P u b l i s h e d i n c o o p e r a t i o n w i t h T h e M i a m i B e a c h C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– C o n n e c t i n g L o c a l B u s i n e s s e s s i n c e 1 9 5 8
AUGUST 10, 2011
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Condo Residents Beware! BY COMMISSIONER JERRY LIBBIN I am certainly a huge fan of sustainability, and in fact, I am proud of have received the prestigious 2011 Emerald City Award this year from the Environmental Coalition of Miami and the Beaches, (ECOMB). I am also a huge fan of public input before the City Commission establishes an Ordinance, especially, one that will carry fines of $5,000 per incident. At the July 13th Commission Meeting, Commissioner Jonah Wolfson sponsored an Ordinance that will require condominiums and multifamily buildings with eight units or more, to being to recycle within 18 months. The Ordinance as drafted requires the City to hire 11 additional code officers, whose responsibility will be to proactively enforce this new Ordinance. The Ordinance actually directs that these new officers will look in your garbage or dumpster to determine whether or not you have separated your garbage properly. Aside from the fact that the fiscal impact to the taxpayers of Miami Beach will exceed $1,000,000, the idea that this Ordinance could come back to the City Commission to become a law as early as October or November, without first seeking the input from a Board segment of our community that live in the very buildings that will be subject to the fines, is unconscionable. This item was referred to the Finance Committee for further refinement before it comes back to the Commission for final consideration, and it is my suggestion that condominium owners, associate officers, management companies and their legal counsel need to attend that Finance Committee meeting and let their voices heard.
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First Address by Mayor Gimenez to Local Business Leaders BY CHANTAL GLOOR
n July 29th, newly elected Mayor Carlos G i m e n e z addressed the Pillar Members of the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce for his first presentation to a business organization since the election in June 2011. Held at the La Gorce Country Club, the Quarterly Pillar Breakfast sponsored by Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler Alhadeff & Sitterson, P.A. is a program initiated by the Chairman Jason Loeb with Mayor Carlos Gimenez Chamber Leadership this year. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Introduced by Former County Commissioner Jimmy Morales, City issues such as tax reductions, Mayor Gimenez spoke to the business shrinking the size of government departleaders of Miami Beach about pertinent ment and staff, green initiatives, while focusing on public safety and programs for seniors and children. Morales is currently with Stearns Weaver and a member of the Board of Governors at the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce. Mayor Gimenez is responsible for the management of an annual budget that exceeds $7.5 billion for the City, and the largest concern expressed by the business leaders present were the allocations of these funds. Since the election, Gimenez has cut the size of the government departments from 50 to 26 in order to preserve funds, and rolled back raises for government employees. Mayor Gimenez answered questions
Mayor Carlos Gimenez
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GIMENEZ, page 4
Phone: 305-669-7355
Letter from the Chair BY JASON LOEB
Chairman, Miami Beach Chamber
I recently had the pleasure of meeting with our new MiamiDade County Mayor, Carlos Gimenez when he sat down with several of the region’s prominent business leaders to discuss his vision for our local economy. I found that Mayor Gimenez was sincere in his focus to restore the citizens’ trust in county government. He laid out a clear and concise plan to balance the budget, but made it clear that success is contingent on forming true partnerships between the county and cities. He also stressed the importance of gaining the backing of the business community and the important sectors they represent. I was honored that Mayor Gimenez agreed to make his first public speech at the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce Pillar breakfast on July 29th held at the La Gorce Country Club, where he shared his vision with our Pillar membership and took questions from the large crowd in attendance. During his remarks he acknowledged the many strengths of Miami Beach, noting that the revitalization of our Convention Center alone will have an incredibly positive economic impact for the entire region. In an effort to capture our trust, he plans to allow the cities to oversee more of their own responsibilities and projects such as this. But he stressed that with this newfound freedom comes the responsibility of constant scrutiny to confirm whether or not we are proceeding in the most effective
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LETTER, page 4
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August 11 - 24, 2011
August 11 - 24, 2011
The $outh Florida Gaming Report BY ISADORE HAVENICK
It seems there are a myriad of opinions on what may or may not take place in the South Florida g a m i n g world. Each month we will deal with the facts and not the fiction to give you a better evaluation on the impact of gaming in South Florida and in particular Miami Beach. ONE SELLER – ONE BUYER – In the past 90 days we have seen two major gaming companies make diametrically opposed decisions based on their assessment of the gaming landscape in South Florida. Up in Dania Beach, Boyd Gaming decided to sell Dania Jai-Alai to a group of local investors. Boyd took an approximate $90M loss on the sale of the property. The new ownership plans on building a 60,000 square foot casino and reducing the Jai-Alai fronton from 5,000 seats down to 1,800 seats. The conversion would allow multi-purpose entertainment events to take place in the converted fronton. One wonders why a mature gaming company like Boyd exited the market. Perhaps they felt the Hard Rock was to dominant a player in the Broward market to compete with or that three local competitors [Gulfstream – Mardi
