Serving Aventura, Bal Harbour, Bay Harbor, Golden Beach, Hallandale Beach, Hollywood, Sunny Isles Beach, Surfside Dec. 30, 2009 - Jan. 5, 2010
Newport Beachside Hotel & Resort hosts 'Orange Bowl 2010' preview All-star panel features Eric Poms, Orange Bowl Committee CEO and NFL/OB Alumni Don Bailey Jr., Danny Kanell and Darrin Smith BY BARI AUERBACH Hundreds of Aventura Marketing Council members were recently treated to an "Orange Bowl 2010" preview when the Newport Beachside Hotel & Resort hosted an AMC breakfast meeting at the favorite Sunny Isles Beach vacation destination. The "all-star panel" of guest speakers included Eric Poms, Orange Bowl Committee CEO; Don Bailey, Jr., NFL/OB alumni and WQAM sportscaster; as well as Danny Kanell and Darrin Smith, also both NFL/OB alumni. AMC Chair Cliff Schulman of Greenberg Traurig helped kick off the meeting as the Newport's director of catering Holly Pacheco and sales manager Lance Detotto explained why the hotel is renowned as "one of the best venues in Sunny Isles Beach for top notch, refurbhished oceanfront accommodations, dining and entertainment." Offering world-class services combined with outstanding value, the Newport features over 18,000 square feet of meeting space ideal for corporate or social functions; the energetic bistro "Kitchen 305";
Darrin Smith shows off his championship rings
and now guests are invited to take advantage of special savings including reduced room rates, upgraded accommodations and special water sports packages. During the meeting's next quarter, Poms, Bailey, Kanell and Smith teamed up to psyche fans for the 76th FedEx Orange Bowl that will be played on Jan. 5, 2010 at Dolphin Stadium. Exciting surrounding events will range from the Dec. 19 Basketball Classic at BankAtlantic Center - to the OB Fan Fest on Jan. 4 at Bayfront Park, Tailgate Party on Jan. 5 at Dolphin Stadium and Youth Football League championship Dec. 12-13 at FIU giving kids the chance to excel in sports and build self-esteem. (Cont. Pg. 6)
Eric Poms, CEO, Orange Bowl Committee; Lance Detotto, Newport Beachside Hotel & Resort; Darrin Smith, NFL Alumni and Orange Bowl Alumni; Holly Pacheco, Newport Beachside Hotel & Resort; Don Bailey, Orange Bowl Alumni, Miami Hurricanes Alumni and WQAM sportscaster; Danny Kanell, NFL Alumni and Orange Bowl Alumni; AMC Chairman Cliff Schulman, Greenberg Traurig
Joy Felton, ADL; Andy Lewis, Eisinger, Brown, Lewis & Frankel; Don Bailey; Leslie Stein, JGB Bank; Ben Launerts, Marksman Security; Jeff Levinson, BNY Mellon
Sunny Isles Beach Mayor Norman Edelcup, Comm. Gerry Goodman, Vice Mayor Lew Thaler; Fl. State Rep. Richard Steinberg Photography by Smile! Event Photography
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Dec. 30, 2009 - Jan. 5, 2010
VIEWPOINT Ronald McDonald’s Identity Crisis BY STACEY FOLSOM Even with concerns about childhood obesity and related health conditions reaching new heights, fast food mascot Ronald McDonald remains the most recognizable icon to children around the world—second only to Santa Claus. But the clown is at a crossroads. Food blogger David Koeppel recently asked whether Ronald is a “beloved corporate mascot” or a “sinister huckster who gets kids hooked on junk food.” The evidence indicates he is both. And because it’s impossible to separate the former from the latter, it may be he should be neither. McDonald’s makes its trademark clown ubiquitous and is proud of it. An animated sequence on the corporation’s homepage begins with the caption, “He’s here. He’s there. Man, the guy’s everywhere.” He’s on Saturday morning television ads. He’s on Happy Meal boxes. He’s featured in internet games. And when we at Corporate Accountability International launched to gauge whether or how Ronald was hooking kids on food high in salt, fat and sugar, the clown turned up in a wide range of places in person. Ronald appeared at elementary schools to promote physical activity, at libraries to promote reading, and children’s fairs to teach kids about bullying. Add in the Ronald McDonald House Charities and it’s hard to see the evil in this icon. Yet, what if we consider him in the context of a less “beloved” character—one retired more than a decade ago: Joe Camel. What if Joe Camel had visited schools encouraging kids not to smoke? Would parents have found that acceptable, let alone sincere? I doubt it. When the face of a corporation, and an industry, responsible for driving an epidemic of diet-related disease wants to serve as a “health ambassador” to public schools, how is that different? As McDonald’s executive R.J. Milano put it in 1998, the corporation wants, “to own every kid transaction out there.” It has also boasted about promotions targeted at kids as young as two. Ronald remains at the center of these promotions, which are also aided by the more than 8,000 playgrounds McDonald's operates around the country. Still CEO James Skinner insists that, “Ronald has never sold food to kids in the history of his existence."
Right. Maybe he believes in Santa Claus too! Why make such an outlandish claim? Well, for one it’s better for sales when the clown’s benevolent, philanthropic image is separated from the crass, public relations machine that ringleads his appearances. McDonald’s executives know that barraging children with the clown’s images from a very young age creates powerful brand identifications that can last a lifetime. Until the age of about eight, children are generally unable to understand that marketing is an attempt to sell them a product. And one 30-second commercial can influence the brand preferences of children as young as two. McDonald’s also takes full advantage of the “pester effect.” They know that even the most responsible and strong-willed parents will cave to their children’s nagging if it is persistent enough. The company’s most problematic efforts that the Where’s Ronald hunt found bypass parents entirely. You’d imagine, for example, there are ways children could learn to read, lead healthy lifestyles, and get along with their classmates without being marketed fast food. It begs a similar question of Ronald McDonald charities. Does an icon so associated with the spike in health problems related to diet have a place in caring for sick kids? Aren’t there other clowns or mascots who could bring similar cheer, without the mixed messages? Ronald McDonald’s identity crisis isn’t new. That’s why the corporation is increasingly trying to associate him with “healthier choices” on its kids’ menu. But the fact is that a standard Happy Meal is still a hamburger or chicken “McNuggets,” fries, and a soda. The “healthier” side offering is a pile of apples with a sugary caramel dipping sauce. Chocolate milk is an alternative beverage. Instead of endeavoring to reinvent Ronald, it’s time McDonald’s did some corporate soul-searching, asking itself hard questions about the dubious practice of using a clown to promote both junk food and its charities. Meanwhile, parents can pose these same questions to the schools, hospitals, and libraries where Ronald all too often appears.
