1 minute read

Fairfax County Community Center

Fairfax County | Alexandria, Virginia

CMTA was selected as consultant engineer for the comprehensive renovations, historic preservation and adaptive reuse of the historic Original Mount Vernon High School (OMVHS) facility and associated site work. The existing structure, built in 1939 with additions in the 1950s and renovations in the 1980s, is a classic example of Colonial Revival Architecture and sits on land that was once part of the estate of President George Washington. The property is currently listed on the National Register of Historic Places and in the Virginia Landmarks Register.

The OMVHS facility is mostly vacant and consists of five buildings, which primarily include offices, classrooms, a kitchen and cafeteria, library, gymnasium, lockers, locker rooms, auditorium, storage areas, and other core and support spaces.

The existing historical buildings will undergo the replacement of roofing, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems, fire protection and security systems, HazMAT remediation, ADA compliance, potential demolition of non-historic buildings, and associated site work and infrastructure improvements/replacement, including trails. The county intends to re-purpose the space for uses such as: educational, childcare and childhood education programs, theater, gymnasium, food service, and innovative community and incubation spaces..

Project at a Glance

Completion: 2024 Estimated

Size: 24,000 SF New; 127,000 SF Renovation

Cost: $55,000,000

Project Type: Adaptive Reuse Awards/Certifications:

Zero Energy-Targeted

LEED Silver-Targeted

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