F A L L / WINT ER 2012
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PRESENT fo r PRESENCE There are gifts that matter, gifts that actually change the receiver and the giver! These are the gifts that are lasting, gifts that in a sense keep on giving. Probably the greatest present that is lasting and profound is the gift of presence: a parent returning to the family after a long business trip or military deployment, a grandparent coming for a long holiday visit, a friend stopping by to renew old times. The present of presence - that is a gift that is lasting. The greatest presence is the person Jesus Christ, the person of hope and healing that comes to live in the hearts of men and women. The term “killing fields” was originated in Cambodia in the 1970s. The notorious Khmer Rouge (Red Khmer) was a political regime led by Pol Pot that came to power in 1975 in the midst of nationwide starvation. The Khmer Rouge quickly became an abusive and repressive government, using concentration camps to control the population, exterminating 2 - 3 million citizens. The accounts of the torture and killings were unimaginable, not totally appreciated until the government was overthrown and the reality was exposed. Cambodians were left broken, suspicious of family and neighbors, distrusting of everyone. Cambodia had virtually no Christian witness after the rein of the Khemer Rouge. By 1987 there were only a few thousand Christians remaining. Things have improved and presently it is estimated that 1 percent of the population is Christian. There is a Cumberland Presbyterian Mission in Phnom Penh (the capital) called the Samaki CP Mission. The mission is led by missionaries David and Sarah L. They reside in a neighboring country and travel with great frequency to Cambodia to work with the mission. The Samaki CP Mission is served by a seminary student in the absence of the missionaries. The mission meets in a rented facility, and has between 150 and 180 in attendance. It is a young congregation - many teens and college age students attend. The members do door to door evangelism each week in middle and upper class neighborhoods, and even in the slums around the church. The Gift to the King offering will help Samaki buy their own worship facility. It is time to move to their own “home”, where they can grow in service and compassion for those around them. Cambodia needs a present, a lasting and real gift that will change all those that receive it. The greatest gift is the presence of the source of hope and love found in Jesus Christ. The Samaki CP mission is committed to bringing those who are spiritually searching to meet the person of Jesus Christ. Please support the Gift to the King offering, “A Present for a Presence."
"And going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh". (Matt 2:11) Churches take up this offering during the Christmas season. It can be a Sunday before Christmas, the Christmas Eve service, or even on Epiphany Sunday January 6, celebrated as the Sunday the Wise Men gave their gifts.
Gift To The King
SUPPORT MISSIONS IN CAMBODIA T he inside of the front and back cover is the GIF T TO T HE K ING poster for this year. In the center of the magazine is an order form for you to use w hen ordering GIF T TO T HE K ING envelopes, poster s and resources. M i s s i o n s M i n i s t r y Te a m | M i n i s t r y C o u n c i l o f t h e C u m b e r l a n d P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h 8 2 07 Tr a d i t i o n a l P l a c e , C o r d ov a , T N 3 8 0 16 -7414 , p h o n e 9 0 1. 2 76 . 4 5 72
Fo r m o r e i n fo r m a t i o n a n d r e s o u r c e s v i s i t o u r we b s i te a t ht t p s://m i n i s t r yc o u n c i l.c u m b e r l a n d.o r g/g i f t toth e k i n g .
VOL. 1, NO. lIll
F/ W2012
cover: CAMBODIA features: 1
A PRESENT FOR A PRESENCE There are gifts that matter, gifts
It was a youth team! With 26,
that actually change the receiver
and sometimes up to 31 people
and the giver! These are the gifts
moving around, we made quite a
that are lasting, gifts that in a
sense keep on giving.
Our Gift to the King offering this
year focus sponsored by
year is dedicated to the work in
Women’s Ministry to bring to
Cambodia where a missionary
the Cumberland Presbyterian
couple, Reverends David and
Church an awareness of human
Sarah L., serve.
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Set Them Free is a multi-
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Gif t To The King
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{ VOL. 1, NO. llII}
EDITORIAL: "Politics Aside"
5 NEWS & NOW 6
STEPPING OUT: 20 Ways To Evangelize In....
VISIT US ON THE WEB https://ministrycouncil.cumberland.org/currentissue
2ND MILE PROJECTS: YEC 2012, "Follow"
To read the previous issues of The Missionary Messenger Visit us at:
BIBLE STUDY: Meeting People Where ....