Stacey Folsom is Corporate Accountability International’s national spokesperson. Corporate Accountability International has been waging winning campaigns to challenge corporate abuse for more than 30 years. Learn more at
Embracing the World with Our Arms BY JIM HIGHTOWER The good news is that America is No. 1. Once again, the US of A is at the top of the heap, not only besting every other nation on the globe, but beating out all other nations combined. Go USA! The bad news is that this spectacular achievement is in the sales of military weaponry. Yes, your country and mine is the top arms supplier to the world. In 2008, America's corporate weapons-makers peddled nearly $38-billion-worth of everything from attack helicopters to small arms. This was $13 billion more than the previous year, and it totaled more than two-thirds of all sales in last year's global arms bazaar. Our closest "competitor" was not Russia, not China, not Iran, but—of all places—Italy. It tallied $3.7 billion in sales. In its annual report on the arms market, the non-partisan Congressional Research Service noted that last year's surge in U.S. sales was "extraordinary," given the fact that a global recession
restricted the ability of many countries to lavish such funds on war toys. Apparently, however, our arms dealers did a bang-up job of rustling up buyers. Especially fruitful were sales efforts in developing nations, which the report calls "the primary focus of foreign arms sales activity by weapons suppliers." Indeed, such developing countries as Morocco, India, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates accounted for almost $30 billion of our overall sales, giving U.S. suppliers 70 percent of this lucrative market. Russia was second, earning $3.3 billion for helping arm the developing world. What a fine example of a national achievement this sets for all the boys and girls of our land. No doubt they'll bust with pride—unless, of course, they end up having to battle some of the governments we're now arming. --
Jim Hightower is a radio commentator, writer, public speaker, and winner of the 2009 winner of the Nation/Puffin Prize. He’s also editor of the populist newsletter, The Hightower Lowdown.
Be responsible... Don’t drink and drive! AVENTURA NEWS One of
Miami’s Community Newspapers
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Dec. 30, 2009 - Jan. 5, 2010
Wanderings & Ponderings Couples
Smiths registered. What if someone legitimately was There was a questionnaire from some named John Smith and was asked to try a publication recently that asked who I different name when he registered? The thought was the most famous couple that other thing I wonder about is are there one could recognize immediately. I found John Smiths around somewhere? Gotta be. Maybe somewhere in the that to be one of the easiest quesMidwest... maybe. My wife tions I could answer; Hillary and comes from Iowa and she doesBill? Angelina and Pitt? Well no, I n’t remember any one named feel that that belongs to Mr. and John Smith. Of course she left Mrs. Smith. there a long time ago so she realGo to any hotel anywhere and ly wouldn’t be up on some comyou an be sure that if you ask if mon names in Iowa. Mr. And Mrs. Smith are available Can you imagine if you really the clerk would probably ask are a John Smith and you’re introwhich Smith you were looking Dan Palmer for? The American one, the –––––––––––––– duced as same? John Smith? Who are you kidding? What Spanish one or the Japanese one? I know that you were never in a situation are you afraid of? I won’t tell?” I once knew a Mary Smith. in which one might not call quite kosher. She was lovely but had trouble getting What better name to use when you and the amour of the moment were far enough past the first date when the date refused to away from your home area and it was smart believe that was her name and that she was to drop by a local hotel or hideaway . It was playing games with him. She married a fela good idea to register under another name low named Stanslowski .She was thrilled with her married name because no one than yours. A friend of mine a few years ago tried questioned that name. She got divorced a few years ago when registering under Smith and the clerk asked him if he didn’t mind registering all the Stanislowski relatives decided to under Jones since he already had four Americanize their name Smith.
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Dec. 30, 2009 - Jan. 5, 2010
Aventura Marketing Council COMPILED BY BARI AUERBACH As we all look forward to 2010, it's time to take a look back at some of 2009's most memorable quotes from Aventura Marketing Council business and community leaders as well as special guest speakers who were fascinating, moving and inspiring. A toast goes out to thank everyone for making it another great year for creating business and building community with the Aventura Marketing Council! "I find it awe-inspiring that in these tough economic times, our membership has still 'stepped up to the plate' to help others. We now have 35 sailboats for disabled students of the school system and have raised over $1.4 million for other charitable endeavors. I'm proud to be Chairman of such a loving and caring group of members of the AMC. Happy and healthy New Year to all of you!" Chairman of the Board Cliff Schulman, Shareholder, Greenberg Traurig "In spite of these tough economic times, I am pleased to be associated with a city that continues to care about its residents and businesses and is committed to maintaining a high quality of life for our community. The City Commission and staff worked hard this past year to avoid increasing property taxes while not cutting services in light of the economic times our residents were experiencing. The City of Excellence wishes everyone a happy holiday season and a happy and safe New Year." Eric M. Soroka, City Manager, Aventura
"BNY Mellon wishes our friends in Aventura a very safe holiday season and a most prosperous 2010." Jeffrey Levinson, Sr. Vice President BNY Mellon
"Another year without a hurricane…life is good." Bob Hollander, Exec. VP Brown & Brown Insurance Agency
"I'm committed to what I perceive judges should be doing - which is making a positive contribution to the community." Judge David Young hosted by Coconut Grove Bank & Trust and Law Office of Russel Lazega
"2009 is the year our good friends and acquaintances helped us through with their smiles, jokes and listening ear. We wish all our friends in Aventura a healthy 2010." Leslie Stein, VP / Branch Manager JGB Bank
"The 2009 economy was difficult, but I'm looking forward to 2010. I'm feeling better about investments and getting back into the market…I know it's going to be a better year!" Former Florida State Sen. Gwen Margolis
"There is no doubt that 2009 has been a challenging year for members of the community at large and organizations alike. However, in spite of the economic turmoil our great country is facing, the Aventura Marketing Council has continued to provide the valued services and member benefits that inspire lasting friendships and business relationships that will help our members to persevere." Aletha Player, Manager Florida Power & Light "As a new year draws closer and we reflect on the many challenges of 2009, I remain confident that 2010 will be meaningful. It is truly our honor to serve the residents of the City of Excellence. Just like the City of Aventura, we remain steadfast in our commitment to excellence." Thomas R. Oliveri, Sr. VP, Managing Director, Northern Trust, NA "Perfume is representative of personal style much like jewelry - so I wanted to explore the art of fragrance, and to create one that embodies the David Yurman woman and brand." David Yurman at his new fragrance launch hosted by Bloomingdale's "2009 has been a rewarding year with many blessings, even in the environment of the tough economy we are in. I think particularly of how we come together as a community to care for each other as highlighted in our Aventura Marketing Council breakfast recognition of MiamiDade Fire Rescue where we were able to witness through Mr. Nava Lescano, our patient, the excellent work in saving lives we can accomplish together." Heather Rohan, CEO, Aventura Hospital and Medical Center "Don't be afraid to go against the grain and be unpredictable. Do what you think is right in your business and you'll find you're not only having a more interesting life, but you might have tremendous success with your business because you're choosing a different path." Christopher Ruddy, CEO, Newsmax Media hosted by AT&T "Our team at Wells Fargo Advisors understands that our clients are part of the team, and our goal is to assure their financial wellbeing. With 2010 almost upon us, we look forward to the opportunity to become your trusted financial advisor." Robert Schwartz, Managing Director, Wells Fargo Advisors
"While we may not have a crystal ball, the future looks bright. We see an increase in consumer confidence and a level of optimism that we haven't seen for some time. We are poised to lift this economy out of its current rut and position it back into the forefront of global economies." Claudio Stivelman, Developer Shefaor Development, LLC "My grandmother Kay Lyons will be 90 in February, I have lived my entire life by a quote she repeats often and particularly in the times we find ourselves today personally, as well as in our professional industries, I find it most apropos… 'Yesterday is a cancelled check. Tomorrow is a promissory note. Today is all the cash you have…spend it wisely." Lynn Mucciano, Director of Marketing / Hospitality Division Turnberry Associates "It is a pleasure to serve a community as incredible as Aventura. In a time of economic uncertainty, the Aventura News stands strong, always promoting the good news of our great community." Dan Palmer, Associates Publisher Aventura News "Our educational institution has a greater function than just teaching reading and math we have to 'create community.' It's up to us to help kids see horizons that stretch out far beyond what they see from where they sit today." Alberto M. Carvalho, Superintendent, Miami-Dade County Public Schools hosted by The Continental Group and Klein & Hoffman "Joining and becoming involved in the Aventura Marketing Council has been one of the best business decisions I have ever made. The relationships I have developed, friends I have made, and the success I have enjoyed have made this small investment of time and money pay off in ways that simply cannot be measured." Ben Launerts, VP Marketing / Business Development, Marksman Security
