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How We Make Our Vision a Reality

Our Vision

Use Building Science Leadership to create a nationally recognized firm providing transformational projects in the built environment.

Our Mission

Leverage our expertise and passion to create meaningful experiences and opportunities for CMTA staff and our clients, in an effort to serve the greater good.

CMTA is a leader in building science. Our engineers lead a highperformance design process that includes building owners, architect/engineering design team, and its operations staff combined with data we’ve collected from projects of similar design and scope. This collaborative process sets expectations during the planning phase to ensure the project is on track from the start. This is Building Science Leadership.

CMTA consistently applies creative thinking and scientific expertise to improve the built environment for everyone. Our Building Science Leadership approach includes six pillars: First 30, Data-Driven Design, Occupant Health & Wellness, National Energy Goals, Research, and Design Innovations.

W. Edwards Deming’s statement, “You cannot manage what you do not measure,” was the inspiration for our benchmarking program and data-driven design pillar. Measuring performance differentiates CMTA from other engineering firms. While we consider ourselves experts in energy modeling, the proof of excellence in sustainable design is demonstrated by 12 months of actual energy bills post-occupancy.

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