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by George R. Este s
/ " P OL I T IC S
nce in a while we hear someone use the phrase, “politics aside,” before going on to make what would seem to be a fairly political statement. In this election year it’s not easy to say “politics aside,” no matter what the issue may be! We know, too, that whatever affects our common life in society is political. There are those The real question isn’t whether who suggest that the church should we are changing or not, but steer clear of politics, and a part of me whether we are intentionally agrees with that perspective, at least changing in the direction the from the standpoint gospel is calling us. of partisanship. At the same time, who can deny that the gospel itself has fundamental political implications? When we proclaim Jesus as Lord, that level of allegiance relegates all other loyalties to second place. When we speak of the Kingdom of God, we recognize that there is a dominion beyond that of earthly governments. When we affirm our love (and responsibility) for our neighbor as well as God, is that not a stance which bears political weight? And on the less positive side, our theological understanding of the fallen nature of humanity cautions us against putting all our eggs in the basket of this or FA L L / W IN T E R 2012
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that political hero or platform. Long ago the Psalmist warned, “Put not your trust in princes,” as distinct from the Lord. [Ps. 146:3] I don’t take that to mean we are to have no trust and confidence in our elected officials, but rather to regard them (as ourselves) as subject to temptation, deception, self-aggrandizement and all the other sins and foibles of personhood. Our ultimate trust is in the Lord, who alone can save. Yet it is the Lord who calls us to involvement with our neighbor, and with the stranger, and holds us accountable for our national and international dealings. Because our ultimate citizenship as Christians is with the Kingdom of God, we are committed to striving for justice and peace, to caring for the “least of these” in society, to providing the best possible education for the young and the best possible appreciation for the old. The homeless and hopeless are never outside our purview, the sick and starving never just someone else’s concern. Those who in greed and indifference take advantage of others are never beyond our indignation, especially as we notice similar tendencies in ourselves. Those who do not know the blessing of the saving grace in Christ are never forgotten in our prayers and witness. In this season of Thanksgiving and gift giving, it doesn’t hurt to remind ourselves of the Source of all that we enjoy in life. Politics aside, we serve a generous God! Well, come to think of it, that’s a pretty political statement in itself! M M
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One Way Korean Cumberland Presbyterian Church in New York City was the site for the organization and first meeting of the newly constituted Cumberland East Coast Korean Presbytery. The first moderator of the Presbytery is Rev. Jin Soo Park, pastor of One Way CP Church in New York. Rev. Forest Prosser of TN-GA Presbytery was elected Stated Clerk of the new Presbytery by agreement with Synod of the Southeast. Cumberland Presbyterians are perhaps not accustomed to thinking of the northeast as typical CP turf, yet these congregations and pastors are making a lasting impact for Christ and the Church in this region of the US. Synod of the Southeast, approving the recommendation of Tennessee-Georgia Presbytery, authorized the formation of this new presbytery, the first Korean CP Presbytery, and the first presbytery to be organized in the US in many years.
“Hong Kong Mission Efforts”
In a recent visit with churches of Hong Kong Presbytery, it was observed that most of the ten Cumberland Presbyterian congregations in that great city are engaged in ministries in neighboring China, though that is difficult to do. One church sponsors an orphanage, another has a prison ministry, still another provides an educational program in a different province, and another helps support a drug rehab program – all in the name of Christ, making opportunities to share Jesus with new friends. At the same time, these congregational mission endeavors are not particularly coordinated with other churches or the presbytery. They are church missions arising from the commitments of local members and pastors. Yet Hong Kong Presbytery is also supportive of Our United Outreach, and special projects such as Gift to the King. These are mission-minded churches and they are an
inspiration to those who visit. This makes us ponder the missions capacity of the typical local church. Many Cumberland Presbyterian congregations are actively involved in community outreach and missions, and many also support the work of missionaries and missionary work outside the US. But are we truly taking “congregational” responsibility for sharing the gospel with those beyond our own communities and cultures? Hong Kong Presbytery prepared a mission video to show the variety of activities its churches are conducting. What might such a video look like from a state-side presbytery? Wouldn’t that be worth producing?
{ VOL. 1, NO. llll} MISSIONS MINISTRY TEAM Cumberland Presby terian Church
8207 Traditional Place Cordova, TN 38016-7414 phone 9 01.276.4572 fax 9 01.276.4578
The Missions Ministry Team is pleased to announce that Pam Phillips-Burk, Women’s Ministry Coordinator, will return to full-time service as director of Congregational Ministries beginning in January 2013. For the past several years Pam has divided her time between the responsibilities with Women’s Ministry and her role as pastor of Christ Cumberland Presbyterian Church in the Huntsville, AL, area. Her work with that congregation has enabled the church to stabilize sufficiently to call a pastor in the near future. In her expanded role in missions, Pam will continue oversight of Women’s Ministry but will also provide leadership for other vital areas of MMT outreach, including education for missions, representation with ecumenical partners such as Beth-El Farmworker Ministry and Coalition for Appalachian Ministry, consult with congregations and presbyteries in developing programs for revitalization and strengthening of local churches, initiate cooperative activities with the other three Ministry Teams and the Ministry Council, and provide oversight of Leadership Referral Services.
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messenger@ cumberland.org
ART DIRECTOR Sowgand Sheikholeslami: ext. 211
EDITORS George R. Estes: ext. 234 Pam Phillips-Burk: ext. 262 Lynn Thomas: ext. 261 T.J. Malinoski: ext. 232 Jinger Ellis: ext. 230
PRINTER A1 Printing Memphis, Tennessee
Associated Church Press
Evangelical Press Association
Evangelical Press Service (EP)
News Network International (NNI)
Cover photo credit: Lynn Thomas
F A L L / WINT ER 2012
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20 ways to
1. Walk around your neighborhood.
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Walking lets us see the homes, businesses and community at street level. You will be able to notice things you don’t while in your vehicle. 2. Host a sports game watching party. 3. Ask longtime residents about the history of your neighborhood.