"In spite of distance, many things can be united." The Hon. Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Consul General, Japan at Consul General global gathering hosted by Bernstein Osberg-Braun & de Moraes, Immigration Attorneys
"The NFL has realized we're the best destination to compete with and that's why we've had ten Super Bowls." Rodney Barreto, Chair of the South Florida Super Bowl 2010 Host Committee hosted by JGB Bank
Dec. 30, 2009 - Jan. 5, 2010
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'Quotes of the Year' "As a CPA, I was brought up and trained to focus on income tax planning. Due to current economic conditions, I have spent more time and energy on refund planning due to so many companies generating net operating losses in 2008 and 2009. The good news is that Congress extended the 2 year net operating loss carry-back to 5 years for both 2008 and 2009. For many this is a windfall considering that they paid tremendous income taxes from 2003 to 2007." Alan Lips, Partner Gerson, Preston, Robinson & Company, PA "Judge Farina has always brought dignity and fairness to every situation. We thank you for all your years of selfless service." Judge Linda Singer Stein at Law Day event featuring tribute to retiring Chief Judge Joseph P. Farina
"With over 35 years of experience in designing, engineering and building thousands of projects in 30 countries around the world, International Design Engineering Architecture (IDEA) understands the concept of seeding the ground and reaping the benefits in the future. As 2009 turns into 2010, IDEA is moving forward towards successful completion of many projects" Stephane L'ecuyer, President, IDEA "For my generation, 2009 was our unfortunate lesson in recession. Fortunately, we now have the unique opportunity to show our resiliency and make our mark on the world. Of course, the arduous road that we have to travel in order to accomplish our objective of overcoming these challenging times will only be made easier under the leadership of great organizations such as our very own Aventura Marketing Council. Get ready 2010, here we come!" Andy Lewis, Shareholder, Eisinger, Brown, Lewis & Frankel, PA "Special thanks goes out to volunteers and everyone involved with helping us handle our events, helping to ensure the Orange Bowl enhances the image, economy and culture of South Florida. Every year, the Orange Bowl attracts over 150,000 visitors, injecting over $100 million into the area's economy." Eric Poms, Orange Bowl Committee CEO at "Orange Bowl 2010 Preview" hosted by the Newport Beachside Hotel & Resort "Stern Bloom Media is proud to help the AMC take a giant step forward in upgrading their website. To complement all the current great networking opportunities, members will now have more opportunities for corporate exposure from several new online components. The Aventura Marketing Council has established itself as a leader in helping the business community." Aventura Comm. Michael Stern, Associate Publisher, Stern Bloom Media
"We want to win Super Bowls and bring championships back to South Florida. We look forward to partnering with you and other communities. Together, we shall have success - and have fun!" Mike Dee, Miami Dolphins CEO hosted by Land Shark Stadium and Marksman Security
"The Anchors Away program for disabled children is a perfect example of the partnership between Miami-Dade County Public Schools and the private business sector." Aventura Comm. Billy Joel, Chairman, Anchors Away Foundation at 'Sail-ebration' hosted by City of Sunny Isles Beach "As Classic Residence by Hyatt celebrated our new and improved design this fall, we were pleased to host a very special event. The celebration for residents and special friends - from the Aventura Marketing Council, our city, and neighboring communities - was a day we'll long remember. During holiday season, we're grateful for our wonderful community and the power of partnership." Ellen Palmer, Director of Sales Classic Residence by Hyatt in Aventura "We're happy 2009 is almost behind us. The recovery has started and although we don't expect miracles to happen overnight, the outlook for 2010 is highly in our favor. Luckily for us, we offer an unbelievable product. Plus our convenient location makes it easy for Aventura residents to enjoy the best dining, spa and membership experiences around." David Feder, Managing Director, The Fairmont Turnberry Isle Resort & Club "Miami-Dade Fire Rescue has been able to assemble one of the best fire departments in the world. We will continue to provide the level of services to our community that you have demanded and are accustomed to receiving from us." MDFR Chief Herminio Lorenzo at salute to Miami-Dade Fire Rescue hosted by Aventura Hospital and Medical Center "Memorial Regional Hospital South wishes the Aventura community a healthy and most successful New Year. Serving both the South Broward and North Dade communities, we place a sincere value on our relationships with our friends in Aventura and always look forward to serving those who are in need of our care." Doug Zaren, Administrator Memorial Regional Hospital South "With dedication, strength and energy we have demonstrated our ability to get things done. Continued determination and a positive outlook will see us through challenges ahead, especially helping others." Miami-Dade Commissioner Sally A. Heyman
"All of us at Mount Sinai Medical Center wish our friends and neighbors in Aventura and Northeast Dade a happy and healthy New Year. Since expanding our services in 2008 to include South Florida's only freestanding Emergency Department, the community continues to embrace the superb healthcare that is now available 24 hours per day seven days a week." Charlene Welker, Sr. VP, Network Development, Mount Sinai Medical Center
"Acqualina Resort & Spa, a 5-Diamond property, is looking forward to a successful winter season. With the Super Bowl being played at Dolphin Stadium this winter, our resort is almost completely booked. We are so thrilled that the local, national and international community of visitors have discovered this gem in Sunny Isles Beach!" Stephanie Trump, Partner, The Trump Group
"I'm looking forward to the grand opening of the Aventura Arts & Cultural Center on October 23, 2010. I think it will be a great addition to the City of Excellence!" Aventura Mayor Susan Gottlieb
"I don't believe there are bad or good years, it just depends on us. We just need to look for the good opportunities that are there waiting for us. Personally, 2009 has been a great year for me. I started my Master's Degree at Harvard and I closed more successful business deals than in prior years." Fernando Levy Hara, Partner / Architect G & D Developers
"Thanks to everyone in Aventura for the 'forward thinking' here. This is one of the best communities in the country. Who would want to live anywhere else but right here?" Katherine Fernandez Rundle, Miami-Dade State Attorney hosted by BKR Media Consultants and U.S. Century Bank
" Coconut Grove Bank is proud to be part of the AMC in serving its members and most importantly, our Aventura community. We look forward to a healthier and prosperous New Year as we continue to be your local bank - healthy, strong, and lending wise beyond our years since 1926." Maira Diaz-Giusti, Sr. VP / Aventura Branch Manager, Coconut Grove Bank
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Dec. 30, 2009 - Jan. 5, 2010
Newport Beachside Hotel & Resort hosts 'Orange Bowl 2010' preview All-star panel features Eric Poms, Orange Bowl Committee CEO and NFL/OB Alumni Don Bailey Jr., Danny Kanell and Darrin Smith (Cont’d. from Pg. 1) Providing an historical overview, Poms explained the Orange Bowl Committee is a not-for-profit, all-volunteer organization formed in 1935 to bring tourism to South Florida via a sports spectacle dubbed the "Orange Bowl Festival." The tradition that began as little more than a New Year's Day football game between Bucknell and the University of Miami has grown into one of the largest tourist attractions in South Florida. "The Aventura Marketing Council has been instrumental in working with the Orange Bowl Committee," Poms noted. "Special thanks goes out to volunteers and everyone involved with helping us put on events helping to ensure
Don Bailey, Eric Poms, Danny Kanell and Darrin Smith
Eric Beck, IT Doctors; Muriel Sommers, Florida Breast Cancer Foundation; Dr. Coral Arvon, Arvon & Associates in Counseling and Coaching; Dr. Adam Feder, South Florida Psychiatric Associates; Robyn Davidson, Arvon & Associates in Counseling and Coaching
M o r e
p h o t o s ,
m o r e
the Orange Bowl enhances the image, economy and culture of South Florida. Every year, the Orange Bowl attracts over 150,000 visitors, injecting over $100 million into the area's economy." As the clock wound down, Poms, Bailey, Kanell and Smith encouraged AMC members to get in the game. "It's all about the community. It's a spotlight on South Florida and it gives us all a chance to shine on national TV‌the Orange Bowl will be a fantastic game!" For reservations at the Newport Beachside Hotel & Resort, phone 305-949-1300. For Orange Bowl event or ticket information, visit or for ticket information, phone: 800-341-5771.
