Kendall Gazette 9.17.2013

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One of Miami’s Community Newspapers –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Connecting local businesses. ion t ec S TH age 21 L A HEside, p l ciaSee In e Sp



SEPTEMBER 17 - 30, 2013

Carmen Caldwell devotes life to making communities safer


hirty-eight years ago, Carmen Caldwell blew the whistle on her neighborhood annoyance. “That was back in the Marielista days, when I lived near Okeechobee Road and a place where ‘the girls’ hung out to attract customers, creating a regular annoyance,” she told a West Kendall audience Aug. 28. “If you can believe it, I was then the only Spanish-speaking person in that section of Hialeah,” she laughed, while describing how her career as an originator and now director of Miami-Dade’s Crime Watch program developed.

Carmen Caldwell speaks at the Hammocks District CAC meeting on Aug. 28. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

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CALDWELL, page 4

Hammocks police team arrests pair in stolen gas tanks case

Free homeowner association course to be offered Sept. 21



Members of a six-man team of officers from the Miami-Dade Police Hammocks District earned co-honors as Officer of the Month for August following thefts of 135 propane gas tanks from nine locations in West Kendall, including several from Walgreens stores. As part of surveillance guided by potential hazards and national security, tracking devices were placed on outside tanks at different sites, resulting in activation of one that identified a moving vehicle northbound on SW 152nd Avenue at 1 a.m. on Aug. 11. The vehicle was stopped and two suspects arrested when 18 propane tanks were discovered in the vehicle. Honored at the Aug. 28 CAC meeting for their work in solving the case by Citizens Advisory Committee chair James Blough (far left) are (l-r) Sgt. Edgar Bermudez, Det. Daniel Zapata, Det. Devon Dolam, and Det. Romelio Martinez with Capt. Miguel Hernandez (rear). Not pictured are Det. Miguel Garcia and Det. Charles Castillo.

free certification course designed to satisfy new requirements for homeowner association (HOA) and condominium owner association boards has been arranged for Kendall area members by a Miami law firm. One of three new HOA laws approved by the Florida Legislature effective July 1 requires a certification that a newly elected or appointed condominium or HOA member (within 90 days) has read and will uphold governing documents for the community. In place of such certification, proof of attendance at an educational course through a provider approved by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation is acceptable. The Board Member Certification Course will be conducted on Saturday, Sept. 21, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., at the Civic Pavilion, 8625 SW 124 Ave. A complimentary breakfast precedes the course at 9 a.m. Those attending will receive a certificate of completion. The seminar also qualifies for 2 CE credits. Leading the course is attorney Maria U. Arias with colleagues Caridad Ausconi and Jonathan M. Mofsky of the SRHL law firm, one of the largest specializing in condominiums and HOAs in South Florida. Representing Winston Park and The Hammocks, the legal firm’s

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September 17 - 30, 2013

September 17 - 30, 2013


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TRGS Foundation golf event to benefit Troopers’ families BY JESSE SCHECKNER

When Florida Highway Patrol Trooper and DUI crusader Robert Glenn Smith was killed by a drunk driver on July 26, 1997, his wife, Lisa, and their twin children were devastated. Inspired by organizations like the ones that came to their financial aid following his death, Lisa has founded the Trooper Robert Glenn Smith (TRGS) Foundation to help families who have endured similar tragedies. “After years had passed, I just kept wanting to do something in his name; I wanted to leave a legacy for his children,” she said. “We were just so grateful that, since he was killed in the line of duty, the state took care of us. I just kept thinking about the families of officers who were killed while off duty. What about those families? “I wanted to have my own foundation to be able to provide financial assistance that not only helps out the families themselves both financially and through scholarships but one that also extends to the schools to enhance some of the programs that are out there.” On Sept. 28, the TRGS Foundation will launch with an inaugural golf tournament to tee off at 1 p.m. on the Palmetto Golf Course, 9300 SW 152 St. All proceeds will go to the foundation. It will be the first major event held at the course since its renovation. Police officers, state troopers and firefighters are expected to participate and everyone is invited to attend. The event is a fitting one as Robert, who graduated from Southridge High School in 1981, was an avid golfer. “Robbie graduated from LSU and he went to their golf tournament for the alumni there every year,” Lisa said. “A lot of the Troopers love to golf and we’re really having a great turnout

FHP Trooper Robert Glenn Smith is seen in this photo with his two children, twins Todd and Taylor

with people helping us get it together.” For kids, there is a putt-putt golf course and Lisa hopes to have an RV on site emblazoned with Robert’s photos that will host interactive educational activities for kids including breathalyzer and seatbelt safety demonstrations. Once the tournament concludes at 6 p.m. the evening will continue in a nearby ballroom with the adults-only Diva Quarter Auction, hosted by TRGS Foundation committee

member Sheila Gomez. She and Lisa have been friends for more than 15 years. A popular event in the Broward area, the auction only has been in Miami for three months. All proceeds from the purchases of paddles used during the auction process will go to the foundation. Auction vendor members include Party Lite, Mary Kay, Slumber Parties, Passion Parties and Origami Owl. Sheila’s interchangeable purse company, Miche Bag, and Lisa’s health company, Isagenix, also are participating. “We are actually giving great products to these guests, who are not paying to come in except for a paddle and with the quarters they want to bring,” Sheila said. “It gives back to the foundation, so this should be a great thing.” A member of several groups including Police Officer Assistance Trust, Concerned of Police Survivors and Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Lisa, who will be using some of the money raised from the tournament to launch a website, expects these groups to refer people they cannot help to her foundation. “They’re going to know what my foundation is about so they can send people to my website that they can’t assist,” she said. “I just want to be a branch off of that because there are so many foundations out there that help in different ways.” She hopes to bring the foundation to a national level. “I want to be able to have a foundation so large that I can provide jobs for people, so we’re just trying to get as much exposure as we can for people to come out, support us and donate,” she said. “I want to change the world, if I can, with what we do.” For more information or to contribute, visit online at <>.

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September 17 - 30, 2013

CALDWELL, from page 1


“We had one English-only speaking cop who called me to interpret when incidents occurred. My on-the-scene arrivals became so regular that the girls would say, ‘The cops are coming’ whenever my gray Concord turned the corner after a disturbance report,” chuckled today’s Crime Watch boss. It only seemed logical to Caldwell to put together a neighborhood calling system that could instantly alert police when complaints of potential crime arose. A nonprofit countywide crime prevention program, Crime Watch follows guidelines of the National Sheriffs Association and is funded by Miami-Dade County, grants and donations. When a neighborhood watch is fully operative, neighbors become the “eyes and ears” of the local police department, telephoning the police at the first hint of suspicious activity. “It’s the little things that people notice in their own neighborhoods that can prevent crimes, if reported quickly,”she told the Citizens Advisory Committee of the Miami-Dade Police Hammocks District at its regular 7:30 p.m. last Wednesday of the month meeting at the District Headquarters, 10000 SW 142 Ave. “Today, our most common Crime Watch complaint comes from foreclosed homes where squatters move in and create neighborhood disturbances,” she said. “The worst are those with ‘crack’ parties, where people show up for a night and leave. It’s a difficult problem but if a neighborhood Crime Watch is in force and alert, police can discourage if not get

COURSE, from page 1

rid of such annoyances. “Keeping a vacated and foreclosed house free of such problems has legal issues,” she admitted, especially paper ownerships that are often unreachable to keep foreclosure properties from deteriorating. “We’re always open to suggestions and ways to better enforce laws to keep neighborhoods safe and welcome calls to learn how to organize Crime Watch groups — just like my first in Hialeah,” she said. Now, nearly four decades later, Caldwell will lead an Oct. 4 celebration when hundreds of Miami-Dade Crime Watch members and law enforcement officials from throughout South Florida will hold the 38th Annual Awards Ceremony, celebrating crime-free neighborhoods protected by Crime Watch neighbors. Outstanding individuals who have played a special role in keeping their home grounds safe will be honored, part of the countywide crime prevention effort that Caldwell credits both Commissioner Jose “Pepe’ Diaz and former West Kendall Commissioner Joe Martinez, a former police officer, with its formation and development. JD Patterson, Miami-Dade Police Department director, will be the keynote speaker with CBS 4 news reporter Brian Andrews as program emcee at the Doubletree by Hilton Airport and Convention Center, 711 NW 72 Ave. A reception at 6 p.m. precedes the 7 p.m. dinner and awards ceremony. Persons who wish to support the program can get details at <> or by telephone at 305470-1670.


attorneys previously have addressed special KFHA meetings dealing with HOA legislation. Miles Moss, president of Winston Park HOA since 1979, said “most people who serve on boards know nothing about the new requirements, and they’re eager to get this kind of information about what service on an association board entails.” According to Joseph Adams in the Legislation Reader, new legislation also will require each HOA to file a report with the DBPR by Nov. 22, allowing the department to take inventory of how many homeowner associations exist in Florida.

