the online tickler

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Issue no.1, 2012- 2013

Your On-Line and Quick Round-up Guide To Your Thesis

WHAT SHOULD I DO? Worried about how will your thesis look good for the jurors? Well our tickler’s correspondents just got what you need. Mrs. Francisco Abaya tell us how and what would be appealing to them.

DEFEND THE STATEMENT! When your best defense becomes your best offense. Applying a gameplan to your thesis defense By JESS CAMBA

THESIS PROBLEMS by Christopher Romarate Common problems that students encounter when doing their thesis. By Jam Bawayan


AND FINALLY…… We’ve done it! after a long time of planning and work we finally finished our first ever issue of the On-Line Tickler. We aim to inform our readers about the things that people would like to know but have a very less time to surf the net and a have a picnic in the library. In our first issue me and my team are featuring Thesis Making, all the things you must know about doing your thesis. This issue is very timely because aside from Christmas this is also the time when students are starting to prepare for their thesis.


This is our first issue so please forgive us for some photography failure and lay-out immaturity, yet we promise to be a lot better in our second issue. For now please enjoy learning. 





TERESITA TRAYA Materials Researcher

Merlinda Vasuez,..for helping us to make the design possible and acceptable.

Francis Fredrick Valero,.for taking care of the technical and software problems.

Franco Cruz,..for reading and counseling our writers. He also made the title for the magazine.

Puzzled how to start with your thesis? Well thesis is not an easy thing to do, but by making your thesis gives you another assurance that sooner or later you will receive that parchment paper containing your name and saying that you passed your major. We presents an interview to professor Sylvia Ambag,(Information and Communication Technology in the College of Education and Laboratory High School, PUP) to teach us how to improve our thesis.

1. It must have a title. This will be your guide in your research and studies. Make sure that this will help to any institution, organization or company in economic development. 2. Search for related literatures. You can search for international literature and local studies as your basis of comparison, if you are going to adopt the existing studies to support your research. 3. Create the Introduction. This will cover the significance, background, scope and limitations of your studies. Also, put the definition of terms, this will provide better understanding on the part of the readers who will read your studies made.

4. Methods of Research. It comes into two types: the probability and the non-probability. It can be a survey, an interview or thru e-mail. In probability method, you may use the random technique, stratum technique, systematic random technique. 5. Interpret the Problem. You have to present the analysis and the interpretation of data. You can use graphs, charts, or any different styles of statistics to analyze what is the presentation all about. 6. Summary of findings, Conclusion and Recommendations. Leave the possible conclusions to your studies. For example, the factors that affect to your case study and most importantly you have to give your recommendations to help the institutions, companies or organization in helping to solve their problem.TK

Give quality time to your case studies; always remember that in every problem there is always a solution. Just relax, so that you will not suffer from physical and emotional stress in order to get the job done. Lastly, seek advice from your friends and mentor to your research so that you will not be misguided.

photo and video by Henry Santiago

Watch the full video of the interview to prof. Ambag on,

WHAT SHOULD I DO? Before you freak out about your thesis, here are some short guides of the things you have to prepare for it. All graduate students today from our parents to our senior crushes have all been there. The research, figuring out problem and finding resources, all of those are just peeks of what would really happen. So turn these pages first before you hit the library browsing for books or surfing the internet for sample

Here are the things you must prepare for when your professor asked you to make a thesis PROBLEM Nobody wants a problem, but when you are assigned to make a thesis you must have a problem to prove or else the whole entire thing is worthless. A problem must be a current situation, so when you’re going to research about it wouldn’t be that hard to look for resources. It should be narrowed and specific. If your problem is too broad like, “The racial discrimination in the world” you’ll end up doing your thesis for the rest of your life. When you’re making a thesis problem you must first identify what category would your problem be. Then make it narrower but subtracting informations that you think will be hard to find. Then lastly, make sure that your problem statement is clear and understandable. RESOURSES This maybe the most time consuming part in making your thesis, you must be able to figure out where to get useful informations for your thesis.