Danny Kanell with Sunny Isles Beach Mayor Norman Edelcup
Leslie Loewenthal, Aventura City of Excellence School; Belina Nagar, ORNA Security Services; Cliff Schulman, Greenberg Traurig; Leslie Kaplan, Carrousel Yacht / Great Bay Yacht Charters
Lance Detotto, Newport Beachside Hotel & Resort receives host plaque from Dan Palmer, Aventura News
Stephanie Trump, The Trump Group; Andy Lewis, Eisinger Brown Lewis & Frankel; Tom Oliveri, Northern Trust Photography by Smile! Event Photography
s t o r i e s . . .
A v e n t u r a M a r k e t i n g C o u n c i l . c o m
Dec. 30, 2009 - Jan. 5, 2010
Life in the City BY BARI AUERBACH ‘Many Happy Returns’ If your gift return pile now looks about as high as your stack of postholiday credit card bills, here are some productive problemsolvers for surviving the necessary evil of making “return-trips”: Problem: When the traffic dissipates, you venture back to the mall to return a sweater from Aunt Betty that’s so not your style. All of a sudden, guess who you run into? “Oh, hi Aunt Betty – what a surprise to see you here!” you exclaim, frantically trying to hide the fluorescent lime green sweater with orange and purple polka dots behind your back. Solution: Return gifts when stores first open - or right before they close. It will be easier to get a parking spot – plus, the odds of running into the person who knows nothing about your taste will be drastically reduced. Problem: You want to return an electronic gift but the “best buy” on everything else you might want is at least $50 more. Repeat this scenario a few more times and you’ll
see why leaving home with the best return intentions can often add to the deficit on those post-holiday credit card bills you still haven’t paid off! Solution: Pay the difference for the item you really want and think of it as “a bargain.” Then make another New Year’s resolution to zero out your credit card balances so you can start with a clean slate on the Visa card you never got around to activating. Problem: A friend asks if she can borrow “that cute silver purse” she got you since it will go so well with her outfit. Oops! You already returned the silver purse and bought a wallet you really needed instead. Solution: Return to the store and when you find out they don’t have the silver purse anymore, log on to eBay and win it for a ridiculously high bid. Maybe later you’ll find out the seller is your nefarious friend who “conned you for Christmas.” So whether you wind up getting a refund, store credit or taking the solemn retail oath to never wear something once and return it the next day, remember there’s at least one special gift you wouldn’t ever want to exchange: Enjoying life in the city of Aventura during yet another Happy New Year!
Never Pay Another Expensive Repair Again
Ly Espinol
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Dec. 30, 2009 - Jan. 5, 2010
Dec. 30, 2009 - Jan. 5, 2010
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When stroke occurs every second counts. Knowing where to get the most advanced care could save your life. Mount Sinai Medical Center’s Comprehensive Stroke Center
N.E. 27TH AVE.
Mount Sinai Aventura Emergency Room 2845 Aventura Blvd. (199 St.) Aventura, FL 33180 305-692-1000
Only hospitals designated as Comprehensive Stroke Centers offer patients the best chance for survival and return to their normal lives. At Mount Sinai, rapid assessment and treatment begin in the emergency room. Our Mount Sinai Aventura ER is staffed and equipped around the clock to swiftly and accurately diagnose stroke victims. The medical center provides access to the latest diagnostic and therapeutic advances and offer the widest range of interventional options to stop a stroke in progress and minimize the potential damage.
BLVD. (199TH ST.)
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Dec. 30, 2009 - Jan. 5, 2010
ADL honors Aventura business leaders
Aventura Commissioners and event co-chairs Billy Joel and Bob Diamond; Norman Leopold event co-chair; Dr. Rubin Salant, Torch of Liberty Honoree; Heather Rohan, Community of Respect Honoree and CEO of Aventura Hospital; Tom Oliveri, Community Service Honoree and Sr. VP of Northern Trust; Fernando Levy Hara, G&D Developers; Leslie Stein, JGB Bank, journal co-chairs
The Anti-Defamation League's (ADL) Aventura Community of Respect Awards Luncheon was recently held honoring Aventura Hospital and Medical Center CEO Heather Rohan with the ADL Community of Respect Award; Dr. Rubin Salant with the ADL Torch of Liberty Award; and Thomas R. Oliveri, Senior Vice President of Northern Trust, NA with the ADL Community Service Award. Over 350 people were in attendance. Aventura City Commissioner Billy Joel, who chaired the event along with Aventura City Commissioner Bob Diamond and Norman Leopold, Esq., stated, "ADL has a greater meaning and responsibility today than in generations before us. Increased terrorism, bigotry, hatred, bias, prejudice, and acts of anti-Semitism have all created a new crisis for us. The ADL is our bulwark - our strength to protect us against such vicious acts." ADL is one of the nation's leading civil rights and human relations organizations. Its mission is to stop the defamation of the Jewish people, to secure justice and fair treatment to all, and to put an end to unjust and unfair discrimination. Funds raised from this event will benefit ADL and its local programs that serve to educate, protect and serve the South Florida community. ADL thanked their major event sponsors: Aventura City Commissioner Billy and Sandra Joel and Commissioner Bob and Arlene Diamond; Aventura Hospital and Medical Center; American Medical Response, Stephen and Arlyn Cypen; G & D Developers; International Design Engineering Architecture; Leopold, Korn, Leopold, and Snyder PA; the Medical Staff and the Board of Trustees of Aventura Hospital and Medical Center; Northern Trust, NA; Dr. Rubin Salant and family; Gloria Muroff and Al Cohen and Esther and Jacques Paulen. ADL also recognized their generous corporate supporters: Ronald L. Book, PA; Farmer, Jaffee; Marksman Security; National Foundation for Jewish Continuity; AFBGU; Gerson Preston Robinson & Co.; Greenberg Traurig; First American Title Insurance Company; Kelley, Kronenberg; Lexus of North Miami; Morgan, Keegan, & Co.; Park One of Florida; Catholic Health Services and Pruzan Foundation. Generous individual supporters included Ana Maria and Mark Gordon; Dr. Bernard and Lenore-Toby Simmons; Florence and Bob Werner; Margo and Richard Absher; Marilyn and Albert Pollans; Town of Golden Beach Mayor Glenn Singer; Ruth and Gerald Cohen; Florence and Jerry Cohn; Stephanie and Julius Trump; and Thomas R. Oliveri. For more information about ADL, call 561-988-2900 or visit
Committee Members Jeffrey Scheck, David Weissman and Michael Scheck
M o r e
p h o t o s ,
Miami Gardens Mayor Shirley Gibson; Committee Member Ben Launerts; Megan Clementi, Miss Florida USA 2010; Bill Landa
m o r e
s t o r i e s . . .