Gras – Dania Jai-Alai] in a 5 mile radius saturated the market. At the same time one of the most highly regarded gaming and entertainment companies in the world, Genting, saw fit to purchase the Miami Herald building and land for a price in excess of $230M. Genting has plans for a $3 billion dollar casino and multi hotel project. They have wisely chosen to use the financially ailing Arscht Center as their theater and showroom. This is a shot in the arm for Miami and a kick in the stomach for Miami Beach. Genting owns fifty percent of Norwegian Cruise Lines [NCL] and certainly can create a number of synergies with their casino and cruise passengers sailing out of Miami. The impact on the Miami Beach Convention Center and adjacent Fillmore Theater will be negative. If nothing more, the beach residents must not bury their heads in the sand and need to develop a strategy to positively deal with the inevitable expansion of casino gaming on the mainland.
Miami Beach News
6769 S.W. 62 Avenue, South Miami, FL 33143 • Phone (305) 669-7355, Fax (305) 662-6980 PUBLISHERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Grant & Michael Miller ASSOCIATED PUBLISHER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Amy Donner WRITERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Linda Rodriguez-Bernfeld, Gary Alan Ruse ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Albie Barnes, Roberta Bergman, Beatriz Brandfon, Celia Canabate, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diane Chasin, Enrique Chau, Sharon Christian, Lori Cohen, Cecile Fanfani, Dianne Maddox, Denzil Miles, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ann Robbins-Udel, Fara Sax, Diane Sedona Schiller, Georgia Tait, Walter White PROOF DEPARTMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Isabel Vavrek PRODUCTION GRAPHIC ARTISTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Isabel Ortega, Catalina Roca, Vera Salom, Marie Scheer, Isabel Vavrek, Sergio Yanes PUBLISHER EMERITUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ron Miller We will not return solicited or unsolicited editorial material including stories, columns and or photographs. If yoou send us anything, please make sure that you have duplicate copies of the material. Every issue of the Pinecrest Tribune is fully copyrighted, and all property rights, including advertisements produced by Community Newspapers and Miller Publishing. Using artwork and/or typography furnished or arranged for/by us, shall be the property of Community Newspapers. MILLER PUBLISHING and COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS are proud to publish the following newspapers: Aventura News, Biscayne Bay Tribune, Community Newspapers, Coral Gables News-Tribune, Cutler Bay News, Doral Tribune, Homestead News, Kendall Gazette, Miami Beach News, Miami Gardens, Opa-locka News, Palmetto Bay News, South Miami News, Sunny Isles Beach Sun. See us on the Internet: http://www.communitynewspapers.com
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GIMENEZ, from page 1
from the audience also focusing on the dredging projects of the Port of Miami to accommodate to the new megaships coming in from the expansion of the Panama Canal. Mayor Gimenez assured the public that a raise in water and sewer taxes would not be implemented this year to finalize this initiative. Pillar Board Chairman, Michael S. Goldberg said, “It’s great that our members were able to express their concerns about the local business community to Mayor Gimenez. His presentation was precise and to the point on what his goals are during his term as Mayor. The Mayor’s attendance at our Quarterly Pillar breakfast was key in helping make the event successful. I commend him for selecting the Miami Beach Chamber for his first presentation to a business organization.” A standing ovation was given for Mayor Gimenez, when he announced that the Miami Beach Convention Center needed to be brought up to a grade ‘A’ Convention Center to attract more business conferences to Miami Beach. Aaron Perry, Immediate Past Chair of the Miami Beach Chamber, said “It is very encouraging to hear that the construction of a new convention center on Miami Beach is a priority for Mayor Gimenez.” The Chamber’s Sustainable Business
Council Leaders were present at the event, and noted that they were in full support of the measures for affordable environmental protection. The City of Miami Beach has spearheaded several programs to keep the city green, and was recently awarded the Outstanding Achievement City Livability Award by The U.S. Conference of Mayors. Gimenez’s priorities on green efforts are supported by the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce. Alongside Mayor Gimenez, Judge Darrin P. Gayles, 11th Judicial Circuit Court Judge, who was introduced by Pillar Board member Michael Grieco, Criminal Law Offices of Michael C. Grieco, addressed the Chamber members at the Breakfast event as well. Judge Gayles spoke to the executives about the budget and salary cuts that had been implemented within the Judicial Court employees. Gayles advocated for proper compensation for lawyers, and judges and also for the community to become more involved in the selection of trial judges. The Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce hosts a Pillar Breakfast for its members on a quarterly basis, and invites prominent leaders of the community to address key issues facing the City of Miami. The next breakfast will be held on October 7th, 2011.