The DBPR must set up an Internet registration system by Oct. 1 for reporting. In addition, all HOAs now are required to maintain a fidelity bond (sometimes called “crime coverage” or “theft insurance”) for all persons controlling or disbursing association funds, Adams said. Coverage must be purchased covering maximum funds held by the association; requirement for a fidelity bond may be waived only by a majority vote of the HOA voting interests. For information regarding the free course, contact Stephanie Bonilla 305442-8536 or send email to <>.

September 17 - 30, 2013


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September 17 - 30, 2013

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September 17 - 30, 2013


Her dream to become an actress leads to recognition as playwright BY RICHARD YAGER

Fashonista NYC, Style Arabia, and other trendy publications in China and Poland, Jessica Farr’s decision to commute from as well as Ocean Drive, the slick Miami Kendall to the New World School of the Beach magazine that reports SoBe trends Arts came about with her inner desire to in fashion and design. become an actress. Now she As interpreted by Farr, has become internationally Blow’s life through anecknown as a playwright. dotes creating headline “Everything just hapbuzz in both theater and pened to fall together when fashion worlds is a rare I began combining a desire double knockout to introfor acting with play directduce the fast-budding ing,” she explained recently Kendall comedienne and during an interview from actress who still has her Los Angeles. sights set on a stage career That is where her artistic in addition to playwriting. talent as a writer suddenly “It’s all very exciting,” caused headlines in the Farr said prior to returning Jessica Farr world of the theater, followto Kendall and what ––––––––––––––––––––– ing production of a play she doubtless will be a big hug wrote about the internationally famous from mom, Laura Phillips, whose writing fashion icon, Isabella Blow, whose suicide talents provide public information for created the dramatic elements for Farr’s Miami-Dade Parks Department and have play, set in the 24 hours leading to Blow’s surely helped to inspire her daughter’s seventh suicide attempt. writing career. The fashion leader’s death infused with “It began when I first appeared in a high Farr’s dramatic touches for a Miami stage school play,” Farr said, referring to the production quickly caused headlines and time she commuted to the New World praise from publications that count heavily School at Miami-Dade College’s downin the worlds of couture and the stage. town campus where she wound up winIsabella Blow: The Play that was staged ning performance awards and as a playby Miami’s Mad Cat Theater Company wright at local and state levels through through Sept. 1 was headlined on an Florida State Thespians. After receiving Internet edition of the British Vogue maga- her degree at Fordham, she traveled abroad zine with the comment: “A play based on to Russia to learn at the Moscow Art the life of the late Isabella Blow has just Theater School (MXAT). opened in America entitled Blow Me… She credits the Mad Cat Theater group written by Jessica Farr and directed by the and five-time Carbonell Award-winning company’s founder, Paul Tei, the play stars Miami playwright Michael McKeever Erin Joy Schmidt as Blow and focuses on with inspiring her play writing that the final moments of the stylist’s life and includes The Hamlet Dog and Pony Show, her tragic suicide in 2007.” Call Me Catwoman, and Carmen in Three Then Women’s Wear Daily, “bible” of Acts. She currently has a new one-person the fashion industry, followed with a piece show “in the works.” for its international readership, written by A distinguished member of the Mad Cat Rebecca Kleinman, that began: “Miami Theater group, she will be part of the Naked seems like the last place that a play about Stage’s 24-Hour Theater Project in Miami, the troubled British fashion editor Isabella scheduled to open in October. She also Blow would come to light. Yet Jessica plans to direct still another new but as yet Farr, a 23-year-old native of the city more unannounced Miami show in December. known for clubbing then culture, has taken “Jessica is one of the most driven and on the subject in her new work, Blow Me. focused and talented young actors I’ve “Mad Cat Theater Company, which the ever had a chance to work with,” said playwright and actor joined at the age of James Randolph, a New World School 16, produced the nearly sold-out show assistant professor whose teaching career starring Erin Joy Schmidt which ends its with theatrical arts covers more than 20 brief run Sunday (Sept. 1) at the SandBox years. at Miami Theater Center” located in “I saw her work on stage, write plays, Miami Shores. organize performances and prove to be a Farr’s playwriting about Blow also has student leader. Her success doesn’t surmade headlines in The Telegraph and The prise me,” he added. “I know her achieveDaily Mail in London, Vogue UK, ments will continue.”

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Do you or someone you know have Rosacea? FXM Research in Miami is looking for males and females 18 years or older that suffer from Rosacea “Redness on forehead, cheeks, and nose with acne type lesions on your face” to participate in a four [4] study-visit clinical research study. Medical Insurance is not required for study participation.

September 17 - 30, 2013

Natural Motion Systems’ student earns medal at local competition

Qualified participants will receive: • Evaluation by a Board Certified Dermatologist. • Investigational Study Medication or placebo at no cost. • Reimbursement for time and travel up to USD $200.00.

¿Tiene usted o alguien que usted conoce Rosacea? FXM Research in Miami está buscando hombres y mujeres de 18 años de edad o más que padecen de Rosacea “Enrojecimiento en la frente, mejillas, y nariz con lesiones similares al acné”, para participar en un estudio clínico de investigación que requiere de cuatro [4] visitas. No se requiere seguro médico para su participación en el estudio. Los participantes que califiquen recibirán: • Evaluaciones por un Dermatólogo Certificado. • Los medicamentos del estudio bajo investigación o placebo sin costo alguno. • Reembolso por tiempo y transporte hasta $200.00. For more information please call:

Para más información por favor llame al:

(305) 220-5222 Hector Wiltz, MD., CPI. Board Certified Dermatologist FXM Research Miami

FXM Research Miami 11760 Bird Road, Suite 452 Miami, FL 33175

Do you or someone you know have Atopic Dermatitis (Also known as Eczema)? FXM Research in Miami is looking for males and females 18 to 65 years of age that suffer from Atopic Dermatitis (dry, red, scaling patches throughout your body with or without itchiness), to participate in a nine (9) study visit clinical research study. Medical Insurance is not required for study participation. Qualified participants will receive: • Evaluation by a Board Certified Dermatologist. • Investigational Study Medication at no cost. • Reimbursement for time and travel up to USD $540.00.

¿Tiene usted o alguien que usted conoce Dermatitis Atópica (También conocida como Eczema)? FXM Research en Miami está buscando a hombres y mujeres de 18 a 65 años de edad que padecen de Dermatitis Atópica (parches de resequedad, enrojecimiento, descamación en su cuerpo con o sin picazón), para participar en un estudio clínico de investigación que requiere de nueve (9) visitas. No se requiere seguro médico para su participación en el estudio. Los participantes que califiquen recibirán: • Evaluaciones por un Dermatólogo Certificado. • Los medicamentos bajo investigación sin costo alguno. • Reembolso por su tiempo y transporte de hasta $540.00. For more information please call:

Para más información por favor llame al:

(305) 220-5222

Hector Wiltz, MD., CPI.

Board Certified Dermatologist FXM Research Miami

FXM Research Miami 11760 Bird Road, Suite 452 Miami, FL 33175

Isabella Gonzalez, a student at Natural Motion Systems, recently was award a medal for performing her technique, technical skills, coordination, strength and stability. The martial arts competition took place at Miami Christian School. Pictured at the presentation are (l-r) Elio Shen-Gung Tarrago, instructor; Isabella Gonzalez, and Ewa Tarrago, instructor. Natural Motion Systems is located at 15420 SW 136 St. in Kendall. For more information, call 786-344-6973 or visit online at <>.

September 17 - 30, 2013


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Sears Home Appliance Showroom has all the comforts for your home BY NANCY EAGLETON

The comforts of home — a hot-cooked meal, an ice cold drink, or crisp clean sheets to climb into after a long day. You may not spend much time thinking about the role of your home appliances until one of them stops working. Then, you realize how much you depend on them to keep you and your family comfortable and keep your home running like a well-oiled machine. So, whether you are outfitting a new home, upgrading an existing home or replacing an old appliance, Sears Home Appliance Showroom has exactly what you need to keep you in your comfort zone. Sears Home Appliance Showrooms, located at London Square Shopping Center in West Kendall and Dadeland North Plaza in Pinecrest, carry more brands of ranges, cooktops, refrigerators, dishwashers, washers, dryers, vacuums, microwaves and small kitchen appliances than any other retailer, said owner Michael Myers. You will find all of the top brands in his showrooms, including Kenmore, Whirlpool, Maytag, Jenn-Air, Bosch, KitchenAid, GE, LG, Samsung and more. You also will discover a different shopping experience than the one you are used to at a big box retailer. In other words, you won’t be left to wander in a vast store with no help in sight or have a herd of sales people hanging over you, Myers said. Think of it as “boutique shopping” for your home appliances. “When you come in, you’re greeted and assisted by highly-trained people who know appliances,” Myers said. “They are knowledgeable about the product and can answer all of your questions, and yet, there’s no pressure. If you just want to look, that’s perfectly fine, too.” The 5,000-square-foot Sears Home Appliance Showroom is large enough to display a vast variety of models, yet cozy enough to make you feel right at home. “We offer fresh baked chocolate chip cookies that we bake in our ovens and cool drinks that we keep in our refrigerators,” Myers said. “We want kids to feel at home, too. So, we offer them juice boxes and a special area where they can play and watch TV.”