Books, site and people are examples of resources that you will need. As my former research communication professor said “Picking a information from a million of resources are like counting how many sugars are put in a sachet of the ready- made-coffe.” So as soon as you have formulated your problem better think of narrowing your resources aswell. THE DEFENSE At last, you’re done with your thesis and its time to present it to your professors. But wait, don’t think that I’ll be as easy as you did when you were passing your home work. This is your research paper evolved. You must defend your conclusion and findings to a board of people called the jury. They will be the one to decide if you really had proven your thesis. This is a nerve wrecking event for a thesis maker, he may be satisfied and confident about his conclusion but when the juries started asking you should be well prepared or else,…well just imagine it by yourself. So goodluck in your thesis and have a great time with it.TK

By A.C. Dela Pena

How to come up with a thesis problem? Finding a research problem is the first step in making a thesis. When the student makes a decision on the topic, the next step is to identify a problem or a question to be solved or answered from within the thesis topic, the thesis is the solution or the answer for that given topic. The thesis problem will be the main idea of your entire project. It should be a strong statement that you can prove with evidence

Things to consider:

Question you are aiming to answer You need to firstly consider the question itself because all thesis statements should contain a question that you know can be answered promptly. Moreover, the question itself needs to be precise and not too vague otherwise it will be difficult to comprehend. Therefore the problem that you will be referring to should be succinct and focused on one particular area.

Doable Make sure that there are sufficient data available that can be gathered by you within your means and time frame. You should have the necessary facilities available and ability to carry out the necessary analysis of the data.

Characteristics:  Independent,  dependent and  intervening variables A good thesis problem should be able to identify the characteristics of these three variables: Independent, Dependent and Intervening. Independent variable is the presumed cause in an experimental study. It is a factor or phenomenon that causes or influences another associated factor or phenomenon called a dependent variable. Dependent variable is the presumed effect in an experimental study. A factor or phenomenon that is changed by the effect of an associated factor or phenomenon called the independent variable. Intervening variable explains a relation or provides a causal link between other variables.

Purpose statements It guides the research process. Formulate the thesis statement using the purpose statement. Make sure your thesis statement addresses the topic by addressing the "how" and "why." A thesis is typically written in one sentence, but it is not unheard of to have several sentences. A strong thesis contains the most important information in a very confined manner.

Things to avoid: There are two things that should be avoided in a good thesis statement: Vague language, e.g. “issues”, “it seems”; The first person, e.g. “in my opinion”, “I suppose”. TK

GOAL SETTING: formulating the right objectives for your thesis by MARIECEL BACULI

The clear structure of a thesis --an argument proposal supported by a claim -- plays a paramount role in setting the stage for persuasion, context and the revelation of evidence with proper constructive objectives and sub-problems. Split a thesis problem into one or more sequences of smaller problems to help determine the decomposition of thesis objectives that are crucial to the paper's structural process. The thesis statement requires gathering primary resources to support solving sub-problems to determine interpretation and processing information. All sub-problems directly establish the thesis' validity. .

Concentrate Why you suggest the thesis statement argument, or the consequence that you want to achieve to construct a thesis objective.) There are two kinds of objectives in your investigation -- a general study objective that demonstrates your proposal's expectation, and characteristics associated with smaller research objectives .

A thesis Objective indicates the paper's direction with unbiased data presenting a critical evaluation review. This objective encompasses examples and evidence furnishing a brief and balanced point of view summarizing thesis exploration.

Diagram On paper ideas to explore the composition's shape of ideas, and organize thoughts and subproblems representing the thesis' basis. Write your thesis statement in the middle of a piece of paper as the basis of the diagram, and draw three to five lines branching off the thesis statement. At the end of those lines, write down your objectives or main ideas, and draw more lines off the main ones to establish related sub-problems. Each objective drawn on the diagram represents a separate section within your paper with an adjacent subproblem. Note overall the dependency of sub-

problems and the order in which the sub-problems are solved.