Comm. Bob Diamond; Norman Leopold; Dr. Rubin Salant, Heather Rohan; Tom Oliveri; Comm. Billy Joel; ADL Florida Regional Director Andrew Rosenkranz
Comm. Billy Joel with Megan Clementi, Miss Florida USA 2010
Committee Member and Aventura Comm. Zev Auerbach; Judge Lisa Walsh; Sunny Isles Beach Comm. Gerry Goodman; Aventura Vice Mayor Luz Weinberg; Jaqui Levy Hara; Rita Regev
Committee Members Dick Simon and Golden Beach Comm. Ken Bernstein
Committee Members Florence and Bob Werner; Barry Nelson
Sunny Isles Beach Comm. Gerry Goodman; Heather Rohan; Jerry and Ruthy Cohen; Judy Newell, Aventura Hospital
Committee Members Eric Mannis, Jeff Eichner, Evelyn Blum and Donna Eichner
A v e n t u r a M a r k e t i n g C o u n c i l . c o m
Dec. 30, 2009 - Jan. 5, 2010
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Dec. 30, 2009 - Jan. 5, 2010
Newport Beachside Hotel & Resort
Gustavo Blachman, Terrabella Realty; Rita Regev, Optimar International Realty
Barbara Hirshhorn, David Lawrence Jr. K-8 Center; Leslie Loewenthal, Aventura City of Excellence School; Charmaine Thomas, Aventura Waterways K-8 Center
Darrin Smith; Judy and Jose Klahr, EWM; Don Bailey; Eric Poms; Rev. Will Keyser, The Church at Aventura Yael Barzily and Dina Rosenblat, Highland Oaks Middle School PTSA flank Michael O'Malley, Newport Beachside Hotel & Resort
Aventura Comm. Bob Diamond; Michael Yavner, Northern Trust; Dan Palmer, Aventura News
Sunny Isles Beach Commissioners Gerry Goodman and Roslyn Brezin with Dr. David Muransky, Aventura Chiropractic Care Center
Don Bailey with Holly Pacheco, Newport Beachside Hotel & Resort
Ally Korn, Aventura Heart Center; Marcelle May, American Friends of Magen David Adom; Anat Goldstein, The Credit Council
Don Bailey; Dr. Wilbert "Tee" Holloway, Miami-Dade County School Board; Darrin Smith
Art Evans and Brian Cruz, US Parking flank Dimitry Shaposhnikov, DS Xpress
Gary Pyott, The Continental Group; Stephanie Trump, The Trump Group; Rita Regev, Optimar International Realty; Beth Monaco, The Continental Group
Dec. 30, 2009 - Jan. 5, 2010
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hosts 'Orange Bowl 2010' preview
Sunny Isles Beach Mayor Norman Edelcup (left) and Fl. State Rep. Richard Steinberg (right) present AMC Chairman's Roundtable membership plaque to Dr. Drew Schnitt and Dr. Richard Galitz
Aventura Commissioners Zev Auerbach and Bob Diamond; Police Chief Steve Steinberg; Comm. Billy Joel; Clauido Stivelman, Shefaor Development
Barry Ger, The Sterling Aventura; Mark Lynn, Attorney; Nicholas Gnad, Beachwood Financial Group; Carla Albana
Bryan Geoffrey, Universal Parking receives general membership plaque
Student Roberto Villasano and Principal Luis Bello, Aventura Waterways K-8; David Thompson, IMACS
Janet Tizon, Evan Rees and Mark Lizzi, Turnberry Bank receive AMC Chairman's Roundtable plaque
Leslie Kaplan, Carrousel Yacht / Great Bay Yacht Charters; Dr. Adam Feder, South Florida Psychiatric Associates
George Llizo, Audio One; Jeffrey W. Blacher, Attorney
Holly Pacheco and Lance Detotto, Newport Beachside Hotel & Resort presented with AMC Chairman's Roundtable plaque
Dr. Coral Arvon, Dawn Lifton, Robyn Davidson and Suzi Aribu, Arvon & Associates in Counseling and Coaching Photography by Smile! Event Photography
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Dec. 30, 2009 - Jan. 5, 2010
Dec. 30, 2009 - Jan. 5, 2010
Looking Forward BY PATRICIA FRANK PSY.D., LMHC A New Year is full of the promise of wonderful things to come. Human beings need to have things to look forward to. A New Year also carries your hopes for better things to come. It is full of the possibility of fulfillment. Your wishes and desires can come true. As you approach the New Year, don’t look back unless that is where you want to go. Don’t focus on what went wrong last year or on what didn’t happen that you wanted to happen. Forget your failures. Focus on your good qualities. Focus on all of the fabulous things that will occur in the coming year. Daydream. Fantasize. Plan things to look forward to. Set some goals. Take action. Don’t ever give up. Don’t ever stop trying. There is a saying, “As you travel through life whatever be your goal. Keep your eye upon the donut and not upon the hole.” Be good to yourself. Be nonjudgmental, forgiving and gentle with yourself and others. Take better care of yourself. Remember, you can say yes to some things and you can say no to some things. You have the power to make your New Year anything that you want it to be. Make this your year. Claim the prize that is yours by universal law. There are good
things waiting for you. If you don’t claim them, you may lose them. At a raffle if you don’t respond when your name is called and if you don’t step up to get the prize, they move on to the next ticket and the next person. Believe that good things will happen. Expect good things to happen. Be eager for good things to happen. Combine that eagerness with strong feelings of passion about your life and about the possibilities that exist for you. Be deeply interested in things. Be ardent and exhibit a determined readiness to act. Be deeply committed. Be avid and nurture the strong, insatiable desires that are inside of you. Be enthusiastic. Be someone who has a strong interest in things and an impatient desire to pursue things and become involved in things. Enthusiasm will give you strength. It will motivate, encourage and inspire you. It will make you feel secure and safe. Enthusiasm will fill you with tremendous energy. It will make you feel invincible. It will sustain your efforts Enthusiasm will also fill you with excitement. It will make you feel good about yourself and about others and about life. Live with zeal, gusto and verve.
Patricia Frank is a Licensed Psychotherapist. She can be reached at 305-788-4864, 212308-0309.
