e.,.n.,.1tt 7, 1911. )anuary· 7,
an ctoroecrn sotuis.
Ah ota1t>eAth sotuis ecne m
7, 1911.
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ue_.._..,... __ Rev.
E. O'Callaghan, of St. Paul's, Quay, lectured on " Irish Traditional ...,.. ...... &111. " in the Father Mathew Hall on Monday iHg . Very few will be f� to agret: with all lie said but the majonty of those interested �;'.µuh m�ic and in traditional singing must �·· thankful to him for his defence of the "old � " singing, and for his cl��· statement of '.�•.�ff'erences between the traditional and the �m styles. . . ". "Song," said the lecturer, JS a umon of mu�1c 'With language, of melody with speech. .It IS, however, a sort of speech rather than a k1!3d of .r4�c. This is its true nature, and from it the If..• for rendering it must be deduced, and I 'V'enture to suggest that it is here at the very root
PLANTING F"or best Value in-'
nler from�
Sir James W. Mackey, Ltd., &EED&M:EN,
Sackville Street, Dublin.
of the matter that the divergence of the two methods begin, and that the modern method starts with a false definition, with a misconception of the very nature of songs. This union is very natural since speech is impossible without some degree of music. Musi£ is only agreeable, rhythmic sound, and therefore it enters into the constitution of speech. "To subordinate sense to sound is evidently unreasonable, and, therefere, inartistic. But if the words are to retain their own emphasis while being sung, it follows that we must impose their emphasis on the music. The music must be put to the words, and not the words to the music. • In good singing the raelody should not merely accompany the words, it should actually dissolve with them. Just as a good accompanist not merely plays along with the singer, but follows him, and identifies his accompaniment with the singer's rendering of the song. For song is really speech accompanied by melody ; the speaker accompanies his own words with the air. We shall see directly how scientifically and how completely the traditional singer achieves this supreme and most essential result, and how impossible it is to votaries of the modern sty le; and when you have ma.de the comparison I trust that you will draw the conclusion which I have drawn, viz., that traditional singing is true, and, therefore, good singing, while modern singing is false Please singing, and, therefore, bad singing. observe that I do not say that modern singing is bad music. It may result in splendid music, and at the same time be very bad singing. " The Irish tradition of singi.pg is a threefold tradition: (1) A tradition of intonation, (2) A · tradition of rhythm, (3) A tradition of taste. The question of the scale of old Irish music is one of equal importance from the standpoint of art and of the history of music. Its solution is indispensable to' a true comprehension of the character of our national music. u Free irhythm is built on feet ; fixed rhythm is built on bars. The difference in thythm between the traditional and the modern singer is simply this: the latter always sings in bars, the former sings in feet. I daresay it will be news to any modern singers present to hear that a song can be sung m any other way except in bars. Nevertheless, song is as old as humanity, while bars were not used in vocal music even so late as Palestrina. It is proverbial that great artistes never sing a song as it is written. They feel obliged to emancipate themselves, at least in part, from the tyranny of the bar. Surely this fact. ought to convince us that there is something radically false in the modem way of writing and of singing of song. That something is the employment of bars, for we .shall see bar metre is fitted for instrumental music only. "We have already seen that if a song be properly sung the singer must be speaking. All his voice moves up and down the succession of intervals that constitute the music. This is what strikes one at once in traditional singing. This is what makes it possible to listen to the same music repeated twenty times over in the course of a IJeng ballad without any sense of monotony. "�uty of meaning is incomparably high�r than beauty of sound ; just as beauty of form is nobler than beauty of colour. The beauty of a song arises from the blending together of three charms, all very great, it is true, still very different in quality and very unequal in worth. These· are (1) the charm of the words, (2) the charm of the melody, and (3) the charm of the Artistic feeling and taste are singer's voice. shown in the way in which these three are combined. Good taste demands that the voice should be subordinated to the melody ; and both the melody and the voice should be entirely subordinated to the utterance of the words. This is the true order of these elements of song among themselves, and the beauty of the whole depends on how it is preserved. "A way must be found for writing songs Many according to the traditional rendering. are afraid that this is impossible. The fact is that it is quite easy. Melody has been written without bars for centuries, and I have been endeavouring to show in this lecture that it is the onlv way in which it can be correctly written. This is the way Gregorian Chant is written, and we have only to substitute the round-headed modern note for the Gregorian square one, adopt the svstem of grouping of the Gregorian notation, (e. gather the notes into _bunches of uneqill!I numbers but of equal duration and the work is done. Last August I took down a song. in this wav from a traditional singer. I wrote it on a bla'ckboard, and had it s�ng by ! number . of persons who had onlv this notation to guide them and they perfectly reproduced the traditionai rhvthm and phrasing. Lastly, if traditional singing' is to hold its �wn it cannot afford to dispense with the mamfest advantage of accompaniment .',
The Irish Colleges. The Committee of Colaiste na Rinne met last week. The meeting was fairly large, and it got through a good deal of business. It was decided to appeal of the friends of the College in Dublin, Cork, and other centres, to organise cuinnea.c!Ja ceoil to help in clearing off the debt incumed in the re-construction of Desmond House. The Committee of Colaiste na. M,umhan • in Cork on December 27th. There were ff e me�b� present. Other members lYl'ote &ivipg their views on the tecommendation thit �� ,wnnection between the College and the M�r Conference should cease. The :recommendatiQQ came from the Confe� It was decided to accept responsibility for th� future of the_CoJl�.B· A winter session of Colaiste An Spfdeil' *ff c�ence in the middle of the piesent- moddi. The classes will be held every Satmdq in liJnt versity College, Galway. The classes in Colaiste Laighe,ui and €ol� Chomhghaill will resum� ork next week. Tlif Sligo College will reopen immedia,........:l'fll'\a.'1-11
Fels Bhell Felrste. Our Coisde Ceanntair/r.at in; meeting on the 22nd inst., says "Cu Uladh " in � " · Weekly/' was mainly concerned� �I �k connected with the Ceilidthe and the F� .. The only new development connected with the latter was a decision to take St. Mary's l!all for � of the competitions as well as f()I" the co1,1cert• It is probable that the ooocert will follow the Feis immediately, and will not, as last year, be deferred to the following week. It was repprted that some of the branches are working vi�l:, for the Feis funds. I placed the quota tbat ought to be contributed by ea.ch branch at £5. I understand one branch has already collocted more than this amount.
Cumann Da-Theang&haoh Thlr Chenalll A large meeting of the bilingual teachers o( Tir Chonnail was held before tlfe Christmas holi days in Gaoth Doir. The Rev. Fr. Kerr, P.P., presided. Aodh O Dubhthaigh of the Gaelic League was in attendance. A paper on bilingual teaching was read in Irish by Mr. Gillespie. The 'meeting discussed the system of inspection ol bilingual schools employed by the ational Board, which is not regarded favourably by teachers. A small committee was appointed to collect and edit Irish terms for the teaching ol.. singing, drawing, and needlework. The Kilkenny Woodworken are showing . at their Dublin establishment a patent Bed Cu.ir. It is a most useful adjunct to a flat or in a small house where the rooms are well used. o one, would guess its double purpose from • appearance.
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An CU1'0eAt11 souns,
[AK a.A.D>BSAIIB 90LU19.)
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CUTLE�Y, etc.,
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comemte, st,uAS nA nsAeOeA t, b�A t, fe11isce. t-"tt.6, '00 t.6tse.6r .6.n t.n:111 6 " �1n U\.o.'6 " 1 'O'C.60f> n6t:A '00 t,f .656.t: u4nn 'r•n tu1-0e.Ath so tms 4n 10•'6 U -oe mt n4 no"Dt..65. ffl.6tf6, c.&.1m t.!1n-c1nnce 5u11Af> 6 " Nationality and Politics" An t:-.6'6f>41' csmnee '00 t,f At5e. stu.65 n.6 nS.6e'i>e.6t. An st.uA5 1r m6 Ann A t.o.t>6ttt:41' 5.6ei>1t5 1 mb6.6t fetttrce An 6.6'0? C.6"0 f.6 '0-'CAOf> '08 tum.Ann ffl.6Cte151nn foU1rce fom5A1t.t, cum.Ann '548i>e.6tAc nA h1otr501l.e A5ur cumAnn 'l,1ce.61"0A n.A 548'61t.5e ? A
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14:, 1911.
and . sympathetic teachers is what we require. The teachers are now in charge of the beama baoghail. Let them guard it well. . Method with�mt sympathy and enthusiasm our work . will never achieve much for us . . ut _method is a great w�apon--a gae bui.lgin tlie hands of an enthusiastic teacher. Every teacher knows the importance of exciting the interest an� winning the confidence of pupils. Good tea�hing methods and a love of the subject should win the most unpromising pupils and successful results should create confidence. The measure of successful teaching is the number of speakers of Irish trained. That is the final test. The first necessity in the equipmeat of the teacher is a knowledge of t� spoken language and the power to im� thAt k?ow ledJe with ease and a certain. rapiditv to �1s . pupils. Here the . '' tprect methpa ;; � ��).>l� .Om;�� �g has bee�lQade� e�.con���U.Q9, mean� should Q� Jpung.!Qitbe r-1tinl}al �p��nt qf t� �'l.� XPF�u.,.
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In the creation of this
Irish are not ut' as tliey slio . them e $.ll� ,dot h• little they ing �ffect. T<;> teach the children how they might
i!l(l.uc� th.elf elders t11
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ir James W. Mackey, Ltd., &EEDEIJ.VIEN,
91 Upper Sackville Street, Dublin.
�e produces results oj lasting value. of the teach,r does. �ol -m.d with tbe n e which. the school o� Gaelic League pro-�t In order to save tlie �e prescnbes. we s�d try to create a spirit of lpyalty�yS!id of industry that will not let it die. The teather finc;ls the greatest difficulties in disi;ri,ets · frorn which Irish has almost entirely disappear�. But even in the most Anglicised parts there Thti,e remain strong links with the past. hundred Irish words have been collected f.ti Cill Mhanntain by Conchubhar Mac Suibhile who has created a litle band of Irish speakers in Eachdhruim Ui Bhroin. A schoolboy in Condae an Dhuin sent us not long ago _two hundred words collected in his native district. The place-names are still Irish everywhere. Their restoration from the corrupted forms should begin almost with the first lesson. We have enumerated some helps for the teacher in the work of turning the Irish mind " right about." We do not regard them as a panacea for the terrible disease of Anglicisation. But they are helps. Success depends upon the teacher. The "Wise and patriotic teacher will not neglect any means that are helpful. He will never allow his class work to drag or be come uninteresting ; he will on every possible occasion use Irish, and create in his pupils a Restoring Irish involves much similar habit. It is a task more than simple instruction. enthusiasm and patience and a great requiring in the teachers. For this reason versatility we should make the way of the teachers easy. We should facilitate their training by the creation of scholarships at the Gaelic Colleges. The work of restoring Irish even in a limited way has the effect of making those who engage in it diligent students of Irish history, and literature. It is resulting also in the creation of a new and noble citizenship which is proving and will continue to prove that the return to an Irish Ireland is necessary, and that it is a noble determination.
an cteroecrn sotuis. [Alf
Professor Kuno lfever, who has been appointed to the Chair of Celtic in Berlin University, is the first Director of the School of Irish Leaming. Heitook a chief part in the foundation of the School in 1903, and he has assisted it in m�y ways since then. He conducted some of its classes until the summer of 1909, when he made his last appearance in Ireland as a teacher. Among the other famous scholars who taught in the school were the late Professor S.trahan and Dr. Henry Sweet. PI:ofessor �ergm was appointed in 1go6 and remained until last year. Now Professor Marstrander is in charge. He is very young, but is deeply learn� in �he Celtic languages, and he t3:kes sufficient pains to satisfy the most exacting student. Dr. Kuno Meyer will be leaving t�ese parts ne�t autumn, and he will, most likely, sever his connection with the School, but the good work he helped to set going will be. cont�u�. The ational University scholarships will m some degree obviate the difficul�y whic� the Sch?Ol of Irish Learning expenenced m founding travelling scholarships for advanced students. The finances of the School are very slender, but the good �ork it does is incalculable. It
It ia popularly supposed that a roll-top desk must of necessity be made in America. The Kilkenny Woodworkers, 6, 1, 8 Nassau Street, Dublin, are turning out capital examples of these
useful articles.
A•T Mde ol T�wrlter Rep•lnd
�•n-a.&11' 4 te4rc-1r�4rn 11a'O a.&1-c 1 t,p111m me41rin1 c\.6 n6 n1'6te 4 t,41ne4nn le fl-4 le1te1'0i, bfo-6 tior 45.t\'C 50 l'ra1l f4n 5no-r4n , mb41\.e dt.A C\.14t S4e·cn\.5e61111 '04f14b rto,nne
0 �05tU04,
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45 15 Bachelor's Walk.
KELTIC soaP.. ,,..
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STUDENTS' CE A " Ceilidh Beag " wiJI be beld instant, commencing at 4 p.m1..IQll(II and at 8 p.m. for others. AD invited to lttend t1',e tub� most pleasant a.nd homely c:kic
AU, PIUIIIDDT OP THE A.O.B. _L.plll!!,¥-
Aacieat Order,- Hibernians in America, CWa: of James T . .McGinnis, [atioaal Secietary, Scranton, Pa. a. Michael O'Flanagan, N.f Mlldilon Avenue, ew York.
ne, Ult
Des ..... OTlanagan, IIBCeipt at yoar highly esteemed favour of
,...... qtb • molt nspectfully acknowledged. fOII will pwoa my delay in responding, .._ hem ableat fJOm St. Paul much of the letter ffJlcbed me. ·•••• eeec,en,Jy wish you the greatest success � Minian to tbe United States as one of a•deJ ....._ of. the Gaelic League of Tiie Aacimt Ord« at � in ••••(.... ,.. ,.. oootriboted libetalft lt> tht! •••ftl�•t-;, .1111-'-+""'"ftel, wanauted a dais time, that the inteRst of our
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not 1flii aiiy��� northemon�.friah 1D. WoLQ,Cf .. Wl ��-�,,.� into the ear of an hiah child iD its � •he COJJ.tributed to the growth of that �· Whether ... hNl aaint � hil lria1i J*l1el• Dito file eN' al! Gc,,l sllis �r1'ermit cell. or an lrish !'J8fflO!' � to hia w.Jlmr.ers to go forth to die on tbe hillsides the Itflm langUap curled the outpouring of their dtdJlecl '*8.rl:s and pew under the burden. It :is tbe •'b(IJ«tilNOt of tbe IQind of our race, the m�ument of our past. the heaving sea that bean � its bosom a ripple for eYery heart throb iD all the hif,tmy aflreland CoULD MOT Kn..L IRLCJI. It has stood the sho<'lc of war. The DJailclad Norman who came to win upon the ba.ttleiekLmccmnbecl 'bef!Qre its � He soon became an lmh ·�· ., Mare Irish tban the Irish themselves.• Slaughter and famine and thP. ban of the law did it stand and still the end m the eighteenth century saw it still 811lging up to the gates o1 Dublin. And then came the nineteenth century and the sleep of shame. It became the badge of ignorance. To be an educated man meant
to be ignorant of lrlsh. To want to pass for an educated � ,.nt to clitown a bowledge of lri&h. � at Jut the laQguage began to shriv!a';L�d die. Shame faced did · it mrlnk from the -place and the fDI mn. rlt fled awav to the hills of the west and aouth. U hl4 ...iy .reached the et!Ke of doom bdore beland woke up to the loss. Thank God that it is not yet too late. t'he GaeliclLeague bas come in the Dick of a1 time.
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clA1UeAri1. e.4fl.41R 21, 1911.
�1n,EAMB deserve your support
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e�n.o.ir 21, 1911 January
21, 1 11
A.An 0L,(\1nearh sot.uis e.o.11.6.1 R 21, 1911.
: ---•:Should Mr. Lloyd George's Budget give us, indirectly, a better system of secondary education, we shall not curse it for that result. The colhtpse of the system of finance by which the Intermediate Commissioners received about half their annual income has led to the necessity of making new and more secure financial provision for the Intermediate. It is stated that the matter will be dealt with in the coming Parliament, and that an opportunity will then occur for re-organising the Board itself, and for infusing The Gaelic League is new blood into it. promoting a public, meeting, which is fixed to be held in the Mansion House on J arn.;ary z5th, .for the purpose of stating t�e The I. ord Mayor will Irish-Ireland demands. preside; and An Craoibhin, Eoin Mac Neill, Mr. John Dillon, the Rev. Professor Corcoran, and others, will support a numher of resolutions setting forth 'our claims. Th� right of Ir�sh parents· to a sy.stem that will accord wi�h I national needs, will be asserted. A demand will be made for the abolition of rules that discriminate against Irysh, and for th.e encouragement of studies calculated to mcrease the students' knowledge of Ireland, and their o� usefulness as future Irish citizens. The claim of the present Commissioners for better fi�ancial treatment will he supported, and another resolution will demand that a special fund be provided to enable t�lented students f�om primary schools to obtaii:i secondary educat�?n., We need not repeat agam the charges agamst The record the Intermediate Commissioners. of their crimes against the Irish _langu_age, and against the country's true educational 1nte.r�sts, is a long tale of woe. The financial provisions for our primary and secondary systems_ have been, and continue to be, subject to the_ will and vagaries of the British Treasury officials, but the Treasurv was not our worst enemy. �he men who have treated native hngu�ge,. native culture and native ideals, with disdain and who have forced a foreign educational system on us deserve stern judgment. We must not forget their untrustworthiness, 8:1:d we rnust demand a new body of men who wi�1 know _what the needs of Ireland are, and who will be faithful to the national trust. The persecution of Insh must be made impossible for any such body to pursue. \Ve want a body the schools and the �he sort of ��� w�r� public can resp_ect. Pnot periodically excite public anger by under, b . are or some of wrong � petration calculated to benefit education by being tiion. . When so · · . administra . its associated with . t lked and such hopes kmdled . o f h , . , muc is a with Irish . governing Ireland in accorc1ar. .ce deman d to soon too be . . dl I · wishes it can iar Y b that r�ally representative Irishmen should e laced at the head of Irish education. p The headmasters and th� second.ary t_eachers will, we trust, lend their ass1stanced 11\���l�gi� Our cause is a common one, an . nd . . the hands of a dilatory a forces · p1 aymg into di d indifferent Government to t iv�n!bf:rprimary O The demand for a g�ant dar 'education school pupils to obtain secon ··he�s �hat those should prove to the pr�m�ry ter- the National 0 who oppose the splitting . ct· fferent to the 1 University rate ar.e nort . �0�ls · Hitherto interests of the pnmary sc t th� only means the golden key has been a1mos h This· is SC 001 S. · dary h . of entrance to t e secon '' the cowiith ._ f . · both unjust ancl ou t O keepin,,. between the l?rPvaJ should which ordination The teachers different grades. o� educatio�eans of bridging are right in claimmg �ome b tween their own over the gulf that . exists e The claim for a schools and th� Universlty. Ired bridge will be grant to establish _the ref ur at the Mansion em bodied in a special reso u ion House meeting.
5CAt ..,
Bilingual Schools. Among the articles supplied by the Gaelic League Press Committee to the American Delegation was one on "Bilingual Schools H by '.' Fergus Mac Roigh." We print it here in full. The Irish Language movement is as real a warfare as any war ever fought on tented plain. The Galltacht or English-speaking country is the territory already conquered and strongly held by the invader, where numerous bands of the Gaelic army carry on a guerilla warfare, and score in many a brilliant but small engagement, but never seriously threaten the solid grip the oonquering force has on this territory. The Gaedhealtacht or Irish-speaking country is There every bithe portion still unconquered. lingual school is a fortress, where the language still is sheltered, and around these schools the battle rages. If these fortresses are all stormed by the enemy the conquest is oomplete, and the gallant little bands in the Galltacht may give up the fight, and surrender their arms as soon as they · may. The Gaelic army are splendid fighters, but It is ten times seem deficient in generalship. easier to hold one of their own fortresses than to capture one from the enemy, yet all their energy is devoted to capturing. And while they capture one fort in the Galltacht the enemy captures ten in the Gaedhealtacht. And thus the thing goes on. ,. I 11 ( )
I l.
'1IJ1l )
Critical Condition of the Garrisons. And never was a beleaguered garrison surrounded by a completer network of destructive forces than is each of these bilingual schools. The captains of many of these ga:rrisons (in other �ords the teachers) are very indiffere?t defenders. They found themselves there by accident; many 1 of them complain that they are not properly supported, and some of them are questioning if theyl do not after all owe some allegiance to the enemy. Then they .see that the enemy has actually got some of his men into almost every fort, he has disabled a number of those within, and few of those who remain are determined to fight to the last : in fact they are only waiting till the bombardment becomes hot enough in order to surrender. Thus the case is critical, nay almost desperate.
A Bilingual School Classified. Now I have adopted this military description in order to vividly pourtray, and if p<:ssible �r�ng home clearly to my readers, the critical posrtion But I have not of Irish in bilingual schools. quite is und.ei:drc1J_wn. picture exaggerated-the When I speak of the enemy I mean Anglicisation. In every bilingual school there are I. Some purely English-speaking pupi�s. 2. A good many who are half English, and are tending to become wholly so. 3. Purely Irish speakers, but a:e suc? purely from circumstance, while their parents are extremely desirous t�at they should become good English speakers. Now, No. r are nearly always the children of officials-policemen, coastguards, et�. Th�y are the best dressed, and socially the h1ghes� m �he school. At home they are taught to despise Insh and not waste time over it. . No. 2 note this, and try to be as like No. I as possible. N 0. 3 are the poorer ones, from the remote�t T?ey. feel their and most backward places. inevitably conand backwardness, and poverty all the tenstand things As Irish. with ect it �ency is for group No. 3 to drift into group No. z and for these Latter to drift into group No. I' ':nd this drifting process is going on 1:'°�' steadily, · tl y, and unceasingly; ' and when it is complete . qme ? I . t i? p1 am where, I may well ask, will Irish be. it will be non-existent. To revert agam for a moment to military parlance, the last fo�ress will have been captured, the conquest will �e this complete. I would ask my readers· to accept f sketch of the situation as a genumeh o�e ro� a ho sees and knows what e 1s wntmg pb·e rsotn w d who is no pessimist, but who was a a ou, an the h believer in the language mm·e�ent w en Gaelic League could not muster m th� whole of Ireland more than a score of such believers. And I do not write the above to prove that the · lost but to prove and demonstrate that cause. 1s ot d�incr "·hat we can and what we should ,xr o �llen . t the cause being lost. He are not supto pre\en 1 sch oo1:si:11 rngua should these i..·1· . portrng a s we d these garrisons so sorely presse . T
What is to be Done ?
I I do not believe in bootless lamentations. am ever ready to suggest a remedy where If believe And the tactics I things are not going well. Take my classification suggest here are these. of the pupils of the bilingual schools. Group No. 3 stand metaphorically at the foot of, the school-not indeed intellectually, but socially, and in the battle of life. XmY we must advance them to the top: we. must place them first, and as sure as we do the present , drift will cease, beyond the peradventure of a doubt, t and an opposite current will set in. ...,
How it is to be Done. To do this a premium must be set on a good native knowledge of Irish. Genuine and valuabl€ material rewards must be offered far the' best pupils in Irish, paying particular attention to, what is acquired native in the· home.· There, should be free scholarships leading fr'oi-h the national school right up to the University' for such pupils, and not two or three per year for a whole county, but one or two for every Irish-, speaking parish, or for a group say of ten bilingual schools=-all others except the bilingual Then there schools to be rigidly excluded. should be at least a pound spent every year in small prizes in each bilingual school. People. who don't know the bilingual districts may think light of this, but they are wrong. I could work a small revolution by spending even one pound -five dollars-in each bilingual school each year. Then the Gaelic League should try, and by establishing a bureau, find positions for those Irish-speaking boys and girls, so as not to let them emigrate. t
Work for Irish Americans. This latter is a work for the Irishmen at home: but the two former suggestions, namely, the providing of scholarships and school prizes is just the work that Irish-Americans could do. Would it not be possible for the exiled from Co. Mayo, say, in America and elsewhere to establish a fund for providing scholarships. and prizes for Co.I• Then, the Donegal men, Galway, Mayo alone. Cork, Kerry, and Waterford men could each look after their own county. This would be a magnificent work for these exiled sons and daughters of' the Gael, many of whom know Irish themselves. It is not encouraging provincialism to suggest this but it is natural that a Kerry man should ' subscribe more quickly, more readily, and more generously, for his own little Kingdom of Kerry than for Tinoonnell , while the heart of a Tirconnell man will be stirred more deeply by an appeal from Fanad or Bozlagh than by ene from Cahirciveen. Then those counties which have no Irish-speaking districts, which belong to the conquered territory could subscribe to the fund of the nearest bilingual county or to general Gaelic League purposes.
A Fairy Bridge. Were these scholarships and prizes once established as a feature of education in the bilingual schools, the pupils in group X o. 3 would_ find that their knowledge of Irish in place of bemg a hindrance to their worldly advancement, as they now rightly or wrongly believe it to be, they would find that it was a fairy bridge that led them across to prospects they might not otherwise have ambition to attain to, and before long we should see group No. 2 and even No: I competing to get on to this bridge also. But I\ o. 3 wou!d l;,ad the way. �o. I then would be heard askmg What It would turn the tables comgood is Irish?" and the anti-Irish Irishman Shoneen the on pletely and yet no one could complain �hat he was. being wronged. We were merely puttm� a :premmm on our own language; let the other side 1f they l�aYe a grievance establish a fund and put a prernmm on English. Before that is done, however, out ?f the Shoneen pockets we shall see two moons in the sky. An Opportune Time. The present is a very oppoi:une tim.e while the Gaelic League delegates are in America to start this scheme of county funds. The working out of the scheme is a matter so simple that a good schoolboy could elaborate it. The great point is to get our countrymen abroad to see and appreciate the situation and to understand that it is one that does not admit of delay if we mean to be successful. Irishmen in
Have vou seen the new Irish lace curtains? T�e They are so simple and �elightful. Kilkenny Woodworkers are showing them at their Dublin Showr -ns in cream and wrute, at 18s. Gd. .nd 22S. 6f a pair.
cU1t1e�ri1 souns.
s5.&1 irn �5us s5.&1 trn.
a table revolving bookcase in the Woodworkers' Dublin shop the other "te took my fancy. It makes a .YeI'f present, without being too expensive.
It will be noticed that homonyms as above occur in my two articles that were published side by side in the CLAIDHEAMH of December They are of course, of totally 31st, 1910. different origin:(1) S:s.&1Un, a parasol, a sunshade, from This word r5.&1t, rs.&1te, shade, shadow. I know personally to exist both in Connacht and MuÂľster (Ballyvourney.) (2) ss.&1ti11, a saucer, used as I showed m
AtJ. teAt">'11'
Vol. XU.
U1rt111' 47 No. 47.
te .&t.o. ci.ie,e, e,-0.n,-0.1n as, 1911 DUBLIN, JANUARY 28
I Registered as a
p1n5mn. NewspaperJ
S5e-0.t-0. .6f\ .cn 115-0.01t.
-Cu:s .o.n r-<.\c.o.1r 6 Cmneroe te15e.o.cc u.0.11'.> 5Ctu.o.m lo"tf'.6. t.e '0611'.>e.o.1111.6.1'6e. 1f .6.f 1mr '06, A5Uf 1r b.1.1te be.6.5 r.6.11 5Ct.&tt .o.n .6.l"C '11.6.t' t.6. t'>.0.1 r re. Crnre..11'.> Cf'.6.0l) n ua 'Oe'n Connf'.6.1'.> Af' bun 1 lotr.o. .6.11 IS.o.1'.> t.& 'Oe'n rill reo. b.o.1t111e..1nn .o.n cr.o.ol'.> ro te Coij-ce C'e.o.nnc.6.1'f\ 1'.>1orr.o.. tH Se.&n 6 5ru5.&1t1 A:S An :sce.&'O --Cf'U1tlt11U. '};e1c,:-1t>e.o.f' .&n t':>e.o.n ri'ho· com.&1rte.&c f.&n ,O,f"O-Ctt.6.01t> .6.n m1 reo cu5.o.1t111. tu5 -p.&1rci $te.6.t1t1 -<.\1rte.&c .&n Cf'.&Ol'.> teo .&5 fe1r t':>e1t fe1rrce. C& ttime-so .o.tt .o.n S..\:S.6.f'C 6 'Cuo.t.o.1t .&5ur .o.r •1'01D f501te .6.11 $te.o.t1n.6. .6.fC.6..
l.6.t>roc.0.11'.> eorn mac rten.t. 1 mb.6.1te bre.&c .o.nocc. 'Oe-.&11f.6.!' cofnil .6.t' .6. nocc 50 'Oif'e.&c. be-1'6 p.&'Ot'.6.1C Cotm .6.5 C.6.'t'.>.6.1t'C comaijvte '00 rnumncrp 11.6. tt-&r'O-Ct'.6.01't'.>e .6.f' re.6.1'.> r:s.o.t.6.11il l'.>15 .6.11 Cf'.6.C11011.6. ro.
-ott.&m.6.nn.o. :S.6.et>e.o.to.c.o. '5.& n-utt.o.mu5.6.1'.> .0.5 rnumncip Ctt.0.011'.>e 11.6. P.6.ro1rce 'te.o.r 1 5Cor.c.o.15. 'C.& fl.11t .&C.6. 1.6.'0 '00 cur .6.t' .(\11 .&tt'0.&11 f.6. ceann 1Zf'l re.o.('Ctn.6.1111 116 tll.6.t' rrn, A .o.n "'Ooc:\cu1r " cez.n n .o.C.6. .&5ur "O>A 1 vre.&v'C
R61r111 " .o.n ce.o.nn e1te. R1rce.&tt'O U.o. le.6.11.0.c.&rn c& 1 rnbun no l101b1'e. '};e.&rm.o.rt'Ot1l'>r.&cc.6.c1f e.6.1'.> 'RlfCe,5.f''O; pe ru'O .6. ct11re.o.11n re t.&m .6.t111 1f m.6.1t terr e .6. cur cun c111n. t:.& mum nceap 11.0. Cr.o.oroe .o.r tors 'Or.&m.c.-1111.0. Ct11rfe.6.f' .6.f' .c.n .&f''0.6.11 1.6.'0 .6.CC 11U.6.-r:sr1of>t.o.. to.'O berc 1 n 5.i1et>1t5, no u.&-te.o.115c.o.c.
be1'6 certro 1 5C1tt 'Oe.o.t5.& '01.& :oomn.&15 ..15tlf 'C.6. cmre.(\'O CUf't.6. .6.tll.6.C .6.5 lt1C'C 11.6. Cf'.6.0llJe '00 1 5.&c Conntt.6.1'.>t61f' 1 5Co1111'0.&e 11.6. m t>e. · . ' 5 If .6.11 ..<.\t.6.1f' Cu1re.o.1'.> f .&ltCe ro1m ');1011.6.11 .6. ,t . _ m1ce&t 111 Pittsburg .0.11 I2.&t> t.& -oe 11 rm feo.
t':>1 .6.11 l1.&tt.6. t.&11 50 'OOf'.&f .6.:SUf l'.>1 cupt.& ce.&'O :S.o.e'61t5e61f' f.& t.&t.6.l'f'.
_ 'Cu15e.&1111 11.& '0.&0111e .o. bpurt, me.&1'.>.&lf' .&c.o. .&f\ curr.&11) po1t1c1t>c.o.cc.& 116. 50 r.,re6.'0f..1.'6 fe1r1f'1 r' .&5.&rnne 1116p&11 'Oo t>e.&n.&m te cte.&cco.t> ne '50.ru1t,5P. "00 lP6.tll6'6 1r no t'>116no.u, -01 mb.6 ru·o ('.- 5u 'f'.o.1t'., rf .0.L'.O. 1-6111. Ill l, -6.CC r10r,t,�,6.s�n l\C.6. 111.6. n �.6.e'61t5eu1f'J1) .6.5Uf ni el p15e.&1111 teo-j-zn .&n :S.&et>1t5 'Oo cteacr.vo 50 m1111c. Cl, c.&1t15e .&co. ""t' .&n mbe.&pt.& A5ur 111 rut'.&rco. teo e '00 tpe15r1111 11-.6m .&n Cf'U.6.'0C.6.111. 'O.J. t.&lJf'.6.1'01r .6.f 5.6.e'61t5 111 CU1pf1'0C .6. 5CU1'0 C.6.1t1m:e 111f 11.6. -p.&1pe.6.f'.6.10. n1 l)e,(\'Q re 1 :scuml\f .6.11 t1r tott .6. 5C.6.1t111C '00 tt1r5r111, 'OJ\ :SCU1f'Cl fe111, .6.::SUf lf te Se.&n 'Oo 005.&'6 "Oe.o.nc.&f' .0.11 cum lf mo ue'n c.6.11111 c. 111 f'.6.11) .6.11 5.&e'61t5 f6.01 trte.6.r .0.5 11.6. fe1r1rrn te t111n .6. 11-615e. n1or m1.1111e.&'6 "0611) 1 .C. f\ f501 L. tn All be.&f't.6. 1 n-.&f''Of'e1m. 1 11-.&1c ne1t '01t1r "O.& 'Oce.&115.6.111 re111 1)1 5.cc mte ·ou111e .0.5 5e1tte.&'6 '00 C.l\1t111� .&5ur '00 ue.&f.6.10 n.& S.&f.&n.&6. 'C615e.o.'6 no. fe1f1f'l .&5t1f Lt1cc .6. 5como.1mflf'e 5.0.11 .6.011 eot.&f .6.C.6. "'f' Ci'11f.6.1D 11.6. ne1reo.1111 .&5ur 111 l11011511.o.'6 ..:\f' b1t �urt'> 1 ce.&115.6. .6. n.&ril.6.'0 .6.C...-\ .6.C.6. .6.1101f. L<\ .6. t1or .&5.&11111 50 mb.& 'Oe.l\c.&1p '061f.l 10mp6'6 "'!' :$.6.e'61t5 .&p .&n C01f'C, <\CC "O.& 'OC1'5C.6.'0 re 'r.(\ f.&05�t 50 mbe.&'6 re.o.c '};e1re .&5.0.11111 1 11�1f'1t111, .6.::Stlf "O.& mbe.6.1'.> .&n t,.6.e'61t5 cott'om te1r o.n mbe-.6.f'l.& .&nn, 1r mor .6. 'O'te.6.'0f.6.1'01f 0. t>e.&t1.6m te1r .6.11 ce.&t15.&'6 'Oo f.&m.&1t. 'C.& .6.11 'C.&t cotrom te1r .6.11 m be.o.rt.o., 'Oe re1r 'Ot,:5e, 1 11 {\1ff'1C 'Ce.6.f. C& ce.6.·o .6.5 5.0.c fe1f1f'e to.l'.>.6.lt'C 'f.6. ce.&115.&1'6 1r tlll.6.11 telf fe111, .6.5t1f f:Sriol'.>C.6.f' CU1111C.6.1f1 11.6. ');e1re f.6.TI 'O.& te. 1f Uonm.&1re 1 lJf.6.'0 1.6.'0 11.6. bu'f'.&15 f.6. C1f' 11.& 11.6. S.6.f.6.TI.6.15 .&5ur C.6.1'0 fl.6.'0 com '01te.&f 'O.& n'Outc.6.f te .&on 'Ore.&m .6.f' t>11u1m .6.11 'OOtn.6.1t1. 1f m.&1t .6.11 fCe.6.1.6.l'Oe .6.tl .6.1tllflf' .&5ur re1cr11'.>e.6.f' f6r 50 mbel'O .6.11 c.&t I tl-U.6.CC.&f'. n1t .6.ltnf'e.6.f orm 11.6.C n-.6.onc66.&'6 11.6. fe1f11'1 f' 5.&11111e ce.o.'O C.6.11111Ce "00 to.D.6.lt'C '00 $0.e'61t5eo1rrn .6.11 Ce.6.'0 t.& C.6.f' elf 116m llut ue1t f.&15ce .6.C.6., .6.CC lf c111nce 11.&c t.0.01166-1.'6 5M' ,:-e1r111e .6.11 :$.&e-61t5. �
Ct11rre.&'6 .6.tl te1r f'e.1CC {\r b1t 4 mbe.6.1'.> fUltll .&5.&1t1tl 1t111C1 1 lJfel'Otll 'OU11111 .6.CC C.6.f' elf 50 mbe.6.'0 re 1 1Jfe1'0tll ce'n C.6.lf'lJe l)e.&'O m.&11'f1"0 on .0.11 n muno. 5c1.1111c1 1 5c10nn e 1 50.e'61t5 m.& t05f\t115e.&nn tl1U111C1f' 11.6. ne1f'e.&1111 Ct11f'f1'0 f\ 11U.6. 11.6. 1 .6. t.&1).6.lf'C. t1e1re.o.n11-t1tM11' .6. l)e.&f fltln 1 t1-e1,:-e.&CC'O'tJ.6.C.6.11'.> .6.1' 01'011:'.> f501te, .6.f' p61t1'610 .&5ur .6.t' 0,,:-15rn .& n f'M::S.& tc.&1r .&11 }).&e'61t5 .& to5tum1, .&cc 1r m.&1f'5 .&n ce n.&c 1J,:-05Lu 1meoc.&1'.> 1 .&f nn 'Ot15e 51'.6.'0 '01 .&5ur .6.f' ron �e.6.f.6. 11.6. c111e. 1 .&n 'OO t.o.1J.&1f'C .&no1r, 5.&et>1t5 b1t n-.&5.&1'6 .6.f' .&cc 111 t.&lJ.&t'C.&f' .&cc .&n be.&11t.& .&5 c11u1111115te 111 cL01rce.&f' .&cc be.&f\t.& 11.o. :5Co1fc11J 5Con'O.&ete; .o.imr1t' n.& Co$.6. mo1re; 111 1)101111 511.&tnu.&1t>e.&cc .&n t.&e 1 n 1:::,.&e'61t5 1 11-.&011 f.}.L'.1pe.111 .&t' ft1'0 11.&
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C.& .on be.6.t't.6. 1 n-U.6.CC.6.p .6.'5tlf 0.5 'OUt Clf\e. 1 'OCf'elfe 50 f61lt.
m.& 5116tu15ce.&f' 11om Rut ni c mrre.&p -p1oc 1 11-.&5.&1'6 n.& 5.&et>1t5e. be1t> .& m.&L.&lf'C 'Oe be1t> .&t' re.&n-11.&1m'Oe r5e.&t .6.f' f.6.'0 .&nn. .&:5.&11111, .&m, 1 5com11.&1t>e, At' nor 11.& mbocc. e.&fp.6.1'0 'Oltfe.&CC.6., .6.'5Uf "OUtt'.6.CC.6. . .6.:SUf .6.111 n.6. te1r5e .6.C.6. .6.5 tll.6.f'lJU5.6.'0 n.6. Ce.&115.&11. 'O.o.orne .& 1Jru1t fl .&c.& 6 'O'f:'.&5.o.'0.6.1' 5tun .& m.&t.&1' 111 te15e.&1111 tlOf 11.6. be.&f't61f'e.6.(T.6. '0611) 1 '00 t.&1J.6.1f'C, .6.5Uf 11.6. '0.6.01 ne 11.6.t' t>ronn "()1.4\ .0.11 $.&et>1t5 011t.o. 111t "Oe '6ut11.&cc 1011 nc.o. i u'to5tu1m, 'O.& me.o.'O .o. 5ct1rce.&cc.
til-0.1re-0.c oe1tre1flroe.
r� " -0.f' re.&1'.> 5cu15 n-01'6ce .&5ur
5cu15 t.&" '00 m.&11' .&n fe1r reo .&Fur .on 01t>ce 'Oe1tt101111.&c S1t1 1 .&11 11iof re.&f'f' 'n.& .&n ce.o.'O 01·6ce. cr1 t1f'1t111e 5t.& 11 .05t1f 1r mor .& n r5e.& t e. btlo.t>n.& 1 11'01.6.1'6 .6. ce1te .6.c.& .&n fe1r >oe'n Cft'.6.1t 11U.6. .6.f' Co1r . .6.1101f .&5ur 1r .6.5 5.&1).&1t 'un COf.6.15 .6.::SUf 'un c11e1re .6.C . \. fl. Sut .& bi fl c111ocnt115te t'>i .6. tucc rc1urt.& .&5 ce.&p.&t> .&moc "061\'.) ff-111 rt15te .&5ur '0615e.&1111,(\ te fe.&lJ.6.f '00 CU[' .6.f' .6.tl fe1f feO 6t15.&11111 f.6.tl 1Jt1.ot>.&1t1 1912. Srn 1 o.n '0615 te 5.o.1J.&1t .6f' .6. $.6.1'0. 1 t'>fe1f ri161' tll.6.f' 1 fE"O If 'Oe.6.C6.1t' cur '00 '6e.&n.6.ril .6.11 Cf'.6.CC t11f'te 50 ll.6.1tt'1'0 tll.6.1' 1r "0615te 50 mbe11'.> cunr.C.6.f 01r15e.&m.&1t .&5.0.c -<.\cc b.& ll1.&'0 .&t' .& t.&n 11t1'0 .& 1Jo.1t1e6.r te1te. n.& ('0tl10f'C.6.1f bf\15 .6.5Uf COf'P 11.6. ,:-e1re. t'.H r1.&'0 .&f\ co1r .&5.&111n 01t>ce '01.& lu.&111, "OM m.d1rc, '01.& Ce.&'0.&0111e, .&5ur '01.& S.6.t.&1pn. b.& m1111c "OU11111 .6.'5Uf c(115e.&f' COtllOt'C.6.f .6.f' C01f . 'CJ. fC11'e.6.1' feOmt'.6.1 f.6.11 f.6.11 .l\tll Ct>-.6.'0n.6.. Cr-<\01n 1lu.&1'6 .&5ur t)1ot> 5.&c ce.&nn .&c.& t.&n 50 "OOf'.&f .&5ur '0.6.0111e 50 r1011 .&t' .& t.&n-"01tc10tt .&5 bf\il$.6.'6 .&5ur .&5 "01t15e.&'6 1rce.&c 6 teomp.a
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c e,(\ t: n<.\ t11 ,(\ -o cc 1 b 1 u e � t.
-<\nnr.An 'Oo f:St'iot> t'i n.& 'Cumne b.ame te1t:1t' e � .te1t :so 'Oci .An S5Mt.&n S5Mt.&t.Ac .& t>i f.d • vom.An Cott' '·.A 'f'..1.'0 teij :SO 'f'.&1l'.> mac tlio:S � 1f'e.A n n .(\tl nro ..1:sur m.A'f'.d m b.Atn'Ci 'C'f'e.&f:S.d1'f''C . ....._ A comacc .... "t :so tu.«1t .«if ro At' fU.d1'0 .&n .o 1v-;.u f"1u . · '()' rtte'-':s�tt' 'OOm.&tn · re1re.dn :so 'C.df>A1'0 ',& 41 1' '0 :s� f'.dtt> re Af' .An rt1S A:S reacc 41:sur :5.Ac .6.on m t>e�t uttAril cun CAt.A nu.Atf' A t1ocfA'O re. l1U.dtt'. t.&tt11:S re 1fCe.Ac 'rA' C01tt A t>i 1. :i�A�Ce .6.tl CA!fte.dm cpom te At' itt' 11.d con.te . f. m .4:SUf 10f' (Ct'10tl ?) t1A coitte 1'e.4b.A...._ u. �.4tercero rm 'Oe t>rnb .&11' cun Conat.t oo COrilt'.6.C. t1U.41t' .4 t.a1m5 re 50 'O'Ci .An CU1t''C 'Oo t>1M1t re cUceAcA n.A c1111'ce 1 :sco1nmt> .A
fP e I " 41' ·re1re.4n, " fA1'5l'.>tm btAt (botzre) .An �f\e.c1nnAl:S annjo At' An l'.>f61'0in fit'tnne.&c." " " 'C.dtm-re Annro A:SAC," Af'fA Conet.t, 'C.&tm-re AtltlfO A:S.d'C. .c.no1r Afl cem .01'.ci'C .., m.a c.a Aon rilutn:Stn 41:s.&c .«1r.c1c eem." r " n.a 'Oetm'O, " .41'f.c1 Ri n.c1 'Cutnne b.&tne. " 'CU::S.6.1'0 fOf C6rilt'.6.1C 'O' -4 ce1te '50 m.c11'0eAt1 ; " ffl-'11' b.4'0 rh.6.tt terr l'.>ett .6.::S feUC.41t1C .6.f\ .6.t1 ·'O.& CU.4'0.41' '50 t�1t' .c1 °S"11ff,;f0e.6.C .6.::S C6rhf'.4C. CO'Ol4'0 ec Conat.t. t.c111't'1:S r� cU15e .4 l'.>i n.6. ct.6.t'Oe.6.ril, .4 te.6.l'.>.41' .c1:sur .c1 p.c11p6.6.1'· comgn.t corn 'OMn r.c1n .'111' .c15e n-' .6.t.'111' n.a r�u'Of.d'O re t>.a t>e1te bro o'ree .&1' ..1on 06f''O, fl..\ 'OJ 01'0<'.:e 'Oo t.o'Ot.c1'0 .6.1' ..1011 te..1b..11'0 :so fAOtt'OC.6.'0 f� .411 l'.>e.4t1, nu.6.11' .4 l'.>t'eAC .6.t1 U .6.1' Con.d.tt CU.d1'0 re .6.fflAC .6.SUf '00 nu.6.tt re ftA1f .6.1' .(\fl 5cu..11te comperc ::so :scto1r-p1'<>e e 1 n'Oan C.Aotn no 1 n-1.6.f't.'11' C.411\bf\e .din m.6.C 4t.1A ..1 l'.>.6.tn .6.n S�1f:S1'0e4C bmn qeotri,14'f\ .df 411 5cu..11te comperc .c1 c111' 1rce.4c n..1 t..&1me cteree . c1:sur t:..c11'"f'.c1C 4m.c1c n.6. .t.&trile 'Oetre, B:st'eA'O .6. f:S1.6.t .L\:SUf '0'1.6.f't' 'O-Ulr>.41t''C ::SU"f\.6.b e fetn miot m6f' tl.6. COmf'AC. f emne, f�.df" COfA1flt'A tl.d C01'6tl.dC, fe4'1' C611' A:SUf ceapc .d l'Mtn'C Affl.dC, .d:SUf feAt' C61f' .4:SUf CeAt'C A tA l'.>.d1f'C U.d1'0, 't.a1m::s curge . c1m.dc .&n 851.dt.an S'r'1..c1ttAc 0 "c14 ' CA 1f fe.4"f'f\ te.&C·fA," .dt' re1reAn, " .d ConAtt.t, t>e1t .d:S 5At>.a1t 'Oe ct.d1'0tilce :seut'.d 1 mbun .d:Sur 1 mb.&f\1' e.dfn.d'OAC.d . c1 ce1te, n6 1om1'..1r:s.&1t Cf'U.d1'0 cot:s.anc.d 1 " " 1 r feAf\1' ttom-r..c1, " .dt'r.d Con..c1tt, " t>e1t .d:S :SA1l'.>A1t 'Oe ct.L\1'0ri1Ce 5ettt'.d 1 mbun .d'f I mbA'f't' eAft1.d'O,M:.d A cette, ffl.dt' 1f e t..c11t1:Se.df "1' n.d f.&ttci 1 'Oce..c1nnc..c1 n..c1 te.dnt>..c111')e uA1rte 'r.d' t>A1te." 'Oi'f'1E, An l'.>e1'f''C At' A C�1te ffl.df\ 'Oi'f'eOC.d'O 'Qe1t11'01f f:SAC.d m10n·fe.dl'.>AC tad m.d"J''CA. .df''O.&n 'Oe'n 1rte.&t1 .d:SUf 1rte.an 'Oe'n .df''O.&n. L.d1t'f\1:Si'Oif t1.d t:01 bf'e.L\C.d f10t'·U1f:Se .dnior C"J'ir n.d C.6.'f'"J'.d1:SeACA 5t.6.fA te 1l-e15e.dt1 C.dt.d .d5Uf ,(\n ce t10Cf.d'O (> iocCAt' .dt1 C'f'UA'O·COrilf'.d1C. 'OOril.dtn 50 11-U.dC'C.6.t\ .dt1 'OOril.dtn, 1f O"J't.d bA'O t'.>i re . c15 CUf' :S.dC C01'f' ce.<1cc .d:S feUC.dtn'C, .<1on t'Juttte 1 t>re1t>m .At' Con.c1tt .c1:sur 5.c1n Con.&U. A5 CU'f' .Aon l'.>U1tte 1 l'.>tze1'0ffl .d1'f' fflA"J' t>i re clu'Ou15te te 11-e1'0e pt.&c.d : no :so 'f'A1l'.> 'Ot'ucc .<1 ' r 'Oe1t'e.<1nn.A1'0e .ASUf me1t':sin ceo1t> .<15 ce..c1cc, An t�1t' l'.>..in .d:S 'OUt Af' f:S..it n.c:1 CUp615e A:SUf .c1n cupo5 .d:.S ce1ce.A'O u.A1te, m.&'Of'Ai 5e.Af'f'.d .A:S .6.til.dfCf'.£\1S f.6.tl .61'C :so mbi'Oif ..1:sur At1 .d1'C n.a bi'Oif ni t.&l'.>f'.A1'0if 5105-no :so 'Oc.&1t115 .c11t'. .6.11 fpl'Oe(>15in 'Oe rilU1tlC1f' .$(11te.<1t>.&tn. A ri11C .d11 utb.<1n, .6.f' f1fe, "A \...On.<11 t t """' mutn'Ce.df''OA 'O.dOtne 0'0' 6 e1T'tnn, 1f fA'O� 1lio5 l1it .Aenne 1'0' mn.& c.c1omte.dcC.d tu. 6'0' 4':.Stlf Ctlt'6.ffl .dntlfO ffl.6.t'-'1 f:St'tOtMtnn-re f01pin cunt..1.15 Of''C .6.:SUf b.6.'0 fU.d'f'.dC .&n Clfl'O.AC e f1n 'OU1C ; .A5ur c.c. m.At'l'.>t115te..1.T' n.& c.&01f'1S 1 n'Of1t.c115 c' .c.t6.t' ? " -0.11nr..1.n t.&1n15 ..\ t>.& 01f'e6.'0 e1te m1rn1:s 'OO Con.o.tt. Cu:.s re .6.011 te1m ...\til.A1tl .6.f .6. COf'P .d5Uf lJe1t' (t'u:s) re .6.t' tirnme.<it At' .&n S:51.At-<in S51.&tt"-'C ..1.5t1f Cf'Ot re .6.m.6.c ..1.r .6.tl e1'0e pt.<ic.c1 e. ,<\11 cetro bt11tte tt15 re '66 Ct11t' re 50 5t(11ne e, I• IJ, -r-0* r·
cunn m.c.c concun�, 1 R. t)f betf'C ffl4C A'f\ ftct'O '00 l'.>i 4'1, Concul'.Mf'. Concut>.&tt' .1. n'OMt'O 1 UtAi."> 1 1'1Se.6.cc !fM, �.6.fO'f\.dC 'Ct'i bl,Mi.">n.& .4SUf '.5u1rne n.do1 rfllb\.1.ci.n'0.4. 'Oe11' Ce1c1.nn 1'1411' f 4':S.&'0.&1' rt1occ '.+ 11'0141'0 ACC Am41t1 Ct'1Ut1 .dC..ci fflAt' 4\'C.&, be.c1nn.c1 � tt&1'0re41' be.dntl'Ct'.6.t:Se ; lAnn.d . � 1':&f'Ot:e.d1' bnnJ'A1'0e; 1r l5tA1rne 6 "f\.A1'0cei1' tUftt.6.t'Oe �StJr '0011' r� f6f'OA tl.6.C �Utt neAt be<> .d'f' t.10CC tlA 'O'f\U11lse feO 1tl'0111. .c.n ce.c.n 5.c. t. mb.d t'f tti1p'O ConeuOc\'f\ ffl..c1c ul'O 1f 50 � 4ff.6 l'.&t' ri1A1'f\ t'i 1 n�1',nn 't'Mri1 b.d mo ctu ""�ur c.ci1t. n.c1 �. n.c1 1'1:ste m61'.c1 .dril"f\.d '00 n1 1 ·t'�Mi11'41S 41,Uf 4 1'4f> CUri1.d.C'C .c1:sur fffl.dCC Conn 4 41' e,'f\11ln U1te, CU1t' 1 5C..if �481>�.6.CAC, Cot'fflAC ffl.dC .C.11\'C, n1.dtt n4'ot:S1.&tt.c1c, 'Ol41'fflU1'0 m.c1c CeAt't'f>eo1t. .6.SUf b1'1Af1 bOlf'rile te,n, ni mo .&n c.&1t .de.A O"f\1'.d , rt;4tt' n.A 11e1�.c1nn nA m..«11' c.& .6."f\ ConcuO.d"f\. 1r .dtnU1'0 1f � .c1n c-1on5.&n'C.df .de.A O"f'.c1tnn rA reo nu.dtt' eu151mro n.&'f\ t.as Concut>.&1' rt1occ ri161' �ACC.6.C A1'f\'O·t'�ffl1e.6.t 1n.& '01.6.1'0 ffl.6.1' 'O'tA:S 11:.1 'f\1S(;e ette 'U'O 'O.& f>fU1l.ffl1'0 A l,U.6.'0 te n·.d C.6.n e.c1'0 rm .dri1 ...,1n . c1cc .An Mit '00 rof.6.tnc. fctle.cd) '0.6.0tne At' l'.>4 te1r �' .6.tl CtAnn 'RU'O"f\.d1'0e, �111eA'O f.401 C01f 1.6.'0 .6.::SUf C.411,te.A'O 14'0 Af 'Ct'f c�A'O btM'OAtn 1 t1'01.d1'Q n.& cf�. �A1'f\ :41111f1ft' Cf\10fC b1'1re.c1'0 01'1'4 .d:SUf m1U,e.6.'() �41fl4tn m.c1c.d .d5Uf aomA1ne.4'0 f01f' 1.4'0 50 'bu.6.tA'O bob e1te Ot't'A �UAC nA f.&1"f\1'Se, fAtl t>l..M'0.6.111 637 .4:SUf 'ftAC.6. 4"5 C.6.C tn4t:Se 'nfo1' cu.6.t.&t.6.f 1om1'4'0 O'f\'f\4 6 tom 1 te1t. .c.cc m.c111' ct,u Conct1t>.&11' .&SUt' t uc.c .c1 com.d1mr1t'e ; . 1:sur 'OA fS'f\10ffA1'00 .&m.L\C .6.f fC.d11' n.& he,f'e.dnn .6.SUf re.4nl,1C"f\1'0e4CC t14 n :SAe'Oe.dt eACC.d Concut>.dtt', .&SUf Concut.dtnt1 . c11,Uf fe.6."J':SUf.d rthc 1l6t:S ..1:sur ,<\1te.&tt.c1 1r rhe1'0t>e, 1f be.A:S .6.t1 m�t'O "Oe'n cre.dn·fC.d11' n.& 'Oe'n cre.&n lf 6 n-.A trq,1'<>e.dct: t>�A'O f.ciSt.d .41,.dtnn. .> :se1t>m1'0 n-�.dcC"J'.d1l' n-A 6 • n-1n1te.&ccA1t> .d:SUf .dfl CU.&11'1ffl tf feA'f't' te fA:S.dtt Af\ .dt1 'CfAOS.c1t '00 t>iot> .dCA f.&'06 1 ne,f'1tlt1 ; .dt\ A fffiU.dtn'Ctl'.>, .A n-.&15n1'0 1r .dt' .A mem ; .dt' .A .6.1' 4 mbe.L\f.&tt> .df' '0Ct1A1'f'1ffl .d'f' .d n·Ot101'f' .d5Uf .6. 115t�.6.f Ct'O'O.d ; .d"J' .d n5f'A'O .d:SUf Af' .d n·o105.dtC.6.f, .6.1' .d 5ce.d1'C ; At' ,e.c.& 'O.dOtne .&nn .L\ n-.dbt'.dnn nJtt ril.d1'f' Concul'.>.&'f' 'n.a Cut'.dt'O n.A Ct'.Aott>e Ru.dt'O ":l' cot' .df' b1� .&:sur b'f:�t'Ot� so 'Oe.Attt'.>ti\ 50 t>ru1t co-rp n.c1 rtttmne 111 f€-1'01f' tmn 'OUt .6C.& reo tn.6. 'O'CU61t'1ffl. f:St'it>1t1nit'> t16 cunnt:.df C�nn�e f1.d't\ f.'11'0 te-o Cf'1 c.& .1.5.c1111n .6.f' l'.>f'1.A� bo1ttme 'Oe.6.f't'.>t.c1 c:.\ril.A1t 1r 'C.A1t'l'.>, ,6.CC mUt'.61' m.&11' Con1r .dt' C.dt: Ct.tt.6111 1r fe�tt:sur 1r Con.Att Cucut.6.tnn cul'.>.d'f' ASUf c111nce tmn :sul' tiM1f' .c. m.c1c A Ce.d'f'n.6.c, tf l1iot' o;:e1'01f' 1.6.'0 'OO cum.A'O e.c1'0'f'.6. f.drilt.A. .d n5niorilt'.61u ,r .6. '0Ct'e1t1l'.>. t)i .t.. te1te1'0 'Oe .6.t1n 1 n-.Am e15111 1 n-.a1c e151n uoc.All'.> 7=::.6.e'Oe.At . n C1.dC..-\ fl1..:\1rt fM'O 1 � ,. .d�t.tf 1r cum.A 'OUtn Ct11'0 '0.6f' 1r tiM1t', nJ.f' 110 ne.dril.6111 m.6.C.6. 11' A '0Ct1.6.1f'1r5 ..1.5t1r n.& n-01t:tte.ACC .6. f"5€'.6.l.4' 1 neui'lni 1.6.'0 :so bponn no te15�1r 1 nue.£\fffl.6.'0 ct1 ut-0."0. n.c1 bt'.&t.o.c.
G00osoDY, DUBLIN, T. P. Bl R.
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A MONTHLY JOURNAL OF FOLKLORE AND LITERATURE IN IRISH. Yearh Subscription, post free, 1/6, abroad, 50 cents.
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eo.no.1t' 28, 1911 January 28,
.o.n ct.o.1'6e.6.1i1 sotuis.
e- R 28, 1911.
v"V_e are .st.ill 'far from 1:he realisation of a T C.1v1l Service. Numerous boards and Nati?nal public b�d1es have pledge� themselves either to make Irish . compulsory in examinations for public appointments, or to give candidates having a knowledge of the language a prefere but the pledges are, in n:iost cas�s, made broken. Our repre.sentabve councils and boards ?avf' � done mu�h m the �ght against English 1deab? and against the gnp of English traders ondtln� country, b1�t when they offend glaringly �n. gnevous y against the dictates of patriotism it is necessary to .denm,1nce their action. They are more often with . us than against, but as our only reme�y a.gai1:st public representatives who prove delinquent in their duty is exposure, we �ave frequ�ntly to ask Irish Ireland to consider the failure of many public bodies to The latest fulfil their voluntary pledges. at a recent occurred of pledge-breaking example me�tmg of the Guardians of the North :Cublin Union. . The B9ar� required a relieving officer, and decided unanimously, before advertising, that no candidate should be appointed without a knowledge of Irish. The advertisement stated that a knowledge of Irish would be an essential qualification, Several applications for the post were �ons1dered at the last meeting of the Guardians, and a candidate without any The know1�dge of Irish was appointed. Guardians who voted fort he successful candidate were Alderman Farrell, Alderman Mac \i\Talter Councillor Ryan, Councillor Lorean Sherlock: Messrs. Arnold, Brennan, Cooke, Doyle Gatley ' . ' Gunn, . Heery, Henshaw, James, Kavanagh, Keely, Leech, Maher, Molloy, Nugent, O'Hara, Parkinson, Rahill, Reid, Roche, Rooney, The rival candidate, Dodd, and Lynch. who was qualified in all the requirements of the advertisement, obtained twenty-three votes in the final pulling ... M1. Lynch who is chairman of the Board, is a member of the Gaelic League, but ron this occasion he appears to have left his Gaelic League principles at home. � He was jointly with the other Guardians responsible for the advertisement, but when the appointment was being made he refused to allow any facilities for determining whether the candidates whose applications were incomplete had any knowledge of Irish, and in the election he voted against Mr. Maxwell, who stated that he held the Fleming Companionship Certificate for the Hall of Writers. Mr. Lorean Sherlock has appeared on Gaelic League platforms more than once, and it is regrettable to see him among the delinquents. A.11 the members of the Board were pledged to vote .for a candidate having a knowledge of Irish, and they are scarcely _less guilty than the Chairman, and Councillor Mrs. \Vyse-Power, Donnchadh O Sherlock. Dubhghai11, and those who suppor�e<l them, fought in vain to make the Board stick to the The fact that a terms of its advertisement. the in Capital, wher.e t1!e Gaelic public body League was founded, and from which 1t. spread, slwuld wilfully violate Gaelic Leagu� pnnc1ple�, It is will make many ashamed of Dublm. useless for us to expect the Local �overnm�n.t to assist in . forming a National C1v1l Service. It will be useless for us, also, t<? hope for help from our representative bodies if Gaelic Leaguers who represent ra:\epayers o_n those bodies play " fox a.nd geese with the�r principles 011 the occas10n of every public We do not know. who ::.\Ir. appointment. ;Ir. Kavanag�, the successful �andidate, ,1.s, but Maxwell is an old worker m the Gae.1c League He has for manv years been giving his spare time and energ,, to the Craobh Cholrncille, and he has a good kri'owledP-e of Irish. Mr. Ka\·anagh was silent in his api�ication about his knowledge of hiis native language. H :-.ie hirmseiIf , :-1 nd those who \'oted for him know the reason why.. Sh�rnld his appointme�t be upheld at the meetmg oi the
Guardians that is being held as AN CLAIDHEAMH goes .to press, it will be the duty of the Dublin Gaelic League to inquire into the matter. Unless we expose the delinquents who knowmgly betray our cause, we shall make n� pr?gress in the fight for the recognition'[of Insh in the public service.
try all reasonable experiments at home-it will be nece�sary to move at once so as to afford a�ple ti1:1e for or�anising, training and compliance with essential preliminary formalities · Yours sincerely, · SEXX GA CEALLAIGH.
Feis Bheil Feirste. �he first fe�s of the year has been a great one, a \\el�ome thmg for those who believe in omens. �ut its. suc�ess was not a thing of mere luck, it was m.evitc.�.ble, made so by the earnest and systematic toil of workers in the Belfast Gaelic Mr. Bigger. declared on the opening L_eague. night, that the gathenng he was addressing was t_he greates� held in Belfast for a hundred years. Some meetmgs merely record work that has been This do1:e, and. ot.hers inspire future action. �e1s. wa�, incidentally, a record. It was also an There are some who think that �n�plf�tion. it is time .to dispen�e with the organisation and the teachmg machmery of the Gaelic League, and who say that the care of the language might be safely left to t�e schools. The great success of the Belfast Feis was almost entirely due to The the �elfast bra?ches ?f the League. excel.enc� of their teachmg was evident in every competition, and was a sufficient proof that branch work js both good and necessary. We cannot _say so much for all the Belfast schools T�e pnmary "National" .schools. of the city, with a few notable exceptions, failed again to make .any.worthy s�ow, and a large number of the pnzes m the junior competitions were carried away by the pupils from Glenariff schools.
The Language Fund. The Irish Language Fund for 1910--rr will be. closed at the. end of next month. We publish th1� week a list of the latest contributions. It includes a se�o!ld cont_ribution of over £27 from Craobh Bolivia. This sum with .{1--;2 ,. .,s sent in August last, makes ;_ total "'o( o�e·� £1�9 received from the small band of faithful ex1l�s. who make up the Gaelic League of A furt�er 1_nstalment, amounting to Bolivia. £150, of the contribution from Coiste Ceanntair Atha Cliat.h has been received by the Treasurer. The Gaelic League of Loch gCarman has resumed its contribution and sends the creJitable sun1 of £�5· fher� has never been any reason why the Coiste Gnotha should not have the support of Loch gCarman and its contribution in the present instance is more welcome bec.ause it proves the loyalty of the Loch gCarman Craobhacha than for any other Mr. John Sweetman has sent his reason. annual subscription of fro, and Eibhlin Nie Aitcinn has. contributed {,5. fhe �um of £120 from Butte 1s the second contribution from that c1t:y to this year's Language Fund. \Ve do not believe that many Irish centres in the States could be got to equal the generosity of the Butte Gaels, but their example is one we should like to see the Irishmen of other American cities endeavouring to follow. Twenty similar the contributions would relieve annual difficulty the which the of anxiety Treas�irer of bndgmg the gap between the sum raised at home and the actual and necessary expenditure causes. fhe list of the Dublin Collection includei many subscriptions from Dublin firms, and sums of £24, £19, fro, and £8 from Dublin b1 a.J"tdle:,.
A Suggestion. A Chara, I have been thinking that a fitting close to the special collection in Dublin, and a fitting form of amusement for the citizens on the National Holiday, would be a football match at J ones's Road on St. Patrick's Day under Gaelic League auspices, and in the interest I do of the Irish Language National Fund. not know whether the teams can be brought together, and for the present merely offer the But if they can be got to meet suggestion. I feel convinced that with favourable weather there will be a record gate. To provide against unfavourable weather and possible loss the local branches of the Gaelic League could probably be induced to organise entertainments in Kerry and Louth, say Killarney and Dundalk, respectively, and place the profits to the credit of the promoters of the· match. As an inducement to the teams to travel valuable commemorative gold medals should be offered to the winners and silver medals to the unsuccessFurther, there should be a public ful team. the teams in the Mansion House, of reception and an entertainment in their honour until midnight on the eve of the match. This might be the beginning of that co-operation between the two bodies, which the President of the Gaelic League, in common with many others, has so often desired, and it wouJd moreover, afford an example which other cities and towns would probably be not slow to emulate. By co-operation in the matter: of tournaments and entertainments the Gaelic League and the G.A.A. could be of the greatest assistance to each other, and, incident]y� to robust Irish nationality. r f the '{periment is to be tried-and as we send e11Yoys to America, we are called on to
LARKIN, 99 Lower Dorset Street, . FOR.
Plumbing, £igbting and fi�ating.
Dr. Tohil and the Schools. �is Lordship the Most Rev. Dr. Tohill, havmg presented the prizes, said that he wished to cong�atulate, most heartily, all the successful compe1:1tors, and in referring to them a word of s:pe�ial thanks was due t6 the Brothers of the Christian Sch?ols. They h�d sec:ured a very large number of pnzes, and a big weight of honour in he also conthe many competitions; gratulated the other schools including St Malachy's College, Ballyhack�more and St· Joseph's. . There was another v�ry small: but very important representation on the platfor� which came from that glorious Glen of Glenanff. They would go away laden with some of the ,�o�t important prizes that were given :it th�t Feis. Now, the object of the Feis was to bnng before the minds of the young the advantages and desirability of reviving the old language, of knowi1:g something of her history, and also those pastimes and amusements which were so congenial to the Irish character. However, of all the elements around which centred the interest of the Feis, the revival of t?e language came first. If they ever brought to life the language of the country success in the other departments would follow as a matter of course .. Now those seven or eight children from Glenanff, under the devoted guardianship and generalship of Father Toal, had come from a school where the total number on the roll was and. those children--he thought he was correct 1n. say1?-g-ha� c':'rried off practically all the pnzes m the JU!nor part of the programme. That result contamed a moral for them in Belfast, Under Catholic management in the city they had 64 national schools, with a total roll of 13,300 children. If exertions similar to those practised in Glenariff were made in the schools in Belf<:1-st, and similar encouragement given to the revival of the language, they would have in Belfast a large Irish-speaking population in a decade of years.
An Appeal to the Belfast Teachers. Looking forward to the Feis of 1912 he said it was a re8:-sonable request to make,' that all teachers, children, a�d parents in the city of Belfast should do a little more for the revival of the language than they had done up to the Proceeding, his Lordship said they present. had two training colleges for men, and three for women in Ireland, and, if he were not mistaken se:7en colleges for teaching Irish, in addition t� pnv�te classes conducted by the Gaelic League, and it was but natural to expect that within the next few years they .should have a very large body of teachers having a certificate qualifying them to !each the Irish language. In the case of the children from Glenariff. he was sure that the a�tention t�at they had given to Irish had not m the slightest interfered with their proficiency in acquiring the ordinary subjects The Kilkenny Woodworkers undertake repairs of every description, which they are prepared to carry out in their Dublin workshops. The prices are strictly moderate.
e.6.n.6.11\ 28, 1911,
An ct.eroeern souns,
January 28, 19u.
&ncourage Irish manufacture.
Ladies' Lamb's Wool Combinations
. preserve a normal temperature' 1°6ng and Short Sleeves. Perfect ventilation., Confer health on the wearer. Ladies' Cashmere Combinations 1 · , ,d S , 6/6, 7 /6, 8/6, 10/6 per Pair. Sh1 ? Men's and Boys' Caps. � ag ... hort Sleeves. 4/6, 5/6, 6/6, 7 /6, 8/6, 10/6 per Pair. Ores; Men's Hose, Wool Shirts and Pants .,, Io 11 ars a.n� Cuffs. 1:, �,/6 1 , 4;6, 5/6, 7/6 each. Men's Coloured Flannel Shirts 6 : Irish Knitting wools. • 6, 8/6 each. Ir· , , . , Ish Kid Gloves. Ladies' Corsets 1111 21 3 (6, 4 6 / , 5 /6, 7/6 per Pair. Children 's Com°bin�tio�s 1/-, 1/6, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6 per Pair. Ladies' and Children's Ribbong and Short Sleeves. Long and _Short Sleeves, 1/-, 1/6, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6 each. Ladies' Silk Motor Scarfs n ° °m 6 16 171 25 oven Greyabbey, Co. Down. 105 inches long and 25 inches wide. 4/6 each. in. w/ BLANKETS All Wool 15 1 , ' • , pc:r Pair.
';1}� }
Prevent chill, and
J: ��rs,
THE IRISH LANGUAGE NATIONAL FUND 1910-11. ' T1:1,e following additional subscriptions have been receryed and are ackno·wledged with best thanks Remittances should be sent to the Treasurer G li ' ae ic League, 25 Rutland Square, Dublin:£ s. d. .. Al�eady acknowledged . . . .2623 IO O Coiste C�anntair Bhaile Atha Cliath (an dara cuid) tre Thomas Pairceir Run 150 0 0 Gaelic _League, Butte, Monta�a, U.S.A. .. (2nd mstalment) I20 o O Coaste Ce_anntair Mhainistir na Feile tre Phadraig O Conchubhair (an dara cuid) I 0 0 Craobh 1.Ji Ghramhna, Pollokshaws Scotl��d tre Thomas Mac Fhinn, Run .. .' .. ' I 0 0 Coiste. Cho. Locha gCarmain, trid an Ath. . . 25 0 0 . UilJ.iam Mac an Chruitire, Seip. Tohn Sweetman IO O O Una Ni Ogain, Paire na mBroclaidhe SraidBhaile Laoghaise .. ' .. O IO O Dr .P. S. 0 Gruagain, Baile Mor na nl ustasach .. O IO O - 0 Lochlainn, Inland Revenue · · :: I O O Mrs. Sm)_'"th, Carnamoney, Belfast, per Dr. 5t. Clair Boyd .. .. .. O IO O Tre Bhean Ui Mhurthuille, Cum Sheoladh .. .. .: Beanntraighe 0 16 6 Eibhlin Nie Aitcinn .. 5 0 0 Trid an Ath. Padraig O Caomhanaigh, S.P., 4 15 2 �n CJ?-OC Mor, B�al an Atha, Co. Muigheo Insh Literary Society, Forestgate, London, I 0 0 .. per D. Maccarthy, President Tre Eamonn O Neill, Sgoil Droma an Choirce, Tir Chonaill O 5 O I O O Murchadh O Briain TO GAELIC LEAGUE SCHOLARSHIP SCHEME. £ s. d. 5 0 0 Most Rev. Dr. Clancy, Bishop of Elphin .. Mrs. Clarke, Frankfort, Blackrock, Co. Dublin 5 0 0 5 0 0 Edward Martyn .. .. .. Seaghan O Seagha, Doire an Chairn, Beann3 0 0 traighe Muircheartach O Seagha, Eadar Gabhail, 0 0 I Beanntraighe Seaghan O Suilleabhain Sgoil Reidhe na 0 0 I n Doiri, Co. Chorcaighe Tre Mhaire, Bean Whitworth, An Grianan, na Creagacha Dubha, Sraid-Bhaile Dhuin DcalganAn tAth. T. 0 Cuinn, Seip. . . 1 o o An tAth. P O Cionaoith, Seip. o 5 o · Tomas O Sorachain o 5 o Briain a Bhailis o 5 o o 19 6 Airgead Eile 2 14 6 CONNRADH NA GAEDHILGE I mBOLIBHIA. . (The Gaelic League of Bolivia). List of Subscriptions to " Irish Language National Fund, 1910." (SECOND INSTALMENT). .[ ..., s. d . Seamus Mac Murchadha, Cochabamba, IO 3 9 Bolivia (Bs. 125 at 19 ,06) • • •• • • 5 0 0 Seaghan O Conchubha��· Or�ro, Bohy1a .. 5 0 0 " Fionn Mac Cumharll, Iquique, Chile .. 0 0 5 "Diarmuid Ua Duibhne." Iquique, Chile F. J. FitzGibbon, Valparaiso, Chile ( $10, 2 5 4 American Gold=Bs. 27.80 at 19/cd.) · · ----£27 9 I Total .. First instalment, forwarded June 21st, 1910 132 7 0 (B5. 1,655.504 at I9i"6d.) 1 .. . · £159. i& Total Collection for 1910 t � The first list of subscriptions, amountm� Bs. 1,655.504 at' 19-?6d.=£132 7s. oc;I., was pubhshe in AN CLAIDHEAMH SoLUIS, of August 20th, 1_910. In future all communications for the Gaelic League · · addressed to the Honorary f B o11v1a o shou Id be Aurifera Mac Niocai11.' . Co�pan1a Ai Secretary, Gaspar res, de Amaya-Pampa, Chayanta, Bohv1a, via Buenos Tupiza y Poop6. IASPAR MAC NIOCAI�L, Runaire. Amaya-Pampa, Bolivia, 29. IL 1910. A Chara, on going t Though somewhat late, it occ1:rs 0e:O�s omission over Christmas lists, that ther� is as 'ft to Ar n Dilgr to atone 1in in them · . I have given no Christmas w try I, therefore,-no Mhathair Eire din you some small d�gree for thi� �e[i1�; �liatsT� �ogother 10s. for the Connradh, as., e ie 1 eland herself to way can one give it so directly to d r l the higher the sustenance of her very heart an sou ' life of our race. . lined (if they have feel inc mall s ecial token Perhaps others also may not already done s?), .to. sendbs�\tllina!, asi:,pence. as they can afford i t, if it be 1u._t iven �s a Christmas It would surely be acceptab e 1 gi ofterinz to God and Ireland. b Le meas mor, U. Ni 0. January 15, 1911.
I '
City Chats.
