Mind-Body Connection & How It Impacts Your Sexual Health - CMX Chat Rooms

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Mind-Body Connection: How It Impacts Your Sexual Health Suppose you see a pair of plain glasses given to a kid complaining of poor sight. And the kid finally feels so happy, acknowledging the restoration of proper eyesight. Then you have just witnessed the placebo effect in action. Essentially, the placebo effect easily explains how the mind-body connection works. We live in an age when our mental, emotional, psychological, and even spiritual wellbeing is strongly advocated. As a result, the world is gradually becoming particular about preventive intervention than curative intervention. You feel or perceive situations relating to sex and sexuality in ways that you cannot honestly attribute as strictly physical because of the mind-body connection involved. You probably have seen those suggestions online that encourage a particular kind of diet for better sexual health. However, a more significant percentage of our sexual experience begins in mind to a large extent. Also, you would agree that most of our sexual feelings, whether pleasure or pain, is perceived in the brain. And the reason is that there is a strong connection between the brain and our sex organs. In other words, if the mind is the brain in action, then the connection between our minds and body is outstanding. As a result, this article will discuss sexual health and how the mindbody connection relates to it. Keep reading to discover more.

What is the mind-body connection? The concept of mind-body connection has been around for a pretty long time, from the days of the sages to Zen monks, etc. Essentially, the mind-body connection is the reverse reaction between your mind and your body- the interrelationship between them. As a result, your mind exerts considerable influence over your body just as your body exerts considerable influence on your mind.

How mind-body connection works? Your body, through the brain, produces chemical substances that are beneficial and support healthy living. Examples include but are not limited to the feel-good hormones like endorphins and the reward neurochemical- dopamine. A reasonable dose of these chemical substances improves your general health by warding off stress-related hormones like cortisol that can mess with your overall health and sexual health. Essentially, when you feel stressed or anxious, your body releases the stress hormones to corroborate your initial feeling. It is the reason you feel awful headaches, stomach aches, and generally unwell whenever you feel unhappy, anxious, or any other negative emotions. As a result, positive emotions are the foundation for stable emotions, which lead to better sexual health.

How mind-body connection impacts your sexual health The world health organization (WHO, 2006a) defines sexual health as “a state of physical, emotional, mental and social wellbeing concerning sexuality, and not merely the absence of

disease, dysfunction or infirmity. As a result, your Sexual health impacts a great deal of your life even when you may not be conscious of it. The human ability to form intimate relationships is essential for driving the human race because sex is necessary for procreation. Beyond furthering the human species, love and affection are deep-seated needs of human beings. It is the reason why desiring better sexual experiences is a standard and reasonable goal. However, because sex is deeply connected with human emotion, the state of your mind can significantly affect your sexual health and experience. In other words, positive emotions like joy, excitement, and being at ease in your skin can improve your sexual health, leading to satisfaction and balance. Conversely, negative emotions like anger, irritability, and stress can as much lower your sex drive as it ruins your sexual experience in general and ultimately your sexual health. Therefore to make the best of your sexual health requires intentional emotional awareness. It means that you must monitor how you feel and make an effort to cultivate feelings associated with positive emotions. Essentially, you have to take care of your mind to gain a healthy sex life.

Some sexual health issues associated with a poor mind-body connection Besides the sexual health issues due to underlying diseases, this section focuses on those issues associated with the poor mind-body connection. As a result, the majority of such issues are usually male or female sexual dysfunction which includes but are not limited to erectile dysfunction, delayed conception, vaginismus, premature ejaculation, etc. Essentially, sexual dysfunction is a disorder with sex and sexual activity due to certain underlying factors like disease, hormonal abnormalities, and the poor mind-body connection. Therefore, we can classify sexual dysfunction under the following sexual

How to use the proper mind-body connection to improve your sexual health Because sex and sexuality start in mind, there is a need to maintain a proper mind-body connection. As a result, you need to engage in activities that bring on positive emotions so that the body can be more relaxed. Essentially, a more relaxed body will initiate the release of the necessary hormones and neurochemicals necessary for improved sex life. Here are some examples of activities to improve your mind-body connection for optimum sexual health.

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