4. Take baked goods to your neighbors .... by T.J. Malinoski ....
during the holidays. 5. Walk regularly around the same time in your neighborhood. 6. Start a neighborhood Facebook,
ust a few months ago, I moved to a different home, a different city, a different environment. My family moved from a rural, mountainous area of East Tennessee to the suburbs of Memphis, Tennessee. The contrast of environment and the proximity of homes has been quite a change. Taking on a different routine, a new school, finding a church to worship, a new physician, getting utilities and cable television turned on, different road names to memorize, traffic to avoid – all can be daunting and stressful tasks. Moving into a new area presents a challenge of how to meet the people around me. I have found that it is so easy after a long day to go home to slump in front of the television or surf the internet, but this transition has gotten me thinking about the opportunities for faith-sharing in the areas in which we live. Whether we are new to an area or have been long time residents, we can find an occasion to interact with others, engage in conversation and share our faith in real and tangible ways. We do not necessarily have to quote Scripture, present a sales pitch on the church we attend, or even recite a memorized speech to assist someone toward making a commitment to become a Christian. Evangelism is a form of giving ourselves to others in the name of Christ, for the sake of Christ, in participation with Christ, to grow God’s kingdom. Sharing our faith is relational; trust must be established and we must remember that not everyone is actively looking for God or is able to articulate the search for things that matter. With this type of evangelism in mind, we can share the gospel in the neighborhood in which we live in, in very natural ways. Here are some practical ideas to engage the people around us. Not all of these are for everyone, but there will be several ideas that God uses to help us develop intentional relationships with our neighbors.
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Twitter, Google + group. 7. Create a street email/phone list for emergencies and safety. 8. Stay outside in the front lawn longer while watering yard, tending to flowers/landscaping. 9. Have a Saturday morning neighborhood breakfast at your home, inviting your neighbors. 10. If you have a skill or talent, share it with the neighborhood; i.e., cutting firewood, electrical or plumbing knowledge, computer knowledge. 11. Host a scrapbook night in your home. 12. Have a game night; yard games outside, board games inside. 13. When going to town, ask neighbor if she/he is in need of anything. 14. Move the activities we do in the backyard to the front yard; grilling, playing ball with your children, reading a newspaper/magazine/book. 15. Have a garden and share the produce with your neighbors. 16. Invite neighbors over for an evening meal. 17. Assist a neighbor with seasonal yard maintenance. 18. Host an outdoor (or indoor) movie night and discuss the film afterward. 19. Organize a Christmas open house with your neighbors. 20. Organize neighbors to help check on and assist an elderly neighbor.
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Some of these activities you may already be doing. The idea is that we do these things with the gospel in mind. These suggested activities can lead to opportunities to share what God means to us, how God has shaped and is shaping us into the person that we are. We can talk about times when our Christian friends helped us through a tough time, a loss, a crisis. We can share how uplifting the Scriptures are in our daily life. We can share how our church family gives us a sense of fellowship and companionship that we cannot find anywhere else.
Sharing our faith is not an event we add to our already busy lives. It is our life. Evangelism is the way we live; not something we add on. We can be intentional in our faith-sharing through everyday ways without overloading our schedule and at the same time make real connections with our neighbors. Can you think of more examples of how to develop intentional relationships with our neighbors? Share them with T. J. Malinoski at TMalinoski@cumberland.org. M M
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CAMBODIA and The CP vChurch
Our Gift to the King offering this year is dedicated to the work in Cambodia where a missionary couple, Reverends David and Sarah L., serve.
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by Lynn Thomas
ur missionaries in Cambodia have established the Samaki (Unity) Cumberland Presbyterian Mission in Phnom Penh, the capitol city. Earlier this year George Estes and I of the Missions Ministry Team spent several days in Cambodia assessing the work. We were met at the airport by a delegation from the church who presented us both with a bouquet of flowers. We then loaded our luggage and flowers into tuk-tuks, motorcycles pulling an open carriage, a modern rickshaw. Once we were loaded we were issued surgical masks to protect us from the dust and fumes and away we went into the crowed and busy streets of Phnom Penh. Saturday at Samaki fellowship was devoted to neighborhood evangelism. A team of church members gathered at the church and made doughnuts. They packaged them in plastic sandwich bags and then headed out into the community. The Samaki CP mission is located in a middle class community,
by Cambodian standards. The evangelism teams, comprised of two or three Samaki members each, divided up and worked different streets going door to door. The tropical heat and the tranquil middle class neighborhood made for easy access. Many homes along the streets had their front doors open in order to stay cool. It was almost effortless to stand in the door, hold out a doughnut, and hand them an announcement about the church. After a few hours in this neighborhood we moved to a very poor community also quite near the church meeting place. Apartment buildings are crammed along tight alleys filled with trash. Families rent and live in one small dark room. The bathroom is a public concrete slab with outdoor faucets for bathing and stalls and holes in the floor for the rest room. The evangelism teams went door to door, down the dark alleys. If someone was home their door was usually open to let light into the room and get some ventilation. When someone wanted to talk, the evangelism team members stopped, stood in the door and shared.