C-0.1nc no C o.ttt-0.c. se.e.mus 6 Dtlt':>5.l\1tt
Written by se.o. mus O
's.l\ t'.>.l\ 1 t.e 1 L<i n .l\11 t.e,e. ( f eAc ct11'0 I, SAti1.&1n 26.)
nut> 5.0. 1 t. t,
.o.11 ti1.<i't.o.1R-ir '066A 50 mbero curo 'Oe'n �in1-rte (An-l'.>11u1t) A:SAC, A .l\t:A1"f\. .0.11 S.l\:S.l\ RC-be11'.>, m.& re -oo tort, e. .0.11 fi1.J.t.l\ 1 °R (te TIA feA"f')-111 5.&1'> 'OOm f1Af"f\A1$e 'OlOt>rA An 61.,fA1"f\-re A1n1"f\te. ,<.\11 r.l\'t-6.111-6 nt 5l1'.>. 'C.& ru1t 0.50.m n.& puit. re t'6-te. "\11 S"\5,(\ 1l'C-1r beA:s 1r r1i:1 A1n1pte :Si.\11 � f>e1t ce. Ot. rciob.6.r cun e t-r10.1tt. ,'\11 c,<.\'t,<.\ 1 R-Se ceAr ..o.n p1obA1t' n.& -re1'0c15e.o.nn t.iomjz. -0.11 S<\:S,l\ RC".-11.&c AH:' Atl rce..1t e rm .o.no1r, .1.5Uf 5t1t\ tiM1't Liornjc .(\TIA-CU1'0 'Oe'n p10bAf' .<\nn. .o.cc An -r1m ». t'.lel\tt115eAnn -oume 're rilA"f\t'.>t11:5e..1nn -oume. -6.11 ti1.&"t.o..1R-be1·0 ..11n1-rte A:S,6.C-fA, ..o. 116"f'A ll 0R{\-be11'.>, o. m.(.,t..0.111. .o. 11 rn .& 't.l\ 1 n=cs bpurt, 'CA"6:S 1 ..<\ m bero re .(\fl11f0 1 ,(\11 t:.l\'t,l\ 1 R-be-11'.> re ATI11f0 1 5c10nn C.6.m..11ttin .: Cu1-reAr-ro. .6. '0'1�t''f\A1'0 m.dl.A A11 Cf..6.::SA1t'C e. "-\11 s.o..:s,<.\ 1l'C-11tO"f\ cu11,1r ! Cc.'O cu15e 1 'CJ.1m-re 0.5 CU"f' p um 'rA 'Ot:1'5 or-c..1. ,<\11 c.o.'t..<\ 11l-111 l1t', n.& 1 nco n 'Ot:15 e11,e ACC .6.n01f C.& f10r .6.'5.6.m C.6.'0 C.i r..1 "C1"5 reo. 1'0' ce.6.nn. bo. m.o.1t teAc .0.1-r-re.o.nn .o. pl'O .6.t' m.o.1'01n 1 mb.&1t'e.o.c. 11it ..o.n ceAmp.o.Lt f.6.1'0 t11\CAl"f' U.6.1n11 A5t.1r be1'0 'OorilnAtt mo.t\ cte-1-re"'c ""SAC. ,l\11 tnl,'t.6.11l-be1't'.>, m.\ Oionn re 't1A ft11'0e 1 n-.&m. "'\11 -c.o.'t.o.1 R-:S.o.t'.IA1m-re orm 50 mbe1'0. m.& t>ion n .o.on-nh'> .o.1'f'1te te 'Oe.o. nAri1 .&15e 're t>tonn 50 11.o.1b11'.> o.t' m�'\1'01n.
...c.-===--:c --
DUBLIN ·COLLECTION 1910-19n. The following additional subscriptions have been received:-
8 o Drumcondra Branch Messrs. Millar & Beatty. Grafton Street . . 1 r , J. W. Elvery & Co., Elephant HoU5e 2 2 Sealy, Bryers & Walker, Abbey Street r 1 Curtis & Sons r I ,, 5 o Dublin United Tram Co. o IO Kennan & Sons, Fishamble Street . . o IO Crean & Co., Soap Works . . " Millar & Co., Copper and Brass Works, o ro 29 Church Street .. r o McBirney & Co., Aston's Quay Monson Robinson & Co., Talbot Street r r Paterson & Co. . . 3 o J. W. T. Kelly, 'Westmoreland Street 1 o Brookes, Thomas & Co., Sackville l l Place 2 2 Bolands. Ltd .. Cc1pel Street " · 2 2 Dollard's Printing Company K.C., 6 Merrion Street . . 1 o Esq., O'Brien, ' j J Mcs�rs. Adam Scott & Co., O'Connell Street r o .. 3 o Clerv & Co., O'Connell Street " Bros., Henry Street 2 2 1\1:adiaan ,, .I.\ b' Todd Burns, Mary s treet £ I I o "Employees (per S. 0 Fogartaigh) z 12 6 3 12 o 10 Crotty & Co., Grafton Street I r Farrow's Bank, Dame Street & Co., Henry Place I o O'Brien z 2 Cantrell & Cochrane, Nassau Place . A. J. Callaghan, Esq., J.P., LLD. (City of o IO Dublin Steampacket Company) . . 2 2 Mr. M. \Valsh," Ir�land's O,vn " .. 19 r Craobh Caoimhghin IO 3 Craobh Reult �a Ma_ra 24 2 Craobh an Chliabhraigh
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 6 o o o o
o o 3
5 4
(See Part I. AN CLAIDHEAMH SoLUIS, 26.rr.'ro.) THE MOTHER-I suppose you will have some soup, Father. THE PRIEST-Yes, please. THE MOTHER (to her husband)-! need not ask you are you going to have soup. THE FATHER-You need not. I hope it is not too hot. THE PRIEST-Cold soup js poor stuff. Take a sip to test it. THE FATHER-It is the heat of the pepper I don't like. THE PRIEST-How very odd, for I like 1t well But one man's meat js another peppered. man's poison. THE MOTHER-You'll have soup, Nora. NORA-Yes, mother. THE MOTHER-Where is Tim ? Is he to be here ? THE FATHER-He will be here very soon. I sent him for the priest's portmanteau. THE PRIEST-You didn't! Why? I"m putting up at the hotel. THE FATHER-You are not, nor in any other house but this. Now I know what is in your mind. You would like to say Mass to-morrow morning. The Church is not a gunshot fron1 us, and Daniel can be your acolyte. THE MoTHER-Y es, if he is up in time. THE FATHER-I'll guarantee that he wil1. If he has anything special to do he is sharp enough in the rnormng. - - -_. -- -- ----- - - --- ---
EVEN. "O'e.o:5.o..n:t"011t .o..n "ct.o..1'01rh sotu1s."
.o.. c.o:J1.o.,
, n1 b11e.o.5 '0.6.m .6. 11..5.u n.o.c ru1t1m r.&r-c:.o. te1r .o.n -oe.o.n.6.m -oo r.<i;s.o.u .o.")1 mo r:sl'10mn-re 1 "5Ct.o..1'0e.o..rh " rh1 n.o. no-ol-0.5 3 I, 1910. C.o.-o ct115e -oo'n cto-06111 b.o.1t1-c: te1r .o.n Df'OC.6.t Seo m-0.11 i:.&1n15 "1.6.l'mbe.6.l't'°'" .1. adverbium, 111t. re r.& ct6 :. Cot. I, t. 3 : 1.6.l' mbe.6.1tt-0.. ,, I, 1... 23 : 1.o.")1mbe.6.")1"l.6.. ,, I, t. 32: 1.6.")1 mbe-0.")1t.-.,. " 2, t. 71 : 1.6.")1mbe.6l'1...6. Ce n.&11 oe1i:-re .o.nnrin .o.c-c: l.6.l'mbe.6.l't-0., .1. .o.mm ni h.o.")1 .o.n mbe.o.11t.o. (.1 . .0.11 co1d:e.6.nn 511{\.m.0.-0.0.150 ! .o.n S.o..."Xoe.0.111..-0.) '00 oior .0.5 -c:11..&c-c: .6.l' e�n-CO"J1. Rtl'O e11..e, 're ")1U'O '00 r:S"J110D�r 1 5cot. I, t. �. 6: "6 u,11ne be-0.5 (ab bomunculo) n.o. r56")1n.o.15e roct61l'1"0e.o.b:: :.0-." b-0."0 C0.6.l'"C te1r 50 mbeA"O " (n1 h1oncu11t.0- .6.ll mero rm, l"J1t) " te r.&t.0-10 " .. m.o.t1 1r rc"J1100TI01J1 Otc me ". C.6'0 cu15e -oo'n 5.0-n .o.on punc '00 oe1i: e.o."C0l'J1A. ct6"001")1" r:sl'ioon6111 "'00 CU"J11 n-lOTIA'O" rc"J11001l011l? " nfo11 r:S"J110D " pu me fem" l'lAtrl m.6.")1 rm C. n1 he.0-t.0-u.0- -oo'n cto-061"11 c1.0-tt rs"J110neo11.o. 'OO .o..n mMUf'A me 'OA mbetnn rein Al' te.o.tf'u1t? "(),6.1,1,.(\"(), seos.o.rh t.o..01'0e.
The Kilkenny Woodworkers have . a go� selection of cretonnes and chintzes at their Dublm Showrooms in Nassau Street. They guarantee well-fitting loose cases, and cut and mak� the7:11 in Dublin. Irish linen loose cases are qmte mce.
All. te..1t>�1' XII. Vol. XII.
b.6.1te .&t6.
re-0.bn-0. 4, 1911. DUBLIN. FEBRUARY . ign.
[ Registered as a :.Vewspaperj
bo11u o n 01ue-0.c-01r 1>o111-rhe-0.'C'.>011-015.
'C.J. C'f\.60 t> .o.n :snot.o.6, 'Oe1f\ re.
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n.o. t:e.o. n 5.6. n.
1r bun.
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Ladies' Dress, Gentlemen's Dress,
5C11oc ..6.11
com/ t 6 Co11b.& .6.n mu111ce61t' .o.c.& 111..6.
b,01111 t'.6.11:S m6t' 01'01 r:soite ..6.'.5 ro5tt11m tM ,b.6.et>1t5e 5.6.c Sdt..6.'f\11 1 ffi..6.1111rt:1t' 11.0. fe1te. 'C. 01'01 11.6. 111.6.ttmroe 1 5ce.6.1111 .6. ce1te '.Jd1f' 'f.6. 5co,5C1f te ect.ur '00 CU'f'\ Af\ tilO'O 111 t11ffCe(\C.6.1f.
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It is your dutv to return the comp·
fe.o.t)t'-6 4, 1911. February 4,
from them our se�ondary teachers, our clergy, and our professional men. come to the Universities, The education of the men who lead the nation cannot be safelv allowed to remain under the direction of men who hate the name of Ireland. THE MANSION HOUSE MEETING EDUCATIONAL REFORM. AND
The complete r�form�tion of the Intermediate system of educa.tjon w1l_l not follO\v as a direct result of the great meetmg held in the Mansion House on . January 25th ' but as the recogmititon o f an evi·1 is th e first step towards its cor ti ti rec ion th . te m:e. ingd w hil� h served to awaken a livelie; m eres L m e uca tional reform will not he without �ts f500d effects. . It is no longer a question of Justice to the Insh language, but one of justice to Ir:eland that the Board has to consider. The P_residcnt of the Gaelic League showed in his addres� how even Anglo-Irish literature has been persistently excluded from the English co�irse of th_e Intermedic,te progrnmme, lest Irish ch_1ldren might even suspect the existence of Insh &enius. �anon Arthur Ryan dwelt on the exclusion of Insh history from the Intermediate schools, and on the forcing of " Irish German " on the studen�s. Eoin MacN ei.11 gave a necessary warn1_ng when he said that there will ?e no peace unti� t?e whole Intermediate system is ref�rmed, 1:1-ntil its main purpose becomes the pursuit of Ins? welfare, the training of native talent and genius, and the teaching of a pride of country. and of the dignity of industry. Mr. John D1l10� se_conded the resolutions proposed b):7 An Craoibhin. _He was in entire agreement with them an� his. pr�sence at the meeting showed that this agitation for sanity in Irish education is not confined to the Gaelic League, ?ut has the support of the biggest political party m the country. An Craoibhin and Mr. Dillon spoke at length on the necessity of creating a profession of secondary teachers. "We want," said An Craoibhin, " a good deal more of the professional man, and much less of the civil servant in our secondary teachers." " Even m?re _i1nportant than any provision of scholarships is the creation of real secondary teachers," wrote the Rev. Professor Corcoran of the National University. " The teacher is the keystone of all education systems," wrote Mr. Thomas O'Donnell. The Intermediate system is a bad limb of our national organism. It has a dozen sores that spread their contagion to the whole nation. It is certain that the money cure will not be effective if administered unaccompanied by drastic drafts. The opposition to the Irish language, and the hatred to al things Irish must go, the closed door that excludes poor brilliant boys and girls must be thrown open, the teacher must be raised to a position of worth and honour, freedom to teach their own programmes must be given to the schools. It is questionable whether it is not waste of time to call for the reform of a body that has proved itself so hopeless and so bad. There are many who believe that a new body made up of men and women who take _a pride in Ireland and aim at the preservation of her nationality and the promotion of her material welfare should be established. It is certain, however, that the present Commissioners can no longer continue on their old course. Ireland will tolerate their defiance and foolery no longer. \Vha t helots we Irish be in an Empire that has been largely raised by means of our wealth and of our blood. We gave helplessly, but freely, and our return is to force us all i1:1to foreign Enzlish channels of thought and life, so that our plains supply flocks for the English market, our schools may turn out human machines for the service of a land that is not ours. Our land does not count. Its history must be wiped out, its language �orn from our lips, its ind�stries and we�lth dended or their existence demed. Are we gomg to stand it ? This intolerable system could not be maintained a vear without the consent of the directors and ., headmasters of the secondary schools. :.\lore money will satisfy many. b�� we who believe in Ireland's future mu�t ?� 1 this matter to a finish. It is of f1n�t� importance to us all. A big percentage o ns_ . c luldren _ schools · �· � ..- t� It is go to t l1e secon da rv J
An Unreported Speech.
. The suggestion made by our correspondent in our issue of last week has attracted much attention. The fa.ct that La!1gua9e \?eek in the city docs n?t syncronisc with collecting time m the country, has, it is thought by many, weakened our forces all round, It might not be advisable for the Dublin League to revert suddenly to the March collection, but it might assist the collection all over Ireland by orgauising special matches on St. Patrick's Day in support of the Language Fund. The day is an appropriate one for an appeal to national sentiment, and Dublin, when properly appealed to, is never niggardly. The members of the city G.A.A. clubs will be found willing as they always are, to assist the League, and if only for the fine effect Dublin's example should have on the country, Sean O Ceallaigb 's suggestion should be acted on. There are other reasons, loo, for the organisation of good Irish amusements of St. Patrick's Since it became a holiday by Iaw;.most unDa:y. desirable forms of amusement have become general in our towns and cities, amusements that are foreign, If even the costly, and often vulgar and degrading. wor'c of raising funds c nJbe made incidentally to combat this evil the trouble offorgani�ing great hurling and football events will not have been in vain.
Eoin Mac Neill was fourth and last onlthe•list of speakers at the Mansion House meeting, and his speech was not reported. He recalled the mind of his audience, before which a host of proposals had bc�n ranged by the o�he� spea�ers, to the starting pomt of the present agitation, viz., the anti-Irish and harmful system of education the Board was forcing on the country. It would be useless and worse to reform the finances of the Board unless the Board itself were reformed also. The more money spent on a bad system the worse for the people of Ireland. The :purpose of education should be to serve the best u:1;t�rests o� the cou�trr. The programmes of the Civ1� Service examinations determined the Intermediate programme, as if all Irish boys and girls were born to be turned into clerks in Government o�c�s, and postmasters and sorters. The Commis; ioners who gave us such a system were to blame but the headmasters who accepted the system wer� not free from blame. We must utilise our educational �ystem� to ennoble, and honour, and dignify our industries, our agricultural industries and our commerce. Why, he asked, should it be less honourable to be a farmer, or a shopkeeper, than a clerk, or a :post�aster ? � �hy chculd a good education, a training m higher practical knowledge, or a course of higher studies, unfit a man for the land or for trade ? There was no �eason for it. The feudal land system created the notion that the farmer's was an ignoble calling, an� the false systems of education had set up false social standards, and had sought to degrade in the eyes of our people honourable callings. There will be no peace until the Irish education house is set in order with its back to the wind and its door to the sunshine'. �e will not rest u_ntil we get an Irish system that will teach the growing generation to love and respect their country, and teach them also how to serve her. If all the children of Ireland were forced into the Intermediate, in seven years' time all Ireland would crf out agains� �he evil. Slave owners gave to slave children a training that �tted them for slavery· and not for manly citizenship and freedom. Irish Intermediate education was comparable to the slave system because it aimed at making all Irish boys clerks or sorters without any consideration of the country's requirements. In supporting the resolution he <aid that he specially favoured that which urged that studies calculated to increase the students' knowledge of Ireland and their interest in the welfare· of the country, be specially encouraged.
The Committee passed a resolution recommending the striking at once of a rate in aid of the National University. Mr. Brown, County Councillor, said that the rate would be a halfpenny one, and that it would amount to about £800 annually. The minority who voted against the resolution held that the rate should not be struck until 1913.
Irish in the Public Service.
Newspapers from Merry England.
SEEDS.1EN-23 Upper SackviUe St., DUBLIN
The University Rate.
We read in the "Leitrim Observer" that, at the last meeting of the Leitrim County Council, a Jetter was read from Rev. Father Manning, P.P., enclosing a resolution re the teaching of Irish in Galway UniA discussion ensued in the course versity College. of which it was stated that an insidious attempt was being made to set up a prohibitive standard of Irish and to elbow out Modern Irish in favour of a dead and gone form of the language. It was said that " the old Tory bodies in charge of the Queen's College were in favour of the old sty le of Gaelic, and that, if this move was persisted in, there would be no grants from the County Councils, and that in the case of the scholarships the boys would be sent to Dublin where Modern Irish got fair play." A resolution on those lines was proposed and carried. If the extreme course adopted by the Leitrim County Council were necessary to induce the Galway College to adopt an Irish course of studies somewhat similar to that of Dublin and Cork, and to remove the regulations that make a foreign language, not English or Latin, compulsory on students of Irish, it would, we fear, be too late to attempt to save the College from itself. P7 The Coiste Gnotha passed a resolution at its last meeting suggesting that the Irish programme should not be more difficult than that of the other Colleges. The resolution was proposed by Eoin Mac Neill and supported by at least five other University Professors, all of whom were competent judges. The Galway College authorities should give the resolution some consideration. It embodies expert opinion and comes from a body that is friendly to the College, and most anxious for the success of the Irish faculty therein. The piling on of old Irish bas already bad the effect of turning students away from Irish studies, and if the extreme difficulty of the programme be maintained the inevitable effect will be to drive Modern Irish out of the Galway College. It is not yet too late to adjust the programme for next year to popular requirements. We trust that the College authorities will have the good sense !O ee that such action as the Leitrim County Counci ha thought necessary to take in this matter,would,were it to
The Best Seed Guide
Sir James W. Mackey, Ltd.
A few years ago there were nine travelling teachers of Irish at work in Wexford. To-day the number of teachers in the county is much lower, but the County Committee, which held its quarterly meeting last week, decided on adopting immediately a vigorous plan of campaign for the more efficient organisation of the towns and rural districts. " Let us take omselves to the crossroads on Sundays and preach out principles," said one of the speakers, "and establish and teach classes wherever we get an opening." That is the right missionary spirit that is bound to conquer. We trust that the recommendation of the County Committee will be adopted, and that Wexford's exWe have ample will be followed in other places. branches in every county, but there are many people In every parish who are untouched by the Gaelic League. We can never progress except by individual conquests. Our warfare is one of single combat. We cannot mow down West Britons with grape shot. We mus t convince them individually and turn them into good Irish citizens. The true and useful Gael is he who when he has de-anglicised himself goes and convinces West Britons of the evil of their ways. A little mor vigour, a little more self-sacrifice, and a more ardent patriotism are sorely needed.
Kerry v. Louth.
The Irish Programme in Gal way University College.
A Chara, Your dearnhan clodora dropped from the opening passage of my letter last week, recommending a football match at Jones's Road on St. Patric'<s day, the suggestion that Kerry and Louth be brought together if possible. This omission left the proposed " local " entertainments at Tralee and Dundal'c without point
Illustrated, Descriptive ; with much Cultural Memoranda
Vigorous Organisation.
The County Committee passed the following resolution:-" That we view with alarm and regret the influx of foreign and debasing literature into our towns on Sundays, and that in the combined interests of nationality and morality we call on the clergy of all denominations, our public boards, and the public generally, to check this growing evil."
We have been informed that a majorityfof the North Dublin Guardians refused at their last 'meeting to give any proof that the newly-elected Relieving Officer has a knowledge of Irish. The Dublin Coiste Ceanntair holds written promises to support the Gaelic League programme from several of the Guardians. The city Branches of the League should now take up the National Civil Service question. The promises It is plain that given to them have been broken. promises of many public representatives cannot be relied on, and that nothing but the establishment of a recognised system of making public appointments will secure for the Irish language its due[place in the public service.
I hope the matter has been taken up as 1 feel convinced the fiuture would realise all that I have claimed for it and much more. Your. sincerely, SEA� GA CEALLAIGH.
-....._ ...
The Kilkennv "\V oodworkers have a splendid selection of Easv Chairs and Basket Chairs. If you want a special sh.ape they can make it for you. Apply to 8 _ -assau Street, Dublin, for particulars and designs .
re.o.t'.>t'.6. 4, 1911, February 4, rgu.
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&ncourage Irish manufacture. Ladies· Lamb's Wool Combinations, with Long and Short Sleeves Perfect Confer health on the wearer. ventilation .• . preserve a normal temperature. 4 1'6 5/6 6/6 7/6 8/6 10/6 . P· . Ladies' Cashmere Oomblnatl ' ' ' ' , per air. , · ions, IJong and Short-Sleeves. 4/6 5/6 6/6 7/6 8/6 10/6 · P · Men s and Boys' Caps. Dress Shirts Collars and Cuffs ' ' ' ' ' , pe1 air. Men's Hose, Wool Shirts and Pants. '216 3/6 4/6 5 1'6° 7/6 l Men's Coloured Flannel Shirts. eac 1. 816' _ , 6' 7·;6' h ' 5 4/6' , ' . h Km"tt·mg W ools. ' , eac . I ns Irish Kid Gloves: . , La?ies �orsets •. 1/�1, 2/6, 3/6; 4/6, 5/6, 7/6 per Pair. Chll�ren s Comb1nat1ons, Long and Short Sleeves. 1 r.: 1 '6 2/6 3 '6 4 /6 p · 1 Lad!es' a!ld Children's Ribbed Vests, Long and Short Sle�v�s' r 1_' 1/ s' 21'6 /;e6r 4/a6ir.each Ladies' Silk Motor S c1arf H d 1 · ' : ' ' ' ' • 171 - oom Woven in_ Greyabbey, Co. Down. 105 inches long and 25 inches wide. 4/6 each. BLANKETS, All W oo • s,15 /6n 6, 25/- per Pair. 1 ,
Prevent chill, and
ANDREW MAGUI�E, 10 & 12 NOR.TH STl{EET, BELFAST. reforms requ.ired, and urgently required, in the system of Irish Secoridary education, in my opinion. I am rather a bigot on the subject. It is a thoroughly bad system from top to bottom (hear, hear). There are many reforms required. First of all, a reform of the central control and the general method of its organisation. Secondly, a reform of and of progra!Ilme _the. p1;1rely competitive system by which the money is distributed. Thirdly, a reform of the methods of teaching, the number of subjects taught, and the class of subjects taught. Fourthly, of .cc:mrse, money. Mo�ey is required; and in my opinion-s-and here, agam, I admit that I am somewhat of a bigot-in my opinion the most necessary �nd the most urgent of_ .3:ll reforms is an improvement m the status and conditions of the assistant teachers in the schools of Ireland (hear, hear). I have frequently explained why I consider this to be the most urgent and necessary of all reforms. I consider it to be most urgent and necessary because it is the foundation of all reform.'1It is idle to set up, or it would be idle to set up, a control and organisation of Secondary education in this country and to set programmes or introduce even liberty of teaching such as Dr. Hyde has advocated if you continue to maintain such conditions for the Secondary teachers of this country as will repel all men of ability and ambition from following that profession (hear, hear). This country was made an absolute desert in this matter by successive confiscation and civil commotions. With the exception of the Erasmus Smith Schools and a few Grammar Schools which have survived, the educational establishments of Ireland were swept clean, whereas in England there is not a section of the country that is not covered with rich endowments which have come down for ages from pious founders whose endowments have increased in wealth as year!" roJled on. A NEW PROFESSION. I say we cannot hope to obtain all the reforms we desire, and I think, as a practical man, I would venture to mention some of the reforms which I think might be obtained this vear, or looked for. First of all, I put the creation of a recognised profession of Secondary teachers· by registration. That is the first step-the foundation. Once you create that, you rset a �ody which, by the law of its own existence, will continue to improve the status and emoluments of Secondary teachers. Secondly, a substantial increase in the �ate of their salaries. Thirdly, some system of promotion. Fourthly, some improvement in the condition ?f tenure -that I think will recommend itself to every Just man. And, fifthly, s�me provision, at least the begi?-ning of a provision, for old age in Secondary teachers in the shape of pensions
NO SPLITTING OF THE UNIVERSITY RATE. Now, let me say one word on an important subject to which the Chairman has already alluded, and that is the question of co-ordination. There is a co1;1troversy going on in the country ?'t present as to who is to J?rovide the scholarships which are to carry the exceptionally talented boy from the Primary schools to the Secondary schools, becau�e h� cannot s�ip from the Primary school to the Universi'ty at one JU�P· Some people have advocated that these Scholarships �hould be provided by the County Councils. I agree �1:h the Chairman; I am against that principle. I thmk thi;1.t these Scholarships should be provided by a cert�m sum set apart from the grant for Secondary educa!10n in this country. It is the work of Secondary ed�cat101:3-, and believe me the County Council Scholars�ps ,�·111 all be required to carry these boys on _to the University Let me say here a thing that may not (hear hear) be p�pular ·but in these matters we ought all to speak our minds frankly, whether it is popular' nor ot (hea:r, hear) because certainlv in educat10n, at least m educ�tional meetings, there ought to be the ut�ost possible liberty of discussion. �nd the utmost possible . . tolerance of difference of op1mon. I think that one of the dangers t�at 1� threatening us now in Ireland is too many Uruvers1ty students. 0�� o e: d To read the language of �ome pef ple � � ���� a� ,,rh�t would that the entire pop1;1lah�n, be turned into Umversity s u �n sh ened ') You become of the nation if such a thing the c;ossings would have University students sweepmi:, t' . h other for the occupa ion. 'th and competing wi . e?'c . 0 11UniYersitY students the porfessions for � have seen a n�ul_hplic;ho�d in � count�y until it _d�ora? to be neces�ary. sed pro�ore than quantity which a Unn·ers1ty traim�g 15 s�� What we want in Ireland 15 qua 1 the poor man's son we want, not to pt�ow-the poor man's (applause). -who is in everybod? s mout� itv but everv poor son ought to have his opp�� umU�iYersity. · ,Yhat man's son cannot go throng .a 1 bovs of brilliant we want is to take the excepyo�1c:f 1 · · I remember ���not a ten ablity, and they are. not so P an American _e�-pre:-;s1on, tha� -11 Remember bovff �:ou are wise, some dollar education to a. on': must always ma1ntatn, ·. ersi..... , "'tudents vou you . . ,Jruv . �' ., .. of r balance between the num b er demand for University turn out even· year and the h ) The Primarv . students in the country (hear, ear . on page t o}. (Continued 1
no, C o.ttt-6.C.
see.mus o uut>:5.o.1tt 'Oo r:st'ton. 's.o. b.0.1 te 1 t.J. n .o.n •
City Chats. by sec mus o 'Out'.> :5.0.1 l l.
f e.o.c curo I, S.61iM1n 26.)
(See Part I. AN CLAIDHEAMH Sor.urs, 26.rr.'ro.)
.<\tl .S-05--0. RC-1r '06c.o. nJ pun. m.61te.6f beic ..15 .o.15ne.o.r. .<\tl r..<\'t<\ 1 n-ni't. C1m 'C.NO:S A:S reacc .6:SUf oo 1n"1t.6 .6.15e. ,<\tl m,J.i:,<\ 1 R-bU.61t .611 cto15in, .6. tl6t\.6.. C& t1or .0.5.0.m t1l b.6c.o.11 n L.o.'65 le 1M1n1t'te 1r re.o.t't' teir .6.11 teo1t.
THE PRIEST-I suppose there is no use in talking.
{Ct11re.o.11 .on fe1'f\t>Tre.o.c '6.& 1YH�1f .6.l' .0.11 mbojvo ; ce"1.t'f\.6.1t'l.6. caorppeot.e A'f\ rneir .6.C.6., .o.5t1f bo.5u11 1r :s,o.bJ.1rce .o.-r .0.11 me1r en.e.)
(The servant places two dishes on the table, a leg of mutton on one dish and bacon and cabbage on the other).
· !
,<\ tl S-05-0. RL-tl1 6t.6.1111 . 1.cc f10T\ utrce pu "t'· -<\11 c-<\i:.61 R-'C.& e,0,5t.o. o pm 50 t>p1.o.1-r ,0.11 teo1t reo bf\e1r >oe'11 ce11111'.>. -<\11 tn.J.'t-<\ 1 R-5e6f'11 �rce.66 'r.0.11 ,;.\1'C '11.:,0. 111 '061-S t10m 50 l:'>p11t fet'.>fU1t .6.11 r.;e.0.5.6.T\. 'f\6 t'.>e11'f>te. .(\tl c;,(\r,,l\ 1 R---,<\1101r, .6. -<\t.61l', c1.o.'C.(\ 1f fe.6.t't' te.6-c, be11H:�te, ft1.6t'-t>e1t't'.>te, 116 t'6-l'.le1)'\'ote 1 -<\11 s�'\5-<\ Rc-1r c·um.o. t1om-r,0., .6.cc 5.611 .o. oe1t: t' 6-m ert. t,tl m.J.i:.l\1R-b10'6 btf1111e be.0.5 'Oe'n t>.o.5C111 .o.5.6C. --0.n S.(\5.(\ nr-be11'.>, .(\:sur :S.6.b..&1rce, mi. re >oo r01t e. 1r F.l\'O.o. .61101r o ot.o.1re.6r-r,6. 5.o.b..&1rce. .(\tl c.J.i:.(\ 1 R-11.& b1onn 5.o.b..&1rce t.6tt .65.0.10. -<\tl S<\]S.6 R'C-b1011n .o.cc 111111.61' .o. ce-1te e .o.5ur 5.o.b"11rce 11.6. 11e1t'e,e.nn. -<\11 trlA.\'C.<\ 1 R--6.' mb1on11 n.o. Pt'ic.0.1 50 m.61t: .o. 50.1t> 1 b1ot111 bt..o.r 11.o. 511e-rne -011 S.l\5.6 RC-tl1 1:>1'0. ort..'.' 116 bt.o.r 11.6. 5.o.01te. --0.r1 c-<\t.-<\ 1 R-b'te1'011' 11.& -ru1t t1or ..15.oc 50 t>1=u1t.e,(\m .0.5 cut' pf'.&t"4'\1 .l\1101111 :so l1(\mer1c..1 1 m btM'011.<', .o. n S,(\ c,.__, -0. R 'C-tl 1 t. 1'1 t') l .<\tl c-6.'t.l\ 1 n-50 'Oe1ti1111 ('d1t1'11'0, 1r c& .6.11.6. e-1te..1rn 01,t.o. t.o.tl. lHor ,6tl s-05<\ R'C-111 111011511.0.1'.> t.ton1 fAll. ptur.o..c 6'11 t.& >o' t.&5.0.r �11\e. r,t,.o.1re.or µr.&c.o. l11t fl.6.'0 .o.C.6., 116 1114\ C..11'0 111 t.'0 lfCe.o.<'.' 'r.o. Cdt.0.111. -<\11 ti1.J.c,(\ 1 R-1 t -srem1 beA5 e1t<>- 'Oe'n c".o.0111teo1t 0.5.0.t:', .(\ .<\t.o.1r, .<\11 S."'\��\ nr-tH 1off.6'0 .o.cc be1tl btu1re be.65 lf f6'0.6. .61101f 'Oe'11 t'.>.65(111 ...1:S.(\t11 tl.61-C-fP. 1f 50.bJ1rce 5e.ot. 1r 1) l)t,(\1re.6r b�\:::;tin 'm'D•"'> (1om'O-') 1,u'O .o.. cmre..111n re 1 5cu1mne nom. ,(\11 C(\t.,o.1 H11.<. bet'O srem1 e1te .0.5.0.C-f.6, .(\ 116f'.6. 1 ca mo t>ot.o. m 11 o Ri\-lH 1)e1'0, .o ..o.t .o. tt' : " �'tll·
{.\11 �1i1J:t6.1R-t>11..11t .o..n cto15in ..a C.o.1'05, 6 1f c(t 1f 5101''[\..1. '06, 1f be1'0 n.o. tnifte.im il5-'11nn. Cto1r1m �o t>pt1t .611.6 -oint ..ac.o. 1 mirte..im t..o.U. {\11 Sl\5 {\ ncC:..i 1lldtre, ..a:sur bionn ..6. f'MTI Cd1tte.i.\nn f1.6'0 n.6 f1.dCl-A 50 r-'n ort'..a. t165.
I see Tim coming with THE FATHER-No. your portmanteau. THE MOTHER-Ring the bell, Nora. I know Tim does not take soup ; he prefers meat.
THE FATHER-Don't you take anything to drink, Father ? THE PRIEST-Nothing but cold spring water. THE FATHER-I fear this meat got a Iittle too much of the fire. fHE MoTHER--Cut into the thick. I don't think it is overdone. THE FATHER-Now, Father, which do you prefer well-done, half-done, or over-done. THE PRTEST-·l don't mind so that it is not too fat. THE l\loTHER-Have a little of the bacon. THE PRIEST-Yes, please, and some cabbage. It js long since I tasted cabbage. THE FATHER-Don't ye have cabbage yonder? THE PRIEST-Yes, but jt js not like Irish cabbage. TnE MOTHER-Have ye good potatoes ? THE PRIEST-Ko. They have either <l windy or a sunnv taste. THE FATHER---Perhaps you don't know that we are exporting potatoes to the States this year. THE.PRIEST-You don't say so? TnE FATHER-Indeed we are, and they are m great demand yonder. THE PRII<..ST-I am not surprised. I have not tasted a floury potato since I left Ireland. They are not to be had ; or if they are they don't comE' into the big towns. THE l\IoTHER-Ha.ve another taste of the mutton Father. THE PRIE<;T-Not now, but I'll have a little bacon from you. It is a long time since I tasted bacon and white cabbage. They remind me of many things. THE FATHER-\Von't you have another bite, Nora., NORA-No, father, I have plenty. THE MOTHER-Touch the beU, Tim, as you are next to it, end let us have the sweets. I am told they are very fond of sweets ronder. THE PRIEST-They are, indeed, and with the result that they lose the teeth young.
.Afl Cl6n>eArfl SOlU1S. [AIIOIIDRBI--..-.)
Atl'. le.6t>.61' XII. Vol. XII.
U1tt111' 49
No. 49,
ct1.6t re.o..bn.o.. 11, 1911-
ceue 1 -xt•u. CL1•r .> F° C10C1".6.11' 1 (.\ _ .ntr:eo1t1· "-'v te '"'�1 , ().6.e1' r ,0 1, n.J.rur .6.n Connt1.6.'0t.6. . . . ' ,6.t1,. "" l1oc\,, ,. , cr.6.cnotM. '01.6. 'Oomn...1rs. A
Pmsmn. (Registered as a Ne'ltJspaperj
S5e.0..t-0. -0.f\ -0.n n5-0.01t:.
. 'O' e1r15 te1r .6.n 5ce.6.'0 fC.6.nllCUf 50 bpe..&5. Co nan ffi.6.ot .6.5 C.6.1t1nc 1 'OC.6.oo reo.n'O.o.cc.o. At' fe.o.'6 tt.6.lfe. bAOA'O Atnt'.61l1 .15t1f fC'1n11e.o.'6 ceot.
t11mr15e&'6 ctrntce 1om.&n.6.1'6C.6.C'C.6. f.6. bp..&1rc '01.o. 'OomnA15 1'011" cum.6.nn b.&1re Cot.&1rce nA 11-e.o.L.6.'0.6.n .6.:SUf Ctltll.6.nn b.&1re luf5.6.. t'H .6.11 5.o.e1'.>1t5 .6."f\ OA"f\'f\ .6. n5ob A5 bU.6.C.6.1ttH'.>
luf5.6.. 111 'f'.6.10 .6.C'C roc.6.t r..&n.o.6 .6.5 tl6. m.6.CA1t'.> ter51nn. to5 Co11nr.6.uto,r1 -&t.6. t11'·014'6 'Oe t..&tm Cf\6.00 11.6. l1.6.1'Ce '00 CU'f\ .6.t' f1U0.6.t At\1f 'C.6. 'CAm.6.tt 1 5e.6.t'l'\ 6 torn, .6.:SUf '0 e-11"1:s teo 50 m.o.1t. 'C.& Seor.6.ti'l O 'Oot.5.rn 111.6. te.o.r-u.6.6-c.6.t'.&n .o.t' .o.n :sc'f\Ao11:J, ...\5i1r 1r e .o.n -c.6..tA1r m.o.c 1r i S1uo.&11 11i t6:S.6.'f''C.&15 .6.11 t:-tl.6.CC.6.'f'.&n.· lo1n:sr1.s .6.11 c1rce61t'. bi ce1t1·6 .6.5 Co r1nr.6.uto11'1 Cnu1c n.6. m1'6e .6.11 'Cfe.6.C'C!116.111 reo CU.6.1'0 t.6.'f''C. 'Oe-1rce.6.t' 50 n'Oe.6.'f\11.6."6 .6.11 Ce1-c111ne.6.6 6t'.&1'0 Ot'e.&5 .o.nn. tu:s Se.6.5.&11 6 n.u<.\'0.&1t1 ct1i\lf''C .o.r Cnoc RuA'O, Co. C.6.o.&rn, '01.6. 'Oomn.6.15. l.6.ti.0.111 re or com..111" mu1t1nt'e n.o. C"f\.6.01t>e f.6.11 01'6ce. bi SeA5.&n -crnn te t111n 11.6. 11o'Ot.6.-S, .6.C'C C�', re .l\5 .o.r .o. l'.>onn.6.11.'> .o.-r1r te -er, re.o.c-cm.6.111e.
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All Work Executed on the Premises at Talbot St., Dublin
'0.6.0111e rpe1re.o.1n.o.1 L .6.5ur f.6.05.0.t .o.e'6e.o:f'AC. Cu,r-ce.6.1' .6.11 01re.6.'0 rpc1re rnr 11"' 111t1l'> reo f.J. t.&t�l f' :sut' ct1m.6. teo Cit' 116 5.6.ot n6 '01.6.. lliot' t.&5>rrn15e.o.'O A11 CA1tCMY1 .6.11'51'0 6. t).(\lfl te r ...\<>$.6L 1 n(;l'f\lnll 'Oe l).6.t'f' 5Ut' Ct11f\e.6.'U t'tl.1.15 .6."f\ llA b"f\elf C.6.1t1ti1 c .., Le C.l\t'.>.6.lf\C f.6.01 c15e.o.f'nA1 t). 'Oe.o.r.o.'6 6.5t1f 'OU tr.o.cc tu cc 01 bt'e .6.:St1f 5.6.C 't.&1111::s e1r:se 1 'Ot'e.6.m e1te .6.5 'Otlt 1 t.0.5.0.'0. n-..&1t''Oe 1011.6.lnll .6.f' fA'O .o.5t1f 1l10pl) C .6. Cf'.&t. beA'O re tt1.6.t 50 teor .6.5.0.rnn me.o.'0(1 .6.t' .6.11 5c.6.1te.o.m nu.o.1r .6. t>e1·6 cum.o. 11.6. 1101 bt'e cut't.6. .o.5.o.1nn Of'A111ll rem A5t1f bUll'f'\ll'Oe.6.C.6.11 Ce.6.f'C bu.o.n teA5tA .6.m.o.c '0(11nn ft>:111. ,<\n c-.o.1r5e.6.'0 A C.6.1t:CeAt' fU L .6. f.6.0t"f\t11:SCe6.t' elf f ..\'0.6. t>iontlf '0.6.01 ne At' .6. t61'f\ .
Ctt.1cceo1r1 11� l1-e111eot111 OF
A NE'W" PLAY In the \olesworth Hall, loleswortb St., On MONDAY & TUESDAY, (20th & 21st
Cp.10Dr5.101tn"...\l1 'Oe.o.5f5�.o.t, .6.1l COllllt'.6.'0t.6. ....\:SUf 11..i te15-ce.o.p '00' 11 m'iO'OOC.6.f .6.11 t'Ull .o.'C..& '11.6.t' 5cro1ut10 'OO rn(1<."o.u. CU1mrnt;re.6.t' '°'l' .6.tl me.6.'0 uo 5e.1tt.6.-0 "'5ur .o.p c.11 mt>e.0.5.&r • .o.c..&
n161ne .
'' THE .IMAGE,'' A Comedy in Three Acts, by Lady Gretory.
'' THE PIPER," A Play in One Act by Norreya Connell ..
Conductor, J. F. LARCHET, R.I.A.M.
at 8.15 p.m. 2 -, I • a.:n.d sd•
'U u111e ll.6.C l1ft11t m.o.1te.6.f .6.t' b1t f.O Cit' feO. llit ClT\ .l\f' 'O"f't11m n.6. 'CALril.6.n 'nAt' t'>ft1f.6. rt15e t'.>e.6.t.6.'6 1w t>.6.rnr .om.o.c n.& 1 11C1r11111. llit .6.on ne.o.c con, 'U.6.U, te1r .o.n ce .6. op11t te.6.rsur .o.15e .6.:SUf tl.6.C mbt'C.6.tno6.o.'O .6.f' Ml r.6.05.0.l 1 5ce&t''C te fL15e 'CJ. 50 teot' ce.6.pJ.'O .omA(: .6.r .6. l'"Cl1.6.1n1 rern. A'f\ llOf f5.6.'C.6. C..:\Of't.C. l C'Ml.6.1111 f1.6.'U lOf\5 .6. mt11t1llClt'e, b10'6 re m.o.1t tHJ <>lC. 'OulJt'.6.'t'J 50 m1t11c 5.0.c t.& te tec.tce.o.·o bt1.6'6.6.1t1 11M· m be11'.> 6n 'f\.6.t .6.f' elf\11111 50 'OE'O, .6.5t1r cre1'0 .o. l.&1H:. 5ti111 65 .oC..& A'S f.61', If .6."C.6. Af\ f1,01t, C·J'f'�l'OC-.o.t11l fl ..'\'O 50 oru1t Hl<:'11,eoc.& 1 tl"{).6.tl .65 1)1.0. '00 5.6C 'Ot11l1C .6C.6.. Cotilo.1f'L15Ce.6.f' '061l'.>, .o.:SUf f.>'n .6lC01f' re1t1, 'OUt .6.f' fSOL 10tl1ltlf 50 mbe1'U fl.6.'0 1 11-.0.n' r:spiot>.o.u .6.t'.>.o.1te 1111.6.11' .6. t<:1"6e-Af fl.6.'0 'C.& be.0.5.&n r501t .o.::::;ur br-·.6.5.&n 50 me1p1;.6c..&. ce.1rnputt 1ll.6. '07.::U5C.6.f' .6.tl Ce.6.5.o.f'5 <.'e.6.t'C C1.o. lt.tiMt', .6.CC 1 r be.6.5 1.6.'0 .
5C ltnl ,\ 1111.
1 r e .6. tl CU.6.1 r1m .6.C.l\ A"5 56.C
C.& roq,t115te .6.5 cr.0.011.'> ti1on.6.c.1.1n .6.11 'Ooccu11,
ffi.o.C 5.6.ft'.6.1'0 Af ffi.6.15 11u.6.'0.6.C '00 t.o.0.6.lt'C 50 mon.6.c.&11 .o.n -r9.o.n t..& 'Oe rh..&'fi'C te te15e.6.c-c '00 t.6.0.6.lt''C t1A1'0 or com.6.11' mu1t1nc1re ._'\tl Co11nt'.6.'6t.6..
Household Furnishings
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18, 1911 .
February 1S. 1911.
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Dear�Sir, I am truly sorry to see the attitude Dr. Maguire has assumed towards the Galway College. He is a prominent worker in Gaelic League matters, a man who has deservedly very great influence in the West, and, I fear, that his letter will be eagerly seized as an excuse for not fulfilling their pledges by many Co. Councillors His letter is, in fact, a throughout the province. direct invitation to them to do so ; and I am afraid that even among those Co. Councillors who are welldisposed towards the language, some will be found to oppose the University rate for the simple reason I hope it that Dr. Maguire has said they ought to. is not yet too late to examine and see if Dr. Maguire has sufficient justification for urging so extreme a course. _ Underlying his letter is the assumption that the proper standard has been fixed by the Dublin College, and as the Galway standard is admittedly higher and more scholarly, therefore, it is unreasonablv difficult, and its tendency will be to repel students and 'ultimately Now, let us examine the Dublin kill the College. Programme and see if it ought to be taken as a proper standard of University teaching or University examinations, and if it can be shown that it is entirely too low, then the groundwork of Dr. Maguire's contention completely fails. . Dr. Maguire w1?-o is, hi1:1self, a distinguished University graduate, will, I thmk, readily admit that a University course of studies in any ·subject ought to be considerably higher and more advanced than the Now, let Intermediate course in the same subject. us take up the texts and authors prescribed for the The very course pa�s B.A. in t�e Du�lin College. which Dr. Maguire so highly approves of, and see it they are of a range advanced and comprehensive enough to satisfy this condition. The works for 1911, 1912 are: ( 1) se.,;on.<\-150 pages each year.-Portions of Se.<\"On.<\ were prescribed for junior grade last year, and t�e whole Irish writings of Father Leary were prescnbed more than once for middle grade honours. (2) tomnoccfn-Thi� was set to the senior grade, 1905. (3) t.<\01 01r111 .<\fl C1f1 n.<\ n-65.-Part of junior Grade programme, 1905 ; set several times to middle grade. (4) .6.n bu.<\1ce.<\r-Junior grade, 1908. (5) .o.n 510U.6. 'Oe.<\C-o.1f1.-This, as far as I know, was not set at the Intermediate but one exactly similar in style and character, bo-o.<\C -o.n 66t:A t.6.ct:n.6. was set in 1908. (6) cnoc fn,o.. U5ADA, 100 pp. (7) Love Songs of Connacht. other books on the These arc the only pass B.A .. course that have not been given at the Intermediate, and they, as Dr. Maguire well knows, are of a very elementary character. It is clear, therefore, that the pass B.A. course in Dub�in does not extend beyond the range of the InterAs a matter of fact, it does not med1a�e Programme, g? quite so far ; the _Intermediate is much morel difficult and comprehensive. In the Universitv course �ertain definite works are prescribed, and the candidate is expressly told �hat he will be examined on these tuorks, In the Int�rmediate these same works or similar works are prescnbed, but only as "standards of style and character," and the Intermediate student has no assurance whatever that his examination will be In fact, for many years a large confined to them. proport10� of the passa_ges set to Honours students m the middle �ncl semor grades, were taken from works not mentioned on the Programme, and which they. had n�ver se�n before. And the candidate who restricted his read mg to the texts on the Programme, would have a poor chance of faring well at the examina-
It is popularly supposed that a roll-top desk must of necessity be made in America. The Kilkenny Woodworkers, 6, 7, 8 Nassau Street Dublin, are turning out capital examples of thes; useful articles.
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Hence I have no hesitation whatever in givm<Y
rt as my deliberate opinion that the honours cours�
of even the �iddle grade _is more difficult than the pass B:A. course m the Dubhn College; and, I think, this will be the conclusion any candid inquirer will come to who reads and weighs the facts I have stated. And this agrument and conclusion will be greatly strengthened and confirmed, if the plan suggested by you, Sir, a few weeks ago, be adopted, namely, to compare the passage selected from the" hardest book on the pass course �n Dublin," with the unseen passages actually set to rmddle grade honours students since I mention that date, because I have all the 1905. I shall submit them if he papers given since then. wis_hes, to Dr. Maguire, and let him judge from' these which of the two . programmes,. the middle grade honours or the Dublin pass B.A., is the more difficult. is In all this B.A. course not one word of Keatinz 0 His works are too hard evidentlv for the 1st read. arts or pass B.A. as they find a place-or at least the easiest of them finds a place, on the honours B.A. But Intermediate students who want to course. get tbe Matriculation Certificate in their senior Ozrade must_ have a fairly respectable acquaintance with Ke�tmg_-that is to say, that a student entering the University has to undergo a much more difficult examination than when he is graduatingJafter three That surely is an or four years of study later on. anomalous and utterly indefensible condition of things. And because University College, Galway cannot be charged with �his glaring anomaly, and 'has so far refused-and nghtly so-to lower its degree standard belo""." t_hat of every Intermediate school in the province -this is the reason why Dr. Maguire calls on the Co. Councils to h:eak their pledges and boycott the College. Dr. Maguire states that Modern Irish is almost I think if he makes �xch��ed from Galway College. mqumes, as I have done, he will find that in none of the Colleges, perhaps, is it more efficiently taught. . ?e also speaks about the omnipotence and infallibilrty of professors and exami�ers, of the blind policy, the unreasonableness and stupidity of those responsible for the Iri�h P_rogramme in Galway, and other strong I am sure that Dr. Maguire words of hke impo�:-t. all means t�1s. He_m�st know that the gentlehardl_y . men m charge of Insh studies m Galwav are as anxious f�r the extension and study of the language as he is himself_; �nd pro1?ably he used these phrases only as garnishing for his letter, to give it a certain air of robustness, a!ld heighten its picturesque effect. � Dr. Maguire referred to the courses in Modern Languages. With great respect, I submit such references are not to the point. The status of Irish in the University should not be regulated by the position of French or German or other foreizn language. II It should be on quite a different basis:' and the point for us, Irishmen, is not that it takes fe�er hours of study to get a degree in French than in Irish but to see that the national language is properly studied as the most important subject· in the University, that when the student leaves the Intermediate school and enters the University there shall be no hiatus-no break in his work, but that the work of the school shall be continued and broadened and advanced there so that when he leaves, his degree will be unimpeachable evidence of a wide and. scholarly knowledge of the national language. Dr: Mag?ire states th,�t its Irish programme "will certainly kill_the Coll�ge .. I do not feel quite so certain as Dr. Maguire on this point. A College or University may be starved to d�ath by depriving it of financial support, as Dr. Maguire purposes to do with Galway. It may suffer severely if considerations other than academic fitness are taken into account in the appointment ?fit� staff. But I have yet to learn that a College or_Umvers1ty. prop�rly s�affed and sufficiently endowed, I failed because of its high academic standards. think the facts point the other way-that the University with easy courses and worthless degrees went to the wall. Dr. Maguire and his friends can kill Galway if they are so determined. �hey must, however, get But if a better pre�ext than. the Insh programme. they allow it work its own fortunes unhampered and untrammelled, and give it the very moderate degree of s_upport they �ave solemnly pledged themselves to give, I �e�l q1;1ite �ertain_ that a long career of success and distinction is destined for University College, Galway. M. J. CONROY.
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The Foley Typewriter Trading Company, Tel. X19.
25 Bachelor's Walk, Dublin.
A LETTER FROM MICHEAL O MAIL�. A Chara, Referring to the letter under the above headine in last week's issue of Ax CLAIDHEA)lH SOLUIS, signed Conor Maguire, ::\I.D .. I do not wish to trouble �·our Thev · will readers with more than a few remarks. easily know that the agitation he is trying to promote on the subject is on purely personal grounds. [We have here omitted a passage in which our correspondent drops into personal attack.-F. an Ch.l Professor O l\�aill�, a C<?D:nachtman, a natural speaker of Connacht Insh, inheriting all the traditions of the language, who had been cradled and crooned in a its sweet tones and cadences. was found by 1 he University Commission to have acquired the hiahest possible academic distinctions for. a :professorship of He had begun his literary work in the language. Irish as a boy with the enthusiasm of the earliest and best days of the Gaelic League, and has beyond doubt done as much for spoken Irish as any man in Ireland. Yet t1?-e mom�nt he was_ appointed professor the campaign of misrepresentation was begun by partisans of the unsuccessful candidate; and now when his z�al for giving Irish studies their rightful place leads him to plan an adequate programme of studies for his stu�ents, and a worthy syllabus of work for himself, he is not to be allowed to do so without havinz a howl And Conor of ob�truction organised against him. Maguire, M.D., and others ask the public to believe the preposterous assertion that he has made his programme of work difficult with the object of turninz 0 away his students ! ! �u! why does Dr. Conor Maguire now raise the seoinsn cry of too much Irish. He himself does not hesitate to impute motives to the professor and academic council, though he has no more reasonable motive to impute to them than the purpose of turning His object is easily students away from Galway. understood from his letter. It is to some extent an appeal to the lower seoinin instinct of some students but it is chiefly wit� the object of organising a boycott of the College by trying to mislead the County Councillor men who engaged in other pursuits have not time to make themselves acquainted with these matters, and may be expected. to be influenced by loud shouting If the programme were easier and false c�tch-cnes. the c?mplamt :-vould be : University Professors drawing salanes for domg the work of primary and secondary schools. To conclude, Professor O Maille and his friends are well known as pioneers and chief upholders of the Irish language movement in the West, and he can be relied o� . to i:aise the. Irish language to the fore-front of University studies, and he will not be intimidated by the shouts of disappointed men into degrading the language of Ireland's greatness. Mise do chara, MICHEAL O MAILLE. Corrnamona, 11 Feabhra, 1911. [We hav� several letters regarding the Galway Programme m type, but prefer not to publish them unless the writers so desire, as we learn that th� matter has been referred to the Celtic Faculty of the National University :-F. an Ch.]
BROTHER FITZPATRICK MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND. We would like to draw our readers' attention to an interesting announcement which appears in our advertising columns, the announcement of the Brother Fitzpatrick Memorial Concert which the Committee in charge of this undertaking have decided to hold on Wednesday, the 22nd inst., in the Mansion House with the view of securing funds to enable them t� The concert is under the carry out their project. distinguished patronage of the Right Honourable The The Lord �ayor and Doctor Douglas Hyde. their most promment artists in Dublin have siznified 0 in�ention of assisting, and we confidently recommend this concert to all Irish Irclanders of musical tastes.
In Irish Ireland circles it was generally admitted that the most outstanding function during the past year was the Gaelic League Athletic Carnival which was held at Jones's Road in July. The great success which attended this venture was in a great measure due to the whole-hearted manner in which the Gaelic Athletic bodies in the city co-operated with the Gaelic League, and hopes were entertained that this was but the commencement of the happy combination of the two great hodies interested in Ireland's language and An Athletic Carnival on even a games and pastimes. more extended scale will be held this vear, and with a view to providing funds, etc; a great" Ceilidh will be held, with the kind permission of the Lord Mayor, at the Mansion House on Saturday, February 25th. In addition to the usual attractions of a Ceilidh, some A Ladies' prominent artistes are being engaged. Committee are in charge of the catering, etc., and a thoroughly enjoyable night is promised to each and all. Tickets (price 2s. 6c1. and 4s.) may be obtained from :my member of the Committee, or direct from the Hon Secs., 25 Rutland Square.
Irish Ecclesiastical Art. We would respectfully suggest to the Clergy, and the heads of Religious Orders, the advisability of paying a visit before ordering Church Plate, or other Art Metal work, to the extensive establishment of Messrs. Gunning & Reynolds, 18 Fled
Street, and 7 & 8 Price's Lane, Dublin.
The firm employ a large staff of skilled Irishmen and eminently deserving of appreciation and support.
18, 1911,
�n CtA1t>earh sotms.
February 18, 1911
SOUTH :...i
TO MILLERS, FLOUR AND PROVISION l\IERCI-IANTS. The Guardians of thetabove Union will on Wednesday, the rst March, 1911, consider ·renders for the supply for six months from the rst April, 1911, of Flour, per cw t. ; Oatmeal, bes� patent cut, per cwt., Wholemeal, per cwt. ; Indian Meal, best red, per cwt. ; Rice Flour, bakers', per cwt. The Wholemeal, Flour, Oatmeal Indian Meal . and Rice Flour must be equal to samples, which All com-can be seen at the Master's Office. Irish be must ground Mills, a by mo�i!ies certificate to accompany each delivery of Flour, Wholemeal,. Oatmeal, Indian Meal' and Rice Flour, stating the name of the Irish Mill in which said article is ground, and signed by the contractor and owner of the mill. On acceptance of the Tender, the Contractor shall at once deliver One Ton of Flour identical to the Workhouse sample, which will be held in store to test all future deliveries. The ton so delivered to be renewed once a month. Contractors will be required to strictly comply with Articles 7 and 13 of the Union Accounts Order, 1905, which state that the second meeting of each month shall be the Stated Finance Meeting, and that accounts (which should be furnished monthly on official forms only) must be in the hands of the Clerk three clear days .at least before such Stated Finance Meeting. Contractors will also be bound by Section 51 ·(7) of the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, which provides that goods supplied during any half-year must be paid for within three months after the close of such half-year, and not afterwards. Intending Contractors are particularly re-quested to read over carefully the Tender and Bond before signing them. The half-years end on the 30th September .and 31st March respectively. Sealed Tenders, printed forms of which can be had on application to the Master of the Workhouse, and none other will be considered, to be lodged with me not later than 12 o'clock noon on the rst March, 1911, on which day they will be opened by the Board. Solvent security will be required for the due performance of the contract, arid Tenders, without any alteration, must be°:'r the genun�e signature of the persons tendenng and their sureties. The Guardians do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any Tender. By Order, JOHN P. CONDON, Clerk of the Union. Clerk's Office, Board-room, ' James' -street, Dublin. . 8th February, 1911.
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mentary Chapters on Hygiene and How to Treat Accidents. By Rev. W. J. Mulcahy, P.P. Eighth Edition ; 4oth Thousand ; Cr. 8vo. ; Cloth; 2/- net.
ELEMENTS OF IRISH COMPOSITION, with Grammar Graduated Exercises in Irish, full Vocabula'ries and suitable Home Exerci-es for Preparatory and Junior Grade Students, National Schools. and Gaelic League Classes. By DENIS M. LYNCH. Cr. 8vo., Cloth, rs. 3d. net; by post, 15. 5d.
S5e.o.k.6. s roe .6.11 na 5cut1 1 tORp-<i m 1"01t1the.o.-6on.o.c "OO'n Ol"Oe.o.C�f n-0111e.o.m.o.1nc seor.o.m Lzoroe, m. R.1.-0.. 'Oo cu111 1 n-e.0.:5.0.11, 1/;st..o.n; by post, 1/1. -0.n ee mtn ORU-6. .o.;sur r:se.o.t.c.o. eite. occ r:se.o.kA 6'n mum.o.n. seor.o.m Lsoroe -oo cu111 1 n-e.o.;s.o.tt, IS. 5t.o.n, by post, IS. zd. s roeox n.o, n.orm. Se.o.n. -0.mr.6.in 5.o.e-61\5e 6 cu15e.o.-6 conn.o.cc. .o,n 511-u.o.5.o.c b.o.n "OO t>.o.1t.15. ad. 5t.o.n ; by Post, 3d. fe1't,1Re 11-6. 5-0.e"61t5e, 1911; 3d. 5t.6n, by post, 4d 1 -oeort..o.1t>e.o.C'C, t1111r:se.o.t. .6.l1 .o.n .o.1m,r1r reo A�A t,At.o.111. p.&-011.6.15 o con�111e oo rs11100. 0111e.o.cc.1r Prize Novel. rs. 5\,.0.n ; by post, rs. zd. .& me -0.5us c-0.01ti1$ln. A one-act play by 'Com.o.r m.sc 'Oomn.1111,l,, zd. ; by post, 3d. A one-act bilingual play by 01$rte-0.cc rto ts tn; by post, 3d. zd. o Se.0.50.0., p.&"0')1.61:S A three-act competition play by .c.n -csn-0.1um. .c.t.ponr 6 t. zd. ; by post, 3d. T' above three Plays were successfully performed ne at the Oireachta.s. t, an n.o, c.c.11, use .c.5us s5e.c. �'C.O. e i te. m{ce.o.1, m.o.s rtu.o.1-6t1t "O'tnn1r, Seo�.o.m t.¢.01"0e, m. R.1 ..c.. -oo cu itt I n-e.0.5.0.r, 6d, 5t..o.n , by post, 7d. .c.n cne.c-..5 te.o-1).c.R 5.o.eu1t,5. New edi1ion now ready, 3d. net_: by post, 4td· sc.c. tn-ce-0.cc.c.. Part I. Sd. 5t..o.n. N'ew edition now ready. CRl
50 Upper O'Connell St., Dubli�, and 112 Quay, Waterford .
(Established 25 years.)
Irish Goods a Speciality.
Quality High,
Prices Low.
Cash or Credit Terms.
44 SOUTH RICHMOND STREET, DUBLIN. (A Genuine Irish Fir>li,)
IRISH MANUFA�TURES_ �I ways in Stock. ,_ --�� .
Kfllaloe Slates (all sizes). BufldlngBrlcksChimney Cans. Iron Columns, Manhole Covers, Cast Iron Gratings (Black and Galvanised), Doors, Window Frames.
'I"�OIW.A.S & CO,, Ll.m.l.1ied,
New Gaelic League
ttatlors anb aostumiets
Irish Manufacture,
H • M • LEASK CO.,&
14, 15 & 19 SIR JOHN ROGERSON'S QUAY. Telephone .No. Telegraphic .Address-" Linst:ed," Dublin.
Sole Manufacturers of the "Shamrock" Pure Linseed Cake. "Shamrock l'ure Soft Decorticated Cotton Cake.-_°' '• Shamrock Compound Feeding Cake, Artificial Manures. _.ledonian Sheep Dip. "Shamrock" Calf Meal, KINDLY MENTION THIS PAPER H' OitDY.RI!>G.
''MAKBAR'' •'By my friends I am well Advertised,"-Riclzard Ill.
"Makbar," the famous new Hop Food, is "Irish and the Best ! '' And, as "a bone producer," is of wondrous powers possessed ; H.ing of all "builders-up" is crowned for • stock of every kind ; .. Breeders and Feeders," when it's used, a prompt improvement find. An Industry which Irishmen may well regard with pride. " Real worth '' and true Economy with " Makbar" are allied ! For further particulars apply to
� ��·L=.==========================_..>.o,,
fe�\t>J,�\ 18/)911,
6.fl CtA1U0Arh SolU1S. f..a•
February IS� 1911.
I __ '
·r, '\l\,'\l\,"\IVVV\l\,"11\, '\IV\l\,"\IV\IV\l\,'\IV\IVVV\I'\, '?
} 1a1se HOTELS
ron GA�iicLEAGUERs.
doors fre!Il O'Connell Street and neare.t First-Class HoW t, NYN 11 'S HOTEL' Two
Dinners, Suppers, &c.
which is absolute guarantee of genuineness.
Irish Poplin and Silk Manufacturers, . �5 BR,OWN STREET (WEAVERS SQUARE),
opposite Black Church, near Broadstone,
• TEL 0 H
TARIFF-Beds ls. 6d. to 2s,; Breakfasts, ls, to ls. 6d. ; Table d'Hote Dinner, 6 o'clock, Five Courses, 2s. No charge for Attendance.
!-�---��--���-�-���� ·---The Dublin Mosaic Workers.
Hotel only 3 minutes' walk from Broadstone Terminus via Avenue Gates.
Select, Comfortable and Convenient. Drawing-room for Ladies.
Telegraph and Postal Address-
MRS. 111.' F, DUNNE, Proprietress.
Wedding Breakfasts and Dejeuners served in
Mosaics of every description made in Ireland for Flooring and Wall Decoration.
superb style at very Moderate Charges.
We can compete with any class of Foreign l\lanufacture.
Estimates and Designs on application to the Manager;
Eyre Square, GALWAY.
.(\5 5.<\C '01)1t1l1e .<\nnro.
GAELIC HURLING CLUBS! We are now in a position to supply I:R�S::H:-IVIA.DE GO.AL NETS in accordance with new regulations, 21ft. long x 8ft. high x 6ft. deep tarred and fitted with 2 back poles. guy ropes. pegs and braces, the sum of 62s, 6d. per set of 2 complete nets (sides, back and top nets combmed). Support Irish Manufacture.
4 Upper Abbey Street, DUBLIN.
MRS. O'SULLIVAN, Proprietress.
Mr E, L. TADDEI, 35 Mary Street Dublin
Coffins, Hearses, Coaches, and every Funeral Requlalte. Punctuality and Economy �uaranteed, Telephone No, 12. Country Undertakers aupplled.
Manufacturers of Work in Sheet Copper, Brass, Tin, Iron, Zinc, &c, vVE
Within One Minute's walk of the Rotunda and Gaelic League Offices.
b.6.f'f' r�1te, b.6.f\f' re1rhe .6.5ur b.6.f1t'
49 Mountjoy
'COl,<\ nc, 5<\e"61t5e
2/ 6.
Intendinz Purchasers of IRISH POPLIX TIES should b� on their zuard against imitations which are sold under the n�me of REAL POPLii'\, as this description is likelv to mislead some into accepting them for IRISH POPLIX which is a very much superior article. �u�ch_asers can avoid _all risk of being deceived by insisting that each Tie bears a label with the words
Bed and Breakfast from Dinner from Tea, Plain
Popular Restaur,ant at Popular Pr-tcea.
65 Eccles Street, DUBLIN .
DU 8 LIN, ·J=';+ Bedrooms & Breakfast, 4, 6 & 5/·
, Ncrth Wall, =;;..;;;.;====} Splendi� Accomm�dationfor Clui . Abbey Street '
;,..'VV\IVV\,t\l\,�'\f\,, t\l\,'\l\,t\l\,I\J'VV\,,t\l\, t\l\,'VV\f\,
J. F.
Net and Cordage Makers,
Petrol Tank Silencers. Steel Beaded Mud Guards. Radiators and Lamps, etc!! Repaired. Bodies Pannelled, Galvanized and z.inc Ventilators, etc.
Smithfield Engineering Works, WEST ARRAN ST., DUBLIN.
prompt Repairs to all Classes of macbinery. ---
Agricultural & General Engineers, Millwrights, &c. Country inquiries receive immediate attention, Telephone 2391.
U?A.:t)'•JiD 10
St. Mary's Avenue, Mountjoy St., DUBLIN.
'DSB OUta'
... -·t:)•:
u'iu:.. 1Z!l'i
Are Manufacturers or Irish Horn Rosary Beads, Erin Rosaries, Ladies' and Gents' Watch Chains, l\tuff Chains, Send for Price Lists and Samples. Hat Plnszetc.
01.) •• IJE
M. MEERS, m�rcbant tailor. 10 Lower Pembroke St1>eet, Dublin, And 10 Carysfo1>t Avenue, Blackrock, NONE BUT IRISH MATERiAL STOCKED, AND NONE BUT IRISH TRADES UNION TAILORS TO MAKE IT.
Celtic and Foresters' Costumes a Speciality. Tel. 141X.
Telephone 2369.
Electricians and Mechanical Experts -Motor Engineers,
12 Harcourt Street, Dublin.
Garage and Workshops-Montague Lane, rere 12 Harcourt Street. AGENTS
buy all our Teas by comparison and first-hand. WE We, therefore, can offer the pick of th- Market at
NTH. EARL ST., Telephone I 56.
CAHILL & co ..
40 Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin.
ORD�R The Manager,
CLo, roecrn
All Corn.:'Spl.)11lil'!1H:e for Rev. MICHAEL O'FLANAGAN and Fil.):,;,\:,; :;\IACCOLU!\t, should be directed as above.
p-..l'OH.,\15 6 'Q._\l,\15,
,, f or····
-----------·-----·-··············-···-····· value
S ign ed, ·····--·----····-------
Address ( m full),···········-----------·-········--··········-··-·········································································
Number on List ·····················-------Annual Subscription, 6' 6 ; S·1x Months, 313 .� Quarter, x/8,
.-. .\11-0 nut1,\l"Oe
murn11c111 'Ooll.:111-0 ("C�o)
25 Rutland Square, Dublin.
cop·········-·----of " .6.n Ct eroeem Sotu1r,
months, for which please find enclosed
so uns,"
Kindly supply me with
�U�\t le�\ntl
Modero Plant. Modern Methods,
Tea Dealers and Importers,
Office of Delegation:
following prices :-2/5, 2/2, 2/, 1/10, 1 8, 116. 1/4, and 1/2 per lb.
e reo .c.::;
. Cut out this form, and when filled in address to-
('1_A1'0eam Solu1r,"
25 Rutland Square, Dub l 10•
=== =============::====�
Cl.O'OAnnA limited, ; ro•1.lf13;1'0 f1A'O-r.a.ne .0.5
5 Ce..1.rno5 nwctAmr. At CllAC
------- ---
All. le4t'Ml1
Vol. XII.
U1tt111' No. 5r.
b,0,1te �'t,0, ct.ie,c. re,0,bn,0, as, 1911_ DUBLIN, FEBRUARY 25
[Registered as a Newspaper]
h6n1 Rut.
tu5 .o.n c-l\t.6.11' 6 "Cu .o.t.o.1t te-15e.6.c'C u.0.1'6 or cotiM11' Connf'.6.'6t611'1 'Oum 'Oe.6.t5.6.n, .611 IZ.6'6 'O fe.6. 1'.>'f'.6.. te11'15e.o.'6 " C.6.f.o.'6 o.n t:Su5.&1n " .6.5ur 'Ott.&m.6. be.6.f\t.6. 1 Lurmneac te 'Oe1'6e.6.nn.6.15e.
mot.eo °Ct'e.o.r.o. 05 111c ,(\1tp111 :so m6t' m.o.1' 5e.6. t t .6.1' 1'.>'f'e.&5.0.ct: .o. ct11'0 1'111 nceo11'P.6-6'C.o.. t); certroe .0.5� Conn1'.o.'Ot611,1 Ctu.0.111 me.&t.o. .o.t1 L.& buroe e n rre.6.C'Cm.6.111 reo CU.6.1'0 t.6.f\'C. piob.6.11'1 r.o.n rn berte .6.no1r. Ce.6.'06to1re.6.'D .o. 5ceot 01'6ce n.o. ceitroe. t)1 l1.o.m m.o.c :S10tt.o.bf\i'Oe 1 '0Cf\.3.15U lu.0.11 n.o. re.o.c.t:m.o.111e reo c.o.1tce. "tt15 re te15e.o.6t: u .611'.> 1 11.o, tt.o. .o. n t) .0.1 te. 1r .O.f' CU.6.1f\'C .0-5 .l\11 5Connf\.6.'0 '00 1'.>1 re, .o.5ur t'.>i cu1r1m 6eo1t .6.5t1r r111nce .0.5 trltl11111'C1t' n.o. Cf\.6.01l'.>e 1 'Oce.o.nnt:.o. n.o. te15e.o.cc.o-. . 1f e 'Oomn.o.tt O Concul'.>.0.11,, t't1ncte1re.6.6 .6.11 n.6. Cf\.o.01t>e, 'Oo cu11' 'Otutc.o.r 1e1r 5Cf\tl1l1111 U. C:1omrt115e.o.'6 Cf\t1111111u 'Oe 01'01 '6.&-te.o,n5t.oc.o. "tit' Con.o.1tt 1 n :Sot't: ...1n Co11'ce re.o.ccm.6.111 r.o.n S.o.t.6.1'n reo c.o.1tt:e. :St.6.c.o.'6 te -ce.o.'f'm.o.il'.> .o. ff'1te.o.r '00 .o.mf\.&n.o.1'6..0.11 .0.5 .o.ctt115e.o.ct:, .o.5ur e.o.('C, tu.o.t;.&1t, SC'f'tl111l11U. te11'e6c.o.1'6 Co11111'.o.'6t611'1 C.61rte.&111 .o.n t).0.1'1'.6 'Of\.&m.o. .6.n 5.0.'6 t.& 'Oe'n mi reo cu5.o.1 n11. be1'6 ce1t1'6e .o.c.o. t.& te1te p.&uf\.0.15. be1'6 re1r m61' 1 mb.o-1te --�t.o. '11 m bt1.o.'611 .6..
n.105 1
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"C.& .o.1rce 5.o.e'61t5e 6 n �ut n.o. bt1.o.'611.o.."
t.&1m .o.11 Cf\.6.011'.>111 1
'Oe11' r1on.J.11 mA.'\C Cott11m 50 5cto_:re.o.tll1 re t,.o.0'6tt11n11 .o-5t1r 5.o.1tt11i1e 5.o.et>1t5e n.o. C1...1.1'1'.6.15e 50 r.o.11'r1115 t.o.tt.
l,.o.1)...1.11' C .6.'t.6. t bf\115.0. Of COtil.6.1t\ m t11 tl 11 'Cf\e b.o. . e C1,.o.on 11..101m C.c-0·1ti\5111 '01"-' 111.&tt'c. •; Co11.&11 1llo.ot" ..111 t1'!15e..1cc.o.1'0e 'OO n1 ..15 t.t,cc tl.o. c1\.<.\o1 ne reo f\01ti1 C.o.t.o.t.
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S-0.05.0.t t1-0. ffi-0.lfl-0.t. e.o.tt115e.6.1111 f1 6 11.&1, 1r 'Oe.o.r i .611 615e. t>p11,ti161' 50 tu.o.t .6CC f. r1 1 bfOC.611' cot't'um11e, .6:.Sur 'O'te1cre.& re.611'0t1111e t.1.o_t, e Cf\Otnt.6. �5 ..6.11 .601f, �5Ul' bC.u'O .6.11 C!'01'0e CJ:S �5t1r .6.11 .61�11e t..&5.16 .0.1:se 50 t..& ...1 t>.&1r, 'O'te....\'Of�111ll .6.11 f\t1'0 ce..\'011� .6. 1' . .,1) :so r1r,11111e..1c 11i te15e.rnn r1.1'0 'OO 11 ..101r 1 'Qt:j.Ol'.> co1'1,ti111.&. 1.1'0 'Oo fe.01' t>.o.'6. 11.o.c 615e.0.1111C.6 .6.C.& Sc.1m ur ()
Gaelic League Delegation, 624
NEW C1111q:-e ...,1\ . .1.11 .. De...,11 riHo·coti1.o.1-rte.c.c ,,11 ,,p'0,,11 -111 011'.>c.;e ce.i'Otl ...\.
m.& c611tiU011'C.6f\ .6.n 5e.ott.61i1.<\111t: 'Oo tu5 .611 L..6.0�fe,l\C -0.fCt11'C tl.6.1'0 .611 'Cfe.6.C'Cm.0.111 fE'O Ct1.61'6 t.6.trc:, bero }'e1r .t-5.611111 re111 1 11e11,,1111 lH ciocparo r.6.01rre 1 'Ot:e.61111'C.6 rut .c l'.>f.6'0. 111 111011.<\1111 c.&r 1.6.'0. 111 tt11l).6f'11.6. re-1re, .&m. 11H. 11.6. re1r1r1 ro .65.6.11111-11e 'F.dt' r.6.01rre '01.111111. '6.& 11e1te.6.m r111, .6.C'C 'C.& r·r.6.'0 .<\'51.61'1'.6.1'6 ce.eo .6.5ur cumacr .6 f &5.&1 t cu 11 c tlf\ l'.<\1 11.0- 11(�-1 l'e.61111 '00 "C.& fM'O .6.5 1.df\f\.61'0 fm.6.C'C '00 f.&5.&1t f\1.6.f\.6.'0. .6.t' 11.6. p61t1'61t>, .6.f\ 11.6. bt:111''0 01'0e.6.6.61f, .6.1' l'.>t11f\'O "C.6. tm .6. 11 , .6. l' t) o 1''O 11.6. "C.6. tm u 11'.>e .6. c c.6., .o.t' � .6. t)ot''O .0.11 'R1.65.o.tt:.61r -&1ce.6mt.6, .65ur '°'1' 50 teop m10111't1'0.o.i e-1 Le ,l\C.& r ..., cormrpce .15ur f .& f'C1t1f\.6.'0 tt1C'C .0.11 C.o.1rt0.&111 .6.1101f. l11tte.61' lH te15re.o.1' te bo.c.o.t> tetr M1 .o.t'm 'Oe-11':S· 111 'Ou11111 .6011 .6.t'm f.& terc '00 oe1t .65.0.11111. nero .6011 cume cr. .65.611111 c.&111 .61' b1t 'Oo te.6.5.61'.> "-'m.6.c 116 oo 1'.>.61ti1.1, .6.cr. 'Oo f\<?:11' m.o.l' 'Oe.6.nC.61' .61101f, .o.5t1r co111ne66.o.1'6 'R1.65.o..tr.o.r .S.6.f.611.o. 111 :sre·rm '0.0.'1115e.611 .df\ t01r 11.6. 11e11'e.61111. N�1·6 .611 rocl'u 5.611 e.&fn.6.til oo ue1t .0.11', .o.cc 111.& re11'.>c15e.o.1' .e.n ccijc nit .61rhf\e.o.r .6.1' b1t 11.6.C te.6.f 'O'e1f\11111 .6. t10Cf.6.f .6.f.
