric measurements, LOR for LED based luminaires are always mentioned in 100%). On this example we have a net lumen output of 2950 lumens and a system efficiency of 64.1lm per watt.


Detail technical information (1st and 2nd Luminaire)

Lumen output light source measured This value shows the measured lumen output from the light source without losses from driver / ballast and optic.

Wattage This value represents the system wattage of the luminaire including losses on driver or ballast.

Light source efficacy This value is calculated by “lumen output light source measured” and the wattage, called efficacy of the light source in lumen / watt [lm/w].

LOR (Light Output Ratio) Optical efficacy - for detailed information please see glossary.

System efficiency This value indicates the overall efficiency of the luminaire including all losses (driver / ballast, optic, thermal).



Net lumen output from luminaire This value is the lumen output from the luminaire including all losses.

Luminaire price This value displays the price of the luminaire, which was defined in the parameter view.

Cost for light source This value displays the price of the light source (e.g. the price of an incandescent bulb or a T5 tube), which was defined in the parameter view.

Color consistence For detailed information please see glossary.

Lifetime This field displays the evaluated average lifetime of the light source. Classic lamps have an average lifetime between 2000h - 20.000h, LED´s between 50.000h – 100.000h.

Maintenance cycle This calculated value displays how often the luminaires have to be maintained during the evaluation period (maintenance includes: changing of light source, cleaning and other operations which keep the luminaire functional).

Maintenance factor This value is preset, for classic light sources “0,8” and for LED light sources “0,9”.

Air Condition This value is displayed from the parameter field and depends on air condition systems and type of installed luminaires.

Present detection This value is displayed from the parameter field and depends on usage of present detection systems.

Daylight sensor This value is displayed from the parameter field and depends on usage of daylight sensors.


Calculated values (1st and 2nd Luminaire)

Calcul. Qty of products incl.LLMF (see glossary for lamp lumen maintenance factor LLMF) This field displays the quantities of installed luminaires in ratio of the net lumen output from the first selected luminaires, taking into account also the LLMF.

Initial investment costs This field displays the initial investment costs of the luminaires.

Energy costs This field counts the costs for energy consumptions during the operation time (evaluation period).

Reductions (AC, PD, DS) This field displays the energy savings on air condition systems, savings based on present detections and daylight sensors.

Maintenance This field displays the cost of maintenance during evaluation period.

Total costs This field shows the summery of all costs after the evaluation period.


R&D Center

Central Warehouse

Dinning Hall

Production Warehouse

Production Hall – Metal Production, Warehouse of Semi-finished products

Administration Building

Showroom Conference Room Bar

Production Hall/ Production Hall/ Facility Facility


Products in Process Storage


Administration Area

Production Hall – Powdering Line, Metal Production

Administration Area – Warehouse

Production Warehouse

Production Warehouse

Production Hall/Facility, Production Warehouse

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