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Dec. 30, 2009 - Jan. 5, 2010
Dec. 30, 2009 - Jan. 5, 2010
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Dec. 30, 2009 - Jan. 5, 2010
World class thoroughbred racing returns to South Florida, Sunday, Jan. 3rd World class thoroughbred racing returns to South Florida Sunday, Jan. 3 with the beginning of Gulfstream Park's premier winter racing season. Live racing will run Wednesday through Sunday until April 24. Post time is 1:15 p.m. Throughout its history Gulfstream Park has been hailed as the proving ground of champions, and Jan. 3rd is the opening day of what promises to be its best season yet, with the sport's top jockeys, trainers and thoroughbreds ready for competition. Right out of the gate on Opening Day Gulfstream Park will host a graded stakes race - the Hal's Hope Handicap - and the following Saturday, Jan. 9th, Gulfstream will present the Gulfstream Park Sprint Showcase, a blockbuster day of five stakes races for the fastest sprinters. Adding to the opening day excitement, Gulfstream Park will be conducting an unprecedented amount of promotions, giveaways and prize drawings to reward handicappers, poker and slots players. Guests will feel lucky as soon as they arrive at Gulfstream Park and will continue to find new ways to win as the day and evening goes on. Of course, in addition to world-class winter thoroughbred racing, Gulfstream Park also boasts year-round simulcasting, genuine Las Vegas-style slots, Royal Match 21 Electronic Blackjack, Electronic Roulette, no-limit poker, live entertainment, and a wide array of dining options at Ten Palms and Christine Lee's. When will racing's next superstar appear? If you're planning a visit during Gulfstream Park's racing meet, be prepared to root and holler, because every 30 minutes there's another winner. And if history is any guide, future champions will likely be among them. Gulfstream Park, which opened in 1939, is located on approximately 250 acres of land in the cities of Hallandale Beach and Aventura. World famous for its thoroughbred race meet each winter, highlighted by the $750,000 Florida Derby, Gulfstream Park is also
The horses are back at Gulfstream Park!
now home to hundreds of Las Vegas-style slot machines, a luxurious poker room and restaurants. The grand opening of the Village at Gulfstream Park - a one-of-a-kind retail, and eventually, residential center - will be Feb. 11th. For more information, call 954-457-6374 or visit
M o r e p h o t o s , m o r e s t o r i e s . . . A v e n t u r a M a r k e t i n g C o u n c i l . c o m
Aventura Hospital appoints Pamela Wood as Director of South Tower
Turnberry Bank president Evan T. Rees named to Community Partnership for Homeless Board of Directors
Aventura Hospital is proud to announce the appointment of Pamela Lee Wood as the new Director of the South Tower. Wood arrives to Aventura Hospital with both clinical and operations management experience having previously served as the Director of Nursing for Penthouse South and also as Director of Dialysis Services in Cedars Medical Center. A dedicated and patient-focused Registered Nurse, Wood has already begun implementing positive improvements at Aventura Hospital. "Pamela Wood brings years of dedicated expert clinical and leadership experience to the field of nursing with a passion for healthcare and a kind and compassionate demeanor that inspires us all to achieve the highest standards of excellence in quality care for our patients," said Heather Rohan, CEO, Aventura Hospital. "We are very pleased to welcome Pamela to our Aventura family." Pamela Wood earned her associates degree in science in nursing through Miami-Dade Community College. She joins Aventura Hospital having serviced in various leadership roles at Cedars Medical Center for almost a decade. She is the four-time recipient of the "Brilliance in Service" award and a member of various healthcare organizations including the National Critical Care Association, the Miami Chapter and the Miami Beach Chapter of the Critical Care Association, and the Miami Breast Cancer Coalition. For more information, visit
Robert E. Chisholm, of America-South Florida Chairman of the Board for Council and the Executive Community Partnership for Committee of the Broward Homeless recently announced Workshop. He is also Past that Turnberry Bank President Chairman of the Homestead Evan T. Rees has joined their Chamber of Commerce, Vice Board of Directors. Chairman of the Vision Since 1995, Community Council, Small Business Partnership for Homeless has Committee Chairman of the been assisting homeless men, Greater Miami Chamber of women and children in transiCommerce, and a Board memtioning off the streets of ber of the Beacon Council's Miami-Dade County to attain Dade Business First. Rees also greater stability and self-suffimaintains fundraising involveciency in their lives. ment with Community Recognized as a national Mike D'Alessandro Partnership for Homeless. model for its comprehensive approach to helping the homeless, the proFounded in 1985, Turnberry Bank is a gram operates two Homeless Assistance locally owned and operated federal savings Centers that provides not just food and shel- bank headquartered in Aventura with offices ter, but comprehensive case management, in South Miami, Pinecrest, Coral Gables and healthcare, job training, daycare and other Aventura. The bank offers a broad range of assistance from a variety of social service banking products for individuals and busiagencies all under one roof. nesses such as checking, savings, money In addition to Community Partnership market accounts and certificates of deposit for Homeless, Rees is Past Chairman of the as well as a complete selection of loan prodGreater Ft. Lauderdale Chamber of ucts with an emphasis on real estate lending. Commerce and the Broward Alliance, an For more about Turnberry Bank, visit Executive Board member of the Boy Scouts
Dec. 30, 2009 - Jan. 5, 2010
Wall Street investors appearing more confortable with market Al Sunshine 4 YOUR MONEY Wall Street’s investors look like they’re trying to feel comfortable putting more money back into the markets. It also is obvious that they are cautiously holding back until they get more signs of a stronger recovery. If the trend continues, trading could see more of the same mixed messages that have boosted Wall Street since earlier this fall, but stalled recent trading. What has been boosting trading? There are signs of a slowly improving economy. Yet, there also are continuing signs of the same old problems, which have not seen any real improvements, including tight credit markets and unemployment. Some of Wall Street’s biggest banks are paying off their federal bailouts much sooner than expected. Many are doing better than expected and want to pay off their government funds to avoid more government regulations aimed at limiting their profits and executive pay. The United States Treasury Department reports that the initial cost of the federal bailout could be $200 billion “less” than originally expected. Even so, expect a fight during the coming months. What should be done with the extra $200 billion? Should it be used to expand stimulus funding to struggling families or use it to pay down the growing federal deficit. As the economy improves ever so slightly, the dollar is starting to pick up strength on world markets. The rise is helping stabilize wholesale oil prices. Ben Bernanke, chair of the Federal
Reserve Board, said that, “The United States economy still faces major challenges through 2010, including near-record unemployment.” While he doesn’t think inflation will be a problem through the first half of 2010, he is predicting that the Federal Reserve may have to consider raising interest rates again sometime next year. The latest official job numbers are getting a lot of attention. Private companies laid off an additional 169,000 workers in November. That’s the lowest number since July 2008. It is also the 22nd straight month of private job losses. On the upside, mortgage applications are rising as home loans remain at record lows. Rock bottom bargains, tax incentives and cheap financing are helping the battered real estate markets see more solid gains. On Wall Street, some of the strongest stocks have been in the airline industry. Analysts forecast improved air travel and improved airline profits during the holidays. We will keep a close watch on Wall Street to see what the investors think about the latest employment plans. Will they put more money into the market or start taking it back out again? We’ll just have to wait and see. HAPPY HOLIDAYS This has been a difficult year for many people and as a result, the holidays may not be as bright as we would wish. Yet despite that, we can only hope that 2010 will bring better news on all fronts. I would like to take this opportunity to send you all my very best wishes for this holiday and for the new year. Keep on persevering; there is still hope on the horizon. Watch Al Sunshine’s “4 Your Money” reports Monday-Friday beginning at noon. You may find Al’s blog at <>.