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e moved around Phnom Penh using the tuk-tuk as our mode of transportation. When it rained the motorcycled rickshaw had plastic sheets that pull-down around the back seat. We almost always wore surgical masks, as everyone else does, to avoid the dust and smells of the busy streets. One can’t avoid seeing the poverty and the obvious signs of human struggle as one peers from the motorcycle carriage. We took time to visit several Buddhist shrines, which is the religion of Cambodia. We spent a disturbing afternoon touring the famous concentration camp S-21, which had been used by the Khmer Rouge. It is now a museum dedicated to reminding the world of those that suffered and died. Prior to its fame as a torture chamber, where almost no one survived, it had been a well respected high school. We went room to room looking at the heart-breaking torture chambers and tiny cages they were housed in, the only escape from pain for the victims. The Samaki CP mission is the only mission work we have in Cambodia. We attended the worship services. There are two services on Sundays, one in the morning for those who work in the afternoons and one in the afternoon to accommodate those whose jobs are in the mornings. In a Buddhist country Sunday is not a church day, just a normal work day. Churches have to build their schedules around the reality they live in. There were a total of about 160 in attendance that day. The congregation was predominately young, mostly children, high school students, college students and a few young professionals. Today it is estimated that about 1% FA L L / W IN T E R 2012
of the Cambodian population is Christian, about 150,000 people. After each service there was a fellowship meal that was cooked and provided by the church. That evening there was a youth program, and with a church so young it was well attended! Part of the youth event involved games, laughing, jumping, and running. The L's observed that because of Cambodia’s past it was significant that the youth could interact with each other. This generation had escaped the killing fields, but they were the children of those who knew MM/10
firsthand the horrors. Learning to trust each other is not something imparted in the home. Before leaving Cambodia, we enjoyed a meal in a restaurant with the leaders of the church, mostly of college age. We laughed, ate, took pictures, and hugged. The Gift to the King offering is to help the Samaki CP mission buy a facility for their church. Presently they rent a house they utilize as their worship center. A facility will provide the needed space and flexibility to continue to grow and reach that part of the world for Jesus Christ. M M
The Amazing
by Delight Hopson, Kunpula, Uganda
e were so blessed in June to have welcomed the very first Cumberland Presbyterian ministry team to Uganda, and to make it even more amazing, it was a youth team! With 26, and sometimes up to 31 people moving around, we made quite a scene. We can’t count the number of times we heard Bazungu (bah-zoo-ngoo) which is the plural word for white people. Children and adults alike are thrilled to see a large group of white people meandering around at the craft markets and in the malls and believe me, they received more than a few second and third lookovers. What those staring-eyed people didn’t get to see was the amazing way these young people stepped into a culture different from their own and embraced the challenges presented to them! This wonderfully energetic group of young people taught around two hundred kids, with 120 being at a Ugandan church/school for four days
and 80 children daily for five days, at an international school. These kids were mostly from Uganda, but also included the countries of Canada, China, Korea, Armenia, U.S.A., the Netherlands and more. Their group's theme was Spirit in Motion. They shared from their hearts in a variety of really creative ways about Courage, Respect, Love, Faith and Hope. Once they even demonstrated servant love to many of these children by washing their feet. That act of love will be sealed in the hearts and minds of those children for the rest of their lives. These young people from the CP church were absolutely loved by all! Not only did the team minister in the Spirit in Motion camps, they also ministered by doing a lot of cleaning and organizing some really disorganized places. They opened themselves up to the heart wrenching ministry of holding and showing love to those orphaned babies. Nothing melts your heart more than when some of those big tough guys
were sitting on the floor holding a baby or when that little toddler sidled right up next to them and relaxed. It didn’t take long for some of the little ones to have those big Americans wrapped around their tiny fingers. e thank Lynn and Nona Thomas for choosing Uganda for this team. Many of the youth talked about how blessed they were and how their hearts were opened to new things of the Lord. We were so happy to hear that. Going to a culture unlike your own does open one’s eyes to seeing the Lord’s Kingdom at work in a different light. We pray that from the team, laborers will be sent into the harvest fields. Naturally, we would be so happy to have them back in Uganda, but also realize the harvest field is vast and presents many opportunities. The Cumberland Presbyterian Uganda Youth team was a fantastic group to host and we are so very proud of them all! We look forward to keeping in touch with them and would love to have some sort of reunion with them when we return to the U.S.A. Of course we would welcome them all back to Uganda too! M M
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“YEC 2012 – FOLLOW”
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DISCIPLESHIP AND MISSIONS MINISTRIES Project #34202 Supplemental Second Mile Project
THE NEED Discomfort Zone – Wake Up! - FOLLOW These are the names of the past two Youth Evangelism Conferences, plus the theme and focus for YEC 2012 – Follow! Whoever wants to be my disciples must deny themselves and take up their cross and FOLLOW me. (Mark 8:34b). TNIV This conference is for youth grades 6 through college Freshmen and includes youth leaders and parents who work with and alongside them. Worship, energetic music, reflection groups, conversation, and hands-on outreach opportunities in the Little Rock, Arkansas area will make this YEC as meaningful and memorable as past events. YEC Follow will be held at the Arkansas 4-H Center in Little Rock, AR, December 27-30, 2012.
This Second Mile project is needed to help keep costs as low as possible and make it a ministry opportunity for all youth across the denomination. As the Cumberland Presbyterian denomination strives to Step Out to share the good news of Jesus Christ to all people everywhere, YEC Follow is one part of that effort. Young people will step out in Little Rock with acts of kindness in the name of Jesus, and from there continue the journey back in their own communities. The global impact of the two previous YEC events is still being felt. As a supporter of this Second Mile project you and your church group will participate in the Step Out program in a real and practical way, while at the same time making it possible for the young people of our church to step out as well and Follow Jesus.