Construct All body paragraphs with a consistent structure by writing the first sentence of the paragraph as one of your main objectives. Fabricate all the significant supporting objectives in sentences, leaving a few lines in between each main objective. Go back and fill in support for associated smaller sub-problems. The sequence of accumulation of solutions to contingent subproblems leads to the resolution of the thesis' main objectives. Be certain that each separate paragraph makes sense if it stands by itself, but also that it connects with all united thesis-related paragraphs. After the introduction to a thesis paper -- or the statement of the main point you are trying to make with support -- create the thesis objective, also called purpose or hypothesis, by trying to produce the optimal argument for the thesis statement. To create a thesis objective, make a case that will persuade any logical reader of the reasonableness of your thesis. Begin with a deductive argument structure that offers a supported assertion to create a strong thesis objective, or provide reviewed inductive supportive facts or observations and follow with a conclusion.

Instructions 1. Focus on the question of why you offer or suggest the thesis argument or the result that you want to attain in the investigation. When creating a thesis objective, realize there are two types of objectives in your examination -- a general study objective that reflects your thesis or proposal purpose, and specifics dealing with smaller investigation objectives. A thesis objective states the paper's direction with unbiased information offering a critical review of analysis -- including examples and evidence presenting a balanced and concise viewpoint summarizing thesis research. 2. Compose each body paragraph with the same basic structure by writing one of your main ideas as the paragraph's first sentence. Write all the substantial supporting ideas in sentence format, leaving room between each idea so you can later fill with support to associate more specific thoughts. Assure that every individual paragraph makes sense if it stands alone, but also ties in with the other paragraphs about the point. Inspect paragraph order to make sure the strongest points are in the first and last paragraphs, with all other supporting paragraphs in the body's middle section. 3. Add phrases within paragraphs to link thoughts, ideas and emphasize sentence flow. Order of difficulty, order of significance and time order are logical and basic ways to shape thoughts that help follow the flow of ideas. Thesis objective writing presents the points to be examined in the composition, so that divisions written in sequence coordinate and parallel each another. The key topic sentence of each division provides support for every paragraph and represents a separate section within the composition. Try to formulate reasonable counterarguments to refute in the thesis; then use these in the introduction. TK

Our main goal is, ATTACK and ASSUALT!

How did others do it?

by L. Dejesus and N. Aguilar

One of the most important early steps in a research project is the conducting of the literature review. This is also one of the most humbling experiences you're likely to have. Why? Because you're likely to find out that just about any worthwhile idea you will have has been thought of before, at least to some degree. I frequently have students who come to me complaining that they couldn't find anything in the literature that was related to their topic. And virtually every time they have said that, I was able to show them that was only true because they only looked for articles that were exactly the same as their research topic. A literature review is designed to identify related research, to set the current

research project within a conceptual and theoretical context. When looked at that way, almost no topic is so new or unique that you can't locate relevant and informative related research. Here are some tips about conducting the literature review. First, concentrate your efforts on the scientific literature. Try to determine what the most credible research journals are in your topical area and start with those. Put the greatest emphasis on research journals that use a blind or juried review system. In a blind or juried review, authors submit potential articles to a journal editor who solicits several reviewers who agree to give a critical review of the paper.

The paper is sent to these reviewers with no identification of the author so that there will be no personal bias either for or against the author. Based on the reviewers' recommendations, the editor can accept the article, reject it, or recommend that the author revise and resubmit it. Articles in journals with blind review processes are likely to have a fairly high level of credibility. Second, do the review early in the research process. You are likely to learn a lot in the literature review that will help you determine what the necessary tradeoffs are. After all, previous researchers also had to face tradeoff decisions. What should you look for in the literature review? First, you might be able to find a study that is quite similar to the one you are thinking of doing. Since all credible research studies have to review the literature themselves, you can check their literature review to get a quick start on your own. Second, prior research will help ensure that you include all of the major relevant constructs in your study. You may find that other similar studies routinely look at an outcome that you might not have included. Your study would not be judged credible if it ignored a major construct. Third, the literature review will help you to find and

select appropriate measurement instruments. You will readily see what measurement instruments researchers used themselves in contexts similar to yours. Finally, the literature review will help you to anticipate common problems in your research context. You can use the prior experiences of others to avoid common traps and pitfalls. 1. Show why your research needs to be carried out, 2. How you came to choose certain methodologies or theories to work with, 3. How your work adds to the research already carried out, etc.

