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M.Arch 2022



Undergraduate Degree Programs

The SoA offers two baccalaureate degree programs: the Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch) and the Bachelor of Arts in Architecture (B.A.). Both programs begin with the same studio-based curriculum in the first year, but then begin to diverge in terms of opportunities and outcomes. The B.Arch requires 10 studios, while the B.A. only requires a minimum of 4 studios, which can be spread out over the four years of the program.

BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE (B.ARCH) The B.Arch is a 5-year, first professional degree program accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) with a precisely defined set of Student Performance Criteria (SPC). This program is for students that are set upon pursuing a career as a licensed architect and centers around a carefully structured set of professional and technical courses about building design and construction. Our students graduate with a professional degree that prepares them to excel in practice — but that also launches them into key specialties within the profession. Due to the technical nature of the B.Arch program, it is STEM-eligible, meaning that in addition to one year of Optional Practical Training (OPT), a student on an F1 visa may apply for a 24-month STEM OPT extension following graduation.

BACHELOR OF ARTS IN ARCHITECTURE (B.A.) The B.A. is a 4-year liberal studies degree program that allows and encourages interdisciplinary exploration. B.A. students have the opportunity to double major, test the boundaries of the discipline and explore a variety of interests. If you are a student that embraces creativity, is curious about the world around you and enjoys engaging both the left and right sides of your brain, the B.A. program could be a perfect fit for you. As a 4-year degree program, the B.A. allows those who are interested to go on to specialize in other fields in graduate school, including the 2-year professional M.Arch degree program (often called a 4+2 degree).

Studio-Based Graduate Programs

MASTER OF ADVANCED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN (Jeremy Ficca, Track Chair) The Master of Advanced Architectural Design (MAAD) is a four-semester, post-professional design research graduate program that leverages design synthesis to forge connections across knowledge domains. It offers students the flexibility to tailor a unique path of study that builds upon core strengths within the SoA in materiality & construction, architectural robotics, computational design and ecological thinking as vehicles for knowledge acquisition and speculation.

MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE (Kai Gutschow, Track Chair; Sarosh Anklesaria, Incoming Track Chair, Fall 2021) CMU's Master of Architecture (M.Arch) is a NAAB-accredited, studio-based, first professional degree program to educate tomorrow's leaders in architecture-related careers. Students and faculty from around the world engage both the core of the discipline and tackle the great challenges of our built environment in focus areas of sustainable design, computational design, urban design and construction management. Our M.Arch program’s strategically small size allows our self-motivated students to shape their individual educational agendas and career paths as they interact directly with a broad array of vertically integrated studios and advanced research projects in the school, the university, the local community and around the world.

MASTER OF URBAN DESIGN (Stefan Gruber, Track Chair) The Master of Urban Design (MUD) is a post-professional, two-year, studio-based program distinguished by its emphasis on integrating socially engaged practice with new tools and techniques for representing, understanding and designing cities; by the opportunity to work in trans-disciplinary teams at the intersection of the arts, humanities and technology across CMU's departments and colleges; and by


its location in Pittsburgh — a thriving post-industrial laboratory. The program prepares graduates for careers using urban design to critically address environmental, economic, social, political and cultural issues affecting contemporary urbanization. The studio-based curriculum allows students to explore design strategies in a variety of scales and settings, from the post-industrial city to the dense metropolis, from sprawling suburbia to informal settlements.

M.S. & PhD Programs

ARCHITECTURE–ENGINEERING–CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT (Dr. Erica Cochran Hameen and Joshua D. Lee, Track Co-Chairs) The Master of Science and PhD of Architecture Engineering and Construction Management (AECM) programs are jointly offered by the School of Architecture and the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering. The AECM programs prepare building-delivery professionals for careers in capital project delivery dealing with the entire life cycle of capital projects, from pre-design to design, construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance stages. It focuses on the integration of design and technology, particularly advanced information systems, as a means of both improving building performance and enhancing environmental sustainability.

BUILDING PERFORMANCE & DIAGNOSTICS (Vivian Loftness, Track Chair) Our graduate programs in Building Performance & Diagnostics (BPD) have long led the world in advanced building technologies that sustainably reshape the built environment. "Sustainability" was our passion and expertise long before it became a buzzword. Carnegie Mellon’s Masters and PhD in Building Performance & Diagnostics (BPD) is a top-ranked building science degree dedicated to high-performance buildings for a more resilient and sustainable future.

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