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Pain, Prayer and Hope

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by Teshome Fikre Woldetensae

There is so much pain and confusion around The first action taken by the Catholic Church after the world. The coronavirus pandemic has the coronavirus arrived in Ethiopia was to caused panic. Under lockdown, people immediately close the schools. The Catholic Bishops’ remain in their houses, and their spiritual, social Conference of Ethiopia issued guidelines to be and economic lives have been seriously affected. implemented in all institutions and parishes. In the All of us are feeling confused, discouraged and first two weeks, religious functions were not indeed frightened by the coronavirus and by the suspended, but other protocols — such as social attempts to prevent its transmission. The news is so distancing and the washing of hands upon entering disturbing, we worry. We don’t know what lies churches — were applied strictly. Some changes ahead. Churches are closed and priests and faithful made to the liturgical norms were a shock for many are detached, with Catholics and Orthodox Catholics. Personally, I found it difficult to explain Christians bereft of the sacraments. People are to our people why we had to take such precautions hungry for Christ present in in response to COVID-19. the elements of bread and wine. Priests celebrate the “I’ve had some sleepless Also, we have been advising people to stay at Holy Eucharist, but in nights. Celebrating Mass home to be safe. But this empty parish churches. In Ethiopia many people in an empty church and has been difficult, since many families need to bring do not have access to electricity and the internet, listening to peoples’ fear bread home every day. Priests, religious men and so it is difficult to livestream and anxiety all make women and other pastoral religious services. People feel the importance of prayer me cry.” ministers are engaged in intensive prayer and and they are crying to God. spiritual guidance for the

The closure of the churches for the public may be faithful. After practicing social distancing principles God’s way of asking us to return to our roots, to the in churches for two weeks, it was decided that the very meaning of what it means to be church. It churches should be completely closed in invites us to a make faith-filled effort to believe that consultation with all religious confessions and the in God we live and move and have our being. No government. Once the decision was made to close door can be closed to our reaching God and to God churches, priests continued to offer daily Mass on reaching us. behalf of the community. Bells continue to ring to remind the faithful of the main prayerful moments Abba Teshome Fikre Woldetensae, a priest from the of the day: morning, midday and evening prayer. Eparchy of Emdibir, serves the Catholic Bishops’ Once the government declared a state of Conference of Ethiopia as the deputy general emergency, leaders of all religious confessions secretary and director of its national pastoral declared a month-long period of prayer, so that the commission. faithful could cry to God for the eradication of

“The closure of the churches for the public may be God’s way of asking us to return to our roots, to the very meaning of what it means to be church.”

COVID-19. The government, together with the media, agreed to provide television air time for religious services for all religious denominations. This has created a very important means to reach our faithful. It helps them to trust in God and regain their hope by listening to the word of God and uplifting homilies broadcast publicly.

All forms of social and traditional media are used to reach our communities. Priests and sisters have collaborated in organizing prayer services from different convents and parishes. Since the Catholic Church in Ethiopia does not have its own television station, using whatever media is available has become very instrumental to reach our Catholic faithful. We are grateful to CNEWA, which helped us to cover some of related costs for transmission. People of different faith communities, too, are praying together, and they are working hand in hand to combat COVID-19, mobilizing financial and humanitarian support to support poor families. Many of these volunteers are youth who are of different ethnic and religious groups.

The coronavirus has seriously affected the poor. People were supposed to stay at home, but since they need to work, they were forced to leave their houses. But the economy has also been affected by this crisis, and people are not able to bring bread home for their children. Our parishes are trying to mobilize Catholics to support poor families. These efforts have reached some of the poor, but we cannot meet all the needs since the magnitude of need is so huge.

Besides offering prayerful support, priests and religious men and women have tried to support the local poor however they can. Catholic health care institutions have been using all their resources to combat COVID-19. The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Ethiopia has made an emergency appeal to all Catholic organizations, asking them for help. With the financial support we have received so far, we have provided communities with awareness about the virus, along with some protective equipment and materials that were delivered to Catholic institutions.

COVID-19 has affected all of us. I’ve had some sleepless nights. Celebrating Mass in an empty church and listening to peoples’ fear and anxiety all make me cry. I have intensified my prayer life, taking time to meditate and read, and following all prayers and Eucharistic celebrations televised from Vatican City. Since we decided to close our office, I have been working half days. I have tried to rest well and watch news selectively, so as not to be overly stressed. I have taken time for some recreation at home as well, which helps one keep healthy mentally, physically and spiritually.

u Ministry of Health workers measure the temperature of a girl during a door-to-door screening to curb the spread of COVID-19 in Addis Ababa.

uu Faithful gather to celebrate the parish feast of Holy Savior Church.

y Abba Teshome Fikre Woldetensae and priests pray at Holy Savior Church.

As the lockdown is further prolonged, and restrictions of movement are enforced, low-income families who live on daily subsistence find life more challenging. This worries the church more than ever before. Yet, the spread of the virus seems to be slowing here in Ethiopia. And so we pray, and we hope. n

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“I’ve been blessed to see how resilient faith can be, even in places devastated by persecution and war.”

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