Miami Beach News 10.21.2013

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OCTOBER 21, 2013



Phone: 305-669-7355


A Voice of Reason


Dear Friends,

any of you know who I am, and know me to be a straight shooter. I am hopeful you will read this with an open mind and heart, and reflect on your feelings afterward. In this era of distractions, iPads, and the 24/7 news cycle, many times it’s hard to rise above the noise and see what is the clear and right thing to do. Those instances are few and far between, but it is our responsibility at this time to rise up and meet the challenge. More than anything, I love Miami Beach; its past, its present, and hopefully, its future. As a child I attended North Beach Elementary, Nautilus, and Beach High, and rode my bike up 41st Street with my friends. I swam in the Fontainebleau’s pool, roller-skated in Lummus Park, and took the ‘K’ bus from 9th street across to the Omni so we could attend as many ‘Canes games at the Orange Bowl as we could. My grandparents bought the building that is now Mango’s Tropical Cafe in 1955. My family’s DNA is woven into this town and always will be. I lived in mid-Beach, always had friends from 1st street to Surfside, and, like many of you, I was here when this was a much different place. I lived it as a resident. Today, in addition to serving as COO of Mango’s, I am Vice-Chairman and a member of the Executive Board of the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce, a 2-term Member of the Miami Beach Convention Center Advisory Board, and I am a member of the Board of Directors of The Miami Beach Police Athletic League, The Miami Beach Nightlife Task Force, and the Ocean Drive Association. As well, I have the pleasure to serve on an Executive Committee and a Vice-President of Community Partnership for Mount Sinai Medical Center’s Foundation. Clearly, I am devoted to this island we call home: its


Residents and its Tourism Economy. Here is the Truth…from someone who knows very well. Many of us in Miami Beach remember the different eras we’ve had: “Heaven’s Waiting Room” in the ’60s and ’70s, and the decline and dangerous time in the early and mid1980’s. Everyone remembers Time Magazine’s “Paradise Lost” article, which spoke of shootings, cocaine trafficking, and rampant crime. Some hotels did well during the 3 months of “season.” Then, the late, great Tony Goldman purchased 18 properties in 18 months, and through his early vision we rediscovered the magnificent Art Deco architecture. The

Clevelander opened in 1987, and people sipped cocktails at the Carlyle Hotel’s café. These important pioneers gave way to a slow dig out in the early 1990’s, when Gianni Versace, Madonna, and Sly Stallone moved in. Mark Soyka opened the News Café, my father David Wallack opened Mango’s and the Promenade had live reggae on Tuesdays. People were starting to walk around a little at night. A real key “boom” came in 1992, when controversial pioneer Chris Paciello and sidekick Gerry Kelly, opened the first real Ultra Nightclubs (Liquid, Bar Room, Level) that are now the stuff of legend on South Beach. Some of us were there when Madonna danced the night away with us regular people. Something great was happening. City Commission after City Commission clashed with the fledging, hand-to-mouth businesses, squeezing them on noise and code enforcement. We were building something out of nothing. And after more than 20 years, we have evolved into what Miami Beach is today, a boutique hotel ‘Billion Dollar Sandbar’ with the best nightlife in the World. The hotels, restaurants and nightclubs are our Theme Parks. Our Tourist Corridor stretches from 5th street encompassing Washington, Collins, and Ocean Dr, and though we still have a long way to go to refurbish much of it, it has the infrastructure to be stable and grow. This Tourist Corridor of Miami Beach, unlike most any other city, collects Resort Tax which funds the City’s budget INSTEAD of raising property taxes on its Residents. Essentially, whenever the city needs money, it gets most of it from South Beach, not you the resident, as well it should. Tourism and jobs are what’s right for the Economy. Jobs, Jobs, Jobs. Investors are coming in and buying old hotels and doing renovations into the hundreds of millions. Then, the new properties each need to hire 300-500 or so people to operate, and when they do, they begin paying resort tax from day 1.

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REASON, page 4

VOL. 31, NO. 42

Letter from the Chair BY ALAN A. LIPS

I have lost sleep over the lack of knowledge and the extreme politics that some of our candidates are using to try to convince you, our citizens and voters, that our convention center deal is bad. I keep hearing that it’s a bad deal for our city, it will be another Marlin’s stadium and the traffic is going to get much worse. Anyone who tells you this truly doesn’t understand reality and is creating false information in the hopes of getting elected. Let me share with you the facts. The convention center is a critical element to the economic future of our great city. Studies were done and major conventioneers were polled. The results were simple and consistent. We must renovate and upgrade the convention center facility to modern day standards, we must have more meeting space, we must have a ballroom and we must have an adjoining convention center hotel. We must have all of this to be competitive to attract the conventions that bring people from outside Miami and outside Florida, who will stay and play in our city. These are people who come from all over the world, take a taxi to Miami Beach, stay in our hotels, dine in our restaurants, shop in our retail stores and contribute greatly to our tourist tax thereby keeping our property taxes from having to increase. The current proposal that has been negotiated with Tishman ACE has absolutely no similarities whatsoever to the Marlins stadium. Hundreds of millions of pub-