Read with a purpose: You need to summarize the work you read but you must also decide which ideas or information are important to your research (so you can emphasize them), and which are less important and can be covered briefly or left out of your review. You should also look for the major concepts, conclusions, theories, arguments etc. that underlie the work, and look for similarities and differences with closely related work. This is difficult when you first start

reading, but should become easier the more you read in your area. Write with a purpose: Your aim should be to evaluate and show relationships between the works already done (Is Researcher Y's theory more convincing than Researcher X's? Did Researcher X build on the work of Researcher Y?)and between this work and your own. In order to do this effectively you should carefully plan how you

The main purpose of a review of related literature is to analyze scientific works by other researchers that you used for investigation critically. are going to organize your work.

What is a Review of Related Literature? A review of related literature is an integral part of theses or dissertations. It may also be a required part of proposals. The main purpose of a review of related literature is to analyze scientific works by other researchers that you used for investigation critically.

How to Write the Introduction of a Review of Related Literature In order to make the Introduction elaborately, take the following steps: Identify the general topic of the sources under discussion. Thus, you will provide the context of your review of related literature; Discuss what was already presented about the topic of your paper: conflicts in a theory, conclusions, gaps in research and scholarship, etc. Explain why the literature used is worth reviewing.

How to Write the Body of a Review of Related Literature When writing the Body, do the following: Group the sources according to their common dominators (approaches, objectives or any specific chronologies); Give the examples of how to sort out these groups. Use quotations, evidences, data, etc. They will make your review of related literature more valid.

How to Write the Conclusion of a Review of Related Literature To make the Conclusion, do the following: Summarize the contributions of the literature sources made to the area of study you investigate. Maintain the central focus in the Introduction; Give a kind of insight into the relationship between the topic of your review and a larger study area (e.g. a discipline, a scientific endeavor, etc.) You can also read about a review of biblical literature and alternatives to book report on the blog of our site. TK

Qualitative research gathers information that is not in numerical form. For example diary accounts, openended questionnaire, unstructured interviews and unstructured observations. Qualitative data is typically descriptive data and as such is a harder to analyze than quantitative. Qualitative research is useful for studies at the individual level, and to find out, in depth the way in which people think or feel (e.g. case studies) Analysis of qualitative data is difficult and requires accurate description of participant responses for example, sorting responses for open questions and interviews into broad themes. Quotations for diaries or interviews might be used to illustrate points of analysis. Expert knowledge for an area is necessary to try to interpret qualitative data and great care must be taken when doing so, for example, if looking for symptoms of mental illness. An interest in qualitative data came about as the result of the dissatisfaction of some psychologist (e.g. Carl Rogers) with the scientific study of psychologists such as the behaviorists (e.g. skinner). Since psychologists study people, the traditional approach to science is not seen as an

appropriate way of carrying out research, since it fails to capture the totality of human experience and the essence of what it is to be a human. Exploring the experience of participants is known as a phenomenological approach (re: humanism). It is argued that to focus on isolated pieces of behavior, as is most often the case in studies interested in collecting quantitative data, is rather superficial, and ignores the social context within which behavior takes place. Given the psychological research is something which happens in social context, the objectivity of the researcher, central to traditional methods, is seen essentially false within psychology, as people studying people, researchers necessarily have attitudes and values which they bring to their research. It is therefore more honest that researchers’ attitudes and values should be acknowledged, and form part of the context of research. TK