Myers guarantees that you’ll find the lowest prices in his showroom. “We find the lowest prices and we beat them,” Myers said. “Our prices are already low, but if you do find an ad that shows a lower price, we’ll match it plus give you 10 percent of the difference.” In the store’s Customer Solution Center, Sears Home Appliance Showroom team members will even help you research competitor pricing so you know you are getting the best deal. When buying an appliance, it is important to remember that it has two price tags — what you pay in the store and what you pay for the energy and water it uses. ENERGY STAR qualified appliances use less energy and water than standard models. Sears Home Appliance Showroom offers the largest selection of ENERGY STAR qualified appliances and products. Not only can your visit to Sears Home Appliance Showroom save you money, it also can save you time. “We can order any item that Sears sells and have it shipped directly to our customer’s home, with free shipping,” Myers said. “Although we specialize in appliances, we have access to any product Sears carries. Customers can avoid the hassle of going to the mall by having their items delivered to their home.” In all, there are more than 4,500 appliances to choose from during your one-stop shopping experience. Myers bought his first Sears Home Appliance Showroom franchise three years ago and now owns five locations in MiamiDade, Broward and Palm Beach counties. He made this career move after spending 23 years in the boating industry, working for iconic companies such as Sea Ray and Boston Whaler, and most recently serving as president of Bertram Yachts. “I wanted to run and own my own business,” he said. “I was drawn to this concept because I can offer customers great products from Sears, which has such a great name in the industry. And I can offer them great service because of all of the support I have from

The Sears Home Appliance Showroom Blue Crew is ready to help. Pictured (l-r) are Adrian Tavano; Ed Calero, manager; Angel Gonzalez, senior lead, and Michael Myers, owner. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Sears, including product protection, delivery service, installation, maintenance and customer service that is second to none.” The two area locations of Sears Home Appliance Showroom are: London Square

Shopping Center, 13550 SW 120 St., 305278-2377, and Dadeland North Plaza, 6605 S. Dixie Hwy., 305-669-5316. For more information, visit online at <>.

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September 17 - 30, 2013

Traffic stop leads Kendall officer to marijuana bust A sensitive nose for narcotics, coupled with investigative skills, earned honors for Miami-Dade Police Kendall District Officer Ernesto Capote as Officer of the Month in July. The award is presented by Citizens Advisory Committee chairp Barry White (left) and Maj. Christopher Carothers (right). On July 22 during a traffic enforcement detail on SW 87th Avenue near the Snapper Creek (SR 878) Expressway, Officer Capote stopped an automobile that ran a red light at 1:30 a.m. After checking the driver’s identification, Capote noticed a suspicious odor and discovered a three-pound bag of marijuana on the car’s back seat. He then opened the trunk to discover a nylon lunch bag with $1,647 in cash. Entering the detained driver’s home, officers then found 39 marijuana plants weighing 167 pounds with a street value estimate of one-half million dollars.

September 17 - 30, 2013


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250 teachers attend Launch Brunch of the Fairchild Challenge BY ALEXANDRA CURBELO

More than 250 middle and high school teachers attended the 2013-14 Launch Brunch of the Fairchild Challenge on Aug. 24, the successful multidisciplinary STEM education competition which now reaches 130,000 students in South Florida at more than 260 schools from PreK-12. “We are very excited this year to enhance Fairchild Challenge’s musical component by partnering with the Frost School of Music at the University of Miami,” said Amy Padolf, director of education at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden. “Their involvement will ensure that the musical program will be authentic and meaningful for students of all ages.” Early in the program, the Fairchild Palms volunteer professional group, led by Chris Cakov, president, presented the Fairchild Challenge with a donation of $15,000 to help fund the challenges, programs and activities to be conducted throughout the new school year.

Teachers in attendance commended the Fairchild Palms for their donation and support. “Programs like the Fairchild Challenge take the classroom one step further into the real world, the kids look forward to it — and it’s fun,” said science teacher Pam Shlachtman from Palmetto High School, who has been involved with the Challenge since it started. “The Challenge is very enriching for children,” said Cheryl Goodman, an art teacher at South Miami Middle School, a nine-year veteran of the Challenge. “Some of my students are not taught at home about the environment, so this opens up a new world for them especially when they take ownership of the ideas they are learning and look at things in a different way.” The 2013-14 Fairchild Challenge curriculum provides teachers with additional professional development opportunities such as videos and tutorials online. Students will have the unique opportunity of studying in Fairchild Garden’s new Pictured (l-r) are Marcie Voce, Amy Padolf, Chris Cavok, Lourdes Fernandez, Margaret Holmes and Andrew Quarrie. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Pictured (l-r) are William Longo, Amy Padolf and Cassandra Eisenreich.

state-of-the-art DiMare Science Village and Labs and be awarded scholarships extending their involvement from high school to the university level, all aimed at promoting research, life-long learning and nurturing a future career in the sciences. This year’s exciting challenges celebrate the 75th Anniversary of Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden by incorporating the work of David Fairchild. Projects include cooking, cultural and career exploration, environmental debate, conservation plan development, citizen science, landscape design and rendering, creative writing, gardening, and — for the first time — a musical performance representing environmental awareness that includes time lapse videos and stories about ecosystems told through music and using both traditional and nontraditional instruments.

William Longo, a graduate teaching assistant from the Frost School of Music, will work closely with students on the musical component of the Fairchild Challenge. “We are especially grateful to Frost School of Music Dean Shelly Berg for graciously partnering with us and offering the support of the school and its talented faculty and students,” Padolf added. Now beginning its 12th year, the Fairchild Challenge has grown significantly since its inception in 2002 with a Global Competition component that includes Satellite Partner sites from California to Colombia. Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden is located at 10901 Old Cutler Rd. in Coral Gables. For information call 305-667-1651 or visit <>.

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28th Fun-filled Season The Okee Dokee Brothers – Children’s Concert OKEE DOKEE BROTHERS – in collaboration with Festival Miami Strike Up The Band • GREATER MIAMI SYMPHONIC BAND A Family Music Party • TROUT FISHING IN AMERICA Musical Capers • FLORIDA YOUTH ORCHESTRA Peter & the Wolf • FROST SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Ballet is Beautiful • MIAMI CITY BALLET PRINCIPAL DANCERS

December 15, 2013 January 12, 2014 January 26, 2014 February 16, 2014 March 16, 2014 May 18, 2014

October 27, 2013 December 1, 2013 January 19, 2014 February 23, 2014 March 23, 2014 April 27, 2014

(Dancers appear courtesy Lourdes Lopez, Miami City Ballet Artistic Director)

305-271-7150 • Gusman Concert Hall • UM • 1314 Miller Dr. • Coral Gables For tickets and information, go to

This program is sponsored in part by Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs, the Mayor, the Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners, Funding Arts Network, The Miami Salon Group, Citizens Interested in Arts, and with the support of the City of Coral Gables, by the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs and the Florida Council on Arts and Culture, Whole Foods Market, Coral Gables, and our many generous underwriters, supporters, advertisers and friends.

September 17 - 30, 2013

Fall Star Party (Hunter’s Moon) at Fruit and Spice Park, Oct. 11 BY CATHY GUERRA

Astronomy buffs are invited to the Fall Star Party (Hunter’s Moon) on Friday, Oct. 11, 7-10 p.m., at the Fruit and Spice Park, 24801 SW 187 Ave. in Homestead. Organized by the Southern Cross Astronomical Society and the Fruit and Spice Park, this free event will feature a moonlight tram tour of the park and the Southern Cross Astronomical Society will have hi-tech telescopic equipment available for stargazing. Guests also can sit around the campfire for storytelling, and can bring their own marshmallows for toasting. Grilled food specialties and soft drinks will be available

for purchase. Bring blankets or chairs. Admission is free. For more information, call the Fruit and Spice Park at 305-2475727. The Fruit and Spice Park, operated by the Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Department, grows more than 500 varieties of sub-tropical fruits, herbs, spices, vegetables and nuts from around the world on 39 lush acres in the agricultural Redland. The park offers daily botanical tours, fruit tasting and naturalist led workshops. For more information, visit <>. For information about Miami-Dade County Parks call 3-1-1, or visit <>.