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LETTER, page 8

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October 21, 2013

October 21, 2013


Hot Halloween on Miami Beach

As temperatures drop and the leaves begin to change in the rest of the country, Miami Beach is just beginning to heat up. Halloween on Miami Beach is an extravagant affair, making it the perfect place for those seeking a Halloween experience like no other. Residents and visitors can party like a celeb at one of Miami Beach’s hottest nightspots such as LIV, Mansion, and Arkadia; all of which host hot Halloween parties, complete with costume contests and many with cash prizes. The streets of Miami Beach are also a main stage for Miami Beach’s unique Halloween experience. When nightfall sets on Halloween, the Lincoln Road Mall fills with thousands of locals and visitors alike, all prepared for the scariest and freakiest night of the year. The night’s entertainment will include live music, costume parties, great food, shopping and of course, people watching. The world-famous costume contest, held on the main stage, highlights the best three costumes of the night with each winner receiving a prize. Halloween on the Beach isn’t just for the party-goers. The Miami Beach Halloween Half Marathon and Freaky 4-miler is a fun, healthy option for those who enjoy a good work out before the party starts. In its fifth year, this year’s Halloween Half Marathon and Freaky 4-Miler is scheduled for Saturday, October 26, 2013 at 7:00 am. Costumes, spooky or otherwise, are

encouraged but a fun time is mandatory. To make a Miami Beach Halloween the ultimate mini vacation, hotels on the Beach have affordable fall deals that make it possible to stay and play on Miami Beach all weekend long. After the activities have finished and the costumes have come off, slip into your bathing suit and chill poolside at any of the lavish hotel pools or miles of beautiful beaches that define Miami Beach. The Fontainebleau, The Raleigh and the Eden Roc Miami Beach are some of the fabulous hotels where residents and visitors can enjoy these deals. Miami Beach is the ultimate destination for the ultimate Halloween experience.

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REASON, from page 1



Residents who purchased a condo for $500k years ago that is now worth $2M (for no other reason than they bought on South Beach where it is simply, South Beach), and then show up at City Hall to complain about tourist related business, tend to be very hypocritical. Every resident of Miami Beach should want South Beach to responsibly thrive and grow; this is what keeps our taxes lower. So here it is, articulated as best it can be. This is the stone cold truth. I am not running for anything and I don’t need your vote or your money. One of the growing pains of the new Tourist Economy has been a lack of understanding, education, and partnership between Miami Beach’s Residents and Tourist Economy. But it is our Tourist Corridor, South Beach, that pays resort tax that amounts to 60% of the City’s budget. The City collects the other 40% from residential property taxes. So its 60-40, with residents having their tax burden decreasing, not increasing, by the growth of our Tourist Economy. In fact, our Commission just lowered property taxes again due to the Beach’s resort tax collection. Any candidate running for office that shuns Tourism (or simply doesn’t understand its complexity), does not deserve to hold public office here. Period. It is highly inaccurate to refer to Miami Beach as ‘becoming Las Vegas’. Las Vegas has 150,000 hotel rooms, and we have 15,000. “We are becoming Las Vegas!!” That alarmist cry is an insult to your intelligence. We are nothing like Las Vegas, not even close. Anyone who would say such a statement should seriously reconsider their position on the matter. Speaking of Vegas, one thing Las Vegas does have, which our neighbor Orlando (145,000 hotels rooms) has as well, and is something we need, a “Convention Economy”. Traditionally, Miami Beach’s ‘season’ is in the spring. March and April are still our ‘peak periods’, where the City collects millions and millions of dollars in resort taxes it desperately needs. Until just a few years ago, ‘off-season’ was June 1st -February’s President’s Day Weekend, with the exception of Christmas-New Years’ week. The off-season lasted 9 months. That’s very bad. With the rise of the chic hotels and nightclubs, our Tourism Industry has performed and come through for all of us for these past 10-12 years, we have now a niche season in the summer. At 100 degrees, and hurricane season, June, July and August have become stronger months. Just in the past few years, as Northeasterners come down here instead of the Hamptons, Atlantic City, and along the Jersey Shore. Go Miami Beach!

In September, when kids go back to school and families shake off vacations, our Tourist Corridor goes through the floor. Through the FLOOR. Dead slow. September, October, November? Let’s hope you still have some money left from March and April.. Most people don’t. These are long, hard months that hurt families. The current state of Miami Beach’s Tourist Season is mid-Feb thru August (inseason), September-mid-Feb (off-season). Now, that’s 6 months and 6 months. This is still not good enough to create more jobs and grow our Economy. What do we need? Simple. We need a Convention Economy. In Orlando, September is the slowest month of the year (with all US families returning to school). However, by the 1st of October, Convention Season is in full swing as Corporations and Trade Shows from all over the world begin to convene. Any hotelier will tell you, Conventioneers are some of their best customers. They are usually professional, and they need hotel rooms, 3 meals a day, drinks and entertainment (6pm and on). They shop in stores, they eat in restaurants, and they happily pay full rate for all of it. This $10 Billion a year “Convention Economy” buoys Orlando’s October, November, December, January and February, and the Convention Season ends each year right around President’s Day (Spring Break). This is the pattern in their 11 month $50 Billion a year Tourist Economy, with September being the ‘off’ month. This brings me back to our “outdated”, “non-competitive”, and “oft-delayed” Miami Beach Convention Center. Hardly the economic engine it is supposed to be, it’s more like a car on blocks in our front yard with weeds growing out of the hood. It is shameful that we have allowed it to deteriorate like we have, with a lousy refurbishment last done during the late 1980’s. Could we really have a Convention Economy, certainly not a mega-scale like Orlando or Las Vegas, but a ‘boutique Convention Economy’ in Miami Beach? Could we have businesses hiring in October instead of laying off workers? Hmmm, let me think about how. Oh yes of course, a reimagining and redevelopment of our Miami Beach Convention Center. Why haven’t we done that yet? Oh wait, we have. As a member of the Miami Beach Convention Center Advisory Board, I have sat for years listening to our Center’s Sales Team as it goes over the crumbs of business it gets. Crumbs. How many studies have we received from Meeting Planners and Consultants over the years stating to even be considered for Trade Shows the need for a Convention Center Hotel and an expanded campus. And they are absolutely right. We