By Christian Ray Pilares

When students do their thesis they would need to have supporting facts in order to prove their point. Sometimes, these facts could be derived from existing literature and could thus be quoted directly. There are times however that the needed set of data does not exist and would have to be obtained specifically for the dissertation. The students then would have to work towards getting the information that they need in order to support their main point. One of the most common methods that they use in order to get it is to do random sampling. What is Random Sampling?- In the field of statistics a sample is a group of individuals or an individual, that was chosen from the general population in a way that is totally unpredictable. The idea is that since to get information from the whole population would either be impractical or impossible, choosing representatives in a non-selective manner and deriving the needed information from them would bring out approximately the same results as if the data was derived from the whole population. The important point in this methodology is the non-selectiveness of the way that representatives of the population would be picked. Allowing the personal preference or the judgement of the researchers to colour the way that the representatives are chosen will affect the data. For example if the research is to find out how the use of the internet is affecting society as a whole and the researchers pick only young people for their surveys, then their data would be flawed. Their data would tend to show how the use of internet is affecting society according to the perception of the younger portion of the population but that is not the same with the view of society as a whole. Methods for Obtaining Random Samples – How can the researchers be sure that their personal preference is not influencing their choice of samples? Here are some of the methods used in obtaining random samples:   

Researchers use a random number table. They assign certain numbers on how they will pick a sample and then use the table to determine which number to use. A more sophisticated way is to use mathematical algorithms for generating random samples. The use of physical devices in order to pick a sample in a random manner.


Types of Random Sampling- There are different types of random sampling and here are some of those commonly used today: 1. The first one is the simple random sampling where members of the population that are the similar to each other have the same chance of being picked. 2. Equal Probability of Selection Method or EPSEM, under this method all members of the population can be chosen. 3. Stratified sampling is used when representatives from groups within the population are chosen and used as samples. 4. Cluster sampling is used when the samples are picked in clusters or in groups. Random sampling is probably the most accurate way of reflecting data from the population, short of actually obtaining the information from the whole. There is always a chance that what can be obtained is not an accurate reflection of the population as a whole, but that risk is acceptable. TK

Designing your research is not as simple like how you design your room, you won’t be just putting beautiful things you thought that would make it prettier. Here some tips on how a thesis maker could make his research look good and easier to access. An analogy might help. When constructing a building there is no point ordering materials or setting critical dates for completion of project stages until we know what sort of building is being constructed. The first decision is whether we need a high rise office building, a factory for manufacturing machinery, a school, a residential home or an apartment block. Until this is done we cannot sketch a plan, obtain permits, work out a work schedule or order materials

Similarly, social research needs a design or a structure before data collection or analysis can commence. A research design is not just a work plan. A work plan details what has to be done to complete the project but the work plan will flow from the project's research design. The function of a research design is to ensure that the evidence obtained enables us to answer the initial question as unambiguously as possible. Obtaining relevant evidence entails specifying the type of evidence needed to answer the research question, to test a theory, to evaluate a program or to accurately describe some phenomenon. In other words, when designing research we need to ask: given this research question (or theory), what type of evidence is needed to answer the question (or test the theory) in a convincing way? Research design `deals with a logical problem and not a logistical problem' Before a builder or architect can develop a work plan or order materials they must first establish the type of building required, its uses and the needs of the occupants. The work plan flows from this. Similarly, in social research the issues of sampling, method of data collection (e.g. questionnaire, observation, and document analysis), design of questions are all subsidiary to the matter of `What evidence do I need to collect?' Too often researchers design questionnaires or begin interviewing far too early ± before thinking through what information they require to answer their research questions. Without attending to these research design matters at the beginning, the conclusions drawn will normally be weak and unconvincing and fail to answer the research question.

“accepted” / “not-accepted”. In the research literature this is also called the “falsification” of hypotheses. 

Beware of hypotheses that are very concrete but no longer in line with the general research problem and the research question. Will an answer to the hypothesis be helpful to answer the general research question? To solve the general problem?

Has each of the concepts in your hypothesis been defined beforehand? Will every reader understand them in the same way? Did you not use ambiguous concepts?

And what about the “variables, actors, processes” used in the hypothesis? Do they derive from literature? Do they build on the theoretical base you wrote down? Can you for each part of the hypothesis return to the theoretical base, a theoretical model or a conceptual section in the thesis?

Research population: the persons or institutions that you will include in your research to find an answer for your hypotheses

Which instruments will you use for your research? Existing instruments? Self developed instruments? What about control of their quality (validity, reliability ...)?