You know what happens when you don’t advertise? Nothing. To avoid nothing from happening call 305-669-7355 today.
Miami’s Community Newspapers
Page 19
CALL KRYSTAL 305-439-8686 BWFG
B e a c h w o o d F i n a n c i a l G ro u p Nicholas Gnad, Managing Partner 20900 NE 30th Ave., Suite 800 Aventura, FL 33180
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305-931-6931 - Evelina Tsigelnitskaya Broker-owner ® 305-607-0709 - Valeria Mola Lic. Real Estate Agent 786-229-7999 - Mott Kornicki Lic. Real Estate Broker-Associate We are experts in Aventura, Bal Harbour, Hallandale Beach, Hollywood Beach and Sunny Isles Beach area. We will find the BEST deal for you! Sale or Rent, You Name It!
Bank Owned, Short-Sale, Foreclosure
We Work For You! We Speak English, Russian, Hebrew. 18335 Collins, Avenue, Sunny Isles Beach, FL 33160
Page 20
Dec. 30, 2009 - Jan. 5, 2010
‘Top 10’ dieting tips for 2010 BY BARI AUERBACH
Kampai! Japanese Restaurant 3575 NE 207 Street Aventura, FL 33180 • Suite B12
Take Out
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According to USA Today, a national survey by the American Dietetic Association showed that 40% of Americans select some form of diet as a New Year’s resolution. If not done properly, the diet can turn into a fiasco, cautions Marjorie Sawicki, assistant professor of nutrition and dietetics, Saint Louis (Mo.) University School of Allied Health Professions. “Every person on a diet should develop a personal plan that is evaluated every week,” Sawicki advises. “Dieters should set a realistic long-term goal and then choose weekly mini-goals for behavior change.” She offers the following to help in the weight-loss process… * Eat frequent small meals throughout the day to keep your metabolism revving. * Choose low-glycemic carbs such as sweet potatoes, oatmeal and brown rice. * Research eating according to your “metabolic type.” * Do not skip breakfast. If need be, have a bagel, piece of toast, or dry cereal if you’re in a hurry. * Carry your lunch to avoid eating at fastfood restaurants. Avoid selecting a vending machine lunch. Keep a supply of instant soup, water-packed tuna, and fruit at your office. *IIncrease your water intake. * Get outside for a brisk walk during lunch or on the way into work. Park farther away from your job site to increase exercise. * Try new low-fat recipes, which are easy to prepare for dinner. Use meat, poultry, or fish as a condiment to the meal. Picture your plate with three-fourths of it covered with vegetables, fruit, and starches. * Join an exercise group or health club for physical activity. Also, take up a hobby that is incompatible with eating.
* If possible, work out with a personal trainer for guidance and motivation. Be Kind Don’t let setbacks derail your diet. As you embark on a new way of eating, be kind to yourself if you slip into an old habit. Just acknowledge the awareness that you slipped and explore why. Don’t beat yourself up. Instead ask yourself questions like: Was it because I had no food in the house that I went to a fast food joint? How can I prepare my refrigerator to avoid fast food? Was I feeling emotionally vulnerable when I ate that entire box of cookies? Renew the commitment to the program the following day and develop a weekly reward system for meeting behavior change goals Learn to have as much patience with yourself as you have with others in your life as you resolve yet again to be your best in 2010!
Rich Altman’s Hollywood Collectibles Buying & Selling the Finest Memorabilia: Ruth, Gehrig, Ty Cobb, Mantle, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods
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I BUY Vintage Baseball Card Collection, and Tobacco cards to the 50’s, 60’s, autograph collectibles from sports to movie stars; also buying Super Bowl programs & tickets, World Series programs & tickets as well as SI’s & other Sports Magazine
3311 Sheridan Street • Hollywood, FL 33021 P. 954.986.0707 • F. 954.986.0928 •
Dec. 30, 2009 - Jan. 5, 2010
Denise Rubin Talk Real Estate
Penthouses BY DENISE RUBIN There has always been an aura, a certain mystery and specialness about a Penthouse (PH). There’s always been a buzz about an actor, actress, sport star or famous person buying a PH. Yes, it’s about as close to the stars as you can get and offers panoramic views that take your breath away. Breathless, is one reason why it seems the most eligible bachelors live in them. The Penthouses are really mansions in the sky with larger spaces, higher ceilings, wraparound balconies, oversized terraces , all fueling the fire that causes the burning desire for the rich and the famous to own one. Penthouses bring more money per square foot even when they haven’t been upgraded. This is why developers are now dedicating more and more floors to PH. A penthouse apartment or penthouse is an apartment or condominium which is a single dwelling that is on one of the highest floors of an apartment building or condominium. Penthouses are typically differentiated from other apartments by luxury features. It was a matter of news when the development of a rooftop apartment at the Plaza Hotel overlooking Central Park was announced in 1923, and this was followed by rapid development of luxury penthouses in the following years. A penthouse condo may also provide occupants with private access to the roof space above
AVENTURANEWS.COM the condo, instead of or in addition to terrace space. A penthouse condo may have additional exclusive features not found in the majority of condos in the building, such as a private entrance or elevator, or higher/vaulted ceilings. In buildings consisting primarily of single level apartments, a penthouse condo may be distinguished by having two or more levels. They may also have such features as a terrace, fireplace, more square footage, over-sized windows, and multiple master suites, den/office space, staff quarters, Jacuzzi and more. They might be equipped with extra luxurious kitchens featuring stainless steel appliances, granite counter-tops, breakfast bar/island, wine coolers, espresso makers and more. My personal inventory of exclusive listings boasts some of the finest penthouses in Aventura. One example in Hampton’s South encompasses over 6,000 square feet of sumptuous living and entertainment space featuring 5 bedrooms, 6 ? baths and a private master suite of over 1000 square feet. With his and her baths and an inviting seating area, this master bedroom suite is the definition of a retreat. There are panoramic intercoastal and direct ocean views throughout. An additional private upstairs terrace of over 2000 square feet transforms this residence to extraordinary. This palace in the sky is well priced at $1,590,000. From the great Don Soffer, Developer and Founder of Aventura, to Entrepreneur Steven Posner; Aventura is host to many, living on top of the world, “Penthouse Style.” For all your Real Estate needs, call Denise Rubin, Denise Rubin International Realty at 305-4090019. Visit for all listings and virtual tours.
