HKU MUSE Season Brochure 2018/19_1st Semester

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My University Spotlight Encounters (MUSE) is a series of programmes presented by the Cultural Management Office of The University of Hong Kong. The team was established in early 2013, with a mission to inspire a life-long passion for the arts through innovative and educational programmes that will enrich the imaginative atmosphere on campus and establish HKU as a leading centre of cultural activities.

All programmes are presented with support from

"This is such a beautiful hall it's a gem of space."

– Hélène Grimaud, pianist

「到 李兆基會議中心大會堂演出過的藝人 藝團真不少,場館優秀的聲學表現,獲得 演出者、藝評人和觀眾一致推崇。這情況在 香港真是絕無僅有。」 - 《HiFi 音響》

Be a Join our membership scheme and unlock exclusive members-only privileges throughout the year!

Bach's Complete Well-Tempered Clavier by Angela Hewitt

"It was as if the eternal harmony was conversing within itself, as it may have done in the bosom of God, just before the creation of the world." – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


B ach's Well-Tempered Clavier is a milestone in the history of western tonality – an innovative

21 & 23 SEP 2018

work that explores the development of a modern keyboard tuning system, revealing the fullcolour spectrum of all 24 keys. It is also an important pedagogical tool in learning composition and keyboard techniques. Over the past several centuries, the work has never ceased to be a source of inspiration, fascination, and wonderment.

Grand Hall, Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre, HKU


In September, renowned pianist Angela Hewitt will present the COMPLETE set at HKU. In two concerts, she will perform these most sophisticated masterpieces with her signature clarity and dexterity for the Hong Kong audience.

BOOK I, BWV 846-869 21 SEP | FRI | 7:30PM

The Well-Tempered Clavier

Tickets at URBTIX $280 single concert | $400 both concerts HKU discounts and limited concessionary tickets available

2111 5999 |

Supported by

BOOK II, BWV 870-893 23 SEP | SUN | 3PM

© James Cheadle / Alamy Stock Photo

"today’s finest exponent of Bach’s keyboard music" - Gramophone


Approaching Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier 走近巴赫的不朽曲集

Rehearsal Room, LG1/F, Run Run Shaw Tower, HKU FREE via online registration

Music in Words with Angela Hewitt 「樂語融融」講座:休伊特與蔡寬亮教授 (In English)

20 SEP | THU | 6:30PM Speaker: Angela Hewitt Moderator: Prof. Daniel Chua, Department of Music, HKU

A ngela Hewitt is without a doubt the signature Bach pianist of our time. Inspired by her organist and choirmaster father, the young Hewitt has developed a deep fondness of Bach’s music since childhood. From completing an 11-year project recording all the major keyboard works of Bach, to organising her second allBach cycle world tour, one can see how Hewitt breathes Bach and transforms with the timeless music. In this talk, Hewitt will unveil her personal experience and pianistic transformation throughout all the years on the Bach keyboard. Prof. Daniel Chua and Angela Hewitt

Music in Words with Stephen Hung

「樂語融融」講座:熊韋皓先生與陳慶恩教授 (In Cantonese 廣東話主講 )

22 SEP | SAT | 3PM Speaker: Stephen Hung Moderator: Prof. Chan Hing-yan, Department of Music, HKU

B ac h’s Well-Tempered Clavier is perh aps th e very first mu sic al pilgrimage every pianist embarks on. Whilst its performance demands a high musical stamina, this monumental keyboard masterpiece also offers a dazzling kaleidoscope of timbre that gives out brand new listening sensations every time it is revisited. In this talk, Hong Kong pianist Stephen Hung will share how he approaches Book I and II - the two divergent Well-Tempered Clavier sets that are composed 20 years apart. As the 48 preludes and fugues gradually evolve into deepening musical complexity, Hung will unfold the interlaced harmonic spectrums before us.