Procedure that you followed: Describe the different steps you have followed. It is very convenient to represent this procedure with a graphical representation.

Describe the way you will analyse your data (in line with the research question). TK


Formulate a hypothesis in such a way that you can verify them. This implies that the answer to the hypothesis is “yes” or “no”; or

Many students find writing the Theoretical framework one of the most challenging chapters to write in a thesis outline. What is a Theoretical Framework and why should researchers’ bothers to write it? A theoretical framework is a compilation of organized concepts or ideas. It guides research, determining what variables to measure and what statistical relationship to look for.

How to develop the theoretical framework? 1. Examine your thesis title or topic and research problem. 2. Brainstorm on what you consider to be the key variables in your research. 3. Read and review the related literature to find answers to your research question. 4. List the constructs and variables that might be relevant in your study. 5. Review the social science theories (communication, psychology, sociology, anthropology) & choose the theory that can best explain the relationships between the key variables in your study. 6. Discuss the assumptions or propositions of this theory and point out their relevance to your research. 7. It helps when the variables and proposed relationship are illustrated by drawing a chart. TK

How to Budget My Time In Doing My Thesis? A school year may seem like plenty of time to write your thesis, but without good time-management strategies, you may find yourself scrambling at the end. Learning time-management skills will help increase your productivity and efficiency. The key to managing your time effectively is prioritizing your goals when writing your thesis. So, before you commit pen to paper or keystrokes to screen, here are a few time–management tips for thesis writing.

Plan a schedule.

Give yourself space to think.

Pick your deadlines for each phase of writing the thesis and stick to those deadlines. Compare your thesis calendar with the deadlines the graduate school is imposing. Plan accordingly.

Find a place where you can be productive in your research and writing. If you need some movement, a coffee shop and a laptop might be right for you. If you need silence, then the library is where you write

Listen to your body Figure out when you’re most productive. If you're a morning person, doing research and writing might suit you best at sunrise.

Cite as you go. As you're reading reference material for your thesis, keep track of your references for when you start writing. Formatting the reference or works cited page may seem mundane, but working on it as you go will save you time in the end when you're doing final edits and revisions.

Take a break. Factor in downtime in your thesis writing schedule. Allowing yourself a scheduled night off will ward off burnout.

Talk to your thesis advisor throughout. This person has seen and experienced the pitfalls of unforeseen time issues that arise throughout the course of the thesis writing process.

In addition, It is not a secret that professional thesis writing process takes a lot of time. Due to this fact, proper time management during thesis writing is crucial for anyone who wants to succeed. Many people either spend too much time finding relevant research information, others dedicate most of their time to research process, thus fail to meet the deadline. At the same time, if you will plan for everything well ahead of time and set up a time schedule for all tasks need to be done during the thesis writing process, and then it is almost guaranteed you will complete your paper on time. By all means, time management is one of the most important parts of thesis writing. Prior to do anything particular, you should figure out how much time you have until the deadline and divide that time into several intervals during which you will do certain tasks. Even though, this schedule will be rough, it will give you a good idea whether you are going to make it on time or you should start working a little harder. Thesis writing process is complex and comprises of research, analysis, information gathering and writing sections. A certain amount of time should be devoted to these sections and while many people think that information gathering should take the longest time, it must be noted that research and thesis writing sections should take most of the time. This is because research is what your thesis is all about and without appropriate research you will not have a complete paper. Together with that, if professional thesis writer will not spend enough time organizing and writing his or her thesis, it will be impossible to provide a clear description of the work. However, if you will take your time and follow all guidelines of a Professional Thesis Writers Company, you will get a “piece of art thesis� that will be easy to defend . TK

Defending a thesis is the student’s chance to explain the paper and research that was conducted and answer any questions from a panel of professors. To prepare for your thesis defense, follow a few simple tips: Be prepared

Grasp what is being asked

Be sure that you are confident in your research and the

Be sure that you understand each question before you

knowledge of the material. Practice in front of friends

answer it. This will eliminate any confusion and you will

and relatives prior to your real defense.

appear well prepared.