All Corre,rcndence for Re,·.... hCHAEL O'FLANAGAN and FIO�A� ?\� ACCCtLl'.1, �bould be directed a� abo\'e. p ...,uno.15 6 'O..it.0.15, .&pu
Ladies' Dress, Gentlemen's Dress, Household Furnishings OF EVERY DESCRIPTION
All Work Executed on the Premises at Talbot St., Dublin
'Ou l'.>5.6.1 tt. .0.1111 fem .(\ neic .6.5 r C151tM) te p.&1rcrn, 011, 1r .0.5 rc151,.(\u 'Do ui re 5.6.n .6.ti1yt6.f te t11111 '06 l'.>e1t .<\5 l':St'ioti.o.'6 ·• ti1t1111t:11' 11.6 tr f,l\'0.6 o cu11, re .1 L.o.eteo.ntl'C.<\ Ltl.{\t.o.." r5011e to.1r1r 1 5C'1.6.l\1\.61;<:;e .611 :Sl\1tltl .6.(�'C 1r Le 'Oe11'.>e.61111.615e ·oo t65 re· ·oe t.&1111 .6 curo eo.cct'�; .o.5ur e.1cr:r.6i b11.6c.\1lti uo ,11.o.11' , 5cotrt.6Hllf1t' te1r '00 111n1r .15ur '00 to,ur111 '{)() C.1.\C.
1 r '0660. 11.(\C b put t .(\011 c111eJ. t. f:S1'il'.>11eo1 reM�c.o. 1f 'Oe.6.Cf\.6. .1. le 11-.6 'OC.6.tlMh 50 m.o.1t, nJ. f5C.6l'C.o. lH .0.5 5.<.\(' 'OU111e .0. l'.>.6.111e.o.r terr .dtl 015e. " b101111 '0.60il1C .6.11 615e. bio r Ct115r111r; .6.f' llh111.o. mb101111 .611 cporoe 65 f.6.f'CA 'O.o.tt." 101111'C.o. fe111 r.eroeann Of't.6 f.6.05.6.t .6.11 .6.0f.6 615 1f fUf.6. .6 l'.>f.6.'0, .6.l't'..6. .6 t':t115f111'C 116 .6. tile.. 1.f. Pro11111r1.o.r Com ro n, CUt' r1or .6.t\ f.l.6.1fCe 50 'Oi f'e.o.c m.6.t' ceo:p.61111 co 111.0. t.i\o ti n.& c1,om..6.'6 flOf te 11-.i\ te1ce.. 5.t .65Uf e tu15f,11'C 1 5C€'..6.f\C. 1r .i\01t'>11111 '00'11 ce .65 .6. mb101111 te.o.r5ur 11.(\ 11615e .6.t' re.o.'6 .1 f.6050.1t. ll1e..6.f.. 1.1m 11..6.C Dp11L .0.11 t�.o.1'5t1f r111 cait.t.re .0.5 Se.6.mur O 'Ot1t'>5.o.1tl 50 port. t, "C..& '0.60111e 65.6 1r m6 ..6.c.J. 'r.o. te ..,f>.6.t' .o.15e. '0.60111e .60f'C.6. T.6 r5e.o. t te1 I' ..6.<'.'C ni '0.6.01t1e p11me.6.ri1t.6. M'O. -0.5 te15e.6.m A.Tl te.6.t'.M1r, >uom ni f\4'0.1r c111nce 1 5com11.611'.>e 5t1t' t,u15 c.o.111nc 11.6. m.o.tt'.o.c te 11A'Oil11', .o.cc 'Oe.o.t'r.0.11111 50 'Oc15 1e .Se.o.mur Ctlf\ flOf .1f' rh.6.tf'.. 1.1$1l'.> 50 'Oe.df .6.5Uf 50 m.01t. r.., r�1t .611 f51'1D11e6f\.6. .61111. "Ct115e.o.11n s:sr1ot>.o.1111 re 50 ro1te.6l', q'1c . re p.&1rc1. C.o.11111c rotu15te .6 l'.>1or .o.15e. 111 111011511.6·6 Ttl.6.f' 1'111 50 l'.>ftl1t C01f\ .6.f\ .o. CU1'0 f:Se.6.tC.6 .o.5t1f '010t .df' --6. CUi'O tE".6.l'.>.6.f'. 0' te.6'0f.6.'D re l)e1t .6. t'.lf.6.'0 1110f re.dl'T' '.'0.6 5cu11'e.o.t> re tocc.o. be.65.6 .(\ l'.M111e.o.r te1r 1 Le.o.tc.oot'>. 1r t11.6.1t te1r 5.0.c .& npnt 1>e }!;.6e1'.>1t,5 &15e, rn1r r:se.6.tc.6 be.65.0, te.6.f·.6111m11e.o.c.6, .1111m11e.o.c.6 .&1ce.1m1 .6.5Uf e1te-, 1>0 C.6.f'f'.61115 lf'Ce.ac r.6. r5e.6l ('O(•.o.t1'C.6f' e reo .df' fOll Ml ti11C te1511111, 1f '0615 Uom). l1U.6.1f' 4' t'.>iOf n:;e.6.t 'OJ. f5f'IOl'.>.6.'0 .65 t15'0.6f\ 111 m6p '06 te.6.tl.6.1ll.6111C -00'11 r5e.6t rem .o.5i.1r 5 •.rn ne1te tl.6.6 m b.6111e.61111 te1r, 1r cum.6 ce.6.f\'O 1.0.'0, 'Oo lOf':S· b.6. ce.6.'f''C 'OOm .1 t'A'O, .&til, 11.66 f5e.6.t'C.6 ..6.C.6. f.6 l,e.6.t'Mf' fO .6.CC 'C.& 5.66 J'U'O: 1 eo.CCt'.61 .o.5t1f m1011-e.o.6CJ'.6l. 'O'C.6.0t'.> 11.6. cu.61te, n.6.c m6t', 11111rce .6.1111, .65ur L.6.1fbe.&n.&nn .an M'O 11111rce , 50 'Ve.ur te1r. te.6.t'.>.6.f' 50 t:'.,fmt me.o.t'.>.611' Crnn .65 .6n u5'0.6.1' .6.FUf 50 t>p11t (-'Ol.6.f .6.15e .6f' f.605.6.l m10n·tilioi n.6. 5co1t.tce .(\sur .0.11 crte1t>e.
'Oi .6.11 ce.of''C ..61' f'.6.'0 .o.15e f:St'iOt'.>.6.'0 .1 'Ot:'400 .A J.1ce rem. llit cnoc, n..i s1...e-.(\nt1-c.&n, 11..1 ff'UC.&n 'Oe.6.n.6.nn ff fe-111, 11.6.C fifU1t lU.6.1'0� .6.15e. c.'c -oo n.6. rie1 oce .o Of .6.'0 1 :seem ..o(' 1mc.6tL Tl..6. rµe1re- FJ'E'1J�n. lr .11:se .6C.& .611 c-eot.Af cipe. Seo e .6.Tl crneJ.t te..1fi.61f' b.6. CE'.6J'C "00 (Utl 1 l .&til..6 CU1J'f1'01f ru1m ..61111, .6.5Uf p..i1rri CMt'J'.6.15t:>. rrn e ..on f'U'O 1f mo -C:.61f'lJe f.d f5011, fU1m t,e1t• .15 tl.6. '0.6.LC..110 111.6 :SCU1'0 01bJle. tn. ll. �rtt ..&:t:;Uf le.AtCOJ'{J1l1 ...\ til.6.C '00 cl,(>0u.A1l... ,6'1 lR.&b�f'· tn.{).1 n e . .1 t1.A6.d.
LEAF. n '014 m.6C 65 •1' seAs•n msc n• mroe .65Uf � 5eA54n C14nAn '00 b•trreA'O 11141' Alnnt
13e sure to mention .A:B
when ordering Goods
fe ..\01\� 25, 1911,
February .::5
191 I
OF BOX COLLECTIO�, o o rtm.e,c 11..6. 5..6.e'61 t.5e, 1910.
,.,.{ s. d . 19 4 9t
�r-o craoo ...
CJt.6.0U CJt.6.0U CJt.6.0U CJt.6.0U Cfl.6.0 f> Cp.aof> Ctt.6.00 Cp.6.of> CtMol°J craoo cr.1.00 C\,.6.nn
..6.n een::111m;i:; n.6. Sean C'.6i"Jtac CA01m5in cotm c,u,, Clt.a Ot1.6.tf:; rfuc he1t. 5Ur fl�on'>C.6.ll C.6.t1n n e, :,scloc 'Oromcon110.c rtuc ..6.1n'Ot161r st.e1tie -0.r5u1r 11.6. heq1e.6.nn
9 8
0 9 6 IO IOl 6 3 1-t 12 3 ) 4 0 IJ 3 14 IO 3 7 5
2 14
CJ1.6.0b n.o:c f.6.rn.6.t11 ... Cf1.600 -C1r .611 1t10.6.1l1 c n-0.olJ
c.o nn
11-0. 5c t.oc,
Messrs. Eustace, Bros. Mr. J. O'Byrne, Tailor, Co:r:k, Street Mr. Jessop, L.P.S.I., Dolphm s Barn Smaller Sums Boxes
d. 0 0 0 9 3 14 IO s. 0 IO 0 6 0 5 0 II
s. d.
I, se.o.t;�n 6'co1111ct.11J-0.1nMrs. Teevan and Family, 36 Northumberland Road Chas. Dawson, Esq., "Malabar," Balls bridge . .. .. . .. . t;om.<\r U.6. 5orm6.111, R.6.t 5011m.<\1n, Park Avenue, Sandymount ...
Serpentine A venue murnm:q-t u1 co11cuo.6.1l', 58 Cu1tbe.6.t.6.c l.ub.(l.c Smaller sums and sale of badges
0 15
0 � I II
Total CR ts ce o t R 'O e COR11D..6. t. l,Mr. Holden and family, -Ce.6.c ti1u111e, Gilford Road ... Mr. Cornwall and family, Herbert Road C.6.mo1111 msc m.6.otJ111, Londonbridge Road Mrs. Egan, "Baggotrath" ... . .. 'Ot.6.l'mU1'0 6 Rt.6.111, 95 Tritonville Road Smaller sums Total
0 0
0 0 0
0 0
sc.&.t;-0.11 6 uuo5.o.1 t L Staff Irish Railway Clearing Kildare Street ...
£2 2
p.&.un.0.15 6 1'.>u11111Small amounts
Total Collection
All letters for " et-re 65 " to be addressed·C.6. 01 tee 11-0. n-0.1111, 01r15 -0.11 ct.o.1>01m sotu1s,
Etc., etc.
Made of Irish Horn, ·by Irish Labor. Samples on applicalion from-A. MITCHELL,
Wholesall? Cradl?.
Comb Works, Tyrone St., DUBLIN.
WM. O'CONNELL & Co., Ltd.,
co 1i1 n.& "O. '• t;.& C.6.l'\A'\ 5.6.011, '001'i1-r.6. 11.o. -C1111t1t1e '00 Co1111rt.6.'0 11.6. 50.e'61l5e," 116n.o. 111 (�,0.1.,u 15-Ce, 1 t1-c11" -oo r5t'1Dt> r1 cu5.:.m, , . .o.c-c ni cor1i1-0.1t 1..01r m1re .6.1" COJ1 .6.11 b1t, m.6.11 C.6.1H11 .6.l1-C\1'C.<\1l. mire- .6.5t1r 11'•11, b.,{1111e f5'6.tril.6.l..o.C"C.<\ 6.5 b.6.111-C te1 r-fe6.l1. 'C.t. ru1l, . 50 mbl'01111f.6.1'0 re CU1'0 'DA ri11r11e.6.� 011m t..5. e15tn 1 'O,reo 1f ;so mbeo.'O Jb.o.k.o. .0.1-t .6.11 5.6.e'61t.5 -oo t.,-c: 50 t10111t.<\. -0.11 .6.5 1116.5.6.'6 .o.d, -cu, .6. n611.6. ? Ceo.p.6.r rem 1 5c6ri111u1'6e 50 11.0.10 'C1mtq,1 .6.11 601111.o.l'\'C.6. .6.n-r5.<\c.o.m.o.1t. .o.r f.o.'O. c& m11,e b'te1-011" 11.6.c m.6.Jt r111 -0610 50 le111. f.6.1lce 1,6111<\,::-r.<\, -pe rseo.t e. m&1n1n 111 11e1t,t..--c& '· .6.11 ce<.\-o 1.6.l"l""c-c" 50 l'\105-m.<\IC, .6. ri1J1111n, .c.5ur be1'6 ell .0.5 'O'Ut 't111 rnr.0.15 50.c tJ ""f reo .o.m.6.c. 11J 'OC.6.n -oe.<.\l'm<'--o .6.l'\ .6.11 -o.o.r.o. 1.6.l1l1.6.c-c. . m.&1R0.o.'O 111 1i16n..&111.-1r 111.6.IC t10m C.6.1H11 6 pop-c ffi6.15 ..0.01'0 oe1t .0.5 'C0.0.6.11'\'C Ct1.0.1l'\'O 011m .6.5t1r ci11111m mite r&1l.'ce 1161bo.-c. 't>ru1t. -cu 1 OJ:>.o.'O 6.5 ro5tu1m 11.0. 5.o.e'61t5e? s511100.6.n11 d1 50 'Oe.6.r 1. b.6. riM1i: 1..10m l.1'C1l'\ f6.'06, '01f.6.5.&1t. t1.6.1L. se-0.5.&11 �oe bun::::L('1n..-m.6.1i-: .6.11 buo.c.o.1U tu, .6. Se.6.5Jrn ! t..6.1i:11 -oo l1-c111 50 m611 l10rn. 'C.6. .o.n ce.6.11-c .6.;t;o.t: 1 'O-c.6.010 C1Ue 11.<\ 11.6.0111. 1r -oe""r <'-11 -c-.6.1nm e, 5.0.n Ml1t1.6.r . .6.5ur 111 1011511.6.'0 l10m 50 ori11t "CU b116-o.6.ri1.6.1t 'Seo.'6 ! 1.6.t•l" .6.1' 11.6. b'U.<\C.6.llH e1le .o.5ur 11.6 C.6.1Hni .6.r. .6. T1ionn .6.5 le15e.6.tn "SC.6.-011.6.,, 1'C �'OC.6.1f'I, t1t:11e.6.C.o. '00 b.o. tll.(\1'C 1,10111 .o.1t11e '00 C'Uf1 opr.6.. r5111000.'0 cu5.o.m. m.& -c:J r1 ...,-o c01i1 E;.6.e""6e.6.l.6.c le.6.-c-r.6. be1'6 rJ1tce -·y1:-i 116t11p.6.. C.&1'CU11111 ce ..o.1.,l,o..15.-l,e15e.o.r .6.11 Ct1t1C(.\r 'OC.6.r .o.r 'Oo o.6.1te uu-tc.o.1r -oo c111111r c, 56.m "5ur t.6.1tn re 50 -oo 111611 t.10111. 1r q1t1.6.15 11.0.c or111t rt.15e .6.5.6.rn cu11 b<'. m.6.tt t1om t1-c11" -o'r.&50.1t -u.0.1-c 61101r cu11 rA ct6. i r .6.J1ir.
Shop Fitters,
0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
High-Class Work. Up-to�Date Design. Reasonable Charges.
SAY? Do you want a decent Overcoat-35 /,,,,. For Quality, Stu le and Finish I cannot be beaten.
Old Moore is worthy of a trial, bo-ys.
MOORE & CO., Ltd., 64 Dame St. Furniture, Bedding & Wire Mattresses,
Our own make in IRISH MATERIALS.
54, 56, 58 & 60 Upper Arthur St., Belfast. CURT.A.INS.,
ctio.oo n.6. 5cu15 5c(11s1 (a11 bcuo ou1'0) -c1,e
.0..11 c61p '00 '6e111 e10Hn 111 Rl.6.111 0\ r1 L.6.l1 b.&rl'\ .6.1" J:'.O.'O .<\5ur '00 b'f-1(1 1 '00 t.6.1rbeA,m:: 1 11-.0.on .he r.o. 'OOt'il.6.1l1 m.6.l'\ corh.o.rc.6 50 Op111, .<\11 ct1r-ce.o.b; l6.1the t.e f.6.5J1t. 1 11C11"11111 -c111u11 .o.5ur 'OA t1c1'0 'Oo cu111 1rnMc .6.J1 .6.11 5com611-c.6.r .o.5ur 01 5.6.c c61p 'Oe'11 '0.6.11 '00 Ct1'j1eo.'6 cu5.<\m 50 'Oe(.\r .6.5t1r 50 m.o.1t. G.<\11115 fl.6.'0 ct15.o.m 6 ce1t11e .6.1J1'010 11.o. he1re.<\n11.
s. ci.
8 0 Drornconnrach O IO T. C. Callaghan, Dame Street O IO Lenehan & Co., Capel Street Pim, Bros., George's Street 2 2 ,, McNamara & Sons, St. Andrew St. 2 2 ,, Greenmount Oil Co., Harold's X. 2 2 ,, Eustace Bros., Cork Street 0 I ,, Provincial Bank College Street 5 5 ,, & Co., Grafton Street .. Combridge 2 2 , .. ,, Walpole, Bros., Suffolk Street 2 2 A Friend, Thomas Street ,, IO 0 ,, Drummond & Sons, Dawson St. O IO ,, Anderson, Stanford & Ridgeway, Graf ton Street I I \V. R. Jacob & Co. (znd subscription) z 2 ,, Dublin & Wicklow Manure Co. . . I ,, 0 McCrea & Sons, Wood Street I I ,, E. O'Neill, Esq., T.C., Smithfield O IO - O'Connell, Esq .• M.A., LLD., Kildare St. O IO Croabh Messrs. ,, ,,
sei56.n 6 Se6.5r�, n11on-o.q,5e<'-'O
1'.>u-0.11'n-:-e 11-0.
't-6. R b .&. RR.
DUBLIN COLLECTION-(1910-191 r). [The Treasurers beg to acknowledge the following subscriptionsj
Mr. II. Meagher Co n Sn m eo t
r.&11.,-cc. b.o. TI1.6.1'C t.10m fOC.<\t .6. l'\A'O te1r 11.6. '06.l.c.(\10 1l'U,\1'01tl ou.o.c.6.1U1 .6.5t1r c.o.1Hn1--oo r51"10D c-u5.6.m 6.11 -creo.ccrh.0.111 reo 6 CO-Vl'\.6. CJ'II ce (-cir eo;s.<\rn). b.&mc:111 (Co11c.o.15e), ctu.6.1n fl'\.6.0tc, (Rorco111A111), tl.<\c-c.0.11 �Jt'O (Co. 116. 5.6.1U1111e), C.6.'C.6.1f'I S.<\1'00111 (C1<\l1ro.15e), .o.n t;o.<'.mpuU ffiOJ1 ('C10b11t11'0 .&j1.6.lll1), C'l.t1.o.tn 'Ootc.&111 ,.&t Cl.1.6.t) .o.5ur Jn:-e.6.C.6. 01te, .(\C n11, rt15e .6.5.6.m c-u15e r-111. Ct111"1m 11.6.01 5ce.6.'0 m1le r.&1he 116mp.6. 50 te111 �5t1r -oe1r1m teo 5.<'.11 bpe.<'.5 5u1, ci1111 11"' t1-cl"e.6.c.6. ru.o.q1e<\f�U.o.C.6. .6.'C<\f .6.11 '00111.6.111 .6.t' mo c1,01'6e. com6n-c-0.s nu.o..
-6-11 C-6.1 Un U-6.S-6.1., 111 1'.>UL>$,o.1t., 1.,Small amounts
co nz,n m sot :-
:So many promismg young arfists have nsen at my call in vanous parts of the country that l am tempted o set another Drawing Competlt10n this week. As La .Fheile Padraig is drav\ing near (that s not a pun, remember), I offer a prize for the Best Pen and Ink Drawinf( of a Patrick's Cross which reaches me on or oefore FRIDAY, March 3rd. The competition is open co all members of Eire Og, and the usual rules are to be observed. Competitors will please state their age.
c.n C0-6.'0 'OU-0.1s.-e1t>Un 111 R1 ..o.111, S501t. 11.0. cotnbmce, -6.11 "Ce.6.mpu1,l, 111611. "C10b1,u1'0 .&r1.o.nn. 'Dt1-0.1se..o.n11-0. spe1s1-0.t.-c..o..-unA.'\ 111 n.1-0.111, S501t. 11.6. mb.0.11 Rl.0.50.kt., .o,n ,._'\011t.c; se.o.5.&11 0 Ce<..\ L l.o.c.& 111, Ct.u.0.111 rilfo, b.<\rndr, Co. co11c.o.15e; m.<\1n1n 111 n e t t.t, Elm House, corri"- c111ce, t::11" eo5.6.111 ; L 1 L n tc comz, is, ctoc.6.lt 11.0. 'Cl'\6c.6.1l'\e, U.6.cc.6.1" .&11'0, Co 11.0. 5.6.1U1me; 116R-6. n1 e-0. l,t.11$-Ce, uut.0.15 0-11 C.6.1rteA111, ..0.11 s510b.o.11"111. .& R'0·-1i1 o 1.,o. 1'.>.-t::11cMr.6. 111 ri1iq1c.o.'6.(\, s1116su n1c Loct..o.1nn, e1otfo 111 1'.>011c.6.1'6e, 01toe 111 se615e, m.&11'\e n1 1'.>orirn.o.UJ111, mA1l"e b. 111 ri1.6.01t'61.o., n611.6. 111 fe.6.1"St1r.6., mJ111e e. 111 1.,.o.o.<\01r, .&111e 111 t1 ... 1c, t::om.<\r ffi.6.c 510U.o. bl'\15-oe, mob.6.l'\'O 6 co11rh111'6e, S100.<\11 m. 111 cor-c105Arn, mJ111e 111 Ce.6.11"-c, mh.1-r6j.-o m. 111c .6.11 f.6.1l5e, mJ111e (1. 111 H.1.6.111, c10H11 111 "t11e.6.r.o.15, mJ11,e 111 Rt.0.111, mJ1J'le.6.'0 ni l.0115.6.c.&111, "Cl'\e.6.r.6. n, Lo115.6.cJ1n, t>111cem:; 111 11eoc.<'.1'6, Se.<'.5J11 6 m1otrn11 p.&'Ol'\.6.15 6 5e.6.11A111, mJ1l"e c. 111 uuot6.111, bl'\1:sm n1 h..o.rnt.15e, cA1cU11 m. 1111'.>u11111, 1161".o. 111 Su1Ue.6.o.<\1t1, '001111C.6.'0 0 m1111, PA'Ol1.6.15 6 m.o.111c111, mA11"C.6.'0 111 11161".&111, .0.1111.6. 111 ne1U c.&n:;lfo n1 -0.n11tu.o.111, mJ1J'le ffitl'0.6., .&rne 111 E,e.6.1,oJrn, mJ111e.6.'0 Srn111, mJ111111 111 cu1111.&111, mJ111e.6.'0 n1 fe.o.1"cJ111, t,ol"cii.111 .6.;t:;'Uf bl'\C.6.'C11 <\C.
0.n co mo Rco.s.
f111,.o. 111 n1 ....,1n.-1r b11111 t.10m .., ctor 5u111--e'",1111 lo,,, 1)e1t ._,5 J'5l'100o:O 1 115'-\e'61l5 110. 1 rnbe'"\Jll-\. 'C._\ 'O,\Oltl(: 6.llll .<\5t1r me6.r.\ntl r1.6.'0 50 11'0e ..,nF6.'0 re .(\ l.<\til.\ C,\lll 51'.<\1111-\" '00. rs111��0.'0. <'-5Uf cn.o.pt.6. .o.11 "s,._,e'61t.5 1 r C'Unl-<.\ 1,10111 C.6.'0 'Oe1JI0.6.l111 fl.6.'0-r-0.11 .6.tl }'._\1'0 '-\ f(,L-\ '0-<.\01110 65.6. mo.11 tt1r.6. ""5 cup ru1me 'n-.&11 "O"C('�\1,;5 ..,111 re 111. c.& 1-c Un 111 ..o.11n t,t1 .6. m.-m1t€ rJ1he 1,61i1.6.c-r6., .., c&-cHn, .6.5t1r 1"01111 ·oo c:6.111-010 65<'- 1 toe 5c ..,11m-0.111. 1r m.o.1t t10m .6. ctor 50 rnb101111 r10 .0.5 ob'-\ll' 50 11A b1'61'6 p6-'61o.n 'Ot1'tJ'l<'.C-c.6.c Al'\ ron 11.o- 5-<.\e'61t5e. o.p "ri11ce.<\t n-0. 5Cle.6.r." 1.,onc.&111 bne.o.-Ct1,.o.c ..,11 (5i1 ..,q1e).-m ..,1t bt1.o.c:6.1t.U11 t{1, .6. lol"C.<\tn ! 51'6 11.0.c or-u1t "t"{1 .o.c o<':-c mb1.t6.'011.6. 'O' .6.0lr r5J\10l'M.11l1 "Ctl .o.n $.o.e'61l5 50 'OC ...\f, te rA1t.-ce 1"6111-0.-c
.o.n co ip is ue1Se ue'n u.&n bC<-\5 u'o " rs r.us.e, mo t.e-0.nlJ" ro o cu ine.e-o r.& c to 's.e, " c t.c roe.o.m," re--0.l)n-0- 4.<\u.)
m.&.1 Re 111c s co en.-murnm:111 U1 1'.>u11111, Rosslyn Park mu1n11-c111 S-c6er, New grove House Chevalier Rochford, "Lucerne" Strand Road Mr. Stapleton and family, Strand Road Smaller sums Total
c-0.01 tr:e no. n.o.nn o.5us .o.. cu ro co, mnce. -0.5 reo 510-c.o. be.0.5 .6f t1c1t' cro1'6e�-n1.o.1t fU.o.11'e.1.r cupt.o. u. 6 torn 6 ti1u111ce611' c.6.1rc1t ,6.5 Ctl'f' r1or .6.'f' com6pc.1.r 11.6. re.6.CC�il-f'1te. ti1.o.1t1e reo ,{\5t1r .6.'f' " e11'e 65 ., .6.t' f.6.'0 .(,\ 01 re r.o. " Rtro .6.11.0.-t.o.1-rt>te.o.c " .6.t' re1re.6.11, t1c11'. · 1re.so .6. teicero 'Oe comojvce.r cun 11.0. 'O.o.orne 65.0. .6. cup .0.5 tn.6.CC11.6.ti1 .61' 5tt1.6.1re.6.CC orbpe .o. 11 Con n.1.-rt.6.. 'De.o. 11-r.6.11'.> re .6. n.o.-m.6.1 teo.r, 1 r '0615 Liorn. l11t rt15e nioj- fe.6.'f't' 6t111 11.6. '0.6.0111e 65.6. .6. t.6.t't'.6.c 1rce.6.c r.6.11 ob.6.11' n.J. 'Ot1.6.1fe.6.1111.6. .6. t>-ron11.6.1'.> ort.6. -rn.6.t' reo. 50 n-e1-r1:se te.6.c 11.6. 5.6.e1'.>1t 65.6. ,6. 'Otllfe.6.Ct: .6.'5Uf 1.6.'0 ,6. t.6.t't'.6.C 1 r ce.6. c 1 11 - .6.1 t: beo 6.6.111 t: 11 .6. ce .6.n 5 .6.11 . " 1r 1.6.'0 11.6. mu111ce61-r1 65.6. .6.11 'OtteM11 '0.6.0111e 1r 1 '01tre .6.'5t1f 1r '0Uttt.6.Ct:.6.15e 'O;. Oft11t f.6. 111 11.6.011 1011511.6.1'.> e, m.6.1' r111, 5u-r 5Co1111'[\.6.1'.>. Ct11t' t1C1'f\ 6 'Ot11t1e .6.C.6.-.6.11 l1"C1t' f111 tt1.6.f5t101111'0.6.t' .6.5ur .&t.6.f .6.'5t1f rmjneac .6.t' mo cporoe. 50 rn b.c 11.6.ti'lt.6.11'.> 1'.>u1c .6.5ur 50 f'.6.lt:> m.6.1t .6.:S.6.C, .o. l1.o.m !
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The Advertisers
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o o
deserve yo11r support
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RELIABLE TAILORING. efore placing your Orders it would be well to nspect our New Stock o Seasonable Goods just n·ceived from the manufacturers, For and quality our Irish Suitings and Trouserings cannot be surpasse
Suits from 45s.
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Call and Choose your lllaterial and we will Guarantee Perfect \Vorkmanslup Punctually Exec·Jted.
cum15 te 'Oe.011-cu1r1'b
Do they receive it?
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February 25
Most Hoty Cross and of the Sisters of St. Vincent de Paw, special crass arrangements being made for these. A very encouragmg feature of the present session is the work <lone in the advanced ciasses. The course 01 study in these includes lectures on the Advanced Lrrammar of the Language, and the reading of selections rrom Keating.
The Councils and the University.
It is encouraging to see the County Councils fulfilling the promises they made to the University. Many of them: moved by a spirit that honours our public men, have decided not to wait until 1913. Wexford, Waterford, Monaghan, Queen's County, Galway, Leitrim and Kerrv have included the rate in the estimates for the present year. Irish is to be an essential subject in the scholarship examinations. The enemies of Irish who told the Senate that the Councils would never pay a penny, now know that we have public men to whom patriotism and honour are not strangers.
'\ The great meetings at Pittsburg and Bost-on have been followed by others in Brocton and Bridgeport. The envoys are receiving pu �lie reccp�i�ms, an? the daily and weekly press is advertismg their mission throughout the Eastern States. The Hon. Joseph O'Neill, President of t�e Federal Trust Company, one of the principal banking hous�s of Boston, is acting- as treasurer to the Boston Gaehc The Roston appeal is signed by a League Fund. number of the best known men in the city, including John A. Sullivan, head of the Boston Finance Commission, John J. Phelan, a leading banker, John B. Dore, President of the Irish Charitable Society, Louis K. Rourke, Superintendent of Public Works, James W. Kenny, and James P. Magenis. The Philadelphia meeting is fixed for April 6th. The Secretary is Mr. Brian Kelleher, 1305 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, with whom friends, at home or in the States, who can help, should communicate. HELP FROM HOME. It nas frequently been stated by the Envoys, that the subscriptions from individuals in reply to a personal appeal are their most fruitful source or income. They have asked again and again for the addresses of friends of the Gaelic League in the States. They have also requested members of the Gaelic League at home to write to their acquaintances in the States, asking them to communicate with either An tAthair O Flannagain or Fionan Mac Coluim. We publish this week a. list of the County Associations in Philadelphia, and we rely on every reader to communicate with his own County :Association beyond, to explain to them the purpose of the League and of the Envoys, and invite assistance. COUNTY ASSOCIATIONS IN PHILADELPHIA. ARMAGH, President, James Martin. CAVAN ,, Mr. Brady, 2501 East Clearfield St. DERRY ,, John A. Gillan, 3840 Felsom St. DONEGAL ,, James Friel, Industrial Hall, Broad Street. GALWAY Mr. Keating, 116 Moore Street. " LEITRIM John A. Conboy. " MAYO John M. Greene, 2723 Han berger Street. TYRONE Patrick Conway, Betz 1112 " Buildings.
On Sunday evening, February r zth , a meeting was held in the Patrician Brothers' Schools to re-organise the Gaelic League. The Chair was taken by Ven. Archdeacon M'Kenna, P.P., V.G., who delivered an address on the aims and objects of the Gaelic League. He called. for the formation of a vigorous Branch of
the organisation.
Dr. M'Kenna, J.P., Carrickmacross, proposed that a Branch of the Gaelic League be established, and that a Committee be formed to carry out the working. He dwelt at length on the work done for the encouragement and support of Irish industries since the inThat district auguration of the Gaelic movement. was rich in historical lore, and he thought the Gaelic League classes should do everything in their power to foster and encourage the study of Irish history (applause). Mr. ·Thomas Concannon, chief organiser Gaelic League, in showing what the towns could do towards influencing the Irish-speaking countryside, said in the town how much could be done if those in shops would only transact business with their country customers in Irish, endeavouring to show at the same time pride in their ability to do so. Let Branches of the Gaelic League bring this before the thousands of young men from Irish-speaking districts employed as shop assistants in every town. Let the young men themselves take the matter up. They will help on the ca.use effectively by so doing. Again, at social gatherings, in the workshop, in the hay field, around the Chapel gate on Sunday mornings, it should be a point of honour with all who can speak our language to do so; and as for the salutations, these expressive greetings should be in universal use even by those who have the misfortune not to know Trish. The path to national regeneration was no primrose path, and to shirk a difficultv merely because it was a difficultv boded ill for the moral stamina of their future nationality (hear, hear). The resolutions were seconded by Rev. P. J. Maguire, C.C., and supported by Rev. J. A. Meehan, C.C., after which a representative committee was elected. A new travelling teacher has been appointed for the district. and the classes have been resumed.
I saw a table revolving bookcase in the Kilkenny Woodworkers' Dublin shop the other day that quite took my fancy. It makes a very acceptable present, without being too expensive,
9 � -v,
191 1 . 1011.
A MUNSTER IDIOM. I am not vet done with Mr. R. A. Foley as rezards 'Oo "Otl0�1) �:sur "00 "OeAJ1S.\1J �c� ... And first let me here remark that the constant puenlity of the stuff he writes is apparent from his ha:Jng taken up a me�e printer's error (" R. l\I. Foley } as a1;1 ar�um�nt m the discussion ! There should be no silly side-issues in a purely academic question. He_ asserted that. I have never admitted mvself to be m the wrong: in anything. In reply, I simply say : That_ is not tru�. The facts are indeed the other way. He will not adnut himself wronz in his absurd interpretation of the phrase, 0 but actually winds up his lette.r with a personali_ty in which he azain shows how little he knows of rts application. It is quite cle�r that he has never kn?wn the idiom. I have even distrusted my own prev10us knowledge of it, and have gone to the trouble of asking many Munster speakers and scholars of Irish about their application of the expression. The result is �hat I find all opinions in my favour, that is, I am right as regards the meaning of the thing, whatever way mere wording may express it in English. The writers in the CLAIDHEAMH were also in agreement with me. The most straightforward Irish for " he blushed " is in Munster uo t.o.r re. This I prefer to al! other renderings. 'Oo ue.0.115 re ru.o.r, as given by one correspondent is fairly correct with the exception of ftl.6.f which seems to be Anglicism ; uo ue.0.115 re or uo ue.o.11;su15 re, no doubt being better. A distinction is rightly drawn in some districts between t.o.r.o.u, the redness of blushing, and Lm pne, the natural ruddiness of a person in a state of good health. This I overlooked in giving a certain phrase. As earnest of my desire to make myself still more exact in my facts, I would now once again revise my attempts at translating uo uuo.o.u .<\SU r uo ue.0.115.0.u .o.15e, in order to give an adequate and neat rendering of it in English that should be the most natural expression of the same idea in that language. My first attempt was too faithful, as it was the popular method of translating it. My second was too long and roundabout, not to say prolix, but probably served its purpose as an explanation. Here, then, is what occurred to me one evening when I was having a chat with co n.Sn rn.eot., We were talking in Irish and I asked his opinion of the matter. He told me that his way of it was oo uu10 .o.;sur uo ue.0.115 .o.15e1 and he then gave me a long explanation in Irish, the wording of which I cannot now call to mind. However, I understood every word, and such a clear impression was conveyed to my brain that at once the ordinary English idiom (or whatever we may call it) for the same idea sprang suddenly, as it were, before my mind's eye. This is, "He became purple and speechless with rage." The Irish idiom may, therefore, be classified as an analytically artistic one. Any artist will inform Mr. Foley, if he goes to more trouble than he has hitherto gone to in the matter, that one shade of purple arises from the combination of black and red. The impersonal (literal) " it blackened and reddened at him," then = "he became purple" and by one becoming purple "rage" is naturally connoted. " Speechlessness " often accompanies rage and follows as an additional inference to complete the sense. In conclusion, let me add that my goal is truth and facts. Mr. Foley's, on the other hand, appears to be to score off an opponent, usually with venom, and especially " to give a dog a bad name." He need not fear any relaxation of pugnacity on my side. If necessary, I shall fight him with some of his own weapons . until he knows the ordinary decencies of controversy. ae os.e.rn t.<\01'0e.
The minutes of the various sub-committees were ratified. The following Branches were affiliated :'010 t,.\ 1"6e ...\CC p ,.\ 1 H 'CC. Se,,11-6110.ooc,, :-c,,1q1,,15 n o, S1t1q10; Cl ,1-,1 n 11-, 0, 11 111 1 5Co11u,,e L c,01t1re; coi tt.ce Cloc,,1p, 1 5Conu,,e list: u11om_,,; CJ1 ...,oo 1;,, u�u,,� 1 uc:11, Co n xr l.L ; Hor rnuc; Cth\00 eo50.1n t.11 6011111,,mo, ..xn l m p , CJk\00 e,n Clt11-t15E: 1 5Conu ...,e co11c.6.�5e; cru. ti1.o.111l'c.\1n; ...,� R.o.LA1tl; c,t� Comn15e; b.0.1� Locc, He,\lih\lJ\; C'Lu.ct n _ 1:1.6. st15� 1 :s<::011'?.o.c \.o.0151re: 1�011c L,01t1rc; bet11, .0.L.6. .6.TI :S.o.OtlL�l"O _; C..c:\'C'.6.11t,n;o1,11nn ; -. \cso 611 I ;sconu.6.e 61tte Co1nn15 ; c1tt 'Oiom .., 1 -sconu �e Lurmm g ; Cp.o..00 Seor . .,1111 t1.o.Olll1 1 Stt.\llfe'.\; '0�1t:: :;1111;. ,._ ' "Ojiomc, ot.oc 1 5Conu.ue Co11c.6.15e. C11.6.ooc.o. t1u.o. :_-c11.uoo ':n 'Ott.6.o; 6 hJce�-6 c, 1, rne1n:h:ytt'Cyu1\lt; Cf'..c:\OD 11.0. 111u1m:eo1111 11.o.1r1t11n:�\ 1 1116-c.o. :Sf'.6.lnne 615e.f__j l!'l8. Ob.6.111 e1te.
The usual monthly meeting of the Coiste Gnotha of the Gaelic League was held on Saturday, 11th inst., at 25 Rutland Square, Dr. Douglas Hyde in the Chair. Also present :-Peadar Mac Fhionnlaoich, Una Ni Dhubhlaoich, An Dr. Nie Ghalloglaigh, Conchubhar Mac Suibhne, Padraig Mac An Bhaird, Padraig O Siogfhradha, Eumonn Mainseul, Micheal Smidic, Domhnall O Murchadha, An Dr. Sean Mac Enri, Padraic O Maille," Tomas Aghas, Padraig Mac Piarais, Tomas Mac Domhnaill, Seoirse Mac Niocaill, Tomas O Colmain, Eibhlin Nie Neill, Eibhlin � Ni Dhonnabhain, Neili Ni Bhriain, Eumonn Mac Giolla Mairtin, Maire Ni Aodain, Catha! Brugha, " Conan Maol," Uilliam Mac Giolla Bhrighde, Corneul O Mordha, Una Ni Fhaircheallaigh, Lughaidh Breathnach, Tomas Mac Donnchadha O Mathghamhna, Seumas O Cathasaigh, Sean T. 0 Ceallaigh, Padraig O Dalaigh, Ard-Runaidhe; Bairead, Stiophan Cisteoir ; Uilliam O Mongain, Stiurthoir an CHLAIDHIMH Sor.trrs ; Sean Mac Giolla an Atha, Eagarthoir an CHLAIDHIMH SoLUIS ; Seosamh Laoide, Eagarthoir na Leabhar: agus Sean Mac hEnrigh, Timthire, Airgid. Minutes of last meeting taken as read were signed. Correspondence was read from Seaghan O Cathain, Belfast; Seoirse O Muanain, Baile Atha Cliath ; Donnchadh O Loingsigh, Baile Atha Cliath ; Fionan Mac Coluim, etc. The following resolution was unanimously passed:,• Go n-iarrtar ar na Braithribh Criosdamhla teagasc dha theangach do dheunamh i roinnt eigin da gcuid scoileanna i mbailtibh Gaedhlacha, cuir i gcas Daingean Ui Chuise, Tuaim Dha Ghualainn, etc., agus lucht teagaisc do chur ionnta go mbeidh in a gcumas an teagasc dha theangach sin do dheunamh." The question of the use of Irish in the forthcoming census was considered. It was stated that the census office would give all facilities in the matter, and that arrangements would be made that papers filled up in Irish would be properly and efficiently dealt with. It is, therefore, to be hoped that an account will be given of all speakers of Irish in the country, and that complete accurate and detailed information will be forthcoming as regards the present position of the · spoken language. Any Make of Typewriter Repaired
Tel. X19.
e.6n-\l.(\lf" .6 't"e.o.fL\l17e.o.nn ,l1U'O .\l..o.lt' 1 t'>rti1t1m me.t,1r1m cL6 no nro ce {\ t'>.o.rne.o.nn le n-c te,te1-01, b10'0 f:'1or 6.F,.6L ;so Of\l1l r.o.n 5no-f.(\l1 1 m bert.e .at.o. Cll.o.i: S<-'eu1t5e61r1i '0At1ob rto,nne
�:S 25 Bachelor's Walk.
In Ath Cliath. A special meeting of the Delegates of the City Branches of the Gaelic League ·was held at the central offices, 25 Rutland Square, on Saturday evening last 11th inst. The President of the District Comn1ittee' Micheal Smidic, B.E., B.L., occupied the Chair, and the following delegate$ were in attendance :-Keating Branch, Michael O Foghluaha and Padraig O Ceallachain ; Ard-Chraobh, Seoirse O Heireamhion ; Blackrock Gaelic League. Micheal Smidic and Micheal Mag Rua dhai; Drumcondra Branch, Micheal O Murchadha; Mac Hale Branch, Mairtin O Connallain· St. Kevin's Branch, Padraig O Haichir and Seamu� Mag Fionnlaoich; Mount Argus Branch, Liam O Briain; Old City Branch, Micheal O Caomhanaigh and Eamonn Comortun ; Colm Cille Branch, E. Callendar and Micheal O Fearthainn; Coiste Ceanntair, Micheal O Loingsigh ; Padraig Mac Giolla Eithne · Proinnsias O Fathaigh, B.E., and Micheal O Maclain'. Assistant Secretary. Correspondence read from An Coisde Gnotha (Executive Committee) to which the Secretary was directed to reply. FrNANCE.-The Sub-Committee appointed to go into the question of the financial position of An Coiste Ceanntair, presented a report of its work. After a lengthened discussion in which nearly all the delegates present joined, the report was adopted, and the recommendations made by the Sub-Committee as to the better working of the various Sub-Committees approved of. The Chairman said that the delegates were under a deep debt of gratitude to Micheal O Caomhanaigh and to Michsal O Foghluclha for their patient work in connexion with the Sub-Committee. CARNIVAL SUB-COMMITTEE CEILIDH.-It was announced at meeting that the above Sub-Committee intend holding a monster Ceilidh on Saturday evening, 25th inst. Proceedings will commence at 8 p.m. A splendid programme has been The delegates present undertook to arranged for. bring the project under the notice of their Branches. Tickets for same may be had from the Secs., Domhnaill O Murchadha and Micheal O Foghludha. The Carnival Sub-Committee are busily engaged in making preliminary arrangements for 2nd Annual Event, the date of which will be announced later. DUBLIN FEis, 1911.-The question of a Dublin Feis for 1911 next engaged the attention of the meeting. Some of the delegates present were of the opinion that the Feis should be dropped for a year or two as the support given to the projectlby the general public and by Gaelic Leaguers even fell far short of what might reasonably be expected. On the other hand many delegates were altogether opposed to the idea of Feis being discontinued as it was absolutely necessary that Annual Examinations be held in connexion with the Branches. It was urged against the holding of a Feis this year that the time was now very short to successfully The majority of the delegates organise one. however,. inclined to the view that an energetic Committee could successfully organise a Feis and it was ultimately decided that the Dublin Feis, 1911, be held. The following were, after further discussion, nominated on Feis Committee:Padraig Mac Giolla Eithne, Labhras O Muirgheasa, Criostoir O Monachain, Domhnall OMurchadha, Micheal Smidic, Micheal O Caomhanaigh, Micheal O Foghludha, Seoirse O Muanain.
� In Dromchonrach.
The annual general meeting was held on Tuesday, There was a very full attenda1;1ce 31st ult. of members, and the election of officers for the ensumg session resulted as follows :-Uachtaran, P. Mac Tornaighe. P.L.G.; Leas-Uachtarain (Beirt) Liam Mac Gio!la Phoil and Mr. M. Stafford, P.L.G. The members of thf' old Committee were re-elected with one or two exceptions. A long discussion took place in reference to . the attitude of the North Dublin Union Roard of Guardians towards Irish in connection with the recent election of Relieving Officer to the Board. The following resoh1tion was unanimously adopted : " That we, the members of Drumcondra Bra�ch Gaelic League, condemn in the strongest. poss1?le manner the recent action of the North Dublm Umon Board of Guardians in voting to the position of Relieving Officer a candidate who had not satisfied the Board that he possessed a knowledge of the Irish Language, this being in direct contradiction t� the terms of advertisement which stated that the candidate must have a knowledge of Irish. The action of !hi Chairman calls especially for condemnation, he bemg a Gaelic Leaguer." Sean Ua Cathac:aigh spoke vigorously in support of the resolution, and it was the opinion of all the speakers that in view of the election of Guardians takingTplace next May, the action of those members of the Bo3:rd who voted against the claims of the Language in spite of their avowed sympathy otherwise, should be made public as much as possihle. /)
February, 1911,
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maatrated Souveair Guide and Tariff, post free on applicatioa.
Intending Purchasers of IRISH POPLIN TIES should be on their guard against imitations which are sold under the name of REAL POPLIN, as this i description is likely to mislead some into accepting I them. for I�ISH POPLIN which is a very much su�enor article. Purchasers can avoid all risk of being deceived by insisting that each Tie bears a label with the words
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which is absolute guarantee of genuineness.
Within One Minute's walk of the Rotunda and Gaelic League Offices.
TARIFF-Beds, ls. Gd. to 2s.; Breakfasts, ls. to ls. Gd. ; Table d'Hote Dinner, 6 o'clock, Five Courses, 2s. No charge for Attendance.
DUBLIN, Hotel only 3 minutes' walk from Broadstone Tem1inus via Avenue Gates.
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t:05.(\ tM
5.(\eu1t5e .(\5 5.(\c -o o mne .o.nnro.
4 Upper Abbey Street, DUBLIN. �
Manufacturers of Work in Sheet Copper, Brass, Tin, Iron, Zinc, &c, �El
The Dublin Mosaic Workers.
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..'__ ,
Estimates and Designs on applicaHon to the llfanager;
54 AUNGIER STREET. Coffins, Hearses, Coaches, and every Funeral Requl&lte. Punctuality and Economy �uaranteed, Telephone No, u. Country Undertakers supplied.
We can compete with any class of Foreign J\1aD ufacture.
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Oj,jJosite Black Church, near Broadstone,
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GAELIC HURLING CLUBS! We are now in a position to supply IRIS�-lVI.A.DE GOAL NETS in accordance with new regulations, e rft. long x 8ft. high x 6ft. deep, tarred and fitted I with 2 back poles. guy ropes, pegs and braces, for the sum of 62s. 6d. per set of 2 complete nets (sides, back and top nets combined). .Support Irish Manufacture,
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following prices and 1/2 per lb.
Telephone No. 333.
Sole Manufacturers of the "Shamrock" Pure Linseed Cake. " Shamrock Pure Soft Decorticated Cotton Cake. '' Shamrock Compound Feeding Cake. Artificial Manures. Caledonian Sheep Dip, "Shamrock" Calf Meal. KINDLY MENTION THIS PAPER U' ORDERING
Telephone 156.
14, 15 & 19 SIR JOHN ROGERSON'S QUAY. Telegraphic Address-" Linseed," Dublin.
Duplicate Safe Keys of all kinds made to Pattern YALB LOCKS and LA TCHBS supplied and fixed.
Modero Plant. Modern Metbocl1.
co ..
40 Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin.
The Manager, '' .0.n ct.e roecrn so tuts," 25 Rutland Square, Dublin. Kindly supply me with································-·····cop months, for which please find enclosed
For Repairs to Chubbs, Milner, and Ratner Safes,
Garage and Workshops-�1ontague Lane, rere 12 Harcourt Street,
Tea Dealers and Importers,
12 Harcourt Street, Dublin.
:-2/5, 2/2, 2/, 1/10, 1, 8, 1/6. 1/4,
8 STH. GT. GEORGE'S ST., & ff • M • LEASK CO.,
Electricians and Mechanical Experts -Motor Engineers,
buy all our Teas by comparison and first-hand. WE We, therefore, can offer the pick of the Market at
30 Great Brunswick Street.
Irish Manufacture,
of "-6.n Ct.d1'0e.dm Sotu1r," for ---·-··-··················value ·······---
Address ( in full),---···················-···-································-·················-
·································· ············--
Number on List -·········-·············--·-Cut out this form, and when filled in address toAnnual Subscription, 6/6; Six Months, 3/3 .� Quarter, 1/8, MANAGER, " .o.n Ct..A1t>e.c1m SotU1r," 25 Rutland Square, Dublin.
_ -,---
Afl CU1'004ril
.4f .4fl tp�.4tt.A1�11 fOO ! t).4t c.a mol}cin f.4'5.4f '011.0111e 1 n�t'1nn .c1:sur o c.&.1n1:s n.L\ S.41tt 1 11i111'1nn t>io"6 '56.e"61t, .4nn 'OO t>io"6 ::so 'Oit.e4f 'Ot11)C6. .A&Jf 50 b65-pt.Am.&f4C te 54e"6e4l..4tf>. f>i f5 14f'Jl41"0 Ot't:4 5�t,te,44i) '00 .$ea54n. :1.)t.41'ffliitd fllac mut'C.4"0.4 41111 .c1:sur f>i .411 l)p1.An4�. 1.4t'l..4 1nnre Cu111n, .4tln, .4:SUf Oi ttuu,. :6A1'• 0 UoQt11.A1tt .c1n11. ..o.c� niof'O 14'0 reo 411 �ne.4"6 5'.4e"6e.4t a5ur c.it' Se1U, .411 C&t' '5�1l,l, .45Uf Cd C1fle4'l> hAe'Oe.4l, SO f01l,l,. 11£�1l,l,f1"6 5.411 f.401t're.4cC .4:SUf coepom 11.4 (�h'111e f:.&S.41t, .4:SUf t:U15e.4'() -<\nC0111, no 5et' ..o.ncmn, no .411. 'C1$e.4'f'n6. ..o.nco111 116 -cibe .&t' b1t 1r .4111m '00 fA U't".411', 11.6.C T>fU1l, t>'f'1:S 11.& 115.c1et>eAL ,eA1'tce .c15ur cerece 50 fOtt.t So 115.ACf.4"0 f1.4'0 te f0Cf'US.c1"6 'O'f:.&::Sf.4"0 411 tam f 11·U.4C'0.4'f' 45 .8e4°SA11 bu1'0e O'f',411111 50 bf\At.dl!.
c11 u 1....o. o.
Booking at .Cramer's.
suppoi t you
lt is your dutv to return the co
�n ct�1ue.o.ti1 Solu1s.
HL,t\"C;_\ 4, 1911, March 4 19u.
(' . _\01 t r;e 116. R-<\1111 .<\5t1S ,o. Ct11'0 C'-\ 11111-ce. ".o.b.o.1r te C.o.01t-ce r.r1 'OUAl1f .o.r te1t (te \01, ..\) .o. 5e.o.tt.(\1) 'Oo'n r:r111r 1r 1116 .o. t1ilbf\Alf 'O \l t:0.i 1rt:e.(\c 1 ne1re 05 .6.f reo :SO l1.o.1mr1r\ 0.11 ,O.n te.o.'O 'OU.6.1f, 5s., .t.ll 'D.1.')'\.a 01')'\e.o.CC6.1f. 'OU.6.1f, 3s., .o.:sur .o.n Cf'lOtil.6.'0 'Ot1.6.1f, ZS. SeOLfd'O Ct.15.0.t:: O')'\'Ot.15.0.1) te1f .o.n .6.1f':Se.(\''O f01ti1 o.n .o.m rm. " "b.o. m.o.1t t10m 'O.& or-1.115e.o.1) tucr: ou.o.1't'.rce n.o. n'Ou.o.1re.6.nn 5e.o.tt.o.'6 6 n.o. :scum 'l>.o.tr:�,rn .o. l'.>e1t '01l.1f '()' ' e1re 0:s' .o.:sur f5f'100.6.'0 cu15 C.o.01tr:e n.o. R.o.nn .o.no1r 1r .o.r1rr: ; .o.cr: b'te1'01f' 50 mbe.o.u .o.n co1n510tt rm t'6 u1.o.n ort.6.. f.&5f.o.'O .0.5 C.o.01tt:e rem e te n-.o. tocru5.o.1) .o.')'\�; c.. ro5.o. c.0.01. .(\5ur m.& t:.& .o.n r:-.o.m t'6t.o.U.o. 1r re1'01r te1r .o.m e1c1nr: e1te .o. ce.o.po.u.''
MaPch 12th TO
m1111u5,o.>O. · Sm 51or:.o. .o.r t1r:1r 'Do rt1.o.1r fe,o. R ,o.11 Cl.(\lD1ri1 .6.11 r:re.o.cr:m.o.m reo 5.0.0 t.o.rr.o.1nn 6 5.0.e'Oe.o.t '01t1r 'r.o.n 1.o.rt.o.1r. "C.&1m QU1'0e.o.c 6 cro11)e 'Oo'n mno.01 t1.o.r.o.1t 'Oo r:sfiol'.> .o.n t1c1r .6.:SUf '00 Of'Onn n.o. 'OU.6.1fe.o.nn.o. .A5ur t:..11111 cmnt:e 50 mbe1'o r10-,re bu1'6e.o.c '01 r-re1r1t1 m.o.r 5e.o.tt .O.f\ 50 5cu1re.o.nn r1 .o.n me1'0 rm p11me 1 n-" e1re 65." 'Oe.o.n.o.'O 5.0.c 'OU1ne . .o. '01ce.o.tt. (n6 .o. 1)1ce.o.tt) cun .o.n ceo.'O 'Ou.o.1r n6 .o.n 'O.o.t'.o. 'Ou.o.1r n6 .o.n cr1orfl.o.'O 'Ou.o.1r 'D't.&5.o.1t .o.c 010'0 -rior .0.5.0.ft) 50 5c.o.1tr11) r10 'O,o. l"C,o.1 1111,o. '00 t.o.o.o.1rrc . 1rr.e.o.c. "Cornt.1151'0 m'01U .o.5Uf 01bt'151'0 50 '01.o.n .o.5ur rut .6. t10Cf.6.1'0 .6.1mre.o.r .o.n 01-re.o.cr:.o.1r be11) t1orc.o.1 m6r.o. 'Oe 'O.o.tt::.o.10 nu.o. . 11.& 'Oe.o.n.6.1'0 'Oe.o.rm.o.'O Af' .o.01r .o.:sur reot.o.'O 5.0.c 'O.o.tt:.o. '00 cur r1or :so .... ro1te1r. s5e1 tin. ���·,0.11 bu,o.c,o.1t.t111 ceotrh,o._n. 'oo c.o.r.o.'O 5.o.t'ru1nin 01\111 .6.11 t.& f-.& 'Oe1re.o.1) .0.5-ur e .0.5 5ot 50 f-t.115e.o.c. " C.o.'O t:.ii ore, .o. rco1-r1n 1 " .arr.o. m1re, te1r. Com tu.o.t .o.:sur 'O' te.o.'O re t.o.l'.>.o.1r-c, 'Oo t.o.l'.>.o.1r re. "'Oo cu1r re-.o. n -c.0.1 tte.o.c .o.m.o.c me .0.5 1.6.t't'.(\1'0 .o. n f>u.o.c.o.1tUn Ceotm.o.1r .o.5ur nit .o. t1or .0.5.0.m At' t.o.t.o.m .0.11 'Oom.o.m c.& nr-u1t re." 111 r:u1r:se l'.>1 .o.n r-oc.o.t .o.r .o. l'.>e.o.t n.ii '00 te.o.r re.o.n-te.o.r t1.o.t 'n.iit' t.iit.o.1r. ",0.11 bu.o.c.o.1tUn Ceotrfl.o.t' .6. t:.ii U .6.1 t; 1 " .0. t' r' .0. n re .6. n -te.0. t'. " cu .o. t.o. r r; t'.ii ct; .6.1t' 50 m10n m1t11c. CJ. :St'.ii'6 m6t' .o.15e 'D'e1rmn, ..1t' 'Ot:11' r-e1n, .o.5ur 1f 111.6.f' 5e.o.Lt .O.f' .o.n 11:St'.6'0 u'O '00 'OH'.lt'15e.o.'O .&f e1r1t1n e. ",6.n e.o."O ? " At'f.6. m1re 50 re.o.r5.o.c. ",(\c C.ii OfU1t re .o.no1r ? " Cu:s.o.r r.a n'Oe.o.r.o. :so r.o.1l'.> .o.n 5.o.rru1n1n boc-c .0.5 cur .0. tut ·cr1'0. 11101' t.o.t>.6.1f' re1re.o.n 50 ce.o.nn c.o.m.o.1tt; .o.nnr.o.n '00 c.o.r re orm 50 llob.o.nn. "t)r-u1t .o.1tne .0.5.0.c-r.o. .O.f' ,o.n mbuJ.c..:\1tUn ,Ceotm.o.r 1 " "11it, .o. uume U.6.f.6.1 t," .o.rr.o. m1re. 'Oo cr.o.1t re .o. ce.o.nn l1.o.t, .o.:sur f-.6 ce.o.nn C. t tin 'OU 0.6.1t'C-IC 1m t15 te.o.t: .o. l'.>.o.1te, .6. 5.o.rru1n1n, 'Oo'n cre.o.n-c.o.1tll$ 'DO Ctlt' .o.m.o.c tu .o.5ur .o.b.6.1t' te1 :so l'.>f-U1t ,O.n bu.1.c.o.1tUn Ceotrfl.o.t' t.o. tt 1 n.-0.. t b.o.1n f .ii t.iit.o.1r-:sut' 'Oll'.>')'\15e.o.'O .o.r e1r1nn e .6.:SUf 5Ut' bo.05.0.t.o.c n.o.c optt,:-1'6 re 50 bf'.&t. '0'1mt15 .o.n 5.0.rrumin .6.l'.>.o.1te, 50 bf'6'0.6.1il.o.1t, .o.5ur '0'1mt15 m1re .6.t'.>.o.1te :so bt'6n.o.c, .o.:sur 1r '0615 t1om 50 t'.6.1l'.> .o.n re.o.n-te.o.r, t1.o.t 50 bf'6n.o.c te1r. t)p11t .o.1tne .o.3;.0.-c-r.o., .o. Coo1tce, .o.r <\n mbu.o.c.o.1tUn Ceotm.o.r ? e-1t)t1n 111 t>t1111n, bOL & 111 ,o.n tlO-Co.1 R l{\ ll,6.11111, ,(\11 ri1u111e t)e-0-5.
Arrangements for holding the above Collection in every parish in Ireland should be taken in hands at once and pushed forward vigorously by all Gaelic League bodies and by individual Leaguers through the country. Particulars of arrangements made should be forwarded without delay to the Ard-Runaidhe, Connradh na Gaedhilge, 25 Cearnog Rutlainn, Ath Cliath, by Secretaries of Branches, Coisti Ceanntair, and Collecting Committees. The quantities of posters, collecting sheets or other Seachtmhain na Gaedhilge material required should be specified at the same time, and names and full postal addresses of parties to whom these are to be forwarded should be stated.
The Advertisers
.0.11 com6 n.c.o.s.
,, BEST S£T OF RULES FOR AN ' e1 Re 6 5 ' BRANCH OF THE GAELICiLEAGUE." tuccJ:t>u.o.1uceJ11.o. n'Du.o.1se.o.1111. �11 ce.o.'D "Ou.o.1s.-&.111e 111 1'.).o. R.o.ti1,0..1 t, crAoo ti1Aotr.o.nc.&1n -oe Connr-0.-6 nA 5Ae-61t5e, b�1te .o.n 'Dro1cm, toe 5C.o.1tmA1t1. 'DU.o.1seo.1111 o. spe1S 1.0. tc.o..-s 1:5 t,e 111 to 111 e.o.c-&.111, Sc01t Cum,o. SeolA-6, beAnnt:11A15e A:St1r UAt:.o.1r
c lA1D e Aril. 111,6.ll"C,6. 4, 1911.
coupon AN 0L.AIDHE.AMH deserve your support
mu1tc.6:0..\, 11� Sco1le ..,1111.., CJllOJ'L°,\tlll,,, C..\"C",\IJI S...\1uoin. ,&. rrorn o 'l".,u.-'l1�m 6 n1tq,c"-6", P11ornr1,,r o CeAU.6.15, S15le m. 111 t)1to1t11 ..._\n,1-., 111 C,,1rroe, pe15 111 Rtl.6.1-6111, p.&-011.6.15 6 5 O Ce...\tl..\1�. 6 .c,mo1111 6 brorn, com.&r 6 R.6.5"-'ll�15, 1_16p�,, 111 Dt'!,,111, mAq,e 111 6 ;s.&m, pe.6.-0"-'l' 6 C,,c.6.f.<.\15, se..,ni.,r o C101rn,,1 , e1Hr 111 65.&1t1, Liem 6 b110111 ,..,5ur Se ..,5.&11 56 c,:i..,c ..,1i. C6 ti1 R.&"(). s ig t.e 111 tome.o.c-&.m.-b.6. 011111 Liom t-'oc,,L -00 ct.oj U<.\1'C .<.\l'1f. 'C.& ,\11 rp1011,,ro CC..\JH:: ro' CJIOroe .6.:SUf -Oe.6.11}'..\1'0 Ltl .&p-O-OO.\ll' r6r ,\J\ ro n 11...\ heqte-c\nn, Le co115n.o.111 'De. 't>ru1t .<.\011 r:se1tin -oe ...,r le <.tor crmcee.l.L t>eAnm:r<.\15e ? -&.me 111 p.o.R.o.ti1.o.1t.-1r rn.6.1c 1.6.-0 ne, 111,6.s'-'tc,c" -00 CeAf.)-0.tf, A -&.1ne, .o.5ur C.<.\1Cf1'0 me 1<.\-0 -00 cur l'� cto. b'tem1r nAC mbero n e, -OAlc.o.t :so teqt fAJ'C.6. te6 AmAC 'r -0.m.6.C A5t1f m un o, mbero Ctt10l1A1'0 me C0..\"0 -oo -ou1ne Al" brc .o.on Lo cc .o.t:.& Le r.o.5.&1t -0.150 (n6 .<'.1c1) orcA oo cur or oo c6mAqt Annro. 11Ac ce.o.rc e J'ln ? u,0..c.o.1R .o.5us t.i.e.m 6 munc.o."0-0..-mite c.& c.&1r-oe 65.0. 'Oitro r.&1tce 116mMo, A ouAcA1tH ! A5Am ceAnA rem 1 5CAt::A111 S.o.1-6oin -0.511r 1f m.o.1c Liom Ano1r r10-re oe1i:: "n-e, Of0CA111· 1r bt1e.&5 c.n ce1rt:1me1reAC'C -00 mu1nnc111 01r1:s .un t)t11rt: 11,.\ c-lt"roA15e reo -00 cu1reAOAll' ct15Am. 1f eotAr�,c 11,\ -o .cxome 1..\-0, 'OAl' n-0615. nit Aon crt15e 1r f0.6.Jlt1 cun ·'' tu1ttc eotA1f A TI1U1n0A'O -0610 11.6. n.e, t1c11e.._\C...\ -00 i'eOt<.\'O 1 n5.o.e-61t5 1 5c6thnu1-6e. 'C.&1m -oe1rhm5ce ;so n-06An ..,1u r10-re e r1n. m-&.1 Re 1) Re.o.C11.6.C.-bA m.o.1c Liom -0. ctoj, .6 ti1.&1re, ;so 11A0A1f r.&rcA te1r An -011-0.lf. t)for-r.<.\ e n 'Cf.6.f'C.<.\ Al\ }'A-0 l01f -0.n Ob-0.1l' -00 Ot1A1'0 .6.11 -Ot1.6.1J' -ou1t; 01 ri ;so h.&tu1nn. CA1i::r1u cu p1cnu1r CA01ke -oo t::Al'l''-'1115 t1A1l' e151n. t:.& An ceArc 6.:S c.&1dh1 .6.E;t1r A5 5r.&mne; ni'l.rm com AOrt:-0. A'r C0Af.}A1111 t:Uf.6. Al' cor Al' brc 51-6 ;so bpurl.rrn lMi:: A:St1f t-0.5. 1110p cu1ro'-'r .o.n 'Cl11.f1Ct-O i::A11m ror A5t1f 1r }'A-0.<.\ ucrm " bt1ont1t:.6.11.<.\r 11A f0ATI--o-0.ome." .6.bA1l' te'm c.&111-010 50 te111 50 l'.6.0<.\r -0.5 cu11 A -O'CUA1l'1rce . e ib tts 111 e1"0n.1sceo11.,.-ruA1reAr -oo c.o.rr:.6. -oe-0.r A5t1f bero ru1t A5Am te1r ATI t1c1r }'A-0.6. tro. b.o.1t 6 '01A 011c. s e.e.mus 6 c101111.o.1:5.-50 r-0.10 mA1t .05.6.c, .6. SeAmu1r ; -oeAt1fA1-6 me ru-o 011-c: rut t Df.6.-0, te co ngn.ern 'De. rnz.me un.o, 111 n.1.o.111.-m.o.1c .o.n r5eAt e, .6. ti1.&1re, 51111 i::A1tn ATI -OUA1f Lez,c. co nuj- t:.6. f10 50 te1r 'r .o.n 'Ce-0.mputl, m6r ? e rb L 111 111 ou 11111.-5u11A mite mA1c A:S.6.t:, .6. e10Hn, m6.11 5eAtt -0.11 An r5e1Hn -oo cu1r1r cu5.o.m ; t:A 'CU ;so ATI-TI1A1C -oom. nit Alene A:SAm Al' "..:,\n mbuocA1tHn CeotrhAl1 " ACt: cuAtA me c11.&ct: · Alf'. be1-6 A t.&n fEM11Ct11'0i::e 1fA ti1u1ne 1'.>15 1 5ce.6.nn c.o.mA1tHn eite. 50 mb.e, fA-OA bucn 1.6.-o ;so te1r A:St11' :so Of01C1'0 fl.6.-0-rAn A5t1r e111e " .o.n buAC.6.1tltn Ceotm.0.11" A5t1f 5AC AOn -oeOl'Al'Oe -01t1r e1te rut 1 DfA-O . .o.1:5te1111 111c 51ott.o. c.o.c-&.111.-A hearty welcome to you and a hearty wish from old C.001trn that you may soon be able to read and understand every word of '• e1re 65," and that you may be able to write me a big long letter in our own language. I'm glad you like the Irish form of your name. So well you may like it, for i+ is $Weet and pleasant to hear. Won't you write to me often ? ,:101111:5u.o. t.o. 111 66 p t.0.1:5.-Delighted to hear from you and to welcome you into the ever-growing circle of my friends. Am glad you like your Irish studies. Work real hard (vou have an excellent teacher) and before very long you will be able to write and speak your thoughts in the language of Ireland. .0.:511.0. bRu:5.0..-A thousand welcomes to you, a .o.5hn.o., and may you live to see every man, woman, and child in Ireland speaking our native language. Poor old CA01tce will hardly see that clay, but it is snre to come and the earnest work of girls such as you will clear the way for its coming.
com o rrc (\S 1 nto..
r. ,o. n 5 o e 5 .o. n 1" 6 .o. m '!; 1. C 1 .o. n l' 1 .o. o n o .a 1 o n 1 1) n. 3. l1.ameo11c1t en . 4. p 6 t .o. t I c o e 'O .o. e .o. 1 .o. r .o. r r .o. 5 .o. n . 5. e .0. t; et' m r n .0. 1 n f' u n 1 . 6. b t' 1 .o. n m <.' e r: 6 e c .o. t . The six "jumbles" given above contain the names (in two cases well-known pen-names instead of the real names are given) of six men (three living and three dead), who will �ver be lovingly remembered and spoken of m conwith the struggle for the restorat_ion of our native language. A prize will be given for the first correct solution of the jumbles opened on THURSDAY , MARCH 16th. You know . what you have to do -place the letters in their proper order so that they will spel1 correctly the name (or pen-name) they stand for, number the names as above , and send to me on or. before . . The compet1t1011 is Thursday, March 16th. open to all members of "Eire Og," and the usual rules are to be observed. Be sure to give your age. All letters to be addressed c,0.01 Lee 11-<.\ no.1111, 01r-1:s ,0.11 c l-6. 1 u1ti1 so tu tf.,, 25 Ce.o.rn65 Rm:t6.1t1t1, .&t.o. Cl1.6t. 2.
Do they receive it ?
tn�1rc..\ 4, 1911, March 4, 151r
an C1At'Oearfl souns. 1
iotes from Timthiri, Muinteoiri Taistil, and Branch Secretaries. fh"'t c t, to't. e114\or, Slc,uo 0115u1r, 13 Harold's Cross (opposite Hos}?J<e}.-lrish classes under Mr, Wm. Shortall on 1 uesday and Friday nights at fs.30 to 9.30 o'clock, Conversation (Irish) at 8-15 o'clock on same nights ; History at 9.30 to IO o'clock on Thursdays. There is also a class for beginners on Friday nights at 8.30 o'clock. Sunday, beinc first '-;unr.ay of month, the \ ery Rev. Father Arthur Devine, C.lj., as usual, will give the Catechetical Instructions m Irish, at 4 o'clock in the Church of the Passionists, Mount Argus, Harold's Cross. The Rosary will be recited in Irish, and after Benediction hymns in Irish will be sung. The "Mac Hale ., Irish Catechisms as well as the pravcrs in Irish will be on =ale at church doors. These lectures are of service even to beginners, as the lecturer being a native speaker, his hearers will have an opportunity of acquiring a good blas.
l_gco. Chorcaighe
Seaghan O Ccarbnaill spent the first fortnight of the New Year in the Macroom and Ballyvourney districts. He held meetings at Cluandrihid Chapel gate, Cui! a Bhuacaig, Toames, He arranged with the Ballyvourney Gaels to employ a Muinteoir. The parishes of Donoughmore, Coachford, Kilmicheal, and Ach Aoinneach, were also visited, Nothing is being done for the language in the parish of Ach Aoinneach. Though the parish is an Irish-speaking one, not a word of the language is taught in the five schools of the parish. The manager, Fr. T. O'Callaghan, is entirely responsible for this state of affairs . Not a word of Irish is taught in the Macroom Boys School. Though there are two strong National political parties-CT.LL. and A.F.I.L.-in the town, as well as A.O.H., G.A.A., Town Tenants League, Farmers' Association, Catholic Young Men's Society, Sinn Fein Society, and a number of other societies, still the A wonderful town is National language is ignored. Macroom ! Needless to say no adult classes are held. Are the people of Macroom anxious that the Irish language should die ? This is a fair question to ask. In Ballyvourney the Rev. Fr. Burton, P.P., and his curate, Fr. Hurley, are doing excellent work for the language. The Bilingual programme is in operation in the Cuil Aodha and Barr Innse schools, and Fr. Burton, manager, is to apply to the Commissioners for permission to have the programme introduced into the Sliabh Riabhach and Ballyvourney schools for the coming year. Let us hope that \h.is permission will be granted, and not postponed for trifling causes, as sometimes happens. A good number .from Muscraighe are to present themselves at the Gaelic League Scholarship examinations in May next-.3:bout .15 in nu�ber. This will probably r1:ean 15 native. Ir�sh-speakmg tea�hers in a few years time. Th� _maJonty of these pupils are coming from Re na n Doiridhe where the teacher, Sean O Suiliabhain ' is keenly interested in the scheme.
gCo. Luimnlch. There arc four flourishing branches of the League in West Limerick, Foynes, Kilcornan, Kildimo, Palas-
The teachers in the Foynes branch are Mr. kenry. Purtell, N.T., and Miss Ahearn, N.T. Miss Neilli Ni Bhriain also takes a turn at teaching, and is keenly interested in the working of the Craobh. Splendid work is being done in the Foyncs Schools. Seaghan held special meetings at Kilcornan, Palas kenry, and Kildimo. The people come in large numbers to listen to the Organisers' lectures. Seosep O Concobhair, M. Taisil, is a general favourite. The Organiser is at present in the Dromcollogher district where he is working under the guidance of An tAthair Tomas De Bhal, Notes on movement in district in future issue.
Sa Bhaln Tir. Liam O Buachalla reports that the League work is It is: to be regretted, howprogressing in his district. ever, the working of the Cill Coirne Craobh is now The local workers are not at fault discontinued. however The classes were never better attended than they had been of late. ·· );il leigheas ar an gcothughadh acht e mharbugharlh le foidhne." The existing difficulty may br got over after a time. The attendance at Clonmeen Craobh is well maintained. Diarrnuid O Murchadha has a good deal to do A with the success of this gallant little Craobh. successful sgoruidheacht was held recently. The classes in connection wit h the Lyre Craobh wci e but fairlv attended this session. It was thought advisable, after the recent sgornidheacht, which was a successful one, to adjourn the classes. Bad weather had a bad effect on the attendance. Craobh na Bain-Tire is doing snlendidlv this vear. The classes were never so "ell attended. ,.rhc workers of t hc Craobh wen' delighted with the success of their efforts in connection with the recent concert, which was the best ever held in Bantcer. The President of the Branch. the Very Rev, A. Ca11011 Morrissy, P.P.,
Made in Ireland by ra.,
MUSIC ot every
was present, as was also the Rev. M. J. Coughlan, Peadar O Neill wasn't absent any night this C.C. session. Banteer Gaelic Leaguers expect to organise a big Feis for Barrteer this summer. Barrteer would be an Nor will the annual ideal place for such an event. excursion be dropped. Several are already inquiring about it,
will last a lifetime.
iiz -
V-'_ :,· �iiiij3�rf, �,
I SAY? Do you want a decent Overcoat-35 / •. For Quality, Style and Finish: I carnot be beaten.
Old Moore is worthy of a trial, boys.
MOORE & CO., Ltd., 64 Dame St.
FIXTURES. March 4th-pte.o.-r.o.c.o. .o.5ur 'Dtt.o.m.o., Islington. March I 1th-Se.o.ncur, 8 o'clock, 77 Fleet Street. Annual Musical March 17-London, Queen's Hall. Festival of Gaelic League. March 17-Birmingham, Cuirm Cheoil. March 18th-pte.o.r.o.c.o. .o.;sur 'Dtt.&m.6, Haverstock Hill. March 20-Wolverhampton, Cuirm Cheoil. March 21-Coventry, Cuirm Cheoil. May 28.-b.o.1te .o.n t>-run.0.15,-.0.n cu-r-r.o.c, Co. c1tte "0.6.f1.6., -6.e-r1ue.o.cc. me1te.o.m 4.0.u.-Aeridheacht, Killyon, Co. na Midne,
Oireachtas, Dublin, July 31st to August 5th. 1.-Feiseanna whose dates only have been sanctioned. June 11-Dundealgan. July 2-Portlairge.
11.-Feiseanna whose Syllabuses have been approved by the Oireachtas Committee and whose Fixtures are fully authorised.
IN THE MARCH OF CIVILISATION. Some years ago our grnndmothers prided themselves on their ample feather beds, but now-a-days no good housewife cares to use one of these unhealthy and not too cleanly if luxurious articles. Any housekeeper wishing to dispose of one or more feather beds could not do better than to communicate with the Irish Feather Co., Ltd., Tara Street, Dublin, who supply Curled Hair Mattresses in part or whole exchange, or purchase for cash as may be desired.
c. MARTIN & SONS, (27 w�llsgl1A�i .�Y.) Established 1876.
Stock o Before placing y��o�l!�::d Seasonable Goode just received from themam"""�u:,·urers, For and quality our Irish Suitings and Trouserings cannot be syrpasse Suite from 45e. Trousers frofri 12e. Call and Choose your Material and we will Guarantee l'�rfect Workmanship Punctually Executed. b '.