Stephen Hung

Prof. Chan Hing-yan


Juilliard String Quartet 茱莉亞弦樂四重奏

13 OCT 2018 | SAT | 8PM

T he chamber music highlight of this semester features "the most important American quartet in history" (The Boston Globe), performing Dvořák's 'American' String Quartet in F major. Founded in 1946, the Juilliard String Quartet has tingled the audience with their technical superiority and extraordinary interpretative sophistication. This year, the award-winning ensemble welcomes new member Areta Zhulla as the first violinist in September. Appointed as HKU University Artist for 2017-2019, the ensemble will grace the Grand Hall stage and will also work with students in two workshops. Apart from Dvořák's string quartet, they will present the first string quartet written by Beethoven, as well as the Asia premiere of American composer Lembit Beecher's new work. Sit back and embrace the 'Americanness' in the music, brought to you by the newest cast of the Juilliard String Quartet.

Grand Hall, Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre, HKU Chamber Music Workshop 室樂工作坊 Composers' Workshop 作曲家工作坊 12 OCT 2018 | FRI

(In English)


Auditors welcome. Please visit our website for details.

BEETHOVEN String Quartet in D major, Op. 18, No. 3 BEECHER One Hundred Years Grows Shorter Over Time (Asia Premiere) DVO ÁK String Quartet in F major, Op. 96, 'American'

In collaboration with

FREE via online registration

"…the music it makes sounds like the most natural and inevitable thing in the world."

© Claudio Papapietro

- Broad Street Review

Areta Zhulla, violin Ronald Copes, violin Astrid Schween, cello Roger Tapping, viola (From right to left)


Music in Words

In Conversation with Evgeny Kissin 樂語融融:與祈辛對話 (In English)

Speaker: Evgeny Kissin Moderator: Prof. Daniel Chua, Department of Music, HKU

21 OCT 2018 | SUN | 7:30PM Studio 303, Chong Yuet Ming Cultural Centre, HKU

To classical music enthusiasts in Hong Kong, Evgeny Kissin is no stranger. Much acclaimed for his extraordinary virtuosity and the depth of his interpretation, his concerts have always been audiences' favourites in every touring city. Winner of the Shostakovich Award in Moscow in 2003 and the Herbert von Karajan Music Prize in 2005, he is recognised as one of the world’s most visionary and charismatic pianists in our generation. To Evgeny Kissin, The University of Hong Kong is no stranger too. In 2009, the pianist was awarded the degree of Doctor of Letters honoris causa by HKU in recognition of his contributions to the art of music. As we approach the 10th anniversary of Kissin's degree conferment, the pianist is returning to visit the campus. Join us in this informal sharing session!

Registration details to be announced

Prof. Daniel Chua

"My art is my life‌ To realise the potential given me by nature is, perhaps, most important for me, and my potential is in music."

Supported by

Leisure and Cultural Services Department

Š FBroede/EMI

- Evgeny Kissin

Venue Partner


Listen Between the Lines Lecture-Recital II 「音樂與文學對話」講座音樂會 II

Magic, Madness, and the Macabre 魔女、巫女與瘋女 (In Putonghua 普通話主講 )

04 NOV 2018 | SUN | 3PM Grand Hall, Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre, HKU

Meng-Chun Lin soprano

Jo-Pei Weng mezzo-soprano

林孟君 女高音

翁若珮 女中音

T aken from Goethe's drama Faust, "the Eternal Feminine draws us on high" is an essential verse that reflects fascination towards femininity. In this lecture-recital, we will explore the fantasy nature of femininity in the creation of music and literature. As we listen to how 'mad scenes' prevail in the operatic world, we will explore how composers express the power of magic through sound and tonality and how female figures are presented to seduce and charm. Let us hop on this unprecedented, magical ride, fuelled by some of the greatest musical scores and narrative creativity!

Co-presented with

FREE via online registration

Supported by

Song-Lam Yiu oboe

Vera Hui-Pin Hsu piano

姚桑琳 雙簧管

許惠品 鋼琴

音樂與文學,各自精彩又密不可分。可這兩大藝術究竟如何互動,彼此又能激盪出何等刺激火花?「永恆的女性, 引領我們高升。」歌德《浮士德》的結尾,其實也反映了世人對女性形象的著迷。這場音樂會將討論女性在音樂 與文學創作中的奇幻形象,聽「瘋狂場景」如何風靡歌劇世界,透過各式各樣的音樂作品,我們探索作曲家如何 以聲音曲調表現魔法力量,女性如何展現或魅惑徬徨人心。這是一場以音樂進行的奇幻之旅,精彩創作搭配動人 故事讓觀眾一飽耳福!

