How to Register for the American Marketing Association* This is a six-step process that is mandatory to become an official member of the Undergraduate Marketing Organization. Joining the AMA opens doors to many networking opportunities, webinars, and marketing insights that are otherwise unavailable. As a college student, you receive a significantly lower fee for joining than a professional member. Take advantage now! *Note the registration process is different for students within Tepper.
1. Are you a student within the Tepper School of Business? Yes: Stop, Tepper will subsidize $20 of your registration fee if you qualify for UMO active membership. The Undergraduate Business Department will register for you. For next steps. Please e-mail as soon as possible. No: Please follow the steps below for registration. 2. Go to: Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click “YES”
3. Type in your e-mail into the box and click “Verify”
4. Click for student rates
5. Choose “College Student”, Select the country you are applying from, and Choose American Marketing Association Member and then click next
6. From here – follow all instructions on the webpage. The rest of the application involves your personal information. If you have any questions – feel free to contact and we can guide you through the rest of the application.