Amount Needed from Second Mile Amount Contributed to Date Total Amount Needed for the Project
$5,000.00 $ 834.00 $4,166.00
DURATION : July 2012 - December 2012
CONTRIBUTIONS: Please make check payable to the Missions Ministry Team indicating for project #34202 and mail to 8207 Traditional Place, Cordova, TN 38016-7414.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact TJ Malinoski at Tmalinoski@cumberland.org, 901-276-4572 ext. 232, or Susan Groce at scg@cumberland.org, 901-276-4572 ext. 218. For more information about all of these projects go to www.ministrycouncil. cumberland.org/secondmileprojects. Click on the Second Mile Project link for downloadable posters and expanded project descriptions.
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WEBSITE REDESIGN – PROJECT #320006 Funding to help build a new denominational web site that will be more efficient and effective in sharing news and resources with both seekers and Cumberland Presbyterians. Amount Needed: $12,000; Amount Contributed to Date: None For more information contact: Mark J. Davis at mdavis@cumberland.org, 901.276.4572 x216 Send contributions to the Communications Ministry Team, 8207 Traditional Place, Cordova, TN 38016-7414.
MISSIONARY TO MEXICO SETUP FUND – PROJECT #34303 Funding for a Set-up Fund which will be used to handle onetime expenses such as: plane tickets, visa legal expenses, furniture, appliances, office equipment, deposits for school enrollment, etc. Amount Needed: $12,000; Amount Contributed to Date: $19,596.97 For more information contact: Lynn Thomas at lynndont@gmail.com, 901.276.4572.
CLERGY CRISIS FUND – PROJECT #35004 Funding to provide financial support to clergy who are in crisis and in need of support and care. Amount Needed: $12,000; Amount Contributed to Date: $8,177.75 For more information contact: Milton L. Ortiz at MOrtiz@cumberland.org, 901.276.4572 Send contributions to the Pastoral Development Ministry Team, 8207 Traditional Place, Cordova, TN 38016-7414. INTERNATIONAL YOUTH PARTICIPANTS – PROJECT #33097 Funding to bring two representatives (from each country where we currently have CP churches) to Triennium and the Cumberland Presbyterian Youth Conference. Amount Needed: $24,000; Amount Contributed to Date: $400 For more information contact: Susan Groce at scg@cumberland.org, 901.276.4572
MISSIONARY INTERNSHIP PROGRAM – PROJECT #34034 Funding to pay for travel and lodging expenses for missionary interns, including a small stipend. Amount Needed: $10,000; Amount Contributed to Date: $3,000 For more information contact: Lynn Thomas at lynndont@gmail.com, 901.276.4572. ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE – PROJECT #34379 Funding to provide opportunities for a group of 20 immigrants to participate in an “English as a Second Language” pilot program. The class is based on a nontraditional methodology, focused on the development of basic conversational skills in order to face the daily life demands of many immigrants. Amount Needed: $580; Amount Contributed to Date: $325 For more information contact: George Estes at gre@cumberland.org, 901.276-4572. Send contributions to the Missions Ministry Team, 8207 Traditional Place, Cordova TN 38016-7414. ENTERING THE MISSION FIELD: PAS GOES GLOBAL – PROJECT # 34381
Funding for expansion of The Program of Alternate Studies (PAS) in Colombia, South America. PAS is a certificate program of Memphis Theological Seminary which offers non-degree courses necessary for ordination in the CP Church. Amount Needed: $5,901.00; Amount Contributed to Date: $620.00 For more information contact: Pam Phillips-Burk, pam@cumberland.org, 901-276-4572.
Contributions for the following projects should be sent to the Missions Ministry Team, 8207 Traditional Place, Cordova, TN 38016-7414 indicating on the check the project number.
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M I S S I O N A R Y / N E W S
. . { From Our CP Medical Clinic } . . Before... T hey are the Lux Mejía siblings. They are from a town that is made up of the Quiché ethnic group. There are 11 brothers and sisters in the family and 8 of them arrived at the children´s home in Guatemala. They were struggling with malnutrition, upper respiratory problems and were in a terrible condition in terms of hygiene. The oldest sister had scratches
the adequate medicine that she needs to receive her treatment.
A f t e r. . . When Omar and Johana arrived at the home we had to bring Johana to the clinic because she had constant infections in her mouth and thankfully we were able to offer her the care she needed. When she arrived she showed signs of chronic depres-
Loaves & Fishes
on her arms and hands because she had to take care of her 7 younger siblings while her parents and 2 older siblings went to work. She had to gather water in order to be able to wash and cook, gather wood and make tortillas, and on top of that ever since she was little she struggled with ear infections. When she arrived, the clinic brought in an ear, nose and throat specialist to help her and bought the medicine that she needed. Thanks to God, her ear is finally recovering. The two youngest girls are twins. One of them suffers from asthma and many times she needs inhalers in order to breathe easily. Thanks to God, in the clinic we have FA L L / W IN T E R 2012
sion and we sent her to a psychiatrist. The clinic made sure she was treated and gives her the medicine that she was prescribed. It is one of the most expensive medicines in Guatemala. Her brother, Omar, was in a car accident prior to arriving at the home. As a result of the accident, his left elbow is not functional and it´s possible that his arm will never be normal again. His left wrist also lost mobility. Thanks to the clinic, we were able to make contact with an aid institution and he was able to have the surgery that he needed for free. They cleaned out the scar tissue and he has regained 100% mobility in his wrist. We are hoping to have orthopedic care for MM/14
his elbow as well at some point. Omar also struggles with chronic depression and he is receiving psychiatric care and medicine thanks to the clinic. Josh and Jessica Hanson, directors of the orphanage, would like to share their testimony about what the clinic has meant for the home. “The clinic at Casa Shalom has been an incredible blessing for both the children and the staff. When I arrived at Casa Shalom in 2008, the clinic was not functioning and the children suffered. When they became sick, there was no one to treat them, and many illnesses went untreated. They suffered many cases of bronchitis, pneumonia and had many skin and dental problems. When the clinic opened and the pediatrician was contracted, everything changed! Now the children receive wonderful medical care with compassion and love. The staff receive the same treatment. I’ve even brought my own baby to see the pediatrician, and I’m confident that she received wonderful care. Thank you to everyone who has sacrificed and donated to make the Casa Shalom clinic a reality.” Imagine how many more children we could reach through the donations for the new clinic through the Loaves and Fishes offering. By having a social worker that would benefit both clinics, we could finally work on a broader level with the families of these children as well. Not all of these children are orphans, but rather children who have suffered neglect. With the help of this social worker we could help heal the relationships between parents and children and work toward a more positive future. We would work with the parents in many areas and help them find institutions that could support them in the areas of alcoholism, drug addiction, and sexual and physical abuse. M M
by David and Sarah L.