CU1'015 le "Oe.om:;u1r1'b n-6. hJ}1t11nn.
June 4 and 5-Ros Mhic Treoin. June 11 and 12-Luimneach. June 28 and 29-Cill Choinnigh. July zend and 23rd-b.o.1te e.o.-o.o.-r "6.& -6.o.o.rnn, fe1r 'ttl''
Furniture, Bedding & Wire· Mattresses,
July 9-Muine Bheag. July 16 and 17-Muileann Cearr.
Our own make in IRISH MATERIALS.
54, 56, 58 & 60 Upper Arthur St., Belfast. Have you a Garden or Farm? Sow Drummond's Seeds.
W. DRUMMOND & SONS, LTD., Dawson St., Dublin.
( Late of ) F. O'Hara
Has no connection with any firm of the same name in the district. A Post Card will bring you lowest quotation.
Shop Fitters,
ROSARY Made of Irish Horn,
BEADS by Irish Labor.
Samples on applicalz'onfrom-A. MITCHELL,
Whol\:?sal\:? Crad\:?.
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We have them in all leathers, and all sizes and shapes at 18/6 and 21/-, and every pair our own Manufacture.
Buy your next Boots from us.
14/6, 16/6,
WM. O'CONNELL & Co., Ltd., High-Class Work. Up-to-Date Design. Reasonable Charges.
BOTTLE of SEDNA equals THREE of Ordinary BEEF WINES.
R.. PAGE, 31 Parliam.ent Street.
BM alld BINM•thom Dl.a114'r from
AT �ME Fit0¥ HO.MB I
°'n ct.eroecm sotuis.
m.&f'CA 11, 1911, March 11, 19n.
&ncourage Irish manufacture. Confer health on the wearer. Perfect ventilation., Ladies· Lamb's Wool Combinations, with Long and Short Sleeves. preserve a normal ternpera.ture. 4/6, 5/6, 6/6, 7 /6, 8/6, 10/6 per Pair. Ladies' Cashmere Combinations, Long and Short Sleeves. 4/6, 5/6, 6/6, 7 /6, 8/6, 10/6 per Pair. Dress Shirts, Collars and Cuffs. Men's and Boys' Caps. Men's Hose, Wool Shirts and Pants. 216, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6, 7/6 each. Men's Coloured Flannel Shirts. 4/6, 516, 7/6, 8/6 each. Irish Kid Gloves. Irish Knitting Wools. Ladies' Corsets. 1/11, 2/6, 3/6, 4 lf3, 5/6, 7/6 per Pair. Ohildren's Combinations, Long and Short Sleeves. 1/-, 1/6, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6 per Pair. Ladies' and Children's Ribbed Vests, Long and Short Sleeves, 1/-, 1/6, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6 each. Ladies' Silk Motor Scarfs, Hand-loom Woven in Greyabbey, Co. Down. 105 inches long and 25 inches wide. 4/6 each. BLANKETS, All Wool. 15/6, 17/6, 25/- per Pair.
Prevent chill, and
The purpose of my previous note on this and similar expressions was to show that they could not be regarded as Anglicisms. Your readers will judge .for themselves whether." Conall Cearnach" has faced my He will not admit that his view is argument. untenable, tho�gh he endeavours to modify it when he suggests that, if naomh martain be not an Anglicism ' it is at least a Latinism. . I do not require to be told that noab is an adjective m the case. Why does he give naoirnh-Mhartain as the moder� I�ish transcription of n(a)ebmartain seeing that the ad J ective before the noun always remains undeclined. The proper translation of noib Patraic, we are told is " holy Patrick," as if " Saint Patrick " were wro�g and as if there were no way of saying" Saint Patrick ,J except something passed as a non-Anglicism by" Conall Cearnach.'' In the shape of erlam Patraic, Mr. O'Connell erects I leave it to a cockshot to discharge his own rifle at. him for his amusement. PAUL WALSH. 3.3.1911.
Brixton, S.W. A Chara, The " unknown " part of London in which the above commemoration will be held this year is Holy Trinity Church, Dockhead, S.E., a part of London very well known to most London Gaelic Leaguers whom I hope will turn up in strength on Sunday r oth inst. Surely C. de T. cannot be in earnest in suggesting that St. Paul's Cathedral! ! ! is a more fitting place for an Irish service than Irish dockhead. Neither is the reason for its discontinuance in Westminster Cathedral so very much "unknown," as C. de T. could easily discover upon enquiry. No more fitting place could be found to honour that ancient tongue than the place where priests and people are Irish in spirit as well as in name. Mise, do Chara, TADHG O RIOGHBHARDAIN. [The suggestion that all London Gaelic Leaguers should attend a religious service in Irish at St. Paul's, made by C. de T., should not have appeared in AN CLAIDHEAMH. We regret its publication, which was due to an oversight.-F. an Ch.]
be-0..11.l,-0,. 1 mbe<-\l,-0,.fl) t1-0.. n5,0..e'()1t,5e61n.f. 'Do to.o.tt e.o.50.1r1 -0..11 6t,-0..1'6e,0..1i1 s o t.u is.
6" p.o.,
11' -o ume -oe.o.r c61r m.o.c.&m:: .o., rm l.tp, 6 Com.o.r m.o.c 'Ooru n or l.L, .o.5ur fe.6.l' }'65tt1mc.o. te15e.o.m:: .o. .6.C.O. trroc,n b.o.tt.o.1i10.1t .o. t.o.o.o.1ttt: .o.tt ce1rco.o.nn.o.10 .o.ctt.o.nn.o.c.o. .o. c.& t10r .o.15e com o.o.ineo.r to 5not.o.10 ottr501te. i:>u.o.tt "OO.o.Cf1<.,c cjvuero .o.r c.& n.e, ct.&111 S5ttu"Ou15te, 50 m6tt-rh6p c n cez.nn .o. 01 .o.nn .o.nur.0.1'6, to cozo .o, i:.o.o.o.1ttt: "00 'Ot11t10 uut 1rceo.c 'r.o.n ottr501t t1.&1r1t'.tnt:.6., re rtn, Diorin cine.St. te1n;e ojvm rein .o. .0.11 Matriculation. teo.ct: q1e.o.rn.o. .o.r '6.o.01n10 m.o.tt reo, .o.ct: "n.o, '61.0.1'6 rm re111, Co.1tr1'6 me .o, 11.0.'6 ne,c b pm l, o n ce.o.ttt: .0.5 Com.o.r 111.o.C "0011111.6.ttt nU.6.lfl .6. "OU0.6.1t'C m.o.fl ff1e.o.5f1.o.'O .6.t' "1)1t1b .o.' 6ten:e." 5ur1 1 n.'6 '6tte.o.m.o. 5.0.ttu.o. .o. 01 t11 "Of1e.o.m fO "'5 CJIOl"O f.O. "r5e.o.t 11.6. "5.o.ttlt1i1e." S,\tl"Oo. 16."0, m.o.p .6.C.O. .6. rnb un.e-o 1 netptnn lelf no, Cl,\llt:,\10. "'\5Uf m.o.l"Olt" le "5.o.e'61t5e, bu1'6e.o.C.6.f "00 '61 ,,, ..\t:� r1 .o.c.o. 50 bmn bt.o.ru.o. 50 u1tte.o.c m.o.fl t.&1n1c r1 .6.11\1.o.r CUC.o. 6 11.6. re.o.cc rrnnre. .6. Ctt.6.1'0 tt6mp.o.. 1f mire, uo c.o.r.o.,
n1t1111nc1p Co5 c,111, ....\11 111.\m, Co. no. 50.1U1rhe,
o m.e i t.t.e.
-1-: 3 : 191 I.
:+ "1H1SLC'SU,.\1l "OC- l ...\ s x i.t.o.': . .x n JISi:°),\)IC 'F ,,1l11e ,,p C,\l,,111 ,\11 "OOtih\111, rco.c.o.
pio11-:$,,eue ...,t 05 ...,5 ob ...,111 50 -01,,11 1r 50 cr101'6e ..,1h.6.1t ,....\otnn� ,6. ,,11 ron 11,\ h6111e,,11ll ,,511r 11.\ 5,,e'61l5e. 11,\S-''O ,\JI C\1,\11'"0 50 ud CoH. 1rue tllt'.111n::e6q10.o.cc.o. 'De- L, s,,llo, 1 bpopt:"U.q15e, c1re6.'6 r� ,, te1te1"0 reo "O'Ob,\lJI "0.5. Ue,\11,\til ,\5 11,\ m ...\C,\tO-le1::_;1n11 C,\tmo. .6.C.6. ,\nn 1 mbt.i.co n ...,. n1,,11 top,,'6 ,,Ji ,, uo b.xi p, t:",\l"O r1,,u ,,5 cul' ,,m,,c n e, ce.vo u nn po "OC " 1J11f'l('-\0,\JI ''OC l,\ s xu.o " I SCOlt' Lxe 1ptrle,,o,,p 'O..\p.5.'0p,,15 reo cu�._\11111. te,,115t,,l� 1 t' C,\'O ,\Slit' 5,,11 ,\tilJl,\l', boro re ,,p 11.\ le,,1)11,,11110 1r 1--e,,,q, 'O' .5. b p ut l, le F-'�,,1l re Ut,,111. mot..,11111-n 50 m611 11.., r,,t,,15 reo ,,5ur u' ""1' 11-0615, tr ce,,11"(" uo ;s,,c "$,\C'()C',\l ,\5t1r '00 5,,c Co n np arote-6111 l',\D]'\ltSt) lt•-i )',\ '1:IC,\�-ul.i,,111 u ,\!',\ll reo .(\L.).
cupt,, p6111p,, ,,c,,.
Bed couches are useful, but most uncomfortable and unsightly. The Kilkenny Woodworkers. of ·, assau Street. Dublin, have a capital idea in this way, and both the appearance and the comfort are assured.
City Chats.
C.o.1l1C no Cc.t110.c. se.c mus o 'OUl'.>$ -6.1 t t 'Oo r5t'iot'.>.
Written by se6. mus O 'OUl'.> $-6. 1 t t.
-<\ n -6.n >o'CR-6.en.
-en 1 t1 n
re-<\ n: se-6.5.J..n -<.\:SUS mi ce.J.. t -<\:SUS mu1n.1s. Se-6.5.J..n-(-6.5 ce.6.6-C .6.1' .6.11 .&f''O.&n 1r r.o.ot.6.'f\ .6.11')· l'.>i e.6.5l.6. O'f\m 11.& be11111 1 11-.6.m. mt11 R 1S--<\5ur ni oe1 te.& m.6.'f\.6. m be.6.'6 .0.11 'C'f\.6.e11 .6. l'>e1t bt11tte be.6.5 m.6.tt. -6.11 '0615 te.6.-c .6.11 mbe1'6 mice.&t .6.'f\ .6.11 'O'C'f\Ae11 reo � Se-6.5.J..n-b.6. 6e.6.'f\'C 50 mbE'.i.6.'0. 1r 'f\6 .6.1111.6.til .6. te'pe.6.1111 .6.1'f\. Cim .6.5 ce.6.cc i .6.5ur fe.6.6 mice.&t 1r A ce.6.1111 .6.m.6.6 A'f\ .6.11 11'0o'f\.6.r. (Sc.6.'0.6.1111 .6.n 'C'f\.6.e11 1r ceroe.6.1111 .6.11 l'.>e1'f\C 1rce.6.6). mice.J.. t-'l'.>vu1t r1t> 50 te1'f\ .6.1111f0 � mu 1 R 1S-'C.&11111'0, .6.CC C.6'f\ f .&5.6.1r-re fe.6.'f\ 11.6. 5.6.01te 1 m 1 ce,J.. t-ni te.6.'0.6.'f\ : 01 mo tu1t 1 11-.6.1'f\'Oe re. .6. t>r,e1c11111 .6.5 ce.6.cc e. se,6.5.J..n-1r 10115.6.11-c.6.c 11.& pte.6.rc.6.1111 .6.1'f\ 1r .6. mbio1111 'Oe 5.6.01t .6.15e. tnu 1 n 1s-b'te1'01'f\ 50 5c'f\e1'0e.6.1111 re ve111 ct11'0 'O.& rc.6.ot.6.1'f\e.6.6-c. b.6. '6615 te.6.-c .6.1'f\ 50 11'010t.6.1111 1r 50 5ce.6.1111t115e.6.1111 re (;1'f\e mi ce,J.. l-fe.6.'f\ bocc 11e.6.m-'6105t>.&t.6.6 11e.6.mp1re65.6.6 1feA'O e. se-6.5.J..n-n1 h.6.011 .6.m.6.'0.&11 e 116 m.& re.6.'6, .6.m.6.'0.&11 1.6.'f\.6.11111 1re.6.'6 e. m-f Ce.J.. l-l'.>'futt .6.011 rce.6.t 11'U.6.'0 .6.5.6.C, A Se.&5.6.111. se-6.5.J..n-c.& t'.>f.6.511111-re rce.6.t 1r me r.&1tce 1rce.6.6 1 1101f15 6 til.6.1'0111 50 11011'.)ce 'r 6 lt.1.6.11 b.6. 6611' 50 mbe.6.'6 rce.6.t 11u.6.'6 50 S.6.t.6.'f\11. .6.5.6.C-f.6. .6.-c.& .6.'f\ .6.11 mbot.6.'f\. -6.11 ce t'.>101111 r1ul'.>.6.tc.6.6 b101111 re rce.6.tc.6.6 . m1ce.J.. t-b'te1'01'f\ 5o t>vu1t, 1r b'te1'01'f\ 11.& Ctoc 'f\e.6.'t.6. 5.6.11 cu11tA6 1re.6.'6 m1re, pnt. 1r .6.tilt.6.1'0 .<15 f10'f\-1mteACC 6 .&1-c 50 11.&1-C. A t'.>101111 .6.n rce6.t .6.5.6.m m.6.t' .6. t>iO'O .6.5 11.6. 5.6.rc1'615 .6. t>1o'O -re 5e.6.r.6. f.6.'06-5.6.11 .6.11 'O.& t>e1te .6. 6.6.1te.6.m 1 11-.6.011 .<5.1-c, 11.& .6.11 'O.& 01'66e 'C.&1m CO'f\'t.6. 'Oe'11 .6. co'Ot.6.'6 1 11-.6.011 te.6.b.6.1'6. 1r 'C'f\Om ce.6.f'C 1 t'>f.6.'0 .6.6-c 1r 'C'f\t11me ob.6.1'f\. 1r m1n1c .6. 'Oe1t'1m '11.& f.6.11 mo m.&1U11-re. Uom tern 11.& ru1t 101111.6.m .6.CC pe1'0te.6.'f\ . 1:>e-6.5.J..11-1r 1om'0.6. rt15e l'.>e.6.t.6. 1r me.6.r.6. 11.& pe1'0 te-1 'f\e.6.6-c f e111. mu 1 n 1s-1r v1ol' '6-u1-c r111. co1111.6.c 'rA p.&1pe.6.f' .6.11 t.& -re '6e11'e cu11-c.6.r A'f\ t>.&r fe.6.11pe1'0te.6.f'.6., .6.5ur 'O't.&5 re mite punc 'n.o. '01.6.1'0. seo.5.J..n-b.6. m6 t& ct'-u.6.1'6 'Oo c.6.1t re .6.5 b.6.1ttu5A'6 .6.n mem r111. 1n1ce,J.. t-'Se.o. 'O, .o. 5ur C,'\1Cfe.6.t' 50 bo5 'n.6. -6.n r,u'O .6. t'.>.o.1t 15ce.6.t' 50 bocc '61.0..1'6 e: 1mt15e.1nn re 50 hole. l'.>rt11t .6.011 rce.6.t nU.1'0 f<l 1'.>.6.1pe.6. f\ � 1110f' t.&1n·15 1110 p.&1peAf'-f.6. 1 11-6.m .&f' m.i1'01n. n, '0615 se0..5 J.11-conn.1.c-r..). <ln p.&1pe<ll'· Cim 50 op11t .o.n l1om 50 t'.110 pt111111 . .rnn. c-,m ,,5 cu1-c1m .:\5ur .o.n ti1111 1'>u1'6e .65 e1t'15e. 'Oo 'tt11c �,11 pt tlt' fC1tt,nn te re.u6'Ctil.6.1n. n11ceJ l-<\5ur �\n 5t1�L? se'-\b ('11-0, ,' rce� t fE'1ll rce.11, 5.. 1.c .1011-11e. 11i '0�··$ 1.1om 50 Op11L .ion .1c.1.1u15.1"t', .6.t' .6.n 11 su ,, t.
Three men-John, Michael and Maurice. JORN (Coming on the platform in a hurry)-! was afraid I should not be in time. MAURICE---And you would not have been only that the train is a little late. Do you think Michael will be in this train ? J OHN--He ought to be. He very seldom misses it. '.I see it coming and Michael on the look-out.
(The train stops and the pair go in).
MICHAEL-Are ye all here ? MAURICE--We are, but where did you leave the wind-bag ? MICHAEL-I don't know. I was on the lookout for him to see if he was coming. JORN-It is a wobder he does not burst he has so much gas . MAURICE-Perhaps he himself believes some of his gassing. One would think (from his talk) he buys and sells all Ireland. MICHAEL-He is a harmless, innocent poor man. JORN-He is no fool, or if he is he is an iron fool MICHAEL-Have you any news, John? JORN-Where could I get news, stuck in an office all day from :Monday to Saturday. You ought to have ne\vs as you are on the . a1 ways a " newsy " man. ,\ tramp 1s roa d . �--i MICHAEL-Perhaps I have, and perhaps not. I am but a rolling stone, ever on the move. I am just like the champions of old who were under vows not to eat a second meal at the same board nor to sleep the second night on the one couch. I am tired of the job. It is said that a chicken is a hen at the end of a journey, but my little pack grows heavier still. I often say to myself that I am but a pedlar. JORN-There is many a trade worse than the pedlar's. }LAURICE-You are right. I saw in the paper the account of a pedlar's death a few days ago who died \VOrth £r ,ooo. JOHN-Many a hard clay he spent gathering that sum. l\licHAEL-True ; and it will be softly spent when he is gone. \Vhat is gathered miserly is spent badly. Ts there any news in the paper ? ::\fine had not come in time this morning. J OHX-I saw the paper. I don't think there I see that butter is falling was much in it. and Indian meal rising. Flour fell a shirnng within the ,,.eek. l\IICHAEL-A.nd coal. :> JORN-Every man thinking of his own conrems. I don't think there is any change in coal.
An etA1oeAm sotu,s.
It is
an cteroezrn Sotu1s. [AN
18, 1911
March 1S,
I!; 11
-----I Mannchuin. Micheal O Foghludha, Organiser for Great Britain, has achieved considerable success since he established his headquarters in Mannchuin. Perseverance and energy shewed their jood fruits in the gathering at the Banba Hall (Craobh O Growney) on the evening of the 4th instant, and the manner in which each particular question was reviewed and dealt with augurs well for the future government of the Language work of his district. The following representatives attended from the various branches :-1\1. P. 0 Riain, S. O Cathain, P. 0 Laimhin, Mannchuin ; T. 0 Frigbile, S. O hOgain, Bury; P. Mac Mathghamhna, P. H. O hEanachain (2), Oldham; U. 0 Cobhthaigh, S. O Bairead, Salford; M. 0 Raghallaigh, Eccles; M. O Cathain, Warrington ; A. 0. Liathain, Blackburn. There was besides news from Accrington, Bolton, Stockport, and Hyde, which portends increased activity in those centres. It was decided then and there to establish a Coisde Ceanntair (Mannchuin and district}, with a view to knitting the several Branches more closely together and exercising supervision over the language work in the Ccanntair. The following were elected officers of the Coisde :-M. P. 0 Riain, President ; J. Windle, J.P., and A. Liathain, Vice-President ; T. 0 Frighile, Treasurer ; M. F. 0 hOgain, Secretary; M. O Cathain, Assistant Secretary. The delegates immediately set to work on an extensive business programme and arrangements were made to spur on the work in every direction. Seachtmhain na Gaedhilge was discussed and everything wi 11 be done to reach all sympathisers, with a healthy spirit of co-operation and a sytem of mutual assistance Beidh cruinniughadh an Choisde ar siubhal aris ar 24adh dc'n mhi seo I Banba Hall, ar a 6.30 o'clog.
DUBLIN FEIS 1911. At the Dublin Feis Committee meeting, held February a r st, the following· competitions in dancing were decided upon :-3-hand reel, 8-hand reel, reel and horn:r.ipe (seniors) hop jig and double jig (seniors), double Jig and reel (juniors}, single i's and hornpipe (juniors), Of these the first two are open to all Ireland ; the others arc confined to residents of the city and county of Dublin. The following programme for National Schools was decided on :IST STANDARD-Simple Conversation on Direct Method, involving short homely words and phrases. 2ND STANDARD-More Advanced Conversation on Direct Method, and to be able to read the words used in such Conversation. 3Rn STANDARD-As prescribed by the National Board (for Irish as an extra), but omitting (c). 4TH STANDARD-As prescribed by National Board (for Irish as an extra) but omitting (c) and (d). 51·H STANDARD-As prescribed by the National Board (for Irish as an extra) but omitting (c) and (d). Ability to narrate a simple story in Irish will also be rcq uired. GTH A�U HIGHER STAN�ARDS-As prescribed by the National Board (for Insh as an extra) but omitting (c).
It was decided that the programme for National Schools be that prescribed by the Intermediate Board in Preparatory, Junior, Middle and Senior Grades. The literary competitions arc as follows :Fon SENIORs-Aiste ar " Fcis Bhaile Atha Cliath Cionnus is Ieidir feabhas a chur uirthi ? " FoR J UNIORs-Aiste ag cur sios ar Moir-Shuibhail na Cacdhilge. Competitions in Solo singing, recitation history. etc., were also decided upon. ' · A suggestion from Micheal Mac Domhnaill (St. Margurct's}, that singing and dancing competitions at Feis should he held in some field on a Sunday after the manner of country Feiseanna was considered and agrcec.l to. The date o_f the Feis' was provisionally fixed for Sunday, 30th April. The dancinv and choral 0 competitions will be held on that date. . �1ic!1eal <? l\laolain was appointed Secretary to the Feis Comnuttee. Clar na Feise will be ready in the cou!·�e of a clay or two. Full particulars as to competitions, etc., may be had from Runaire Feis Committee, 2.5 Hutland Square. ' A further meeting of the Dublin Feis Committee was held on 11th inst., Micheal Smiclic B.A. B.L. Chairm_an of F.eis presided. A letter re the holding of a pnl�hc meeting m connection with the question of Irish m the schools of the city was received from Coisde an Oidcachais. This letter was referred to An Coiste Cea1:nta.ir_. _F?llowing are the arrangements in connection with Fcis competitions. Gaelic Lcaaue Branches �·5 Monday, �*.th t? Wednesday 26th, held in Keatmg Branch, 2 Gardmcr's Row. Best Gaelic Writer at. Feis (Senior,,.i_:1termedia:c, and Junior), and Irish Ihs,l?ry compe.1t:ons, held in Gaelic League Hall on I hursday, April �7th. National and Intermediat� School cornpet itions on Sat urda v, 29th April. Public �ompctitJons-Be�� Gaelic Speaker at Feis, Recitation, Solo 3�1Hl Choral Singing, and Dancing, to be held in l,?«: ll�a.tch, Drumc�ondra, on Sunday, sou, April. f eis ,cc1hdh held o.1: Sunday, l Gth April. Feis Concert on . Gt h May, l he question of adjudicators was postponed to. a further .1:1ecting. Copies of Syllabus and all particulars re I• eis can be obtained from the Feis �ccn:tar): (Micheal O )laolain), at 25 Rutland Square. Entries close on Sth April.
Fci Ceiliclh-Sunda ·, April H3th. Fei , 24th April to 30th Arril. ��nday, :.!4Jh April-Gaelic League Branches Com�ctth_on ! . (First Year). Keating Branch Rooms 2 Gardiner Row. ' Tuesday, 25th April-Competition:-; 2 and 4. Keating Branch Rooms. Wedne day, 20th April-Competitions 3 and 5. Keating Branch Rooms. Thursday, 2ith April-Competitions :?l 2:.? ,)3 "'4 25, 2 ·, zr. Gaelic League Hall 25 Rutl�ncl · Sq�a;e' Saturday 29th April-�ation'al and Intermediat; School Competitions. Time • nd place announced later. Thatch, �unday, 30th April-Public Competitions Be t �aehc p��er. at Feis (Competitions I�, IO. ::?O}'. Reen. uon, olo �mgmg, Choral Singing, Dancing.
equals THREE Ordinary BEEF WINES.
of Made in Ireland by �
Sold by Licensed Grocers and Chemists in Bottles, 3/3, 1 9 and 1 ·, and at all respectable bars, &c., per bottle or glass.
of every description.
P?.!!�:»!��l�!rl!o' f2;. FIXTURES.
March 17-London, Queen's Hall. Annual Musical Festival of Gaelic League. March I 7-Birmingham, Cuirm Cheoil. March 18th-pte,<\f1AC,<\ .(\sur 'Ottim.o, Haverstock Hill March 19-East Down Coiste Ceanntair meets at St. Mr. ConJohn's Hall, Downpatrick, 2.30 p.m. cannon, Chief Organiser, will be present. Business -Arrangement of Language Collection in the Coiste area. March 20-Wolverhampton, Cuirm Cheoil. March z r-e-Coventry, Cuirm Cheoil, May 28.-b.(\tte An nrun,<\15,-.6.n CUflfl,<\C, Co. Cttte 'O,<\tt.o., ,0.ett1-6e,<\CL merce.em 4.(\-6.-Aeridheacht, Killyon, Co. na Midhe.
Oireachtas, Dublin, July 31st to August 5th. 1.-Feiseanna whose dates only have been sanctioned. 22-30-Ath-Chliath. 15-16-Tralee. 18-Rockwell College. Feis Chnuic a' Bhile, 25-Cill Disirt. Jv'v 2-Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan Feis. July 9-Youghal. August 20-Feis an Spideil.
April June June June
11.-Feiseanna whose Syllabuses have been approved by the Oireachtas Committee and whose Fixtures are fully authorised. June 4 and 5-Ros Mhic Treoin. June 11-Dundealgan. June II-Ath-Luain (Feis Uisneach). June 11 and 12-Luimneach. June 18-Feis na Midhe. June 28 and 29-Cill Choinnigh. June 29-Port Laoighise. June 29-Enniskillen. July 2-Portlairge. July 22nd and 23rd-b.(\1te e.o.·cMtt "6.& .6.TMtnn, -re1r t111• 01t10U.(\. July 9-Muine Bheag. July 16 and 17-Muileann Cearr.
Irish Ecclesiastical Art.
We .�ould respectfully suggest to the Clergy, and the heads of R�hg1ous Orders, the advisability of paying a visit before ord�rmg Chu_rch Plate, or other Art Metal work, to the extensive establishment. of, Messrs. Gunning & Reynolds, 18 Fleet Street, and 7 & 8 Price s Lane, Dublin, !he firm emI?loy a large staff of skilled Irishmen and eminently deserving of appreciation and support.
Som� years ago our grandmothers prided themselves on their . .· ample feather beds , but 00,., .. -a- d ays no goo d h ousew 1.fe care� to use one of these unhealthv and not t clea1�ly 1f luxurious articles. Any houseke�per wishi�o to d1-;pose of one or more feather beds could not dg O better than to communicate with the Irish Feath C H Ltd., T<:ra Street, Dublin, who supply Curled �� tresses 111 part. or whole exchange, .or purchase for ca h as may be desired. · s
I SAY? Do you want a decent Overcoat-35 /,.. For Quality, Style and Finish I cannot be beaten.
Old Moore is worthy of a t ri al , boys.
MOORE & CO., Ltd., 64 Dame St. Have you a Garden or Farm?
Sow Drummond's Seeds.
W. DRUMMOND & SONS, LTD., Dawson St., Dublin.
(27 w'iillBgi1N.Quay,)
Established 1876.
RELIABLE TAILORING. Before placing your Orders it would be well to nspect our New Stock o Seasonable Goods just received from the manufacturers For and quality our Irish Suitings and Trouserings cannot be surpasse' Suits from 45s.
Trousers from 12s.
Call and Choose your Material and we will Guarantee Perfect Workmanship Punctually Executed,
Cu1'015 Le 'Oe.an'CUlf10 n..o. he1-rmn .
nor e, n. .Ml not.o.n is the upto-date and progressive cycle house at 84 por-c C.(\0111,:5111 ("Camden" St.), .&t ct,..o.i:. It is the Depot exclusively for 2 makes of bicycle, the "LUCANIA '' and the " P I E R C E. " These bicycles are really MADE IN IRELAND and MADE FOR IRELAND. They are superior to foreignmade machines, though no dearer in price, and the purchaser of a " LU C AN I A '' or "PIERCE" proves not only his PATRIOTISM but also his COMMONSENSE.
84 Pottt: C.o.0111151n, 1>..t Ctto.t, 84 "CAMDEN" STREET, DUBLIN.
DUBLINMADE Buy your next Boots from us.
14/6, 16/6,
We have them 18/6 and 21/-, in all leathers, and all sizes and shapes at and every pair our own Manufacture.
B. & R.. PAGE, 31 Parliament Street.
111 ...,rc . ,. 25,
ct�1'0e..6.m Sotu1s {Alf
1911. --,
March 25, 19u.
THE GAELIC LEAGUE DEPUTATION'. Subscriptions to the League Funds from Dublin. £ s. d. 0 5 £5 M. H. Gill & Sons 8 l O M. H. Gill & Sons, Staff 13 6 0 7 0 0 The Mi5ses Pollock, Bray 5 0 5 Munster & Leinster Bank 0 0 5 Hopkins & Hopkins 0 2 2 Mountjoy Brewery 2 2 0 Williams & Woods 2 0 2 Barrington's .. 0 2 2 West & Son .. 0 2 2 D. B.C. 5 5 n Hibernian Bank 5 0 5 National Bank 0 0 5 P. T. Kennedy 0 2 2 .. Ross & Walpole 2 2 0 Educational Supply Co. 0 0 5 .. l\,f essrs. Eason & Son 2 0 2 Alexander Findlater & ce., Ltd. 0 2 2 Bewley & Draper, Ltd. 0 2 2 M. Crowley & Co. 0 2 2 Baird & Todd 2 0 0 The City Bakery 5 0 0 T. & C. Martin & Co. 2 0 2 Lalors, Ltd. . . 0 2 2 John Egan & Son 0 2 2 Cahill & Co., Ltd. 5 0 0 Kilkenny Vvoodworkers 2 0 2 The Guardian Bank · , 0 2 2 Thos. Henshaw & Co. 0 2 2 Gleason, O'Dea & Co. 1 1 0 Ormonde Printing Co. 2 0 2 J. W. El very & Co. . . 0 2 2 North Citv Milling Co. 5 0 0 Dublin United Tramway Co. 2 2 0 Gilbey's, Ltd. 0 0 3 Paterson & Co., Ltd ... 0 2 2 Dollarrl & ce., Ltd. 0 2 2 Bolands, Ltd. . . · 2 2 0 D'Arcy & Co., Anchor Brewery 0 0 3 Messrs. Clery & Co., Ltd. 0 2 2 Madigan Bros. 3 12 6 Todd Burns & Staff 2 2 0 Cantrell & · Cochrane 2 0 2 " Ireland's Own " 0 2 2 Michael Macnamara 0 2 2 Pim Bros. 2 2 0 Greenmount Oil Co. 0 0 10 A Friend 0 2 2 Walpole Bros. 0 2 2 Cambridge & Co. 5 5 0 Provincial Bank of Ireland 2 0 2 W. & R. Jacob & Co ... 0 2 2 Dockrell & Sons 0 2 2 Pim & Watkins, Jameson 2 2 0 .. Early & Co. . . 2 0 2 Dolphin's Barn Brick Co. 0 2 2 Alliance Gas Co. 0 2 2 Co.) & Paterson & (per Hurley Cooper 2 2 0 .. Walter Brown & Co. . . 2 2 0 Dock Milling Co. 2 2 0 .. J. Mulholland & Co. . . 2 0 2 Times" "Irish Simington, John J. 2 2 0 H. Moore & Alexander, Ltd. 2 2 0 John O'Neill: South King Street 2 0 2 .. Patriotic Assurance Co. 2 2 0 The Gresham Hotel Co. 2 2 0 T. P. & R. Goodbody � 4 4 0 Hibernian Insurance Co. 2 2 0 Dublin Distillers Co. 2 0 2 Kapp & Peterson
c-0.01 tee ne, .n-0.1111 -0.5us -0. ti11'0
'Do t.eim mo fe.6.11-ctto1'oe Le 11.&t.6.f .6.5ur te bf\6'0 11U.6.1f' te15e.6.f .6.11 t1"C1f' reo t10f 6 e1"tl1 e t-0.1 Coe-0. nco., Ct.o cep 110. ett6c.o.1tte, 111 Cuijum or 1:':>Ut' 5c6t11A11' C.o.1rte.&11 HMl:'MC 50 te15p1'.> 5.6.c o ume c.& A5-"m ru1t 1, .6.1101r .6.5ur .6.5.&11:':> 1 .15ur 50 11'0eA11A1'0 po-re m.6.1' '00 -r11111e e1t11e t1UA11' A CAff.6.1' Of'.6.11:'> Seo1t1111 116 Sr.6.15111 5Att'OA-50 5cu1-rp1'.> po 1 11-1ut '0611:':> 5.0.11 e.6.5tA 5ur e1ne-0.1111-0.15 'Oitse f11:':> -svr 50 op11t me.&f A5.6.11:':> .6.f' Ot11' '01:11' .o.5t1f .6.1' 5.0.c 111'0 A -0.5 reo '010 ttl:11' e1t11e :1:'>.o.1t1eAf Let. " 1) u .0.1 t c.0.1 u 11 u om c up t.o. t.& 6 tom .o. :su r fu.0.11' r1 zme,c :sut' to_rm5e.o.mAt' .0.5 CA111nc. cert me u11't1 e 1 > : ' 1: .o. 101111.6.m-n1oj\ 5.0.e'OeAt "tu5 f1 .o.5ur 111 ce1treA'O .6.1' .o.011111e 50 l1eA5. ' 5.0.ei'.>e.o.t.o. f.6.tAC.6.' At' 111t11l1tl"C1f\ tl.6. 11e1tteA1111, Ce 5Uf' f'U5.6.U 1 pern 1 11e1f\1tll1 ; 'r1 mo tUA11'1m 50 bpuit. bf'AOn .&n cS.o.r. 1rc15 · m11c1 no . ni ne.vo .&11 111m ..if' .o. ce.&115A111 A5Uf ' 11-A cporoe. 11U.&1f\ 11AC 1:':>ft1A1f' f1 A011 Cf.6.fA111 .6.f f111-t110f\ e1f\15 me feAf\:SAC Af' COt' .6.1' b1t-'Ot11:':>.6.1f\"C f1 50 11-1mteOCA'O rnumncip 11A 11e11'eA1111 Af A 5ce1tt .&f' fA'O 'O.& OfU151'01f .& fA011'feAC"C A5t1f 5t1f\ b' e .0.11 .&11: 'Oo b'teAt'f\ '0611:':> 11.& ee.o.c 11.0. mbocc. -0.1111r111 11u.o.1-r A 01 pocz.t Af' toc.o.t A5ttf All f1f'1t111e fe.6.f\1:':> f.&151:e .6.1C1 uarmre, 'O'fMff't115 r1 u1om .0.11 mbemn r.&f"CA b.&f 'O't.&5A1t Af\ ro11 mo t1tte 1 Ce.o.p r1, 1r '066A, 50 mbemn 66111 '01-ce1tt1i'.>e .o.5t1f A f\.6.'0 11.0.6 f\.&6.0.11111 6t111 b.&1f Af\ f011 11.6. 11e1f\eA1111, AC 'OU1:'>.6.1f\"C me te1 50 rnbe.e'o bf\6'0 .&f\ mo cporoe A11 t.& 'Oo 5t.o.01i'.>f1'0e Ct111' rm o pm 'Out cun b.&1r .o.r ron mo t1re. oeipe te 11-A ct11'0 c.&111111:e; n'i "f\A1f> .o. cuit.te te "f'-6'0 A1C1, mA"f' 1)1 f10f .6.1C1 50 f\Af>.6.f 1 tl'0.6.f\1f\11:'>. -6.5t1f, .o. 1:':>t1A6.o.1tU .o.5t1f .o. c.o.1Un1 11.& l1el"f\eA1111 ! m.& C.6.f"C.6.f\ O"f'.&11:':> Seo111111 m.o.r 1 f1t1'0, 11.& te1511'.> 6u11 be.o.t.0.15 50 pero M'O ! " ri1.&1fe, mo 5f\.6.1'0111 Cf\01'0e tu, .6. e1tne ! b.o. mA1t Liorn t.&m oo c-r.o.tA'O teAc Af\ jo n .o.n ce.o.cc.o. '00 mu1111r '00'11 61t1f111 u'O. -6.11 fp10"f'A'O '00 6t11' Of'"C 11A fOCtA rm '00 t.o.1:':>.6.1f\C, f1tl e :so '01f\eA6 An fp10f\A'O b..i 6eAf\"C .6. 1:':>e1t .&5 l)f\e.6.b.6.'0 50 beo 5.o.n 1 5c-ro11'.>e 5.0.c 5Ae'611 1'01f\ 65 .o.5ur AOfCA. An fl)10t'.6.'0 f111 1 5Ct'01'0t11:':> 5.0.e'Oe.o.t. bero e1re mo 501rm f.6.01 COfA11:':> An cSAf.6.tl.6.15 50 bf.&t. cu, .6. e1t11e 111 ft.o.1t1:':>eA"f\"CA15,
Recent Subscriptions to the League Funds from Dublin. £ s. d. 1 1 0 Murray Sons & Co. 0 0 1 O'Dea & Co ... 1 0 0 I. S. Varian & Co. 1 0 0 Sir James Mackey & Co. 1 0 0 Kelly Bros. . . 1 0 0 Adam Scott & Co. l 1 0 ... Co & Hickey 1 1 0 Monson Robin son l 1 0 Brooks Thomas & Co. 1 0 0 .. Fitzgerald & Co. 1 1 0 Sealy, Bryers & Walker 1 1 0 Curtis & Sons 1 1 0 T. R. Scott 1 1 0 McMaster Hodgson & Co. 1 0 0 O'Brien & Co., 1 1. 0 Brown & Nolan 1 1 0 Millar & Beatty, Ltd. 1 1 0 C. Bull & Co. 1 0 0 T. W. & J. Kelly 1 0 0 McBirney & Co. 1 0 0 T. A. O'Farrell 1 0 0 E. McCrea & Sons 1 0 0 Thos. Elliott & Sons 1 0 0 Eustace Bros ... 1 1 0 Mr. Fitzpatrick, Victualler 1 1 0 Forrest & Sons, Ltd. 1 0 0 Reinhardt & Sons 1 l O Tonge & Taggart 1 1 0 Coyle & Co ... 1 0 0 Winstanley's .. 1 0 0 David Allen & Sons 1 0 0 Irish Feather Co. 1 0 0 City Woollen Mills 1 1 0 W. & M. Taylor l 1 0 Smith & Sheppard Andrews & Co. 1 0 0 1 0 0 Edmunds & Co. 1 1 0 Wm. Watson & Co. 1 1 0 Messrs. McCann & Sons Dublin & Wicklow Manure Co. 1 1 0 1 1 0 O'Loughlin, Murphy & Boland .. 1 0 0 J. MacDonnell £x-Aldennan Cole 1 1 0 Paul & Vincent 1 0 0 l O O Hodges & Figgis 1 1 0 O'Reilly, Ltd. 1 1 0 J. & L. F. Goodbody .. Irish Tobacco 1 1 0 ]as. Duffy & Co. 1 1 0 \Vebb & Co ... 1 1 0 Kennan & Son 1 1 0 1 -0 • 0 H. & M. \Voods
T.he Advertisers
cc mnce.
bu 1 "6 e-0. c-0.s. e.& me .o.n-1:':>u11'.>eAc 'Oo 11A 'O.&tc.0.10 'Oo cu-r ci.f'CA1 ct15Am 1 5c61f\ l.& fe1te "fJ.&'Of\A15. 'S1.o.'O
m<S.ne0. 25, 1911.
11� me.o..s5,&1t1 ("JUMBLES") t.ucc UU<.\1"(n:e 11.o. n'OU <.\ 1SC-<.\1111. A,\.11 ce.6.'0 'OU.6.1S.-pR011111S1l\S O R1.6.111, 82 , !5t,15e 11.6. l15'.6.1"1"U.6.1, ,6.C.6. CbA"C. 111 s pe is 1,0. t.:cl\.-m .e.t ne ou.o, 1S e.0.1111-0. tltC::t1.6.1m n� S:5011., ,ct.&1fe, i,'.o.01tt,e,o.c,&111, S5MleA111J.6. t1.6. mon.-0-111, 6 p,&un.,0.15 ri1e.6.1'-0.6.; cr16rc.6.1i1t..o., c.o.t.0.111 s.o.1ul'>111 ; .(\:sur �11c::01ne o m 011-0.c,& ln, .o.n ,&l'-o ri16r, beo.1.. .o.n mu1rtrn, Co. . ri1u15eo. ... , 'O.& 5cu1r1n11 rfor �1nm�e�c.o. n.o- 11-10m.o.ro-ce,01r :S? t,e1r 50 t'.6.11'> 11.6. me.o.f:S.6.111 rerm:c :SO ce_.o.t'C "':'C.6. 111 ue�-o rt.15e -o' .6.011 111-0 e11.,e .6.l' .o.n te.o.C.6.11.<\C fO 'De n Cl,.o.1"Qe.6.fi1. C::t11:Sf0.6.l' e fCO llU.6.11" .6. "Oe1r1m-A5t1f 1f1 .o.n t1r1n11e 1-:so "OC.6.11115 q,1 f1C1'0 1om-?-1uteo1r, 6 'S1A'O fO 11.\ ho.1nm11e<.\C.o. "00 01 1 .6.011 f:SOlt .6.tn.6111 ! :me.o.r:s.&111 11.6. tnf orot..o.c I.
eo5,o.11 6 511.-0. mn-0-15. .6.11 CR.6.011:':>111 .6.011:'.> 11111 .:•· eo111 111-0.c 11e1tt. ,0.11 cAt.6.1R pe.o.'0.6.R 6 t-0.05,0,rr.te. " re,o. n. 11,0. mu 11111c::1 n.e." m 1<� e,o. t, b n. eAt11,o. c.
2. "
3. 4. 5. 6.
com6n.r:,o.s 11u.o- -0-11 c::se.o.cc::m,0.111 seo 6tr5.c.·tn11. c6 1i1 n.,& -o. 1.,e1t:-s5e.o. t 6 c.0.01 tr:e. Ca .o. tan t1cre.o.c.o.-be.o.rc m6r -0100-te rre.0.:5.0.trc .o.;s.o.m .o.:s-ur .o.n. cre.o.ccm.o.tn .6.l'lf n1t rt15e .0.50.m cu15e ftn. m.o.rooc.0.1°? r10 m�, .o. l'>:1.o.c.o.1tH, �:su_r .o. c�1Hn1, .6.C n1 011m-r.o. .6.C.6. .6.11 t.occ .6.1" cor .6.fl b1c .6.C .6.11 re,o. R .6.11 ct,.o.1"611tl 11.6.C or-u11., f.6.fC.6. te cupt.o. te.o.t.o.n.o.c .6. C.'C -ou1nn 1 5c61r " e1-re 6 :S·" ,<.\n cre.o.ccrh.0.111 ct15.o.tnr., te co11511.o.m 'Oe, be1u me .0.5 C.o.tnnc te 11.o. 'D.6.lC.6.10 reo-m.&1110 111 ri10115.&tn; m.&1re 111 i,'.6.01Ue4.c�rn, pa-011.6.15 6 m611atn, Un.6. 111 n.1.0.111, 116t1.o. 111 l.6.05.o.1t1e, ma111e 111 6011115.6.tl.o.15, m�1;s-re"':'-o 11J �1111ro.c!tn, e10Hr 111 e1-0111rceo1t, t1.o.m o C.6.c.o.f.6.15, e.<.\mo11n O Cu.o.t.o.1t, S1ooan 111 6011cuo.o.1t1, ,&me 111 .6.ou.o., 1-rt. AH letters to be addressed-
c-0.01 tee 11-0. n-0.1111, 01r1:s -0.11 ct-0.1'61m sotu1s, 25 CeA"f'n65 Ruct.o.nn, .J.t.6. CtMt.
I SAY? Do you want a decent Overcoat-35 / •. For Quality, Style and Finish I cannot be beaten.
Old Moore is worthy of a trialt bo-ys.
Have you a Garden or Farm?
.vn corn o n c.c,s.
MOORE & CO., Ltd., 64 Dame St.
c tA1t> e Ari1.
Geo. Perry & Co. Irish Glass Bottle Co ... J. F. Kelly & Co. Walter Conan, Kildare Street Mr. Humphreys, Molesworth Street T. F. Moloney, K.C. James O'Connor, K.C. T. M. Healy, K.C., M.P. E. R. McC. Djx, Solicitor Valentine Kilbride, Solicitor Thos. Early, Solicitor .. Chas. Dromgoole, M.A., LL.D., B.L. Patrick Rooney, Solicitor Hugh Kennedy, B.L. .. M. C. McINerney, K.C., R.I.C., Divisional Magistrate .. McKenzie & Co. •. , O'Keefe & Co. .. M. Sullivan, Esq. Harold's Cross Laundry Hayes, Cunningham & Robinson .. Brown, Thomas & Co... Robt. Smyth & Co. J. T. Keatinge & Sons Pioneer Teeth Institute .. .. .. Smaller Sums Additional subscriptions from Doctors, per Drs. Cox, Coffey, and MacEnri :Dr. Eithne English, Lunatic Asylum • .' .. .. Ballinasloe . . Dr. O'Carroll, 43 Merrion Square, Dublin .. The £1 10s. 6d. acknowledged in our issue of 11th inst. as being given by Col. O'Farrell, should have been as follows :Col. Thomas O'Farrell, 44 Waterloo Road Dr. Thomas O'Farrell, 44 Waterloo Road ..
btto.C.6.1tU .6.5'ttf C.6.1t1111 t1.6. fle1j\e.6nt1 (h5e tl.<.\ '0.6.0111e 1f C.6.1f'"Oe�rnlo. .6.5Uf 1l' 5e.o.t1.6.1ill..i 'r.o. C1f', f111 1 mo tt1.o.1·f'1t11-fe. 511r.6. f.6.'0.6. bu vn M'O 5o te1tt !
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High-Class Work. Up-to-Date Design. Reasonable Charges.
Do they receive it ?
111.itH: ..\ 25. 1911 . March 25, 1911.
.o..n cl.o.1ueArh sotuts. {AN CLAIDHEAlfH SOLUIS.]
Gaedhilg na hAlban. Our Gaelic friends in Alba have two excellent quarterlies. One of them, " Guth na Bliadhna," � a bilingual review, The other ,'' An Sgeulaighe," rs 1 he spring numbers of �oth entirely in Gaedhilg. are to hand. "Guth na Bliadhna " contams articles on " Eirinn is Albain " " Am Fearann agus Cisean," an Irish article on the 'printing and spelling of �ish _by An Craoibhin, an English article on " I'he Scotrish • ·ational Dress," by the Hon. R. Erskine, and several This review has a manly tone other contributions. that makes it welcome among alJ fight�ng Gaels, �nd it has the additional recommendation of being " An scholarly and popular at the same time. Sgeulaighe " ic; a Gaelic magazine of over 100 pag:es. The present number has. an intere�ting p�per dealing with the short story m Gaedhilg. Guth na Bliadhna " costs one shilling, and " An Sgeulaighe " sixpence.
giving back to her what was �e� own-her language, games: and national characteristics. "They sought to creat� a bilingual Ireland: pr<?ucl . of its country's past, and m thorough sympathy w�th rts present, an Ireland knit together by the thread ot their golden language stronger than bonds of steel? an Ireland of men and women physically sound, multiplying not diminishing, in their _own country: an Ireland moral. relizious, temperate, light-hearted, and happy, an Ir.eland manufacturing its own ordinary need_s, but still not a country of smoky stacks and palhd faces. They were trying to draw people together by the bonds of love. whom they could never .coerce at the point of the bayonet. They were t:yrng to bridze the black and swollen stream of mens angry passfons. and this must be done by love, persuasion and mutual forbearance."
The Demand of Tipperary.
Caint na Cathrach. " Caint na Cathrach " is unavoidably held over this week.
Notice to Correspondents. Reports and letters received later than first post on Monday cannot be attended to in the current �veek. Only brief announcements are accepted by our pnnters on Tuesday.
The celebration of St. Patrick's was this year more general and much more Irish than in previous years. The national language has successfully invaded the churches at last. There were many Irish services in both theProtestant and 'catholic churches of Dublin. In Waterford, Cork, Limerick, Wexford, Kilkenny, Athlone, Galway, Castlerea, Belfast, and in most of the smaller towns where the Gaelic League exists, there were Irish sermons or religious services in Irish. An Irish sermon was preached in St. Mary's Protestant This is a big advance, and is Cathedral, Limerick. the first step towards the permanent use of Irish in all the churches. There were many religious celebrations in Irish in London and Scotland. Father Angnstine, ot Church Street, Dublin, lectured at Dundee. In the public meetings and processions the Gaelic League took a leading or prominent part in almost all cases. No English was spoken at the Galway Resolutions advocating compulsory Irish meeting. in the training colleges, the reform of the Intermediate system, and the support of home industries, were passed at a great Gaelic League meeting in Waterford city. The new Pipers' Band made its first appearance in the Limerick procession on St. Patrick's Day. The Uisncach Gaelic League Pipers' Band took part in the Athlone demonstration. The Clonmel Gaelic League took part in a great procession that paraded the town. The Gaelic League of Dublin made no formal celebration, but a great number of city Gaels were present at the Mansion House Ceilidhe on the night of roth. The Ceilidhe was organised by the Atheltic Carnival Committee, a body that has undertaken the desirable work of showing the Gaelic League and the Gaelic Athletic Association how to co-operate for the advancement of common aims. During the night an address in Irish was given by Mr. Piaras Beasley and the Dublin Pipers' Band gave selections of Irish war music. The Rotunda concert which was organised by the Na.tional Council of Sinn Fein, drew a large audience. The renewal of temperance pledges was a feature of the religious celebrations in New Ross and Wexford. Temperance demonstrations were organised in many towns, and an increased number of public houses were closed. Displays of Irish goods in shop windows were noticeable in Ennis, Athlone, and other places. Plays and concerts were given by the Gaelic League in Kilkenny, Tipperary, and Galway. -
An Craoibhin Aoibhinn in Birmingham.
The _spiri� with which A� Craobhin Aoibhinn speaks of nationality and of national self-reliance is one of Ireland's. greatest assets. Ordinary speakers convince hearers m twos and threes but An Craoibhin wins He _is pers�nally responsible for the th�m in hosts. existence of the Gaehc League in manv districts where the gospel of Irish Ireland was fi;st heard-ar.<l accepted-from his lips. He is like unto him of whom it was said :-" nil cnoc n.& 5le�m, o.& 11ue{\c.\1c'> r{· c nn. 11.&11 F"''S re 1101nnr "0.5. t11t.'!1nl'l." He spoke to thc}ri�l.1mcn. of �Birmi�gh�m _on St. Patrick's Day on University Education, with particular reference to the National L'niversity. At the close of his speech he referred to the Gaelic League,
He said that•· that organisation stood for all Ireland not. f_or anv one creed: or class, or faction, or trend of pohti� ·. The cause of real manhood was too pure to he soiled by the dust. of political factions warrinz against each other. and the League was the on� garden of peace which all were at liberty to enterthe only common ground where a Truce of Goel prevailed. The Gaelic League stood for courtesv. for kindlinc s, for sobriety, for high ideals. The Leagt;� had 1�0 pl�ce for the d_runkard, and certain it was. whatever 1.t nught be ascribed to, the consumption of drink had Immensely decreased of late years in Ireland and the Gaelic League was doing its utmost that thi� dcc�a e might continue. _Their desire was to make t heir countr · proud, self-reliant. and self-respectin(J' bv t,
Have you seen the new Irish lace curtains? They are so simple and delightful. The Kilkenny Woodworkers are showing them at their Dublin Showr ,1s in cream and w.ute, at 18s. Cd. • nd 22S, 6c a pair.
Young and old joined forces in Tipperary on St. Patrick's Dav. The bovs of the local schools, the members of the Gaelic League from many districts about the town the members of the hurling and football clubs, and representatives o� the townand loca� �ssoci�tions. marched in the pubhc procession and joined m the p.ublic meeting. The Ballagh Pipers' Band headed the procession. At the public �ee.ting Canon Arthur He was the principal speaker: The Ryan presided. meeting was also addressed by An Dalach, Dr. 0 Ryan, Chairman cf the South Tipperary County Council: and by Mr. Daniel Kelly, Chairman of the Urban Council. The celebration was not merely comrnemorative. It was made the occasion of splendid propagandist work. and was educative and rousing in effect. Canon Ryan spoke on the collapse of Intermediate Board :finances. The present bankruptcy was due to the growing temperance of the Irish people. While the British Government were making unlimited provsion for the army and navy they had nothing but broken promises for Ireland We had often been told of the indispensable advantage of political union with a wealthy nation, but in the one matter that most affected our future-the education of our youth-we stand before the world as bankrupts. He appealed, in the name of Tipperary, to the Irish Party to put on the screw, and force the Treasury to do justice to the Intermediate Board. He had no desire to see a German invasion, but he would prefer an educated Ireland under the Germans to an ignorant Ireland. The meeting passed the following resolution:" That we once more protest against the continuous hostility displayed by the Commissioners of Intermediate Education towards the native language, and we also declare that the whole condition of secondary education is deeply injurious to the welfare of the country."
Galway wants Irish Speaking School Inspectors.
The Irish language was uppermost in Galway city on St. Patrick's day. English also was treated justly -it was forgotten. An Irish sermon was preached in the Pro-Cathedral by An tAthair O Fagain, one of the finest of living Irish pulpit speakers. Irish was the only language used at the public meeting. The Bishop of Galway, Dr. O'Dea, marched with many of his clergy in the public procession, which was joined by the University College students, and many of the professors, the G.A.A., the A.0.H., and Foresters, and by a large body of horsemen from the country. Sobriety, discipline, good humour, and earnestness," says a report " were the order of the day." The public meeting passed a resolution protesting against the custom of sending to the Irish-speaking districts inspectors of primary schools ismorant of the Irish language. Dr. MacEnri said that a head inspector who is ignorant of Irish was reported to be coming to . Galway district.' The sending of such a man there would be a gross injustice to the children and to the teachers. Galway would not tolerate having Irish killed in its schools. Professor Eoin Mac Neill said that " the reason why the authorities and Boards did such things as were complained of at that meeting was because thev judged from the ordinary conduct of the people that the people themselves were content to have such things ?one .. It o.nly needed a more manly attitude, especially m their private conduct, to convince the authorities that they had a solid public opinion to deal with. It was useless to makeTpublicprofessionsunlesstheybacked them up at home. );opeoplecould keep the Irish language alive but people who had it alive, and none but those who had it alive could ki!l it. The real killers of the Irish were the fathers and mothers who had inherited Irish from past a.ges and di? not lea v<; _it as a living language among their own children. l here mav have been some excuse for such conduct in the past but in the pr?s_ent it was contemptible and bespoke a mean sp1�:t. . Some excused themselves by saying that their object was to get on in the world. That meant that they were for selling their national lanzuaze They should make �ure of the price. A gene�ati�� had grown up depnved of their national lanrruage. \Vhere was the reward for its betrayal ? The �xcuse was a false one. Everybody there knew well that the reason why people tnrned their backs on Irish was because they wanted to imitate the ways and fashions of certain great folks." ·
Belfast Irish Religious Celebrations.
For t�e sixth year in succession, the Irish Religious cc1ebrat10n of Belfast has proved to be a most inspiring Any Make of Typewriter Repaired
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.6.5 ·25 Bachelor's Walk
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CORK. and beautiful ceremony. The large congregation present was all the more rem�rkable considering that the celebration could not, this year: commence until The Most Rev. Dr. Tohill, presided. and 9 p.m. there was a very large attendance of priests. Manv non-Catholic Gaels were also present. Every word Father O'Twomey's eloquent Irish sermon was evidently, easily understood by practically the entir; The responses, hymns, etc., seemed congregation. much heartier, and more voluminous than at any of the preceding celebrations. The one hundred students from St. Mary's Training College, ably assisted by the boys from St. Malachy's College and from the Christian Brothers' Schools, led the congregational singing. The event was heartening and impressive.
Another Gaelic Worker Gone.
Impressive, too, but, alas, very mournful was another Belfast event of a day or two previous. On La Fheile Padraig a gathering of Belfast Gaelic workers might be seen reciting the Rosary in Irish over the grave in which was just placed all that. was mortal of their most lovable and hard-workmg comrade, Feiclhlimidh Meade. For nearly ten years he worked almost night and day for the native language which he spoke better than many a native speaker. Most unassuming in disposition, he always shunned publicity, nevertheless, the news of his death, in Jife's prime, will cause a grievous shock to hundreds of Gaels who loved and admired him. Beannacht De le n-a anam.
Cill Ui Neill.
On the eve of St. Patrick's Day the students of the Ring College planted in the College grounds fifty young birch trees that were grown at Sean O Neill's castle, in Ulster, and presented to the College byMr. Francis J. Bigger. The little plantation is, on the suggestion of the donor, to be known as Cill Ui Neill.
BILINGUAL CAN ADA. l. The fight of the French Canadians for their language has a direct interest for Irishmen. It happens that Irish exiles or their descendants in Canada are ranged on the side of English in the war which is now being waged against the progress of the French language in the Dominion. The vitality of the French tongue · and its wonderful adaptability to the requirements of modern life, as some of the enemies of Irish might put it, and the patriotism and assertiveness of the French Canadians, have aroused a fear in the English population that Canada may yet become a French nation from ocean to ocean. When Canada came under British rule in 1763, the population, then 70,000, was entirely of French descent. The French colonists were originally centered in the province of Quebec, where their descendants now number 1,322,000 in a population of 1 600,000. They have given a French population of 1 '200 ooo tofhej United C:tates. The French of the dioc�se 'of London" in Ontario number over 32,000. This American branch of the French race shows a tendency to multiply rapidly, and it undoubtedly has • a great power of retaining its language and racial characteristics. In Quebec, where French is the common language, the French population suffer few hardships. English is spoken in the towns, but both languages are officially recognised in the schools, French is also an courts, and public departments. official language of the Dominion Parliament. In the newer provinces where the English predominate the French language is not encouraged, but the French who have a genius for religious organisation, claim the right to have priests of their own race, and it is on this point they clash with .the Irish of Canada . The English- speaking Catholics of Canada are almost The priests and bishops are either entirely Irish. Irish or of Irish descent. They have never be m acceptable to the French, and Jately they appear to have joined in a movement to put an end to the use of the French language in religious instruction and in religious ceremonies in the part of Ontario where the French-speaking Catholic population exceeds the The English-speaking section by several thousands. bilingual question is now uppermost in the politics of Ontario, and matters were accentuated last year by the interference of the Archbishop of Westminster, who deeply offended the French by advising them to learn English for their spiritual welfare. The French, who arc devout Catholics, are a people of considerable industrial worth, and of no little culture. Their opinion in this matter is worthy of respect. They .have no doubts whatever regarding the movement that is going on against their language and nationality, and they deeply resent the action of some of the Canadian Bishops in joining in the campaign against them. They have a special grievance against Irish churchmen in Canada, who should have no reason whatever to oppose the use of French, and still less to subject the French Canadians to a process that has almost killed the use of Irish, not only in America, but at home. It may be said that the Irish Canadian priests who discourage the use of French and refuse to use it
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years past has been much too crowded in the P� Room. If the Irish manufacturers give a reasonable measure of support larger premises will be secured and an endeavour will also be made to include an Art Exhibition. DRAMA COMPETITIONS.
pageant than in that of an ordinary play. Groups"of actors representing the Apostles, the Jews, the Roman soldiers the holy women, etc., will move across�he stage a�d cluster round the steps of Pilate's court or the foot of Calvary. The spoken words �I .be few, but the characteristic feature will be the smgm�. of a keen or wail in which traditional Irish and traditional liturgic elem�nts will both be discernible. Jlilimay be added that the actual Crucifixion will not be re. presented on the stage. There will be about seventy performets. The music has been composed by Tomas Mac Domhnaill. The performances are announced for Friday and Saturday, April 7th and 8th.
Jauguge neeessary for training has been post poned, 'and the organisers of Irish have been tlltiied into: Ulllterpaid inspectors. The Board and the whoa system must go. Wales has a fiiparate. Edueatioo depattme11t ; why �houtd JNla.nd not have HOJAe Rttle in edncation ?
La FlleU. Pattaic.
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We have received mnnerons reports of the St. Patrick's Day celebrations but are unable to refer to more than a few. In Cork the Gaelic League took part in tlie public meeting, and Peadar O hAnnrachain was one of tne speakers. The- Rev. Fa.ther O'Sullivan spoke- of tlie work 0f the League for edbeattion a:nd for "Let there be no ca.rpinf or criticism nationality. when it is a question of the League," said he. '' Rather leave your slippered luxury and throw in your lot with hEiland arisen and at work." The dea.tth of the Rev. Father &-oley, P.P., of Gehvay-, since Si. Patrick's D&y, has given the West caase to mo1UI1 the loss oi ene of her greatest benefactors. He was not a great worker in the Gaelic League, but he was a man worth a thousand in the nidustria.l revival. The!ie were Irish semnoas and servi�es in. Castle-bar , Reserea, aad Nenagh. Public celebrations were held in Tuam, Drogheda, Adare.
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How does Ireland' stand ? The answer to tJr.e eiuestibn will be suppi1ied �n week by Ireland.. herseli when •e Celt81ls returs.s are being made, To see that the
returns are made correctly, that the true figures · relating. to the two languages are given, and
that- tlie forms are filled in ?risli, is a duty too fuiThousands of fonns vtill pctttaut to be neglected. be fill� in Irish in the cities and. towns. The country, the home of lrish, must not neglect to speak in its own language.
The Oireachtas Committee.has been meeting reguta.tly every alternate Saturday for some m.ont'1s 't*l,st and the arrangements fot this year's feisttival are now well in bands. At tu last meeting there w�e pi.esent :Eibhlin Ni Dhonnabhlain (in the Chair). CathaI Brugh&, Tomas Aghas. Micheal O Loingsigh, Edward Martyn, · Tomas Mac r>. 0 ?hthghartihtta, Tomas Mac Domlma.ill, and Sea.ttMis o cathasaigh Cathal Mac Garbhaigh reposted that the rehearsals of "Seagha.n na Sguab:'' aad "The Tm.ker and the Fairy," were going on satiafactorily. A third play is at present being read, and will be put into rehearsal slu>rtl'y. PAGEANT.
The Coisde Gnotha has approved of having a pageant on a large scale this year, and active negotiations are in progress to get a suitable site. The subject selected is ' A Feis at Tara," and Mr. Fred Morrow under whose expert advice it is being worked promises us a magnificent spectacle.
• bllb ..... Pia,. TM Pauion Play which has been written by Mr· P. Jl. i.rse, will be produced in the Abbey Theatre � week. The sacred theme of the play will be aaie in the liands of the boys who staged " Iosagan " aa6 "An aomh a:r larraidh" with such success. 1!ber, wii be iimple, they will act with reverence and awid all attmllpts a.t realism. The women parts will be filled by p'Qpila from St. lta's College. These baVe been trained under the same auspices as the "tlloY*, fliefr success is a matter of certainty. 1'be ft.PHSldtation will � rather in the form of a
Two concerts are proposed for this year. The first will be a concert of folk music with a lecture on that subject by Tomas Mac Domhnailt, and at the second concert the Committee hope to be able to have the services of some of our leading traditional singers, also a Scotch singer, and a lady from Brittany. EXHIBITION.
The Industrial Sub-Committee has already held several meetings, and they are anxious to extend the scope of the Oireachtas E'Xhibition, which for some Aay M•� of1 .
_:..."'�-_. .... ..,.
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Tile KiUamny Woodworkers undertake repairs el every dolcliptim, which they are prepared to out in t6eir Dublin workshops. The prices ltrictly moderate.
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Gaels remember ! an Irish-lrelander want New or Second-hand Typewriters, Duplicators, Stencils Stencil Ink, Ribbons. Carbons, Paper, etc. Type\\'riting and Duplicating in Irish or English at reasonable rates.
•P• red when you
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A Gold Medal is offered: for the best OaieacJdas Ode. MSS. should reach the secretary, z.s R�d Square, Dublin, on or before ISt May. ATHLETIC TOURNAMENT.
A Hurling match and Football match is pro� to be held at Jones's Road, on SUJida1, jiw ., and good representative teams wiH be�. A tournament of this kind has not been held in COIBledbll with the· Oireachtas since 1905, and the am�,,of support accorded it then by Gaelic Leaguers' 'left An essential elem�t, to something to be desired. success is 1!liat there should be no otMt Gaelic League function dn the same day. �
R .AOirll :MAftAlfl. As my nnte in the Crn!ml!LUIH of Matbb iith suffered both at the bud� et tl1e.- ec:litdr 9,114 �' · I may be permitted to � a few rem� w 1 I have already said. e J:hf "oe4.f1� •� ��4.jS4t1t.6\ff b&45An roc:.1t nAtt 'b"'1n te ' ti-.b.�.6.t,iA*i %o rst11or•'6 .c111Uc. Ev�bo� ltlows ihat w� the adjective prec� the nea in lash it fo� �it a compound, the first element of which j:e� alwa:ys un�ed and the s�tjn<f suffers �.m>n on the iiiitia.l eonsona.nt K a tule. I-£ 1ril't � � ._ tlart I coiJJdJ ncht have written tti6 'Wetff19nf wMdfJ' is ov« my last 1101:e i ��, I think L wmte wtb in line 13; this is the spelling m. tl;le � �� I quoted in tbe first instance. � a.re sbme in� bf ffie � "1iuclt I have been defending to be found in Keafflll '.ll!dntaldf, aqd every line of Keating's work is, to use the words
�fv��gm���r�:it o tl:�'1y����f-�, I 'fttO� front P1rt!her Dimieen'� �itibn :'-
(1 t · 'S;1-o1&4"6 :6ci11:J n@11rW orte 4tht ,+ ct11tc111itie �A 411' �� oo WWAfnio6.f1, th!&.f1 A.�l/ C'o'buWt �. �M.etl' ffiu1se 'tute. Cll(l,.&n ttuan.«,; �1; t)e4nOOA1l'• �:G �f�\& "Oidlft.& 45\11' � 'P�
" There are ·other saint� mQrEt g�J;Leia.'Q.y. than tliose we have mention�, s11,�li ak·'(!ol'li Fifilte& of Miigb Bile, Cu.ran ot (tluaia., ot JmaucJmr, Brilid al. Kiildare, and Si.mt P ,; (fanu-r �· 111., l. 11796). (�) 116.� mbet'C "QQ n.�om 'P��n4-15; 'n-4 'JaIP.il,IP,I 4'.S be..sn114e-4� .cm �fo5, "' as st. J'a.ttici: was suma and �g- a 151\BSHtg to, the king'' � Hf. [ 362".) (l): "OOCU.1"0 1At1 4m-f0 «�11..&c �n� Cl-1&4..C4'tl n4 ci,{c:e nA \14l'6e An 1;1.4o1jl 111411 f.& �At \i! b�1164n11c.A'ft> °&ftA1'5'0':f> 1.eo A�Uf 1'\!6.ti,ti ·. 11J.fu�f$: bl ,, An Irish dvet w.eut: at this tmle;1b iii.: St. Patrisk wu te � th& co� an� ts the custom with tlie Irish., � biciiot number of captives wiffl.' tlietti. tog�it' 0
The Committee has decided to extend the date ic>r these competitions (Nos. 7 and 8 on Syllabus) to May rst, but it will not be possible to produce the winn�g Dramas until next year. Hitherto by the time the adjudication was completed, companies secured, ad the MS. made ready for the players, there was in sufficient time left for rehearsal-sometimes as little. as six weeks-with the result that the works were im perfectly produced. This year the the winning D� will be rehearsed by the Oireachtas Dramatic Conl'l**y The amount c,f the during the winter and spring. second prize will be paid after next Oireachtas ta the two selected in each competition and the production at the 1912 Oireachtas will determine the fitst pine winner.
The Foley Typewriter Trading Company, 25 Bac:helor".s Walk, Dublin.
P�' m ' ! tij�A'C>A=�
Patricl:." (,Of"lt'- ffl.f.4 11'. 1. 6:a,t3.f' l huve no �eant 6f �g' Fa\tier �eWd'f and I ant "tn!ll awan that by fa, tlW ittwf·\JliWllil usage has not the woRI ,_,,.h at & If uute that two of the above �� ai-e ��
the Latin and consequently tlia't ntiomli l8 du Latin sanctus, I reply, that there are n,umerous w:bith are not t�tiitts mcf ti# saffiil Jiliesjde,,; "Will adyent; sdni�MN found in tliem. ta.in that, tor instanQe, ��"4 n�M,�ll!PI naomh-�hair are good Irisli., ana ,that �':'f�,t"4'1,411 naomli-Mharlain are :t!.gtiffiimis The" ilt>Jk'JC\C8 aspiration in modertt: � need" not orea1*, a WflliNDI The presence of the- amcJe abo� in 011e edslr. ia third passage su�ts analoJy Qf �m · • with an naomh (non-aspirating}. Toe · one � two la-biaJ' spihmts in close pri>*nnity .is conceivable on pbobetic g.-otm<& as lVeD. IUWl'I the Joss 0f MpiJa1icr>n came about my first .wllJeJ*I � not been answered, 11amely, t.hat naom � 1s not oalr, good Irish but it has document¥Y at all penbds from Cottiiac to Keating, 1' return to tliis subject again. P..AaUL WtA1:JS1tb 19th Marc� L9.t I. P.S.-Mr. O'Connell in his first :r�ly end�v°'1 to malte his readers believe that I regard nao�h iJi
C • MARTllf & SOlfSt
(27 Wellin� Qaa7,\ DUB�UI. J
&tabllshed 1878.
Del>re:p� 1.,'1>11� it would"lllt well to � Olllt
� ............. Goode just recelYed fiWJna thetnanufilet6 "'illiliT" and quality our Irish Suitinl{S 11nd Trouserings cannot be � 8ult9, .. olft .... Tr•-� _1�-<;an and Choose yoa• Matnl aud we Guamntat ftirf'e.-�p Punctually Exec:Jted.
cu,015 1.e '0'6flaitrtb
CI.An>eArh SOlUIS.
.C..tbfe.&n 8 H 11
o.n ct.aroe.ern souns,
4 .65 CJ'MLl df\ e n 5Co1j0e 5not.6 e, ..65Uf ni
April S
.61ft1t5t"C.6'f\ fOC6L 'n.6 t.60lJ df f..in ..1m.6C. b'pe-1'01t' '50 I;CU1J'f1'0e nor a be.65 inr .6n Cl.o.1D(•.6.t"h m..AJ' Se..1itt .611' . &CC ftn .6 ue1n-ce.6t'· 'Cet'f)e6.nn .6T1 cimcrpe 50 ·o:ci ,1n .&re rrn �r1r 1 :i;ce..&nn ft.6tte no 1 :sce.-1.nn btt..1'611..& ,15ur ..1c.& ..&n f:SP.6t c(>.t..'On.u .6f\1f ..115e, .65Uf An f5e.6.l Ce.-1.'0n.'1 .15 .6n 5C01rr:e 5n6t.6, .'1CC ni -oerncet.t' .o.c.c. re t.5 u u t 50 -o ci o.c �-\.otn neac '0.6'0..&. .6:SUf 50 'O'Cl tll..&:$ ('rom-C.a .65Ut' 50 'Ot"l 50 teop .&1Ce.6T1T1.6 nae M'O 6 c�u1re.&'O Connrt.'O n.6 5.6e'01t:c:;e ,1.r bun t.cc jm .& ofutt u..& t'.>..&t'l' .615e l1i nzo n n.i .&5 Mt t;.1c-01t:s .&cc corn mt.1t. 1on:c;n.a-o 50 rnbionn .on fe.6r nocc c1t.p.6.15te cr.&t'r"Jc:e teir pem .05ur terr .6.Tl r.co:!;t.l 50 rmmc. '(' .6f1 Ptf 5..16 .60T1 cunnt:.of '00 t).o.1t.1u5.o.'6 50 Cf1U1T111 b(MCC 'Oo'n Co1rce 5n6t.o., c.o.ttce.6r 1 te.<1t·C.601l'l 1.6.'0 no CU1t'Ce.6.t' mr Ml cemro 1.6.'0, .o.:sur ni vetnce.6.r .0.011 pioc .t..m..&tn i1rJ.1'0e 'Oiot'.>. l1uc.1t' (•UtftC.6.TlTl Ctmt1re Ct1T1T1C.6f 50 'OC1 Ml Coiroe fn6t..1 n<) 50 -oci Cotrce tM "'C1mt11't'0,,..1<"c.6., lltl.61f' cu1-pe.6.11t1 re rior 50 cp um n 111' i·nc.6loto be.05.0. r1mptroe, 5.0.n earn 5.0.n c.o.f.6'6 1r,nct., z.n pez.t.t. .o.c.&t.o.r t. ne.o.n.o.m .o.l' .l\n Tl �oei'Ht'5 1 bp.6.t'01fCe .6.1"JW5te, b.6.'0 · CC.6.'f'C '00 to1rce 11.6. "'C1mt1r1net. cce, no 'Oo'n ct-0.1'0e.o.t11 <'Ot1511.o.til '00 t.o.t'Mlt''C 'Oo'n crmcipe ftn, .o.5ur 'Tl,.' 'OCetpet.'O .6.f\ .6.11 mberpr; .6.C.6. .6.11 r5e.o.t te15e.o.r bo ce.(\rc .o.nnr·.o.n 50 noccparoe 'Oo :$.t..e'6et.t.o.tl'.> co nnuj- m.o.r .6."C.6 .6.11 b.&r '0.6 1m1r-c .6."f' .o.n Tl ?;.6e'(J1t5 tn.o. tercero rm 'O' .3.n:, .6.5Uf Cl.6. ht.6.'0 Tl.6 >rM01Tltf> tf C10T1Tl'C.6.C .6.11T1. -0,C'C 1 11-..&te rm tr .oti1tt.1T) .6.C.6. ce.o.115t.l .6.f\ .6.11 'O'Ctmt1re ..i5Ur ..6.'f' te6t' .6.Tl ct-0.1'01111 pern, 5.0.n .o.n r5e..6.t '00 . ,.,. .6.5Uf .o.'Oetf\ "c .6.0f\ " 5Uf' m.o.tt .o.n f'U'O 110 c f'".6." Ot'.>.o.c mo c-re.o.c, .o.'Oe1-r1m ! .6n ce.6n5t.t r.o.n. Co.'OP ftn -"Ct: COf.6.1Tl'C .6.t' tu cc m.6.'f't'.>t.o. nt. :S<'et>1t5e t.5ur 'Ot.tt-pu1cin .6.'f' 5.o.et>et.tt.1l'.> ! .(\Cr ce1r-c .0.5.0.m ope, .6. C..6.01"f', C.6.'0 e .6. cu1r .6.f' .o,n 'O'f'e.&m -oo cuipe.vo .6.n ce.o.n5t.t rm o-rt.1t'> 1 Of\t.6 cet.n5.t..t .6.011 e .6.t' cutpe.e'o Ct11T' Of\.6.1t'.> rern 1 .d5ur m.J. cutre.o.'6 .6.'f' cornt.io nc'o e 1 1 'Ot:.o.ot'.> 111.&:S C'f'omt:o. (11.3. -cu15e-"'6 ..6.otnne.o.c :su1, .<'.nu.<'.r .o.'f' mumnr ttiJ.5 C'f'omt.o. ret.c.o.r .6.on . .,1-c e1�e t.-c.3. me. l1i nez'o, m.o.1' 1r eot. 'Oom �o m.o.1t :so t'.>futt .l\1"Ce.o.11nt. erte com 'Oon.o. tmr), b.o. ce.o.rc 'Oo'n Co1r-ce 5not.6. nu.o.1r "J'.'tli\1f\e.6.'0.6.'f' cunnt:.6.r 6 ce.o.11n 'OJ. 'O-c1mt1r1t'.> re n() ret.c-c 'Oe t>tt.o.'6.o.nc.o.1l'.> 6 tom, .o.n n;e.o.t 'Oo t1orruS.o.t> t.5ur b.6. 5.6.tpm 50 5c111rr1ue 1 'O-ct11r:s111c '0611'.> 50 t'.>futt t.11 S.6.5.0.r-c -P.o.ro1rce .1. mo11f15110"f' 0 n1uf\C.6.'0..6. .6.'f' fl.6. r5ot.&1'f'1l'.> I;.l\e'Ott5e 1r re.o.rr 111r .6.Tl 'O ilt.6.15 rm ; 50 t'.>fUtt fP m.o.p f:St't1'0t115te611' .6.1" $..6.e'61t5 .0.5 Cu.o.t.6.C'C Co11-c.6.e Copc.o.15e ; .o.5ur 5t1'f' -co5.6.'6 'Oo-r.o.n e .6.'f' te.o.t',.o.r .6. $.6.e'Ott5e. 'O'mneorr.0.11.'>e f6r 'OOtt'.> 50 t'.>fUtt 01'01 1 r501t rh.&5 C'f'Omt.6. .6. t'.>fUtt .611 bt.e-oet.t5 com b1nn .o.c.6. 1r 'Oo tt.t'.>t.f\.6.'6 r1.o.m 1 ne1rmn i. .o.5ur A11T1 r.0.11 n1or m1r-ce .6.Tl ce1rc reo 'O� CUf\, C.6."0 e .6.Tl 6t11r n.3. ft11l. .6.11 $.oet>e.o.t5 'OJ. mumet.'O 1nr .6.fl r:so1t reo. .d5ur .o.n11rt.n 11e.6.rbu15 '00 seot'.Jr.(\t'Oe .6.Tl com.o.1rte tu5 11.(\ u�t.o. cu15 no re 'Oe l'lt.t.o.'t'>t..nc.'\tt'> 6 torn 'Oo cu; r10r .1. nu.o.1r .o.'Ot1t>.o.r.o.'0.6.t' 50 mb.o.'6 cet.1'-c .6.tl t.6e'6e.6t5 '00 Ctl'f' cum C1T1T1 tnr n.o. f50tte.6.T111.<'\1l'l t.5t1r 50 mor mor mr 11.l\ r501te.t..nn.6.1t> 111r (\Tl 115.6e'Oe.6.l"C.6.C'C, .o.5ur 11U.6.11" '00 mot.o.'0.6.'f' n.o. 'OO n...1 b.\1111rc�611'1t'.> c.o.t'.>-r115.o.t> te ob.0.1-r 1r e.t..'6, t.:-:;ur 'Oo 5eot'.>f.o.1t>e fMfI;.6.en1t5�. �t11.�e AJ'll' .6.11 f\At'M'O 0.5 C.6.t'>.6.1f''C .6.0n CO'f'.6.'0 .6.'f' l1i ( Otll..11t'te 11-<.'\ nC.o.rbo5 1 n1 ..,::; C1"\0mt:.t.. 1 lit" l'ltl '00 'OCtn"Ce.61', .6.C"C "cut111ct.r .o.n t:1mt1re <'01me..,'O f e <"e1 tr- .o.5u r m .&5 t-rom tA ·o rt.5t'>,\1t1C f(' 'Gt-<.\. Ct11re.t..nn rm 1 ;:::;<'t11m11e •nom r5e- ..·\l. "-'T' te... '00 Ct11t\ 5A"f'f\6.'0.6 p-pl-c..11'6e Ct11p r(>- um "'-:sur c111r re M1 cei\'O c-re ti...\tp. 1 11'0etre.o.'6 teo ,\5t1r 'O' t·,,5 re m.o.r rm 1.6.'0. 11.\ �ttNOtl,\ '00 t'.>10'0.6.t' 50 t!t.1t15c1r .6t5e, .6.�t1r "(:() "J=MftHttt CO�il.l\f\f.l\ 'Oe C.6.'0e .6. Ct11f -,,<\f\ tt15 " 1)).._\lfe.6.'0," l (' ,.\tpe�<':,\f 1110f fCMf'-p '06tt'.>. "'l' l'� }'111. '' 'Oo tJ.:S me fJ. UM t,.\'O, ssur 1r 'OOC.6. 5up ft\S '01 ..\ f(1t11 f<'.'111 M'O, .65t1 r "()o 1i11tle,\111.\r C,\'Ott,\1ntl t.l\'O." l "l)t...\Ol� .6.11 leltt't' ,..\C\ ..,5 '' (',\OJ\" . _\f\ S..6.l�\t' ,. \tl �t\tl 'O,\C'-111' 1t1 l' i\11 � . .,e'6C,\l"C ...\C{"" .1. C(lt\.6.t11 tl ..\ l1?1l)J1(" 5n 1 e-11, n' }',\5l'l"-1t f .., Cp6.ol'.>.16..11r, . 'O"Ctmt1r,e 11., 11t,n:e- rrn 1 11t1,\1t' tc1pe.6.11t1 ..l\t' . ,n Ml l),\11l11''Cl''011' ,\�tit' 11,\ 1101'01 '00 l'.>05.6.'0 c1,urnn1u� ..\'O µu1bt 1'6e 'Oo connt,011 ..,�ur Ml cf1,; llit re C'e.,_1,c uo 1:>t e (>r c-01i1.'.\11, .1.\11 1:>otM1t.