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Page 22
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Dec. 30, 2009 - Jan. 5, 2010
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The time is here again when millions of people around the world will gather in major cities waiting anxiously for mid-night so they can shout “Happy New Year” and then go through the early morning hours revelling into a stupor to avoid the reality of the new year. It is good to celebrate as we usher in the new year but it is not long before that “happiness” fades, It would be great to think that the entire year would be as happy as those first few hours. However, we know that when the sun rises we begin the next 365 days and not all of them are going to be happy. There will be days when people will deliberately do everything in their power to make you unhappy. The wicked take delight and are extremely happy when they cause others to loose their source of happiness. Fortunately, there is a way to maintain your happiness even in the face of adversity. Happiness, or joy, is defined as a positive attitude or pleasant emotion including contentment! The Psalmist, David, presented a simple outline for happy or joyful living when he wrote Psalm 1: Be careful where you walk, stand and sit! “Blessed, or happy, is the man or woman who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked.” Every day we are bombarded with offers from the unscrupulous to join in their schemes in order to make you rich and happy
instantly. When you avoid them you will not get caught in the whirlpool, that downward spiral, that drains you of joy. Secondly, “Happy is the one who does not stand with the evil people.” Every day of this year we will be responsible to take a stand “for or against” something. Standing among those who perpetrate evil will surely not result in joy and contentment. Thirdly, “Do not sit in the seat of the mockers.” Today, more than ever before, we have large blocks of people who get all their joy and happiness by showing total disregard for the laws of the land and especially the laws prescribed by God Himself. So much for what ‘not to do’! The happy, joyful and contented person will find great delight in reading, meditating and applying the “Law of the Lord” to everyday life. Delight means to be pleased and gratified. The by-word today is ‘instant gratification’! There is no guarantee that your satisfaction will be instant when you take pleasure in the truth of the Word of God. However, there is the guarantee spelled out in the Scriptures that those who follow David’s outline “Will be like a tree planted by streams of water, yielding fruit, without withered leaves and whatever he does will prosper.” (Psalm 1) That kind of happiness will not be fleeting or short-lived; It will be eternal! I trust that you will experience a truly happy new year!!
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Rev. Keyser is Pastor of The Church At Aventura 305 931 4823
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Page 24
Dec. 30, 2009 - Jan. 5, 2010
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Dec. 30, 2009 - Jan. 5, 2010
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Dec. 30, 2009 - Jan. 5, 2010
Shelby GT500 Mustang has more power, new transmission Ron Beasley AUTOMOTIVE EDITOR
LET’S TALK CARS Got an extra 50 grand to plunk down on a super high-performance Muscle Car that will run with just about anything on the highway? Check out Ford’s new 2010 Shelby GT500 Mustang. It’s a very nice combination of power, performance and design. Ford’s Special Vehicle Team (SVT) and Shelby America used the previous generation King of the Road Mustang technology to deliver a more powerful Shelby GT500. They jacked the engine to 540 hp and 510 foot-pounds of torque, added a new six-speed manual gearbox and made various design changes to increase downforce and reduce drag. It all adds up to greater acceleration and more miles per gallon on the highway. The 2010 Shelby GT500 is powered by a supercharged and intercooled dual overhead cam 5.4-liter V-8 with a red line of 6,250 rpm. To say that this car screams on
acceleration just doesn’t do it justice. The aluminum power dome hood not only adds to the Muscle Car appearance, it helps cool the engine through a hood extractor. The open-element air induction system uses a conical air filter to reduce air restriction, instead of a flat-panel closed system. The system allows more air to be pumped through the engine, producing more power and increasing engine efficiency. A cold-air intake feeds the coolest air possible directly into the air box, helping increase horsepower. Several aerodynamic upgrades were made to the front end, including a redesigned splitter and designing of the front fascia and the flush hood to help focus air flow. The top part of the grille focuses air into the radiator, while the lower grille helps cool the intercooler. The Cobra snake badge was relocated to the opposite side of the grille to allow maximum airflow. There’s also a new hood extractor to remove heat from the engine and a “Gurney Flap” spoiler to tune rear downforce. Driving dynamics are improved with SVT chassis tuning, new 19-inch Goodyear F1 Supercar tires and forged aluminum wheels (18 inch on the convertible). Springs and dampers have been optimized
Shelby GT500 Mustang has aluminum power dome hood that adds to Muscle Car appearance and helps cool the engine through a hood extractor.
for better roll control. The 2010 Shelby GT500 also has Ford’s AdvanceTrac stability control system with several options for performance. The default “on” mode accommodates daily driving and the Sport mode is for more competitive driving. The system can be turned off, but the anti-lock brake system and other active safety systems remain in place. Standard safety equipment includes
dual stage front air bags, side-impact air bags and Ford’s Personal Safety System. Base price on the 2010 Shelby GT500 Mustang is $46,325. Ron Beasley is the automotive editor for Miami’s Community Newspapers. He may be contacted by calling 305-662-2277, ext. 261, or by addressing email correspondence to <>.
Dec. 30, 2009 - Jan. 5, 2010
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WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Aries - Spirit joins body in sending you "SOS" signals this week. You could have recently had a nightmare or be suffering from anxiety attacks - but it is all to wake you up and make you aware of the changes you must make to improve your life. Don't worry, you'll get the right message in time. Taurus - Never mind what your friends, sib-
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Libra - You will be drawn to unusual ideas about health, fitness and lifestyle right now, but before you get too carried away, make sure to double-check with your doctor or a qualified naturopath. You are missing something that will later seem obvious in hindsight. Scorpio - The problem with children is they are expensive. You're finding that out this week, aren't you? Even if you have no kids of your own, you are likely to be finding that a niece, nephew or younger sibling is emptying your pockets nearly as fast as you fill them.
Gemini - A sudden and unexpected dispute
Sagittarius - There is trouble in the neighbourhood. You feel personally threatened by someone else's behaviour. It may be an over-reaction, remember that you are not your home, neighbourhood or family. They may have legitimate concerns, even if they are delivered rudely.
could prove to be troublesome, but it may also bring along financial opportunities. You may find yourself juggling schedules at the last minute this week so that you can take advantage of someone else's dramatic mood swings. Your boss may seem a bit "bipolar" this week.
Cancer - This week it is a good time to stay at home if you can. Unnecessary travel should be avoided. If you must travel, commute or drive, pay extra attention to the road. Turn off the cell phones, leave the radio off, and make sure that all distractions are kept to a minimum.
cated this week. The adults are all acting like children, and you could get wisdom from the mouths of babes. If you have a cranky parent you may be able to show them some perspective through the eyes of your children.
Virgo - You are finding out this week that even good relationships have some challenging moments. You and your significant other are having a strong disagreement about a lifestyle issue. You can compromise if you both work on it. You may both have to
give up something for each other.
lings and companions think, you are going to do your own thing, right? Well, maybe they have some ideas that would be helpful to you, and maybe you are being just a wee bit stubborn about taking their suggestions to heart this week.
Leo - Your family life could be a little compli-
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W W W. O C E A N C A D I L L A C . N E T
Capricorn - You will be out shopping this week for computers, telephones, or home entertainment devices, most likely. The problem is that there are too many choices and you are not sure if you are really getting the best bargains. Shop around! Don't be afraid to put off a major purchase. Aquarius - Make sure that you listen to the concerns of your partner if the subject of the budget comes up this week. If you are still single, you may have a dispute with a date over the payment of the dinner bill if you are not careful to agree who is paying in advance. Pisces - You may be the center of attention this week, because everyone around you is in a panic and they don't seem to know where else to turn. This is not the best time to step into a leadership position though, especially among your family members or in your career. 1000 Kane Concourse Bay Harbor, FL 33154
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Page 28
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