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God Called Us to Go!
By Rev. Kristi
Having received the command to “go and make disciples of all nations,” the disciples did just that, developing relationships with friends, families, and strangers. We, too, are called to go and make disciples of all nations.
What does that look like for people who have already heard the gospel and have either chosen to respond or not? For many of us, it may simply be to share in accordance with one another through prayer, scripture, and serving others.
As Cumberland Presbyterians, we have responded to this call. We went to the hills, the valleys, and the coastlines. We have responded by going to Colombia, Japan, Australia, Canada, Brazil, and around fifteen other countries. The witness of former Cumberland Presbyterians has spread far and wide. We heeded the call.
Some have heeded the call through ordained ministry serving in churches, universities, or as missionaries. Others have responded as ambassadors through international mission trips. Yes, this is an important call! Those who have given their time and talent through a mission trip will benefit from more blessings than one can ever imagine –until you experience it yourself!
International Mission Trips have changed focus over the years from being a work trip to a relational trip. Mission groups often will go to a different country and start a lofty project. However, with only one or two weeks to finish the project, many projects do not see completion and are left as a financial and physical burden to their new owner.
Rather than work on large projects, the Missions Ministry Team’s approach to mission trips is to help establish life-long relationships with those who are a part of the global Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Mission trips are often now designed with a Bible school to work with the children and youth, as well as having some opportunities to share in the faith with the adults in the churches.
For example, the 2022 trip to Belize involved a Bible school during the day and financial/empowerment classes for the adults in the congregation. The 2023 trip to Brazil involved splashes of time that focused on the children for Bible school, a youth evangelism event, and even CPR training for the adults.
The approach to becoming more relationship-focused has brought about great awareness of our brothers and sisters who have the same faith. Friendships have been formed that will last a lifetime. Ministries have been created. The call to “GO!” as Christ demanded, has been answered by the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
Will you be the next one to respond? If you are interested in participating in a future mission trip, please contact Kristi Lounsbury at klounsbury@cumberland.org or 901-276-4572 ext. 263.