August 11 - 24, 2011
RESIDENTS, from page 1 Certainly, asking the Commission to hold at least one public meeting in North Beach, in Mid Beach and in South Beach to hear from those members of the public that will be most affected by this Ordinance, is not asking too much. Can you imagine if the Commission had passed an Ordinance on July 13th that required the City to spend $1 million to hire 13 new code officers to inspect the recycling bins in front of the each sin-
LETTER, from page 1
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– gle family home in Miami Beach, and to begin to levy fines of up to $5,000 per violation for those found to be comingling garbage with their recyclables? I am inviting condo owners, associates, and management firms to contact my office at jerry@jerrylibbin.com to let me know that you want me to notify you of the date and time of the Finance Committee meeting so that you can let your voice be heard.
manner to maximize the expected benefits of each undertaking. As the Chairman of your Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce, I know that true partnership with Mayor Gimenez means that the successes and setbacks of our city clearly affect the economic vitality of the entire County. It is also clear that successfully renovating and expanding our Convention Center must be our number one priority since it will have the greatest posi-
tive impact on our economy. The Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce membership represents the brightest and most distinguished business leaders. It’s your ideas, passion and support that transform our vision into realities and make Miami Beach the soughtout destination it is today. I ask for your trust and partnership as we continue to work on building our city, and also now our extended greater community in partnership with Mayor Carlos Gimenez
August 11 - 24, 2011
Ana Cecilia Velasco, better known as “Ceci”, has worked in a wide range of fields, from highway construction projects, literary programs, speakers bureau, grants writing and management, civil rights, advocacy, teaching ESL, coaching, hospitality, musician, social services, real estate management, procurement, administrative services, IT, film and politics - just about a little bit of everything which greatly contributes to the position she now holds. In March of 2010, Ceci began her position as Chief Operating Officer of the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce, a position created specifically for her by the search committee as a companion position to the incoming President & CEO. At the Chamber, she has worked hard to create a solid team and high energy while developing an infrastructure through policies and procedures. Board Chairman Jason Loeb stated “Her commitment, dedication and passion to each member and the community at large is evident and has played an integral role in the Chamber’s unprecedented success.” Ceci and her family relocated to South Florida in 2001. The decision came when she withdrew her petition for Illinois State Comptroller, for which she was recruited by the Governor. In order to keep closer to home, she declined a position in D.C. and opted to assist with the development of the newly incorporated City of Doral, and then the Town of Cutler Bay. In 2006 she became the Asset Manager for the City of Miami Beach. Although she plunged into Miami Beach head first, and is well versed in its history and development, her 26 year career began in the State of Illinois. On January 1, 2000 she was appointed Bureau Chief for Small Business Enterprises at the Illinois Department of Transportation. With that, she became the youngest and first Hispanic female Bureau Chief where she dealt in construction contracts in the billions during the booming Build Illinois era. Throughout her career in government, she has worked closely with elected officials as an advocate for Civil Rights, the Hispanic Community, Women, Urban Planning and Small Business, attended two Presidential Inaugurations and earned a reputation of being able to work on both sides of the aisle. Ms. Velasco served on the Advisory Board for Leadership Illinois. In 1997 she was appointed to the Sangamon County