Summarize each chapter of your thesis Explain any obstacles or unexpected results that occurred. Visual aids are a huge help. Not only do they help the audience understand the material, they are great reminders for you to remember key points and important information. Good examples of visuals aids include a power point presentation with graphs and

Be honest If you do not know the answer to a question, simply reply by saying, "I do not know, but I will find the answer for you." Since you are in front of a group of professionals they more than likely know the answer and are simply testing your knowledge.


Await the results calmly

Listen to questions

Once all questions have been answered you will be asked to step out of the room while the committee

Once you have presented your thesis, the panel of professors is then allowed to ask any questions that they may have. They may ask about any part of your thesis from the initial proposal to your resources. There is usually no time limit put on this part of the defense.

evaluates the defense and comes to a decision. This is the hardest part of all, simply awaiting your fate. You are then asked to come back in and you are given your overall evaluation and asked to make changes if necessary. TK

Tips in Making Good Thesis Dissertation By Kriska Ignacio

All students have a desire to prepare a quality thesis or dissertation. Hard work will be useless if you will not plan your thesis. These are the steps in obtaining a good thesis or dissertation .    

It must be in the simple language and correct grammar. Proper use of punctuations must be observed. The body should only revolve in the selected topic. Unrelated materials should be omitted to avoid confusion. It should be prepared under the supervision and the guidance of an adviser. It should be prepared by following a sample thesis (If available). A sample thesis will serve as

  

a guide in case the adviser is not available to coach the group. It must pass through by a proof reading before printing. It must not get dirty or unclear. After printing it must be well bound. Generally the binding of thesis is costly but money should not be a factor because after all, first impression lasts. TK

By Christopher Romarate

• Data Gathering Collection data is already a challenge by itself. Most of the time, pertinent information/ data needed cannot be easily acquired. Researchers must keep in mind that data collection takes a lot of patience, perseverance and hard work.

• Confidentiality Issues There are some instances that information/ data needed are available but cannot be provided. Companies are very particular with this. They do not want their trade secrets to be exposed because these can be used to their disadvantage.

• Schedule

• Resources and Information Sources Availability of materials and resources has become abundant specially now that the internet has made information practically available to anyone. It now becomes a challenge to the researcher to be able to identify which among these resources are credible and reliable. The researcher has to have good judgment in terms of choosing the right resource material/ person for the study. TK

Research papers are bounded by timelines and deadlines. It is important to be able to manage time wisely and appropriately. • Budget Constraints Monetary resources can be limited. It can restrict access in acquiring valuable information. As such, researchers have to learn how to be resourceful and learn how to allocate budget properly.

WARNING! These are the things that you should AVIOD in making your thesis by Jam Bawayan The process of thesis writing is very complicated and most of the time it is riddled with pitfalls. Usually, students commit numerous mistakes that prevent them to achieve their goals in finishing their thesis. Want a hustle free thesis? Below are the things to avoid in making your thesis. Choosing a Difficult Topic

Not Following the Original Plan

Keep in mind that as a writer it is your priority to choose a topic that interests the reader not a topic that will just impress them. Avoid choosing obscure topic and a very-difficult-to-pronounce title just to impress readers.

Usually this is a common mistake of students writing their thesis. You should not disregard your plan of action and its corresponding schedule. Remember, your goal is to finish your thesis right on time and on target.

Rushing a Proposal

Failure to Monitor Progress

It is not good to rush a proposal as it will obviously affect the whole thesis topic. Submit your proposal before the given due date so you will have more time to analyze your topic or make a revision if necessary.

This is another common mistake of students writing their thesis. Don’t wait for your thesis adviser to check the progress of your work. Do the initiative to measure your progress.

Slacking Off After Proposal Approval

Consult, Consult, Consult

Some students are so relaxed after their thesis proposals have been approved. Unfortunately, it has a disastrous effect on the goal of finishing and completing their thesis.

Always consider talking to your thesis adviser regularly. In addition, you need to be open to his/her comments and suggestions as it’ll help you improve your paper. I hope these steps will help you in accomplishing your thesis. Always remember to have fun and enjoy the research experience. Happy writing! TK

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