e had a 3-nation-united retreat of CP workers in the coastal town of Sihanouk Ville from August 7 – 10, 2012. Sihanouk Ville is a beach city in southwest Cambodia. We took a bus ride 5 hours to Sihanouk Ville from the capital Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Thirty people attended the retreat, including Malavan from the “C” mission work, Sompong and Noy from “L” church, and also a good group from our Cambodian church. In the mornings and evenings we had seminars and all received much grace from the Lord. It was like a refreshing water fall. In the afternoons we enjoyed the beach. It was nice taking a break from the dusty city of Phnom Penh where we often wear masks to cover our faces from the pollution. We held a Candidate Recognition Ceremony at Samaki Mission Church (Cambodia). Samath, Sompong, Noy and Malavan, four CP workers who have faithfully served the church and demonstrated fruitful ministry, were officially presented to the congregation as future candidates for the ministry. Their names have been submitted to Tennessee-Georgia Presbytery for acceptance as candidates. The recognition ceremony was held in our Sunday worship service at the Samaki Mission Church on August 12, 2012. As candidates of the CP church, Samath (Cambodian) will continue to serve the Cambodia Samaki Mission Church, Sompong and Noy will serve the “L” church and “L” vision school, Malavan will serve the “C” Xuan-Jaio mission. That day the L.'s conducted a baptismal ceremony in Cambodia Samaki Mission Church. Five people including an infant were baptized. Last June 2012, Srey Mom, a very humble woman, came to our church with a 6 month old boy. Several weeks before she visited our church, the infant got a severe fever, more seriously, in treating the fever it was discovered that the child had a hole in his heart. The mother asked for help in several hospitals. A governmental hospital gave him free treatment, but they could not cure him with their limited facilities and ability. She brought the baby to Hebron Hospital, which Korean missionaries run. Doctors said the baby should be treated in Korea. She didn’t
know what to do because there was no way she could afford the cost of a trip like that and her baby’s health was deteriorating. She had no hope. Hearing that the Samaki Mission Church members earnestly pray for people, she brought the baby to our mission church. We prayed. After a while, the baby was given another medical examination. What happened? The result was amazing! The hole in his heart had gotten smaller, now it's just the size of a grain of sand. In the second and third checkup, the
O N A R Y / N E W S
hole completely disappeared, and the baby recovered. The baby’s name is Neun Yoosod and he is in good health. He comes to church with his mother, Srey Mom, who experienced God’s amazing healing power. She couldn’t just stay quiet! She witnessed about Jesus to her neighbors, and brought them to the church. Several of those neighbors have now professed faith in Christ. M M For security reasons some country and church names have been omitted from this report. Also the writers use English as their second language.
F A L L / WINT ER 2012
M W O M E N' S / M I N I S T R Y
et Them Free is a multi-year focus sponsored by Women’s Ministry to bring to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church an awareness of human trafficking. In addition to raising awareness within the church, there will be opportunities to get active in the struggle against modern-day slavery. The Convention offering next June will go toward a ministry in Nashville, Tennessee that is helping to restore to health and wholeness women who have been trafficked. Magdalene Community is a two-year residential program for these woman who receive healthcare, counseling, life skills, and spiritual nourishment. Part of the ministry of Magdalene Community is Thistle Farms, a social enterprise run by the women of Magdalene. By hand, the women create natural bath and body products that are as good for the earth as they are for the body. Purchases of Thistle Farms products directly benefit the women by whom they were made. M M
+ FA L L / W IN T E R 2012
we’ve made arrangements with Thistle Farms for Women’s Ministry groups (local and regional) to order a consignment kit of products for your meetings. Just contact Thistle Farms (Contact Carole at 615.298.1140 or events@thistlefarms.org) and ask for the CP Women’s Ministry Kit. They will ship you a kit, you sell the products, and then just ship back what you do not sell along with a check for the items sold. You will have to pay return shipping costs. Thistle Farms is making this special arrangement for our groups this year, so take advantage of this unique way to take action in the struggle against human trafficking and to help SET THEM FREE!
