MAP: Marketing Around the Planet Join the Conversation YouTube Walk-Through Join the conversation about Marketing from around the planet. Ask/answer questions about marketing in different areas of the world. Go to to learn more about the Undergraduate Marketing Organization. View Videos: 1. Click: 2. Click on the MAP Playlist
3. Select the videos you would like to watch Join the Conversation: Respond to a Video Question: To join the conversation you can either respond with a video of your own (preferred) or leave a text comment 1. Click “View comments, related videos, and more� found below the video
2. Below the video find a comment section. Click on “respond to this video”…
3. Now you have a new option “Create a video response”. This is the preferred method for you to respond. You may also leave a text respond. You are welcome to ask follow-up questions or respond to the presented question. You can also respond to answers to questions.
4. Ask Your Own Question: By following the steps 1-3 while responding to the launch video:
If you have any other questions about how to join the conversation, feel free to contact UMO at We look forward to hearing from you!