Coconut Grove Arts and Historical Assn. announces officers for 2013 BY MELISSA NOBLES

The Coconut Grove Arts and Historical Association, producer of the annual Coconut Grove Arts Festival, recently announced its officers for 2013. The 2013 officers are: Marshall Steingold, chair; Carlos Chialastri, chairelect; Donna Sweeny, secretary, and Lola Garcia, treasurer. The past chair is Jack Eads and the president is Monty Trainer. The Coconut Grove Arts and Historical Association is a non-profit organization that helps to fund year-round arts programs. The association also maintains the Coconut Grove Arts Festival Gallery and

presents special exhibitions throughout the year from its location at the Shoppes at Mayfair. Since its inception in 1963, the association has awarded more than $100,000 in scholarships to students who attend fine arts programs in local schools. The Coconut Grove Arts Festival consistently has been named one of the best fine arts festivals in the nation by Sunshine Artist magazine and remains the top-voted outdoor arts festival in the history of the magazine’s 200 Best. For information on the 51st annual Coconut Grove Arts Festival scheduled for Feb. 15-17, 2014, visit online at <>.

September 17 - 30, 2013


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15 SEAVIEW AVENUE- RARE FIND! - Approximate 1.3 acre Marina Facility on Conch Key, in the middle Florida Keys. Direct bay frontage with ocean access and overseas highway visibility. Existing wholesale and retail seafood market facility with a sea wall, fuel dock and additional dockage in a rare protected deep water lagoon/basin. Two residential building rights! Please do not visit property without Listing Agent. $1.8M

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Home with gourmet kitchen, fireplace, master suite with steam shower and jacuzzi tub, separate in-law quarters, tree house, horse stables, tack room, dog kennel and 2 car garage. Avocado and Mango grove on 5.52 acres. Virtual Tour

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September 17 - 30, 2013

September 17 - 30, 2013


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September 17 - 30, 2013

September 17 - 30, 2013


Lauren’s Kids Foundation announces launch of new specialty license plate

Design of new license plate –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––


The Lauren’s Kids Foundation recently announced the launch of its new specialty license plate, unveiling a design created by internationally acclaimed artist Romero Britto to focus attention on child sexual abuse prevention. The plate, titled “Love and Healing,” can be pre-ordered at, with proceeds going to support Lauren’s Kids’ education and awareness activities. “Nothing is more important than keeping Florida’s innocent children safe, and through the sale of these license plates we will be able to greatly expand our efforts,” said Lauren Book, child sexual abuse survivor and founder of Lauren’s Kids. “This presents an opportunity for others not only to contribute to the cause, but to serve as rolling ‘billboards’ raising awareness within their communities while doing it.” The specialty plate features a stylized rendition of the Lauren’s Kids logo designed by acclaimed contemporary pop artist Romero Britto. Britto is known for his use of pulsating colors and bold patterns as a visual language of hope and happiness. He has created artwork for such

companies as Disney, Coca-Cola and Audi, and his work is prominently displayed on buildings and in galleries in South Florida and around the world. “I decided to title this piece ‘Love and Healing’ because those sentiments are the driving force behind Lauren Book and the Lauren’s Kids Foundation,” Britto said. “Lauren is on a mission to help and to heal survivors of sexual abuse, and to prevent others from having to live through the unthinkable nightmare she endured as a child.” Everyone — from supporters of the Lauren’s Kids Foundation mission to Florida art enthusiasts and all who care about children — can pre-order the plate using a voucher system. The vouchers cost $35.50 in addition to regular registration fees (fee will be applied to the plate purchase). To pre-order go online to <>, by visiting a local tax collector’s office or through a private license plate agency. Once Floridians make the purchase, they will receive a Specialty License Plate Voucher Receipt. After 1,000 vouchers have been sold, production will begin and voucher holders will be notified that they can exchange their voucher for a specialty plate.

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Do you or someone you know have Facial Acne? FXM Research in Miami is looking for males and females 12 years of age or older that suffer from Facial Acne, to participate in an seven [7] study-visit clinical research study. Medical Insurance is not required for study participation. Qualified participants will receive: • Evaluation by a Board Certified Dermatologist. • Investigational Study Medication at no cost. • Reimbursement for time and travel up to USD $350.00.

¿Tiene usted o alguien que usted conoce Acné Facial? FXM Research en Miami está buscando hombres y mujeres de 12 años de edad o más que padecen de Acné Facial, para participar en un estudio clínico de investigación que requiere de siete [7] visitas. No se requiere seguro médico para su participación en el estudio. Los participantes que califiquen recibirán: • Evaluaciones por un Dermatólogo Certificado. • Los medicamentos del estudio bajo investigación sin costo alguno. • Un reembolso por tiempo y transporte hasta $350.00. For more information please call:

Para más información por favor llame al:

(305) 220-5222 Hector Wiltz, MD., CPI. Board Certified Dermatologist FXM Research Miami

FXM Research Miami 11760 Bird Road, Suite 452 Miami, FL 33175

Do you or someone you know have Atopic Dermatitis (Also known as Eczema)? FXM Research in Miami is looking for males and females 18 to 65 years of age that suffer from Atopic Dermatitis (dry, red, scaling patches throughout your body with or without itchiness), to participate in a nine (9) study visit clinical research study. Medical Insurance is not required for study participation. Qualified participants will receive: • Evaluation by a Board Certified Dermatologist. • Investigational Study Medication at no cost. • Reimbursement for time and travel up to USD $540.00.

¿Tiene usted o alguien que usted conoce Dermatitis Atópica (También conocida como Eczema)? FXM Research en Miami está buscando a hombres y mujeres de 18 a 65 años de edad que padecen de Dermatitis Atópica (parches de resequedad, enrojecimiento, descamación en su cuerpo con o sin picazón), para participar en un estudio clínico de investigación que requiere de nueve (9) visitas. No se requiere seguro médico para su participación en el estudio. Los participantes que califiquen recibirán: • Evaluaciones por un Dermatólogo Certificado. • Los medicamentos bajo investigación sin costo alguno. • Reembolso por su tiempo y transporte de hasta $540.00. For more information please call:

Para más información por favor llame al:

(305) 220-5222

Hector Wiltz, MD., CPI.

Board Certified Dermatologist FXM Research Miami

FXM Research Miami 11760 Bird Road, Suite 452 Miami, FL 33175

September 17 - 30, 2013

Federal grant to boost UniversityCity, a transportation hub planned for FIU BY MAYDEL SANTANA-BRAVO

A public-private partnership led by Florida International University (FIU) has won an $11.4 million grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation to improve connectivity between the university’s west Miami-Dade campus, the neighboring city of Sweetwater and other parts of MiamiDade County. The Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) program grant will allow FIU and its partners, including the Miami-Dade Transportation Authority, Miami-Dade Expressway Authority, Florida Department of Transportation, City of Sweetwater, IBM and engineering firm T.Y. Lin International, to move forward with UniversityCity. The project is of regional significance because it will create a transit-oriented development district, while connecting east and west Miami-Dade County, further solidifying FIU and its surrounding neighborhoods as the innovation, cultural and athletic center for west Miami-Dade. UniversityCity was conceived as a $124 million project that will link the Modesto A. Maidique Campus to bus rapid transit (BRT), Miami International Airport and other key points in South Florida. The TIGER grant will allow for work to begin immediately on the following elements of the project: • A pedestrian bridge across SW Eighth Street, and streetscape enhancements linking the Modesto A. Maidique Campus with neighboring Sweetwater at 109th Avenue, where a privately funded student-focused housing apartment building already is under construction. A second residential option for FIU students is in development. • Access improvements to the entrances of the Modesto A. Maidique Campus and to the 109th Avenue area in Sweetwater, across from campus. • Smart Parking Software System in part-

nership with IBM that would alert smart phone users as to available spaces in a new FIU garage. The same application would contain real-time information about transportation, including the new advanced bus system with which Miami-Dade Transit is planning to connect west Miami-Dade County with the Miami Intermodal Center at the airport. “UniversityCity will be one of the most tangible, meaningful solutions we help provide for South Floridians because it involves improved transportation, jobs and economic development,” said FIU president Mark B. Rosenberg. “It took our entire congressional delegation and the hard work of many at FIU, as well as in the City of Sweetwater, Miami-Dade County, and the State of Florida to put together this winning proposal.” UniversityCity is one of several transportation projects funded this year by TIGER grants, including two others in Florida. “This is great news for the UniversityCity project,” said U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. “Thanks to this TIGER funding, FIU students will be able to walk from their student housing to class through a pedestrian bridge across Southwest Eighth Street. “The innovative technological upgrades to the FIU garage will make it easier to find parking and check the BRT schedule. More jobs will be created in our community thanks to this grant, and I look forward to celebrating the project’s success with everyone in South Florida,” she added. U.S. Rep. Joe Garcia, whose district includes FIU, said he is pleased with the grant. “I commend the leadership and vision of president Rosenberg, as we work together to enrich FIU and the South Florida community,” Garcia said. For more information about FIU, visit online at <>.

September 17 - 30, 2013


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Early Bird Dinners

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September 17 - 30, 2013

Fairchild TBG accepting entries for Bird Festival photo contest

Ibises at Fairchild by Gaby Orihuela


Calling all amateur photographers! Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden is now accepting entries for its “Birds of South Florida” Photo Contest as part of the Bird Festival presented by Fairchild and the Tropical Audubon Society on Oct. 12 and 13.