HUMAN TRAFFICKING AWARENESS DAY J A N U A R Y 11, 2 0 13 Ideas to help you observe this day…. Plan a worship service around the issue of slavery. Host a Thistle Farms product table during the month of January at your church. Read a book on the topic and host a discussion group. Host a movie night and show a movie on the issue.
These and other ideas are available online at http://ministrycouncil.cumberland.org/setthemfree MM/17
F A L L / WI NT ER 2012
M W O M E N' S / M I N I S T R Y
his year’s theme is designed to help us move out of our normal routines and meet folks with the Good News of Jesus Christ right where they are. How is your church doing this? Maybe you can go to a local homeless shelter and meet with the women there? Maybe you can take your group to a nursing home one afternoon and sing beloved hymns. Maybe you can go on an overnight retreat and invite those women in church and the community who do not normally participate. For resources to help you “meet people where they are,” visit the Women’s Ministry website. If you’d like to schedule a speaker or Women’s Ministry officer to visit your group, contact us at ( pam@cumberland.org or 256.684.5247) There are two ways that women’s groups can help Memphis Theological Seminary/Program of Alternate Studies and Discipleship Ministry Team “meet people where they are” through your financial giving. Please consider these projects in the coming months:
This project will provide funds for a start-up program of study for ministers seeking ordination (non-degree certification) in Colombia, South America. (# 34381) 2. CHILDREN’S FEST 2014 A children’s event to be held in the summer of 2014 simultaneously on the campuses of Bethel University, McKenzie, TN, and the CP Children’s Home, Denton, TX, for children, kindergarten thru 6th grade, to celebrate a day of fun, education, service, and worship. (# 34382) Make checks payable to Missions Ministry Team and indicate which project (account #). Mail to 8207 Traditional Place, Cordova, TN 38016-7414
Mis siona ry Mes senger
Have you noticed ...?
Have you noticed that the new format of The Missionary Messenger provides some pull-out resources for you and your church? Posters for Loaves and Fishes and Gift to the King can be easily removed for use and display. Ordering of resources is easy, because the forms can be removed and sent in. Second Mile projects are
FA L L / W IN T E R 2012
listed in a format that can be featured on a church bulletin board or in a Sunday school class room or Women’s Ministry meeting space. Including these resources in the Messenger saves on postage and extra printing, and it also assures that many folks have access to the information. We hope you enjoy and use these resources! M M
Bible Study / Devotional
Meeting People Where They Are In the Ordinary Shepherds Luke 2:8-20
by S a m a n t h a H a ss e l l, E l e c t e d M e mb e r, D i s cip l e ship M ini s t r y Te am, S t ur g i s , K Y
he most meaningful event in history has just occurred! Jesus, the Messiah, God’s Son has just been born! It makes sense, doesn’t it, that God would have a “great company of the heavenly host” on standby to proclaim the good news? It seems obvious that an occasion so joyous would be worthy of heaven’s best – worthy of the angels appearing, of the glory of the Lord shining, of a new song being sung just for the occasion. Yes, all of that comes together to paint an aweinspiring picture. The angels came bearing news too wonderful for words to describe. And they came bearing that news to humble shepherds. Sleep deprived shepherds. Poor and lowly shepherds. Probably-needed-a-shower shepherds. Uneducated shepherds. That’s the good news of Jesus, isn’t it!? He comes to all of us! He comes to the plain. He comes to the ordinary. He comes to the wealthy. He comes to the poor. He comes to those who are loved. And to those who are unloved. He comes to those living on the fringes of society. And he comes to those surrounded by friends. He comes to the unworthy. He comes to the hurting. He comes to the lonely. He comes to the young. He comes to the aged. He comes. Period. And anyone with a heart humble enough can accept him. It doesn’t matter who we are or what we do – we can accept Jesus simply because he came.
jumped on my 4-wheeler ‘cause that would get me to Jesus REAL fast.” He, and the shepherds, had it right! Let’s not waste time in getting to Jesus! Then, they spread the word! They knew this was too good to keep to themselves – they wanted to pass it on. They desired others to know the Good News. And finally, after encountering Jesus, they praised God. Not only are we reminded to always be open to an encounter with Jesus but we are also reminded that when we serve others, we have to go to where they are. Quite literally! The angels met them right there in the fields – in the midst of their regular work – they didn’t wait for them to come through the doors of the church. We can’t decide that we’ll be glad to help whoever comes through our doors and forget that there’s a world outside our church doors full of folks who need the good news of the Messiah. It can be scary, but our call is to share the gospel. So let’s go! Let’s meet people where they are.
QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: 1. Imagine you’re a shepherd in the field and the angels
And those shepherds sure do have a lot to teach us about what happens AFTER we have encountered Jesus who comes! First, we learn to never believe that Jesus only comes to us in a sanctuary. Sure, that’s one of the places we encounter the Messiah, but Jesus doesn’t limit himself, and Jesus will come to us wherever we are – at home, at work, at play; morning, noon, or night. Next, they took off! Once when teaching this lesson to preschoolers, I asked the question, “Do you think the shepherds took their time in getting to Jesus or do you think they ran as hard and fast as they could?” And one sweet boy replied, “I bet they ran, but if I was out in the field like them I would’ve
have just left and the sky is once again dark – what are you thinking? 2. Share an experience in which you’ve encountered God in the ordinary of your day. 3. What does this passage teach us about meeting people where they are?