October 21, 2013

Stephanie Ruiz, Aaron Perry, Jason Loeb, Chantal Gloor, Ceci Velasco, Wendy Kallergis, Joshua Wallack, Peggy Benua and Raj Singh ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

absolutely need a Hotel, it’s a FACT. Like 2 + 2 = 4 is a fact. Any political novice that is running to stop Miami Beach from having a Convention Economy is against Jobs, Growth, and Prosperity. Period. Ask the shop owner on Washington Ave, the deli on 41st street, or a retailer on Lincoln Road if they could use some more customers on a slow Tuesday. They would beg for them! How are they supposed to pay their employees, their taxes and themselves. They need customers, and they need us all to be leaders at times like this and to understand what our call of duty is. Many of the candidates that are running for office this November are prescribing the same recipe that our Congress has for the last few years, “gridlock” and kill any worthwhile project with no alternative in sight. Easier to say no. Congress has an 18% approval rating. The campaigns based on stopping the Convention Center redevelopment are shameful. Mayor Bower and this Commission navigated through absolute turmoil and voted Tishman/ACE to rebuild the Convention Center. It is always best to really understand things before you weigh in with your vote. The losing bidder, Portman & Associates, is a legendary global design builder as well. Tishman and Portman. It’s like we had Apple and Microsoft here. And we picked Apple. Tishman built the World Trade Center in 1967, and after its destruction on 9/11/01, began the process of rebuilding it again. Its “Freedom Tower” now stands in lower

Manhattan at 1776 feet. I get goose bumps. Here in Florida, Tishman was hired by Walt Disney World in the late 1970’s to build EPCOT®, and part of the deal was a ground lease for a hotel/convention center, which they wisely constructed the Walt Disney World Swan & Dolphin, which they own and operate today. This is one of the most substantial development groups in the Country and we are very lucky to have them on our Project. I am extremely proud that the developer of the new iconic World Trade Center in lower Manhattan was chosen to develop the Miami Beach Convention Center! Then, of course with the Mayoral and Commission races in full swing, the Convention Center (the centerpiece for our new ‘Convention Economy’ which we don’t have but we want), has been attacked by “pro-resident” want-to-be politicians who are really just attacking residents by delaying the economic engine that would further lower their taxes and strengthen our economy. LOWER OUR TAXES. I don’t know about you, but I want my taxes lower, I want the City to have a Convention Economy to meld with its overall Tourist Economy, I want the City to build more Parking Garages on strategic sites it owns so people can park their cars, and I want a government that is pro-business and pro-jobs. JOBS, JOBS, JOBS for all who want to work. Doesn’t everyone remember 2008 and the

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REASON, page 8

October 21, 2013


South Beach Happenings Aqua Foundation Affair benefits scholarships

Seen here at the Mondrian are Barbara Van Hussen with Aqua Foundation Chair of the Board Nicole Waters and Executive Director Robin Schwartz. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– BY GLORIA BURNS

More than 200 people gathered for a lovely party to support The Aqua Foundation on September 21st, at the glamorous Mondrian Hotel, a waterfront boutique hotel in South Beach. Aqua Foundation for Women, which serves as a funding catalyst for lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (LBT) women's wellness and equality in South Florida through grants, scholarships and initiatives, certainly knows how to throw a party. With great hors d’oeuvres, an open bar, music by DJ Pride, and the chic setting in the Sunset Lounge, guests also enjoyed bidding on numerous upscale items in a silent auction.

As a special way to generate funds, several guests paid $20 to receive a photograph with the Miami Heat’s National Championship Trophy. Gay and straight, everyone attending this event had a great time and applauded the efforts of this great group of women. In 2012 alone. the Aqua Foundation awarded 15 scholarships ranging from $2,500- $5,000 to $50,000. Executive Director Robin Schwartz, Foundation Board Chair Nicole Waters and the Foundation board are to be congratulated for their commitment to this non profit. For more information on the organization and to find out how you can support their efforts, visit

Community Newspapers

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October 21, 2013

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Hispanic Heritage on the Beach BY ANA CECILIA VELASCO

Great Recession that we are just creeping out of? In 1992, James Carville famously kept reminding candidate Clinton “It’s the Economy, Stupid.” Bubba listened big time and became President of the United States. It’s still the Economy. It will always be the Economy. But we must understand what makes our Miami Beach economy work. It’s the overall Tourist Economy (brand-driven by our Beaches, famous hotels, and Nightlife), and the ‘never had before but potentially within our grasp’ Convention Economy, to buoy us through the slow Fall and Winter months. Don’t allow lobbyists and lawyers posing as civil servants to chase the Tishman firm out of town, and cow-tow to ‘activists’ who email you and claim to be protecting the City’s “prized assets”, which are 2 parking lots adjacent to the desolate Convention Center. Those parking lots are doing NOTHING for you. NOTHING. Are they generating tax revenue that the City can use to make Residents’ lives better? No. They are generating jack squat. People always talk about “Highest and Best Use” of land. I can tell you from experience that the highest and best use of these parking lots would be as part of a redevelopment of the Convention Center. Both teams spent millions to modify their plans based on resident input. And now it all is getting flushed (or trying to by a slate of candidates and politicians that wish to continue to deceive voters and keep residents

pitted against the businesses who employ and support them with their resort tax dollars)? Why did we attend the meetings then? Were we fools to be involved in the process as we were? I say to You, the Sunset Island Mom. You, in the condo on Collins Avenue. You, the businesswoman on 41st Street. You, the Community Activist. You, the new parent. You, the retiree. You, the new homebuyer. You. Me. We. We all deserve the Truth! The Truth is we need The Tourist Corridor to grow and thrive. And we need the Convention Center built. And we need the City to use all the money it collects (and will collect) from this thriving Tourist/Convention Economy (that we don’t have yet but we could) to fix and enhance our infrastructure, which would be the flooding concerns, fixing streets, and more parking garages. It’s not “forget the Convention Center so we can fix our flooding”. What A Total Joke. That is a campaign trick to make you into a fool. We need to fix our flooding as well as other infrastructure upgrades so we can continue to do our business here and enjoy a wonderful quality of life in our City. JOBS, JOBS, JOBS. To the Future of Miami Beach, Joshua Wallack, Vice Chairman Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce

Go Green...