J. C. LAKKIN 36 '1VEXFORD STREET. The . Adverti. ers ITI
n'Oe1r1n mum,&n . VI.
111 C01f\ r5.6.'f\Afl1.6.1t1'C te1r 11A 'Oetf1l'.> 5.0.n be.o.5.&11 '00 r5r1 1 'O'C.6.0t'.> Tl.6. h.&1-ce 1f '5.o.e'Oe.o.t.o.15e Cu.o.t.o.m.o.r 50 te1r 'C'f'.6.C'C t.6.1' r.o. 'Oilt.0.15 f111. .o.n 'Rrnn . t. 'Rtnn 6 5Ct1.6.n.o.c 1 11'0e1r1t'.> mum.o.n .t..5ur 1f eot 'Oumn 50 te1r 50 l'.>fU1t 1otr501t 'CJ. r:so1te.6.11n.o. e1te rt.11 .&ti:, rA11 'Rrnn rm. tetr, 50 f\.6.1t'.> .6. t.3.n fOtf\01m mA"f' 5e.o.tt O'f't.l\ ce.o.n.o., t.5ur nit 'Oe1-re te1r f6f, 1r '06c.o.. Co1r ..111 ct1.o.t.&1t1 -cr1.o.r 'Oe'11 cu.o.n .1. Ct1.o.n 'Oun 1r cutmm t10m 5.o.rt>.&n, .6.'C.6. .6.Tl 'R111n rm. t.J. CU.6.'0.o.r .6.Tltl, .o.5ur COn.o.c ct.&'f'·'OUt'.> .6.'f' C'f'OC.6.'0 111 �.6.1l'.> .o.r .l\11 l'.>f.&tt.o. .0.5 be.o.nn -c15e l'.>15. e. f.6.05.0.t .o.n C'f'U.6.1'0 b.o. .o.nn. f.&5.o.1t .6.-p f501t l.6.5-me.6.r .6."f' .6.11 Ob.6.1"f' .0.5 11.6. '0.6.01t11l'.> 5Ut' '0.6.01t1e A5 tn.6.5.6.'6 c1r-ce .o. t>e1t 50 c.o.t'.>.o.'f't.o.c. filt.o. fO '00 t'.>1 .6.5 Ob.6.1"f', .6.5tlf re'n Ob.6.1"f' '00 ..0.C t'>tl.6.1'0 .8111 tn.6.f\ .6. t'.>10'0. t'.>1 .6.'f' r1ut'.>.o.t .6.C.6.. b'e .o.n ct11'0 bt. me.o.r.o. 'Oe'n n.o. 5.o.e'61t .o.n t.3.. 5n6 .o.r f.6.'0 n.3. 5ur 5.o.e'61t '00 t'.>1 .6.5 cur c.o.t.o. .6. 'f' b .o.e'6e.6. t.0.1 t'.>. - 1:H f.6.5.6.'f''C -p.6.-ro1r'Oe r.6.11 .J.1'C .o.n U.6.11' r111 .0.5-ur �1 5.o.e'61t5 50 m.o.1t .o.15e ; ni 'f'.6.tt'.> .o.c 'O'f'Otcme.o.r .015e U1"f\te, .6.5tlf .6.f\ 5.0.C 'f'tl'O 5.0.e'OeAt.6.C "'CJ. re 1 5C1tt rhtc 'tom.&1r1n .l\no1r, .o.5t1r e�te. n1 5.3.'6 '66 'Out .0.5 crot'O 1 5co111111t> n.o. n 5.6.e'6e.o. l .o. n n, n.& ni 5.&'6 '06 'Out .0.5 c .&111e.o.'6 11.6. 5�e·o1t5e, m.o.r tr be.6.5 5teo 'Oem-ce.6.1' .6.1111 1:)fo't'> re .0.5 mt.� 5e.6.�t .6.1f\ .o.n 'O'CC.6.T15.6.m. Se.o.n.o. -pob.6.tt .6.n com.o.1pt1u mu1n11-c1re .0.11 -ce.o.n5.t.. rtn .6. 1)1 .0.5 .o. r1nnre.o.1' '00 c.o.tte.o.m 1r mtntc .6. ftl.6.f\.6.'0.6.'f' .6.11 c6m.o.1rte tl.6.t.6. .6.1" f.6.'0. '0.6.f\ n'06t5, 1r be.0.5 f.6.5.6.'f'"C .65Uf r1� �.6.1'0, n.6. b10n11 me.t..r .6.'f' .o. com.0.1-pte .0.5 5.o.e'6e.o.t.(l.1t'>. b.o. t��t.5 �e.o.r .o. t>e1t .o.'f' com.0.1-rte .o.n t1-r rm, .um, 'Cf\<'.-C: m.o.rtu15e.o.'6 re .o.n :$.o.e'6e.o.t5. .6.n. r.o.5t..-pc r.o.n "00 l)i m.<'.-p t'.>.o.1n1r-ce61-r .o.r n.o. cet"C-pe r501te.o.nn.o.1t'.> .o.-c.& r.o. f.Mf\61f'Oe m.3. uc-rn n.o. 1101'01 ru'O cun e 'Oo tJ.r.6.ti1 c.o.'O A nerne.o.'0.6.'f', 46 m.o.1' .o.'Oe.o.nr.o.'6 m6'f'.3.n 'O.o.01ne e1te 'O..& m bet'Olf 1 5c6m-c.&r teo-r.0.11. e.6.t:Ot't.6. 50 te1r t'.>1 .6.Tl r5e.1t 50 11.o.tn'Oetr .6.5 .o.n Tl 5.o.e'61t5 Sm e 'O'tJ.5 "C'f'eo n.o. l16.1t1'0e1re u1pte mbotc-c. 1r n.6 r501te..1nnt.11:'.>, m.o.r 1 n-tne.6.'0 te.6.t'.>.6.1 r501te 11.0. 11.&1-ce nit .65 t. 1..&n .1c.1. .o.c Ce.o.cc: be.6.5.6.. "Ctl1'0 I. .o.5ur Ctlt'O II. 1r -r........"'O :so ..,.,. · C..101t-ce n.o. 'R.0.1111 " n ..-, " rr-e..6.1' .6.n m b e1 \J " l .. ,oqtt..1.1111 ...\5 mot.o.'6 'Ou.o.1re . .\nn 'OJ te1te1'01 r1n 1l b . .\05...\t ..\c. 11..ic o-pt.o. 'Oo 'Oe111e.6.'6 .o.n e.o:sco11' ' • . 50 f'.6.1t'.> f.6.5.6.f\'C 1' .6. te15 te61t\i �.,... · ,\.: �tlf nt. hOt'O 1· A
The Cheapest House in Town For Chandfery,
.15.011111 .1on cornne 'OO t>ert .15�\tnn 50 11ue,j.nf ,\1'0 n.1 p6.J'01l'"Ce..itnr5 .6.11 r.15.11,c ,j.5ur 116 1101'01 1r cum...\ c.1.'0 e .)fl 'O.&tttit'e ..."\cc r501te -oo t-po1'0. .o.ci: 'O,''OO t'>e..1'6 1011nc.1. ni '6e.o.11r.11'0ir e ('01rce v-cu5t.t> .6T1 ct.o.1'0e.-0.ri1 .15ur •..\n ., b'tu1r1r-ce iJ 1 '0(, .0.11 con5n.1ti1 cet.tK 5nott. Ceo.fK '00 f.&St'.>J1t 'OO'n '5,j.e'61t,5 50 mtntc 5..1n .6.011 q,ot'O, ..15ur b.o. tu1r1r-ce 'Oo'n nn1ttt'e ..o.c-c nu..11t' f..&5t:.o.'f' c.6.t-pue e-1:sm "Oo ue.o.nMn. 11.6. 5.6e'61t .15ur .6.Tl c1mt1re 5.. 1.n c..1t)..11r 5t.n con5n.6ti1 b1onn .in ob.6.tt' .11' r..111 tt5e ..,nn ,\5ur nit m.o.rt n.3. m.601T1 '0.6. 'Q�...\t1.1m. t11.6. f5f'10l'M11n .611 -c1mt1re cunn-c.o.r o:sur 50 rnbionn .o.n flf\1t1Tle .6.t5e ..15uf 50 orl15uce.o.1' lOCT .6.1t' 111 he 1r c10nnc.6c. 1r riot'·.o.nn.6m t'.>1011n 5e.o.f'..&n Al' 'ttmt1re .0.5 Ot'OH'> f50tte 110 .0.5 f.6.5.6."f''C.6.1l'l m.6.f\ pet'O"Ct5e.o.nn fM'O 50 tl'l.6.lt te tl.6. cette .o.5t1f n15.o.1111 rt.o.'O .&ru-co115n.o.m 'OJ. ce1te .o.5ur 1r M'O .o.n 'Of\et.m bio11n me.6.f .o.c.o. o.r .6. ce1te. ce.6.'0n.o t'.>1onn .0.5 5e.o.rJn 1 5coti1nu1t>e 1 'O"C.o.ot'.> nA 'O"Ctmt1r1, r1.o.'O r.o.n, n.o. 1101'01 1r Tl.6. rA5.6.1-p"C n ..., ru1t .0.5 ne.0.11.0.m '06.'0.o. t.c-c An met'O 'Ofo5t'.>.&t.6. 'Oo-5eot'.>.o.1'0ir -oo '6et.n.om. .d-c.& .0.11-cut'O .t..c.o. r"'-n mr .0.11 5.1.e'6e.o.t-c.o.c-c .o.5ur .o.n 5.1.e'6eAt5 50 m.o.tt .6.C.6., ACC fOC.6.l '01 T11 t.o.l'.>.l\f\.6.1'0 1r 111 mi11t11'0 6 1r 1.0."0 11.0. n.&1m'Oe ce.o.n11 ce..6.nn 11.6. btt.o.'6n.o.. 1.o.'O. 11.o. 1101'01 n .o.n 'OJ. mo 1t5 > ' t 5.o.e' t'>futt .0.5 1r .o.5ur 11.6. r.0.5.0.tr-c 'Oo-r1511e .o.n 5.o.e'6e.o.t5 '00 to5tu1m (ltl.6.11' C.6.f'C..6.'f' 1.6.'0 ro O'f't.6. tr .o.ml.6.1'0 t'.>ionn r1.o.'O .0.5 c.6.1te.6.m 'O'f'Oc-me.c\r' t.r .o. 5ct11'0 01bre, .o.5ur nit te r.J.u .0.5 " C.o.o-r " n..& .0.5 .o.n " 'Cu5"C.6.'f' 5Co1r-ce 5n6t.o. t.c-c r5.o.01tet..'6 teo. 1 r f .6.'0.o. .o. n c..&1-r'Oe c.&t'f''Oe '061 t'.> " .o.'Oett' r1A'O. .6.'C.& f.6.SC.6. .6.C.6. .o.5ur 1f .6.5 'Otlt 1 n-.o.01r .d5 'OUt. 1 11-0t.C.6.f '06tt'>.
99 Lower Dorset Street, . FOR .
Plumbi�g, £igbting and t,�ating.
SU])JlOl t
tl1..1f\ 1'111 $""\ fC1tlt\tl c ..., l11l'11511,\ 5,\1\ 1SO "00 t>t:,t .15 ro5tu1m n,\ ce.,115.,11 50 -oi1tr..1c-c.\('. Cu11,e�-o -cri ce1te 50 11101, 1::0, ..15ur ce 50 11- ....\bt,,.,u uume tesc 5up t>tte . .\$ teo f1\1'0 50 t'>f..\11f {\'Q ,\!\ rse"t m...\r ...\ 01. .6.511r 50 t>f._\11rsr) ,\11 r,,s ..,1,c m.,1, (\ t' ...\tt> .615e, b..i "()e..1c...\11, e c1,e1'0eMiH\1t\c, tn,\1, 'O...\f\ 11'061$, b.o. ti11-nJ.'Oi1pG . .\ -i5t1l' b..\ t'>J\C.\l-lrun . .\C .6.5Uf l)...\ c10c ...,c ..,11 Ob.o.1t\ '00 Ue,\nf,\i t\n r ..\0°$.'.'.l 'O<'.\ te..111-c..11 'Oe'n 5116 f P- 111,\1\ ..\ t'>i. . . se ...,11 -ce...\n56. 5 . ,eun . 5.o.e'6e..1t.o.c -u1te ...15 1 . \l'l'""'1'6 r:s..1-c..\ ue.15 'O,\otne 'OO cur .o.'f' ..'6, , _,<: ...,ti1 . . C01f D-ronM trnstn 1 n'Oe1r1 \) 1l1mil..\1\. tHotdr ,\s ,'\t1 m-1.5.(\'0 rut.o., ce . .\th\, ..,511r 1r m6 n .., lll.6.5.6.'0 '00 'Oe.6.11f.6.1 ftlt ..\ . .1.1"\ b.o.Ll, 1 "OCf\l"O ,\J' 5ur n-re.0.5 teo, '0.6.l' ttom-r.o., no 5111, C'e-<'.t'C 5u1, t>pe.o.$ teo, pe r5e..1t e, 50 -o-c�1m5 . .,11 c-,,tttu r.l\05.o.1t o-rt.o. te 'Oe1'6e. "'C.& f.6.5..6.f\C p.6.f\61r'Oe- .t..1111 .o.no1r 50 Uft11L eot.o.r .6.t' :s�e'01t5 .o.15e C.0111 Cl'U111n 1f C'4\ ,15 tte,\C L.\l'lf\,"\1111 -<.\"f' btt .(\ te15r1'6 .o.n Ct1.o.r1r5 reo. re 50 btAf'0.6. 1 ; t(>.15e.o.nn re 50 5.a.r'0.1 i ; r51'iot'.>.t..nn re 50 rt.t..c-cm.o.-r 1, .o.51.1r m.a.tt r,.&t'1' .i"f' 5.t..c 'f'tl'O 'Oiot'> r.0.11 cf... ..&1-r'O·rnet.r .6.15e u1ttte, .6.5t1r ni ce1te.6.11t1 re .o.n -c-eot.o.r r.o.n .6.f\ .a.om'ne. n, h10115n� Sm e .0.11 t:·.6.t-ri1 m61" '0.&1-r11'1t'.>. cu1'0 'Oe 11.0. '0.6.01111t> 'Oo oe1t 50 11t.t11r..1rt..c m .. 5e.o.tt .6.'f' .o.n n5116 .t..T' r.o.--o .&mt.6.c, co1r5 n..ic c6ti1-po'f'"C .o. t'.>ionn .0.5 '011" tn.o.'f' M'O ft.fl . .6.c, .dm.&r tf m6 50 m6'f' .o. 61"e1'0e.o.nn 5-uf\ ce.l\n5.1 t'.>"f'e.6.5 i .o.n 5.6.e'6e.o.t5, n.& m.o.-r 6'f'e1'0 5u1" cet.t15.6. "tu5.o.r 6'f'.J.1'0 tl.6.1tn t.& 'Oomn.11� 5.0.11 til.6.1t i. or com.6.t"f' pob.o.tt .o.n t:Se.0.11.0. 1:)ob.o.1t, .6.5Uf t:t115 5.6.c 'Ot1tne 11.&c m6'f' me ce n.J.-r t.0.01,t.r ...\c 1:)e.1.'6 1011511,, Sm 'Oe.6.:sr:se.o.t. 5.o.e"6e..o.t5. O'f'C .o.5t1r A t'.6.1t'.> 'OC fAOt'.>·C.6.1t111'C .6.t" f1t1l'.>.o.t 1 5co1nn11) n.o. r.e. .o.n11 te f.6.'0.& 5.0.n 111or mo ..0.C nit fl .0.5 A11 .6.0f <'r5 '0.6.01t1e '0.6.tt U1'f'te. 50 'f'6m.o.1t, 05ur 'C.6. tn6t'..6.ll .6.C.6. A11T1 n.& f-UH fi Conttf .o. fie<'.1.'> .o.C.6. 1 n-.6.on cor, .o.m' tu.o.1r1m. f1 .l\C.6. 1 "'CJ. 'COt'.6.'0 11.6. 'O"f'OC-01bt'e te fe1fC1t1'C n.J.c n.&1-re�c .6.11 bC.(\f\"C 50 ro1te1'f' .6.1111 .o.n01f. .6.'C..6. 'Oe.o.n"C.6. .6.C.6. f.6.n b.6. C1011n"C.6.C te1f .6.11 OtM1-p 111 m.6.1t t10m m' .6.1mreAt' 'Oo c.o.1tteMtM1t1c reo 1 .0.5 r5-r1 m.t..1' 5e.o.tt O'f't..1 .:\C ni ce.o.-rt: te15m-c t.eo, m.o.-r b'te1'0t'f' 50 te-15-re.o.'6 'Ot11ne no 'O.o.0111e e reo, 'Oo t:>e.o.nr.o.1t> t.6.'f't'.6.6-c .&t' '0105t>&1t .o.n u1tc "'C.&t.dl' .0.5 f111 '00 te15e.o.r .6."f' tttse e151t1. mu1t1eA'6 11.6. 5.o.e'61t5e .6.nn .o.no1r, .o.c 1r m..itt .6.11 ob.o.1r i mi1111e.o.'O -co1r5 .6. 'f\A1t'.> 'Oe '6onur 'Oet.n-c.o.. -C.&t.o.-r '5.& mu1 (le.o.'6 1 n5..1c r501t, .o.5ur 'OA01t1e 'Oe.o.r.o. re1me 1f et.'O n..6. murnt:e61'f'1. c.a cu1'0 .o.c.6. com 'OeAf fAn n..:5.'f' m.o.1t leAt: -cornu t.5 bru15e.o.n teo, bio'6, A5-Uf n.& be1tr.& "f'6·t&rc.c1 "'C.& te rc.J.'O 11.6. :S.o.e'01t5e fe 'n.a. 5Ct1'f\.6.m. Ct.&t' 'O.&-"teo.n5t.o.c. .6."f' r1ut>.a.t 1 r501t tl.6. n5.&'f'fUfl r.o.n 'Rmn. .611 t>e1-rr te.o.tt .o.-c.J. fA r501t, 111 fe.6.'0.6.f\ COt1-Uf 'C.6. All "Ce.o.n5.6. 50 bt.o.r'O.o. .l\C.6.. 'C.6. .0.5 et'f\1:Se teo, tnA"f\ .6.11 t.& t>1or .6.1111 n1ort'.> 1 t.n $.t.e'6e..6.t:S ·oo l'.>1 &t" r1t1t'>At AC.&, A5tlf n1ott t.o.nt.r 1 t'.>f.&'O f.6. r501t, .o.c. t>e.6.'0 f.&1tt:e "f'6m.o.m .6.1111 '0.6.'f' t10m. 1:)1or t:AmAlt 1 r501t tl.6. "'C.J. .0.11 Cti,.t' t.>J. ce.o.'On.o.. t.& .o.n �c.o.1Uni 'Ce.o.115t.6.c .o.r r1ut>.<'.t .o.c.o. .o.nnrA11 te1r, AC nit .t..nn AC -corni1. 5e1l'.>eAnn 11.0. c.:\1Un1 1r 11..6. bun l'.>t11'6e.o.n-c.o.1t'.> 01'0e.o.c.o.r '6.J.-te.o.115t.6.c .o.c -c.&tt.r .0.5 te.o.n.6.m.o.rnt: 'Oe' n -cre.o.n-01'0t .o.CAf rt.n cum S1t1 e .o.n roC"f'U '00 rrnnet.'6 et'l( 'Oe'11 n;o1t. 4nn, .o.5ur 1 5c1onn -cr1 mbtt.o.'6.o.n e1te be11.'> 01'0e.6.C.6.f '6..i-te.o.n5t.o.6 f.6. r501t .6.'f' "fA'O, 5et..tt 0 1:)e.o.t. ..0.6.6.'6 '5.6.0t:"f'..6.15 .o.n c..1.1Un 65 te1r. .o. l'.>i .0.5 murne.o.t> 5.6.e'61t5e fA r501t rm A11 l.& t'.>1or .0.1111. 'Co5.6..'6 1 co1r5 .o.n '.5.o.e'6e.o.l5 'OO ne1t .6.1Ce. 111 m6p .6.11 "C-eot.&f .l\C.6- .6."f' $.o.et>1t5, 111'0 n&c 1on5n.6.'6, .6.5 n.o. c.o.1U nit> be..6.5.0. r.o. r501t �.6.�. 1r. te 'Oe1'6e-".n.a.15e be.0.5 tornt115e.o.'O.o.'f' "'t' 1 'O ro5tt11m. .6.5ur, m.&r e t>itt' 'O"C01t e. l'.>t c.t..�Uni .o.-r r501t .:\n11 n.&"f' tt115 .6.C fiO'f' t'.>e.o.:5t.11 'Oe n ce.6.115.0.tn.
Established 1895.
The" Olympic Boo-I:" is an An.1 rish-Made Boot, Hand Sewn, all Box-Calf, Made on the Latest Model L�sts, and Stocked in Six Different "Widths in each Size anJ Half-Size. Ma<le and Sold only by
R STRONGE, 31 Old Park Road, Belfast. Price-!6 9 Per Pair.
Per Post, 6d. extra.
KID GLOVES • �\ldG��':e� made in. our own fact�ry from Irish-Tanned each pair stamped ·with Irish Trade Mark. Toh . e .. 1a1 froI"? all Drapers and Outfitters A �ample P air "\\ l convmce you. th at b etter value 1s . .impossible Cl ergymen , s Gloves a Speciality.
Factory and Tannery,
l t is vour d u t v t o return the con1pliment.
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--- -- --
.,\1bt\E�·..itl 8, 191 t, April ". 19n.
CL.AlDIUA�H SOl l 11.j
THE IRISH LANGUAGE NATIONAL FUND, 1911-1912. The following additional subscripttons have been received and an, acknowledged with best rhanks. Remittances should be sent to the Treasurer, Gaelic League; 25 Rutland Square, Dublin. £ s. d. 76 7 4 Already acknowledged ... .Aodh Coistc Ceanntair Bhnilfeirste, tre Mac Daibhidh, Cisteoir (an chead chu1d) ... 50 0 0 Craobh an Atb. Seaghan _O nJurchadha Corradh Finne, Co. an Chlair, tnd an Ath. . ... 10 4 0 Padraig O hAllm.hurain, Seip. ... . Craobh Theampaill na Mona, Co. Luirnnigh, . .. 3 0 0 tro Sheaghan O hAchaoirinn, Run. Sliabh Tre Sheaghan O Murchadha O.S., na Giuise, Dom.hnach Mor� <_:o. Chorcaigh 5 0 0 Craobh Dhroichid Abhann U1 Chearna1g�, Co. an Chlair, trid an Ath.T?ma.S O hOga�n 4 12 0 Craobh an Chairn, Co. an Chlair, tro Phadraig 1 0 0 . . O o�ileachair, Run. Craobh Mhacuilin, Lusga, tre Phadraig 0 O li> . .. O Mathghamhna, Run. Tir Airt, Carraig Mac S. Bhlosgaidh, Dr. 0 10 ... Chonaill Craobh N. Chonaill, Cill Chlunaigh, Tir Chonaill, tre Sboaghan Mac Niallghuis, 2 0 0 l�un. Tre Ph. 0 Luinoachain, M.S., Licin, Co. an 0 0 Ch1air tre Chiarraighe, Co. Chillo Craobh Muire, Thomas Broathnach, Muinteoir Gaedhilge 0 10 0 ... 0 5 0 Proinsias O Suilloabhain, Longphort f.iur Maire Seosamh, Clocar na Trocaire, O 5 0 Cathair na Mart ... 2 0 0 Craobh Thuair na Fola, Co. Luimnigh Craobh Chnuic Ui Choileain, Co. Luimnigh, l 2 i.6 tre Thomas O Conba, M. Gaodhilge Tro Sheosamh O R.ogain, Ard Glas; Tir 3 2 0 Eoghain Craobh N. Phadraig, Fuinnseog, Co. Lugh. .. 0 15 0 maighe, tre Bhrian O Cairbre, H.un. Craobh N. Mhic Chuda, Lios Mor, tre Aindrias 5 0 0 O h Icoadha, Cistooir (1910-11) ... Craobh Shraid-Bhaile Dhuin Dealgan, tro 15 0 0 Mhicheal O Coallaigh, Run. The Abbe Lindsay, Quebec, tro Coirneal O 0 0 O Mord.ha Craobh Eibhlin Nie Niochaill, Bootle, tre Mhicheal Mag Uidhisin, Run. (an dara 15 0 0 cuid) Craoba Ghleanna Baeithe, tre Shoaghan 0 0 Canntubhail, Run. Craobh Bhoanntraigho trid an Ath. Sheaghan ,) 0 0 O Caochlaoi, Cisteoir ... O JO O A:n t.Ath. Aodh O Baoighill, Seip., Doire 0 2 6 I nAirgead nios Lugha
C,<.\01 i.ce n .(\ R.,<.\11 n .o.5us ..(\ cu 1'0 c-0.11111-ce. 11' 10n5.o.t1"C.6C m.o.ft .6. CU1f'"Ce.6.f\ fpe1f i-n " e1f\e 05 " te '0.6.011110 f.6.f"C..1 1 t15.6.c .6.0tl .6.11''0 "C.6.m.6.tt be.6.5 6 forn cu1f\e.o.r mo 'Oe'n cift. ou1'6e.o.c.6.r 1 nurt '00 riln.6.01 u.6.r.o.1t on 1.6.f\t.O.f\ m.t-1' 5e.6.tt .o.f\ t-ri cm n 'De '6t1.o.1re.o.1111.o. -oo t.o.0.61f'"C 'OOm 1 5c61f' ll.6. bp.&1f"C1 (c.&1'0 rem .0.5 cut' .o. mbu1'6e.o.c.o.1r 1 n-1ut '01 .o.n cre.o.cnil..6111 reo ), .o.5ur .6.t101f c.& Ot'm fOC.6.t bu1'6e..6C.6.1f .6.5 ft.&'6 te Se.6.mur O C.o.t.6.f.6.15, Rut1.6.1'6e Cum.6.1t1t1 1om.&n.o. n.o. l.&1ti1e 'Oe1ft5e 1 mb.o.1te ,6."t..6 Ct1.o.t, 1 'O"CA'.\010 'OU..61r '00 CU1f' cu5.o.m 6 Co1rce .6.tl "1r m.o.1C 1f fe.6.f.6.C 'OU1t1t1," Cum.111111 f1t1, .6.f'f..6, Se.6.mur 'r.o.n t1"C1f' 'Oo f:St'ioo re cu5.o.m, " ..6t1 Ob.6.1f\ "C..61f'O"te..6C .6."C.& '0.6. 'Oe.6.t1.o.ti1 ..65.6."C cun '0.6.01t1e 65.0. tl.6. 11e1fte.6.t1t1 '00 "C.6.06.1f'"C nior 'Otu1tce 'Oo t..6010 .o. m.&C.o.f'. 50 ne..6f'"Cu151'6. 'OM CC1 1 5c61f\ n.6. 1101b-re u'O ! " 50 "f\.6.10 mite m.o.1C ..65.0.c-r.o., ..6 .SEMmU1f, .6.5-ur .0.5 Cum.o.nn 1om.&n.o. n..6 l.&1ti1e 'Oe1f\5e. 50 f'.6.10 .6.n l.&m "Oe.o.f':S 1 n-u.6.C"C.6.f' 1 5c6ti1nu1'6e .6.:SUf 50 ne.6.1'cu151u 'OM r10 cun bU1tti t.i1'011e 'Oo ou.6.tA'6 1 n -.o.m ..6 n 6.6."t.6. .6.f\ f0t1 t1 .6. 11 e1f\e.6. n n .6.:SU f 1 5co111n10 n.o. n5.6.tt ! .,<.\n conH'>Rc.,<.\S. " t 1-c1 n t'.>u1"0e.,<.\C..(\ 1s uo ' 5..(\e"Oe.,<.\ t O'n 1..(\ Re,..(\ n. ' m-<\ n :se..(\ t t ,(\ n 'OU..(\ 1.se'00 t)ROl1n.,<.\D .,<.\R 'e11'e 65.'" .,<.\lln,6. tuc-c t'.>u.,<.\1"0-ce 11..(\ n'OU.,<.\1SC.,<.\11n. ..(\11 Ce.,<.\'O 'OU..(\ 1s.-m-& 1 ne 111 co11115..(\ t l.,<.\ 15, Cf1t n.& :sC-r.o.nn, ,l\n S510b.6.1r111. 111 "OU..(\ 1S spe1S1..(\ l"C.,<.\.-m,& 1 R111 C,{\ RC..(\ n,& ltl, .SJ'.&1'0 n.o. 11C-.6.5tA1re, C.6.t.6.1f\ S.6.1'0 t>i n. 111 Concul'.>.6.1p, �R'O-ri10l.,<.\D. -S10l'.>.in -0.1111.6. 111 ..(\o�.6., R1r-ce.&1'"0 0 l., £k1op.&.11 O Cj'\111e, U.6.1-ce.6.f\ 6 mu-rc.6.u..o., eiur 111c 11e1tt, Se.o.mur O Cot1.6.11'e, bf\1.6.ll (> mo-r.&.m, CS.1-cUn O 11-i t'.>1'.J.'D.6.15, pe15 11-i t'.>-r1.6.1t1, Se.o.mur C1on11.o.15, p.&.'Of'.0.15 65 0 Ce-.o.tt.0.15, R10b.&1''0 O Conm1'6e, .0.5-ur e.6.monn (> 11..(\ou..6.
An Chraobh Ruadh, Sraid an Bhainc, Beil-feirsde, ladh La rnhi Aibreain, 1911.
Stiophan Bairead, Cistooir Chonnartha na Gaodhilgo, Baile Atha Cliath. A Chara, I have been instructed by my Coisde Ceanntair to forwazd you thr enclosed cheque for £50 Os. Od. (Fifty Pounds), as our first instalment to the Language Fund for the current year. I may mention that tho local G.A.A. body are cooperating with the Gaelic League in arranging an Athletic Tournamentand Aeridhoacht for the 7th May. We anticipate being able to send the entire gate money to Dublin. With best wishes for the success of the Language Fund. Is rnise, AODH MAC DAIBHIDH, Cisdeoir.
uo 5,l\e"Oe.,<.\ t O'n 1..(\ R't.,<.\ n. Cut t1.6. 5Cf\.6.11 n, ..<:\n S510b.6.1ftit1. ..(\ be.o.n t1.6.r.o.1t "01t1r, '50 'f'.6.11'.> re.6.c-c mite m.o.1t ..65.6.'C-f.6. m.o.t' 5e.6.tt .l\1'f' tl.6. 'OU.6.1fe.o.tlt1.6.11'.> .6. tu5.o.1f U.6.1"C 1 :SC61t' tl.6. t1'0.6.t"C.6.1 1r m6 .o. l'.>.6.1teoc.o.1u .6.1t1mne.o.6.6. ·oo CJ. n .6. C.6.1 ti t11 :so te1-r 'T'.6. " e1fte 65." S510b.6.1r1n 50 11.o.n.o.-0U1'6e.o.c uio-c, ..65ur me rem m.6.t' .o.on ,teo. 'O.& mbe.6.'0 puinn b.o.n u.6.1rte m.o.f\ tUf.6. 'r.o. "C1f' feO, '00 be-..6'0 .6.t'f'U5.6.'0 m61' .6.f' cu1r n.o. 5.o.eu1t5e, .6.6 -c.& fit,1t .6.5.6.m ..6n01f, .o. t>e.c.n U.o.f.6.t, 50 te.6.nf.6.1'0 n.6. mn.i U.6.1fle e1-te .o.n rotnpt.6. "Oo tu5.6.1f '0611'.>. "C.& e10Ur 111 e1'0f\1rceo1t .6.5 b.6.1t1u.5.6.'6 n.o. t1.6.:1nmne.o.c.6. 'r.o. S510b.6.1f\it1, m.6.f' 1r i .o.n c.o.iUn 1r re.o.ttt' .o.5.6.1t1n cun n.o. 5.o.e'61t5e, ..65ur 'O't.&:s.6.m.6.1' "C.& .6. t.in "O'.o.111mne..6c.o. b.6.1t15te .o.n 5n6 fi11te. .6.101 Ce.o.n.o. rem, .6.5Uf "C.i ftl1t .6.5.6.m 50 Of..65.6.1'0 fl .6.tl 'OU.6.1f, m.o.t' c.o.1Ut1 .6.n.o.-ti1.6.1t 1f re.o.'O L 1f m6f' .o.n "Cf\U.6.$ e, .6. Oe.o.n U.6.f.6.t, 11.6. fU1t tl.6. m n .& tl..61 rte .6."C.<i r.o. com .o. f' f .6. n.o.c-c ro .6."f' .6.n .6.15t1 e ce.o."On.o. te.o."C-f..6 ; .6.C "C.i eo.5t.o. Of\m 50 m b' te.6.t'T' teo .o.n c-.6.1-r:se.6.'0 .o. c.o.1te.o.1i1 .o.f\ cum.6. e151n te.o. l'.>.o.1-r1 ni e1 te, ..6:S ce.o.nn .6.6 r.&1m e1 re, .1. fe.6f61'0e.o.C.6. be.6.f\l.6., n6 l\U"().(\,1 e1te m.6.f' f111 ; .o.c 50 'Oe1ti11n, ni't fM'O 50 te1f\ 111.0.1' pn. "C.i CU1'0 .6.C.6. 50 11.o.tl.6. tt.6.1te.o.ti1.o.1t .6.5 "C.6.l'.><\1f'"C .o.1p51'0 'Oo Connt'.o.u n.o. '5.o.eu1t5e, .o.5ur .6. 'O 1.o.1'n.o.1'6 01b-re 11.0. -ce.0.115.0.n "OO cu1' .6.t' .'6 1 11:s..ic .6.on -crt15e. <.\t101r .5u1'61m 5.0..c 1,.0.t .6.f be.o.nn.6.c"C ore .6n '0.6 l.i .o.'f .6.ll t'.6.1'0 ..6 1'l1.6.1f'f1f\ ; .6.5Uf :SO 'O"CU:S.6.1'6 '01.0. r.ao5.o.t f6."0.6. re fot1.6.f, re .6.0ll'.>ne.o.r 'Ot11"C, cun c ..."-l'>1,1115te "Oo '6e.o.n.6.ti1 te c-u1r n.o. 5.o.e'61L5e. 1n1re, .o. t'.>e.6.n U..6f..6t, le me..1.r m6f' o-r-c, 'Oo C.o.f'.v. 50 bU1'0e6.c, n1-&1n.e n1 co11n5.,<.\ll.,<.\15.
Halla na Murach, Baile Glas, March 29th.
A Chara,
I enclose a cheque for the Gaelic League sent to me by my _frien<il, The Abbe Lindsay of Quebec. When I was m Quebec last year he and I discussed the prospoct_s ?f keeping _up the Freme� language in Canada At his and reviving the Insh language in Ireland. request I wrote a couple of articlos on the subject in the magazine of which ho is the editor, "La Nouvelle I regretted that tho Irish Canadians should France." have joinec� the English in opposing the French language;_ it seemed to 1:1<' that if the emigrant Gaels wore destined to lose- their- own langua,ge it would be hotter for thorn to be merged in a kindred Celtic But somepopuJation than in a hostile Saxon race. h�w our Irish people always seem to take a perverse viow of these matters. �n��rtunat<'ly this opposition has estranged two races w ho oug:ht to bo friends, and I hope will be soon. The Abbe Lindsay sent his £2 subscription as a testimony of the sympathy of a Fronch Canadian to our cause. Misc le meas mor M UIRIS O MORDHA. Stiophan Bairead , Cisteoir Connartha na Gaedhilge.
WM. O'CONNELL & Co., Ltd., Shop Fitters,
Higb-Claas Work. Up-to-Date Design Re�sonable Ch.arges.
Som: years ag_o our grandmothers pd led tQCmselves t
on the,!· n.mple feather beds, but now-a-davs 110 g-ood housewife care to u e one ofthese unhealthvand n 1� t oo l ., ' · ·I 1 if 1 uxurt· us articles, 4. ea,_1 y Any housekeeper wishing to di pose f one or more feather beds could not better than to eommuni,·ate with the Iri. h Feathe r-r . . .,o. • Lt l:I ., '1':a..�ra. trcet, D ublin, who supply Curled Hair �lattresse an part. r whole exchange, or purchase for cash as may be desired.
The A.dve1 tisers
c l.6JD e .6..ril. .,<.\btte-6.rn
• 1911.
deserve your support
c01i1n&"O. " 1f i mo "tU..61t'1tl1 5u1, 1i1.o.1C lM"C CUntlC..\}' 'O 'f.&:5.0.1 t Af\ conn.6. r c.& 11111111 nt:e.o.f\ 1.o.1,C.0.11, o1,e t1'5.6.e'61t5," .o.t\t'.._'\ .0.5 "C.6."f'.6.t15 ..6t11.6.6 te1r ..6t1 tn,&1ne 111 co11115,l\ll.,<.\15, 1 t1c1l' 'Oo r:s1,1ot) "Se.o.u ! r1 cu5.o.m cupt..6 re.o.ccm.o.rn 6 fo111. "C.& fM'O .0.5 'Ot1l 1 l'.>fe.6.0.6.f 50 n16t\, .u5ur, 50 Do oi 'Oe1ti1111, 01 5.&.0..6'6 ct'u.6.1'6 .6.C..l\ te1r. 'Cf\.6."C .6.lltl ..65Uf '00 l'.>io'O n.&.1-re- 01't.(.\ fOC.o.l Do t.(.\01t1'01r y.:;utt cu1r 5.o.e'61t5e 'Oo t..60.0.11'-c. .o.1t1re cuc.o. e ..6 'O"Ce..6t15.o. omn '6utc.6.1r .o. oe1t .o.C..6 �:Stlf t11 tEO:Sf..61'01f 'O.& 5ct..61t1t1 1 '00 Ut>.a1f\C .o.c c.6ti1 be..65, .6.f\ e.6.5t..6 50 to1ce..6'6 r1 .o.n be-.6.f'W. Of't.6. ..65ur 11.& be1'0if n.o. r5ot.i1fi m.6.1te ! " .,<.\c .o.no1r, c& .o.tt'u5.o.u mo-r .0.1, .o.n .6.0f 65, bmue.o.c.o.r te 'OM .6.5ur te- Connt'.o.'O 11.& "C.&.1'0 ..65 ro5tu1m n.6. '5.6.e'61t5e '5.6.e't')1t5e. 1 t15.o.c r501t, tl.6.C m6f\, 1 n1.6.t'C.6.1f\bf\e." 1r m6-r .6.5ur 1r m.o.1t .6.tl r:se.o.t e rm, .(\ b.6. l'.>f\e...,5 .6.n n1u e ''th\ mbe.o.u .6. ri1.&1-re. te1te1'0 'Oo r5e..6t te 11111nr111-c 1 'O-c.0.010 5.0.c .&on ce..6t1t1"C.6.f\ e1te 1 ne1t'111t1, .6.C C.6.1tpmi'O f01$1"0 " "C.6.5.0.nn 5.6.C .6.0ll t\U'O te1r .6.tl t>e1t .o.5.o.1t1t1 "C10Cf.6.1'0 CMtt '00 1i1U1t1t1n1' tl.6. .6.:SUf .6.11llf1f\," 1,e11'e.6.t111 ror, te co115t1.6.ti1 'Oe. S1 Ot'.>,&11 111 C.,<.\ RC,l\ n,& 111.-t'.>i lt.6.f orm C.6. t'U1t .6.5.6.m 50 L1C1f\ 'O'f.i$.6.1t U.6.1"C ..6f\1f, oru1t .0.11 fl.6.$'0.in 1m1t5te .6.f\ r..6'0 um .6.n >o-c.o.c.& ..(\b.6.11' te m.&.11\111 :SU'f' te-15€:.6.l' .6t1 '0.6.tl fO. 11-it fe m..\1t 50 .o.5ur 5Ut' t.6.1t11 fe t10m. teo-r, -&ti1, cun 'Out r.&. ct6 m.6.f\ -c.i 'Oe.o.1'ti1.6.1'0 .&nn. C' .6.1tpu r1 1.6.f\f\.6.6-c e1te "Oo ue.6.n.(\m. "'O.i mbem11 .6.5 r5-r1ot>.o.u 50 ce.o.nn bt1.o.un.&," .6.'f'f.6. nl<.\.15ne,..'\D 111 ,l\n11 "fl..(\C,l\ 111, " n1 te-.6."0f.o.1nn mo t>u1'6e.6.6..6f 'Oo 6Uf\ 1 n-f11t 'Ou1c 1 5ce.6.1'"C .6.'f' ron .o.n teAt>.o.1f\ .<itumn "Oo 6U1'f'1f .0.5 "Cf\1.6.tt Ot'm. "C.i1t' f\6-ti1.6.1t 4t' r.o.'O 'Oom .o.5t1r 1r ot'm .o. t.&1nr5 .6.n 1on5n.o.u nu.6.11' conn.6.c .o.n 'OU.6.1f "Oe.6.t' lU.6.Cti1.6.f\ m.o.f\ t11 1'.6.10 fU1t .6.5.6.m te 11.o.on n1'6 te.6.t c6ti1 m.6.1t te ''O.in-c.6. Se.&.111 n.o. R..61tme..6c' ..65ur M'O re'n ctu"0.6.c 5te61-ce u'O. . .• 1r ot t10m n.& f\.6.1t11:S ll.6. 'O.in"C..6 .6.11 r501t f'01ti1 .o.n lu..61t1 m.6.1' C.6.1t115 ' ,l\n "C1mt11'e S5.&tm.o.1t" 1r-ce.6.c cu5.6.1t1t1 .6.n ti1..61'01t1 u'O, .6.5Uf oe.6.u .o.n-of\6'0 o-rm 1.6."0 'Oo te.6.fb.&m-c '06. leo5 re .o.1r :so f\.6.10 re .6.5 -co1'm.6.r te not'.6. n1 e.o. t.6.15te .o.5u r t10m-r.o. .6. r u c·'C .0. "f\.C.1 t) f:S'f\10 t)t.o. .l\5.0.rnn ct156.-c-r.o. 'n-.6. t.o.ot>, .o.6 1re 'Ot1t'>'f'.o.m.&.t' te1r :SUt' CU1f Ot16'f'.6. '06 be1'f\"C c.o.1Ut11 'Oe.o.r.6. m.o.t' f1tl11e .o. t>e1t .6.5 "Cf\.6.C"C .6.1f\ 1 n-.6.o' COf\ ! " 11it1m cmn-ce .6.6 50 1'.6.11'.> .o.n ce.o.'f'"C ..65.l\1l'.>, .6. ri1.o.15-re.o.'Q; cu1r on6-r.o. '0'.6.on te.0.11 c..61Uni 'Oe.o.r.o. '5.0.eue.o.t.o.c.6. oe1t .6.:S -cr.&.c-c .6.11'--mun.6. 6.c mbionn p.o.'O .6.5 "Oe..6n.o.ti1 cut-c.o.mn-ce. 1f b.0.05.0.t t10m 50 mbionn r1t>-re .6.5 m.6.5.0.'0 fe'n " "C1m"t1pe f5.&tti1..61t '' bOC'C (pe he rem) mo .6.5Uf t11 Ce.6.f'"C l'.>e1t .6.5 CUt' t1.6.1f\e .6.1p. tf\U.6.5 e, .6.t1 fe.6.f\ bOC"C ! m,& 1 n.e 111 f.,<.\01 t te.,<.\c,& 111.-1r m.o.1t lt.1.C t10m .6. CtOf 5Ut' t.o.1tn .6.tl "OU.6.1f le.6.C. n-Mf't\r..61'0 cu .6.1' n.o. '0.6.01t110 65.0. e1te 1 'O"Cu.6.1m Ui ri1e.o.'Of'.6. tKfte.6.c.o. 'Oo r:s-r100..6u cu5..6m � e.,<.\ n101111 6 11.{\ OD.,<.\. -5 Ut'.6. m..61t .0.5.6.C. b.o. ti1"'1t t10m t1..6 l1.t-1nmne.o.c.o. "O't.i�.o.1t. Se.,<.\mUS o co11.,<.\1n.e, e1t1s 111c 11e1.tt, bRt6.n o m6n-&111, pe.,<.\'D.,<.\R m.,<.\C Se.,<.\5,&111 · .o.5ur C-<'..\ 1-c t 111 111 t>n,&D.,<.\ 1 $.f .&1tce .o.' r pee "C.o.1tn out' t 1"Cf\f'-.6.C.6. t10m .6.5U f c.& "f'6ti1.o.1t> ! ru1t ..656.m 50 f:St'iOl'.>f..61'0 pt> cu5.o.m 50 mm1c ff'-.6.j0.6.. cotn OncAS spe1s1-0. le..(\. ( Cum.o.n n 1om.&11.o. n.6. l.&1ti1e "Oe1r5e 'Oo t'.>f\onn .o.n Uu.0.1 f ·) A Prize will be given for the best account (in Irish, of course) of how " l�m "Oe..61'5 ..(\t>u " All came to be the •ar-cry of the O'Neills. lette ·s containing essays nmst reach me on or The before FRIDAY, APRIL 21st. c mpetition is open to all members of " e1t'e 65," and the usual rules are to be observed. Be sure to state your age. AU letters to be addressedC6. 01 lee 11.,<.\ R.,<.\1111,
01p:s -0.11 tt.<.\1"01m sotu1s, 25 Ce.o.f't165 Ruct.o.1nn, ,& 'C..(\ c t t-0.:t.
Do they receive it ?
a,a,,.,.ewtw 90LUIL]
G £j EST BEVE�A6E KNOWN TO MODE' ..........----IS,--------
�n Ct.6.1'0e.6.rh .Sotu1s.
""' 1b1,e.in 15, 1911. April r 5, IS r r
C.C., Mr. Carr, ... [ational Teacher,,andf.Mr. O'Duffy, delivered Irish addresses. The proceeds· of the ceilidh which will go to the Central Funds, amounted to the respectable sum of £10, clear of all expenses. Aodh was very pleased with the work of the schools Children in Ardboe, Co. Tyrone, who collected over £7 5s. for the Language Fund. The success of this collection is, to a large extent, due to the encouragement given them by the Rev. T. McCann, C.C. Rev. P. J. Boylan, P.P., presided at a lecture delivered by Father Matt. Maguire, in Clogher on March 30th. An tAthair Maitiu caught the attention of his audience and held it to the close. His lecture was admitted to be one of the most effective ever given before the Gaelic League of Clogher. Rev. E. Coyle, C.C., Maguiresbridge, and Aodh O Dubhthaigh also addressed the meeting. A large number of the children present followed Aodh's Irish speech with great interest. A ceilidh was afterwards held, and was attended by hundreds of the young people of all denominations, and it can truly be said of Clogher, at any rate, that nobody cares for the Seoinin at all. The meeting was the and most ever organised by the representative largest local branch, and great credit is due to Mr. Rice, Sec. Mr. Mc\Villiams, Treasurer, Eadhmonn O Cunnaidh' Irish Teacher, and all the members of the Committee? . .
II of SEDNA equals THREE of Ordinary BEEF WINES.
Made in Ireland by � DEANS, LOGAN t;.
Sold by Licensed Grocers and Chemists in Bottles, 3/3, 1/9 and 1/·, and at all respectabl& bars,. &c., per bottle or glass.
May 28.-b.o.1te .o.n t>ru n.6.15, .6.n CUf1f1.6.C, Co. c1tt.e 'O .O. f1.6., .a.e111'6e.o.cc. mo1to.o.m 4.0.'6.-Aeridheacht, Killyon, Co. na Meidh. 1ul 23.-p�1r Cl.6.nn.o. C.o.01tco. C.6.tnc, ceot, Cte.o.r.o. . tt'.11t, ru nnce, R.6.f-<\nn-<\ -<\5ur 'R.tt'061 erte.
POHLMANN & CO., Ab!��r��;tt��i!�t�:�d ORGANS IANOS P
Oireachtas, Dublin, July 31st to August 5th. 1.-Felseanna whose dates only have been sanctioned.
June 25-Cill Disirt. July 2-CastJeblayney, Co. Monaghan Feis. · July 9-Youghal.
GRAMAPHONES & TALKING MACHINES in Great Variety, t?JI�1Ak�c1its.
11.-Feiseanna whose Syllabuses have b� en approved by the Oireachtas Committee and whose Fixtures are fully authorised. April 22-30-Ath-Chliath. May ro-r z-c-Glascu. June 4 and 5-Ros Mhic Treoin. June 5-Feis Bhri Chualann (Bray). June 11-Dundealgan. June rr-Ath-Luain (Feis Uisneach). June 11 and 12-Luimneach. June I 5-r 6-Tralee. June IS-Rockwell College. Feis Chnuic a' Bhile. June r8-Feis na Midhe. June 2S and 29-Cill Choinnigh. June 29-Port Laoighise.
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION FOR IRELAND. EXAMINATION IN MANUAL TRAINING (\VOODWORK). A Special Examination for Teachers' Manual Training (Woodwork), Q?alifications in_ will be held m Dublin on TUESDAY and \VEDNESDAY, zoth and z rst JUNE. Application for admission to the Examination must be made by the 30th APRIL. For further p�rticul_ars apply to the Secretary Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction, Upper Merrion Street, Dublin. r-,DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION FOR IRELAND.� · SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGICAL SCHOLARSHIPS. A limit�d !1-umb�r. of Scholarships and of Teacherships m Training, tenable at the Royal College. ?f Science, Dublin, are offered for competition among Students of Science and Technology. The Examination for these Scholarships will be hctd in Dublin on the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th J�L Y, the last date for applying for admission bcmg the zqth APRIL. For_ further particul�rs apply to the Secretary, Dcpai tn�ent of Agnculture and Technical I nstruchon. Upper :\ferrion Street, Dublin. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION FOR IRELAND. ART TEACHERSHIPS IN TRAINING. An examinati?n for Teacherships in Training at the Metropolitan School of Art will be held in D�1bli!1 on the 27!h,_ 28th, and 29th JUNE. Application for admission to the Examination must he made by the 29th APRIL. For further particula:s apply to the Secretary, Departn:ent of Agriculture and Technical Instruct 1011. Upper Merrion Street. Dublin.
C. MARTIN & SONS, (27 w�Wsgli,tQuay,)
MITCHELSTOWN UNION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that J. MoRE O'FERRALL, EsQ., Local Government Auditor, has Audited · the Accounts of the Board of Guardians of this Union for the Half-year ended the 30th day of September, 1910, and has reported to the Local Government Board thereon. A copy of the Auditor's Report and of the Abstract therein referred to can be obtained at this Office during office hours by any person applying for same and paying to the Guardians therefor the sum of Sixpence. I Dated this 5th day of April, 1911. P. A .. O'BRIEN, [ .,,, Clerk of the Union. Boardroom, Mitchelstown uniou vVorkhouse.
Before placing your Orders it would be well to nspect our New Stock o Seasonable Goods just received from the manufacturers For and quality our Iri�h Suitings and Trouserings cannot be surpasse'
RELIABLE TAILORING. Suits fro� 45s. Trousers from 12s.
Call and Choose your Material and we will Guarantee Perfect Workmanship Punctually Executed,
Cum15 Le 'Oe.6m:;u1r1b nc he1tt1nn.
Made of Irish Horn,
by Irish Labor.
Samples on applicatz'on from-A. MITCHELL,
Wholesale trade.
Comb Works, Tyrone St., DUBLIN.
WILLIAM BELL, Sbtp, JEngtne ano 1bouse Smttb, .OOtllwrtgbt, JEtc.
( Late of ) F. O'Hara
I say my 501 Suit is a wonder. MOORE, Tailor, 64 Dama St., Dublin (3 Doors from Lipton's).
· Have you a Garden or Farm?
Has no connection with any firm of the same name in the district. A Post Card will bring you lowest quotation.
Sow Drummond's Seeds.
W. DRUMMOND & SONS, LTD., Da�son St., Dublin.
Bear the National Trade Mark
scaoit cJni; c, cu5.dm .d5us bero ct.dn fe.dS.d .d:S.d"G 5.dn rnortt,
nornno.Lt U.6' bUAC-6.ll.6',
WM. O'CONNELL & Co., Ltd.,
High-Cfass Work. Up-to-Date D Reasonable Charges.
Established 1876,
--;-:-:;--��:-:-:-:-:-=:-:--::----�-------Shop Fitters,
of every description.
Recently I wanted an Irish carpet, but could not afford the hand tufted make. The Kilkenny Woodworkers supp!ied me \\:ith a nice square at 6s. 9d. a yard, with a plain centre and a line border.
Buy your next Beats frcm us.
We have them · 11 1 h d a eat ers, an all sizes and shapes at and 21 ../-, m and every pair our own Manufacture.
14 /6, 16/6, 18/6
& R. PAGE, 31 Parliament Street.
A11. · 41te.4t4 iClil�t .c11t>1te.&n DUBLIN,. A1JUL 22 1911.
-·,. . . . . .
(I.) " t>," "ri1 " te4h4n 1 t.&j\ n.4 OfOC.Atc.& f.14'0 m41'V no te411-rf141'V-
(a.) m.&'r m41'V 41' f.A'O 14'0, C.41fe.41' 1 te.AC-
Cyclt- 39" 1/1 ; U" 7/1. !IJbes, t ; best, s;s. eo,ers, 8/9, 1/9, 711.
c4or, 14'0, 45ur cu11' fine.A .At( 114 C0411'te 5u114f, t1.g. cOj\.& (corilj\.&'O). {cotfl411'te), "0011.c1U ("Ootfln4U,), 4t'U1' (41'041'), cort11t• (cor4m41t).
(b.) ffl41'4 OfU1t. f.14'0 .Ate u 411-rf14t'V, tr r�11' w (110 v) 'O'ur.&ro 1114 n-10114'0,
• ;
I .......:.. !*ds. I
W. DRUMMOND a SONS, LTD., 0a... St.. Dublin.
(4mj\.&n) 4Wj\.&n, 'OOW4n ('Oom4n), fOW4 (f00.6.), te.6.W.6.1' (Le.6.0.6.t'), l..t\W.6.1t'C {t..6.041t't=) ceot.W.6.1' no ceot.VAt'(ceotril41').
Gaelic League Delegation, The Great
Established 1895. Tiie • OlymDlc Boot" is an All1 rish-Made Boot, 8-nd Sewn, alf Box-Calf, Made on the Latest Model Luts, arid Stocked in Six Different Widths in each Si• and Half-Size. Made and Sold oaly by
IGE, SI Old Park Road, Belfast.
Pnce-!6 9 Pu Pair.
Pu Post, 6cl. utn..
All Correspondence for Rev. MICHAEL O'FLANAGAN and FIONAN MACCOLUII, should be directed as above.
p.&'Ott.415 0 '0.4t.41b .41") 1lan41'6e.
THE Tel1pll1•1
�n cteroeern souns, 4 1;(>/' " IS," (no "t,," "5,"
C.601) 1
rroepea na 0-FQC4t-
'Oo bfe.6t'f\ 4n fC.4nl1Cf'1U 't.&5.41nC mot' nit .40flC'.4C.4f fU.dffl.4 dnn .4f1 re.4'0 ef'e..&nn. (11.) " 'O," �.6lt4n 1 nuepea .4tnmeAc.4 i oo cut' 1 te.dtr..100. · (12.) 1 fCOf:OCW10 oo f>e.4C re co marn 5..1n 40n .th.dt'U .4 W4fl.4V 'f.dfl C�.4'0 conron 'OOn "OdJM f()C.dt, u.g. c6·foc.4t 1 n-ronan co-ocst, rednOf\65 1 nroneo re.4nVt165. (13.) " f" .4ttnfC.4t' r..i1rcme..1c no'n Of\1.611.dt' t:.40t'> .dmt11S "Oe " ctpro " ..15ur .6 te neo. lli cu1m1n tsom .4no1r .40n MM.t't'ii ete .4 mot namn. 1f '061 tsom fl.4 putt, .6fl m�.4'0 ro 5.4n tOCC 65Uf nA neonro'ac 5.dc <1on cu15e ter, ace r.&1mir (f.4.S.d1fflif) .4ffl.4C n.d lOCC.4 .6C..i .6.nn, "15Uf '06n1mff .4f1 notceatt t1C:f\1U .&t' '0Ce.6.n5.6.n 'O'f'e.4Wft1 .d5ur uo cOhf\0011.'i (standardise). C.41httnir uamn ct.o'oac n.d 5coc.4i MtM1 nn 1n.4 OfU1t. COf'P n.d 5<1et15e ctu'0.61he "1n01r .45Uf b.c11n1mir re.6nr,t'65.d .6fl cre.&nt1Cf\1he -oo'n S.det.15 .d5ur bet> f\111 .t\n 'f'.6.1f "'15.&mn. 'C.&1mio 45 1.4J'f'.41"0 .t\n 10m"1'0 "11' .&Of powi.umne n.& 54et15E' pocert ffl"1'J' " C01ri11Ste.4c " '00 t1Cf'1U ..c1:sur 'O'�u.d1m1u. S1'n 'Oo 'l'>�n n.& ·ft'.6nnc.&1S nu"11f' '00 CU1f'E'.4'0.£\f' 41' bun .dfl C·0.C.d'0.&'1V "15Uf 'nu.£\1f' '00 r:sttiOV.4'0.£\f' siecle=esaeclumeej-aogat.: frere= frater=bf'"t"11t' ; noel=notw1s (no'Ot"115)=L. natalis= natal.
1r r�•t'
Ce.6.p.6r·r..1 5u1, lt.1111 U�'\tt '00 Ctltll CMrO'e 6.ou 1h1.i11'.> 1 n.uon co1, ? ., " lli f'<1.6'0.6t\ .6tll b..11}"'0t'," .u'OU l'>.61tH:;..
50.e0. t
co nee f0.c.
ftt1rte�t>.o.tt oe t� S-0tte. +
fUA1'.c1:f 6 "15Uf 'no t�1Se.£\r ; "1:SUf .dflflf.£\n tU:S4r '00 'Ou1ne 'Oer fl.d c6ri1.41'r..1n.&10 .65Uf '00 t�1S, 4:SUr Cupt.d t.ci fl.c\ 'Q1.d1'l'> rm '00 r,i fe6.ncur 4:S41J.TI 4.f'40fl m.&1' Se..1tt "11f'. tilot rerrean e 4:SUf fflOt4f ,e1n � 4:SUr 'OUr,f'.dfflAf' At'.dOfl 5Uttb 1on:sp�4t 4n r:S�4t � n.At1 'Oe1ne.6.'l'> .6. tercero 1 fl·4on eou,roe e1l.e 'Oiol'.> ro fe'n mbot''O " n.&1fJllflC4 ,, 1'1dffl :so 'Ot:f reo.
6 .(\fl cpu4_s e, " .£\f'r"' c..105, ..1n c6m.&f'f.& ro 454m·r4, H n.Ac 6 .(\fl Ct'U.dS e," .dt' re1re.an S4n 4fl te4fi41' f.dfl no l'.>e1t um t.&1rs :&5 5.&c oroe 4 tero .4:S C6m't'>.&1t n..1 n01'0i tu.&1'l'> 1 mb&dtt11c4f', bero .4. t..&n .4c..1 "1nn ""'1' r,' e.6.n '01o�&Att '04 me.4m.01f' .4 n'Ou0..11t1c n.4 11e.l\5.&f'· t01f'f 4f' !)f\Ol.t.6.C " te.£\r,411' rrn '00 te1S "1511f 'O '41t·t�1s."
"'Oe 4 t;i1ro:s,
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Co1�r1n�11'i 1 mb.c11te .dt.& CtMt.' :So 'OCi 50 fflbefO tlA h01'0i 50 ne.&m·n>te.&'l'>4C 1r .41n'Oe1r �n ce4:S4f5 4 Seo1'.c.\1'l'> "1' t.e4n r,,.1; 1r b.&05.ot.&c. b4 t)1'e4S t10m 41tne 'Oo cu1, .41' n..1 f<.'.dt'.6.11'.> 054 fO. .(1 t)feAC4if t'1.dti1 .c.\On 'OU1ne 4C4 ? '' 'O'tnf'e,4f '00 :SO l'.>fe.£\C.d CU1'0 4CA 50 ffl1"1C ; :so t)pe.4e.4 'Ou1ne 4C4 t.& 1 5C4t..111' pot't:t.o.11'5e c1lpt.4 mt o tom 41'ur be4t't: p.&1p�1t' "11' 1omcutt 41:se, �sur e 4:S 'Out fe 'l'>ein ct6'061t'i, .&5ur :sut' b 6 'OO t)f .61:Se 'n4 t.&ufl 5"1n ..1on 4mf'.&r n.& .4n c11'1f\.e4t)4f' n6 .£\n t.&1mr5t1f r,1nn '00 0.&m IC A' l,e 1r. � 1'41\) "11tne "154t: 41' ti11ce.£\t O 'R1ost)41''041fl, mu1nce611' :S.1et>1t5e '00 r,j 'C'.dm.<1tt 1 n'Ot'()1te4'0 11.c1 b4nn'O.c1n 4:Sur t:.<.\m.&tt 1 neoc.&1tt 4:St1f C4ffl4l.t. 1 ne1'0in 1 " 4f'r"1 m1re te1r. " utu , " 4'\f' rf. " �OTI.4C n .d:S C'Ot.41f'Oe flci mum<1n
0 1'611' ffl.4f\ tu151mre 4TI f5�.dt 'r� m1ce.dt 4SUr 054n4c 'Oe mutflnt:11' fittom o t1tt tfl�nnc.&111 TI.£\ heA'5df\t61t'i 4 t)f Af' reo." ()etfl&.d'O.o.f\ .4 n:sno 50 m.&1t," AJ\ re1re.6.n. " 4C 41' t:u541r f6 n'Oe.£\'f\.t\ 50 11·"1bf'.4nn 'Com.dr .6.S4 5Uf' b'e .6.o'l'> 1lu4'l'>, pe 't1 o'e rem, 'Oo ctlm 411 f'.4nn bf\e.4s r.c1n
"111 t'.41f'1':se n.1 cu1tnl'.> 'Oe..11,5.4 "'Sur "" rP�1l' n4 �t11t, be1t> .411 r.t\0S.1t n.c1 co5<1'l'> Cf'.6.0f'.6.15 .6f' 1'.>f'mm n.4 :scnoc,
54C Cednn rte1l')e .6.f' ru..11'0 4:Sur mo1nce .c15 cr1t
�151n rut .c1 n�..15d1'l'> mo Ro1rin 'Our,."
The Advertisers
. 1.sur
t 1-0.t:-lJ,<\tl.
.6.n mon5�n6C, f1te.
.dtl 01f'e..:1'0 f01tl l'CJ'iOO'C.£\ te 'Oe1'l'>e..111.d1Se .dt' n.6. ritrn 5.&e'l'>e.6.t.6.C.4 5ur be.6.5 n.d 50 t'.>fU1l ce<1'0.&1te 'l'>.&m·r<1 er.ace .6 'l'>e.6n.&m "1f' ..111 l'.>pte 01f'"Oe1J'C ro fu.&r. Ce 5Uf' 1 mbe.&f\t.\ "00 t<10tf'U15 re ni t..15<1nn f.6.tn tld 50 n'Oe<15&1"0 ffiOJ1 Ct11'0 'O..i f.£\Ot.dt' .6f' t<100 tl.6. 5'.6.e'l'>1t5e tll.6.t' 'O'po1t' re "11' ..1 t1c1J'10e<1cc .& tf\<1ot>rc"01te.&t> 1 me<1rc n<1 n'O.&orne <1 Oi 1 n.&1nl'.>,:1or "1f' <111 '0Ce.c1n5.41n "111 Cf'..it U'O. 1 'OC.600 .6 t'.>fU1t 'O'f1l.1"0 (MCC .6.r .dtl tlU.4 <15<11nn U.d1'l'> rem .6. POf' 11.6 5.&e'l'>1t5e .& cum.&'l'> .& tin '01. 1 mb.&1te -J.t..1 Ct'Mt 'Oo f'U:S.6.'l'> .&n 1non5.&11<1c 1 n:.d1c 'O.(\t' b' .6.1t1m Fishamble Street. Um be.&tc.arne 1 mbtM'l'>.&1n. A hocc 5ce.6.'0 'Oe<15 1r <1 ct'i 're"1'l'> cu1t'e.&'l'> 1 'Ocob.&t' .6. 1J.£\1rce e. lJi be1rc 'Oe.61' t'.>f'.dt.&f' .6.15e ; .&5ur 'Oe1l' t).f1 Uf' 'O' e.&5 1 n615e .d f.£\OS..11t. Co1rc 5.&n purnn 'Oe surc.6.t All Cf.d05.61t te ffi.d01'l'>e.&m .df .&5 :c.. At.d1f' '00 b'er51n 'O'unc"11t .&n t1te 015 "1n ct.&nn rh.6.c 'Oo 5.&0.&1t re n.6. C(lf'.6.ffi. Um .6.tl 'OC.6CA rorn'· '00 cu1t1e.£\'l'> 1on.&'O te151nn <it' bun ·1 n.&tt:om..11'f'e"1cc '0610. .6.t.&1f' n..1omt..1 'O'Ol''O for.&. '0"t' ti' .<.\1t1m. '06 0.UfC1n '00 CU.d1'l'> 'O.ci f\1.df'.d'l'> ; ff nU.d1f' .6. .Oi "1n mon5.dn.£\c e1t115te ru.6.r ·'Oo cu11'e"1'l'> . .&nn e "15 fOStu1m fe rc.dt .&n Cf.d541f'C f1n; .&511r lf .&nn '00 C"11t .&n Ce.6.'0 Ct'e1mre '0.6. rcoi.&1'l'>e.<icc. 0.t' tu1t'1t1t1 mu1nce .&n 1on.&1'0 reo 'Oo lJi 'Otnne .&1nte1se.t\nflc.6. '0.£\f' b' .d1nm .dn c<.\t.&1f' 6 b0f\ffi.d1n. .&5ur 1f te1r rm '00 'l'>e1n re COf.dC .&5 CUf' eot:c.1r n.& l.&1'0ne, ·n.& ff'.d1"C1re, fl.d 'tl10'0.d1t1fe, .&5ur .tl.6 SpJ.1nn1re. t>o t'e1f\ ·n.& cu.41t11rce 1r C'J'urnne .c1t:.d f.6.nC.£\ "15.d1lltl U.A1'l'> ni t'.d10 re 1 tl·A1t10�10f "1f'. .cifl · n 5..1e'l'>1t5. 1r te1f' f01" 6n fCf\fr,rnn. Se1bCe.4f\ n..1 'l'>M1'l'>, ce n.d f\.d10 .dn f.£\S..11t ce.&'On.d At' eot..1r n..1 :S.&e'l'>1t5e ..1n Cf\.dt U'O 1 5c.6.t..111' tfo1te ..&t.c1 CtMt "15Uf tn'01u. t>o r,ici .&5 e1tt1Se ne..1m t111me.£\c n.(1 C.£\or,. niot' 01f' ri, 'O.dt'. te6; 'ACC .am.am .&f' .&n 'Ocu.&t.&c .&rneot.&c. Cice.£\f\ 'Ou11111 ' n.df' f61t' ri .dt' .dfl fPf'1'0 :S..1e'l'>e.&t.c1c .d 'c1tne.c1'0 .ci� .. mt111t1n 1 SC1'01'0e n.£\ n'O.&Otne u.&1t1 ';f�ffi, ·1r 'O r,5 ro1n An mon5.dn.&c ..1:sur .A com r,j\.&ttt'e · .&1r .£\n t>e..1t'tA 'O.ci t.6.t't'.dc cue.£\ .£\c..1. f1u rn'btu. , fetn C.4 f1ti 65"1 .d:S "11tt'1r .df' .dfl nor ro1n. · be..15 m6t' :S..1e'l'>1t5 Oi "15 .£\n 1l1on5..in<1c 1r 'Oe1m1n so n'Oetnci .4mt'.ci1n 5"1e'l'>1tse 'Oo cu� 50 be.£\f'l6 'l'>6 A5Ur SO fl'Oe.£\fl.d'l'> fe1re.&n .d. n"1tc.&r.&'l'> 1 l'.>f1t1'l'>e..1cc t'.>e41't.&. .6.1' An '0..101ne b.& m6 '00 C"1r,f't115 te1r .df' .dn 5cum.c1 fO '00 Oi Se.&n O t>onn..11J.&1n, eom O C.&r,f'.&t'l'>e, .<i5ur Se.&n O t>.dt"11S. t>o t6.f\t.& 'l'>6 fetn ..15ur pect'1e .& t'>e1t :so mumce.&'f''l'>A t.e n"1 ce1te "15u r <1n �u1rc� 'O?, cu1l'e�'l'> cto "1f' .&n bp.c11pe11' u'O .&n Nation 'Oo cu.&1'l'> ..1n mon5.&n.£\c n..1 c.&lJ.&11'. 1 me.£\rc .d comrcriot)no1t1i '00 r,j 'Com.ar t>.&1l'.>1r Or t'U'O e n.& fU1ttm .&5t1r m..1c Ui 'OuOt.&1s. .df\ mcmn t:t'.dcc .& 'l'>e"1n"1m r.& 1Ji:..11tce reo .&t' t1e1m l'.>e..1t.£\'l'> .An ti1on5J.n.6.15 cori1.&1f'ttS1m 'Oo tucc t�1sce .(\fl tU1"01ti1 .£\n te.&r,"11' U'O "The Poets and Poetry of Munster" 'Oo te1Se<1m. 1 mbt1ott.&c .6.n te.£\r,"111' j'm c.& cu.&1f\1rc u.&1'l'> f:1n "1f' .d r,e.&t.d1'l'>, .&5ur 'r bf'e.d5 .&tumn flOf'· 'l'>1t1r 5t.&nmc1nne.&c .&n t.&01rc1n Oe.&c.&'l'> e. motU1St:e.&f' .&n 'Ditre.&cc ce..1'0n.& <15ur .£\n f\1t CC.d'On.d n.d CU1'0 i:1t1'l'>e.&CC.d : {;_&
"Tell thou the world whitening,
No eye beheld. " And tell how trampled, derided, hated, And worn by weakness, disease, and wrong, He fled for shelter to God, who mated His soul with song "
support you
, c.a
'. 1f te..1t ce..1'0• .l\tnf.&11.. '0e f.6.0t.dt' n..1 Of1ti 'OQ ri1.d1t' 1 '. n ·.&1ffif1f\ .dll tern 1r :&n ·ot'.&C.d f01n. ' b,fe1'011' 1 n..it' m1rce 'l'>.dm 'Out ..1:sur rco1p n..1 l1.&1rt1n5e / ..1 CUf' rior .&nnro m.&1tte te rotU1'0 'Oe'n f1t1'0edCC I r<11n .&5ur .&n c.6tt1uS.o.t> 'Oo 'l'>ern ..1n �on:s.an4� . J U1f't1. 50 moc "1f' m.d!'Om te t..11J.£\tf'C n..1 fu1�� 5.&t>..1nn .<.\n pte ..1.m.&c, c.& u..1t.&c "1f' "115ne 41:se ; .&5ur cocc n·.6, Cf'01'l'>e. .d1tne"1cc ..15ur U11'e.4ct: '. .&n n..i'OUtf', bmne.&r ..15ur ceot n.4 ne.&11, ; 5tu1re.&cc .&n 'Ou1tte..10..11t1, me..1tt..1nn. f14'0 cun j CO'O.dtC.d e, ..15ur fl•.d CO'OtA'l'> '00 Ci'Oe4ntt ; CU15e .6n rpe1t't'.>e.dn b.d 1Jt1e..15t..1 ..15ur b.4 'Oe1re '04 ! r,,:e.&ct.df . for .dt' .dfl '_OC.&t.drh fO. t>.& Uomt4 I J i ce.&n5..1 ..1c.a "115e ce.1pe.6nn "111' cut' ff� t;e c011' · "11' A 11.ct1t11e"1cc .4Sur ·.cit' .4 ·�etf'EMcr;. . l�Q4nn Ste..1cc.c1nn ; e"15t..1 .65ur U'f'f\"1,m "1Sur Ct'Om.&nn "1f' t"1fi.<11'J'C, f1Aff\U15e.4nn .c1 rt01nne, .d Ct'e.&t), ..15ur .d Cit'. 1r m6f\ 1r 10n.5n<1.'0 te1f .&1nn1t' mo'l'>m.&1t 'O.& r.&m..11t 'Oo te..1cc n"1 tl'eo. 'Se f.&01te"1nn re :so mb'te1'01f' 5ul' b'f 'Oe11''01'e, n6 11e1te..1nn, n6 .6.011Je.&tt, n6 Ct.i;o'On;4 11.f. '. C..11t't1Se i,. no 'Ou·1�. 'Oe: 11.4 b"1n�:o�it1n b.6. c1onnc.&c te 11.&f\ ·no te · te1t1rc1'1or e151n 'Oen � _ cme.&'l'> 'O:.cionn4. .0.cc ·1. t.c\1' n.4 c.c11nte, 41' ce1te u"11'l'> i, d5ur r1uq .&n _p1te ·"11' .o. c61f' r1or ru.£\r "1f' fU..11'0 n.d f6'0t.d. �CC t:..15..1nn .d lleot.£\f (;1t'e. u15e r..1 'Oe1f'e. Oi .6.1111.. nocc.£\nn ri t'Ufl � A Ct'01'l'>e 'l'>6. b..1 ·ffl6f\ te f\4'0 i Cf\.At 'O.& 1'.411) ri. bA. ·mot' "1S A ct.omn i, .4cc f,;}1f'i01' 'Qo rc..11pe.d'l'>· 1..6.'0 A,5Ur 'PO ·CU1t'CA'l'> i. pem cun fU.4Ct: , .&5ur f.d1t1.. CA An fP�1f' .45 5t..1n..1'0 .cim 1r 1f 5.d1f'1'0 UA1te t.a .(\ fU.<.\rCA1tce. c.a Of.&_1Sfi. .d. f.citf'US.d'l'> At' .4n :sc..11nc reo 1m' 'l'>l..11'0 :
e. :
1(6 1 nu.c115 '' :S1te n.<1 511,e 'Oo conn"11f\e·r..1 "11' . . ne�r; Cf'10fC"1t .&n c111orc.<11t "1 501'm1'�fC t'it1n U.41t1ne.; b1nne..1r .£\n n1nn1r .(\ ff\10C.dl, n.&ft Ct'iem 5t'Udffl'l'>.d ; 'Oe1t1se •r frnne ..15 ftonn..1'l'> 'n� �t'�r Sf\U.d'On.&11J." I
"· The Brightest of the Brigh_t met me on �� path so lonely 1
The Crystal of all Crystals was her dark blue eye·;
Melodious more than music was her spoken language only ; And glorious were her · cheeks, crimson dye."
ot' a
Amid the last homes of youth and eld, That there was once one, whose veins ran lightening,
The Cheapest House in Town For Chandlery,
22 1911
1 'OCe{\tlllC<l 11.d tl'0{\011le '00 CU.£\1'0 1 5(:,dl).d11' '00, .45Ut' ,'\C..\ l..t1..\1"0'Ce ..65.61ll 'CU.6.1' rAn Ob.c11f\ feO 11.4 n,'\1rq,1u:5 . .,-o, 111 ll1011'51H\U .&n c.an• .(1"{;4 .£\mu1s ..111, 'Oe t>e...irc110 .o. t>e1re.&cc "'1C.ci "11fC1'1US.A'O ort-6 ro : ,, 'Ot1<.\ll lli eo5.6.f.4 '00 til.Ac :Su1'01f',,; '' Cu111rne 11.0. n1"\1\l�i"; " ffi.dcCn.£\m 4n 'Ou1ne �01tt5�..1r.'.\15 " ;:Cf'.ACC .6.f' Ct'e.dC.d'l'> ti1.Aa111rt:11' C:::15c ll1ot65.l\ ; ,{.\ lJe<1n fu.411' f.6.1tt f\ 411 t'.>e..11K ; " " Cinn COt'.6.'l'> ; " " 'Ud'04¢C C4(;6011' 111011, ,. ; " �o Re1t>, .<.\ lJe<1n n.& 'O'Cf'i mbo "; <l5t1f �\11 G<llll'f'i\tl 1.1'0 " 1l61rin t}ut)." 1 uc . \oo . <l111i1c1'0 ...\1rcr15te .4C4\ 01'01'1Ste .&S.4.t11}'1 U.6.t0 .<.\ t'.6.0t.<.\t\ flti 11,\ 110CCtn.6'l'> .d01re 'Oe.4.s 1r mo '00 f'Ot�t'f'U1'5 fe. 'Oo b'eot '06 A 5C4f. 'Oo b't10r '06 ._\11 f&t '00 Oi te1r ..111 1'6Mt fttl"Oe.6.CT.<.\ '00 t.6.1pn5e.o.'O.df\ CUC.6. t>o CO:S4'0 .&n <11rt1115 m<11, rnne..1't i:1t1'l'>e.&cc.& cun Ct.6.11111.a . 5.&e"Oe.6l no. 1Motre ll'O '00 St'ior.&'l'> cun Ct'0'0.(11r .cun .&n.6.m TI.<.\ 11�1f'e.6.tH1 "00 Clffie.d'O 6 l'.>.<if. 'Oo t)i A Cf'OC..i'l'> '0.6. 0.d:S.d1t'C .df' ..1.n Of1te .d t.&l'.>df\�4'0 re'n Ob.6.1f' reo .6. 'l'>e<1n..1m 6r df''O, .dCC fe re.at 114 11..11rt1n5e 'O'e1r1S te n.& ptiO .c1n 'Ot1Se '00 fe<1c.&mc <15ur .& 5com$.6.e'l'>e.&t..1 'Oo rPl'e.454'0 · cun ne,.&mrpte.1'l'>4CAf _ , � . _'l'>�tC�1f\ �\) t).6.111C · ' .6ffl.dC ' · . ' " \ Ir ,• • ;' . • _b,e.&f'tA 'Oe.L\nc..1 "15 ..1n · mon5.&�.c1c .df\
e rrn
lJi ..itl mem pn r:s1,ioot..1 rut ..1 te15e�\r .(\l\ l'Sf'iOo "6.n feAf\ ll16r" r...\n Cl.<\1DE'<\1il ..:1n '' mu11irne...\c" Cork .(\.5ur cu1r f6.11 Examiner ni (·tt1rre..1u .1 tmtte.
