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Caritas Georgia operates numerous institutions and programs that support human and social development. Clockwise from bottom left, children attend class at the Harmony Center in Tblisi, Georgia; Fatima and her three children are assisted by the St. Barbare Mother and Child Care Center in Tbilisi; a man enjoys a warm meal at a food program; young adults learn woodworking; young mothers attend a culinary arts program; a woman plays piano at a day center with programming for seniors.
seeking closer ties with the E.U. and NATO. In its first decades of post-Soviet independence, Georgian society was trending toward a greater realignment with Europe represented, as well, in government policy. These aspirations led to various reforms aimed at modernizing institutions, improving governance and promoting European integration. The younger generation, in particular, is keen on embracing Western ideals and lifestyles.
However, this government has faced criticism on the path to European integration, including of the proposed Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence. The E.U. has underlined that creating and maintaining a supportive environment for civil society organizations and ensuring media freedom are at the core of democracy; the law’s adoption was inconsistent with these aspirations and with E.U. norms and values.
Last year, at a crucial summit of the E.U. in Brussels, Ukraine and Moldova were granted the status of “candidate countries” to join the E.U., while Georgia received only the prospect of candidacy. The European Commission set out compulsory requirements for Georgia to receive candidate status, clearly outlining the flaws of the current government: political polarization, lack of independence and effective accountability of state institutions, shortcomings in the electoral framework, lack of a fully independent, accountable and impartial judiciary, threats to free and independent media, and lack of protection for the human rights of vulnerable groups. The European Parliament also required Georgia to follow through on “de-oligarchizing” its government by eliminating the excessive influence of vested interests in economic, political and public life.
Georgia’s integration into the E.U. is crucial for a myriad of reasons, including to eradicate poverty — currently, 17.5 percent of the population lives below the national poverty line — to improve education and quality of life, reduce income inequality, offer stronger social welfare services to the underserved and decrease political polarization.

Although the law was targeted at nonprofit organizations practicing advocacy, social activism, the promotion of the democratization of government institutions and the eradication of corruption, it would have had a damaging effect on charitable nonprofits as well, that is, those offering social welfare services, such as Caritas Georgia, as 20 percent of their total budget often comprises foreign donations.
International and local social welfare organizations work in close partnership and cooperation with the government, significantly extending the limited capacity and resources of the latter to fill in the gaps of social welfare programs offered country-wide. Social service organizations, such as Caritas Georgia, funded mostly by foreign donors, give opportunities to vulnerable children, shelter victims of violence, secure lonely seniors a dignified life, promote the integration of persons with disabilities in the labor market, nourish hundreds of underserved people daily in a soup kitchen, provide emergency relief and promote economic and social development.
Had lawmakers not revoked the law on 10 March, social welfare organizations would have been hindered from developing relationships with foreign donors, and donor acquisition would have worsened substantially due to the hostile climate. In sum, impeding the work of social welfare organizations would have left thousands of beneficiaries without assistance in the alleviation of their suffering and without access to lifegiving opportunities.
In addition to extending the capacity and resources of various social welfare programs country- wide, nonprofit organizations sometimes will have greater knowledge and expertise in a particular area of need, which should be harnessed for the benefit of underserved populations.
Nonprofit organizations in Georgia are essential and diverse in their roles. They make significant contributions to meet societal needs, promote citizen engagement, establish accountability and advocate for positive change. These organizations play a crucial part in constructing a society that is inclusive, resilient and equitable. Marginalizing their contribution by labeling them as “agents of foreign influence” significantly deteriorates the health of the nonprofit sector in Georgia at the expense of tens of thousands of beneficiaries.