October 21, 2013

October 15th brings the end to Hispanic Heritage month and it is worth a nod to the majority of Miami Beach’s population whose roots are based in some kind of Hispanic background. The term “Hispanic” was one derived from the US Census Bureau in order to create a count of the many peoples emigrating from Caribbean, Central and South America. There are about 26 different countries that fall under that classification, with numerous more indigenous influences within those boundaries. Many of these countries don’t get along politically, so it’s a little awkward to have their people all fall within one general defining word. For me, I always knew I was Bolivian growing up; it wasn’t until I got involved with the community that I learned I was “Hispanic”. Miami Beach is unique in the United States in that we have had the principal wave of immigration from Cuba and they have settled here with now several generations making Miami Beach home. More recently, other Caribbeans and South Americans have found that this is a tropical paradise and they are comfortable with the second language of Spanish being so prevalent in this community. The City’s Hispanic Heritage Festival was

a well-attended family event held last Friday at North Shore Park and Youth Center, with local musicians, games, food and awards to popular local figures from the community and the City Manager and the Parks Department should be commended. Community people were there, recent immigrants who as of yet don’t speak English but have come to Miami Beach filled with hope for their children’s future. And that is where we come in, those of us that work with the schools, community centers, government and other agencies that are here to protect these people who are working residents of our city and need us to protect their children, provide jobs for them and make sure they have decent places to live. Miami Beach has a great Hispanic Heritage which you see at every corner – if you are looking closely. South Beach is known for its party atmosphere, but the hospitality and medical industry is filled with Hispanic staff members who live here on Miami Beach and are contributing to our community. As we end Hispanic Heritage month, let’s be observant of all this community has offered the city. Ana Cecilia Velasco serves on the Hispanic Affairs Committee for the City of Miami Beach.

LETTER, from page 1 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– lic dollars went to the benefit of the owner of the Marlins that will end up in his pocket and that is why the Marlins stadium was a bad deal for the taxpayers. The convention center is owned by the city, will continue to be owned by the city and the only public money that will go into the project is for the renovation of the convention center itself. And this will be heavily funded by the increase in the tourist tax that our visitors pay when they stay in our hotels. There will be no property tax increases to the residents to pay for any part of the convention center. In fact, I would anticipate the possibility of further reductions to our property taxes as a direct result. The hotel on the other hand will be 100% funded by the Tishman team and they will pay rent to the city for the use of the air rights above the convention center. There is no public money going to the benefit of the developer and this deal clearly has no similarity to the Marlin’s deal. Let me repeat, there are no taxpayer dollars being used to build the hotel over the convention center. And this is the only convention center hotel that I know of that is not being subsidized by the city. Instead Tishman will pay rent to the city. Most convention centers provide

a subsidy to the hotel owner/operator to keep them in business. The fact is that the convention center hotel is necessary, it will be funded completely by Tishman, and they will not only not be subsidized, but will pay rent to the city providing additional income to be used for public benefits to our local residents. And let’s talk about traffic. Today’s dilapidated convention center primarily attracts trade shows that attract the local day-tripper crowd. How do these local people get here? They drive. Lots and lots of cars coming in and out on a daily basis. Even worse, these day-trippers don’t stay in our hotels and don’t contribute to our tourist tax. With the current plan in place that has already been voted on by our commission, our city will attract the high end conventions that will fly into Miami, stay here and contribute to our tourist tax allowing us to continue and enhance our incredible quality of life as we know it today. It’s time to all work together to get our convention center district built and achieve our common goal of insuring the future of our great city. At your service, Alan A. Lips

October 21, 2013


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October 21, 2013

October 21, 2013


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Quarterly Pillar Breakfast at The James Royal Palm

Reinaldo Borges, Ken Hendel and Dr. Craig August Laurie Friesner Bomstein and Michael Goldberg

Chamber EVP & COO Ceci Velasco, Marc Henderson and Laurie Friesner Bomstein

Guest, Bruce Townsend and Rosario Soto

Kim Ben-Shalom and Eric Johnson

Julio Fabre, Sandra OsorioMangini, Reinaldo Borges, Chamber EVP & COO Ceci Velasco and David Sacks

Ken Hendel, Aaron Perry and Michael Goldberg


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October 21, 2013

Quarterly Pillar Breakfast at The James Royal Palm Marc Henderson, Chamber EVP & COO Ceci Velasco, Ray Kayal, Chamber Chairman Alan Lips, Dr. Emilio Gonzalez, David Sacks, Michael Goldberg, Aaron Perry and Chamber President & CEO Jerry Libbin DeAnne Connolly Graham, Jason Loeb, Dr. Corey Narson and Alexis Rivero

Kimberly Cohen, Ben Launerts and Debi Quade

Chamber President & CEO Jerry Libbin, Chamber Chairman Alan Lips and Dr. Craig August

Madeleine Romanello, David Sacks and Astrid Leon

Michael Goldberg, Jessica Cortada, Scott Indorf, Alex Malek, Chamber President & CEO Jerry Libbin


October 21, 2013


Quarterly Pillar Breakfast at The James Royal Palm Joy Malakoff, Rosary Plana Falero, Alan Randolph and Michael Goldberg

Chamber President & CEO Jerry Libbin, Ray Kayal, Lourdes Hainlin and David Sacks

Guest and Marcus Michel

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October 21, 2013


One-Stop Shop Recycling Drop-Off Station For Electronic Waste, Batteries, Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs and all other recyclables.

WHAT: ECOMB HAS JUST MADE IT A LOT EASIER FOR EVERYONE TO RECYCLE! The Environmental Coalition of Miami & the Beaches, ECOMB, in partnership with SIR International (, makes it easy for Miami Beach residents to recycle electronic waste, batteries and compact fluorescent light bulbs at its Miami Beach Center for the Environment. The Center also accepts all other types of Single Stream Recyclables - glass, plastic, metal, paper, cardboard, magazines, junk mail, phone books, etc - for those businesses and residents that do not have a recycling program in place. This has been made possible thanks to an agreement established between the City of Miami Beach and our local waste haulers: Waste Management and WSI. With ECOMB in the “hood”, it’s now easy to be part of the green movement. All you have to do is call ECOMB’s office or stop by to visit us. WHY: Because the average American throws out seven and a half pounds of trash each day! And it all ends up at the landfills, where it just sits, compacted, buried, taking up space ... forever. Recycling is important because it helps keep our resources plentiful, not only for us but for our future generations: our children, grandchildren, and so on ... WHERE: Miami Beach Center for the Environment 210 Second Street and Collins Court (alley between Washington & Collins Ave.)

