>> PhD student Yilin Zhang
A HOME FOR INNOVATION & COLLABORATION Introducing the New Environmental Engineering Labs 4 CEE NEWS
Amidst a changing climate and a growing population, society must rise to meet ever-evolving environmental sustainability challenges. CEE faculty and students have long been working to study and address these issues, but, now, a renovated environmental engineering lab space is enabling research to progress more efficiently and collaboratively than ever before. “Our new facility is a next-generation facility for environmental studies of water, soil, energy, climate, and agriculture. This open, bright, and flexible space is optimal for a rapid response to the research needs for current and emerging environmental challenges,” says Professor Kelvin Gregory, one of the CEE Professors who will conduct research inside the new labs. The labs are also essential to supporting the research and students of CEE Professors David Dzombak, Greg Lowry, David Rounce, Jeanne VanBriesen, and other faculty members. Last renovated in 1994, the new 6000-square-foot facility on the second level of Porter Hall began welcoming students at the start of 2020, featuring a spacious layout that highlights the building’s original