4 minute read
Loaves & Fishes Offering Me Ama “He Loves Me” After School Program for Venezuelan Refugee Children
By Rev. Dr. Milton Ortiz
According to the United Nations, Venezuela, a country that has traditionally been a generous host to refugees, is now facing its own displacement crisis. The humanitarian crisis in Venezuela has become the second largest international displacement crisis in the world with six million Venezuelans displaced globally. Of the displaced, 4.8 million are currently residing in South America and the Caribbean.
Close to 2.5 million Venezuelans are living in Colombia. While the government has generously offered residency rights, many refugees nevertheless face extreme hardship and have few resources to sustain themselves.
The Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Armenia, Colombia, has responded to God’s call by accompanying children who are in some way vulnerable because of their complex situation. Many children are left alone at home or taken by their parents to work with them on the streets. The goal of the “He Loves Me” program is to help children achieve academic and long-term life success. Children come to the church every week, Monday through Friday, from 2:00pm to 5:30pm. The director of the program and a volunteer provide help with homework and academic reinforcement, present a daily devotional, and place emphasis on Christian values and the love of God. Sometimes they do not have the resources to eat well so every day the children are given a nutritious snack to reinforce their diet.
This year, the Loaves & Fishes Offering will support the “He Loves Me” program. The project began on February 4, 2019, in the facilities of the church, with fourteen Venezuelan children. Today, there are twentyfive children between the ages of six and eleven, and many more families are on a waiting list. As a result of the project, four of the families are now attending the church. Some have been baptized and are serving in church leadership. Six of the other families are attending other churches near their homes.

During the pandemic, the program’s resources were used to sending groceries to the children’s homes every month which was very helpful. The parents could not go out to work, making the family’s circumstances difficult.

Through funding from Bill and Kathryn Wood’s children (who were missionaries in Armenia) and interest from the Wood endowment this project has been funded. It can be expanded to cover more families if the financial resources are available. The project also wants to provide training to mothers which will allow them to improve their income by creating their own business, and thus realize dignity through economic independence.
This vision requires the help of people with a special sensitivity for children. This program requires men and women who understand Jesus wants children to come to Him (Matthew 19:14). The timely invitation is to support this project with your prayers and donations.

PERSPECTIVES by Rev. Dr. Milton L. Ortiz
Look Around You
Look around you: Everything you see is God’s—the heavens above and beyond, the Earth, and everything on it. But it was your ancestors who God fell in love with; he picked their children - that’s you! - out of all the other peoples. That’s where we are right now. So cut away the thick calluses from your heart and stop being so willfully hardheaded. God, your God, is the God of all gods, he’s the Master of all masters, a God immense and powerful and awesome. He doesn’t play favorites, takes no bribes, makes sure orphans and widows are treated fairly, takes loving care of foreigners by seeing that they get food and clothing.
Ihave been an American citizen since 1997 when I was sworn in at the U. S. District Court for the Massachusetts District at the historical Faneuil Hall in Boston, Massachusetts. Being a foreigner means many things for people. Some of the experiences can vary for several reasons: Culture shock, language barrier, different social customs, integration and acceptance, legal and administrative process, different work environment, experience diversity, homesickness, travel opportunities, personal growth, etc. On the other hand, being a citizen of a country grants individuals various rights and privileges, including the right to vote, the ability to travel within the country, access to government benefits and services, and protection under the law.
In reality, not all immigrants have the same opportunities for success in their new countries. To be successful in life there are various aspects such as career achievements, personal fulfillment, happiness, good relationships, financial stability, positive impact on others, and overall well-being. For that reason, God calls us, the Church, to “take loving care of foreigners by seeing that they get food and clothing.” So, just look around you. You will be able to see people in need, and you may be Jesus’ hands and feet for them.
This issue of the Missionary Messenger focuses on the Loaves & Fishes Offering. This year the offering will be used to feed and clothe refugee children in Colombia. You will see an introductory letter, a Bible study, and the “He Loves Me” program in Armenia, Colombia.
Other articles are about the Opportunity List, with information for ministers; mission trips, national or international; progress in the United Kingdom; having a ministry when you are not a minister; and Native American Sunday, inviting you to celebrate the heritage of our Native Americans. You will also read Lynn Thomas’ story of missions begun when he was sixteen to 36 years later.
There is also a financial update, the Second Mile call to help our Missionary Setup fund for our newly endorsed missionary to Haiti, the new 2023 Convention officers, and the 2024 Women’s Retreat.
Thank you for reading the Missionary Messenger, and may the Lord bless you during this summer season.
Presbyterian Church
Sowgand Sheikholeslami ext:211
Milton Ortiz ext:234
Matthew Gore ext:221
Jinger Ellis ext:230
Kristi Lounsbury ext:263
T. J. Malinoski ext:232
Milton Ortiz ext:234
Lynn Thomas ext:261
Rebecca Zahrte ext. 264
8207 Traditional Place Cordova, TN 38016-7414 phone 901.276.4572 fax 901.276.4578 messenger@cumberland.org
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