Miami Beach, Fl 33139

TIME: • GENERAL RECYCLABLES = SINGLE STREAM (glass, plastic, metal, paper, etc): 24 HOURS A DAY • ELECTRONICS, BATTERIES, CFLs: from 10 am to 5 pm. Must call first to make drop-off arrangements. About ECOMB: ECOMB, a 501 (c) (3) founded in 1994, is dedicated to the promotion of environmental sustainability and the preservation of our community’s ecology. Phone: 305-534-3825 or Educating People. Engaging our Community. Effecting Environmental Change.

October 21, 2013


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October 21, 2013

Peace Day and the unveiling of the ‘Peace Pole’ and the ‘Peace Meditation Tree’ The City of Miami Beach Community participating in this noteworthy day by Relations Board is proud to announce writing brief essays or creating a symbolic Peace Day which will include the drawing of peace. All of the entries will be Unveiling of the ‘Peace Pole’ and the displayed at the gardens on the day of the ‘Peace Meditation Tree,’ Sunday, October event. 27, 2013 at 3 p.m. at the Miami Beach PEACE MEDITATION TREE: Botanical Garden. ‘Kindness is the Action of Love’ Brad Steven Fleet, Chair of the Miami ‘Peace Pilgrim 3’ following in the footBeach Community Relations Board, states steps of the original ‘Peace Pilgrim’ who that “one of the most important goals of the Board is to help make our City a better walked across America 7 times over 25 years in the name of place to live, one person at PEACE originated the a time. That being said, it The City of Miami concept of the ‘Peace is an honor and a privilege Meditation Tree,’ which Beach Community to unveil two new commuwill grow into a huggable nity projects, which were Relations Board is 30’ high symbol of the envisioned by Margorie love and kindness when proud to announce York and Peace Pilgrim we all work together 3.” A description of the Peace Day which towards peace and kindinspiration behind the ness. It will allow people will include the upcoming event follows, of all nations to gather in as described by Margorie Unveiling of the the wonder and stillness York and Peace Pilgrim 3: of nature and meditate ‘Peace Pole’ and PEACE POLE: upon kindness and action the ‘Peace Although flowers and towards peace and love. shrubs are usually planted We have the pleasure of Meditation Tree,’ in the garden, something inviting 11 year Acacia Sunday, Oct. 27, very special is being put in Woodley of ‘Tiny Girl, the ground at the Miami Big Dream’ to speak with 2013 at 3 p.m. at Beach Botanical Garden. us. Acacia saw at the age the Miami Beach The Miami Beach of 10 that children needed Community Relations a way to reach out to one Botanical Garden. Board is inviting everyone another in kindness and to the dedication ceremofriendship and through ny of a ‘Peace Pole’ and the planting of a these concepts bring an end to bullying ‘Peace Meditation Tree’ on Sunday and violence in our schools. She was October 27th at 3pm. inspired by the incredible beauty and Mayor Matti Bower will proclaim that strength she found when the focus was day as ‘Peace Day’ in Miami Beach. placed in the very best in each of us, rather Miami Beach will be honoring Mayor than those things that make us different. Matti Herrera Bower at the event. Our She created a ‘Friendship Bench’ to pro‘Peace Pole is an original hand crafted vide a place for all to go when they need a monument created by ‘Sunflower friend or someone to talk with. She has Society’s’ art teachers Winsome Bolt and now placed over 30 benches into schools Denise Marlow. in Florida and is working to have one in It will serve as a permanent reminder for every school across the nation. people to live in harmony with one anothWe invite you to contemplate on your er; peace related events will be able to take own version of a ‘Peace Initiative.’ We place at the site in years to come. suggest you meditate for your own Renowned community leader Rev. Dr. inspired concept and then put your idea Walter T. Richardson will be the keynote into action with Kindness and Love. You speaker. He currently serves as chairman can do it. We did. Remember, “from little of the Miami Dade Community Relations acorns grow big oak trees.” Board and is part of the Goodwill On behalf of the entire Community Ambassador initiative. He is always at the Relations Board, we hope you can attend scene to ensure that disputes of any nature this inspirational and “feel good” event, are resolved peacefully. All of the eight and let us all celebrate ‘Peace Day’ in feeder pattern schools as well as young- Miami Beach by gathering around the sters from many after school programs are ‘Peace Pole’ and ‘Peace Meditation Tree.’

October 21, 2013


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October 21, 2013


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October 21, 2013


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Alfonso Cuarón’s Gravity is a visually stunning thriller-ride BY LAUREN COHEN

Early on in Alfonso Cuarón’s “Gravity,” veteran astronaut Matt Kowalski (George Clooney) looks out from his space station at Earth looming below him and says, “You have to admit one thing: you can’t beat the view.” And the truth is, you really can’t. “Gravity” is a technical marvel, one that is so visually stunning and immersive that it reminds you of that magic ability movies have to transport you anywhere – even 372 miles above the Earth’s surface. Don’t miss out on the chance of seeing this one in IMAX 3D; this is likely the closest you’ll ever get to going to space. Sandra Bullock plays Dr. Ryan Stone, a medical engineer on her first space mission. She’s the opposite of Clooney’s Kowalski. She’s quiet and despondent – a woman who seems to be a shadow of what she once was. Kowalski (who is essentially Clooney playing himself) is chatty and charismatic; he likes to entertain mission control