Speaker 主講 Yuan-Pu Chiao 焦元溥


Night at His Fingertips

Jan Lisiecki in Recital 夜之頌:利謝茲基鋼琴獨奏會 HK Debut 香港首演

09 NOV 2018 | FRI | 8PM Grand Hall, Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre, HKU


Nocturnes, Op. 55, Nos. 1 & 2 4 Nachtstücke, Op. 23 Gaspard de la nuit 5 Morceaux de fantaisie, Op. 3 Nocturne in E minor, Op. 72, No. 1 Scherzo in B minor, Op. 20, No. 1

Tickets at URBTIX $220 HKU discounts and limited concessionary tickets available

2111 5999 |

"a gift too rare to be squandered" - Gramophone

"perhaps the most 'complete' pianist of his age". Since his debut at the age of 9, Lisiecki has astounded classical music lovers and critics worldwide with his extraordinary interpretative maturity, refined technique, and distinctive pianistic colour. In his first Hong Kong visit, Lisiecki will breathe his imaginative magic into a shimmering Romantic programme featuring works by Chopin, Schumann, Ravel, and Rachmaninov. The recital will flow along a series of 'night music' with serenity and fervor. As the audience is serenaded by delicate melodies and euphonic harmony, the concert will surely transcend beyond the pianist's youthful appearance into a profound encounter. Join us and be mesmerized by this young musical sensation!

Music in Words 樂語融融 09 NOV | FRI | 6:30-7:15PM

(In English)

Rehearsal Room, LG1/F, Run Run Shaw Tower, HKU Speaker: Jan Lisiecki Moderator: Prof. Daniel Chua, Department of Music, HKU © Holger Hage/Deutsche Grammophon

A t just 23 years old, Polish-Canadian pianist Jan Lisiecki is heralded by the BBC Music Magazine as

FREE via online registration

Supported by


Messiah Sing-Along 2018 眾聲齊頌《彌賽亞》2018

Eleanor Chu soprano

09 DEC 2018 | SUN | 2:30PM Grand Hall, Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre, HKU

Ruth Lau mezzo-soprano

Justin Li tenor

Felix Shuen baritone

Andrew Ling conductor

Featuring: Diocesan Choral Society • Brio • HKU Chamber Singers • Symphony Orchestra of Hong Kong

H andel's Messiah is probably the most Christmassy programme for all, especially with such grandeur and


Selections from Messiah, HWV 56

FREE via online registration

majestic vibe. Thanks to everyone's support, our first 'Messiah Sing-Along' concert last year was a huge success, leaving us a vivid memory of the powerful Hallelujah chorus resonating through the Grand Hall. Owing to popular demand, the second 'Messiah Sing-Along' will be held in December 2018. Shortly before Christmas, join us to sing the world's most produced choral work in Western music history and marvel at the intricate juxtaposition of vocal harmony in Handel's masterpiece. First-timers or vocal enthusiasts alike, raise your voice, pour your heart out, and rejoice on the magnificence of music as we celebrate the festive season together in the Grand Hall with orchestral accompaniment!

'Messiah Sing-Along' 2017


Mostly Brahms Lecture-Recital II 布拉姆斯講座音樂會 II (In Cantonese 廣東話主講 )

16 DEC 2018 | SUN | 3PM

T he 'Mostly Brahms' lecture-recital series returns this year with the composer's three violin sonatas. In the first two sonatas, although created seven years apart, Brahms had intended to create a lyrical violin that overlies other instruments. His last violin sonata, on the contrary, was infused with a stormy mood and an extra movement, deviating from the intimate settings of the previous two. Artists Andrew Ling and Nancy Loo return to HKU in December, and will engage the audience in an intellectually stimulating discussion, analysing the music and unfolding hidden stories behind Brahms’ melodies.

Grand Hall, Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre, HKU


Violin Sonata No. 1 in G major, Op. 78 Violin Sonata No. 2 in A major, Op. 100 Violin Sonata No. 3 in D minor, Op. 108

FREE via online registration

Andrew Ling violin

Nancy Loo piano

凌顯祐 小提琴

羅乃新 鋼琴


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