Entering the contest is free. Photo submissions must be sent with the online registration form completed and attached via email to Vanessa Cook at <> by Friday, Sept. 27. More information and registration forms are available at <>.

Environmental Leadership Workshop set to inspire local citizens toward action BY CELESTE DE PALMA

Facilitated by Tropical Audubon Society (TAS), South Florida’s nonprofit Voice of Conservation, numerous environmental and area business partners have come together to host the Environmental Leadership Workshop at Deering Estate on Oct. 5-6. The interactive event will provide local citizens with the necessary tools to become agents of change in the community. Expert panelists will cover an array of environmental topics ranging from local conservation issues, grassroots organizing and diversity, to crafting your message, navigating political channels, engaging via social media and nonprofit fundraising. A variation of TAS’s Annual Conservation Workshop, the Environmental Leadership Workshop focuses on fostering and training tomorrow’s local environmental leaders by partnering with environmental organizations and eco-conscious business leaders to cover a wide range of opportunities and develop skill sets transferable to any field. The weekend Environmental Leadership Workshop will connect the private and non-

profit sectors with fresh talent to help reshape Miami’s ecological future. Each day begins with field trips and yoga, followed by a networking breakfast. Day One is filled with a series of 40minute lectures outlining key environmental issues affecting South Florida: Everglades and Water, the Health of area Estuaries, Land Use and Connectivity, and Sea Level Rise. A Tour of historic Deering Estate, followed by a Legacy Circle Wine Reception, courtesy of Republic National Distributing Company, will close the day. Day Two will offer tracks on diversity in conservation, grassroots organizing, public speaking, fundraising for nonprofits and communicating via traditional and social media. Sunset Kayak and Boat Trips will crown the event. Interested parties can register by clicking the live link listed at <>. Scholarships for students are available; inquire at <>. If you want to sponsor a student for the entire workshop, go to <>, click on the “Donate today” button and help promote environmental stewardship in Miami.

September 17 - 30, 2013


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Cancer Support Community gets $30K grant for programs BY LEE STEPHENS

According to American Cancer Society’s 2012 statistics, one in every two men and one in every three women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Over the course of this year, 2013, approximately 100,000 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed within the state of Florida alone. Those numbers are overwhelming in print. However, for those actually diagnosed, the time that follows this information is often crowded with fear and great concern; both for patients and their loved ones. For more than 11 years, the Cancer Support Community Greater Miami (CSCGM) has helped over 21,000 people impacted by cancer improve their quality of life by providing free educational and

emotional support programs. CSCGM is part of an international organization that is the merging of The Wellness Community– National and Gilda’s Club Worldwide. Since 2010 these two organizations are now one operating as the Cancer Support Community (CSC) with their world affiliate headquarters in Washington, DC. CSC is considered to be the worldwide leader in psychosocial oncology and their local Miami affiliate works in conjunction with South Florida’s leading oncology professionals and cancer centers. In keeping with the core mission to provide the most comprehensive psychosocial oncology care, CSCGM recently applied for, and was awarded, a $30,000 grant from The Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation. These funds have been earmarked to bring the CSC National Program, CancerSupportSource

(CSS) to Miami-Dade participants. “We are grateful to The Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation for this generous grant,” said Danielle Spiegelman, Cancer Support Community Greater Miami executive director. “As a member of South Florida healthcare community, the Cancer Support Community Greater Miami is committed to providing patient-centered care in the face of a cancer diagnosis. These funds assist our efforts as we strive to deliver and advance quality care for the newly diagnosed and those living with cancer in our community.” CSC National has developed the first comprehensive distress screening program created specifically for the Cancer Support Communities worldwide, communitybased hospitals, physician practices and advocacy organizations to integrate screen-

ing, referral and follow-up care, through a single, streamlined, program. Grant funds from The Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation will be used to implement this cutting edge program at the local level. Routine screening for social and emotional distress is a key component to comprehensive quality cancer care and is a recommendation of the 2008 Institute of Medicine’s Report, Cancer Care for the Whole Patient, Meeting Psychosocial Health Needs. Additionally, it is part of the new patient standards from the American College of Surgeon’s Commission on Cancer, which states that beginning in 2015, all cancer patients must be screened for distress if seen in an accredited cancer center. CancerSupportSource helps cancer centers meet those critical standards easily and effectively.

Hector Wiltz Jr., M.D.





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Compounding For Ferrets with Insulinoma Beta cell tumors, also known as insulinomas, are the most common form of cancer in ferrets. These tumors produce excessive amounts of insulin, causing dangerously low blood glucose levels. Surgery to remove visible tumors or a large portion of pancreas frequently does not result in a cure. The incidence of recurrence is high. But, in some cases, with good care and a combination of medical and surgical treatment, or medical treatment alone, a ferret may be able to live with this condition for a number of years. Prednisolone is a medication that is commonly administered orally to ferrets with insulinoma to improve glucose metabolism. Prednisolone is currently not commercially available and must be compounded by pharmacists for use in ferrets. Diazoxide is used to treat ferrets with insulinoma once they become refractory to prednisolone therapy, and most veterinarians prefer to use a sugarless flavored compounded suspension provided by compounding pharmacists. Ask our compounding pharmacist for more information about customized medications for animals.

Photo by Ella Woodson

Sonia Martinez, RPH - Marco Drugs Marco Drugs and Compounding will provide you with compounded medications prepared with the highest standards and with high quality bulk materials, traditional prescriptions and high grade nutraceuticals, supplements and multivitamins. We provide to you health information in a clean, comfortable, fun and safe environment. Make us your doorway to total health.

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Like us on Facebook: This article is intended to provide information on healthrelated matters. The ideas expressed cannot be used to diagnose or treat individual health problems and should not be taken as medical advice or instruction.

September 17 - 30, 2013

September 17 - 30, 2013


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September 17 - 30, 2013

September 17 - 30, 2013


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September 17 - 30, 2013

Breast cancer survivors invited to celebrate at South Miami Hospital BY PHYLLIS TEITELBAUM

Not for Women Only: Understanding Male Breast Cancer will be the focus of this year’s Your Bosom Buddies Breast Cancer Survivors Celebration. The free event for breast cancer survivors, their families and friends is set for Thursday, Oct. 3, 6-9 p.m., at South Miami Hospital’s Clarke Education Center, S. Dixie Highway (US1) and SW 62nd Avenue. The featured speaker is health educator Scott Irwin. Heroines Choir, a singing group of local breast cancer survivors and their supporters, will open the program. According to the American Cancer Society, this year there will be 2,240 cases of male breast cancer in our country. “My grandfather was treated for breast cancer and I had my own scare with a breast lump that thankfully was not cancer,” Scott Irwin said. “I want to use my experience to raise awareness of this disease. Men, and the women who care about them, need to know about its risk factors, signs and symptoms.”

Other speakers at the celebration include Baptist Health breast surgeons Robert Derhagopian, MD; Gladys Giron, MD; Cristina Lopez-Penalver, MD; cancer specialist Grace Wang, MD, and plastic surgeon Brad Herman, MD. Katelynn Burke, Miss Miami Outstanding Teen, also will speak. More than 20 community organizations will have exhibits of interest to breast cancer survivors. There will be music and a light dinner. The event is free, but space is limited. Reservations are required. Call 786596-3812 or send email ro <>. The celebration is hosted by Your Bosom Buddies Breast Cancer Support Group. “We began in 1997 as a small event just for our group, but because it was so well received, we expanded it into a much larger community event,” said Linda Burrowes, founder of Your Bosom Buddies. The support group meets the third Thursday of every month at South Miami Hospital. For more information, visit

Heroines Choir, a singing group of breast cancer survivors and their supporters, will entertain at Your Bosom Buddies Breast Cancer Survivors Celebration at South Miami Hospital on Oct. 3. (Photo by Fareed Al-Mashat, Baptist Health South Florida) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

September 17 - 30, 2013


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“I Can’t Live With

Foot and Leg Pain!”

Announcing A New High Tech Method For the Treatment of Peripheral Neuropathy and Type II Diabetes Symptoms

“Doc, I can’t live with this excruciating foot and let pain!” When you hear this from a patient it gets your attention, typically, I get the worst of the worst pain patients but when I recently heard this exclamation, my attention was particularly peaked. Let’s call this patient Bob. Bob is 62 years old with neuropahy in his hands and feet. He had poorly controlled Type II Diabetes and his life was literally as he described it “a living hell.” Clearly he was coming to the end of his rope. The nerves in his legs and feet were damaged and he was in HORRIBLE CONSTANT PAIN!

culation to an area (much needed in a neuropathy patient). It could reduce and/or eliminate pain in as little as a few treatments and was changing the lives of patients with severe debilitating pain in offices across the nation. Based on the research about this new type of technology and because of the almost immediate type of pain relief, I had to have one of these deep tissue treatments in my facility no matter what the cost. I invested and implemented this new treatment that utilized state of the art pain relieving therapies some of which include IPLT (intermittent pulsed laser therapy) as well as other therapies, all customized to the patient’s particular needs.