(voiced by Ed Harris) with his countless life stories and cracks jokes to ease the tension, saying things like, “Houston, I have a bad feeling about this mission.” That bad feeling sure enough comes into effect when an accident leaves their shuttle destroyed — and the pair left stranded in space. Cuarón has crafted an intense, thrill-ride of a film, one that very easily works as a popcorn movie about two people’s fight for survival in an impossible situation – but he wanted the story to be about more than just

that. In “Gravity,” nearly everything – including space – acts as a metaphor. This is a story of emotional rebirth. This could (and probably would) come off as forced or overly sentimental if it wasn’t for Bullock’s heartfelt performance. There’s a deep inner sadness that she communicates here. This is Bullock like we’ve never seen her before. The spunky attitude is gone, and what we’re left with is easily the best performance of her career. By the second half of the film, “Gravity”

is an overwhelmingly emotional experience. But if I had to pick its crowning element, what would it be? Maybe it’s a mix of the masterful sound design and score by Steven Price, in which the music slowly creeps upon the deafening silence of space and builds to its chill-inducing crescendo. Maybe it’s cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki’s magnificent, fluid camerawork (can we please just give him an Oscar already?). Maybe it’s Bullock’s incredible ability to connect with us, despite the lack of story or minimal dialogue. But really, when it comes down to it, this is a film that excels because of a combined brilliance, all conducted by a tremendous, passionate director. This is some of the most vibrant filmmaking you’ll see in a long time. And it’s a combination of all those things that makes “Gravity” the first real must-see movie-going experience of the year. Rating: A

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Classic Halloween with a fresh twist Edible Arrangements® delivers Halloween treats with the trick! Edible Arrangements has delicious fresh fruit bouquets for all occasions. This Halloween, entertain your guests or give a delicious gift that’s so good, it’s scary! Edible Arrangements fresh fruit bouquets are perfect for any Halloween party or festive gathering and are sure to leave your guests searching for more! Their new Halloween Collection features several arrangements filled with ghost-shaped pineapple dipped in white chocolate, bat-shaped pineapple dipped in semisweet chocolate, and cat-shaped pineapple dipped in semisweet chocolate. Not to mention the other delicious fruit including strawberries, oranges, honeydew, cantaloupe and grapes. The collection is made up of the following arrangements, the Bootastic DaisyTM, Bootastic BouquetTM and Bootastic FestivalTM. Guests can order these or any other Edible Arrangements bouquets at their local Edible Arrangements store, online at, or by phone at 1-877-DoFruit (1-877-363-7848). About Edible Arrangements Edible Arrangements International, LLC is the leading purveyor of delicious, high quality, artistically designed, fresh fruit arrangements that are practical and healthy gifts and centerpieces for everyday occasions and events. Brothers Tariq and Kamran Farid developed and launched the company in 1999 East Haven, CT, after many years in the floral industry. Edible Arrangements stores are located in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Italy, Turkey, Hong Kong and China. Guests may order arrangements by telephone at 1-877-DO-FRUIT, at one of the company’s retail stores, or on-line at All franchise offerings are made only by Franchise Disclosure Document. Edible Arrangements in Miami Beach is located at 6960 Collins Avenue, Miami, FL 33141. Phone: 305-861-1771. Email:

October 21, 2013

Mayoral Candidates Debate

Candidates Steve Berke, Commissioner Michael Gongora and Philip Levine and moderator Jim DeFede.

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– BY JEFF FELDMAN

The Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce-sponsored mayoral debate at Miami Beach Senior High School (Oct. 9) was by far the best, most comprehensive debate yet. Unlike most of the other question-and-answer “candidate forums” the structure of this particular debate allowed each candidate to respond to the other in much more of a “point-counterpoint” manner. Moreover, the moderator, CBS4 Investigative Reporter Jim DeFede, was excellent in demonstrating his ability to get right down to the heart of the matter. Mr. DeFede had an obvious understanding of most of the issues which he presented to the candidates and was clearly unafraid to give some pushback to each of the candidates. While each of the candidates would likely claim victory, it did not appear that a clear-cut winner had emerged following the 90-minute debate. Two-time mayoral candidate and funnyman, Steve Berke, was once again onpoint with his “2020 Vision” featuring the dreamy “Skylink” cable car system; theoretically linking Miami Beach to mainland Miami. As Mr. DeFede astutely demonstrated, Mr. Burke did not have much of a handle on the many layers of government bureaucracy (local, state & federal) that a gargantuan project such as Skylink would be required to navigate, much less the massive political hurdles it would undoubtedly face. The Skylink project, like many of the other items on Mr. Berke’s platform, seemingly fell on deaf ears during this debate as was evidenced by the scant applause from the charged-up crowd. As for the other two candidates, the debate was lively and certainly not without a bit of prickly hostility between them. Both candidates aptly stuck to their campaign messages – Commissioner Michael Góngora’s years of experience in govern-

ment and his understanding of the political system in Miami Beach versus Mr. Levine’s message of demonstrating leadership, a proven track record of achievement in business and cleaning up City Hall. The two exchanged a few barbs, without too much we have not already heard, and even exchanged pleasantries when asked by the moderator to say something nice about each of the other candidates. Mr. Levine took the opportunity to clarify a lawsuit which was filed against his company in Alaska and provided a reasonable explanation for the paying of a $45,000 fine (the crowd was handed copies of the lawsuit filed by the State Attorney’s Office of Alaska as they entered the auditorium). The über-controversial Convention Center item was again discussed and debated at length. Mr. Levine, keeping true to his campaign message, made it abundantly clear that he is in support of the renovation of the Convention Center, creating a world-class facility but much scaled-back from the plan Commissioner Góngora and his colleagues previously approved. Commissioner Góngora, who recently received endorsements from the Miami Herald, AFL-CIO, Save Dade and billionaire Miamian Norman Braman, said he believes the (South Beach ACE / Tishman) plan which he motioned to approve should move forward as the residents of Miami Beach have suggested. In the end, this debate further crystalized the divide between the two main candidates, Commissioner Michael Góngora and Philip Levine. One that will be won at the polls, this is a race between years of experience in government versus proven success in business and corporate leadership. On Tuesday, November 5th, the voters of Miami Beach will decide. Jeff Feldman is a Real Estate industry professional and very involved Miami Beach resident / homeowner.

