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Planned Giving

Planned Giving

ANN COOLIDGE RANDALL ’73, P ’13 Member of the Nicholson-Martin Society of legacy gift donors.


Making A Big Impact With A Future Gift

Why do you Support Kingswood Oxford? I support KO for several reasons: I first attended Oxford in the eighth grade, which was a difficult point in my life. It wasn’t easy at first, but after a year, it was home. It was safe and where my friends were. KO was where I wanted to be, and I was proud to be part of the community. The school offered a solid traditional education that I don’t think I would have gotten elsewhere and led me to form many lifelong friendships and wonderful memories!

We chose to send our son to KO at a similar point in his life. Again, the first year was tough for him, but after that, he became a big part of the community. He was embraced, felt safe, grew personally, made lifelong friends, and achieved his goals in athletics and the creative arts. His KO experience enabled him to go to college on a partial scholarship in search of his dream to be an actor. He was very well prepared for college. It’s a family tradition to go to KO, and we are proud to be a part of the legacy. We believe in giving back to the place that gave three generations of students so much!

Why is your Oxford education special? My Oxford education was so special because it really prepared me for college. Even though I considered myself to be more of a science and math student, the education really prepared me for English courses in college – so much so that my freshman year I was enrolled in advanced freshman English, a class taught by the college’s president. It was tough, but I made it through! I remember researching a paper in the college library my freshman year using books since there was no internet. Another freshman asked me, “How do you know how to research a paper like this?” My response was, “Because I’ve been doing it since eighth grade.” But mostly, I remember devoted teachers who cared about us as individuals, wanted us to succeed, and helped us reach our goals. This tradition continues today at KO. What is your vision for the future of KO? Having been a member of the Board of Trustees for nine years, I support the administration’s and board’s goals of making a KO education one that teaches students how to solve real-world issues by having them interact with community members and leaders so they can make a difference. I hope KO continues to educate students to be proactive and curious learners in a school community of teachers, family, and friends that cares about each individual. And last, but not least, I want the school to cultivate an environment where students have fun learning and caring for one another.

For more information

on supporting Kingswood Oxford School with a legacy gift, please contact Dina Plapler, Director of Advancement at 860.727.5019 or plapler.d@kingswoodoxford.org

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