I can’t Sleep at Night! He complained to me, “I can’t sleep at night because my legs feel like they are being eaten by little bugs or chewed on by small animals. During the day, he could hardly walk and every steop sent shooting pain like lightning from his toes and up his legs up almost to his knees. He has numbness in his feet and couldn’t feel his feet very well and had terrible balance problems. He was worried he might fall and injure himself. He said that he could not go on living with this constant, debilitating pain that had made every day a tragedy.

I had to help This Man! I recently was fortunate enough to accidentally discover a new non-invasive and non-drug treatment for severe and constant foot and leg pain caused by Neuropathy. I learned about a new type of non-surgical and painless high tech treatment that was working wonders with severe, constant chronic pain, including pain caused by Neuropathy. It had the ability to quickly increase cir-

I enrolled in extensive training. My staff and I witnessed some amazing reductions and eliminations of some of the worst pain syndromes I had ever seen… And it was FAST! After just a few minutes treatment on patients with extreme chronic pain of the worst kind, including neuropathy of the feet and legs, we had patients telling us how their pain levels had decreased and they were shocked. Some of them had their pain even alleviated after only one treatment. We were able to reduce or even eliminate neuropathy pain of the worst kind. I now offer a non-invasive, non surgical and painless neuropathy pain treatment. I help patients reduce or eliminate their neuropathy pain using a combination of natural therapies, customized to each individual patient’s needs. These therapies may include a possible combination of:

Nutritional therapies, high tech deep tissue, super pulsed cold laser therapy, specific non-surgical, non-invasive, relazing re-integration and stimulation of peripheral nerves, vibration therapy, myofacial release and more.

Here’s what some patients have said about their treatments: My experience with Integrated Physicians Centers: I am vigorously active 69 year-old-man. For two years, I have pursued various medical specialists and solutions seeking relief from my agonizing affliction with Neuropathy in my feet. I had become completely frustrated with the surgical, pharmacological and exercise therapies that were prescribed for me. “Masking” the pain, burning and numbness were not acceptable solutions. All that changed when I was introduced to Dr. Draesel and The IPC. The integrated regimen of Neuroanalgesic, lower extremity circulatory massage and cold laser, combined with a carefully crafted combination of nutritional supplementation and lifestyle management, have resulted in an extraordinary im-

provement in my condition. My overall improvements in comfort and physical agility have been nothing short of amazing. I have experienced dramatically reduced pain and burning, improved balance and agility, and gained a level of recovery I never thought possible. The staff at the clinic is simply incredible. I am deeply indebted to the professional doctors and staff at Integrated Physicians Centers. -William I. Bunnell; AART, MS Radiological Sciences, CRA Executive Director of Medical Imaging (Retired).

When I came to the IPC I never dreamed that anything would change. My hands and feet were so painful that I could hardly bear it. I was taking pain medication two times a day and sometimes a third time if needed. It was even painful to wash my hands. They felt like they had been fried, my fingernails even hurt. My feet were terrible. I couldn’t stand for anything to touch them. Wearing shoes was miserable. Now I can tell a big difference. Before I started this treatment it even hurt to clap my hands, but not anymore. Thank God for Dr. Draesel and all his staff at Integrated Physicians Center. - Brenda Hill, (Retired). So just how can you see if Dr. Draesel Neuropathy Pain Relief treatment will help you reduce or eliminate your foot or leg pain? For a limited number of callers (We are limiting this to the first 27 callers due to the response to this type of offer). We are now offering our unique 7-Point $20 Evaluation.

The $20 7-Point Leg and Foot Neuropathy Evaluation! During your $20 evaluation you will be checked for: • Foot and Leg Circulation • Nerve Sensitivity • Pain Fiber Receptors • Thermal Receptors • Pressure Receptors • Light Touch Sensitivity • Nutritional Sensitivity



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September 17 - 30, 2013

Facial Plastic Surgery with Dr. Bustillo Dear Dr. Bustillo, I have been wondering about having a facelift done, but I am concerned about the scars. My neighbor had one done a few years ago and she has very visible scars in front of her ears. Her ears also look “pulled” down. Is this normal? Beth No, this is not normal. The facelift scars should be barely perceptible to the eye. The scars are usually visible if the tension was placed on the skin (i.e., the skin was pulled, instead of pulling the deeper SMAS/muscle layer) or the incisions were placed in the wrong place. For example, in front of the ear, they should be placed behind the tragus (the small cartilage in front of the ear). Behind the ear, they should be hidden inside the crease where the ear meets the head and then inside the hair (and not in the hairline). This last part is important, because incisions placed in the hairline may not allow you to wear your hair in a ponytail. The fact that her ears seem pulled down (this deformity actually has a name....”pixie ears”) makes it likely that the surgery was done by pulling on the skin. Consult with a surgeon that has experience performing the facelift procedure. Good luck,

Andres Bustillo, MD You can submit your questions to Andres Bustillo is a board certified facial plastic surgeon. 305-663-3380

Mercy Hospital Medical Partners is a network of physicians located in Miami-Dade county. Our network of multi-specialty physicians is one of the reasons why Mercy Hospital continues to receive honors and accolades for excellence in healthcare. Our talented doctors are committed to delivering the quality care you deserve. Our mission is to provide healthcare services to all individuals in our community with dignity, compassion and respect. The vision of is to consistently meet the changing healthcare needs and expectations of the communities we serve.

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September 17 - 30, 2013


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September 17 - 30, 2013

Walk for Parkinson’s OCTOBER. 6 | Bayfront Park, Miami

Register Today @

September 17 - 30, 2013


East Ridge at Cutler Bay to Host Panel Discussion on Moving to a Retirement Community By Sharon Galler Residents of East Ridge at Cutler Bay will spotlight an event, “Moving to a Retirement Community,”Thursday, Sept. 26 from 12:00 pm. to 2:00 pm., and will be sharing personal advice and insights about their decision to choose a life care community. The public is invited to attend the East Ridge event by calling 305-256-3564 to RSVP. This is an opportunity to hear firsthand experiences of people who made the decision to move to the continuing care retirement community. Featured East Ridge residents include Betty White, Paula Knowlton, Shirley Fountain, Richard Michael and Bessie and Lawrence Adams. Among the topics they will discuss is how they began researching retirement options; starting the discussion with their families; and tackling downsizing and parting with years of collecting and saving. “Their poignant first-hand accounts will offer the audience valuable insights by people who are enjoying the benefits of the East Ridge lifestyle,”explained Director of Sales Rick Drew. Located at 19301 SW 87th Ave., East Ridge at Cutler Bay is South MiamiDade’s only true life care community and offers a continuum of care, including independent living, assisted living, respite care and short and long-term skilled nursing care. For more information or a personal tour, please call (305) 2563564 or visit

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September 17 - 30, 2013

Seaquarium’s Totally Teachers Weekend! Mindful Kids Miami brings after school adds up to savings for school employees mindfulness practice to Fairchild TBG BY MARITZA ARCEO-LOPEZ

During Totally Teachers Weekend!, Saturday, Oct. 12, and Sunday, Oct. 13, Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach County teachers and school employees, in both private and public schools, will receive free admission to Miami Seaquarium, plus a discount for up to four guests at 50 percent off of regular admission. Teachers also may enter to win a free fieldtrip to Miami Seaquarium at the Education Center from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Only one trip will be awarded each day. Teachers must show a valid school ID card or pay stub along with a picture ID to redeem the discount. The offer is only valid on regular admission to Miami Seaquarium and is not combinable with any other offer. “Totally Teachers Weekend! is our special way of saying ‘thank you’ to our teachers for the important role they play in educating the children in our communities,” said Andrew Hertz, general manager at Miami Seaquarium. “We encourage teachers to take advantage of this great offer and enjoy the park.” For more than 50 years, Miami Seaquarium has been a firm advocate of

marine life conservation and education. Through its current interactive educational programs, Miami Seaquarium continues its mission of educating students of all ages about the wonders of marine life. It hosts several educational programs throughout the year, such as: Day Camps, Spring Camp, Home School Days, Girl Scout and Boy Scout Days and “Mommy and Me,” a program for mothers and young children. In addition, the park hosts thousands of local students for educational fieldtrips year round. Teachers are invited to visit the Education Center at Miami Seaquarium during Totally Teachers Weekend! for more information on educational programs offered at Miami Seaquarium. Miami Seaquarium, South Florida’s most popular tourist attraction, is a family-oriented marine-life park open to the public 365 days a year. The park provides visitors with a greater understanding and appreciation for marine life through shows, presentations and marine-life exhibits. General admission to Miami Seaquarium is $39.95 and $29.95 for children (ages 3-9). More information on Miami Seaquarium is available at <>.