(IO.) "
22 1911
.¢. 1 Ot'e.cin
Seo ·510C.6. n·Af\ ]5.6.1f'mCe.£\f' tu1tte.&n.d1n u11't1 :
" 1m' ..1on.&f' re"1t ..15 f\6'0u1'l'>e..1cc, ·Ce reotf.4i 1m cornne t.a <.\cc .&n rpe1t'Oe<1n m.61re.&c m61t1min 1r i ffi01J'in ni tU1tte.£\n.&1n ! b.& f'e1'l'>, b"1 t1.c1trh.&f', f\6·Stto1'l'>e, b"1 co1t', ciot't.&, ct1rce, c.&15 ; <.\ Cf'.dOO·toic c..1r ffl.£\f', Of\ bU1'0e 'n.& 'OC01f'f1S1fi 50 Cf'015te "15 f .&r."
99 Lower Dorset Street, . FOR.
Plumlitno, £idbttno and fftattng.
It is vour dutv to return the compliment.
OARETTES. lll'Sll·
Be ure to mention
onlering G� troP
anr of
""" Ct.6.1'0e.6.ti1 scuns.
�\101\e'"-'n 22, · 1911.
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A Chara, . There is no doubt of the truth o� the assertion that the native speaker w�o habitually speaks English to his chil�ren rs the most P?tent executioner of the Insh language: There is no use in thundering at him. He either does not hear the thunders. or, especially if they be delivered in English, does not heed them. At the present time he probably errs m�re from ignorance and sheer f ?rce of bad h�b1t than from any anti-Irish feeling._ . The _Gaelic �eague has done more than its crrtics will admit. �n the fully Irish-speaking districts, at any rate �n Galway, Mayo and �onegal, there are s!1ll hundreds of Irish-speaking homes where English would be by now the daily tongue, but �or the propaganda of t?e G�eli� League. But 1n. the semi-Irish-speaking chstnc�s where the habit of speaking English to children was firmly estabhshed the task is more difficult. w« have' several plans for winning over t�ose erring native speakers s�ggest�d or tned. The "Glenarriff scheme, which had such excellent results in Co. Antrim, is being tried by Tomas O Colmain with promising success in Maree and has also been begun by some of the Mercy N�ns in Galway City. Prizes to the children in the schools also does good, but I fear that in most cases both these plans will fail when the English-speaking habit_ h�s got �trongly rooted. The " GJenarriff scheme requires a very good and enthusiastic teacher to work it, and the second plan has the defect that the parents may leave the teaching of Irish to the school. and continue to speak English themselves. I have another plan to suggest, viz., putting a premium upon each child who comes �o sc�ool able to speak Irish on the first d.ay of his ar:1yal there. His being able to do so is p_roof pos1t1ve of an Irish-speaking home. How rs this to be brought about? I suggest by giving a small premium, say ros., or �o, to the p�rents of each child able to speak Insh on commg to scho.ol. Ten shillings a child would go a long way with poor people. . . The provision of the money is the difficulty, and· therefore the experiment could, at first, only be tried 'in a few selected localities. If the experiment prove successful, I do not see why an Irish Parliament should not be asked to provide funds for doing the same thing on a large scale until the language be out of danger. The French Government, I have heard, grants premiums, and the English Government gives a reduction of income tax to the fathers of families, and other governments give bounties to revive dying industries or establish new ones. Why then should not an Irish Parliament give bounties to save its national language from death? I cannot think of any more suitable place for the experiment than Galway City. There are few houses in the city without one or more Irish speakers, but English is usually the language spoken to the children. After careful consideration Bohermore School has been thought the most suitable for an experiment. The teacher, Micheal O Lochain, is an enthusiastic Gael. The new Administrator of the parish, Rev. Fr. Considine, is also a veteran Gael. There is Irish in almost every home which supplies the school. Funds are all that are required to give the experiment a fair trial, and we, therefore, appeal to the Gaelic world to help us financially. Father Considine and Father MacAlinney, Dean of Residence, University College, Galway, will act as Treasurers, and will see that the money is properly expended. Anyone wishing to help in the good work should send his subscription, big or small, to Fr. MacAlinney. In due time a full account of the result of the experiment will be published, and if more funds are received than are judged to be needed for Bohermore School, the balance will be applied to trying the same experiment in a rural school, viz., that of Tomas O Colmain, at Maree, three miles from Oranmore, 011 the east side of Gal\\.·ay, where the same condition of affairs prevails. Nearly all East Galway could be made as Irishspeaking as West Galway in five years if the habit of speaking English to children could be broken. I write this letter in English so as to reach the many moneyed sympathisers with the Gaelic- movement, who, for one reason or another, are unable to read an Irish letter. Mise,
SEAGHAN P. l\IAC ENRI University College, Galway.
The Adve1tisers
The Galwav Bilingual Society of National Teachers were J last year request e d by the X ational Board to submit a school _programr_ne suitable for Galway district. This theY: did. The following programme is now sanctioned Teachers are free to by the Commissioners. select their own books, and the . programme should, with slight alterations, be suitable to any d part of Irelan · . -� I. ....:_. FOR SCHOOLS UNDER TWO TEACHE�. GROUP !.--Infant". Irish. Conversation lessons from pictures or objects. a. To answer questions on stories related by the teacher. b. To read from B.B. easy words and phrases formed during conversation lesson. c. Senior Infants. To read from an easy Irish primer, as Mod Direach, Part I., or an (head Leabhar, Part I. (Gaelic League). . English.-a. Conversation lessons on Direct Method with jointed cardboard figures or pictures. b. To read very easy sentences from B.B. formed during conversation lesson. . c. An easy primer on Direct Method lines to be used for senior infants. SECOND GROUP (first and second standards). Irish. . . a To read a book where simple aspirations and. eclipses are introduced. An Mod Direach, Part II.� may be taken as typica� of the amount and difficulty of the matter required. b. To recite a fo]k song or relate a short folk tale. SpelJing: To spell orally or in writing easy words or phrases (not including eclipses in Irish) taken from the reade� used. English--r. To read. with correctness and intelligence the lessons m an advanced type of first reader, as Young Ireland, Part I. 2. Spelling : To spell orally or in writing easy words or phrases taken from the reader used. THIRD GROUP (standards third and fourth) Irish. a. To read and understand about 50 pages of suitable Irish reading matter. An Mod Direach Part III. may be taken as typical of the amount' and difficulty of the matter required. An easy story reader should also be used. b. Poetry. To recite a poem or dan of about 30 lines. c. Dictation should be practised. . English.-a. To read with correctness and intelligence about 70 pages of a junior reader. b. To recite about 30 lines of poetry. GROUP FOUR (fifth, sixth, etc., standards). Irish. a. To read and understand about 80 pages of a suitable Irish reader. b. Poetry. To repeat about 70 lines of poetry or to tell a local Fenian tale or recite a dan. c. Spelling. Dictation in Irish should be practised. English.--a. To read with intelligence the lessons in a fairly advanced English reader. b. A suitable story reader should also be used. c. To recite 50 lines of suitable poetry. GRAMMAR. GROUP THREE (standards three and four.) Irish. The gender of nouns. To distinguish the fallowing parts of speech. Article, noun, adjective, pronoun, verb, preposition. To distinguish present, past and future tenses in reader used. Comparison of adjectives. English.-Very easy analysis. To distinguish intelligently the article, noun, adjective, pronoun, verb, preposition. GROUP Foua (standards five, six and seven). Irish. A knowledge of the formation of the genitive and dative cases of nouns. Changes the qualifying adjective undergoes in these cases. Easy parsing and analysis of simple sentences. English.-Easy analysis, etymological and syntactical parsing, so far as they hear on the correction of errors made by the pupils in speaking of in written composition. COMPOSITION. GROUP ONE. Infants. a. A series of language lessons on Direct Method should be given in the second language. b. Conversational lessons by means of pictures and objects should be given in the mother tongue. GROUP Two (standards one and two). a As in infants.
AN CLAIDHEAMH deserve your support
answer-::;;; b. Simple action lessons. To simple questions in _the second language on actions performed dunng the lesson. c. To form sentences . in. the mother _tongue about the pictures and incidents contamed in the reading lesson. GROUP THREE (standards three and four). a. Formation of sentences containing given words in connection with pictures or objects placed before the children. . . .. b To write a short description of familiar objects from headings written 011: the B. B. GROUP Foux (standards five, six., etc.) a. Letter writing. b. Essay writing on �impl� subjects in _Irish. Where folk-lore in Insh still lives the children should be encouraged to collec� �t. Thi� may be made the subject of composition exercises.
GEOGRAPHY. · GROUPS ONE AXD Two (standards, infant one and two). . . . To know the principal physical fe�tures m the school vicinity, lakes, hills, bogs, islands, etc. Distances of neighbouring market towns and villages. Points of the compass. GROUP THREE (standards three and four). The Crdnance Survey map of the district. The geography of the Province of Connacht, with special reference to the home county. General knowledge of Ireland. A knowledge of the more important place names 1n. school vicinity. . GROUP Foux (standards five, six, and seven). The geography of. Irt:land. .The chief industries of Ireland and chief industrial centres. General knowledge of Great Britain and 1nap of the world, and a knowledge of the British pos�essions. Elementary knowledge of mathematical and physical geography. The more important place n�mes from the map of Ireland. \VRITING. GROUP ONE (infants). . Junior infants.-A fair attempt at formation of letters in both languages. Senior infants.-To copy words of three letters (not capitals) from B.B. in both languages. GROUP Two (standards one and two). To write names in English and Irish. To copy suitable head lines from B.B. in both languages. GROeP THREE (standards three and four). To write a good legible ha�d from �.B. models. Capital letters in English and Insh. Transcription. GROUP Foua (standards fi:7e, six, etc): To write a free and legible hand m both languages. HISTORY. GROUP Two(standards one and two). Conversational lessons introductory to history, preferably historical stories. GROUP Two (standards three and four). A series of historical incidents in which famous Irishmen have figured. These should be related in narrative form and should, if possible, deal with a selected period of Irish history. GROUP Foux (standards five, six, etc). a. A selected period of Irish history-to be varied from year to year. b. A sketch of the lives of two leading men in the period chosen. c. A short Irish text book on history as Breathnach's " Stair na h Eireann," should be read. · ARITHMETIC. GROUP ONE (infants). a. To count little objects up to ro. b. To count, read and write concrete numbers up to rz. . c. Addition of easy concrete numbers who�e sum does not exceed rz. Similar exercises m subtraction (whilst children are looking on objects). GROUP Two (standards one and two). _ a. Composition of numbers up to 20. b. Number and notation up to and including three places of figures. c. Addition and subtraction table up to ro. d. Easy exercises in addition and subtraction. (Problems to be illustrated by objects or rough diagrams). c. Easy mental questions on the marketing which can be done by a child with a shilling or its subdivisions. GROUP THREE (standards three and four). a. Numeration and notation of whole numbers up to and including six places. b. The four simple rules and tables of money and avoirdupois weight. c. Compound rules (money only) Multipliers and divisors not to exceed ro. d. Reduction of money and avoirdupois weight.
Do they. receive it :>
b.n ota1t>eath souns .41t>1te.ctn n. 1911. {
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MACKBY'S SBBD GUIDB will aarely interest yoa : free on application.
an cu1oe�m
SEANAN. . Sea nan " ma Icos some points against our Irish Bishops, but ho has not attempted to refute the s�at(.'mPnt� made in the articles to which he objects. 1 hose art ick-s wen· can-fully reviewed before public.at.ion by <?�o who had only lately returned from I he correspondent of the French paper Canada. . from which WP took tho SPCOncl article was " on the ' spot.''- F. an Ch.I. r11
A meeting of the above Coisde was held in Banba Hall,. on Saturday the l st inst. Mr. F. Ryan, President, was Ill the chair; also present, Mr. Foley Timthire : l\tr. Lyons, V.P. ; P. Freely (Bury) ; H.. Staunto,l (�ccn�gto1!) ; J. May (Holton} ; P. Lavin (Manchester): ' J.1.�� Hill_ (Stockport). and J. Hogan, Runaire. I he <ltfft'rent delegat es present gave an account of the state of the organisation in their several districts, and !he �ffort� beinu made to make the Hll 1 Connradh ] t was azreed na Gacdilge ( ollection a record one. that a personal canvass for subscriptions should be made where at all possible, and to hold the usual chu�·ch door collection where the former was not It was further decided that the Manchester fear-able. branches should help some of the outlying weak branches of theJ.. eague towards making theJ collection, nncl that Mr. Foley should visit the various centres and arrange y � to be· 11eJ < 1 as. oppor t um·t' · for rnc"tino� · s I ia II arise !n order !O :-.trengthen the organisation as far as po sible. ·\ fine spirit of enthusiasm prevailed the n�cetmg. which augurs well for the future of the �eaguc m Lancashire. �\'.xt meeting in Banba HaJl ' �utH.l,ty the �lOth April at 4.311 p.m.
April 22. 1gu
published on\\ cdne-, la,. .. \tin! . Hhh .
is being
It ii popular!y supposed that a r�I-top desk ��1st of necessity be made in America. The Kilk�nny Woodworkers, 6, 7, 8 Nassau Street, Dublin, a!e turning out capital examples of these useful articles. I• J;e of
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Sold by Licensed Grocers and Chemists in Bottles, 3/31 1/9 nnd 1/·, and at all respectable bars, &c., per bottle or glass.
The following letter was received by the Gaelic League of Traighli during Seachtmhain na Gae<lhilge from a little girl of elevenlyears :Ivy House, Ballymullen, Tralee, 18th Mar., 1911. "Ple"se Mr. O'Flynn put this shilling with what was collected on St. Patrick's Day for Language Week. " I saved it up for that, but I was sick and could not go to Mass. All of us children should save up every year for the Language Week and help the Gaelic League for teaching us our Iris1=l, language, Irish singing, and Irish dancing. Your fond pupil, SILE NI CHUIRC. ( Cecilia Quirk).
R.I.A., C. iv., z fol. 14a. Do fhacaib saer na haired inadh tarrnge fas innti air ba derb lais nach bertha e fein innti. In tan dochuaidh N ai cona chlainn isin aircc amail isbert in t-aingel fris, do druid Nai sinistre na hairci agus do tocaib a laim Dia bennachad. Do dechaid immorro in diabal ria cois isin aircc oc dul d6 innti, agus an tan do bennaich Nai in airr , ni uair in diabal conair n-aili acht in poll fas ro facaib in saer gan drud, agus dochuaidh a richt naithrech ann, agus ar cumga in puill nir fed dul amach ina techt ar cul, agus do bi mar sin no gur traigh in dili, agus is sin tairrnge is dech agus is mesa do bi isin airc. Finitt.
FIXTURES. May 28.-b.6.1te .6.n 't>t1t1n.6.15,-.c.n CUf'f'.6.C, Co. t1tte 'OAf'.6., .c.ett1'06Acc. m01teAm 4.6.'6.-Aeridheacht, Killyon, Co. na Midhe. 1ilt 23.-fe1r Ct.o.nn.o. C.6.011,'ce, C.o.1m:, ceot, CteAfA tu1t, Rlnn<'e, R�f.6.nn.o. .6.5Uf Rtro.0.1 e,te.
The Best and Worst Nail in the' Ark. The wright who built the ark left a place for anail empty in it, for he was sure that he himself would not be taken in it. When Noah with his children went into the ark, as the angel had told him, Noah shut the windows of the ark and raised hL hands to bless it. Now the devil had gone into the ark beside him as he entered, and when N aoh blessed the ark the devil found no. other way but the empty hole that the wnght had left unclosed, and he went into it in the form of a serpent, but so tight was the hole that he could neither go out nor come back and he was so until the flood ebbed. And that was the best and the worst nail n the ark. 0. J. BERGIN. (Eriu.)
Oireachtas, Dublin, July 31st to August 5th. 1.-Feiseanna whose dates only have been sanctioned.
June 25-Cill Disirt. July 2-Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan Feis, July 9-Youghal.
11.-Feiseanna whose Syllabuses [have � b" ,n approved by the Oireachtas Committee·: and .... whose Fixtures are fully a\Uthorised. April 22-30-Ath-Chliatb. May 10-12-Glascu. June 4 and 5-Ros Mhk Treoin. June 5-Feis Bhri Chualann (Bray). June 11-Dundealgan. June 11-Ath-Luain (Feis Uisneach). June 11 and 12-Luimneach. June 15-16-Tralee. June IS-Rockwell College. Feis Chnuicia' Bhile. une 18-Feis na Midhe. une 28 and 29-Cill Choinnigh• une 29-Port Laoighise. June 29-Enniskillen.
MEETING OF COISTE GNOTHA The fo�lowing branche� were_ affiliated: An Scibirin, Dr<;>m �a1the� san Iar�hidhe,<;111 Mhocheallog i gCondae Lmmmg:h, O�ean Cle�re, Baile an. Ghearlanaigh, Cill Ch�rtha1gh, T1: Chona1ll, Ard Bo, Tir Eoghain, Cnoc an Bhil�, Co. Th�ob_rad Arann, Dun na Sciath, Craobh Shle1bhe Ar&'ms 1 mBaile Atha Cliath, Caislean Nua, Rath Thua1dh, Co. Cheatharlach Cnoc Mhelleri Cr.a?bh mhic . Ei�, Patricroft, Man'chuin, Mointeach M1l�o, C?. _La01ghise, Cill Chuimin, Ciarraighe, Craobh mhic E1l 1 nGlaschu, Corradh Finne, Co. an Chlair, Teampall na Mon_a,. Co. 1:,uimnigh, Beul Atha na mBreac, Co. na Ga1lhmhe, C1ll Chlunaigh, Tir Chonaill ai; Cnoc �uad�, Co. an Chabhain, an Caislean Glas: T1r Eog_ha1�, L1os Mor, �eann�raighe, Tuar na Fola, c. o. .. Lmmmgh, Cno� m Chmleain, Co. Luimnigh, �ewport, Sasa�a, Cml an Bhuacaigh, Co. Chorcaighe, Crc3:obh n_a h�lle, C� .. Bhaile Atha Cliath, Craobh na hA1rne, C1ll Aime, Cla1nn, an Traigh Mhor is na Deisibh Corr. na Mona, Co. na Gaillimhe, Eachdhruim Ui Bhrom, Craobh Thomais mhic Dhaibhidh Blackb urn, ' Crao_bh X. Muire, Bury, Sasana. .:\Imut�s of t�c various sub-committees being ratified the meetmg ad3ournecl.
FORM 12.
MITCHELSTOWN NO. 1. RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that J. More O'Ferrall, Esq., Local Government Auditor has audited the accounts of the Mitchelstown No. l Rural District Council for the period ended the 30th day of September, 1910, and has reported to the Local Gm·ernme11t Board thereon. A copy of t.he Auditor's Report and of the A�stract therein referred to can be obtained at this �ffice during office hours by any person applying for same and paying to the Council therefor th� snm of Sixpence. D3.ted this 15th day of April, 191 r. T. A. O'BRIEN, Clerk of the Council. Council Offices, Mitchelstown.
ABBEY THEATRE. • _ To-night: and to-morrow night the hill at the Abb J hea!re \\;111 be " The Man \Vho :\Iissed the Tide ,�Y ���sey s very popular play in three acts. and Mr \ eat . . s one act verse tragcch· " Deircl re " 1' .. h fi • n � e rst · · · ' as usual � \\·ill. l • �1\1 r. Fre d O' Donovan pa,' take th - . t te. par of James \Yalshe, which is one of hi,.; firic ' s t. c r<'a 10ns · · · · "D · l " d :\hss 3Iaire O'�r'ill will plav th� c1rc re an. 3:n prmc1pal pa�. l\�any people who saw her beai:1tiful performance !n tlu.,; play last February will welcom e the opportunity of renc\1.-in their fa voura bl · There \\ill be a m�tinee iJnS. these �l lT�pres� a) s on �aturday afternoon at �.30 pm.
EARLY PUBLICATION. The JH"t.-.�cnt. i uc ot
BOTTLE of SEDNA equals THREE of Ordinary BEEF WINES.
Made in Ireland by � DEANS, LOGAN t;.
22, Hill,
ceremonies. It 13 still moro strange when we consider that the accusation 15 false and that the French Canadians am better treated as regards religious instruct�on in their own language than aw the IrishIn speaking Catholics of any diocese in Ireland. every parish where they arc numerous, the priest, if not I rench, at least hears confession in French and preaches in French every Sunday or every S(>COnd Sunday. • fany priests preach first in one language then m another, at the same Mass. .. -owhere in Ontaria does there <·xist a French congregation which does not have the Word of God preached to it in its own language. Would that it were so in Ireland ! I have soon in a Church, where at least 95 per cent of tho people did not know English, a curate who did not know a word of Irish, read the pastoral letter of the most reverend It might Archbishop written in grandiose English. as well have been written in Latin. The CI�AIDHEAMH makes an attack on the diocese of London in particular. Now the bishop of that diocese, a man whose parents were born in Ireland has stated emphatically, and ho means it, that he' will ?rdain n9 pr�est for his diocese who is not able to preach m both English and Fren�h. Does any bishop in Ireland do that much for the Irish language, or for the Irishspc aking portion of his :flock ? French is preached in every church of that diocese where the people or a fair proportion.of tho poople, unc!erstand that language. Is that done m any diocese in Ireland ? I should advise .writers of t�e CLAJDHEAMH while discussing tho language question in Canada not to denounce the Irish-Canadian priests and bishops simply because some French paper has done so. It is true that there is a language war on in Canada. �na?a h� tw? national languages-French and English. 1.•rench JS the prodominantlanguagein Quebec and m adjacent territory. English in almost all the The national language of the rest o� Cana�<l:· Canadians of Irish descent in Canada is English. A n__,umbor of t.hem do not sympathiso much with the Tho people of Ireland are quite free to French, cheer on tho French 1£ they want to, and those of them who come to Canada arc quite free to become French i£ they care to. But they should not confound the language question in Canada with that in Ireland. In Canada . two national _langua�es are struggling for In the possession of a certain portion of territory. Jrcla!1d the �no and only national language is struggling In for lifo �ga!nst thn_ language of the conquerer. I roland it JS a stnct duty to support the national In Canada tho Irish Italian or Slav languago. ' . or may choose to adopt ' either English emigrant Fr�nc� as. �o pleases, if ho goos to a part of Canada wJuc� is bilingual. Ho cannot bo blamed if he chooses Ho may keep tho language of his ancestors �nghsh_. if ho will and can, but since Canada is not a Tower of Babel ho must 1<:arn one of tho two languages of the But till he has learned English (for all the co�ntry. t}mJgran ts _now go to the English part of Canada} tho Catholic Church authorities make every effort t� supply all these foreigners with priests who speak their language. Many priests in Canada have learned three, four, and morn languages, to be able better to fulfil their sacrn�I duty of preaching the Gospel. The cause <;>f �hn n_ahonal l�nguage of Ireland is not served by prmtm� in English in the CLAIDHEAMH such ?'bsurd)y m1.slnforl'l!ed and unjust articles as appeared 111 the issue of La l:i heilo Muire. •L
The Irish Smoke
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f. 4tbrte.&n 29 1911. April 29
namne" Sounds of M'unster Irish, I. 6r, .o.:sur 1r 1 n5.det.11L5 corccmn n.d rro eome .d"Ouf>rt.o.'O . o.n C.61t1'C rm. �'C>etrtt:e.ap 111.1 '01-6.1'6 rm : " 'O'Ml'f'.dtu was so commonlv used that in Munster it came to be regarded as the verbal noun itself. hence "Oo Di re (sic) . 0.5 "0'1.df'f'.61'6." '°-:S ro rm ·01.a1'6 o.n mimu:�.6'6 Ce.6.f''C : " Expressions like tum e rm .d "6'1.6.f'l'.6.1'6 gave rise to the notion that the verbal noun commenced with "O, and the present participle then became .6' ( =.6.5) "OMf'f'.6.1'6." r3. -0.p te.6t:.6.n.6.c XIV. "Oen te.6.f>.6.p oo rsr1of> Ojbojvn U.6. 11-0.11i11rt:sm, .1. Stories from Keating's History of Irelana . o."Oetf't:e.df' "The 3 sg. absolute (of the preterite tense) is still common in the narrarive portions of Keating's writings. At a late period it takes the form of the relative present, but in good r7th century MSS. it differs from that in two points :(r) the initial is never aspirated; (z) the final' r ' is slender." '°-5 ro m.61' .6.'C.& .6.:S fe..o.tt"OO"f'C.6. U.6. Conart.t. ; " 5'.6.o.61r, be1tt1r, te.6.'t.6tf, ittt, these forms represent the 3rd sing. absolute of the 0. Irish preterite; it has become confused with the relative present and the termination changed from -tr to -e.6r or -.6.f. Note that the initial consonant is not aspirated." ( le.6.'t.6.11.6.c 38). 1r cmnce• 50 mbte1'01t' te "Om11e .6. cttu'tu5.6."6 n.66 tnf.dn nue 5.6.e"61t5 "005e1f>'te.6t' " 5.6.t'.Mf 1t't "'Oon ce..o.'O u.dtt' 611' .de.& "C.d"f'.df," he loved, m L U 128 b 29 1 poccrt e1te m.dtt rm 1 le.6.f>.6.t' le-.o.r.6 m61f' ; m.&1re.6."6 1f f10f' .6.11 mero reo "00 Ct11f'e.6r r10r ce.6.11.6. .1. " The form cmtte.dr has been explained as due to analogy with the, relative present, but the influence of deponents of the same tense like cu1tte..o.rc.o.tt, etc., must have been felt." (61:sre Su.o."6 1r Se.'6, l. 72.) 'O'te.o."Of.o.tnn .o. 'tu1tte.o."6 'Oo f:Sf'10t'.>.o."6 '°'t' toccern .dn te.' reo .a.cc 1r teop .0.11 mero .6CA tt.&1"6ce .a.5.a.m cum .a. 't.a.1rbe.&1nc 'Oon te.a.5't61"f\ :SU"f\ t'.>fe.6.f'f' "66 5.6.11 1011C.6.01f> "00 beic .a.r5e .a.r .a.11 e.a.:s.o.ttt61"f'.
• -:·--
·.c. 6.o.r.o., .0.11 c-.o.tc rm .o, ui .0.5.0.c 'r.0.11 5ClA.\1'UC"\1i1 co.mo.tt 6 f'o111, ci'rn co.fl c1r 6 .o. .o.1rcf11u5.o.'6 .o.p1r .o, 1:. e6lo.'6 CUt5 cup Le, pi1pe ..\f1 .o.11nfO, 1 bp.o.f111t:o.r 1M �fl;_\1nnCe. bo1'6 re, mo.p r1n, 1 5ct6 .6.C�\ .o.p bA\tt, .o.5ur ci r{11t .0.5,.\111 50 mboro -oioj-po: fO,\CC .O.t' f1UO.o.t .o.Co. .o.p o.n �CelfL t:;i'rn "'5 cup cu5,.,c, ,<\1101f, 51oc.o. 015 .o.r .o.lt: .(\ r511100 Mgr. Touchet ( C-<.\rpo5 Of1lC<.\.nr) .0. porl.L r1t;e<.\.'O 'r.\n "Con-espondant" (10 1::>e1peo.'6 Fotrh.0.111, 1910). .c.ue111 re : "C'eut ete merveille,-et dommage peut-etrev-« qu'au Congres de Montreal, il ny eut pas eu a cote de ce qui se disait, quelque chose qui ne se disait pas et que tout le monde eut voulu entendre. " Ce quelque chose ne nous manqua point. "Tout le monde, en effet, je veux dire tout le monde canadien-francais, attendait que fut affirrnec la necessite de garder la langue et les traditions francaises de la race, sans prejudice de la fidelite due a l' Angleterre. Bien plus, tout le monde designait l'orateur auquel revenait cette mission. Ce serait l'idole de la jeunesse catholique etudiante, le tribun puissant, le �anadie1: ' canadisant' par excellence, le croyant dune foi animee des ardeurs du sang de Papineau, le redacteur en chef du Devoir, le nationaliste, celui que quelques uns traitent dideoloque et que beaucoup tiennent pour l'homme de demain, M. Bour::ass�. . . "L'ardeur passionnee �u. pubhc s exph9.ua1t Pc!:r Le bruit-e-depuis plusieurs circonstances speciales, reconnu inexact-courait qu'en un diocese, l'autorite avait interdit de catechiser en francais merne les enfants de 'parotsses aux trois quarts francaises. " Une anxiete fort vive s'etait fait jour a propos du Serait-il titulaire eventuel d'un siege episcopal. Francais ? Ne le serai�-il poin� ? . . "Le probleme prenait dans 1 esprit de plusieurs des proportions d'autant plus considerables que pour eux la foi du Canadien-Francais leur parait liee a la langue francaise. " Quoi done, disait ils, !1e sait on pci:s que c.ette barriere de la langue protege nos catholiques mieux que nulle autre contre I'influence protestante ? "X'a-t-on pas sous les yeux le dechet du Catholicisme Il y est entre pendant les Irlandais en Amerique ? dernieres quarante-cinq annees trente mi�ons Il est vrai que d Trlandais au dire des statistiques. sur ces trer{te millions un cinquieme peut etre considere comme protestant: tout de meme, dapres les totaux les plus favorable�, �'Eglise .catho�q�e americ?1ne ne compte aujourd hm que qumze millions de :fideles. Surtout de la langue. D'ol\ vient la deperdition ? Le:s Irlandais ont langue commune avec les protestants. " Conservons ! Conservons notre langue. ·· Le cure de Ca wpoure. la principale des paroisses canadc-americaines. me disait avec emotion devan1: ses vicaires: J'aime beaucoup ces. jeunes gens. Cepe.ndaut t'ls me font parfois de la pe111e: tls parlent
Be sure to mention Ax
anglais entre eux. j'ai peur qu'ils ne parlent de meme avec mes paroissiens que je protege de cette langue au Ils prix de mille sacrifices, d'ecoles principalement. me trouvent exagere, je crois. Dans quinze at!s, ils disont: le vieux Dugast avait raison. Fasse le ciel que ce ne soit pas trop tard ! " Les Canadiens-Franc;:ais sont d'ailleurs convaincus que l'avenir est a eux. Ils ont gagne depuis trente ans des comtes entiers grace a leur fecondite, me racontait l'eveque de Scherbrooke. Ils ne sont encore que trois millions et demi, mais, s'ils continuent, combien seront ils dans un demi-siecle ? " Leur stable et fecond foyer n'est il pas destine a repousser, puis a faire disparaitre le mobile et et:oit foyer de !'immigrant qui ne vient que pour exploiter et s'en va generalement, sans rien fonder ? "Ces idees etaient done dans l'air a l'etat expansible: et tout d'un coup l'on crut qu'il y avait ete contredit. On crut qu'un orateur eminent avait exprime le voeu que la langue frans;aise fut sacrificee a la langue anglaise. Avait on bien saise le sens et la portee du discours? Le prelat qui le •pronons;a daigna dire lui-meme qu'il Tout de meme, ce fut l'occas1on. ne le pensait point. "M. Bourrassa, respectucusement, mais fermement, 11 est loyaliste. posa la these franco-canadienne. Tous le sont au Canada. Nul ne songe a violer la foi juree a l'angleterre, ni les conservateurs, ni les liberaux, ni les nationalistes. Les Canadiens ont verse Ils en leur sang pour la cause de l' Angleterre. verseraient encore. Mais qu'on ne leur demande pas Leur langue, c'est leur d'abandonner leur langue. passe; leur langue c'est leur avenir ; leur langue c'est leur race ; leur langue, c'est plus que tout cela ; leur langue, c 'est leur foi. ' J'aj cru qui les voutes de Notre-Dame allaient crouler .... ," 1f e r1n .o.n metu .o. Ut:10.6.lflC .o.n ce.o.rpo5 0f1leo.nf .o.r .o.n 5ce1rt: reo. fe.o.r tim1f1, bf1105rh.o.f1 .o.cA .o.nn. lf C.o.fl.o. m6fl e uo -6.flu-e.o.rr.>05 Ireland .o.Ct: ci1m be.o.5n.o.c c1nnce n.o.c mbe1'6 r1.o.u "'fl .o.on ci ru1t .0.5.0.rn 50 mbe1'6 tub: n.o. innt:m f.O. 5ce1rc ro. t'f1.o.1nnc1re t.o.tt Ab.o.tc.o. 1.o.U vein .0. cor.o.int:, 5.0.n C.o.O.o.1f1 u.o.rnne, .o.Cc be1'6 r1.o.u 50 telfl, Afl b.o.tt, .0.5 m.65.0.'6 t1.o. u.o.ome .o.r1 t.o.0.6.1fl me teoot.o. .o.nnro, n1 rurnne. tU15e.o.nn fl.o.U C,<\1Ue ,o.n ric 50 rnb.o. m.o.1c te1r n.o. h�1re.o.nn.o.1510, 1 5C.o.n.o.u.o., .o.n be.o.rt.o. Ct:lfl .o.fl .o.t;.0.1'6, A:SUr ce.o.n5.o. 5Ufl rn6 Afl mbAlnt: te1b, .0. CUfl .O.fl ;scut. 1:'.>i bflOU Oflm nu.o.lfl uo conn.o.tC me .o.n t:.o.tt: r1n A f:Sfl100 cu. t:;i m1rne.,_c .\5.0.c, .o.5ur 1re rm o.n f1t1U .o.ci u.o.inne mu1u. mire uo c-0.flo., u1tU.c.m m.c.c51ott.o. un.1-oe. 60 Avenue d'Iena, Paris.
A. Charaid, I should be much obliged by your allowing me to offer some brief observations on the letter of" Seanan " which appears in your current issue. . Xo one su.r�ly doubts the readiness of the Ecclesiastical Authonties to enforce the provisions of the Council of Trent, so far as they concern national languages. An excellent summary of those provisions will be found in a rec�nt issue of La Nouvelle France. They should be studied by all concerned, and will serve to refresh the memories of laymen, who are, necessarily, not so ,..,,en acquainted (as a rule) with the spirit and letter of those famous But the Canadian provisions as are ecclesiastics. bilingual question has a significance apart altogether from the religious or ecclesiastical one, which should be apparent to all who have given any attention . to political affairs. " Seanan's " letter is concerned with the religious aspect of the question, and its temper But he and spirit are surely highly commendable. hardly appears to be conscious of the political m�tz:j underlving Monsignor Bourne's recent most provocative It is obvious that, things being as pronouncement. they are, the Gaelic interest in the matter is on the Whatever French as opposed to the English side. tends to enhance English prestige and to enlarge the circumference of her influence, should be opposed tooth and nail by the Gael; because even a beetle cou�d not fail to see that what has brought the Gael to hls knees is the power of that vast influence operating on the too plastic surface of his own national environIt is not by drawing nearer to the mag1:et ment. that the too confiding load-stone can hope to resist the power of attraction exercised by the former. Personally, my sympathies are all with. the FrenchCanadians in this matter, though I hesitate to call My etymological a.nd every foreigner I meet a Gael. biological studies have not, so far, taken me that length, though I am quite prC::pared to admit t�e superior speed of Colonel Maunce Moore, who ha1ls the French as Gaels! Still, the fact that Monsignor Bourne chose the hour vvhen he was the guest of the French-Canadians as the correct psychological moment for his extraordinary oratorical display and that, unconsciously or not, in so doing he was acting as the agent piovocateur of Saxon Imperialism-these . two facts are quite enough to put me on the side of the French in this matter. Mise le meas, RUARAIDH ARASCAIX IS MHAIRR, (Editor of" Guth na Bliadhna.")
As the study of Old and Middle Irish is one of my most favourite occupations, there can certainly no one say that I am preJudiced in any "."1·Y against. th?sc However, I cannot refram from thmkmg studies. that the recent course adopted by the Galway College one, quite uniitte<l to meet the is a hirrhly imprudent . b demands of the nation. If the Irish language would be firmly established and had taken a firm root in the people, then such measures would be justified, but under the present circumstances these measures are in open contrastif I may not say hostility-to th.e language �ovement. There are always people who thmk that all is ,vell now and that the nation's language is rescued from death. That is certainly not true. And as long as you believe On the contrary, the that no progress is possible. dangers are very great now, and if all efforts ar:c not made at once, it will be too late. Personal experience has taught me that. Many Iris1:1men seem to believe that thev have done enough, 1f they smoke Ban ba ciP-arettes and say " la breagh " and " slan Speaking Irish niust not be only a kind of leat." temporary fashion, but must become a part of your And as long �s life: a part of your inmost fC::eling. Irish is not spoken by the fireside, all other efforts will be in vain. Under such circumstances the study of Old and Middle Irish cannot be anything else than a luxury, reserved for those in whose heart and mind Modern Irish has already taken such deep roots, that their thirsty souls must turn to more remote fountains in order to be satisfied, or for those who want to become scholars or antiquarians. It is also quite just that the old language should be taught on the National Uni,versity and its studf is certainly prefe�a�le t� that of Greek or Latin, but m every other case 1t 1s a cnme to devote time and eagerness to the teaching of the old language, as long as the living tongue is not firmly enough established. To all true Irish patriots I can only say: "Beware yourself! " The old language is safely enshrined in manuscripts and books and cannot be lost any more. But , the modern language, the living spirit. of the nation, is on the point of death, and only with the utmost care the utmost energy, the utmost selfsacrifice can' vou keep this burning tender soul from leaving its withered body-yes, for without its langua:ge Ireland will be but a great carcass; and the English ravens and scaldcrows are already waiting on the other side of the Irish sea." Mise, bhur gcara i gcomhnuidhe. DR. JULIUS POKORNY., Vienna IX., Schwar-spanierstrasse 15 Austria.
flQ"C,(\ fl. .dn not.dn is the upto-date and progrc:ssive cycle house at 84 POflC 6.(\01m51n ("Camden" St.), .de CtMt. It is the Depot exclusively for 2 makes of bicycle, the "LUCAN IA'• and the " P I ER C E." These bicycles are really MADE IN IRELAND and MADE FOR IRELAND. '1 'hey are superior to foreignm ide machines, though no dearer in price, and the purchaser of a or "LUCAN IA'' "PIERCE" proves not only his PATRIOTISM but also his COMMONSENSE.
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Gaelic League Delegation, EMMET ARCADE,
Silver Factory-6 MA YLOR ST., CORK.
p.&"OR.6.15 6 'O.dt.dtS .&tt'O n.un.o.1ue.
All Correspondence for Rev. MICHAEL O'FLANAGAN and FIONAN MAcCoLul\1, should be directed as above.
Crois an Eich, Baile Pheaist, Albainn.
GENTLEMEN _b.,� Don·t buy your Spring and Summer Clothing without first seeing our Stock of-
when ordering Goods iron any of its Advertisers,
29 191
should be part of the summer work branches. The many duties we have indicated make it obvious that branch work be discontinued without serious loss strength and usefulness of the League.
�n ol�1ue�rh sotuis & ro nezn 29, 1911. ---------·-�-
'°'n ct.croeorn sotuis.
29, 1911 ..
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: The evening classes held under Gaelic League auspices terminate in most places in the present month, and the winding up of the classes is usually followed by a cessation of all work by the branches. The discontinuance of the adult classes at this time of the year is generally unavoidable, but the activity of the branches ·should be maintained throughout the summer months. The collection for the Language Fund is not yet complete, and no branch should wind up its meetings for the long summer interval until its part in the collection has been done. The feiseanna and the Oireachtas need support. They need competitors and financial assistance. Competitors coming to the Oireachtas should be It is the provided with travelling expenses. lack of means to defray such expenses that has left the large feiseanna _ and the Oireachtas dependent on a small body of. competitors. A small fund in every branch to pay the travelling expenses of genuine Oireachtas competitors would enable school children, and singers and storytellers from the Gaedhealtacht to come up to our annual festival. To bring them to Dublin, where they may see that their language is respected and cherished, is to give them just the education they require, and to make them active workers among people where workers are most needed. There has for several years been a dearth· of competitors from the Gaedhealtacht. The cause we have already stated. The remedy lies with the branches. Besides such obvious duties as those we have men tioned there are other things for the branches to do. Propagandist work cannot be neglected. The holding of an aeridheacht is one of the best means of bringing the aims of 'the League before the public. The aeridheacht is inexpensive, and it is popular. It serves the double purpose of a meeting and of a feis, and there is no town or village where one might not be held. The creation 'of a healthy public opinion on matters of national importance is so necessary that the activity of the branches should not be allowed to cease for· a single week. The local elections will take place in less than two months. The Gaelic League has never made any general attempt to pledge the candidates to support its aims, but we should neglect doing so no longer. Members and friends of our , I organisation are numerous enough in every county to solicit from candidates a public declaration in favour of the establishment of a National Civil Service. Apart from the good which must result from the making of an Irish education an essential qualification for public appointments, there are unmistakable signs that the establishment of a National Civil Service is most necessary. The branches will not, we hope, again shirk the duty of soliciting pledges in support of this reform. The condition of public education demands all the attention that can be given it. The inspectors of the National Board are doing everything possible to make the teaching of Irish unremunerative for the teachers, and inexpensive for the Board. Some of them, we are informed, have lately been guilty of the grossest insolence twhile discharging their duties. We have been told of a senior inspector who during the Easter examinations for training scholarships, referred in the presence of those he was examining, to their "d-n western accent" We have heard that the gentleman is a foreigner, and we hope for the honour of our countrymen that he is not one of us. Mr. Mansfield's references at the Teachers' Congress to Gaelic League aims, although he is a friend of the League and a good Irishman, indicate that the care of the Irish language cannot be safely left to the teachers. If a teacher is unable to teach mathematics or English, he is justly described as "incompetent"; if the Gaelic League urges that Irish should be taught in a school where mathematics and English must be taught, its action is described by the teachers as " tyranny." When it is a question of saving the Irish language there should be no talk of tyranny or injustice. To inquire into the condition of Irish in the schools, to advertise the Irish Colleges, to urge on parents their duty in regard to the proper education of their children, to see that Irish is put on the school programmes at the beginning of· July,
THE Oireachtas Committee have decided to introduce into this year's <festival some innovations that will widen its public appeal, make · it more useful, and give it the possibilities of success, if they do not actually make success a certainty. The Rotunda, and the Rotunda Gardens and Rink have been engaged. A Pageant on a large scale is one of the new features. It will be held in the Gardens and will he given on four evenings during the week. The Rink building has been engaged for the Exhibition, which will include an Art section, ' and an exhibit of ladies' costumes made . in Ireland. A special Committee has been formed to organise the costume section. It is hoped that the exhibits will include costumes in modern fashions made by expert hands from Irish material. . The Art section . will be organised by the ladies of Craobh na gCuig gCuigi. The general sections of the Exhibition will be larger and more numerous than at any previous Oireachtas. The spacious Rink in the Rotunda Gardens will enable the Committee to give suitable accommodation to every exhibitor and to make the special sections more attractive than they have ever before been. Irish singing, which is now coming to its own, will be heard at a special concert at which only Gaelic and Celtic singers will be given a place on the programme. The prize plays will not be staged this year, · but " Seaghan na Sguab," "An Tincear agus an tSidheog,'' and a play by Maire Ni Chinneide, are in rehearsal and will be produced by special companies of actors during Oireachtas week. The Committee has set the players to work in time. Long traming should enable them to give us good acting which will do more than the highest awards to encourage dramatic writing. The dancing, recitation, and some other competitions will be held, if possible, in the open, and the whole organisation of the festival will aim at making it educative for the still large unconverted public. The Pageant, which will represent a Feis at Tara, will appeal more than any other section to the general public. The special sections of the Exhibition will ensure its attractiveness. The plays and the special concert will, we promise, be worth attending. The audiences at Oireachtas plays are worth considering. They are always patient with young actors, generous in their applause, and they seldom fail to do their part in assisting and encouraging the . Irish stage. Our actors must never in future fall below a tolerable standard. We cannot command writers of genius, or determine what their work is to be, but we can easily secure good acting of Irish p�ays, and this the players are determined· to give us.
A Word of Encouragement. Our Irish writers, both the young and the accomplished, regard criticism, in English, of their work with indifference, or look on it as an impertinence. I would seem then, that such criticism must always be useless. " Ros Failighe " has sent us the following remarks and we print them because we have often, too often perhaps, given space to less wise contributions in the language he uses :With all due respect to everybody concerned I
doubt very. 1:11-uch whether an excessive purism in regard to 111d10m and construction mav not at the present stage of the language movement do more harm 4�n good. The great business of the hour is to mdu�e our. w.x:ter�. to write in Irish ; good Irish if .,.,possible, middling, or even bad Jrish if not. In such a time as this it is. not meet. that �very nice offence �h<?ul� be drtg�e<;l m�@ the light of criticism, because if it is the victims will escape the critic's censure in the easiest possible way-by refusing to write Irish altog�ther. T�e disadvantages attached to Irish, the inducements of-f�red by .English are already �uffic1ently &7e�t without further handicapping literary . pafriot.ism by a_ frivolo�s and pedantic Write in Enghsh and you imhyp�r-cnbc1sm.. mediately qualify as an intellectual tin god you :are ��iled a.s an Irish Ibsen by the "Art for' Art's sake votaries, your plays arc hawked all over AnzloSaxondom, fr?JP.- C?'nada to New Zealand, you �ay even get a C1v1l List Pension, you may, in a word, become a Bernard Shaw, a W. B. Yeats, or a Padraic �m. �� But write in Irish and wnat do you get ? ....AngloSaxondom does�'t know you exist; the great empire which monop_ohses the sunshine is utterly closed to you; the Insh papers, yea, even the Irish-Ireland papers do not give you a tithe of the notice they give to the Ibsens aforesaid, and the critics' microscope is ever on the watch to see whether you insert an aspiration mark in the wrong place. "Conall Cearnach" need not, I think be much afraid of Irish becoming· like Welsh. Good �r bad Welsh is still broadly the language of the people of Wales· the language of their literature and theology, to � great extent also the language of their politics and social life.. It is vigorous, full-blooded, as strong to-day as rt was a thousand years ago. It is not only the language of the Welsh people at home but the language of their colonies from Canada to Patagonia. Maybe the language spoken to-day is not as pure as that of the Mabinogion. But it is Welsh all the same .and not English, just as" Do th6g an posadh a.it inde,·1 �ould be Irish and not English, no matter how much it might offend the critics. ; . While the Welsh are developing their language and literature we in Ireland are wasting time .over" Dean ta i nEirinn," and its like, and our young men who feel �hey can write are developing an Anglo-Irish literature m the Abbey Theatre and its sisters of Cork and Belfast, Our press is filled with turgid imitations of the Hanusworth and Pearson style of journalism and the critics Ba:Y nothing. Very little fear indeed that our papers �11 follow the Welsh example, and print corrupt Irish. We may make ourselves quite at ease on that score. If Irish were in the position of Welsh, if it were the spoken language of Ireland or the greater part of it, then criticism would be quite in place. But ;when · most of those who write Irish had to learn it just as they would French or German, it is hard that ithey should be criticised as if they were writing in their mother tongue. No one likes to be held up to ridicule as an ignoramus. And you cannot frighten the unfortunate into writing good Irish when he does not.know it, you can only bully him into using English. The choice.' after all is not between good Irish· and bad Irish, it is _between any Irish you can get and English.
A Merry Pioneer Leaves London. �The London Gaelic League, which, by the way, is very vigorous and vital this year, has just lost its most genial and popular personality, Art O Caoimh, who has been transferred to Chorcaigh. Art. was an " old institution," ever young and lively in spirit. He had been a worker in the London League from the start ; he was a buoyant pioneer when Fionan Mac Coluim was Runaire; he was still more buovant when Seaghan O Cathain took up the running; even when he himself bore the secretarial burden he remained merry, and in later years, when nearly all the pioneers of the early days had gone home, he was, if He taught, anything, more blithesome than ever. sang, danced, and organised in every quarter of the Irish world in London, and his good humour, though it could not figure on a balance sheet, was one of the League's most valuable assets. Everybody knew and esteemed him in a sunny-hearted way. Mr. F. A. Fahy said at the crowded farewell ceilidhe in Furnivall Street on Friday evening, that all the cailini "loved Art for Art's sake." The Gaels of Corcaighe, whither he went on Saturday, are to be congratulated.
The LanguageFund.
• The Cisteoir's list published this week shows sums of £12 each from Droichead na Banndan and Tulach Mhor, and £10 each from Coiste Ceanntair Neidineach and Gorth an Choirce ; Dun Monmhuighe has sent £7 7s., and Lios na gCearrbhach, Rath Foircheallain, and Craobh Oisin, Manchester, have sent £5 each. Sean Mac Enri, Financial Organiser of the Gaelic League, spoke last week before a Conference of the Catholic clergy of the Diocese of Killala, at which the most Rev. Dr. Conmy presided. As a result of the appeal, the Conference decided to make parish collections for the Language Fund in the month of May. The total amount realised will be sent to Ciste na Teangan in the name of the diocese. A committee to take charge of the collection has been formed. The Right Rev. Mgr. O'Hara is chairman, the Very Rev. J. J. Kelly is treasurer, and the Rev. M. J. Monnelly is secretary. The Bishop and Clergy of Killala have frequently given valuable assistance to the Gaelic League, but it would be difficult to give a better proof of their sincerity and patriotism than this latest decision of theirs to help the Language Fund.
Wholesale only
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,0.1bre.c.n 29, 1911.
April 29. 19u.
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' ....... .,' � ....... , ... ., ...
2d , 2 �d. and 3d. SizeP •
paper proclairn sufficiently the worn-out commonplaceness of the American mind, but the genius of Shelley would be frozen to death in such an atmosphere. French Canada alone, I say, has the perspective of a literary efflorescence." I think my English friends did not take me quite seriously, .although they could not find any I had not ready answer to my arguments. yet found any one sympathetic with the French. It is the misfortune of travellers when they go abroad to meet only compatriots whose opinions and ideas they already know thoroughly, but I, however, had a stroke of good luck. Just before my departure I met a Canadian who told me of the problems the French nation had to solve. In return I spoke to him of the Gaelic revival and promised to write him an account of it. In this article my pen has strayed among the general principles of the language revival and I have not been able to give the details of our struggle to re-establish our language. In my next article I shall show the measures we have taken to raise it in public esteem, to get it taught in the schools. Quite in the last few months, the University for the first tirne has done for it an important work. M. MOORE.
LEINSTER COLLEGE OF IRISH.-SESSIONAL EXAMINATIONS. The Sessional Examinations of the Classes of the Leinster College of Irish will take place as follows :ORAL EXAMINATIONS-Monday, l st May, at 7.30 p.m., Thursday, 4th May, at 7.30 p.m., Saturday, 6th May, at 2.30 p.m. \\TRITTEN EXAMINATION-On Saturday, t Sth May at 2.30 p.m. The examinations will be conducted by the Professors of the College. Students wishing to submit themselves for examination must signify their intention to do so, on the forms which have been supplied, to the Registrar, not later than Tuesday, 25th instant. Records of attendance and Passing the Class Examination will be awarded to students passing examinations for their respective classes. Temporary Certificates of qualification to teach Irish to elementary classes, avaiiable for one year only, will be awarded to all students of Intermediate or Advanced classes who show sufficient competency in Methods of Teaching. The full Teacher's Certificate will be awarded to those who pass the examination for the ADVANCED CLASSES and-who obtain at least 60 per cent. in Methods of Teaching. These Certificates are recognised by the National Teachers holding the Board's Certificate in Board. Irish should apply to the Board for permission to present themselves for examination. Students showing special merit at the Certificate Examination will be at liberty to present themselves for the subsequent examination for the Chief Diploma of the College which is only awarded as a special distinction. SEOIRSE O :\1UANAIN, Hon. Secretarv ,
IRISH-MADE DISTEMPER. A notable success was achieved in South Africa by an Irish firm, Messrs. D. Anderson & Son, Ltd., Belfast, whose well-known "A.W.P." Distemper was specified for the great triumphal arches erected in Cape Town in connection with the opening of the South African This is an achievement of which any Parliament. firm might feel proud. It speaks highly for the merits of" A.\:V.P." that it should have been selected for work where obviously the question of appearance and durability would outweigh any other consideration. Both at home and abroad this distemper has been meeting with increasing success, and this year particularly, the home demand has been very large orders pouring in from all parts of the country. Its complete adaptability, tasteful appearance, healthfulness and great durability, together with the magnificent range of colours in which it is made, are arguments that carry considerable weight, and it is not surprsing that the demand is growing rapidly. This Irish-made Distemper threatens to become one of the most popular materials for decoration purposes.
C-0.1nc n-0. C�t11-0.c,
6 uun5-0.1tt 'Oo rst'1on.
City Chats. Written by
sec mus
6 "OU1'.>$.61 t t.
sn<5. roroee.cr;
Si$ te. --,0. 116f\A, .6 116t'A, c.& t'.>fU1t1-r ? 110R6. (ttMr fC.61$t'e)--'G.61m .dnnro, A m.&t.61r. Sf$te.-b.6. ril.61t te c'.dt.611' 50 f'.615m1r terr 1fCe.66 T.6 C.6t.61t' .65 fe.66.61nC n.6 r10,:M1. "Oe11' re 5utt pu f'.6'0.df'C 'O'f.65.&1t A'f\ n.6 -<\t' ril.61C te.dc-r.6 'OUt 1rce.66 1 fU111ne65.611'.>. tlOR.o..-b.6 ril.61t trom, 5.6n .6ril'f\.6f. C.6tu111 .6 t'.>e.dm .65 'OUt 1rce.66 1 Sf$ te.-Com ci'11rce 1r t'.>e.dm ut.t.ern, ACC 11.6.f' riM1t t.iom 'Out .dm.66 cun 50 'OC.65.61'0 .611 t'.>e1t'c e1te 1rce.6c. tl 6R-<\.-C.& bputt, m' .6't.61t' .61101r 1 Si$ te.-'t1A'f\ f.6 $.&1'f\'0111 .65 percezrn 0t'.6111n. tl6-ru\.-tli t'.>e.6'0-f.6 1 t'.>f.6'0. sf5te.-'Ge1-r1u r1or 1r be1-r cu5.6m�.61110r mo 'G.& An C.61U11 50 lM11.6-5n6t.66 rA t'>'f\65.6 : rH te.6'0.61' .611 e .611 5un.6 tMt A c1rc111. CUl'f\fe.6'0 oprn 1 tlOlU\.-Se 1r 'Oe1re .65ur 1r 01-re.6riln.615e. Cu11're.6'0-r.6 .611 5un.6 bf'ec.c o-rm. fe.66, .6 tl6'f\A, c.& borrcin -oe Sf$ le.-CU1f'. t>101'.&11.61t'.> 51'U.615e At' ct.&t' .611 rc�tJ.111 f.6 cre6mf'.6 e1te; ce.6rcu15e.6n11 cu-pt.6 ceznn u crm.
JULIA-Nora ! Nora ! ! Where are you ? NORA (up-stairs)-I'm here, mother. JULIA-Your father wants us to go with him into the city looking at the shops. He says the windows are worth seeing. Would you like to go? NORA-Of course I would. When are we going ? JULIA-As soon as we are ready, but I don't ]ike to go out until the other two come in .. NORA-Where is father now ? JULIA-He is behind in the garden waiting for us. NORA-I shan't be long. JULIA-Go down and bring me up my boots. I The girl is very busy in the kitchen. wonder is it the grey dress I should wear ? N ORA-'Tis the prettiest and most suitable I'll wear my spotted dress. JULIA-Do. See, Nora, there is a little box of hair-pins on the looking glass stand in the other room. I want a couple of them.
A m.&t.611', .65ur reo '6u1e buroe. b'te-1'01t' 50 ·m:e.6r-
NORA-There they are, mother, and a couple of brass pins. Perhaps, you would want them? JULIA-Thank you, Nora, see if Tim and Kate are coming. NORA-It isn't time yet, mother, I think I'Jl put on the blue hat.
s15 te.--<\11 e 1r reAt't' te.dc 1 llOlU\.-'Se Sf$le.---Seo, 1mt15 01\C lf curp urnac, no bero mi-porone .df' c-.6t.61f'. tl 6-ru\.-tli nero : c.& .6 piop .615e .65ur " l.601 01r111." Sf$ le.--m.& c.&1'0 bero re1re.6n 1 'O°Git'-11.611-65.
JULIA-Do you like it best? NORA-Yes. JULIA-Well, go and dress, or your father will be impatient. NORA-He won't ; he has his pipe and Oisin.
n OR.6..-Seo -ourc M'O,
cupt.c b10r.&11 C6C.61'01f t1.61C. fe.6c si$ te.-1r m.61c .611 c.61U11, A 1161'.6· .6 bpuit. 'G.6'65 1r C.&rc .65 ceacc. tl<JR,<\.-tlit re 1 narn '0615 f6f, .6 m.6C.61f'. 1r '061$ t.iorn 50 5cUlt'fe.6'0-fA .611 lMC.6 50t'm
('G.65.61111 br,1.dn 1rce.6c.) brM11 : Se.6'0, A .$15te, A bprnt. r1t> utt.dril 1 Co5.6t', Si$ te. --'G.&1mi'O 11.&c m61,, A t>t'l.6111. 11f fe-1'01f' L10m .6 tl6t'A .6 t.601:S, C.dt' .61111f0. .611 tub ro 'O' .61mr1u5.6'6. -Sm e e; 50 1'.>f.&5.61'6 'OM '00 f\A'OAf'C .65.6C. -<\1101f, .6 t)f'M1n, c.&1m1'0 ut.t.em. bR1.o.n.--<\ rnbero 'Oo ctoce .65.dC 1 Sf$ te. -C.6'0 1r '0615 teo.'t 1 R 1.o.11.-1r '0615 t.iorn n.&c u.dt.66 'Oo 'oume -0.5ur 111 hU.dt.66 'OOril-f.6 e t>re1t t.iorn. .6. tlf'.6C. b'te1'01t' 50 11-10mp66.6'0 .611 cr.&t11611.6 5t.6f. Sf:S te.-'t>ru1t1r-re ut.Lcm, A tl6t'A 1 116-ru\.-'C.&1m, .6 m.&t.61f'. S1$le.-°Ge.6n.6m Of'C m.& C.601. bR1.o.11.-Ce 'c.6 1r reAt't' ue, .611 Cf'.6e11 116:.611 'Ct'Affi 1 Sf$ te.-'Ce1'6m1r 1rce.66 At' .611 'OCt'.6.m, re 1f ffi.& fe.df't' .65Uf .611 .61mf1f' 50 bt'Ot.dtt.66. l'.>1011n re ft1.6.t' .65 ce.dcc .6t>.61te '6t1111n .df' b.6tt, be1'6 .0.11 Cf'.den .6:S.6111n. bR 1-6.11.-Seo, .dm.66 t1t>, 1 11-.6.1111m "Oe. s15 te.-c.J. t>ru1t 'Oo t.o.1m111n1, A bf'M111 1 bR1.611.-1m' p6c.6. 116R-<\.-Seo cu5.6111n .0.11 Cf'.o.m.
JULIA-If he has he will be in Tir-na-n-Og (The Land of Perpetual Youth). (Brian comes in). BRIAN-Well, Julia, are ye ready ? Come here, JULIA-We are, all but Brian. Nora, dear. I can't get at this loop-that's it. May God spare you your sight. Now, Brian, we are ready. BRIAN-Will you have your cloak? JULIA-What do you think ? BRIAN-I think that one's cloak is no load: and it is no load for me to carry. Perhaps the evening might turn cold. JULIA-Are you ready, Nora ? NORA-I am, mother, JULIA-Come on then if you are. BRIAN-Which do you prefer, the train or the tram. JULIA-Let us go on the tram, it is best in this sultry weather. If it is cold as we come home we can take the train. BRIAK-\Vell, out with ye in God's name. }ULIA-\Vhere are your gloves. Brian? BRIAK-In my pocket. NORA-Here comes the tram.
An Examination for entrance to the Course in Household Management at the Irish Training School of 'Domestic Economv , St. Kevin's Park, Stillorgan, 'Count v Dublin. will be held in Dublin. Bcliast, Cork, and Galwav on TcESDAY. !hh TCXE. beginning at 10 a.m. · Application !or a..:!mission to the Examnat-on must be made on Form S. I ,0. not later than the 13th �L\ Y, . '19 l l. Copies of the Programme of the School. and of Form S. 1 i'O may be obtained from the Secretary. Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction, Upper .. Ierrion Street. Dublin.
Hair Cutting, Shaving, and 55 South King Street, top of Grafton Street, Dublin. Russell's
ABOUT Sh�Lmpooing Saloon,
Irish Ecclesiastical Art We would respectfully suggest to the Clergy, and the heads of Religious Orders, the advisability of paying a visit before ordering Church Plate, or other Art Metal work. to the extensive establi�hment of Messrs. Gunning & Reynolds, 18 Fleet Street, and 7 & 8 Price's Lane, Dublin. The firm employ a large staff of skilled Irishmen and eminently deserving of appreciation and support.
�n CtA11'earh Sotu1s.
29, 1911,
>£ ;(
Notes from Timthiri, Muinteoiri Taistil, and Branch Secretaries
I mBhalle Atha <math. Craobh Shleibhe Arguis, 1_3 Harold's Cros� (opposite An Runaire laid before meeting of the Hospice). Craobh specially summoned, a Statement of amount collected by members d�1ring Se2;chtmhain. na Gaedhilge, and lodged to credit of Collection Committee, This amount included a sum of £20 10s. 6d. collected by Dr. Nicolls, a Vice-President of the C_raobh. This he believed was one of the largest collections made by any jndivid�al member of the League, and was specially noteworthy in such a sparsely populated and poor district such as theirs. The following resolution subsequently proposed by the Cisteoir was unanimously. adopted :-" That t!1e Branch tender to Mr. A. J. :N1colls, B.A., LL.D., its grateful acknowledgment of his exertions and of the Jabour he underwent to make such a splendid collection for the language movement in their district, and in th us enabling them to send forward so handsome a contribution to the Fund." Irish classes, under Mr. Shortall, with conversation were resumed last week. Choral class under Mr. Rogan on Wednesday nights.
cu mo.nn ,0.ene,0.6 n.o, h-<5. R'0-6n,0.011:'.:>e '01A SACA1l'n reo C'U5Atnn l1ACA11::> mumn ctp nc, 1, att-o('t\A0100 A5 ri6t.&1ue.<.\cc 50 mA15 nu-6.1::>Ac t:1ucr.<.\1u J'IA-0 to Celle AS An bp1teAfl A5 A 3 <\ cto5. 'biorm ..in com611cAf r1tbtte Aft r1u0At 5Ac LuAn A:S .\ hOC'C. t:A -oe1cneAtMf\ A:S trmjrc Ann.
tllF I gCo. Chorcalghe. Sean O Cearbhaill addressed a meeting in Cuilinn Ui Chaoimh on Sunday, 23rd inst. He spoke on the advantages of bilingual education, and on the necessity of speaking Irish in the homes. The following resolution was unanimously passed at the meeting:" That we express our satisfaction at the progress of the Bilingual Programme in the Cullin Boys' School, and that we, the parents of the pupils, pledge ourselves to support the efforts of the teachers by speaking the Irish language in our homes."
In Sasana.
A public meeting was held in Bolton on 9th inst.,
and a new Craobh was formed, a large number joined.
I saw a table revolving bookcase in the Kilkenny Woodworkers' Dublin shop the other day that quite took my fancy. It makes a very acceptable present, without being too expensive.
- per Ib.
2/- per I.b.
lfow to obtain FREE of aJJ Cost this splendid 21 Piece Tea Set.
To every person who sends to us per post each week, tor six weeks only, a Postal Order for 2s., and 2 penny stamps, for 1 lb. of our Special 2s. Tea, we will present free of all cost a splendid 21 Piece Tea Set. To secure this great free. gift it i� necessary to f.11 up the Coupon attached to this advertisement, and send it to us without delay, as we can only guarantee to supply a limited number of these costly Free Gifts. The Tea Set is sent with last order for Tea. Should you wish to have the Tea Set at once you can send a Postal Order for l 3s. for 6 lbs. Tea, and to cover cost of packing, etc. THIS OFFE� CANNOT BE �EPEATED.
85 LoWER
ot every description. GRAMAPHONES & TALKING MACHINES in Great Variety, L!{l�l��c1�t s
P?.��:o!!/�l9�rl!o. f2�. CATALOaUES PREE FROM,
Public meetings have also been held at Chester, Bury, Stockport, and Branches formed, while arrangements are made to hold meetings at St. Helens, Wigan, and Preston . In Newcastle-on-Tyne a special collection committee is working. Tomas Mac Niocaill, a Gaedheal of Albain, is doing everything possible to get the Irishmen of the Tyneside to give the Language movement the support it deserves. In Barrow-in-Furness, Sean Mac Ruaidhri is making a special effort: while An Doctuir O Ceallachan and Eamonn de Cuirteis are leaving no stone unturned in Sheffield to ensure success. A' small body of earnest workers are assisting in Chester. In Manchester the Oisin, O'Growney, and Father Anderson branches decided to institute a personal canvass instead of a box collection, wherever possible, although the work is a bit slow, a good deal more will be realised. His Lordship, Dr. Cassartelli, Bishop of Salford, was one of the first to contribute to the Language Fund in Manchester. The newly formed Coisde Ceanntair is superintending the collection in Manchester, Salford, Stockport, Bury, Oldham, Blackburn, Eccles, Warrington, Accrington, Burnley, Hyde and Preston districts. Mr. M. P. 0 Riain is Uachdaran, and Mr. S.O hOgain, late of Tuam, is the Runaire.
In Liverpool.
The annual general meeting will be held at 78 Duke Street, on Sunday, 7th May, 8 p.m. All readers of AN CLAIDHEAMH in vicinity are cordially invited to be present.
District Asylum, Ballinasloe.
Please secure for me one of your free 21 Piece Tea Sets as per this advertisement. I send herewith Postal Order value 2s., and 2 penny stamps, for which send me 1 lb. of your 2s. Tea. I agree to send each week for l lb. of 2s. Tea until I have purchased 6 lbs. With my last order you are to forward the Tea Set. .
JAMES YOUNG, roth. April,
� A�SURANCE TEA CO., 85 Lower Camden Street, Dublin.
• .,pewr er
d Gaels remember!
an lrish-lrelander
epa re when you want New or Second-hand
Typewriters, Duplicators, Stencils Stencil Ink, �.i?bons. Carbons, Paper, et�. Typewr.1ting and Duplicating in Irish or English at reasonable rates.
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DUBLINMADE Buy your next Boots from us.
In Bootle. �
'Do fCAf'.o:6�ce1t1ue m6f\ 1 5Cf\.o.010 e10Un rue niocertt Le -oeroean.eroe. Seinn p&uf1A1:S 6 CeAttA15, p10bA1tte, PU,1f1'C .o.5ur pum n. 1:'.H An C,0.C.6.1fl 6 Ce1teAC.6.lf\ A:S'Ur '!JA-Of1A1C m ec pne 5.6.tt fA U.t.0.111. 'C.6. An b.o.1t_1u -0.6. UeA�Am 50 f'01U A5tlf "C.6. A:S e1ri15e te1r 50 more. t:lonotfAt' Cf1'U1nn1U bt1A1::>Al1"C'.AtrL6.1t n o Cf\.;.011:>e An 'Oornn o.c ro cu5A\1nn Af1 .o. ho cc .o. cto5.:]
FIXTURES. April 29.-Teampull Phadraig, Aeridleacht na Bealtaine. May 28.-bMte An t>runA15,-,0.n CUf1f1AC, Co. 61tte "0Af1A, ,6.ef111::>0ACC. ll)e1te.o.m 4AU.-Aeridheacht, Killyon, Co. na Midhe. 1tlt 23.-re1r CtAnnA CAottce. C.o.1m::, Ceot, CleAf.o. lu1t, r-. rnnC'e, n.o.r.o.nnA A5tlf n.tt-06.1 eit.e. me1te.o.m 25.-mA1n1fC1f1 no, '}:'e1te, ,6.et11·6e.o.cz:.
Oireachtas, Dublin, July 31st to August 5th. 1.-Feiseanna whose dates only have been sanctioned .
May 25-Acaill. June 25-Cill Disirt. June 29-30-Boyle. July 9-Youghal. July 30-Aughrim.
11.-Feiseanna whose Syllabuses have b" sn approved by the Oireachtas Committee and whose Fixtures are fully authorised. April 22-30-Ath-Chliath. May ro-r z-c-Glascu. June 4 and 5-Ros Mhic Treoin. June 5-Feis Bhri Chualann (Bray). June 11-Dundealgan. June 11 and 12-Luimneach. June 15-16-Tralee. June 18-Rockwell College. Feis Chnuic a' Bhile. June 18-Feis na Midhe. June 25-26--Ath-Luain (Feis Uisneach). June 28 and 29-Cill Choinnigh. June 29-Port Laoighise. June 29-Enniskillen. July 2-Portlairge. July 2-Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan Feis. July 9-Castlebellingham. July 22nd and 23rd-bA1te e.o:0At11'.>.&. ,0.oAtnn -i:e1r tfr , 01 l,10 t 1.,..,..
We have them in all leathers, and all sizes and shapes at and 21/-, and every pair our own Manufacture.
14/6, 16/6, 18/6
& R. PAGE, 31 Parliament Street.
LUCAN IA BICYCLES ce,0.1111u15
The Foley Typewriter Trading Company, 25 Bachelor's Walk, Dublin.