October 21, 2013


identify the most highly rated and loved vacation spots,” said Barbara Messing, chief marketing officer for TripAdvisor.


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OCTOBER IS MIAMI ATTRACTIONS MONTH! The GMCVB and MasterCard, the Official Card Sponsor of Miami Attractions Month, want you to take advantage of fantastic deals available this month. Make time to explore Miami’s many amazing attractions, from historic to adventuresome, natural to man-made. Places that capture the imagination and stir the soul! Take in the many jaw-dropping sights and experiences that make up our kaleidoscope of attractions. Enjoy “Buy One, Get One Free” and other special promotions that let you experience the best of Miami’s attractions. See complete details and download your savings

MIAMI NAMED TO TRIPADVISOR’S “TOP 25 TRAVELERS’ CHOICE U.S. DESTINATION LIST” TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site, announced the winners of its 5th Annual Travelers’ Choice Destinations Awards and Miami has earned a Top 25 spot! Making the list for the first time, the 2013 Travelers’ Choice Destinations awards honors top travel spots based on millions of valuable reviews and opinions from TripAdvisor travelers. Award winners were determined based on the popularity of destinations, taking into account travelers’ favorites and most highly rated places. “Based on insights from millions of travelers from around the world, the TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice awards help

GMCVB AND PORTMIAMI WELCOME DISNEY CRUISE LINE’S MAGIC CRUISE LINER OCTOBER 18, 2013 The GMCVB and PortMiami would like to welcome Disney Cruise Line’s Disney Magic Cruise Liner arriving at PortMiami October 18, 2013. The newly re-imagined Disney Magic blends classic beauty and grace with all the modern luxuries, technology and comforts that make cruising a pleasure. Able to accommodate 2,700 passengers, the Disney Magic is one of the most admired and recognizable ocean liners in the world, making hundreds of trips to exotic international ports every year. The ship boasts 11 expansive decks, encompassing a floating world that holds something to delight and thrill everyone. A myriad of fun-filled entertainment, dinning, youth clubs and nightclub options are available for the entire family. The Disney Magic’s first departing voyage from PortMiami is scheduled for October 20, 2013.

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GMCVB’S ASSOCIATE VICE PRESIDENT OF CULTURAL TOURISM REAPPOINTED TO ARTS & BUSINESS COUNCIL MIAMI ARTS MARKETING PROJECT The Arts & Business Council of Miami is pleased to announce the start of the 17th year of the Miami Arts Marketing Project, an important audience development program for the cultural community. The council announced the reappointment of project steering committee members George Neary from the Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau, Lourdes Balepogi from Chispa Marketing, Stephen Belth from Arts Marketing Network, Michael Frisco from the New World Symphony and John Copeland from the Adrienne Arsht Center. Without arts and business professionals of their stature, the Miami Arts Marketing Project would not be as successful as it is, providing arts managers with new skills and new ideas for growing their audiences and their earned income. The Miami Arts Marketing Project Steering Committee members provide visible expertise, leadership, a network of contacts, strategic guidance and support. 2014 plans include 6 workshops, 2 roundtables and the Breakfast with the Arts & Hospitality Industries under the leadership of Laura Bruney, Executive Director. MIAMI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (MIA) GETS GREENLIGHT TO BEGIN AIRPORTWIDE RECYCLING Recyclable materials like water bottles, soda cans and cardboard food containers discarded by passengers at MIA will soon benefit the environment and the airport, thanks to a comprehensive recycling contract scheduled to start in spring 2014. MIA’s 39.5 million annual passengers and 36,000-plus employees generate more than 6,000 tons of waste annually. The Aviation Department estimates that six percent of all waste at MIA is currently recycled but expects an increase to 20 percent by 2015 with the new program. The Department plans to first deploy 100 recycling containers in MIA’s North Terminal in March 2014 and then 500 more in May wherever garbage receptacles are located throughout the airport.

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October 21, 2013

October 21, 2013


Epicure with Love Salvage Chef Cookbook BY MICHAEL LOVE Specialty Chef Epicure Gourmet Market & Café

Yesterday I received a signed contract from a major New York publisher to publish my new cookbook “Epicure Gourmet Market Presents: The Salvage Chef Cookbook – From Throw Away To Gourmet.” This has been 4 years in the making and thanks to Epicure, this dream is now a reality. This book addresses the dilemma that faces most households across the country: “My refrigerator has food in it, but there is nothing to eat.” The “Salvage Chef” concept is that you can literally salvage perfectly good food from your pantry and refrigerator and transform those items into delicious dishes and meals for your family. From marinades, sauces, dips and dry rubs to salads, entrées and recipes for just about every occasion, this cookbook will change the way you think about your leftovers, the excess food you purchased at Cosco and show you innovative ways to cook with what you have RIGHT NOW in your kitchen. The release of the book will be sometime next summer, but I will share with you in subsequent articles not only what I have in my own kitchen but how I am reviving these ingredients and enjoying absolutely delicious gourmet food. Today’s salvage ingredients are 4 spears of asparagus (we had it 2 days ago and there is always a few left that never got cooked), 1/4 pound of deli ham, 2 tomatoes that are on the mushy side of freshness and a day-old French baguette, all of which are

“destined for the dumpster.” I do have some fresh arugula, frozen peas, a stray small garlic clove and one orange that has been hiding in the bottom drawer of my refrigerator. Here is the salvage menu: Asparagus and Green Pea Pureé on a Garlic Crostini Ham Croquettes Arugula Salad with Slow Roasted Tomatoes in a Citrus Vinaigrette For the salad, simply slice the tomatoes and place on a cookie sheet. Drizzle the tomatoes with olive oil and sprinkle with kosher salt. Place in a 300° oven for an hour until roasted and slightly charred. Serve the tomatoes with the arugula and toss with a simple vinaigrette by whisking together 1 tablespoon of vinegar (any variety), the juice from an orange, 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard and 1/4 cup of olive oil. Salt and pepper to taste. Asparagus and Green Pea Pureé on a Garlic Crostini If you don’t have green peas you can substitute canned green beans. Feel free to use scallions, broccoli and basically anything green. The idea is to blanch the green vegetable to revive it, puree it and then spread it on a crusty piece of bread. This is a delicious appetizer and utilizes leftover or excess greenage in your refrigerator. Ingredients 4 asparagus spears, cut into 2” long pieces 1/2 cup frozen peas 1/4 cup of ricotta cheese (you can substitute cottage cheese, marscapone or yogurt) 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

