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Beth-El Farm Worker Ministry – This ministry, near Tampa, FL, was begun by a small group of Cumberland Presbyterians in 1976 and has grown to encompass 27 acres of multi-faceted ministries. Cumberland Presbyterians who serve on the board include Rev. Eddie Jenkins, Penny Knight, Sue Rice, and Lita Swindle. Pam Phillips-Burk represents the MMT on the board. Ways to become involved include financial donations and work teams of youth and adults. Beth-El can accommodate work teams on site with housing and meals. For more information visit beth-el.org. Choctaw Ministry – Ministry with the Choctaws dates back to 1819, serving as the first mission of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Choctaw Presbytery is the only remaining indigenous Native American governing body among all mainline Protestant traditions. The presbytery consists of seven churches and three ordained ministers in southeastern Oklahoma. Ministry is challenging with 22-27% of the population living below the poverty line according to United States Census Bureau statistics. There is a renewed emphasis in ministry with Choctaw Cumberland Presbyterians. Evangelism and NCD staff met with Choctaw Presbytery four times in 2016 to develop short- and long-range planning based upon Choctawidentified needs, including church building repair and maintenance, leadership for and within the presbytery, programming aimed specifically for Choctaw youth and young adults, and new church developments within the geographic reach of the presbytery. The 161st General Assembly (1991) established the fourth Sunday in October as Native American Sunday to increase recognition among churches of the rich history and contributions of Native Americans. October 22, 2017, marks a day for celebrating our shared ministry with our Native American brothers and sisters. A special liturgy is available at cpcmc.org/liturgies-for-special-Sundays. Coalition of Appalachian Ministry (CAM) – CAM strives to make a positive impact wherever the Reformed tradition and Appalachian culture come together, networking church and community to provide educational and service opportunities. Cumberland Presbyterians serving on the board are Rev. Glen Brister, Gloria Gregory, Rev. Tommy Jobe, Nadara Jones, David Travis, and Rev. Mike Sharpe. CAM board membership is open to individuals who wish to serve as a Ministry Partner. Ministry Partners pay their own expenses to attend board meetings and commit to support the work as advocates for CAM. There are work trip opportunities for groups with CAM and with partner organizations in the region. For more information contact Pam PhillipsBurk, pam@cumberland.org.

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