Clerk of the Asylum.
Business-Election of ;officers, balance sheetrand rules .. Mem�ers are specially requested to be punctual. A begmners class was started on Sunday the 23rd.
G_ENTS X'&..,
"""' An�tM• �e
barrel of 280 Lbs., to be delivered at Asylum Stores, to be forwarded to Dr. Kirwan, Resident Medical Superintendent. By Order of Committee,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOTE OUR ADDRESS-
TONS Wanted at the above InstiA FEW tution ; sample, and stating price per
POHLMANN & CO., Ab!�!r��:/:;i:�1�:�d ORGANS IANOS P
DEAR SIRS, To-day I had a long bicycle ride in a drenching rain, with half a . gale of wind right ahead of me all the way, and without having had any food on the Journey. On a previous occasion when I made the same run, under favourable conditions of wind and weather, I always felt completely done up ; but f<:>r the first time in my cycling experience of a long run, I felt to-day as fresh and vigorous as when I set out. I attribute my splendid form to a couple of glasses of your " SED NA '' which I drank before starting. I had never tried it before, but have tasted everything from lemonade to my favourite "J.J.," and none of them have given anything approaching the staying power which I received from " Sedna."
not,0.tl 5,0.0TI6.l.{\C 6 5,{\Qt).{\t.
Bear the National Trade Mark
scaoit. cJnt:.d cu5.o.m .o.5us bero ct,�n re.o.s.o. .o.s.o.t: s.o.n mortt,
mu15 11U.{\TI�'O.
�n cteroeam souns. [AN CLAIDRBAIIB IOLUIL)
C.4inc n.4 C�tt'.6.C. se..mus
o '9\lt>S41 t t '00
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VIIL . SR'.df0t'ee4CC. bRt�n-ce 'e4 1r �.41'1' t1'>. Cior no eu.c1i\ ! no 1,4rmu1:s 1,.41rat sfS te.-'tU.4f, 0 c.a U b1'e.as .45.41nn, .4CC c.a r1111, .45.4m n.a bero 401n-ne .4nn .45 01, eobec. Cu11'e.4nn re crnne.4f emn opm, bRt�n.-ni -oe.4rilt't.4c so mbe.c1'0 .401n·ne 4ftn .4n t:.4C.4 ro ne'n 1,.a .4Ct: mn.c., 1r nit, .4 t.&n .c1C.4 f1l"O .45 01, COb.4C fOf. SfSte.-1r b.40.S�c n.ac f.4-0.4 so mben) .4�ur .4n fU.4-0.41' .4t:A -re 6uro .4C.4 i'.eAn.4·f61i1'.
U611' .c1sur ru1-o .41' bR1�n.-Seo, ru.4f i,t). fU1'0e.4c.&n COfU1$, 1r tnA U:S.4tln "OUl,.11& .45 foll, COb.4C ni tero fe 1'011' t1l 4:SUf .4n $�01t. t10'ftA.-b'pero1f\ .4 t'h.&t.A11', so mb'te.41':f'.4 'Ou1c no ctoc4 4 cut' .An1.c11' t.At' -oo S11.41tn10. sfS te.-nt t).c1ci.c1-o ie1r so f.011,t.. n11, .Aon f:U4CC f.4 ,S.c101t. b 1t1.().n ..-n.c1c e f'IU'O .c1n -oocct11t' .c1:s :5.41)411, t:.4t'A1l\fl ! -111 f."e4"0.¢..1' C4 t)fut1, .4 tt'141.l, .Ano1r 1 tlR)�n.-i.,ior .4:S cemc t.e1r 41l U F6 'Oelff8 4:S11r �t(D,AAt\-C re t1om :so 'f'.411) A tAn �01rie ft•.A i,u1� t.e "Q1'0�·t4.rq.a11. �fSttY.tiA� m� .c1n 1on:sn.c1'0 ft\1l ,1\S�l' An 41fflf1J\ 1)t'e.&S .At:4 .c1:s.c11t111. n()M.-�6..1c, 4 m.&t.Att', .4t1 be1f\c t).4n :f\1A�t,�, An t'Je11'c eo � l)f .45.c11nne c,4 T,e.4¢µf\�1n .4
o to1n.
. . .,. . -_..:--f:U.6.'5R�. • t1or A15' .6.0'0ATI1l'IA1n mec StteA56111 msc 11 SUl' -o'u1\, te -p6A'OA1' '.6.C Con TIA mroe, COn'OA& '001f'6, eotAf A f>e1t 11.& Ct'01f6, An cA1'0e 'n .&.n:e 1 f>-vu1\, An t:e U'O ne, comnuroe CA '9AfTIAf A15e A b'j-1u te1r an 'OU1_ne U'O • 11t:."
pOS.6.'0. 111U1ae.6.'0.6.1S .6.'5US nt .6.1C�.6.'0-.6.tt An 24-a'i> ii4b1',6n, 1911, .c15 'Ce.c1mp.c1tt an .6.mm n.c1omu, "-61.6.c 'Ce.AC f�M'0-<1 �u1t1nn, '00 p6r.c1'i> pe.c1'0.Af1 flhll1'9.6.'0AIS, 'Oomn..1c se.c1cn.c1tt, te m.c115re.-\'O 1if11) A\11 1nseAn 1r 61se '00 Com!r p. 6 h-.<\1ce.c1'0 "'611'9.6.nn) '00 c6mnu15 AS b.c11te an rhurtmn, Co. Ctt.i:. .6.n t:-.6.t. °t1Am U.c1 C.c1ti1n, Se1p., '00 p6r 1.6.'0
he Irish Smoke,
Gold Platt '' Cigartttts
Be sure to mention .AN
sfSte.-mo tt'U.4S 1.4"0 .45 f1tlt).4t n.c1 :f1';4me 4t1n µ }:n\Ot.41'"4,c fO �;5Uf fl4 C�i C:J\Cm\4 Ale.cl ump.4. b�l�l'.')-Jr 10�11c4� q.& n;�$Anp t;JfR ..111 011'('.4'0 1r rotu1�nn 4 i>fu11, �,-q$. � sfSte.-bionn r1.A-o :so t�t' .4:S b.41ttflS4-o 1r 'Oe11' f1A'D uom SU1' �5 -ou1ne, 1'011' S.4e'Oe.4t :t.r l,dt-t � 'tu'gAnn .4n eereesc '001&. nOM.--rtr !be.AS .4n 1on'5n.4'6 CU1t're 01't4 .41' te.4tc .4n c�tn61\A. bRt6.n.-f.4n .c1no1r, .4 '.atsie, cun so ru-of.41'0 .4n C41'· ttA5.4-0·f.4 ffOf 'f'Oril.411). (Sc.4-0.4nn .c1n c.at', 1r c.c15.4nn .4tt t)e11'c t)4n .c1nu.c1r.) b1u:an.-Se.Ae41n f1t') fetn .4:S re;c1�c .Anu;.,.r. c.a .4m 50 t!eot' nt 5.&'0 '0.4011) .4n -oe.4t).A'O. .c15..11�. e.a 1'4b.4m .4tto1r f SfSl.e.-tJU.411,tmff fU.4f .4n tr1'41'0·rh01' 4'f' "O'Ct11f : 1r .4nn 4t::.C. n.4 f10p.4f 1f fe.41'1'· nOM.-n.ac -oe.Ar .c1n ctoce e f1U"O, .c1 11tA't.c111'. Sfbte.-ni t.41tne.4nn .4n '0.4t trom. 'C1'615f1'0 �' t)fe1ce.dfln CU .c1n 'h.4C.4 � 'f.4 ¢41te.4rfl. u-o 1 n.ac stoon:e .4n 'h.d'C.4 e ! t>o b'te.41'1' nOM.-ni ftu .4n c-.1111':se.4-o 6. t1om-r.4 .4fl 'h.4C.4 e1te. 1r be.45 .4 t'>fU1t -o'6.4"0.41S,t'> nu.4'0.4 'r.4 t)fu1nne015, b'te1'01t' SO l'.>fU11, re 1'0-1,U.4C f.4 mbl,1.4'0.41fl f6r. sfS te.-'C6.4n.4m O"f'C ru.4r so f10p.4 n.4 cu1nne. . CA t'>fU1t C·.4t"�1t' 1 nOM.-t:.a re 't1.4'f' .4nnru'O .45 f6.4c.41nc 1ft:e.4¢ 1 f10p.4 .4n t:Ob.4C. sfSte.-bio'O .:se.41,1, so t'.>fU1t. · 1r cum.A te1r 'CUf.4 1r m1re ne1t 5.4n h.4t:.c1 5.4n Stln.4 .4¢C .An CObAC .4 l'.>e1t .415e. n OM.-f 6.Ac "1nnro, .4 m.it-'111'-" The Latest
London and Paris Fashions."
SfS te.-Cim 1"1"0, 1r ni "f'6·ri1"11t .4 C"11tne.4nn se .4n toct: 1r mo .Ac.a .45.4m cu1� .AC.A t10m. O"f't'.4 .amt.Ac, 'n.a 1.4-0 .4 l'.>e1t "f'O·'O.dot'. R�sseJl's Hair Cutting, . Shaving, and A BOUT Shampooing Saloon, 55 South Kmg Street, top
of Grafton Street, Dublin.
• Irish Ecclesiaitical Art We. �oald respectfa)ly •a88est to the Ciera,.
ad IN I.id.
of Religious Orders. the adviaability o1 .,.,... a mil .... to lhe a. ordering Church Plate. or other Art Met.I tensive establishment of llmn. h••i9' a .,...... II l'lilt Str� � 7 a I Pric,•1 Lue, .....
The 6rm employ a large std ol skilled
lrishmea pd
deaemne of appreciatioe wl..........
l)i:.\LC�ln � 6, 1911,
An Cl.o.1'0e.0.rh soun s.
May 6, 1911.
2d, 2 'zd. and 3d. Sizee,
A Chara,
I do not quite see why, as j,'OU say, �ur Irish writers should regard criticism in English with indifference, or as an impertinence. any more than Anglo-Irish writers should so .r�g�rd criticism in Irish, or English writers criticism in French. If criticisrn is competent, honest, penetrative, suggestive, it is valuable in any language. 1\-Iy own experience in �he matter is not so bad as yours. I have written some criticism of Irish work in Irish, and in the last ten years many columns of criticism of Irish work in English, generally erring, if anythin�, on the side of appreciation. I know that in several cases the Irish wri ters were grateful for what I wrote, not because I appreciated their work, but just because it is pleasant. to feel that one's thoughts and confidences strike a responsive chord in a kindred human spirit, and pleasant also to think tha1: between us, creators and critics, we are making some sort of a stir in Ireland, When any Irish book of any vitality appears I'd like to have the country ringing with it, vehemently in earnest in the discussion of it, and would be glad to find the vehemence expressing itself not alone in �ri�h, but in English, and even in the queer varieties of English that are spoken i11 some Irish places. I agree with '' Ros Failghe." We wa11:t a hundred times more Irish than we are getting. Let us have it; good, bad, middling, indifferent. Let those who have anything to say in Irish try their best; let those who are not perfect learn to write Irish in the way that Parnell learned the rules of the Westminster Parliament, by breaking them. But, by the way, who is perfect ? How many write really good Irish ? (Or good English for that matter ?) Good Irish ought to mean something worthy in matter as well as manner, but very often we find that when the work is grammatically and idiomatically faultless, or nearly so, there is not very much in it. The writers too often do not try to put anything particular i�to their work ; they are concerned more with form than substance. We want thoughts and ideas, if Irish is to live well expressed if possible; tolerably, even haltingly expressed if the writers can do no better for the time. But let us keep doing and doing any way. It is very quaint to imagine that a few grammatical mistakes on doubtful idioms are likely to ruin the Irish language. By the way, of course, not a few things in the Gaedhilg (as in other languages) now generally or universally taken as correct are really popular corruptions that in the cours.e of time came to be accepted. We are too fair-and-easy, too humdrum at present. A writer in the May number of '' An t-Eireannach '' (London Gaelic League}, says: '' Maidir le litridheacht Ghaedhilge, cuireann si i gcuimhne dham seanasal � bhothar fa'n dtuaidh ; ag dul go mall, reidh ar a shastacht, agus an tiomanaidhe 'na chodladh, an fear bocht." That writer is not far wrong. I wish that Coiste na gClodhann would rouse itself and grow a trifle revolutionary. The League generally wants shaking up over books, and thoughts and literature. It is getting sleepy in their regard. One would be more animated over cabbage stalks. The Ireland of to-day has thought, and character, and colour and irony enough for a library of literature. Some of it is well, perhaps, too interesting for publication. But there is quite a deal of it that might be all?':'ed to see the light, and would wake really living and invigorating boolzs. Mise, do chara, SLI •.\BH BLADH11.\.
More power to you, Ros Failghe. If the people who want to speak and write Irish take the purist and critics very seriously, they ,v ill make a big mistake, and one that the purists and critics themselves are not likely to make. If they never open their mouths to speak Irish or lift their pens to write it till they are wordperfect, they will never either speak or write it, and the learning of Irish will become a horror and a nightmare. My advice to them is, '' Leather away." Speak Irish as best you can, but speak it, and don't even boggle over the '' best you can." Many a one has got a broken head through watching too carefully where he put his feet. Leather away. Don't even stick for the vocabulary. If you have some technical or unusual thing to express, and that you have not the right Irish word and have the English word, ram the English word in without compunction. There is another of our numerous varieties of critics who are fond of saying that we talk Irish on special occasions, when Irish is on parade, but English when we want to talk in earnest. That is true, but the reason is that we are so cowed by pedants and grammarians that we are afraid 01· ashamed to speak inferior Irish, and it is too great a strain to be picking our steps trying to use good Irish in discussing subjects that have not been familiarized to discussion in I rish. If we thought we had leave to talk as we liked, there would be no strain. Let us take leave. If Irish speakers acted on these principles there would be ten times more Irish spoken, and that would be better· than anything the critics are likely to achieve for us. I used to see a pound subscribed in every Irish language subscription list by somebody who was content to sign himself '' Solvitur loquendo." I never saw a farthing subscribed by '' Solvitur censendo." The censor advertises himself in a different way. I would not be for muzzling the censor. Let him, too, leather away. He is right an odd time, and may do some good. But don't let him intimidate anybody. God grant we may see the day when everybody in Ireland that can't talk Irish will be trying to talk it. Then we will have lashings of bad Irish. and the country will be a paradise for the critics. Just think of the generations of bad English that have gone to establish our conquest by the Englisl1 language, and at the end o� it all, �he critics of bad Irish are able to write English that we all must envy. bts,,11,\1n11 ..\11 co1i1.01r1te ce.1'0n.o. 'DO n.1 fST1il)11e<''>1111 J';sr11ob.11u11' ..\11 $0.eu1t5 11' re.opf\ '-' t1s 1 ec), �.in .:\011 '011.0.'6 11101, 11.i ..111nf16 .o cup 011t \ l:E-111. \.\Cc 11�, t'<101t1'0it' 50 n'Oe.o.11r.o.11'.>e ,,1)t),111 te1511111 J'.:\11 Otl.J'501L 11A,11'1(1nc.o. ue'n ti11,111,1<� 1'111. 111.i1u1p te '' ueA111c.o. 1 11011111111," 'O,, '6011,,cc e, 'OeA111,\n11 1,e cc111'. }'e.o.c .111 ce.o.u j:6.;;11,, 1·111 ,\Jl ce.vo te,\t-0.11.;.c .s.n 1J,,11Je111 reo '' Fi11est Oualitv 11, be.o.pto. e 1'111 .0.511r ,_ . }lade." 111 l)(, c. 111.0. e. 11i't ci.xt.t .11, b1t .0.11n 111.11, t'.011111c, ,\::;tlJ' '(>'1-·e,,t1):,\ C1,\Ll 1J' fl<'e l),\111'('; .(\]'. '0(11L J',\ 115f'i,\Jl<'tilJ't':,\CC 116 '0(11t ,\1111 },'l'lll ,\ <'t11JtfE"01'.> IN THE MARCH OF CIVILISATION. 'Ot1111t� ,15 ce-,1r1c11::;,,u 4\ terr eroe. 11' A\01 l)11111 Some :,.·ears ago our g randrnothe-s prided themsel,·es '0,101l) ., 1i11111111ce.,1, ,,11 1i11tte,,111, �,5111' ,, corn on their ample feather beds, but now-a-days no good rt1,,,1,,t' 'oe 1,50,,t ,, t;,,1111,,1115e.,1' \'Jt111 5co1i1.0.11te housewife cares to use one of these unhealthy and not too clea nlv if luxurious articles. ..\11:,.· housekeeper ,,·ishing C01i11·:s,,,l,\C 11e,,1i1co11.;;,,11c,\C OJl,\11111 50 1111111C. to dispose of one or '!1ore fe_ather be?s could not do leatl1t>1· awav ! ' better than to communicate with the Irish Feather Co., . LE ..\ THER ..\''TA\'. Ltd., Tara Street, Dublin, who supply Curlee! Hair :\Iat-
32 P.:\ TRICK ST ..• CORK. SiJ,·er Faccon· 6 \.c\. \'LOR ST., CORK. •
nrur o.5ur
Feis Phortlairge has been fixed for June �nd. 'll1e Tramore Gaelic League has completed its collectio11 for the Language Fund. Father G,vynn, S.J., while on a visit to the Ursuline Convent, Waterford, where the Irish language is taught and Irish_ ideals fostcre<l, J)aiu a tribute to the ,vork of the Gaelic League. 'fhe Teachers' Branch of the Gaelic League, is,organising an aeridheacht mhor to be held at Mota Grainne Oige (Moate) on Sunday, May, 14th. An excursio11 train will leave the Broaclstone at 9.30 on the mornin;{ of that day. Return tickets will be issued at single fares. Several Dublin singers ha,·c been engage<!. Connradh Chlanna Chaoilte is preparing for the l�cis and Sports on July 23rd. 'fhe Feis section inclttdes twenty events. 'fhere ,vii! be �!even events in tl1e Sports section. All the prizes \VIII IJe of Irish manufacture. c::::.& m.&1re nf s,te ,e,.,.., C!�,e,.1),,-iJ :c;u 1r1uc·11i l.& n11'.i11 .¢.C,(,, .o.5ur nil fl ,e,.5 '' -out .dlllUTJJ.," The Gaelic League of Lios Ceannuir staged '' An Comhrac '' last week. The boys of Lios Ceannuir National School assisted at a concert which fo11o,ve!l the play. Sean O Murthuile, Padraig :Mac J1iarais, and M. 0 Siothchain gave Irish song'-, A concert was held in Inis Diamain un AJ)ril 23rcl. The audience was large and the }Jrogramme \Vas excellent. A lady piper, Miss McCarthy, clrc·s..,c<l i11 Celtic costume gave several selections of Irish tunc:s. The Convent s�hool-girls gave some Irish songs. lrisJ1 dances figured largely on the programme,. anc! Irisl1 singing ,vas upper�ost. S_ean O c\Iurthu1le ancl 1\n tAthair O Mordha1n spoke 1n SUJJJJ<1rt of tl1e I�eag11e at tl1e close. The annual general meeting of ('h1ll1lara C<Jiste Ceanntair \\"as held at Xaas on April ::!::lrcl. '1.he C11iste represents seven branch�s. It e�plrJys a t2�cl1cr, a111J has a Bank balance to its crecl1t of £:!4. Nine schuols are being attended to by the teacher. 'J lie Secretaries complained that great inconvenience harl been causccl by the failure of the ?\ational Boar<l to make knO\\"n the result of an examination l1eld in Jul:,,. until 1Jccembcr The \\·orkers of Baile an Bhrunaigh are n<J longer alone in their fight for Irish Irclancl in Cilldara
tresses in part or whole exchange, or purchase for cash as rnav be desired.
Gaelic League Delegation,
S01f'C'e"\l,..\C i .). 'Oeo.f'Of'(.t(\1f\ · ._\
now in course of manufacture.
R1nnC.¢.'O .o.n bdtl1u le l1,e,.5..i.1-i1 C!fCI• nd re.o.'1",411 I 5Clu.o.1n eorr U1.¢. 1Jr1mn.o.15. r111te.o.,, £r2 .0.5 5e.i.,.dtfJ .i.n CS(•1pe1l. Dd (• Cum.ir O ('OnC(•.o.n..i.tnn """ C .i)1t>o .¢.1 l t <; i;eo 1 r-
THE KING'S CUP. .t\ superb example of Irish Craftsmanship
HELP THE ENVOYS. , orne time ago an appeal was made to members of Branches. Muinteoiri Taisdil, etc ., to assist the delegates \\'110 have g1.)11e t)tlt t,1 •.\n1erica to orga11ise a11 ,1 llia Ill'C :.1111l)11gs t t 11 ' Gaels tl1ere a11d to get f 1111<ls fl)1· tl1e t'o11 ti1111,111t:1.' I and de,,elo1)n1en t of tl1e ,,·t11·k l)f t llL' l,,1clic League i11 Ireland. It ,,as clsked tl1,1t 11,1111t: and addresses of all J)erso11s- 1·1.·l,1ti\ es t)1· friends of men1be1·s, ,,·110 are i11 tl1e '.<talL'S. <111tl \\'ho are likel,, to be of a11,· ,1s ista11cc \\'l1:1tc,·c-1· ... . .. in the \\·ork tl1at is i11 l1a11d, s11c]1 as c11·g;1111s111g meetings, conce1·ts, 01· collecting fcl1· or t'o11tribt1ting to tl1e funcls sl1011lcl l1e se11 t \\'itl1c)11t dela\'. The respo11se to tl1is, 111) to tl1e J>rese11t, !1:1s been \.·ery poor indeecl. Tl1e1·e 11111st l)c l11111cl1·etls among the \\'l1ole I,eag11c 111e111be1·sl1iJ) ,,·lit> 11�\·' relatives, or ,,·110 kno\\ so111ecl11c )'<J11cle1·, \\·1tl1 ,vhom ot1r en,·o}'S co11ld get i11 to11t·l1, :.111cl ,,·l1<>St! assistance, no n1atter 110,, : :;111all. <11· i11 \\•!1,1 t direction, ,vould be ,·al11able ii1 tl1e ,·e1·)' tliffit·11lt work of organising a strange cit)'. \Ve at l1ome n1ust 1101 be ct>11te11t tt, si1111>ly look on and expect to n11cl ,, <l11de1·s \\ 01·kecl, ,, t! must thro,v our energies into tl1e missi1111 as ,,·ell, and by helping in the n1anner i11dicatecl, shall make the task before 011r delegates n111L'l1 lighter and more successful. It :'·ill_ also greatly encourage them to find tl1at tl1eir fnencls 011 tl11s side are watching their mo,·e111ents ancl C•Joperating with them. vVe, therefor<;;, : :.gai11 ask yo11 to se11d <)11 tl1ost! hames and �C.Q!"esses 11\'.IMED IAT�L Y to 'l'l1e Secretary, Gaelic League !)elegat1011, Em1net Arcade, 624 Madison Avenue, Ne,v ��·��: Our representatives also in\·ite }'OU t<J sentl them any pictures or photog1·a1)l1s of Feisea11na competitions, dancing, I)ipers, 1)ict111-es of i11dustrial exhibitions, lace workers or ]ace scl1ools, interesting pictures in connection ,vith any department of the Gaelic League, for re1)roduction in the American Press. SEND THEl\1 ALL AT ONCE. THE Al\'.IERI CAN DELEGATION COMMITTEE.
�" P'01 t11) !
I: vou want a new trap. or an old one repaired, go
Shortall Bros., 47 &. 49 Phibsboro' Road, who also build, - repair and paint Motor bodies. wind shields. and hoods. Gael support Gael. Irish material to
as far as possible used . - Tl�
ueun oe.i.11m-,:o OJ14tnn. -
All Corre pondence for J{c,·. l\J1C.HAEL O'FLA •. AGAt. and F10. ·A.· �IACC'OLL·:.,, hould be directed as abo,·e.
be.6'lX.61n� 13, 1911.
.o.n Cl.6.1DeAti1 sotuis.
May r 3. 19u.
KELTIC SOJ\P • �� v�
2d, 2�d. and 3d. Sizes.
the fund from now on (provided always, of course, that if some Carnegie begins flooding the fund with sovereigns, they can withdraw their offer). This ought to make sympathisers give generously, as every penny they put in, is, as it were, two pence." The London League is also arranging special and attractive summer classes, while the popular seilgi will be educative as well as entertaining in genuinely Irish style and spirit. By way of a further link with Eire the editor of the League's monthly organ, " An t-Eireannach," asks returned London Gaels to send him notes in Irish or English on home happenings and developments in which they are concerned. The notes can be sent to him at the Gaelic League Office, 77. Fleet Street, London, E.C., and if received by the zoth of any month, will be in time for the succeeding issue. Their views on AN CLAIDHEAMH's ideal of the Feiseanna would be particularly welcome for the June number.
II. FOR SCHOOLS UNDER TWO TEACHERS. READI?\G. Irish.-GROUP ONE.-Infants and First. (a) Conversational lessons by means of pictures, objects, or jointed figures. (b) To read easy sentences from B.B. (c) To read from a suitable Irish Primer. English.-(a) Conversational lessons on the Direct Method by means of pictures, objects, or jointed figures. (b) To read easy words and phrases from B.B. (c) To read from a suitable English primer. GROUP Two (Standards II. and III.) Irish.-(a) To read an easy Irish text in which aspiration and eclipsis are introduced. (b) To recite a poem or dan of about 30 lines. English.-(a) To read with correctness and ,intelligence from a suitable type of Second Reader. (b) To recite about 30 lines of suitable poetry. Spelling.-Oral spelling should be practised in Irish and English in Groups One and Two. GROUP THREE (Standards IV., V., VI., etc.) Irish.-(a) To read about 70 pages of a suitable Irish Reader. (b) To tell a local Fenian tale or recite a poem or dan of about 60 lines. English.-(a) To read with c<?rrectness a_nd intelligence the lessons of a suitable English reader of about 4th Standard difficulty. (b) A suitable story reader should be used. (c) To recite about 50 lines of suitable poetry. GRAMMAR. GROUP THREE (Standards IV., V., VI., etc.) Irish.-(a) The gender of nouns and pronouns. Wooden Bedsteads are both cheap and artistic, and with a good wire mattress they are just as clean and healthy as a brass OT iron one. The Kilkenny Woodworkers have a large variety at all prices in their Dublin Showrooms.
n o c.e, n. �n not.6.n is the
upto-date and progressive cycle house at 84 Pore c.,01th:;;;111 ("Camden'' Sr.), .._\i:: CtMi::, It is the Depot exclusively for 2 makes of bicycle, the .. LUCA.NIA'• and the '' P I ER C E. " These bicycles ar= really MADE IN IRELAND and MADE FOR IRELAND. They a e superior to foreignm 1de machines, though n • dearer in price, and the purchaser of a "LUCAN IA'' or "PIERCE·· proves not only his PATRIOTISM but also his COMMONSENSE.
'\+ lJOtU::
C '"\0111151 n, "\t
CU �\"t,
(b) The genitive and dative cases of nouns and the changes of the qualifying adjective. (c) To distinguish present, past, and future tenses in reader used. ( d) Easy analysis ; to know the parts of speech in an ordinary sentence taken from the reader. English.-(a) Easy analysis : to know parts of speech in an ordinary sentence taken from the reader. (b) Correction of local vulgarisms.
I �
COMPOSITION. GROUP ONE (Standards Infants and First). (a) A series of language lessons in the '' second language '' on Direct Method should be given. (b) Conversational lessons by means of pictures and objects should be given in the '' mother tongue.'' GROUP Two (Standards II. and III.) (a) Action Lessons. To answer orally simple questions on actions performed during the lesson in the '' second language.'' (b) To form sentences about the pictures and incidents contained in the reading lesson in the '' mother tongue.'' . (c) To write easy sentences in English or Irish about pictures or objects placed before the class (words or headings to be written on B.B. as an aid). GROUP THREE (Standards IV., V., VI., etc.) (a) To write a short de.cription of familiar objects. (b) Letterwri ting. (c) Where Irish folk lore still lives t�e children should be encouraged to collect it. This may be made the subject of Composition Exercsies. WRITING. As in Two-Teacher Schools. HISTORY. GROUP Two (Standards II. and III.) A series of historical incidents in which famous Irishmen have figured. These should be related in narrative form, and should, if possible, deal with the selected period of Irish history. GROUP THREE (Standards IV., V., VI., etc.) (a) A selected period of Irish history (to be varied from year to year). (b) A sketch of the live of two leading men from the period chosen. (c) A short Irish text such as Micheal Breathnach's " Stair na hEireann," should be read. ARITHMETIC. GROUP ONE (Standards Infants and First). (a) Composition of numbers up to 15. (b) Numeration and notation to 3 places. (c) Addition and subtraction tables up to ro. (d) Easy problems in addition and subtraction (to be illustrated by objects or rough diagrams). GROUP Two (Standards II. and III.) (a) Numeration and notation up to and including 6 places. (b) The multiplication and pence tables. ( c) Easy exercises involving a knowledge of the subdivisions of a £r. (d) The simple rules. (e) Easy mental exercises on marketing transactions on money tables learned. GROUP THREE (Standards IV., V., VI., etc.) (a) Tables in common use-money avoirdupois, long and square measure, time and capacity. (b) Compound rules and reduction. (c) Shop bills and farming and household transactions. ( d) Unitary method and simple proportion, simple interest and easy vulgar fractions and decimals. (e) Easy practical exercises in mentai arithmetic based on transactions at fairs. (f) An intelligent knowledge of calculating the areas of rectangles and hence of triangles and the working of exercises from the pupils' own measurements. Russell's
Cutting, Shaving, and King Street, top
Shampooing Saloon, 55 South ABOCT
of Grafton Street, Dublin.
PHIBSBORO' CARRIAGE WORKS. .6..11 So1rn::e-0.t,0,c 1
,o. �0.et>1 t rt) !
If you want a new trap, or an old one repaired, go to Shortall Bros., 47 8l. 49 Phibsboro'
Road, who also build, repair and paint Motor
bodies, wind shields, and hoods.
Gael support Gael. Irish material as far as possible used. - n..;, ueun ue...\f1m...\'O Of1dtnn. -
ANNUAL MEETING OF DAIL ULADH. The annual general meeting of Dail Uladh was held at the Criterion Hotel, Derry, on -lth Mav. The President, Rev. M. Maguire, P.P., Kilskerr y; occupied the chair. Also present :-1\Ionsignor O'Dohcrt.y, P.P., V.F., Omagh; Rev. P. Magill, P.P., Coleraine ; Rev. M. O'Mullan, C.C., Claudy ; Rev. ] . O'Dohcrty, C.C., Derry; Miss MacNeill , Cushendun ; Miss Gough, Coleraine; Miss A. O'Doherty, XT., \Vatersick, Derry; Miss M. O'Dohertny and Miss S. O'Doherty N.T.'s, Derry; Mrs. Doyle, Belfast ; Messrs, ] . K. O'Doherty, Derry; :M. Y. O'Xolan, Strabane; H. O'Duffy, G.L. Organiser; Conn O'Friel, Derry; J. Magill, "Derry People," and P. 0 Ceallaigh, Secretary, Coalisland. Apologies for non-attendance were received from Miss O'Farrelly, Miss Barry, Monaghan ; Rev. J. Quin, C.C., Dundalk; Miss Alice Milligan, Miss McDonnell, Newry; Rev. J. Mc Kenna, C.C., Park ; Rev. B. Maguire, C.C., Ballybay ; Mr. Carl Hardebeck, Mr. Louis Smyth, Magherafelt; Mr. O'Doherty, N.T., Burtonport; Mr. A. O'Doherty, N.T., Annagry; Rev. H. Tohall, C.C., Dundalk ; Mr. F. O'Du11y, Monaghan ; Rev. P. McEvoy, C.C., Lurgan ; F. _I. Bigger, Miss Dobbs, Glenariff ; Rev. R. Fullerton, C.C., Belfast; Rev. A. Campbell, C.C.� Malin, wrote expressing heartiest good wishes for the success of the Dail.and enlcosing £1 as subscription. Miss Milligan wrot c regarding a proposed Feis or entertainment for the benefit of the Irish speakers at the coming hiring fair at Omagh. After some discussion in which Monsignor O 'Doherty, Mr. O'Duffy and Mr. O'Nolan gave their views, it was decided that more good might result if Miss Milligan would assist in the organising of the North and Mid. The Secretary was Tyrone Irish-speaking districts. instructed to write and request her assistance in this work. The Annual Report was then read by the Secretary. It was considered satisfactory, and its publication was ordered in the College Prospectus and in the A Statement of press where it will appear later. Accounts prepared and audited by Messrs. W. ] . Hanna & Co., Chartered Accountants, Belfast, was submitted, showing a good balance at Bank at 31st March. The Treasurer explained that this balance would be required to meet the expenses of publication work at present in hands and including the following books :-Cloch Ceannfhaolaidh (new and'enlarged edition S. 0 Searcaigh) ; Eachtra Aodha Ruaidh (P. T. McGinley) ; Bruidhean Chaorthainn (Ulster version, by H. Morris) ; and a large volume of Ulster poetry Warm thanks were tendered to those (H. Morris). who had contributed to the funds of the Dail, especially to the priests of Ulster who had most generous] y the collections held at the various supported diocesan retreats during last year, and to the ladies who had organised a very successful Aonach in Belfast. The financial statement was passed. Mr. O'Duffy gave an account of the work being done for the organisation of the Irish-speaking districts of Glenally, Gartin, and Greencastle, where an Insh teacher is already at work, and where the people are taking up the movement with a whole-hearted enthusiasm that gives high promise of success. He considered that with a fair amount of attention this locality should in a very short .time become as Irish as Cloghaneely. A discussion on the Clar for the approaching session at Colaisde Cholmcille took place and some slight changes were made. The following is the programme of texts as final] y arranged :-Junior Class, (1) Modh Direach, Pt. Il., (Ulster edition) ; (2) Greann na Gaedhilge, Pt. VJ. Middle Class, Modh Direach, Pt. III ; (2) An Cruinnealoidhe ; (3) Half of Donnbo. Senior Class, (I) Cloch Cheannfhaolaidh ; (2) Amhrain Sheaghain Ui Neachtain; (3) Bruidhean Chaorthainn (Dail Uladh edition). A motion by Miss O'Farrelly to amend the constitution of the College Committee so as to make it more representative was discussed at some length. It was finally decided to add to it one representative of the students attending the College and one of the· certificate holders. The constitution of Dail Uladh was revised and some slight alterations made. A proposal from Craobh Cholmcille, Doire, was put forward by Mr. ] . K. O'Doherty its object being the unification of the work of the Ulster branches affiliated with Dail Uladh and the grading and co-ordinating of the study of Irish in Ulster generally. The main features of the scheme are a uniform prozrarnme ()f work and texts to be drawn up by he Dail for 1}1,:: ( winter work of the branches, a system of examinations at the end of the session, the awardinz of cert-ficates to those students attaining to the variou� degrees of proficiency prescribed, and the utilisation of those teachers who have been trained at Cloghanecly to assist those who are unable to attend the College. The proposal was seconded by Father ()'Doherty and passed unanimously. ' A resolution urging the Gaelic League to appoint another. (?rganiser for lJls!er was passed unanimously. An additional grant of £., was, on the application of Miss Gough, voted to the Rathlin Fund. The election J of officers was then proceeded with. On the morion of Father O'Mullan, seconded by Mr. O'Duffy, rather Matt. Maguire was unanimously re-appointed President of Dail Uladh ; the former Vice-Presidents were re-appointed ; Miss Mac Neill was re-elected Treasurer, and Mr. O'Kelly, Secretary, and the county and district representatives chosen. A vote of thanks to the Proprietor of the Criterion for kindly giving the use of the room for the meetin.r, was passed unanimously. //'
Gaelic League Delegation, ARCADE, 624 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK.
All Correspondence for Rev. l\IJCHAEL O'FLANAGAN and FrOXAN !\L\.cCOLL"M, should be directed as above.
p..3."OR.6.15 6
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be�tc.1me 20, 1911.
May zo,
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C,6.01 t.ce 110. Ro.11n .o.5us ,<\ CU1"0 C,6.11HH:-e. 'C.&1m com 1105 ..15ur com 11.c.ef'e.6.c te 5.0.ttftin "Oe1c mbt1.o.'6n.o. rrroru. 'C.& mo cporoe ...,5 p-peab.c.'O te ne.6.f'C .&t.o.1r .c.5t1f b"f\01'0 ..1"5tlf CJ .6.rYl"f'-<\TI .6.0101nTI .<\ 5.o.o.i1t .0.5.0.m C6m pum neamatt, te r-rnott.In .c.r c-r.0.010. ,0.5t1r 'ct115e nz c mbe.o.1'.> COfP.6.C oprn 1 11.c.t bpurt. re f'.61'6Ce .c.5 cait.in! 'Oe.o.r.o. ce.6n.c.ri1t.o. .o.511r bt1.o.c.o.1tU 'Oitre n o 11e1T'e.o.nn 015e 5t1f'b e Caortze n.o 1{.(\nn .c.n re.o.r 1f 5teo1'6ce 1f ne.c.c.o. .o.5ur 1f ·oe1re .6.f' 1'.>rmm .c.n "001i1.c.1n 1 ''Cu15e nae mnez'o .&t.ar A5Uf e1r15e 1 n-.&1f''Oe opm 1 le151'6 .(\TI .6.1fCe "00 1:'.>U.t.1'0 .<\n Ct..1.d"O '01..1..i1f .o.5t1f .c.n 'O.&n '00 1:'.>U.<.\1'0 .(\n 'OAf'.6. 'Ot1.6.1f 1 5com6f\CAf n c fe.6.CCm.o.me reo ; Le1.51'6 M'O, .6. te15teo1r1 cpio nna (\11 Cl,6.1D1ti1 .o.5ur rn una rnbero ea'O .o.n 'Oom.o.m or.o.1l'.>, ni t.& ror e. 'Ci-l,<,\C'C-6.S � R" C(\01 tee 11,6. R<.\1111." -6 5 te15e.o.1'.> ,0.11 c l,J. 1 '0e,0.1i1 sot u ts -oom i.s, 'O'or5t.o.r tec.t.o.n.o.c, .6.5Uf '00 C.6.f.6.'0 comojicej O"f'm · " re n.o. bun. . , .Se .o.n .t.5ur "c,.6.011.Ce TI.6. ""' n,o.nn comorc.o.r .o. t>i .c.nn n.& cup t,c Line 'O't11,1ue.o.cc '00 cumeo, .o.5ur l'.>1 'Ot1.<\1r te r.o.5&1t .0.5 .6.n CC .6. cumpe,o n.o. t.incroe 'Oo b'te.o.ttt'· 'Oo Ct11fle.o.r .o.n p.&1pe.6.'f\ U.6.1m, .6.$t1r ft11'0e.6.f .o.tt re.6.1'.> c.o.m.6.1tt .0.5 maccnem t.iom rem .&'f' .o.n crL15e 'n.o. tl.0.10 .o.n :$.o.e1'.>1t5 .0.5 'Out cun c1r111, .6.5Uf .6.'f' nc '0.6.01111l'.> .6.C.& .6."5 Ob.6.1'f' 50 '0.61'f'l'f\11J n.o. c.o.o t>. 'Oo tt1t .1111m ne.o.c.o. m6tt.&n '0-<.\ome C'f'e m'.o.15ne, .o.511r, 5.0.n '0.6.l'.>C, fU.6.1'f' .o.mm " Caou.ce n.o. n.o.n11 " .&1C o nopac 1me.o.r5 n.o. nammneac i1'0. 111 tt.o.1l'.> proc te 'Oe.o.n.o.ti1 .0.5.0.m .c.11 t.& (1'0, m6.t' t.& r.o.01tte .o. b'e.o.'6 e, .o.5ur nt1.6.1p 'Oo t.&m15 .<\mm "c .o.01tce n.o. Rann·,, 1rce.o.c rm ' .o.15ne, 'Out>.o.1ttc t.iorn rem : " n, te.o.n.o.tt c.vo e ,rn rottr r1tt e ? " 'Oo 1'.>un.o.r mo ft11te .o.5ur ni 'f'.6.10 rm.o.ome.o.1'.> eite 1m'.o.1511e .6.'f' re.o.'6 C. .6.CC Caoit.re rem. 'Oo ce.o.p.o.r 5U'f' fe.o.r re or mo cOtn.6.1'f' .o.m.6.c .o.5ur 5t1ttt>' e .c.n re.o.tt '00 b'.&1tne 1 ne1r\1nn e. 111t1m .&b6.tc.o. .o.-p tu.o.1tt1r5 .o. t.o. o.o.1ttc .o.tt 1'.>e1re.o.cc .6. pe.o.ttr.o.n, fr'.6.t' 1r '066.o. 11"1-f' t'>fe1'01'f\ te c.o.1Un n.& fU1t 'f\6-1'.>e.o.r 1nnce re111, Ct1nnc..1r .6. i::.6.t'.>.6.1'f'C .6.p t>e1re.o.cc 'O.o.orne e1te. t:>, btton ottm n.& -r.0.10 1m' CUm.6.f C61il'f'.i'0.6. t>e1t .0.5.0.m te1r, m.6.'f\ '00 con n.o.c 'n.o. .'.> 5ut' re.o.tt e 'n.o. 'f'.6.1 o .o.15ne '001mm, .l\5ur n1 re.o.c.o.111c 1'.>ottc.o. .(\ l'.>1 .o.tt .o. ce.o.nn.&c.o.1l'.>, .6.cc l'.>1 5111-ur c.o.om cme.&tc.o. ti1umnce.o.tt1'.>.o. .6.1'f'. j fe"'t' tutriMt' b'e.o.1'.> e, .o. 'O'te.a'Or.o.u mott.&n m.o.1te.o.r.o. 'Oo t>e.o.n.o.m >oo tte1tt 'Oe.o.tttt.o.1m ; .65ur .o.nnro111, 'OU1J.6.1'f'C t10m fe-111 : "11.J. ru1t re .0.5 'Oe.o.n.o.m 01btte r1tt-m.o.1tto1t:e-ce.o.'O '.6.'f' ron n.o. 5.o.�1'.>1t5e, .o.5ur .o. l'.>e1t .0.5 c.o.o.o.1ttc n.c. 11'0u.o.1reann.o. u'O 'Oo p.&1rc1t> n.o. 11e1tte.o.nn. Sm i .0.11 · crt15e 1r re.o.ttt' cun .o.n 5.o.e'61t5 'O' .6.1i::l'.>eoc.o.rnc, m.o.tt nu.o.1r 01onn n.o. te.o.nl'.>.0.1 r1ott-:S.o.et>e.o.t.o.c be1'6 r1t' .o.5ur mn.& n.o. l1.6.1mf1tte .l\C.& te Ce.6.CC fU1me.o.1il.o.1t 1 'OCe.0.115.0.n .6.'f' 'Ot:itte fem. 5.o.n 'O.o.l'.>c .6.'f' 'Oom.o.n, c.& eot.o.r m.o.rt .0.5 C.o.01tce .o.p connur cornu:5.0.1'.> 'Oo t>e.o.n.o.m .o.tt .o.n ob.6.1'f'. Cottrt115e.o.11n re fU.6.f 5p.&1'.> n.o. 5.o.e1'.>1t5e 1 5C'f\01'0t10 11.6. bp.&1fC1 .o.5ur t:.1 t1or .6.15e 50 mbe11'.> .o.n bu.o.1'.> .o.15e .o.nnrom. 'C.& .o.1tne .0.5.0.m .6.'f' 'Od01111l'.> e15m, .o.5ur t.6.t>.o.ttr.o.1'01r l'Oe f.le1t 'Ou1c m.o.p.o. mbe.o.1'.> .o.n $.o.et>1t5 50 bt.o.rc.l\ .0.5.0.r.:-, .o.5ur 1 11-1011.0.'0 5'f'.&'6 .l\'f\ .o.n 'Ot:e.o.n5.o.n >oo 5t'foru5.o.1'.> 1onn.o.c, 1r .o.mt.0.11'.> .c. 6U1'f'f1'01f A te1te1'0 f111 'O'te1tt5 ore, n.& 'Oe.o.nr.& 1.6.'f''f'.6.Ct: .6.'f'_ toc..1.t 5'.o.e1'.>1t5e 'Oo t.o.t'.M1'f'C teo 50 b'f\.dt Af\1r. l)f or '01'f'e.6.c .0.5 CU'f' mo 1JU11'.>e.o.c.o.1r te '()1.o., .6.f\ .c. ;·on 50 tt.o.1l'.> 'O.o.ome m.o.r C.o.01tce 11.0. 1-l.o.nn .0.5.0.mn, nU.6.1'f' '00 5t.o.OU.d'O O'f'm, .o.5ur '00 te1me.o.r ru.o.r 5.0.n .o. 'f'.&1'.> .o.n 01tte.o.'O 1r "St.&n te.c.c, .o. C.o.01tce." m,0.15ne,0.u n1 ,0.nnn-0.c.J.1n, (.-0.01f I6t btM'On.6..)
" c,0. o 1 tc e n -rto.11 n." Se.o.n-te.o.tt 5tto11'.>e 1re.o.1'.> C.o.01tce n.o. llcinn 1r t.<.\1'01'f' .6. Cf'01'0e 51'0 5U'f' 1.1.6.t A ce.o.nn ' -<itt 1TI.{\t.6.1'f' e1tte 'ri d l'.>e.o.n . , 's p.&1;o1 '01tre n.c. 11�1tte.c.nn .A 61Ann. -��e11' .a'r me 1mo te.c.b.6.1'0 te-111, t".0.11115 .a1115e.o.t .<.\tt11n11 r� mo 1'.>em · ,(\ .'6 .0.5 ro1ttr1t1 m.c.tt A11 n5re1� ,0.6 C.6. 'Oc15 L1om C'f\.&cc .6.t' ..6. r5e1ri1 'r
A:N CL.AIDHE.AMH deserve your
'Ou l'.>.J.1t'C re t1orn 50 'f'.6.11'1 . _\ i::-pMtt 0 1J.o.1te ,.__\t.J. Ct1.J.t th\ 115df'-'Oe...,t r>r101, l1FMt: '.S 50 l'.>r6.C..1 re (' .6.01LCe .0-5 ObA1f\ 50 '(>16.11 -0.1, ron 11.6. l1�1re.o.nn .d'f' nor n.o. t'>f1 ...,nn. o.5t1f >o'mn1r re, f6fC".o., 1'.>.o.til m.o.t\ ttun, llt-c mtie1'6 e1re r.o.or 50 t.& .6.tl ltt.6.111, mu11.o. t.o.1).o.'f'C.J.t' .0.11 $.o.et>1t5 01nn :so bt1 . .,n 1 n-1n1r f.&1t n.1 11.o.otii 'r n.o. Su.o.'6. " 's .o. p.&>or.0.15," .o.tt re .o.1111rm, 1'm ctt1..1.1r, le.o.n C.o.01tce n.o. R.o.n11 50 b.&r n6 btM1'6, "511'.> t1.o.t A ce.c.nn .o.5ur b.6.11 .l\ 5nU1f 1r 65 A m1r11e.6.C .o.'r .6. rcu.11m." llua1r .o. l'.>f .o.n c-.o.m5e.o.t ..1s 1mte.o.cr tta1m "tu5 re cor.o.mt.o.cc C.6.01tr;e 'O.o.ri1 "-\ te.o.ro5 o<in .o.'r .6. 1"i11te '0011n ,0. e.a'0.6.11 b.&n .o.'r ce.o.nn t1.o.i:: crom'. co1tte,J.>O, P"-'-'On,(\1.t,
S501t te5t1r, b.c.1te .o.n 1ttti111115, Co. fe.o.tt mon.oc. 111 'Oe1p1m 50 l)f.U1t .o.n Ce.6..'f'C .6.5 m.o.15fV�.6.'0 116 �5 p.&'Or.0.15 n6 .0.5 11A 'O.o.tc..11 e1te 'OO c1..11r cunn{;.o.1r1 1rce.o.c. b'te1>o1tt 50 5c111-rr1t> me 510c.<\1 e1te 1 'Ot:.0.010 " C..101tce n.o. 1l.1nn " 1 5ct61'.> re.o.6C1il.o.m e-15111 ft1t 1 1JF.6.'0 ntl6.1f' .6. tJe1t> rt15e 50 teott .0.5.0.m. "C.& mo-r.<\n >oiot'> .0.5.0.m .o.nnro .o.5ur 1.6.'U 50 te1r 50 'Oe.o.r. 50 r.01l'.> mite m.o.1t .o.5a10, .6. 1'.>.o.tc.0.1 1'.>ftre mo 6tto1·oe ! 0-11 com onr,0.s. ,0.11 ,0.1s-ce 1s re,0.nn. 0n "c,0.01tce n.o. n...o..n11." lUC'C lJU,6.1U'Ce 11-<.\ nDU,<.\ 1se,0.1111. ,0.11 ce�'D uu,0.1s-m.o.15 ne,(\u 111 <-\nnlu.\C-d 111, b.&tttt ,6.c.o.1'.> .o.n 1:')1te, ,0.n S510b.o.1r111. (mo C''f'e.6.C ! r111 e .6.11 S510b.6.1'f\1n .<\5 r:s1ob.6.'0 C.o.'O .6. t>e.o.nr.0.1'6 me te te.o.l'.>.6.lf' e1te U.61m ! mumnc1tt n.o. 11.&1ee rm 1-n .0.011 cot' ?) 'Ou,0.1s 6 spe1s1,0. tco. -- pl:on<.\ 15 co1 t te�u, S501t fe:st1r P}, b.o.1te .6.11 1ttri111115, Co te.o.tt mon.o.c. -<in'O-rhot,0.'()-seum.o.r 6 me.o.c.o.1tt, e1l'.>Ur llf et'Ott1rceo1t, f.).&'Ott.0.15 65 6 Ce.o.tt.0.15, C.&1eUn 111 Cutt.&111, e1ur 111 'Oont15.o.t.o.15, Un.o. tH Ct>t.o.r.0.15, 'Com ...,r 6 bttorn, m.&1tte Un.o. 11i 5'f'.6'0.o.15, pe.o.'O.o.tt De f �o1ce .o.5ur m.&1tte n1 Co1tte.o.t> . corhn.Ju. 'C.& be.6.'f'C m6t' 'Oe t1C'f'e.6.C.6. .0.5.6.m .o.n11ro 6 '0.6.tC.6.10 nu.o. .o.5ur 6 f'e.o.n-1'.>.o.tt:.6.10 .o.c 111 f\?1'01f' l.10m 51oc.o.1 .o.rc.o. 'Oo cut' 1 5cto1'.> 50 ce.0.1111 re.c.ccm.o.me 116 '66 e1te. 'C.& t1or a5 n.o. 'O.o.tr:.o.11J re111 ce .o.n rJt 11.0.c re1'01t' t10m l'.>e1t .0.5 c.o.1nm:: teo com mm1c A'r b.6. m1.o.n t10m .o.5ur 111 oe-1'6 r1o.'f\ re.o.'f\5.6.c cu5.o.m. be11'.> t.& e1te �5�C.o.01tce .6.5ur , .c.5 " e1tte 05." com 6nc,0.s ntt<-\ .
Our competitions have been all rather drfficult of late, but this week's contest is one in which the boys and girls who are only a shi)rt time studying the language can compete with their comrades in the Gaedhealtacht. A prize will be given for the n10st neatly-written correction of the following sin1ple sentences :I.
'C.& 'C.& ,6.n ,0.n ,6.n "C.i
me 5'.o.e1'.>e.o.t. re t.& btte�5. l'.>1 CU .6.5 CO'Ot.6.'0 1 e rm te.o. fM'f\ 1 conn.o.1c cu Se-.o.mur 1 cu r.&1tce .
4· 5. 6. The competition is open to all 1ne1nbers of '' e1tte 05," and the usual rules are to be observed. All letters 1nust reach me ON OR BEFORE FRIDAY, JUNE 3rd. Be sure to state your age. All letters to be addressed,..
C,6. 01 tee 11,0. n..-0.n11, 01p5 ,0.11 ct,0.1>t'J1ti1 so tu1s, 25 Ce.c.rno5 1luct.o.m11, ,&i::.6. c L1 .6. t.
c l.6J'6 e '° m. be,0. lc,0.1ne 20, 1911.
Do they receive it ? '
An ct.o.1ue,(\rh sotuis,
be-.<1 tc6.'rne 20, 1911. May
20, I9I r.
[ A�
be.o. t-c.o. 1r1 e 20, 1911.
: A RACE, like an individual member of it is The compelling susceptible to vagrancy. causes m both cases are often similar. Ignorance, poverty, and the loss of character which often follows social ostracism, drive men outside the. ranks of their independent fellows, and de:pnve them of all ambition, and of pride of family ?r race. A nation deprived of its land, f?r�1dde� the exercise of the political and religious nghts that are dear to it and subjected to. the rigour of laws that prohibit the use of 1 ts . la�guage, the conducting of schools, the cultivation of arts, and the practice of industry, stands in danger of being driven on to the highways of the world. Mrs. Green in the review of Irish history which she has given us in a small volume, entitled "Irish Nationality," sees one purpose running through the history of Ireland for the seven centuries succeeding the English invasion, viz., the determination of the English to make vagrants of the Irish people. The greatest marvel of our history is the endurance of the race. The land was taken gradually until only one-fiftieth of Ireland was left in possession of the Gaels. They were forbidden to live within towns. The Brehon law which gave justice to all men, and which all men obeyed, was abolished. "Chiefs were made to draw and carry, to abase them from their tribes. Poets and historians were slaughtered and their books and genealogies burned, so that no man might know his own grandfather, and all Irishmen confounded in the same ignorance and abasement, all glories gone, and all rights lost. The great object of the government was to destroy the whole tradition, wipe out the Gaelic memories and begin a new English life." Half the population was wiped out in the seventeenth century, industries were systematically destroyed, and religion was made the excuse for laws that gave sanction to the destruction of property, life and civilisation. Yet the Irish did not go. They refused to forget their history or to give up their language, and it is to show how faithful our fathers had been to their racial and national heritage that Mrs. Green has written this excellent book. In the preface to another book she wrote :-" In no other country in the world has it been supposed the historians' business to seek out every -element of political instability, every trace of private disorder, every act of personal violence, every foreign slander, and out of these alone, neglecting all indications of industry or virtue, to depict a national life." Mrs. Green employs a different method. In this small volume she had space only to review our history, and she uses such an abundance of facts to illustrate her case that her work is more informing than many formal histories of greater size. Her purpose in all that she writes about Ireland is to recall to the �en and women of to-day the memory of the industry, the learning, the culture, and the achievements of people of Ireland back to the To forget that beginnings of our history. history would involve the loss of our nationality, and Ireland's greatest danger to-day is that her people stand largely indifferent to nationality. Mrs. Green refers to the Gaelic League as the greatest educator of the people since Thomas Davis. Her book, if used in every Gaelic
.6.ettroe.o.cc.o.nn.o. 1 f eirecnne, FETES, BAZAARS, & CAMPING-OUT.
'9 & 10 CHANCERY ST.,
(Formerly Pill Lane,)
Wholesale onl;• fiom-
League class, will help us more than any other book in English to give the people the noble purpose of recreating a Gaelic nation. It will make us eager to know of the good men and women of every age who helped by their industry and genius and their passionate patriotism to make Ireland and the world the richer for their presence. The knowledge that Irishmen of learning continually aimed at making culture democratic and national, will give us of the Gaelic League who are snatching the remains of the Irish language and literature from the lips of the men of the fields and the seashore, courage to go on with our work. To read of the vitality of Gaelic civilisation, which Mrs. Green emphasises in almost every chapter, will give us reason to hope that it is not beyond redemption. There was a great Gaelic revival after the Danish wars. "By their social system the intellectual treasures of the race had been distributed among the whole people, and committed to their care. And the Irish tribes had proved worthy They had guardians of the national faith. known how to profit by the material skill and knowledge of the Danes. . . . In outward and material civilisation they accepted the latest Scandanavian methods. . . . But in what the Germans called culture-in the ordering of society and law, of life and thought, the Irish never abandoned their national loyalty.'' Another revival followed the invasion of the ,, The cause of the revival lay in Normans. the rich national civilisation which the Irish genius had built up, strong in its courageous democracy, in its broad sympathies, in its widespread culture, in its freedom, and in its humanities. So long as the Irish language preserved to the people their old culture, they 'never failed to absorb into their life every people that came among them." We are in the midst of another revival to-day and success must depend on the extent to which we can give national consciousness to those of our people who are strangers to the Gaelic tradition. The Dane and the Gael united after generations of war and enmity. The Normans failed in their loyalty to the land from which they came to Ireland. " The most ferocious laws could not wholly destroy the kindly influences of Ireland," and the new race became as Gaelic as the old. A Desmond who was afterwards beheaded, set up a school for all Ireland at Droichead Atha. Half the famous library of Kildare was composed of Irish books. The use of Irish became universal. Both peoples used translations into Irish of Latin books. Irish invaded the Parliament of the Pale. Why should we despair of uniting the people of twentiethcentury Ireland in a brotherhood of patriotism to give their nation industry and culture, and the strength that comes from the pursuit of a common national purpose? It is inevitable that all who live in Ireland, and are of her, love her, but their ignorance of her history leaves them unprepared unitedly to work for her advancement. The members of each creed, of each class, of each profession, of each trade, think alike, and frequently take common action, but those who think for Ireland and work for her are too few. To most men of this generation their country's past is almost unknown. Our fathers and,grandfathers who spoke Irish had in their language a treasury of history and literature. English is not a language that enshrines a democratic culture, and in Ireland it has been employed to root out culture, and the memory of a heroic past which " An Irish nation of a double race will not fear to look back on." English keeps us divided. English civilisation leaves both races without any bond to unite them to each other, or to the land they own. " The tradition of a national life created by the Irish has ever been a link of fellowship between classes, races, and religions.'' Bishop Bedell was a lover of the
Irish .language , In the war of 1641 his person and property were protected by the Irish and when he died chieftains of the Gael fired volleys in homage, over his grave. ' This book is n�t � formal history, but it recalls an array of incidents and facts on which every reader should ponder. The account and defence of the Irish conception of a state surpasses everything that has been written on the same subject. "The forces of union [in Gaelic Irela;1d] were not material but spiritual, and the h�e of the P.eo�le c.o�sisted_ 1:ot in �ts military cohesion, but in its joint spiritual inheritance -in the union of those who shared, the same tradition, the sall?-e glorious memory of heroes, the same unquestioned law and the same pride of literature." We read of the "large statesmanship, the lofty genius," of Columcille and of his "passionate and poetic temperament that filled men with awe and reverence." He was never idle and he copied with his hand 300 books. Columbanus who was scornful of ease and indifferent to danger was " a stern ascetic aflame with religious passion, a fine scholar;" wh� brought from Ireland "a knowledge of Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, of rhetoric, geometry, and poetry, and a fine taste. '' Duns Scotus won European fame. Irish artists have never been surpassed in certain kinds of work. Irish metal and stone :-"ork�rs have le!t enduring monuments to their skill and genius. Irish demanded sacrifices in every genera�atriotisll?tion. Bnan, when he had destroyed the military power of the Danes, sent scholars oversea to purchase books for his schools. The exiled Franciscans resolved that " the memory of the glorious deeds of their ancestors should not be consigned to the same earth that covered the bodies of her children." O'Flaherty who was a banished man within the bounds of his patrimony, still wrote of the glories of his country. Keating wrote his history when " on his keeping." The early " Wild Geese " whose "capacity and courage " brought them to grief, rose to positions of power and honour in every European state. " We may ask whether in the history of the world there was cast _out of any country �uch genius, learning ?'nd industry, as the English flung, as it were, m to the sea." The writer's hopeful and courageous spirit is as admirable as her wonderful method. Irish nationality is not for her a thing of the dead past. "It lives in the hearts of men who see in Ireland a ground made sacred by the rare intensity of human life over every inch of it, one of the richest possessions that has ever been bequeathed by the people of any land whatever to the successors and inheritors of their name."
The " National "Commissioners. The Government Boards of this country in spite of whose concern for us we manage to live, were devised by a number of observant rulers for the purpose of entertaining one section of our people and of distracting the attention of another from things which it might not be well for �ts members to contemplate. The latter spend much time and energy in periodical attacks on the different public departments. The men of t�e departments have_ the power· of making each particular Board take vanous appearances in the eyes of those who oppose it. To some the Board of National Education is a nest of what they call tame
Bed couches are useful, but most uncomforta.ble and unsightly. The Kilkenny Woodworkers, of Nassau Street, Dublin, have a capital idea in this way, and both the appearance and the comfort are assured.
� [. i GENTS'
Full Skirt.
Genuine Farm Seeds.
LIGHT, 22/6; MEDIUM, 27/6;
All Shades•
BEST, 35/·,
Cycle Capes, 39" 6/6 ; 42" 7/6. Tubes, 2/11 ; best, 3/6. 11 Covers, o/9, 6/9,, 7 /9.
I: ·
�I /
.An cteroeern sotuis. [Alf CLAJDIIKAIIR SOLUIS.)
In tbe earlier days of the College it had its versity. Chair of Celtic, and there is no reason why there should not be a Chair again."
Mr. Bigger presided at the meeting. The speakers included, besides Mr. Barbour, Father Fullerton, Padraic Mac Piarais, "An Craoibbin," Eoin Mac � -eill,Mr. Alec. Wilson," Beirt Fhear," and Peadar Mar. Fhionnlaoich. Mr. Bigger stated that the students of Irish at the Queen's University was double the number of those in the Facultv of Commerce. •• An Cracibhin " said that outside of Eastern studies there was today nothing more certain than that no class of philological work presented a wider field or gave better results than the field of Irish and Celtic learning.,9' Wherever they 1tumed up their gpade in this field they produced gold and Jewels and precious gems by the handfu!, and
It is fair, too, to remember that nationalllJl save in the most strictly limited sense in whicil that great conception can be applied is not the concern of the Feis Cheoil any rn than music is the business of the Gaelic Music is not primarily a national but an inteonational speech. We understand the emoti°"8 out of which Schubert, Tschaikowsky and Grieg • address us as well as if the Teuton. the Muscovite, and the orseman had all been born in Ireland. But music may have a national accent, idioms native to one or another country. In Ireland music may talk Wfth.!•
toa ·
An Cl.4tt>e.Am Bota,s. [All c:r.&INaWII 90LUIL)
Por 1111 leatB ol physical eadanm�
�n Ct.6.10earh Sotu1s.
n1e1t-e�,1i1 3, 1911. June 3, l�II
FIXTURES. me1te..1m 4"-iJ.-Aeridheacht, Killyon, Co. na Midhe. June 11-Aeridheacht and Demonstration at Kildare. me1te.6m 11.--0n "Ofon, -0.e111ue..1b:, Ct1.600 nc :-, e6.n-C.6.tr..1c. me1te.6m 15.-Broadford, Co. Limerick, Aeridheacht. (Craohh Dhaithi Vi Bhruadair). June l, -Aeridheacht under the auspices Shankill Branch Gaelic League at Shankill (Byrne's Field). Dr. Hyde will be present. J une 25-Aeridheacht and demonstration with reference to Irish in the Schools under auspices of Coiste Comhairle Chulainn. 1ulr---0.er111:io..1cc rtl..11mrc111 ne, re1te. 2 1ulr--fe1r -t>u1tce CAU.6. .65Uf rtlurstt6.1"00. 1ui 2.---0.e1111u<Mcc, c11.6.oo t.o.1t1nre. 11'.tl 18.--0.e111uc.6cc, Ct1.600 .<\n u11om.o.. (Drom. collaghcr) 1�t, 23.-fe1r Ct.6.nn.6. C.o.01tce. C.o.1m:: , ceot, Cte.o.r.o. t{ut, rtmnce, RAf.6.nn.o. .6.5ur Ru·cM1 eite. July 29 and 30-Feis Caltra. July ao Kingscourt Annual Aeridheacht.
Olreachtas, Dublin, July 31st to August 5th. J.-Feiseanna whose dates only have been sanctioned.
June 25-Castlewellan. 29-Maghuilinn, Galway 9-Youghal. July August 6-Aughrim.
J unc
11.-Feiseanna whose Syllabuses have been approved by the Oireachtas Committee and whose Fixtures are fully authorised. June 3-Frankfort, Blackrock (Co. Dublin). June 4 and 5-Ros Mhic. Treoin. June 5-Feis Bhri Chualann (Bray). June 11-Dundealgan. June 11 and 12-Luimneach. June 15-Athenry. June 15-16-Tralee. June IS-Rockwell College. Feis Chnuic a' Bhile. June 18-Feis na Midhe. June 25-Cill Disirt. June 25-Carrick-on-Suir. Jane 25-26-Ath-Luain (Feis Uisneach). June 2S and 29-Ciil Choinnigh. June 29-Caherciveen. June 29-Feis na nGleann. June 29-Port Laoighise. June 29-Enniskillen. June 29-30-Boyle. July 2-Portlairge. July 2-Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan Feis. July 9-Listowel. July 9-Castlebellingham. Jul5' 9-Cork Feis na Mumhan. July zand and 23rd-b.o.1te e.6.-o.6.ft 1'.>A .c..o.o.1nt1, '):"!rJGi 01t1otL.o. July 23-Clonakilty. July 9-Muine Bheag. July 9.-Baile 'n Ghearlanaigh. July 16 and 17-Muileann Cearr. July 23-Adrigole, Bantry. July 29 and 30-Dromod, Feis Breifne. Au�ust 20-Feis an Spideil.
mOR usmg (] GAELS J
Remember that the great Uisneagh F eis will be held this year in historic Athlone, on Sunday, June 25th. Famous Armagh Pipers in Costume. Warpipe Bands from Dublin and Longford, Galway, Kilkenny, &c. Competitions in Irish Language and History. Choral and Solo Singing. Dancing. Ireland's Champion Hurlers will be present. Excursion Trains from all parts.
Of Summer Costumes and Millinery this . week. See Windows.
IN CORK. Special Designs & Estimates for presentation pieces.
Silver Factory-6 MAYLOR ST., CORK.
The " C.D.B." " No. 1 " and " Two Crate." The I.B.A." Illustrated Price Lists Free. : : The Trade Supp lied
EDMONDSON BROS., 10 Dame St., Dublin. Telegrams:-'' Beehives, Dublin."
firm emJ?loy a large . st�ff of skilled Irishmen and eminently deserving of appreciation and support.
BeautifuJJy Dry Cleaned and Tailor Pressed by safest and best processby our speciality.
DAVIDSON & SONS, tratlors ano costumtere (Established 25 years )
Gaelic League Delegation,
4th July to 14th August.
Second Cerm-
16th August to 26th September. All Correspondence for Rev. MICHAEL O'FLANAGAN and FIONAN MACCQLUM, should be directed as above.
p<i"O n.0.1
"O <it.0.1
Prospectus from.
Mr. Dix, 17 Kildare St., Dublin·' or • Dr· O'B erene, · Maam.
Wholesale Stationers, Bookbinders, Paper Bag Manuf;cturers, Paper and Twine Merchants. Special facilities for Bazaar and Church Printing, Posters etc. INQUIRIES INVITBD. ' All Irish �anufactured Papers regularly stocked. Our Registered Irish Trade Mark is 0470.
Telegrllphic Address-" Pllndise Dublia."
R�ssell's Hair Cutting, Shaving, A BOUT Shampooing Saloon, 55 South King Street
of Grafton Street, Dublin.
e.o.n·U.dlft c. tec.ft;U!i"e.c.nn ftU-0 tl-<\1t; 1 t>ru1-r1m me.o.1r1n1 cl..6 no n1-ote .(\ t'Mrne.o.nn Le tl·.O. te1temi, bfo-o f10f 6.S.6.c so llru,t f-<\n ;sno-fMl 1 m b-<\11..e 4t.6. Ct Mt :S.11ei'>1t5e61111 -o.0.11.6.b rto1nne
�5 25 Bachelor's Walk.
and top
Machine, General Smiths, Plumbers and Sanitary Contractors.
The Great Whitsuntide :Fete, Health and Industrial Show,
Range Repairing and Setting,
Ornamental Villa Gates and Railings a Speciality. EST/MA 1 ES FREE.
21 UPPER DORSET STREET, DUBLIN. Factory and Workshop, 2 Granby Lane.
MAY 24tb to JUNE 7tb, 1911. THE GENERAL MANAGER,
ROt,6.R SC.6.01t
33 Molesworth Street, DUBLIN. Telephone
Aay Make of Typewriter Repaired
<it1"0 RutM.1i>e.
'tin eo5A1n.
OtteAn An 5uAtt,
Bathing, B�ating, Sea-Fishing. Trish imbibed un consciou-Iy by the mo'6 e"-r501'6 method. School opens July Jrd.
Quality High.
Prices Low.
peA.'OAn 6 ceAttA15,
s501l 5{\en1l5e t,6.tr1t1,6..
TeL X19.
(A Gemdne Irish Firm,)
Prospectus may be had from
Branch Office : 49 Aungier St,
Irish Goods a Speciality.
first Cerm-
Some years ago our grandmothers prided themselves on their ample feather beds, but now-a-days no good housewife cares to use one of these unhealthy and not too cleanly if luxurious articles. Any housekeeper wishing to dispose of one or more feather beds could not do better than to communicate with the Irish Feather Co., Ltd., Tara Street, Dublin, who supply Curled Hair Mattresses in part or whole exchange, or purchase for cash as mav be desired.
Cash or Credit Terms.
Tclcpl\ol\e No. 941.
ordering Chu�ch Plate, or other Art Metal work, to the extensive establishment of Messrs. Gunning & Reynolds 18 Fleet Street, and 7 & 8 Price's Lane, Dublin. '
We. �ould respectfully suggest to the Clergy, and the heads
of R�hgious Orders, the advisability of paying a visit before
Irish Ecclesiastical Art.
The Kilkenny Woodworkers undertake repairs of every �escril?tion, �hich they are prepared to carry out m their Dublm workshops. The prices · &re strictly moderate.
THE smez, fl. mu t t.0..15
FOR_ :SALE. BEDELL'S BIBLE COMPLETE. Good condition. well bound. Edition 1827. What offers ? R. Breathnach. 78 Duke St., Liverpool.
cu1'0151u t.e cuis no, 115.o..eu1 l.t,e.
271 r.
� ,National
E.6-0'06.l,6.C 6 S,6.0t),6.l.� :A TradelMark
C"-'tlC.o. cu5.o.m
nero Ctd'R fe.o.s.o. .0.5.0.C .,5.0.n moit.t.
U-6. bU.6.C.6.ll-6., 1 mu1s t1U.6.U,6.'Q.
b.9 n�1'0e.A111 .souns, IAJr
Blllngual Schools In Olarralghe.
Sean O Cearbhaill has lately visited a namber Qf bilingual schools in Ciarraighe, and his account ol the state of an teanga labharlu amonJ the chUdreli has a sr,e?al interest just now. "It 18 not an easy matter, ' he says, " to find out to what extent Irish is sjRJkea...iu these schools, or to wb,at extent, if Ulf, the children ·,re encouraged to use the languase m the school or dn the playground."
mercesm 10, 1911. A FIGHTI:NG PLATFORM•
r a J)��
at1' n•ExMIIIM1lohlv
� �tit� DU!li'tJMf,(ffn(' An tBirel.mJ.CGh4'1 ilfhi•js � �f 1m �v�l>Y�ii JR
JUaiifiis �i�J, riJii\�J�X.ffl!;\�f
wa��:r:;r;uAih;,iiL � k� *9$. �e � tatStiadardfaid:ntr Feli'fttaJJii9ii-
<J#fflfflrn;Q#l J\H �1'-mffEAMB wi,t,h �Jffl\lfffl. ing note :-0 'inatiiid&J.: ii:; ea; iliar�
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Cf<>��d =bii�� !�ti,�� i 1 ffl� e*i�� �mff1ld� � ti> be• :�t di ff fact m u;; 8.
matJtnl&. If ac.h a�e,as-lA».e:uJDJiAantng!flists � � PL<Je a �' :W� batve �eq JJ.� �t tt � tt will q� o.nl;r. �CJ:�� a �o� d�� �e
value'and interest o'f tlie Fe�na · themsetves, but it will be a great 'Step in >th'e' :fuftherance of tiedy national education, on .Jines at oace racy of tlte ..soil, de,:noc;ra* and scientific, . It�� tl}e study; and � �tl;l�sfa�m �t ��nun.ate m F�seanna to �eat and serviceable .ends, fJ: vantageous at the same time 1=<> the individual student, the family, and �e nation.
"lt is a pn>jectof w,hich � people m�y -be � to see the force and bearing. Here in London it is considered that we, too, could fall in wi� it. and in our own way help it. Our annual e:xammation, or, as we grow stronger1 a great annual London Feis, could be made to fit in with the general Gaelic League scheme even as the Feiseanna at hom�. Stud�ts who propose or desire to return to :fill public posts m Ireland, would naturally be particularly eager to secure the certificates of the Gaelic League. But others woul� seek them, too. We mean to give a good deal of attention to the whole scheme as it developes." BOUT Russell's Hair Cut ting, Shaving, and Shampooing Saloon, 55 South King Street, top of Grafton Street, Dublin.
An ct.e.roeorn sotuis,
June 10, 19u.
10, 1191.
QualitYkl ,.,_iu..e to in•i•t•• " cheap h t we wou _no are ::Va another There than e�stence
1 i.. int more precarious on the \A QUALl· ·11 one po AN LUC . there reputation it is the t risk our ke a attempts o upon \
t cpc a n, a · t\\
L;��;\,achine, We n,a
bicYc\e-it is
Our · .1 cueaP at a\\ a re pa10. it is not b� that price we as on anY . £7. 7 . o-but ;; if d.ou e \ . st the same · d. reliable \ow as 0 mod.e JU ! 7 ! as und. an h e t on . t as so cl ,us ·s stake .1 Jrfsb bands • n J reputat:achine we make, »r msde ls Jrlsb Lucsnls other The King \,
o•NEILL, South �oaN�
st., ou»LlN.
se6$.dn uc '0Ut)$.d 1 t t, "--0.n Rot.&11,,, 84 Lr. Camden Street. ABBEYLEIX-Joseph Dobbs. .ARDGLASS-John woods. .ARKLOW-J. J. Kavanagh. ATHEA-C. P. Mullane. ATHENRY-S. P. Corbett. ATHY-Maxwell's Cycle Depot. BALLAGHADEREEN-Duff & Co. BALLINA-James Ahearn. BALLYLANDERS-Walsh & Sons. BALLUAOARGY-J. J. Byrne. BALLYNA.HIYOH-S. -.<\.nderson. BANBRIDGE-David Patterson. BmR-S. F. Haines. BORRIS-E. P. Hogan. BUNDORAN-John Gilbride. BUTTEVANT-The Buttevant Cycle Co. CARIROIVEE�-J. A. O'Sullivan. CAPPOQUIN-James O'Keefe. CARLOW-Mark Purser. CARRIOKMAOROSS-Henry Gordon. CARRIOK·ON·SHANNON-P. Barrett & Co. CARRIOK ·ON-Sum-William McConnell. CASHEL-M. H. Hannigan. CASTLEOOMER-Conor O'Brennan. CASTLEREA-H. Cahill. CASTLEOAULFIELD-Joseph Daly. CA.VAN-Hobson Bros. CELBRIDGE-John L. Grehan. CHARLEVILLE-John Aherne. CLONA.KILTY-W. F. Sullivan. CLONES-George Walker. LONDON-W. DEMPSEY, 208 Ferndale Road, Brixton.
returns to mislead the public regarding Irish revenue. Taxes raised in Ireland are credited to England, so that Irish expenditure may be made to appear on a level or in excess of Irish revenue. " An Irishman " has set himself the task of showing how the Treasury trick is done. He examines Treasury methods without any regard to Party, for, as he says, the financial question " should be alone and beyond The rights of Ireland the plane of Party politics." and the means and methods employed by the Treasury should be familiar to every Irish taxpayer. Ignorance on our part gives the Treasury an entirely free hand " An Irishman " has gone carefully in fleecing us. He has detected in.to its system of book-keeping. several false entries: many omissions, and there are a host of unexplained items. . Professor Kettle's book is frankly political, but that It is combative, controversial, and is not a fault. Lord MacDonnell stated in his fact-abounding. Belfast speech that the amount of Ireland's overtaxation-£325,000,000-was more than an Empire's To the drain of capital from Ireland which ransom. this overtaxation involved, Professor Kettle attributes Our interest our present industrial backwardness. in the reform of education and in national developm�nt should lead us to a study of Irish wealth and Ir!sh reveI?-ue. _No one who desires to be acquainted with 12ubh_c affairs can neglect the obvious duty of bccommg mforme� on the workings of the Treasury, a department which concerns itself so much in our business. The three publications we have mentioned are by Irishmen, and they have the additional merit of being printed in this country.