The new school year is here and Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden is offering a new after school program for children ages 7-10 — Mindful Kids Miami. This 10session program takes place every Tuesday from Sept. 24 to Nov. 26, 4:30-5:15 p.m., in Fairchild’s Visitor Center Ballroom. Kids will learn how to incorporate mindfulness into their lives through games, yoga, exercises, relaxation and kindness practices. Classes are taught by Mindful Kids Miami’s seasoned professionals who have been teaching yoga and mindfulness for years. The goal of teaching mindfulness is to improve attention, reduce stress and build empathy while decreasing anxiety, hostility

and impulsive behavior. A study published in the Journal of Applied School Psychology found that elementary schoolchildren who were taught to integrate mindful awareness practices in a classroom setting had improvements in behavioral regulation, metacognition, and overall executive functioning (Flook et al, 2010). This is an after school activity for kids to sharpen their minds while relieving any stressors that may be bothering them. Whether their anxiety comes from taking tests, making new friends or completing homework, mindfulness works to alleviate it. The fee for 10 sessions is $150 for Fairchild members and $200 for non-members. Call 305-667-1651, ext. 3322, to reserve a spot.

See us online at:


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September 17 - 30, 2013


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September 17 - 30, 2013

September 17 - 30, 2013


Ghosts Tours returning to Deering Estate at Cutler BY CATHY GUERRA

In partnership with the League of Paranormal Investigators, the Deering Estate at Cutler offers a variety of Ghost Tours and Paranormal Investigations. Hear about the sightings and experiences from the actual paranormal investigations of the Deering Estate at Cutler and see for yourself the evidence recorded on video, photographs, and audio. There are three types of tours offered: the Deering Estate “Spookover,” the “Be Your Own Investigator” Ghost Tour and the new “Voices of the Past” Investigative Ghost Tour. Tickets can be purchased in advance online at <> for an additional fee or by calling the Deering Estate Ticket Office at 305-235-1668, ext. 233. In order to ensure that guests have a more personal experience during each of the tours, space is limited and it is recommended that you purchase tickets in advance. For private tours or your own overnight paranormal experience, call the Deering Estate at Cutler Visitor Services Office at 305-235-1668, ext. 242. Deering Estate “Spookover:” Fridays, Oct. 4; Nov. 1; Mar. 21, 2014, and Apr. 25, 2014. Hours are 11 p.m. to 4 a.m., $65 per person. Experience the Deering Estate at Cutler overnight when the lights are out. The League of Paranormal Investigators (LPI) will take guests to the most active locations on the estate where you can investigate and attempt communication with the spirits that roam in the historic houses and main grounds. Equipment used to detect spectral presences such as pendulums, dowsing rods, EMF meters, voice recorders and cameras are welcome. This is not a sleepover; guests will investigate and participate in activities all night.

Please dress comfortably. Bring your own flashlight, mosquito repellant and any equipment you wish to use. Light snacks and refreshments will be served. Tour may contain mature subject matter. “Be Your Own Investigator” Ghost Tour: Thursdays, Sept. 19; Oct. 17; Oct. 25, and Dec. 19. Hours are 7-9 p.m. Cost is $30 per person. “Be Your Own Investigator” and become part of the Paranormal Investigative Team as we discover evidence and occurrences with the League of Paranormal Investigators. Please dress comfortably. Bring your own flashlight, mosquito repellant and any equipment you wish to use. Pendulums, dowsing rods, EMF meters, voice recorders and cameras are welcome. Tour may contain mature subject matter. “Voices Of The Past” Investigative Ghost Tour – New: Thursdays, Oct. 10; Nov. 21, and Feb. 20, 2014. Hours are 7-9 p.m. Cost is $20 per person. See, hear and witness the paranormal evidence collected at the historical Deering Estate by the League of Paranormal Investigators. You will witness strange anomalies on video, hear recordings of disembodied voices, witness video of communication with spirits and see photographs of full body apparitions as we take you around the grounds and historical houses where you can also attempt to perform a part of an investigation yourself — if you dare. Dress comfortably. Tour may contain mature subject matter. The Deering Estate at Cutler, a MiamiDade County Park, is located at 16701 SW 72 Ave. This 444-acre natural and archeological preserve and historic site is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and serves as a center for education, culture and recreation. For more information on the Deering Estate’s educational and cultural programs, visit <>.

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September 17 - 30, 2013

Deering Estate at Cutler to offer Four days and nights of Halloween guests free admission on Sept. 21 fun coming to Miami Seaquarium BY CATHY GUERRA

The Deering Estate at Cutler will offer free admission to all guests on Saturday, Sept. 21, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., as part of the annual Fee-Free PLAY Days. Guests can enjoy complimentary admission as well as hands-on eco-art activities, science discovery programs, and historic house tours — all for free. Food and beverages will be available for purchase. The Fee-Free PLAY Days were created to honor the Deering Estate’s partner organizations and the community. Partner organizations and program partners will be on-site providing information and a variety of activities. On Sept. 21 the estate will honor the Scouts. The entire public can enjoy a variety of programs and activities for free. We invite our guests to “PLAY” (Preservation, Learning, Adventure, YearRound) and enjoy the many tours, educational programs, and special events that the estate has to offer. Activities and programs on Sept. 21: Historic house tours at 10:30 a.m., noon, 1:30 p.m. and 3 p.m.;

String Master Class with the Deering Estate Chamber Ensemble from 10 to 11:30 a.m. in the Stone House Ballroom. Love to Practice with string specialist Laura Wilcox featuring students ages 7-15; Book Nook by the Bay “Scouts” — Challenge your knowledge in native Florida plants while hiking the nature trail as you complete a scavenger hunt; Children’s Writing Workshop with Literary Artist in Residence Mia Leonin at 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. in the Carriage House — Odes and Incantations: From lizards to the mangrove trees, read and write poems that possess surprising images and mysterious rhythms. Kids of all ages and parents are welcome; A variety of Scout-led activities. The Deering Estate at Cutler, a MiamiDade County Park, is located at 16701 SW 72 Ave. This 444-acre natural and archeological preserve and historic site is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and serves as a center for education, culture and recreation. For more information on the Deering Estate’s educational and cultural programs, visit <>.


Little ghosts and goblins get set for big fun at Miami’s biggest kid-friendly Halloween extravaganza — Monster Splash Daytime Splash and Nighttime Bash returning for its 19th year on Oct. 2527 and 31, from 2 to 10 p.m. With more ghoulish treats and ghostly fun than ever before, this year’s event features trick-or-treating at Sharky’s Sweet Tooth Station; kiddie rides and bounce houses at the Little Monsters Play Area; the Monsters in the Mangrove Haunted Walk; Flipper’s Dance Party and the only place in Miami to enjoy Halloween themed marine animal shows. Monster Splash Daytime Splash and Nighttime Bash is a safe Halloween alternative for kids and their families. “We love Halloween at Miami Seaquarium,” said Andrew Hertz, general manager at Miami Seaquarium. “We are happy to provide local families with a safe event to celebrate Halloween in South Florida for almost two decades.” Halloween-themed marine animal

shows to give guests a fright during Monster Splash Daytime Splash and Nighttime Bash includes a daytime Superheroes Killer Whale Show, Flipper’s Thrills and Chills, Finding Nemo sea lion show along with the splashy fun of the Swashbuckling Pirate Top Deck Dolphin Show. Admission for the Daytime Splash is regular park admission, which is $39.95 and $29.95 for children (ages 3-9). Special admission price for the Nighttime Bash is only $24.95 plus tax after 5 p.m. for adults, and $19.95 plus tax for children (ages 3-12) after 5 p.m. Miami Seaquarium, South Florida’s most popular tourist attraction, is a family-oriented marine-life park open to the public 365 days a year. The park, located on the Rickenbacker Causeway at Virginia Key, provides visitors with a greater understanding and appreciation for marine life through shows, presentations and marine-life exhibits. For more information on Miami Seaquarium, call 305-361-5705 or visit online at <>.

September 17 - 30, 2013


Miami Dade College raises its new flag in ceremonies on all campuses

Pictured at the flag raising ceremony are (l-r) Mike Perez, public safety chief; Dr. Eduardo J. Padrón, MDC president; Michelle Ampie, Wolfson Campus SGA president, and Dr. Jose A. Vicente, Wolfson Campus president. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––


The Miami Dade College community celebrated its new official college flag during flagraising ceremonies on Sept. 4 at which time all campuses simultaneously raised the new flag. The main event at the Wolfson Campus, which was led by Dr. Eduardo J. Padrón, MDC president, was streamed live so that the other campuses could raise their flags at

precisely the same moment. The new flag has eight stripes representing the college’s eight campuses and its logo in the center. The timing was especially right given the recent enrollment of the college’s 2 millionth student. “We have one college, one mission, one vision and now one flag,” Dr. Padrón said. “I can’t think of a more cohesive organization than MDC.”