PRAYER : O God, help us to meet people where they are, for so many need your love and to know your Son. We ask for guidance, direction, and a spirit of willingness to share the gospel no matter where we may be and who we may meet along our way. Amen. M M
F A L L / WINT ER 2012
W O M E N' S / M I N I S T R Y
YEC >>“Follow”
A Young Person Looking For Something To Do Between Christmas And January 1st? Looking To Spend Time With Friends And Grow In Your Relationship With Christ?
Registration is online at www.cumberland.org/cpyouth.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
f you are a 6th grader to college freshman, we have an event for you! From December 27 – 30, 2012, the Youth Evangelism Conference (YEC) is meeting at the foothills of the Ouachita Mountains just outside of Little Rock, Arkansas. The theme for YEC is “Follow” based upon Mark 6:34b (NRSV), Whoever wants to be my disciples must deny themselves and take up their cross and FOLLOW me. Guest speakers include David Bowden, executive director of the non-profit Give a Goat (https://www.giveagoatnow.com/), who uses poetry to challenge and inspire others to give a voice to the voiceless, promote social justice and care for the needy throughout the world. Kathleen Murphy, director of My Own
Backyard (http://www.myownbackyard.me/#), will guide participants in identifying and addressing the needs “in their own backyard.” The conference features give-aways, a concert, worship, and servant evangelism opportunities. The cost for the conference, including meals and lodging, is $229.00 by December 1, 2012 and after December 1, $269.00. This event is taking place at the C.A. Vines Arkansas 4-H Center approximately ten miles outside of Little Rock, Arkansas. The lodging facilities include single, double and bunk beds, depending on group size. Bed linens are provided and towels will be replaced each day. Free wi-fi is also available. For more information about the C.A. Vines Arkansas 4-H Center facilities, go to www. arkansas4hcenter.org. M M
You’ll also find the YEC
schedule, and other resources
relating to the conference. You can contact BJ Mathis, YEC coordinator, at
T. J. Malinoski at
901-276-4572 ext. 232 or Susan Groce at
901-276-4572 ext. 218.
Christmas Cards Box Set
All Occasion Cards Box Set
You can send a unique message that has both a picture worth 1,000 words AND that will help you offer words spoken at just the right time. The Ministry Council has beautiful all-occasion and Christmas greeting cards on sale now. The illustrations are original drawings and designs, by Sowgand Sheikholeslami and children of Japan Presbytery. Your purchase of these boxed sets provides direct financial support to the programs and ministries of the Church around the block and around the world.
Cards are sold in boxes of 16 cards (four each of four designs) for $10.00 USD.
MM/20 FA L L / W IN E R 20 1 2 us online at https://ministrycouncil.cumberland.org/greetingcardsboxsets ToT order visit
And going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh. (Matt 2:11)
For more information and resources visit our website at https://ministrycouncil.cumberland.org/gifttotheking.
82 07 Tr a d i t i o n a l Pl a c e, C o r d ova , T N 3 8 016 -7414 , p h o n e 9 01. 276 .4 572
M i s s i o n s M i n i s t r y Te a m | M i n i s t r y C o u n c i l of t h e C u m b e r l a n d Pr e s by te r i a n C h u r c h
2 0 12
Gift To The King
THE MISSIONARY MESSENGER is published for the Cumberland Presbyterian Church by the Missions Ministry Team. Opinions expressed by the individual writers are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editors. THE MISSIONARY MESSENGER does not accept advertising. Address change: send new address and label from a recent newspaper to the Circulation Secretary at the address below. THE MISSIONARY MESSENGER (ISSN 08868344) is published quarterly by the Missions Ministry Team of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 8207 Traditional Place, Cordova, TN 38016-7414. Periodicals postage paid at Memphis, Tenn. The magazine is sent free of charge to each household in the denomination. POSTM AST ER: Send address changes to: THE MISSIONARY MESSENGER, 8207 Traditional Place, Cordova, TN 38016-7414.
This list contains CP missionaries that work in countries open to the gospel and countries closed to the gospel. If you would like to communicate with missionaries in closed countries you may use the Lthomas@cumberland.org missionary e-mail and we will forward your e-mail to the missionary. For the safety of our missionaries we cannot share contact information in public forums.
Boyce and Beth Wallace Cali, Colombia Phone & Fax: 011-57-23-391579 Home Email: hbwcali@yahoo.com Danny and Joey Potts Cali, Colombia Cell: 011-57-317-279-7968 Email: djpottscali@gmail.com
N. Email: Lthomas@cumberland.org
Lawrence and Loretta Fung Email: revfung@gmail.com Glenn Watts Tin Shui Wai N.T. Phone: 011-852-2639-9176 (office) Email: hongkongbrother@hotmail.com
S&M Email: Lthomas@cumberland.org Anay Ortega San Lucas Cell: 011-502-4-467-9225 anayortegamonroy@hotmail.com
M & H - presently in the USA Email: Lthomas@cumberland.org P. T. Email: Lthomas@cumberland.org
T&T Email: Lthomas@cumberland.org
Daniel and Kay Jang Iloilo City Phone: 011-63-33-321-3297 Email: goingup129@hanmail.net
D&S Email: Lthomas@cumberland.org
Carlos and Luz Dary Rivera Mexico City Cell: 011-52-1-55-3105-8377 Email: caralrifra@epm.net.co
Kenneth and Delight Hopson Kampala Phone: 011-256-772-710-723 Email: ken.hopson@wgm.org