1/2 day old French baguette 1 garlic clove Preheat oven to 400°. Cut the baguette into 1” thick slices and place on a cookie sheet. Drizzle the bread with extra virgin olive oil and toast in the oven for about 2 minutes. Take peeled garlic clove and scrape one side of each toasted bread slice to impart the garlic flavor. Set aside. Bring salted water to a boil in a small pot. Drop in the asparagus for 1 minute and then add the frozen peas for an additional 20 seconds. It’s OK if the water stops boiling. Drain the vegetables and place in a bowl with ice water to stop the cooking process. Take them out of the water and place in a food processor and pulse with the ricotta and olive oil. Add salt and pepper to taste and buzz a few more times until you have a nice thick puree. Spoon the puree onto the crostinis and garnish with shaved Parmesan or any hard cheese you have on hand. I like to drizzle some extra virgin olive oil on top, right before I serve. Ham Croquettes I love this recipe because I can use deli meat, chicken, turkey, salmon and just about any cooked item that is sitting idle in my refrigerator. Ingredients 1/4 pound of deli ham 1/4 cup chopped onion (white, yellow or red)

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1 tablespoon of mayonnaise 1/4 cup panko breadcrumbs 1 teaspoon smoked paprika 1 teaspoon kosher salt 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 2 teaspoons garlic powder Sauté the onion over a medium heat until soft, about 5 minutes. Place ham, sautéed onion, mayo, paprika, salt and pepper into a food processor and pulse until just blended. Mix panko and garlic powder on a plate. Take ham mixture and form 2” balls and roll in the breadcrumbs. In same pan as you sautéed the onions, place over medium heat and add a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil. Once the oil is hot, place the crumb covered ham balls in the pan and press down gently to form a patty. Brown on both sides and serve with salad. Michael Love is the Specialty Chef at Epicure Gourmet Market and Café and the creator of “Epicure with Love,” an all-natural gourmet line of food including soups, prepared entrées, Giant cookies, and Xtreme brownies. Michael is also available for private and group cooking instruction and can be hired for dinner parties and events by contacting Epicure at 305-672-1861. Blog Twitter @lovecancook

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Marco Polo Beach Resort Recognized as One of Ramada Brand’s Best Sunny Isles, Florida (September 25th, 2013) – The Ramada Plaza Marco Polo Beach Resort at 19201 Collins Ave today announced that it has been given “The Best of 2013” award by Ramada Worldwide, ranking it among the top five percent of the brand’s portfolio in the U.S. and Canada. To be eligible for the award, the hotel had to distinguish itself as a leader amongst the brand throughout the year, setting itself apart by demonstrating outstanding performance in areas including customer service, revenue generation and overall quality. “It is with great pleasure that I congratulate Ramada Plaza Marco Polo Beach Resort and its staff on this recognition of excellence,” said Mark Young, brand senior vice president of Ramada Worldwide. “This award symbolizes their commitment to providing guests with exceptional service and extraordinary accommodations, which not only speaks volumes about their dedication to the quality of their hotel, but also to that of the greater Ramada brand.” The Ramada Plaza Marco Polo Beach Resort is a 240-room hotel offering a Beach Front location in the city as well as restaurant, TNT Lounge for Dinner and Cocktails, pool, fitness center and almost 17,000 sqf. of meeting space, including a 6,700 sqf. Ballroom. Rooms feature 37” Flat screen LCD TV, Coffee maker, In Room Safe, small refrigerator, microwave and toaster. “This is a great honor for our hotel and a testament to the hard work and determination of our wonderful staff,” said Pablo Martinez, the hotel’s Operations Manager. Aboutt Ramada Part of Wyndham Hotel Group, Ramada Worldwide, is a global brand of nearly 840 midscale and upscale hotels that offer the opportunity to earn and redeem points through Wyndham Rewards®, the brand’s guest loyalty program. Travelers can join the free program at Select properties feature on-site restaurants, lounges, fitness center, meeting and banquet facilities and business centers. Each Ramada hotel is independently owned and operated, except for certain Ramada hotels outside of the U.S. which are managed by an affiliate. Ramada Worldwide is a subsidiary of Wyndham Hotel Group and parent company Wyndham Worldwide Corporation (NYSE: WYN). Reservations and information are available by visiting Wyndham Hotel Group is the world’s largest hotel company with approximately 7,410 hotels and over 635,100 rooms in 67 countries under 15 hotel brands. Additional information is available at For more information about hotel franchising opportunities visit

October 21, 2013

DEO Executive Director Jesse Panuccio to Speak at Miami Beach Chamber Business Roundtable Mr. Jesse Panuccio, Executive Director of the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) will lead the discussion on Florida’s economy and what it means for businesses in our state at the Chamber’s Business Roundtable on October 30, 2013 at 8:30am. Join us for this insightful discussion about Florida’s economic future. Prior to DEO, he served as the General Counsel to Governor Rick Scott where he managed legal affairs and staff of the Governor’s office, helped direct and coordinate litigation and legal policy across state agencies, advised the Governor on over eighty judicial nominations, and served as the Governor’s chief ethics officer. He received his J.D. magna cum laude from Harvard Law School where he served as Supreme Court Chair of the Harvard Law Review. For more information about this discussion, contact the Chamber at 305-6741300.

Mr. Jesse Panuccio, Executive Director of the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO). ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

October 21, 2013


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October 21, 2013


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October 21, 2013

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