See us online at:

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September 17 - 30, 2013

Nominations now being accepted for In the Company of Women Awards BY EDITH TORRES

Nominations now are being accepted for the 26th annual In the Company of Women Awards Ceremony scheduled for Mar. 13, 2014, during Women’s History Month. Hosted by the Parks Foundation of Miami-Dade — in partnership with the Miami-Dade County Commission for Women and Miami-Dade Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces — In the Company of Women will recognize women who have shown professional development, community responsibility, contribution to women’s progress, leadership and vision, and promotion of pluralism. Nominations of women are being sought for the following categories: • Outstanding Woman in Arts and Entertainment, • Outstanding Woman in Business and Economics, • Outstanding Woman in Communications and Literature, • Outstanding Woman in Education and Research, • Outstanding Woman in Government and Law, Elected Non-elected • Outstanding Woman in Health and Human Services, • Outstanding Woman in Science and Technology, • Outstanding Woman in Sports and Athletics, • Community Spirit Award, • The Mayor’s Pioneer Award, • The Posthumous Award, and • The Young Professional Award. New this year is the category of Young Professional for an outstanding woman age 30 and under who exemplifies all of the characteristics required above, but who, because of her age may not have as many years of experience within her profession. The Community Spirit Award recognizes an outstanding woman who, through volunteering, has made a difference within the community. No professional background is required. The Mayor’s Pioneer Award honors a

trailblazer who has proven leadership, creativity, and vision in addressing community issues and advancing the status of women in Miami-Dade County. The Posthumous Award is in honor of a woman who has passed away and recognizes her contribution within Miami-Dade County. To download the nomination form, visit <>. Completed forms must be mailed to Laura Morilla, executive director, Miami-Dade County Commission for Women, 111 NW First St., Suite 1034, Miami, FL, 33128. Nominations must be postmarked by Friday, Oct. 11. A committee of community leaders will review nomination forms in order to determine the nominee’s eligibility and to choose the final awardees. Emphasis will be placed on the nominee’s contribution to women’s progress in her profession/area of interest. For the Mayor’s Pioneer Award, emphasis will be on overall involvement in the community and women’s progress. Appointees from Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos A. Gimenez office will review the nominations for the Mayor’s Pioneer Award. Nominations must include the completed nomination form and photocopies of any newspaper or magazine articles about the nominee, if available. Each packet must include nine complete sets of information. If nominating for the Mayor’s Pioneer Award, submit only three copies of following: the nomination form, photocopies of recommendation letters from three individuals, (not including the nominator), and any supporting materials including newspaper or magazine articles. Any nominations that fail to include the previously mentioned items and/or do not meet the application deadline will be disqualified automatically. Nominations will not be accepted via email. Past recipients of the In the Company of Women award are not eligible to be nominated. For more information and for a list of past award recipients, go to <> or contact Laura Morilla by phone at 305-375-4967 or send email to <>.

September 17 - 30, 2013


Rock legend Iggy Pop to donate recording proceeds to Paws 4 You BY GABY GARCIA

(, the music label run by Sean Lennon, and 1,000 One of Miami’s favorite residents and one-sided, limited-edition vinyl records legendary singer, song writer, musician with an etching by Ono on the flip side and actor Iggy Pop has selected South also are currently available through the Florida-based Paws 4 You as the recipient record label’s site. Video of the live of proceeds from a live recording of Yoko performance can be seen at Ono track, Waiting for the D Train. < Paws 4 You, the Miami-based, non- yoko-ono-and-iggy-pop-team-on-waitprofit animal rescue ing-for-the-d-train-liveorganization that is dedi20130802>. Paws 4 You, cated to saving, rehabiliPaws 4 You Rescue, tating and placing dogs Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonthe Miami-based, with the lowest possibiliprofit organization with a non-profit animal ty of finding loving priority to save dogs homes, was selected perfrom euthanasia at rescue organization sonally by Pop as the benMiami-Dade Animal that is dedicated to eficiary of proceeds from Services. Comprised of a the sales of this limitedteam of professionals saving, rehabilitating edition single. with various back“We are thrilled to have and placing dogs with grounds who, together, been selected by someone to saving as the lowest possibility commit who is essentially rock many dogs as possible, royalty to receive this Paws 4 You provides a of finding loving honor,” said Carol environment, medhomes, was personally safe Caridad, president and ical care and hope to founder of Paws 4 You. sick, injured, abused, surselected by Pop as “The funds raised from rendered and lost dogs. the beneficiary of this amazing live recordDogs are sterilized, vacing will be put to good use cinated and ID microproceeds from the towards Paws 4 You’s chipped to prevent future sales of this pups’ ongoing care, housloss and surgery, rehabiling and our extensive limited-edition single. itation and treatment for adoption initiatives. This illness is provided as necdonation is extremely essary for the animals timely as Paws 4 You volunteers begin brought into care. remodeling efforts at our new facility in Paws 4 You seeks the best quality treatSouth Florida.” ment available, taking no shortcuts. The The limited edition Ono/Pop single, total cost for dogs in its care exceeds which was recorded in 2010 onstage at $20,000 per month. The organization also the Orpheum in Los Angeles, includes is dedicated to community education and Pop’s studio cover of Ono’s I’m Going advocates for the importance of sterilizaAway Smiling. The single can be digi- tion to help relieve the strain on Miamitally downloaded at Chimera Music Dade Animal Services and the community.

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September 17 - 30, 2013

Hyundai Sonata Hybrid has improved ‘Blue Drive’ Ron Beasley AUTOMOTIVE EDITOR

LET’S TALK CARS If you’re in the market for a “greener” mode of transportation, check out the 2013 Hyundai Sonata Hybrid. It has an advanced version of Hyundai’s Hybrid Blue Drive system that increases fuel efficiency and operates in the all-electric mode more often and for a longer time. The improved system optimizes electriconly driving with a higher output 35kw electric motor, a more powerful 47 kW Lithium Polymer battery pack and an optimized hybrid operating strategy. These upgrades are paired with a 2.4-liter fourcylinder engine that now runs on a more efficient Atkinson cycle and an enhanced transmission to generate 199 hp. The new Blue Drive system delivers better fuel efficiency by increasing the overall available electric drive power to allow more miles between fill ups. As in previous Sonata Hybrids, the new version uses a

clutch to decouple the gasoline engine from the drivetrain. In pure electric drive, it has a not-to-shabby top speed of 75 mph. Hyundai engineers have increased the overall amount of available electrical drive power and improved the efficiency of the Hybrid Blue Drive operating system in this latest Sonata Hybrid. Using a higher output 35kw electric motor and the more powerful 47kw Lithium Polymer battery pack, the Hybrid Blue Drive powertrain maximizes electric-only driving. The improved operating system takes advantage of newly developed driving pattern detection and engine on/off optimization logic. The availability of more battery energy allows for more flexibility in running the gasoline engine at optimum efficiency, which saves gas. Better kinetic energy recovery and increased charging efficiency powers the Sonata Hybrid in the all-electric mode more often and for longer periods of time, thus increasing fuel economy. Interestingly, the Sonata Hybrid’s new 47kw lithium polymer battery pack not only is more powerful and more energy dense, it also weighs less and takes up less space in the trunk. The weight has dropped from 96 pounds to 91 pounds, while trunk

Re-shaped front and rear fascias, extended rocker panels allow air to flow around Sonata Hybrid’s body with less resistance.

space has increased from 10.7 cubic feet to 12.1 cubic feet. The improved efficiency of the battery pack is key to recovering more kinetic energy from braking and charging from the engine to help drive the vehicle. The newly optimized system allows the battery to store more usable energy, allowing more all-electric driving, cutting both fuel consumption and emissions. The 2013 Sonata Hybrid design is basically unchanged, except for re-shaped front

and rear fascias with a deeper air dam, extended rocker panels and lower drag wheels that allow air to flow around the body with less resistance. The base price on the 2013 Hyundai Sonata Hybrid is $25,650. Ron Beasley is the automotive editor for Miami’s Community Newspapers. He may be contacted by calling 305-662-2277, ext. 261, or by addressing email correspondence to <>.

September 17 - 30, 2013


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September 17 - 30, 2013

September 17 - 30, 2013


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September 17 - 30, 2013

37th Annual Holy Rosary St. Richard Fall Arts & Crafts Fair October 19, 2013 9AM - 5PM 18455 Franjo Rd. Cutler Bay, FL 33157



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September 17 - 30, 2013


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Page 46


September 17 - 30, 2013


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September 17 - 30, 2013


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September 17 - 30, 2013

September 17 - 30, 2013


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September 17 - 30, 2013

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September 17 - 30, 2013


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September 17 - 30, 2013


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September 17 - 30, 2013

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Page 54

September 17 - 30, 2013




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September 17 - 30, 2013


Roasters’ n Toasters New York Deli & Bagels

Page 55

Roasters’ n Toasters New York Deli & Bagels


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September 17 - 30, 2013


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