Coming Feiseanna.
June r oth+-Frankfort. June II th-Dun Dcalgan. June II th and t ath-c-Luimneach June t yth and r6th -Traighli. June r8th-Feis na Midhe. June 18th-Rockwell. June z yth-s-Cill Disirt. June z yth and 26th-Feis Uisnigh. June z Sth and 29th-Cill Choinnigh. ] une 29th-Cathair Saidhbhin. June 29th-Feis na nGlean.t1. June -29th-Feis Laoighisc. June 29th---Enniskillen. June 29th and 30th-Boyle.
Th� Kilkenny Woodworkers have a good selection of cretonnes and chintzes at their Dublin ShowrC?ms in Nassau Street. They guarantee Nell-fitting loose cases, and cut and make them in Dublin. Irish linen loose cases '.'Ire quite nice.
J. L. DIXON, Suffolk Street.
CLONIMIOLAN (Thurles)-E. Walsh. COLEHA.NSTOWN (Ballinasloe)-M. Burke. COLLON (Drogheda)-Thomas Browne. CORK-P. J. O'Hea, 17 N. Main Street. CORK-D. T. O'Sullivan, 3 Marlboro' Street. CLOUGHJORDAN-R. Williams. DROGHEDA.-P. Murphy. DUNDALK-Bernard Louth. DUNGANNON-John Donaghy. DUNGARVAN-M. Moloney & Co. J?UNSHA.UGHLIN-P. J. Murray. ENNIS-Mulligan Bros. & Todd. ENNISOORTHY-M. Carty. ENNISTYMON-J. Roughan & Co. FENAGH (Carlow)-James Kinsella. FERBANE-Daniel Egan. FERMOY-J. s. Noble. GA.LWAY-Bailey Bros. GOREY-N. Cooke. GURTEEN-P. Forde. HOSPITA.I,--Walsh & Sons. KELLS-W. B. Wakely. KILOORMAO (Tullamore)-D. E. Williams, Ltd. KILFENORA- - Considine. KILFINANE-John L. Fitzgerald. KILKENNY-Statham & Co. KILLARNEY-John Casev. KILLIEMORE (Ballinasloe)-B. L. Curley. KILDARE-D. Carberry. KILlrlALLOOK- Hogan Bros. LDIERIOK-Mulligan Bros. & Todd. BIRKENHEAD-J. ARMISTEAD, Oxton Road.
The other day a book came into my hands in which I find the expression fuair se amach (he found out) singled out as an example of "barbarous Irish," which the student was A little historical light on warned to avoid. this "barbarism" may be useful in guiding the said student. Here are a few instances to begin with:(1) As far back as 1639 Father Theobald Stapleton published his well-known Latin-Irish catechism at Brussels. On page 72 of that work I note the f olowing :-" ar an adhbhar gur chuige do frith a mack na mionna, chum chreidimh na ndaoine dho bheith firineach, dearbhtho dha cheile," which runs in the Latin:-" quia iuramentum ad infirmam hominum fidem adiuuandum inuentum est." (2) In 1650 Dubhaltach Mac Firbhisigh compiled his Leabhar Geinealach in Galway. On page 853 of O'Curry's (R.I.A.) transcript of this monumental work, MacFirbis gives direction as to how the index which accompanies his book is to be used, and inter alia he says :" Feuch ar an fhioghair freagras don rann isin leabhar ina ffuil craobhsgaoileadh an chip-sin, agus ma ta an slonnadh chuige, ni cas a fhaghail amacb amhluidh sin." (3) In the Old Testament, rendered into Irish before 1641, the same barbarism occurs about a dozen times ; e.g., " biodh a dhearbh aguibh go bhfuighidh bhur bpeacuidh amach sibh," Num. xxxii., 23. Other instances will be found in Eccles. iii. r r, vii. 27, viii. 17 ; Job, ix. ro, xi. 7, xxxvii. 23 ; Ps. xxi. 8. (4) In 1676 Molloy writes in his L6chrann na Gcreidmheach, p. 326 :-" go bhfaghaim an Another mheud a ta uaim go follas a mack." instance will be found on p. 256 :-" no gur fritheadh ... a mach." (5) A criticism of Keating's Foras Feasa, written about the year 1698, by a grandson of Lughaidh O Cleirigh, is entitled by its author : '' Earraide fuair na primheolaighe amach san stair so Dochtuir Ceitin." And later on in the
J. J. KELLY & CO., Lr. Abbey Street. LI9TOWEL-J. Cronin . LOKGFORD--Connolly's Mercantile Co . MARYBORO'-John Hipwell.
m.0.5-nu.<\u.o:o-Uomn.<\U UA bu.<\CAttA. MITCHEL.qTOWN-P. O'Flaherty. MOATE-P. Byrne. MULLINGA.R-Shsw & Co. ?tfOUNTRATH-P. J. Delaney. NA.VA�-Gilbert Bros. NENAOH-James Pierce. NEW Ross-M. J. Moran. NEWRY-S. Lockhart & Co. OLDCASTLE-Potter Sons & Co., Ltd. PORTA.DOWN-R. Hewitt. PORTUMNA-M. Hynes. ROSOREA-F. Wiliams. SO.A.RIFF-Thomas McMahon. SPRINGLAWN (Moylough)-Jas. Haverty. SLIGO-J. Gilbride. STRADANE-J. J. Boyle. STROKESTOWN-J. B. Connolly. TEMPLEMORE-Moynan Bros. THURLES-Moynan Bros. TRALEE-·Mulligan Bros. & Todd. TRIM-Allen Bros. TULL.A. (Co. Clare)-P. O'Brien. WATERFORD-John F. Burke. WEXFORD-P. & M. Healy. WICKLOW-V. J. Stevens. YOUGHA.Ir-J. E. Allport.
MA.NCHESTER-P. O'DONOGTIUE, 14 Warburton Street.
same text the phrase " da fhaghail amach " occurs. (6) About the same time Sean O Neachtuin is found frequently employing this barbarism. For instance, he writes "ge nach bhfuair (se) amach e " in his Stair 'Eamuinn U f C hleirigh ; while in his Gleacuidhe Geaglonnach one sees " ma gheibh tu amach e," " agus a fhaghail amach," " go bhfaghmaoid amach e." (7) In some tales translated from the Spanish and extant in a MS. of r706, the expression I content occurs about half-a-dozen times. myself with quoting one instance :-" chum nach bhfuighthidhe fios amacb orra choidhche." (8) Filip Mac Bradaigh uses the idiom in the sermon which he rendered into Irish and which was printed in 1711 :-" chum a bheith faghail a mack agus a lochtadh na ndaoine eile" (p. 49). Similarly we have " gheabhum a mach " on p. 102 of the same volume. (9) In a historical poem which he wrote in 1726, Tadhg O Neachtuin, the lexicographer, twice uses the expression " fridhe amach " ia the sense of "it was discovered" (H. 4, 20, p. 209.) (10) In 1732 0 Beaglaoich and Mac Cruitin recognise the phrase in their English- Irish Dictionary (s.vv., "discover," "find," "invent "), published in Paris in that year. (11) A few years later, in 1736, we find Bishop Gallagher using it in his Sermons:-'' ma gheibh tu a mack go raibh do bheatha go hole " (ed. 1752, p. 169). (12) Six years later still, Donlevy, an avowed purist, employs it in his Teagasg Criosduighe, published in Paris in 1742 :-" do chum tola De d' faghail a mach (p. 338). Other instances will be found on pp. 342, 468 of the same work. I will stop here, lest by piling on further references, I should impose too severe a strain on the Editor's or my readers' patience. The last example above, which is the latest in point of time, is just 169 years old. The instances I have given do not, I need hardly say, pretend to be exhaustive of the period they cover; indeed I have restricted my choice by confining
All. le.6t'>411' XIII.
U1tt1111 12
b..61 te .&C-6
No. rz.
Vol. XIII.
11-0. Cot-&1 fci. b1te.o.1' .o. 'f'6.'0 11.6.6 nputt. .0.011 D'J'\15 f.6. 5Co1111'f\.6.'6 te c.o.m.6.tt, .o.cc 111 ct11m11r5Ce.o.t' .o.-p .0.11 f.6.0t.6.'f\ .6. 'Oe.0.11 C.6.'f' C.6.0 o .o.m U1 c 'Oe t'.:>.6.1 Le 1r 5e.6.f\1' 'U.0.1111'.) 50 rnbero re Jt.& CtM't. m'ob.&11' 111r n.o. Cot.&1rc10 .o.5ur 11.6. r5otc.o.c.o.1l'.> 'Oe.o.nf.6.1' 'COf11U 1 'OCUt\ fi11c e1'015 f.6.rilt'.&1'0. en lu.6.11 ro Ct1'5.6.11111 .o.5t1f .6.11 J.o.'6 t..& 'Oe tci. be1'6te..o.r ..o.:S 'Out 1 11-e.o.'0.6.n 11.0. 1101bre 1 5Coti1rce TIA mum.c..11, f.6.11 1lo11111, .o.5t1f 1 1150'f'C .6.11 901-pce. '?11 5.&'6 .6.11 01'f'e.6'0 1f .6.011 'f:OC.o.t mo t.ce, p.m.&.111 ,, mot.e.nn .6. .o. t'.6.'0 1 'OCAOl:'.> 11.6. fe.6.11-CotJ.lfCi. 5cu1'0 01b'J'\e M'O--f111 E' .o.n rnot.z'o 1f fe.df\'f\ '.d5t1f 1r tu.6.1te .o. ne"'-pr..sroe runn'O.df '06. p.J.'(l'f\.o.1c O '()om11.o.tti111 .6.11 c-<\r,'0-0tt.o.m .6. l'.>e.6.f 1 mbun .611 1r M'O m.&1re lli Cot.&1rce 1 StMl'.> P..&rcr.6.15. 'Cu..o.t..o.1t, -6.n S.6.5.0.rc O Co115.o.ot.o., Se..&11 0 Ru..o.'6.&111, .o.5ur eo5.6.t1 6 m.&1tte .o. co115.o.11c61tt'i. bel'n re.o.1' ceort 1f 'f\11111Ce .0.1111, rre1r111, Se.6.mur m..o.c mu1r1r. 1r r111e Cot.&1rce n.o. n1um.o.11 11.& .o.on. r:so1t $.o.e'61t5e e1te 'O.& Oft11t f.6. Cit', .6.CC m..& re.o.'O fe111 111 .0.5 e1r5e Ct\101111.6. f .6.lf5te ..o.ci f'i .o.cr: .o.:s 'OUt 1 me.6'0 teij .6.11 .o.1mf1'f\. S.0.11 mbtM111 1904 no l'.>i be1-pc .6.5t1r C'f''i r56t' r.o.n 5Coti1rre. .b.o. -<\n ce..,'\'O e rm .6.11 ce.o.'O ce.o.r\m..i .6.'f\Mm. t'ltM111 e1te t'.>'i 'OU111e .o.5ur Ce.(\"{) r.o. t.&t.6.1'f'. C'f\1 bt1..o.11..o. c.o.f\ .o. e1r rm ti11115 222 50 be<\t l.t.6. .0.11 b.O.Ot't.0.15, d:SUf 01 260 .6.1111 .6.11U'f\.6.1'0. be1'6 .6.11 f.6.05.0.i., beo r.0.11 5Coti1rce 1 mbt1.6.n.c.., m.6.1' 1r 1 m.o.5Cf\Om't.o. .d t'.>e.6.f Glor na Ly '0..6 Ctl'f' .&m.6.C .6.5Uf 'O.o.01ne .6. Of Ult 'OtU't 0.6.111C .6.C.6. te1 r 1r c11111ce :so .&n 5Cot.&1rce .o.c..& 111.0. t>un. n'Oet..11.6.1'6 re :so Glor .6.11 .6511r :steo, n'Oec.11r.o.1'6 fP61t'C tc-1r. 11it mU111"C1'J'\ .6.11 C01111Af''t.6. .6.f\ .6.011 111C11111 te1 f 11.6. 'O .6.01111 l:'.> .6.'f\ teo t> t.6. .6.11 -pitp e.6.t' fO 1 'OC.6.ol:'.> t1c1'15Ce 11.0. 5.6.e'61t5e t..cc nit .6.011 e.o.rp.0.1'6 'O.o.0111e ct1rce m1r1115 ort:.o. '03, l'.>.6.'f\f\ f111. 'Ci fM'O Lin c11111ce 50 'OC10Cf.6.1'0 CU1'0 .6.C.6.. teo '5.o.e'61t5e6111i ri1t..$6T'omc<\ no cu11 .&5 te15e.c..'6 5.o.e'61 l5e c-p'i'O .6.11 bpi1pe.o.r ro ..o.5ur .6.11 :Ste.er ntl.6. tK'f'1$"te. n1& "t.6.5..11111 be1'6 bt11'6e.o.C.6.f �1t'et..n 11 'CU1ttee .6.C<l. 1r M'O ro 11.6 11ottt..1m .0. t>ero r.o. 5Cot.&1rc� 1 mt1t1�11 . '\. : ,<\11 c.<\t.6.11' :Set..t\61'0 6 l1u.o.tt.&111 ; 'Ol.6.f\11H11'0 () 'Fo5tu,:).6. ; tn..&1-re 11i fi1.o."t5.6.m11.6. ; PMr.c..r be.6.rt.0.01 ; Se.&11 0 Se.o.5'6.0., C.6.'05 SCA11.6.1lL, '01.armuro O l.o.05t..11'e, e1t>U11 111 O m1ce&t Cr6111111, ..6.111e 111 'R.t..5.o.tt&15, ro;stu'6 ..'\. -0.n t>tM111 reo c ...\1t:ce .0.11 cet..'O ot1.a111 'Oo Cot.l1rce .6.11 Sp1'0e1t.' Ct'1l1f' .6. 01 .6 mbtrn 11.6. h01bpe .:\1111, 'O'e1'f"15 teoot:.o. tAT1 C101111. t)j ft1.6f te ce.t..'O '011111e .o.1' ct1.(\1rc .6.C.o.. 'O't.6.n C't11'0 'Oe TI.c..\ CU.6t'!:.6.1'0t10 .61'. fe.6.'0 miOf.6. ; '0'1mt15 Ct11'0 e1te 1 5ce.o.1111 co15c1re. bio'Od'f' .c..r f.t..'O r.&ft::d 11.&Ke .05t1f te1r .6.11 rid Le 56e'61t5e61-p10 -0-11 'Oocc111p ffi<\C en-pi, 'Com.&f . 5Cot . ,1rce. tn.._'\C 'Ooti111 ..\1tt .\5t1f 'C0m.&r O Cotm.&111 n.6 hotL..11ti1 'Oo oi .o.nn t..11ur.o.1'6. 'C.& C'f\1Uf' co1T5J.nc61-p e1te ce.,pt ..'\ 1 scom.0.1-p 11.6. t1t1�11.:\ ren, ..111 c,<\t.6.l'J'\ m . .\(' 51ot.L....'\ Se-M'!l1A15, C..11ctin l11c $.).t>.6.fl11 .6.'5Uf P1t1p tl,.\ l.'Ot'Otl.
Visitors to Cork Will be well Catered for.
ct 1-6.C, mercecrn 17, 1911
FLANAGAN'S HOTEL, Winthrop Street, CORK.
1 r 'Oe.c.. r 5teoroce 10 t'O.c..tac .c..11 ct.&rt .6.t:.& cut't.6. t.mac .6.5 Cot.,1r"(;e .611 '0.61115111. 11101' f.6.Ct.c..r .6 teicero r6r .v.5 .6.011 Coti1rce erte. Ci rn.o.r .6.t\ .611 ti->-.dO'f'..&11 re-111 .6.5Uf t:.& eo txj- C'f\1111111 1 'O"C.6.0l:'.> CU'f'fd'i .6.11 Cot..&1rt:e Le f.6�..&1t .<\1111. Se.6.5.<\11 6 C.dt.&111 .6.11 c,6,t'·oott.dm. p.-i'OJ'\-"15 6 S10Cf"f'.{\'OA, P..&'O-p&15 6 C'o-pc-p.(\'0.6. .o.5ur S<M5i11 f.)Le-.o.mo11111 .6. Se.611con5.6.nc61'f'L l1u.o.-5.o.e'61t.5 .o.5ur 11.6. 5.6.e'6rl5, mu111-Ce01J1e.6.C"C, -"5Uf 'fU.6.1m 5.c..0'61t5e 11.6 lM'Ol:'.>.6.1'!" te1511111. -<\11 'O.o.-p.o. btM111 i reo 'Oo Cot.aijce .611 'O.d1t15111 .o.cc c.& c-p1on11.o.cc .6.5Uf "C.61t15e f.6.11 Ob.61-p .0.5 11.d 1101'01 .o.t:i .6.1111. 11it r ...\-pti f,ei111 Ui C.c.ti111 'ni .6.11 " t:Se.o.0.6.1C " .0.1111. S5011, t'.o.ti111.o., S5orl Lioj- 'Ou111 t>e.&-pn.0.15, . S501t C.(\1-pbr\e, "C'J'\1 r:so1te. '\1111.0. 5.c..e'61t5e M'O c.& r..c..m-6111 ftn'Dce .o.p t.c..oo cuxm 11.6 reo. 5.o.1tt1me. 11i mor te 'J'\i'O .6.n me.d'O bt'i.o.ttt.6 .o.t:i te ct.oj .c..1111 .6.Ct: c.& bt\15 .o.5ur b11111e.o.r 1115.6e'01t5 11.6 mb.&'001'J'\1 ..15ur 11.6. 'OC.o.t.o.m.61"f>te .6.C.& 111.6 5com11.c..1'6e r.o.n ..&1e. '0.6.0111e .o. bputt, ro1111 O'f\t.o. c-pMtt .6.1111 f5f'100.6.1'01f cu15 .6.11 'OOCCU1f' Se.o.mur O bT''11f\ 11, .0.11 mz-», Co. 11.0. 5.o.1t1,1me. 1f ct.or 'Oil11111 50 bp utt. o tt.zrn .o.f Cot.zrjce 11.6. 'Cr101161'0e .6.5 'Out 50 Lioj 'Ou111 bei'f\11.0.1� te :S.6.e'61t5 .6. to5tt11m 1 mi lt1511.ar�- be1'6 .o. oe.6.11 .6511r .6. ct.0.1111 1 11-e111re.6.cc terr .o.5ur bero fM'O .O.'f\ f.6.'0 .0.5 'OUt .O.'f\ r501t 6t1{5 Sein 6 c61b111 .o.5ur Se.dmur O S1.11tte.o.o..&111, .0.11 oe11,c .o. oe.6.f 1 ci r.(\01 11e11J 111 mb un 11.0. r:so1te 5.<\e'61t5e. t)'f'M111 f5.6.t.6.m '00 6.o.1te.o.m .6.1111 .6.11 mi ce.6.'011.6.. 1 5Cu.611 'Oor 1 11-Mt't�!' Corc.o.rt;e c1mce.o.tt 1r oct mite 0'11 S510tM1'f\111 .6.t:.& S501t C.6.l'f\l:'.>'f\e. 'Se pe.6.'0.6.'f' 0 11-6.11111'.o.6..&111 .0.11 t:4f''001 t.6.m, .o.:sur b..31'6 m1ceit O Ct11te.o.11i111, Se.0.5.&n O mt11-rt1te .6.5ur Se.o.mur 'Oe bu'J1.C.6. m.o.1' co115.o.11c611'1 .615e. 1r cor.o.m.o.1t 50 mbe1'6 .6. 1'.>6t.o.111 te- 'Oe.o.nt..m .o.t\ b.o.tt be.0.5 .0.5 p1t1p U.o.t'01,nn .o.c.J. .o.11r,1r r.0.11 5C.o.1rte.611 '5t..1r 1 'OL'iJ'\ eo5.o.111. ci 'O.o.6.o.'O 01'0e r.o. mbu1'6111 5.o.e'61t5e .0.1:se r.l\01 1...&t.0.11'· c..&C.o.-p tc f501t f.o.m1,.o.1'6 '00 ct1r, .d'f' bun .0.11 mi reo 6t15.(\111n .o.:5t1f 're p1t1p .6.11 c-,6,t''OOtt.6.m .o. oe.o.r 5..& rc1u'f'.o.'6. 111 'Oednr.o.'f\ J:.6.1tt15e r.0.11 .o.m'f'.&11.0.1'6�.dcc 1 u r:1!' eo5.6111 .6.n tA'O 1r .o. oeAr p1t1p 1116. me.o.r:s-
'Ci Se.o.5i11 m.o.c m.6.oti111 .o.ci 111.0. com11.o.1'6e 1 mbe.o.t fe1'f'f'Ce .6.:S CU'f' fU1me 111f 11.6. C.6.11.6.m.o.111Ce.o.C.6.10. "t'.:>1om.o.-p .6.'J'\ ob.c..1-p .l\:S 5t'e.6.'0.o.'6 .6. ce1te com ems 'r t:1ocr.o.'6 t111n fi c.6.11.o.m.o.11ce.o.c.o. c.o.m.o.tt 6 t111 .6.1111," 1 mbe.o.tre.o.1t'f'Oe, t:i �.'Oe1'J'\ fe, ".o.5t1f C.6 C111 e.o. t 'Oe e.o.5t.o. O'f\m .6. 'O.dt .6. t'A1'0C 'f.6. 'OC.6.00 '0.6 te1t1'01 .o.-p e.o.5t.o. 'r :SO -6.c ritpue 5t11' .0.5 b1.o.'6u5.o.'6 b'f'u1511e .o.t:i me. Se .6.C.& .6.:S Ctl'f\ n.& r.o.mtu15te.6.1' A te1t1'0 'Oom. c1'1obt61'0e ot'm-r.6. n.o. c.o.11.o.m.o.111ce.o.c.o. 116 11.0. m10 n -6.o. 11.6.m.0.111 ce.o. 6.6. .o. ci . .o.1111 reo 1 m.o.t' 1r r1or 'Oo 5.0.c .0.011 5Cu1:se Ut.o.'6 tern.
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'6u111e, ci '5.o.e'61t5 .0.5 11.c.. '0.0.01111 .o.c..& 1rc15 1 'R..dct.o.111n, .o.:sur c..& .0.11 5.o.eu1t5 r111 .0.11-cofril.6.1\.. te '5.o.e'61t5 11.0. 11,<\tb.6.11. c.& '5.o.e'61t5 1 115te.o.11n ,6,11'e.o.m, .o.:sur ce 50 tJru1t '01'f'f'1'6e.o.cc m.o.1't e.o.'0.6.'f\ 1 feO .6.5t1f C.6.11.o.m.0.111 C 'R..6.Ct.6.1111, c..& CU1'0 m.o.1t roc.o. t 'Oe ct.11'0 'R..6.ct.0.1111, m.o.1' 'Oe11'rei, .0.5 Li be.6.5M1 be.0.5 .6.C.6. reo bU11.6.'0 .6.11 Ste.0.1111.0.. 1 11-ur..&1'0 1 11-U10 ti1e1c .o.c nit .o.c r1o'f'-CO'f\1'-ce.6.11n .o.c.o. .o. 11'0e.6.11c.o.r -c1ri1'0 '06 :so co1tce.o.1111c.o. 'O Lit' Co11.o.1tt.
: Sc.6.'0f.c.1'0 11.6. cr.6.en.o.c.6. 6 be-.o.t fe11'rt:e .6.5 n.6 .o. n 'O.o. 'f'..6. 11.&Ke.6.1111.0.1 o reo 'OM D 01i111.6.1 �n 11.0. bor n'1ut: t..5. 5Ce.6.1''f'l'.>.o.c, lt11':s.6.111, Goraghv�·ood, 'Oun 'Oe.o.t5.&11, 'Oro1ce.&'O C10Cf.6.1'0 C'f\.6.en.6.C.6. .6.'f\ 1:'.>6t.o.1' 1.&'f\.6.1nn ,6,t.6.. li11' .o.5t1f 1.o.rt.o.1f' 11.6. 11e1-pe.o.1111 6 11.6. l'l.a.Ke.o.n11.6.10 reo :-5.o.1tt1tn, St15e.o.c, C'.ll'.>.&11 U1 n..15.&tl.0.15, l1.at'O-pu1m, C"11ftein .6.11 b.c.'f\'f'.0.15, be.&t .6.11 .6 C.o., C.o.t.6.11' 11.6 ffi.6.'f'C, .o.5u r 6 5.0.6 ft:..1.1pt1n -6.c� .6.'J'\ .611 mbEMt.o.6 50 b.o.1te ,J:t.6. Ct.Mt. :sedttt:.o. .0.5 tucc b6t.o.1'f' 1.a-p.6.111n 1J.6.1tR- -&t.c. CtM't .6.:SUf .6.11 C.601l:'.> to1-p"te.6.f 50 :SCt11'J'\f1'0 f1.6.'0 cr.o.en.o.c.o. 50 'Ot:i .(\11 c.o.t.6.1'f'. St:.6.'0f .6.1'0 fM'O .6.,3
C. MARTIN & SONS, (27 w'iilliflYrtQuay,) i 1876. RELIABLE TAILORING.
AU Correspondence for Re,·. MICHAEL O'FLANAGAN and FIONAN :\lACCOLlJM, should be directed as above. pJ'QR,6.15 (> 'OL\l.C.1$ ..i11-o nun.6.t'te.
"Sitrei, 50 'Oi-pe.o.c, 5t11' b'e .6.11 'f\tl'O .6. 01 C.6.n..o.m.o.111c .o.m.0.111 co1cce.o.1111c.o. .6.'f\ r.o.'O Cur:se Ut.o.'6 11t1.6.1!" .o. t.&11115 5.o.e'61t5 11.6. h-<\tb.o.11 .0.11.0.tt 50 R.o.ct.0.11111 .o.:sur 51.1-p 5t.o.c fi 're1to n.o. ll.ln;e S1trei, .0.1111 .o. ue1u r111, :sur te.o.c r1 te1r pn. .&11 'f'U'O ce.o.'011.0. .6. 'Of'-.0.11.0.-0 A'f\ .0.11 ci-p m611', c,5ur :SU'f\ e1'f'15 terti CU1'0 'Oe 11.6. fOCt.o.1 .6.:SUf 'O� 11.0. co-p.6.-6.0.111 m::e .o. 01 1 11-u r.&1'0 1 11 :Ste.l\ 1111 ,6, 1'f'e.c..rn :so 'O'Ci f111 -pt.'6, .6.(� :sur c.o.1tt fl .6. b'f\15 pe1p m.o.-p 01 f1 .0.5, fM'f' 110 6 '6e.o.f .6.1111f .6.1'1 '0615 nit' r.&5.0.'0 .o.c CO'J'\'f\-toc.o.t 'OU1te 1 'OClt' ' Co11.o.1tt .6.:Sur be.o.5.&11 111or m6 1 11-(h-p5Mtt.6.1t'.l. b.6'0 m.o.1t t10m f10f f:.o.5.6.1t C.{\1'0e 1f .6.1101f. C1.o.tt '06 reo. l11t .0. 'O.o.t eot.o.1r .0.5.0.m-r.o. .6.'f' fe.c..11-5.o.e'61t5 'Oe c111e.o.t .6.'f' b1t, .o.c it' n'061tce C.6. c-pe.0.11 r:sot.&1re .o.-p tt16C t,e15ce ..611 CL<\ 1'01111: .o. o et.. r i b.o. tc.o. 11111 re 'O om c 1.0.c.o. 1 .o. 11 c.o. 11.o.m .& m c reo n.o. h,(\tb.0.11, m.o.r 'Oe111rei, .0. 01 co1cce.dnnt:.& 1 5Cur5e Ut.6.'6 u.0.11, .o.m.&111 .o.511r 50 -p.6.o r1 .0.5 f.6.5.o.1t Oi1f ; 116 .6.11 e .6.11 'f'U'O A 01 f1 .0.5 'Ce.6.CU. .6.11.o.tt 6 ,(\1,b.6.111 .o.:sur .c..5 ru.0.5.c.,:) 11.6. '5.o.e'61t5e /,.. 01 1 OfOf 50 'OC1 f111. be1'0 me .6.11-l:'.>U1'0e.o.6 'Oo'n Ce '00.6.TI'f.6.f feO 'OOm, ..15Uf 'OtlK-re, .o. f11' .o.n Cl-6- 1'01m, c1onn 'r 5te.&r .6. '(;.o.l'.>.d11'C 'Oom ' reo 1.6.'f'T'.0.1'0."
· Dinners, Luncheons, Teas. Moderate Tariff.
Before placing your Orders it would be ,.·eL to r�pect ocr New Stock o Seasonable Goods just , .. ceived frr,mthemanufacturers, For and quality our Irish Su.:tmgs :>nd Trouserings cannot be surpa.$e Suits from 45a. Trousers from 12s. Call and Choose your :Material and we will Guar.. nteeJ>erfect Workm:mshtp' Punctually Exec:ited.
Cu1-015 le 'Oe.ont:u1r1b ti.6. he111mn .
Cu1mn1t1u 4.t\ ne u.601n1t> .6C.3. .oE f6E.61'f1C o fcu1u e.6f\t1.01tJe f.6 E Cteroecm nu.61f\
ceennec ,
n1e1t-e-�111 17, 1911 •
.6.n Ctb.1'0earh sotu1s. (A.If CLUD"S .a >.fR SOL 1•1a
Ii, 1911
J. W. ELVE�Y & CO. Establisbe<l 1850. LADIES' &. GENT'S
JI !ways useful, Wet or snme.
c-0.01 tee 11-0. n,0.1111 0-5us-<\ cu 1'0 ce mnce. ca btM'6.6.m 1m15te o 'n 5ce.J:o t..a .s 'Oc.S.m15 me 1rr.e.J.c .J.nnro cu n c.6.mm: .6.5ur c61i1r,.&·o 'Oo 'O e.sn .6.til Le 5 �e'6eAL.6.1 b 6 5.6. n .6. 11 e1 tH� .6. n n . -0.0 n btM'6.6.n 5e.6.l't' .1ti1.1m, .6.5t1r r.& c.&1l''Oe -oorn 1n'01U .o.r ft1.6.1'0 n.o. r.::re-t01f\, t1.6.'f', te.o.r .c.5ur tu.0.1'6; c ...'\1t\'Oe com cec..nnr.o. '011..1f 1f bi t'Mtil .0.5 .;t1111e �l' b1t 'r.o. cr.o.05.o.1t reo. t.&11115 f16.'0 cu5.6m .o.5Uf .6.tilf\.&n 'OOC'.6.1f 'n-.o. mneat, 6.C.6., .6.511f 5t\.&'O 'O'e1ttm11 'n-.6. 5Cf\01'0t1b 4'5Uf CU1f\ rM'O rmjneac .o.5ur beou.or 1rce.o.c .o.tt1r 1111' te"',1150 bf6n.6.1'0 f11111 1 'OZ::e.01inc4' cro1'6e rem. ce1te 50 ce.sn n 1 lJf.6.'0 cun C.' .6. t.o.t>..i1rc 'O' .&j\ 'OC1f\, .o.5t1f CU11 .<\f\ '0Le6n5.o. re111 '00 CUf\ cum cm n 1me.o.r5 n e, n 5.0.eue.o.t !
cerr c .J.5 ...,111 01,r.:-.(.\. rn 1)101111 Le1r 111-,0. 5co'Ot6'6 ?
amufacturers of Work in Sheet Copper, Brass, Tin, Iron, Zlnc,�&c. VVE ARE M:AKERB OF
Petrol Tank Steel Beaded Mud Guaids, adiators and Lamps, etc!! Repaired. Bodie Galvanized and zinc Ventilators, et
lencers. lPannelled,
GENTLEMEN .L/� Don't buy your Spring and Summer Clothing without first seeing our Stock ofI
CAHILL & . CO., 107-9
I say I our 50'- Suit is a wonder. Best 10/6 Trousers in ity.
•ooRE'S, 64 DAME ST., DUBLIN (3 doors from Lipton's).
Established 1895.
The" Olympic Boot" is an All-1 rish-Made Boot Hand Sewn, all Box-Calf, Made on the Latest Model Lasts. and Stocked in Six Different Widths in each �ize and Half-Size. Made and Sold only by
R STRONGE, 31 Old Park Road, Belfast. Prtce-e-If 9 Per Pair..
Per Post, 6d. extra.
of Banner for . e11,e 65." "Best Desien c 1r e
At LOUGHLIN'S, from 1/11. No foreign ones stocked. IRISH-MADE Connemara Tweed Hats and Caps from 1/6 and 2/11. DUBLIN-MADE Summer Shirts from 2/6 IRISH BOOTS only from 10/6. IRISH Trade-Mark Braces, 1/-. Etc .• etc.
HATS, CAPS (None but IRISH stocked). UMBRELLAS, etc.
The Adve1tisers in AN
b onn -<\1R51'0 -<\R F-l:S.<\1l. StMO RMb.6.6, b.o.1te 1ihllt'11e, . C01111"().o.e Cottc.6.15e, r, • n1e1te.6.n1 8.6.'6, Igrr. ,0. C.6.01tce .6. C.6.f\.6., ir f.d."().6. n.&t\ f5f\101'.>.o.r cu5.6.c .6.no1r, .6.C 111 f·\5.6.1111 r.o.n .o.on u.o.1511e.6.r o-rc-r.6., .6.5t..1f nz, t1Ct'e.6.6.6. llf\e.6.5t.6. C <'.\1f\'Oe.l\1il t.l\ .6.C.6 .6.5 Ce-0.c'C 6115.0.{; 50 Uonm.6.1t'e"-'6 5"-'11 rc.6.'0 5.6.11 f"C.6.0n.6. 01" 546 cumne 'O'e1f\11111 ; fP.6.'0 .6.5Ur .6.mb.6.f.6. 6 .S.o.r.6.n.6. ff\e1f111. bu1'6eo.6.6.f te 'OM ! e.& rtu.6.15te 11.6 11e1f\e.6.nn 615e .6.5 ne.6.'f'Ct15.6.'0 .6.5Uf .6.5 me.6.'0u5.6.'6 6 t.a 50 t..5.. 'Se mo tu.6.1-rm-re, .6. C.6.01tr:e, :r,o t>,:-111t .6.11 c-zm c.o.5.6.1te 5U'f' fe1'01f\ te bU1'0111 11.6. 11e1f\e.6.n11 615e buit.te .6. t'>tl.6. t.6.'6 t.6.t' \e.6.t' .6.t' ron 11 .6. he1f'e.6.11n. e.<i .6.11 C,O.t.6.1f\ ffi16e.&t .6.5Uf f1011n.&11 .o.n-5.6.'6C.6f'.6.C te corignorn burone 11.6. 11e1f\e.6.1111 615e. n1 '0615 Lrom 50 1'.>ftnt '0.6.t"G.6. .6.5.6.{:-r.6., .6. C.6.01tce, 11.&c bpurt. r..o.r.0.1'0 116 'Ot1111e 5.0.otm.6.t' '06 1 n.o.trneptcez, .6.5ur re .6.n f't1'0 .6.C.<i 0'11 11..6 .6.111111ne.6.6.6. .6.:SUf mbeipr: ce.o.cc.6.1-r1'6e, 1r mop .6.11 ri:ot.o.1'6e.o.6.6. 11.6. tl'0.6.0111e rm. e 1 n11cte.6.cc 11.6. '0Ce.6.cc10n511.6."6 5t10C.6.f .6.5ur o.1f\1"6e r111, . .1.5ur c.d 'Ou1t eo.6C.6.C .6C..6., 1 11-.6.111m11e�c..1. .6.5ur 1 reot.o.1"6e.6.6.6. 11.6. ne1t'e.6.11n.o.c 1 n,6.1met'1Ce.(\ m.6.t' c.& fe1}-''C e15111 .6.C.6 50 n'Oe1111'0 f10.'0 .6.1t'5e.6.'0 bre.6.5 'Ote.o.5t.6.6 'Oo'r n.6. 11.o.mmne.o.c.6. .6.5t1f "()O 'f n .6. reo t.61"0e.l\C.6. r .6. n ! 'Do ·oe111e.6.'6 m1ce... n.o.omom11 fltl"().6.1 51,e.6.11nm.o.-r.6. te te.o.or1n 11.6. mb1tt.e65 'Oe.6t'5 .6.::Sttf 'Oo ·oerne.6.'6 .:Sf\U.6.5.6.C "-'11 eob.61f\ f'11'0.6.1 10115..1.nCAC..1. te1r 11.6. l'1-X-e.6.11n.6. .6.C '00 OU.6.1'0 fO Ot't.6. 50 tC1f'. 1l1U1re 11.&C e .6.n f:S'f'ilp-0.t 'Oe.6.f\5 5.6.n C.6.f\f\.6. C .6. t.&m.6. .6 t.o.b.6.1f'C Of\t.6. '661t>! c.a'r .0.5.6.C re-m, .6. C.0.011.ce, 50 t>pnt .6.n.o."OU1t, 1 5como-rc.6.f.6.10 .6.5 'Oo '6.o.tc.o.1t>, .6.:Sur .o.no1r C.o.1m .6.5 Ctlf\ or 'DO COtil.6.1f\, 5Uf\ fl1.6.1t .6.n 'f'U'O .o.n C01110l\C.6.r .6. CUf\ Af' btrn .6.f 1"0 50 'OC1 c01tte.o.cc.6.r, .o.5ur 'Ot1.<\1r-·bo1111 pf'.&1r 116 bon11 .6.1f\51'0 'O.& moe.6."6 5uf'().6.t .6.5Ac cu15e--.o. t.o.0.6.1f\C 'Oo '11 'O.o. t c.6. .6. oo.1teo c.6.'6 .6. 11 cu 1'0 1r mo -o '.6.111m ne.6.6.6. .o.5u r 'Oo feo t.6.1'6e.o.c.6. e1tte.6. n n .o.6 1 116-m1e-r1ce.& .o.r ro 50 'Oc1 r.6.n. 'O',::e.6.'0f.6.1 1<.\'0 50 te1f\ .6. CUf\ cu5.6.c-r.o., .6.5Uf re mo tt1t\1f\1TI n.& 'Co.1'.>.6.'f'f.6.-r.o. .l\n '01t1tct15.6.'6 '00 Cf\U111ne.or .6. co1me&.'O o-rt.6. .6.5Uf 1.0."() .6. cut' .o.no11n. 11it 'Oe.o.rm.6.'0 n.& 50 11'0E>.6.nf.6.1"0e 1"5.6.nnf'.6."0 C.6.1f\l'>e '00 11.6. re.o.6C.6.1f\11'.>, -0.5 f(11L. 50 n5t.o.Cf.6.1f\ te1r,
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e,0.'05 U-6. '01111111111. c-<\o 1 tee. rne,0..t, n,0. ffi.6.1t .6.tl .6.1C 50 'f'.6.l'.>.o.1r, .6. t'.6.1'65, .6.5Uf n1.6.1t .o.n 66ti1.61'J'le 1 rm .6. tt15.6.1f 'OOm. '5t4'C.6.1m te1f .6.5Uf c.&1m bu1'6e.c.c '61oc, .o.5ur bnonn f.<\ 1D me bo1111 ,<\ 1 n.51'0 .6.f\ .6.n ce 1f mo .6. l).6.1teoc..1.1'6 .o.mmne.6.6.6. .o.5ur reot.o.1"6e.6.6.6. 5.o.e'6e.6.t t.o.t' tE':.6.f\ .6.5Uf .6. CU1f\f1'0 cu5.o.m M'O R011l1 ,6.11 Ce.o.'O t"', 'Oe'n t u511,0.s,0. so cu:5,0.11111. 1r m6-r .6.11 c.6.b.6.11" 'O'te.o.'Of.6.1'6e t.6.1'.>.0.1-rc 'Oo'n ,6.t.6.1f' n11ce.<it 6 ft.o.11n.o.5.<i111 .6.5ur 'O't1011.&n ffi.6.C Cott11m 'r.o. crt15e reo .6.5Uf C.6. ru11, .6.5.6.m 50 5CU1f\fe.6.t' t1orc.6.1 m6f'.6. .6.5 Cf\Mtt o-rm -ro1m .6.11 I.o."6 t.& 'Oe tu5tl.6.f.o.. '°'t' e.o.5t.6. 11.6.c 'OcU15re.6.'6 n.6. '0.6.tC.6.1 50 tell' C.6.'0 C.6. .6.1\ f1UlJ.6.t .6.5.0.m .6.5Uf .6.5.0.C-f.6., .6. t'.6.1'65, '00.6.tl.6.n11 Cf\.6CC .6.f\ tiOf 1 mbe.6.f\l.6.. ,0.5ur .O.f\lf, .6. t'.c.1'65, 'Oe1tt1m 5tlt'.6. n1ite m.61t .6.5.6.C. -0.n01f, .6. e10Un lhc 0'0.6. !
se.c m.o.s 6 c1011n-0.15, Cor,c"-'1:s,
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l)tt�,c�1tti :so
c.11 co n16 R Cz\S.
como nr.c,s 11u,0..
deserve your support
1116n 11,0. '0-<\ te,0.1 seo-p.a'Or.0.15 65 o Ce.o.tt.6.15. Liorn. 6 C"-'1rme, .l111e lH D.&t.6.15, C.ci1t: lli ,6-ou.o., S1ot>.&n 1_11 Co11ct1b.6.t', e-0.monn O nu.6.tt.<i111, :Set,Cf\11'0 111 U.6.t5.<\1f\5, .6-0'6 0 C.o.01ti1, n1.&1tte 1H C.o.01m, T)e.6."().c.t' 6 1n6tt'6.c. .o.:sur p 1Up oe lJUf\C-". c61i1 nJ. '6. Dun '0-6.tc.o.i o'n ,0.011.6.c, 6 t'1,1 l1.6.5.o., 6 'Oe.o.t5.o.11, 6 nor C-re, 6'11 S510b.6.1tti11, 6 -0.c.o.'6 Co n o.tjie, 6'11 'Oee.6.mt,Mtt mor, 6 1il.6.1mrt:1t' ne mor11.o., 6 C.6.t.6.1f\ S.6.1'6t>111, 6 e.6.r '5e1c111e .o.5ur o .a1ee.6.c.6. e1te-be11'.> me .6.5 c.6.11111c t1t> 50 te1l' .6. n cre.o.6Cti"!.6.111 reo CU5'.6.11111, te C011'511.61il 'Oe,
A COMPETITION FOR ALL, AND A SILVER MEDAL FOR THE WINNER. I am sure every member, old and young, of " Eire Og " knows that An t.Athair Micheal O Flannazain and Fionan Mac Coluim are at present ir'i' America as· the Delegates of the Gaelic League, working to make the home movement known to our kinsmen in the United States, to establish the League there, and to obtain the financial support and co-operation of the exiles for the language fight here at home. Well, for months past the Delegates been writing home week after week asking have us' here to send them the names and addr =ses of friends and relatives in the States, so that they may interview them or write to them, and strive to interest them in the struggly that is being carried on here between the Demon of Anglicisation and the forces of Irish Ireland -the battle for the soul of a nation that we are fighting day by day. WHERE THE COMPETITION COMES IN. This appeal of the Delegates for names and addresses of Irish people in the States has suggested to one of our Southern members, Tadhg Ua Duinnin, of Sliabh Riabhach, Baile Mhuirne, the idea that " Eire Og " could assist the American Delegates to a very great extent. and the idea is put forward by him in the letter given above, which some of our new members, only a short time learning the language, may not be able to follow. Tadhg suggests that I should offer a handsome prize-a Silver Medal, for instance-for the largest number of names and addresses of Irish people in the United States, sent to me by any one member before the Oireachtas. I am grateful to Tadhg for his splendid suggestion, and I have pleasure in offering a SILVER MEDAL for the largest number of such names and addresses sent to me BEFORE AUGUST rst. Each member can work in his or her own locality, and strive to find out from friends and neighbours the names and addresses of relative in the United States. If several lists are sent in I shall award a Second Prize and a Third Prize. So set to work at once. You have a splendid opportunity of helping th.e Irish language movement, of helping the Irish exiles, and of winning a prize into the bargain. c,0.01 tee 11,0. n.0-1111, 01r15 ,0.11 ct-0.1u1m sotu1s, 25 Ce.6.1'1165 nuct.c.mn,
.&t.6. CU.c.t .
c t,{\ 1 D e ,{\ ti1 . me1t'e,0.m 17, 1911.
Ci\1oli R�staurant, PATRICK STREET, CORK. �--
The Gael's Rest. :SAC
Do they receive it·?
An ct.eroecrn sotuis.
The Lucania
at.bet ,that we would • t.mth ore than a.o ALITY . k. 'i'\ LUCANIA QU F there is one � · · nnn 1tis e to ns �J pts like to mstsl Ur· ., L caniu-D<> attem i. .. cheap u · of a ch eap !
I Thete are no •
-� .. �iout cxislenc.e on the pr�
make a
our rcputal10°
Cucania_ .
�����.p ..
7 . 7 : o-but 1l 1S • able as if double that as low as. �s ·�st as sound and r�h . staked on the bicycle-it 1 1 'd Out reputation 1S other . as on any pal . · .J l . t the same i:,ricc were
£7 : 7 : 0 moue we make. mach'me
The Luc4Dla ,.
Irish made bY
Irl•h band•·
JOIIM O'MEILL, South Km� St.,
dream of his, but he was established at The Hermitage before they had time to think on the ma�ter. Xow_he has given even those who were closest m. touch �th him another surprise. He has succeeded m establishing a College Union with a starting membership of over one hundred and twenty. The Union consists of former and present students of St. Endas and St. Ita's <�,lieges, and of the teachers and professors connected with both establishments. It is men like An Piarsach who are prepared to act We all have longed for an Irish system of education, we have agitated for it, and helped, perhaps, in a small way to make it possible; but he has given himself wholly to the work of establishing a college in which education might be as Irish and as national as it is desirable it should be. He has run great risks, he has incurred enormous expense, he has had to meet difficulties of all kinds almost everyday and on every side, hut he has never flinched from his task. One of the most encouraging things of the present time is the support which has been given to both St. Ita's and St. Enda's Colleges. People who have never been closely in touch with the Gaelic League have sent him their sons and daughters to receive an Irish education, showing that the country is tired of the wretched and anti-national Intermediate system. �/' and run risks that we want in Ireland to-day.
The speakers at the banquet given in connection · with the establishment of the Union avoided the usual topics at such gatherings. They spoke of Ireland and of what the purpose of education in Ireland should be. 'V\'e know what a colourless thing eclucation in most of our schools and colleges is. The teachers of to-day have fallen .from their high estate, They willingly omit the teaching of patriotism from their programmes, and instead of giving us men of moral fibre and dauntless patriotism, they content themselves with turning sons of men into dapper or versatile West Britons, whose native talent is neglected and who know no purpose beyond securing a job in the English Civil Service. In St. Enda's one of the first purposes of education is to teach boys how to be worthy citizens--citzens of Ireland. The truths of Irish history are not watered down or hidden from them. Their masters do not forego the right and privilege of the J rish teacher from the time of Colmcille to teach their daltai that Eire is their motherland, and that there is no release from her service. Go.� saoghailidh Dia 'an Ord nua. ''
The Oireachtas. Seamus O Cathasaigh would remind writers who intend entering for the Oireachtas competitions that their manuscripts should reach him not later than June joth. He issued his annual appeal in aid of the Oireachtas Fund last week. We trust that it will meet with a generous response. The same small circle of friends who subscribe to and help to raise the La�guage Fund are asked to help the Oireachtas also. It is the most appealing event in the Gaelic League calendar_. ancl this· year we are promised a long list of surprises. The pageant is in competent hands. •' Torna " is author of the " book," and Mr. Morrow, who is manager, has long experience at such work. The plays, w�ich are in rehearsal for weeks past, will be produced m a manner that will do credit to the Gaelic League stage. The Industrial Art and Costume Exhibitions will fill the Rotunda Rink, �nd it
June 1;. 19u.
is a certainty that they will surpass anything hithe�to orzanised bv the Oireachtas Committee. The \, ar Pipers' competition will be held at jones's Road on July joth, where the hurling and football matches of the Oireachtas tournament will be played on the same dav.
Sgoil Lios Dhuin Bhearnaigh.
We have received the clar of the Lios Dhuin Bhearnaizh Sum.mer School. It announces that the school wilf open on August znd, and it contains particulars regarding the classes, which will be conducted by Sean O Toibin and Seamus O Suilleabhain. The fees will be only zs. 6d. a week, and the advantages of visiting Lios Dhuin Bheamaigh in August, and combining pleasure with study, are so obvious that we need not indicate them.f � m
The Language Fund.
In this week's list there are many contributions that deserve particular notice, but we will refer to onlY: one, that from the Cill Aime Gaelic League. It � be noticed that eight local schools have helped in the collection. It is quite evident from this that the teachers of the Cill Aime district have their hearts in the work of reviving Irish. Their teaching is not done through fear of public opinion, but through love of the language. Last year the Coiste G�otha assiste.d the Cill Aime Coiste Ceanntair financially. This year the Coiste is self-supporting, and it is able to send the Language Fund the generous contribution of £20. t_'I j llhil
An Ard-Fels.
RULES RELATING TO BRANCH REPRESENTATION AND THE ELECTION OF THE COISTE GNOTHA. The Coiste Gnotha desires us to draw the attention of readers to the following extracts from the Constitution of the Gaelic League. Copies of the Constitution will be forwarded to applicants by the Ard-Runaire. The Ard-Fheis shall, at its Annual Meeting, elect the Uachdaran and two Leas- Uachdarain. It shall also elect by ballot 45 members of the League to.be a Coisde Gn6tha, of whom fifteen shall be resident members, that is, residing in Dublin, or within 20 miles of Dublin, and thirty non-resident members. Of the non-resident members, one at least shall be resident in Scotland and one in England. The Executive Committee shall be elected in the following manner :Munster-Nine members. Ulster-s-Seven members. Connacht-Seven members. Leinster-Four members (exclusive of resident members). Great Britain-Three members. The members of the Coisde Gn6tha shall be elected each year at meeting of Ard-Fheis, each member of which shall have a vote in the election of each member of the Coisde Gn6tha. The name of the person desiring election on the Coisde Gn6tha shall be forwarded to the Ard-Runaidhe a fortnight before the Ard-Fheis, on a printed form which can be had from the Ard-Runaidhe, and on that onlv. Provision to be made on the form for the name of the person going forward for election as well as for the name of the person proposing him. This form will be invalid unless it contains both signatures. Only one application will be accepted from the same applicant. The appointment of delegates to the Ard-Fheis shall be made bv Craobhacha and Coisdi Ceanntair, before the jo th )une in each year, and the names of those appointed shall be notified to the General Secretary within fourteen days after that date. They shall hold office until the 30th June in the following year. Substitutes may be appointed, and their names shall be notified not less than a week before the date fixed for the meeting of the Ard Fheis. No Craobh shall be allowed to send a delegate who is not a member of the Gaelic League. Notices of motion for the agenda of the Ard-Fheis shall be forwarded to the General Secretary by Craobhacha and Coisdi Ceanntair, at least three weeks before the date fixed for the opening session. At next and at every succeeding Ard-Fheis no delegate able to speak Irish shall use English in the course of the proceedings of the Ard-Fheis, without the permission of the Ard-Fheis. Henceforth no branch shall appoint as a delegate to the Ard-Fheis any person who is not a member of some branch of the Gaelic League.
E. C., 80 Brookhouse Hill, Sheffield, England, would be glad to hear of the correct address of Mr. Richards, who wrote from near Enniskillen and on Loch Erne last vear to the CLAIDHEAMH Sor.trrs with reference to the sharing of a cottage.
Certificates, Cards of Membership,
IN CORK. Special Designs & Estimates for presentation pieces.
Silver Fsctory6
l\i\A YLOR
The Kilkenny Woodworkers are showing at
their Dublin establishment a patent Bed Chair. It is a most useful adjunct to a flat or in a small house where the rooms are well used. No one would guess its double purpose from its � ppenrance.
Co., LTD.,
Irish Xmas Card Publishers,
70 Patrick . Street, Cork. ACHILL FOR IRISH.
Professors -'Com(\r 6 n..15..1l1,..115 (.. _{11u Qtl.,<.\rh), Cotm 6 5e�11 ..,15, Se ..\5i.n Se61;ce, and others. 1l'n'fr/,>rf1tl'f'artculars be ..xn ut U<.\'O<.\lt. p ..,111c n<.\ CAt1t1 .. to Secreta ry-s�· 1· ,,.. 15e, .in
1'1, 1191.
'FU AIR SE AMACH:· II. But! to hark back to the ,. barbarous Irish;" here we have an authority who in effect tells us-not as a joke, mind: but in the most obtuse seriousness-that the Irish speakers and writers to sav of the Scotch Gaels} of the � nothing '' last 300 Years. are a lot of" barbarians · · who had no proper knowledge of their own language. And probably a number of gullible people will be found to take this pronzmciamento as a sober truth. instead of treating it to the Homeric laughter it deserves. The worst thing about it is that it is so typical, typical of that narrow and shallow and self-conceited pedantry which has latterly come into a certain vogue. Indeed the swarm of pedants and pedantlets that have been generated in the " Irish-Ireland" atmosphere these last few years, threatens to become a positive nuisance and a pest. It is not many months since one of the genus was warning us that the employment of the verb caiihim in the sense of " I am obliged to." was a low-down vulgarism. or something of that sort ; though the fact is that in this sense the word has a literary history of some five hundred years behind it. One of the surest antidotes to this furor pedagogicus is the cultivation of a sense of humour; pedantry and a sense of humour are irreconcilable enemies. How Englishmen would shake with laughter, were some professor to gravely assure them in excellent French that various expressions of theirs which had been in constant use in literature and speech ever since the days ofSidney or of Dryden, were mere "barbarisms," or "gallicisms," or " neologisms," which should be forthwith discarded. I have applied the test of literary usage to the popular phrase gheibhim amach, and in the result it has been more than vindicated. But it was not necessary to go so far in order to disprove that nonsense about " barbarism."· Taking facts as they are, and the Irish language as it is, the only general test of the correctness or incorrectness of any given expression is to be found in its acceptability or otherwise to those older speakers of Irish who know no English. It is only among this class, now so sadly thinned in numbers, that we may hope to find the living language still in possesson of its old richness and strength; though this is the very class whom, in our craze for "bilingualism," we have fatuously doomed toaspeedyextinction. If any particular turn of phrase comes natural to these. if they use it just as they use the thousand-and-one other expressions they have heard from their parents and grandparents before them, it is thereby entitled to a full and unqualified recognition of its literary citizenship. An Irish speaker is none the less Trish because his name instead of being a native " Milesian " one, happens to be Burke. or Ferriter, or Keating. And it is the same with words and phrases ; an expression long sanctioned by the usage of purely Irish speakers, can claim to have become Hibernior Hibernicis ipsis, even though its ultimate origin be proved ten times over to be foreign. To make agreement with the English idiom the test of the incorrectness of an Irish expression is just tantamount to saying that nobody can discriminate, or ever could have discriminated, between Irish and un-Irish idiom, without also knowing English. With the philo-antiquarian group Geoffrey Keating has become somewhat of a fetish these latter years. " Keating, the-last-masterof-Irish-prose " has been trotted out so often that unsuspecting people might well be pardoned for imagining that the art of writing Irish prose came for ever to an end on Geoffrey's death. Elsewhere, perhaps, I may have an opportunity of puncturing this little bubble. Keating, as was almost inevitable, has been styled "a well of Irish undefiled,''-a rather meaningless designation, which nobody can object to. But times and language have changed very much from what they were three centuries ago; and even if Kea.ting's language is not quite so obsolete as is " Dan Chaucer's !' in English, it is none the less impossible and objectionable as a model for writers to-day. N" o doubt Keating, with not a few of his literary predecessors, is well worthy of being studied by those of us who possess the necessary leisure and inclination. But if the country generally
an cu1'0e.o.m sotu1s.
June r;.
IS 11
17, 1911.
All Shades.
LIGHT, 22 6; MEDIUM, 27 6;
BEST, 35/·.
Cycle Capes, 39" 6/6 ; 42" 7 /6. .,Z I r: Tubes, 2/11 ; best, 3/6. Covers, 6/9, 6/9, 7 /9.
mOR usn15 Ill
Remember that the great Uisneagh F eis will be held this year in historic Athlone, 'jJ on Sunday, June 2jth. Famous Armagh · Pipers in Costume. Warpipe Bands from Dublin and Longford. Galway. Kilkenny, &c. Competitions in Irish Language and History. Choral and Solo Singing. Dancing. Ireland's Champion Hurlers will be present. Excursion Trains from all parts . I
CU1'01 '5H)
te CU1S 110.
l15 o.eu1 t�e.
.&nus501t couumcit.te,
Owing to the Expiration of Lease;
62 GRAFTON STREET. The Irish Smoke,
Some years ago our grandmothers prided themselves on their ample feather beds, but now-a-days no good housewife cares to use one of these unhealthy and not too cleanly if luxurious articles. Any housekeeper wishing to· dispose of one or more feather beds could not do better than to communicate with the Irish Feather Co., Ltd., Tara Street, Dublin, who supply Curled Hair Mattresses in part or whole exchange, or purchase for cash as mav be desired. '
O'LOUCHLIN, MURPHY & BOLA�D, LTD. Wholesale Stationers, Bookbinders, Paper Bag Manufacturers, Paper and Twine Merchants.
First Cerm-
FLEMING'S HOTEL, 32 Gardiner's Place, Dublin.
were forced to lea�e their old address. II� Marlborough Street, and take this opportunity to thank their clients for past support, and solicit a continuation of their patronage at New Address, where: every attention will be given to secure home comforts. Three minutes' walk from Parnell s Statue, five seconds from Gardiner Street Chapel and Findlnters Church. Strictly Moderate Charges.
4th July to 14th August. Second Cerm-
16th August to 26th September. Prospectus may be had from
pe e.o e.n 6 ceAttA15,
Special facilities for Bazaar and Church Printing, Posters, etc. INQUIRIES INVITED. All Irish Manufactured Papers regularly stocked.
Otte.5.n An 5UAtt, ·
Our Registered Irish Trade Mark ts 0470.
Telephone No. 941,
'tin eo5A1n.
Telegraphic Address-'' Paradise Dublin."
Thursday, 15th June, 3 p-rn., IN
fatber Matbew Hall, Cburcb S.t. SENIOR COMPETITIONS BEGIN FRl�AY (16th) ·7.30.
LECTURE By Mr. ARTHUR DARLEY, "Music, Oood and Bad," 8.30. '
FATHER, MATHEW PARK, FAIRVIEW. Fels continues tiJJ. June 21th.
Admis,ion to Competitions - . Reserved Chairs - Gd.
The above represents the Spacious Premises of
0 U 6 LIN, Who are genuine Manufacturers of Irish Art Jewellery, Medals, Badges, C.(\ 1 ste .6. n
Silver Cups, Trays, Tea-sets, 8l.c., 8l.c.
co. tine eo5.6.1n. t:.0.01 clit1M1 ct1Mtl,\cd Conn11.o.u n.c. 5�e-61t.5e .An
C,\lrle.1,n 10CC<.\tl,\l:,
{\sur ..
t>ot ·.
'OomnA15, ..
Come to the new Summer School of the Tyrone Gaedhcaltacht where you can hear the sweet bU.. r and the rich Irish idioms of the O'Neill's Country· Irish the Home Language. District rich in htstory , folklore, and relics of Antiquity. Air pure and bracing Abundance of fishing, shooting, &c. S hool opens on i st July and closes before second session of the lll ·ter College, Clouhaneely, for which it is intcndect as a prcparntory School. For f'ull particulars apply to the Secretary S. U,\ mum5e ...,s ..,. sco1t ._\n c,,1rle.11n ...,c,\u Le e.ce n .
6m1,15, on or before 26th June. A.ay Make of Typewrlt er Repaired
Tol. X19.
(Under the Shadow of Tara).
Come and see how MEATH is Marching in the Language Movement. BIGGER, BRIGHTER, BETTER
,\ t:e,'\f'CU1Te.1T1n
t1U'O U.A1'C 1
Sun pay next, June 18th.· MR. J. BIGGER, M.R.I.A., will formally open the Reis. ------
Train from BROADSTONE at 10 a.rn.j AMIENS STREET at 9.15 a.m.
t>ru111m me,,1rin1 CLO no n1-6te d tld1nednn le n-.c Lercerni, bio-6 r1or 4\;'5{\'C :so l'>Fu1 t f,'\t, ;sno-r.111 1 m b.A1 Le {\t.., ClH\t 5<.\eu1l5e61ri 'O<.\tt<.\b rtomne
50 skilled men employed on these premises.
Bear the National Trade Mark
"1:S 25 Bachelor's Walk. ,J,
.o.n cteroaern souns,
n1e1te ..\1i'l 24 1s11 June
24 191 I
(All a.AIDB•AMB SOLUia.]
C.& .60n f'U'O .6til.&.1n .6 't'.>.61ne.6t111 terr n.6 rse.6tC.61t'.>
fOO '00 f5f'iol'.>.c.nn .6n 'OutJ5.6tt.6c .6 Ct11f'e.6nn 'Oe1fe.6CC fe teic 10nnC.6, .65Uf 're .611 "f\U'O e n.& 5.6.n t'.>e1t .& cu1' 10n11c.6 .615e .66 .6n "f\U'O 'Oo COt1.61C re re111 no .611 f\U'O '00 '6e111 re rem, 110 'OO nem -oume 'Oe rn.6 c6ril.6f\fM1.61t> .6 t'.>i .615e. 1f be.65 f'U'O f5f\10t'.>t.6 .615e .6C f\U'O -00 tt11C Sm e •m.66 te 11.6 t111n rem re'n 'OCU.61t. be.65.6 r5e.6lC.6 n.o. 'O'C.61t11e.6nn re 11'0e.6f'.6 50 r1mpt1"6e reo .615e terr n.6 '0.601111l'.>. l'.nor .6:S 5At'>.61t tr1'0 .611 'O°Cu.61t r111 corr 11.6 le.c.m1M t.& cu15 bt.1.6'011.6. 6 tom .65ur t:.6.1rbe.&.11.6'6 -oorn Ml .&1c 11.6. f\.6.11:'> ce.&.f\'OCA " 't.6.1'05 '5.6.1'.>.6," .6.5Uf b'i be.6.11 rrl1C€'.&.1t 11.6. 5Cte.6.r .6. 1'.>i m.6.'f\ 51ott.o. .65.6.m c.o.m.6tt 'Oe'n t.&, .o.5ur cu.6.t.6.1'6 r1 q,.&cc t.l\!' 11.1 r5e.6.t;c.6.11'.> r111 .6.5Uf 'Ot11'.>.6.1f\'C 11.& 'f\.6.11'.> ro nnz,e .6.6 .611 ti1'11111e, t.5t1r 5ur 1'.>f\e.6.5 te1 1.6'0 '00 ctor.
1f 10m'6.6. f111 r5e.6.l .6.5tlf e.6.CC'f\.6. 1 'O'C.6.01'.> 1f bf'e.6.5 t.iom 1.6'0 11"1 'CU.6.t.6. f.6. te.6.1'.>.6.'f\ ro. 'Oeme.61111 re 65 .(\r1r me .66 'Oeme.61111 .6 te15. re b"f'611.66 t1.61'f\e.61111t:.6. me, 1'.>e1t .c.5 cuimneom A'f\ .6.11 f.60:E,.6l., fOC.61f' '00 1'.>1 .65.6.m rem re'11 'Ot:U.6.1t :S.6.C tl.6.11' .6 te151m Ct11'0 'Of'-11 te.o.1'.>.6."f\ fO. 11it .0.011 curo -oe .6 t.6.1t11 trom com mot' teir "'" ob.611' r.c.n mo111te.6.'f'. rtlott115e.c.r me tem re m.o.r '00 bemn rem .65 'Oe.6.11.6.ril .6.11 5116t.6. .61111 ; re m.6.f\ t>e11111 .65 fE'.6.C.6.111t: .6.f\ 11.6. fe.6.'f'.6.11'.> .65 ree .6. 11'011111e11' .6.5 .6.n 5c11111te.6.f'.6.11111 (c11111·.&1'f\'O .6.11 pocat, .o.c.& .6.1111f0) .6.:Stlf p.&1'f'C 1i16f\ te1t' f1.61' t.J.f\fC..6, U.6.tA, .65t1f be.6.6.6. .0.5 5tu.6.1re.6.6t: •:St1f re.6.n6ur bf\e.6.5 'f'€'1'0 C1.6tt1il.6.'f' Af\ r1t.1t'.>.6.t 1f 10m'0.6. :S.6.'f'fU11 .6. 6on.&1C .&5 .6. f'.6.1t'.> t.&1ttte.6.6. .6. teicero ft11 .o.:sur 1r 10mtM :S.6.t'f1111 Stlt' cure .6. 6o'Ot.o.'O .611' .6St1f e 1 bperoit no. S.6.05.6.t ,:e'11 'OCU.6.1t 5.6.11 b.o.111'C -oe 11.6. cup terr 1f e.6.'0 e reo so -oeirmn, .6.:Stlf b.6. t>re.0.5 t.iom 'O.& te15e.6.'0 it' fl'0.6.0111e 65.6. CU1'0 'Oe .6 noir .6.' .6.'f'1r,
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, are hundreds of such men throughout the country men whose names are unknown outside their immediate district perhaps, but they are the men who are making and have made the For the language movelanguage movement. ment is a movement of work, hard, steady, unrelaxing, and the man who is busy with work of this kind has no time for talk or selfadvertisement. All honour to such men; one such is worth a hundred gabblers or scribblers who merely pose before the footlights in order to catch the public eye. I have given here a glimpse of one, but there are several others in these same An trim Glens. FERGUS MACROIGH.
Professor Kuno Meyer delivered the third and last lecture of his course on Celtic Languages and Literature at University College, Gower Street, London, last month. In dealing for the most part with the work of Heinrich Zimmer and his leadership in Celtic research, he gave an interesting survey of Zimmer's studies of the early relations between Ireland and the Continent, and of the influence of the civilisation of the earliest inhabitants of Great Britain and Ireland upon their Celtic conquerors. The gigantic task which Zimmer had set before himself during the last five or six years of his life was one for which he was better equipped than any other scholar, but unfortunately, he did not get beyond some preliminary studies published in the Proceedings of the Berlin These were supplemented by Academy. papers found' after his death, which the lecturer said, he himself, intended some day to print. It was long since such important contributions on the early history of Great Britain and Ireland had appeared, for Zimmer realised, perhaps more clearly than anyone else, that in making researches into the early history of Europe the scholar must start in these islands. Zimmer, first of all, set out to deal with the trade and traffic of Ireland, Britain, and the Continent during the first thousand years of our era. Other papers followed on the influence of Gaul on the early civilisation of Ireland, and on the early migrations from Gaul and their first arrival in these islands. He showed in detail that there was trade intercourse for a long time exclusively from the Continent with Ireland, and traced the sources from the mouth of the Garonne and other French rivers, thence up the Shannon, and also up the east coast of Ireland to Scotland and across to Britain. He also referred to the passenger traffic, and how the pilgrims and the Irish missionaries followed the same route in order, and the Irish saints who went into Italy. Zimmer then carried his investigation into the first century of our era and the first century before Christ. He showed Ptolemy's authority as to Irish promontories, river mouths, etc. ; The Kilkenny Woodworkers have such a nice variety of small things in stock in their Dublin Showrooms. Some of the carved things are lovely.
The Irish Smoke,
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how Gaulish traders had entered these rivers and had traded with Westport, Galway, Waterford and Dublin ' and he also traced numerous . estuaries and cities. Zimmer took 111 connection with this the well known passage in Tacitus where he speaks of the first intercourse to and fro between Ireland and Gaul. The sea did not then sever Ireland from the Continent, but united it. By the s de of this great Continental route there was another by the South of Great Britain, but this was rendered unsafe during almost two hundred years when the pagan Saxons controlled it, but at the end of the sixth century it was again opened up. They had an interesting document from a somewhat later time when the intercourse from the heart of Ireland to the Rhine was described. There was an account of the forwarding from Aix-laChapelle to Clonmacnoise of a jar of oil, which was then scarce in Ireland. In a further book Zimmer dealt with the wine trade carried on with Gaul and Ireland, and i11ustrated this with a large number of borrowed words in the Irish language from the Latin. He reminded them that Adamnan, in the Life of St. Columba, told them of the Gaulish ship arriving in the sixth century at Iona and bringing news of a disastrous earthquake on the Continent, and of another Gaulish vessel arriving in the Shannon at Clonmacnoise when St. Kieran was alive before 548. They brought wine and filled the huge vat belonging to the community, which the saint distributed among his monks with his blessing. Those early trade routes may be studied and still followed from the early lives of the saints, mostly in Latin and some in Irish and Welsh. Professor Meyer pointed out that Mr. George Coffey, of Dublin, in starting from a different quarter of archaeology, had arrived at very much the same conclusions as Zimmer in dealing with the origin of prehistoric ornaments of Ireland, and that in many ways Mr. Coffey had anticipated the Zimmer had also a great German scholar. series of papers on the primitive inhabitants conquered by the Briton and Gael, and in a further paper he traced the share of Gaul in the Christianisation of Ireland in the fourth and fifth centuries, which followed naturally on his paper on the trade routes.
A Chara, In two recent English leaderettes you deal with the question of the Dublin Feis, and the relations of the Annual Meeting of the Ard-Chraobh to the Feis. You cite some remarks which I made, and, therefore, I should feel grateful. if you would allow me to lay a personal explanation before your readers, and at the same time give my views on the general subject of the Feis, which is in controversy in your columns just now. You say " I strongly opposed the Secretaries ' Now, my remarks anent the Feis mostly report." consisted of an argument that it was a useful form of activity, and that it could be developed as to to knit together the League in Dublin, whilst, at the same time, serving a propagandist effect. Now, two weeks ago you assured us that the Secretaries din not advocate the abolition of the Feis. I accept this view, regretting that you found it impossible to publish their letter, which might have made their position clear. I think, however, that in that case there was no collision between my views and theirs, and I regret that you should have made it appear so. With regard to the Feis in general, I have read many letters from Micheal Ua Maolain, Micheal Ua Loingsigh, Maire Ni Raghallaigh, and· others. Micheal Ua Maclain believes that loud protests to the effect that everything is flourishing will make'[everything so in fact. Micheal Ua Loingsigh is, however, gloomy and pessimistic, and Maire Ni Raghaillaigh severely criticises the The Ard-Chraobh seems to be uneasy. management. I would Now, there is manifestly a case for enquiry. like to point out to Micheal Ua Maclain that a body is very shaky, even though extravagantly praised, if its finances are not sound and healthy. The Feis has been losing every year, and Branches such as the Ard-Chraobh have been called upon to subscribe the deficit. How are the accounts of the last Feis ? It seems from the incomplete figures in the letter of Micheal Ua Loingsigh that expenditure is It is obvious, then, going to exceed receipts again. that when a certain amount of debt has been piled up the Feis must cease. For the reasons I have above explained I should be sorry for this, and would enquire (1) What is the cause of this failure, and (2) what is the remedy? At the general meeting alluded to I pointed out that the branches in general regarded the Feis with very cold interest. Now, this interest must be warmed and stimulated. This in my opinion, can only be done by more closely identifying the Committees of the Branches and the Feis Committee. The latter must be directly representative of the Branches. I do not know how the Committee is selected at present,
but[I think that, instead. each of the larger Branches should be called upon to send. say, two prominent members of their Committees (and the smaller on some similar system of representation) to form this Committee. These men, who are accustomed to administration, should be bound to work Iai thfullv on theFeisCommittee,and stir up their respective Branches This would prevent in future a recurrence of Micheal "Ca Loinsigh's plaint, that "five or six " just men were all that could be found. I might venture to inform Micheal that if we had been approached in the Ard-Chraobh we would have been delighted to 1 elieve him and his devoted friends of a part of the labour. Xobody applied to us for assistance: and not being of a pushful disposition, we were chary about forcing our services. We were only applied to for a subscription, and gave a good one, according to our means, willingly. I regard the cause of failure then to be that the work of management is too localised. If it be devolved more this Feis will get do" n into the hearts and life of each Branch. Another cause of failure is the absence of kindly spirit. Thus Micheal Ua Loinsigh might under the circumstances abstain from references to " hurlers on the ditch." The game was started ignoring their presence, and no blame attaches to them for their attitude. As well such allusions tend to break down that loyal spirit of co-operation that ought to exist between Leaguers. With regard to the details of the management of the Feis this year a few words in conclusion. Next year's Committee, if more experienced in the organisation of Ceilidhthe will abstain from selecting a Sunday. If they do, I trust that neither Easter Sunday nor Christmas Day will be selected. Any Sunday is a The Committee seem to hopeless day for a Ceilidh. forget that Dublin Leaguers have homes and friends, and that being out at their Branch meetings or elsewhere almost every night, their own fireside, or visits to their friends) claim them on Sundays. This is especially so on Easter Sunday and like days. Personally, I was very anxious to visit the Keating Branch on the night of their Ceilidh in aid, but was unable for the very same reason which prevented me from going on Easter Sunday, viz., visitors. I need only allude to the fact that non-Dublin natives are out of town. Again, though I deprecate the absurd exaggeration of the differences between dialects, I think that it would make for general confidence in the Feis, if adjudicators were selected, so long as this mental disease of provincialism lasts, half and half from the provinces of Connacht and Munster. The maoracht was severely criticised, too. Three cailini from one Branch started their examination at 1 I .30 p.m. owing to the comStewards were not sufficiently petition starting late. numerous, there seems to have been a considerable number of hurlers of the steward-brand on the ditch. Why were they not invited to join in, when the teams were undermanned. I trust, sir, that these remarks will help to clear the air, and that you will be able to find space for them in your next issue. t111re Le me.o.r m611, p ,J:O n.,0. 1 C U ,0. 'CU ,0. "t,0. 1 t,
(Vve still maintain that Padraic O Tuathail strongly His opposed the Runaidhthe's criticism of the Feis remarks were diametrically opposed to the proposal of the Runaidhthe that the Feis should not be held again for some years.-,: . .o.n 6].
AN COISTE GNOTHA. The usual monthly meeting of the Executive Committee of the Gaelic League, was held at 25 Rutland Square, on Saturday, ro th inst. Dr. Douglas Hyde, President, in the Chair. The following also attended: Dr. Seaghan P. Mac Enri, Seaghan O Cathain, Padraig Mac an Bhaird, O.S., Tomas Aghas, O.S., Domhall O Murchadha, Seoirse Mac Niocaill, Conchubhar Mac Suibhne, O.S., Padraig O Maille, Padraig O Seaghda (" Conan Maol ") Diarmuid O Cruadhlaoich, Peadar Mac Fhionnlaoich, Seumas O Cathasaigh, Cathal Brugha, Eibhlin Ni Dhonnabhain, Micheal Smidic, B.A., B.L., Una Ni Dhubhlaoich, Tomas Mac Domhnaill, Tomas O Colmain, 0.S., Seumas O Dubhghaill (" Beirt Fhear "), Padraig O Siogfhradha, Padraig Mac Piarais, B.A., B.L., Maire Ni Aodain, M.A., Dr. Eithne Nie Ghalloglaigh, Seaghan T, 0 Ceallaigh, T.C., Eamonn Mac Giolla Mhairtin, Seaghan Laoide, General Editor ; Seaghan Mac Giolla an Atha, Editor CLAIDHEAMH SoLUIS; Uilliam O Mongain, Manager, CLAIDHEAMH SoLUIS; Padraig O Dalaigh, General Secretary; Stiophan Bairead, Cisteoir. The minutes of last meeting, taken as read, were signed. L. Nie Mhagnusa (Miss McManus) wrote :" A Fhir Uasail, a Chara, "I 'have been much touched on receiving the copy of the resolution passed by the Executive Committee of the Gaelic League on the death of my brother, Dr. Leonard Strong McManus. I value it exceedingly as an expression of sympathy and regret from the members of this noble League. It is due to my bro�her and Dr. Conolly Moore, that Irish has been recogmsed as a modern language for medical students by. the General Medical Council. Please let the Committee know my gratitude for the kind resolution of regret and sympathy." I
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