Public Buildings Commission and elected President of Illinois’ National IMAGE, Inc. She is a founding board member of the Illinois Association of Hispanic State Employees and the Chicago Latino Cinema. The Illinois Vietnam Veterans Leadership Program presented her with an award for contributing to the development of “A Look Inside the War – Writings from Vietnam”. Ms. Velasco has conducted lectures throughout the Midwest that explore the meaning, manifestations and influence of the Latino culture in America. Appointed by Commissioner Michael Gongora, she currently serves on the City of Miami Beach’s Hispanic Advisory Committee. She is a founder of Mayor Bower’s Conference for Women, a member of The Women’s Exhibit, and serves as an Ability Explosion Team Leader – heading up the Biz-Ability Luncheon. High school sweethearts, her parents settled in central Illinois when her father, the Bolivian National Tennis Champion, was invited to play the US Open - then called “Forest Hills”. Her mother is the daughter of a former army general and Ambassador to Japan where she was born on the Bolivian embassy grounds. Ceci started working when she was six, stringing racquets with her dad. She started singing when she was born, giving her first solo performance to her school in first grade. She started advocacy in Junior High School when she testified against budget and program cuts in the school system. She has one son, Sebastian, a jewelry designer who has one son Syrus, 3 yrs old.
Never Pay Another Expensive Repair Again
Ly Espinol
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August 11 - 24, 2011
August 11 - 24, 2011
Born in Guanabacoa, Cuba, Anaely Delgado was brought to this country by her parents at the age of 15. Like any other immigrant family, they wanted for her nothing but happiness and success in life, and her journey up to this point, though not easy, has been filled with both. Anaely started her artistic endeavors at the age of 10 when she joined the neighborhood theater group. Acting in plays for children and adults, and participating in festivals, gave her the necessary wings to fly beyond her teenager’s shell, especially after such a huge life change event of coming to America. During her high school years at Miami Senior High School she worked for the Adult Education Program at the school’s media center as a librarian assistant. Her kind and responsible nature flourished everyday as she helped students that, like her at some point, were struggling with learning a second language. Her passion for art took her to Miami International University of Art and Design, where she graduated majoring in Graphic Design this past December. During her years at university, she found a new passion, photography, and this was enhanced by having the opportunity of working as a Digital Imaging Assistant for Ocean Drive Magazine. This experience gave her outstanding Photoshop skills and a great standard to judge her work in the future. Last year, as part of her graduating requirements, she worked as an intern for the Communications Department at the City of Miami Beach. During her three months Graphic Design internship there, she contributed to the MB magazine as a designer and photographer and also designed the 2009 Miami Beach Police Annual Report. Anaely started working at the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce in January 2011, right after graduation. She is one of the new faces of the chamber and through her passion, is giving a fresh vibe to event invites, brochures and posters of the chamber. She is also responsible for the content management
of all three chamber websites, miamibeachhamber.com, the newly launched miamibeachincard.com and miamibeachguest.com. She manages the content published in the chamber’s weekly newsletter “Your Week at a Glance”, and the monthly newsletter “Monthly Members Events and Promotions”. Her latest and most exciting project at the chamber was designing the logo, and the collateral printed material, for the newly branded visitors center “Visit Miami Beach” formerly named the Miami Beach Visitors Center. In addition, she is the liaison for the Sustainable Business Council of the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce. Anaely’s passion for art, together with her driven desire to deliver her fresh and modern vision through her designs, motivates her everyday to give her best in a city like Miami Beach, especially if that freshness can come with a Cuban touch.
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August 11 - 24, 2011
‘SUDS’ will Rock Your World Opening Production at Miami Beach Stage Door Theatre at Byron Carlyle Is a Baby Boomer’s Delight Combining the best songs of the Baby Boomer era with a lot of humor, a stellar cast and a veteran technical team, “SUDS” makes its debut at the Miami Beach Stage Door Theatre Friday, July 29 at the landmark Byron Carlyle in Miami Beach. “SUDS” features more than 40 hits from the ‘60s, accompanied by a live three-piece band. F rom “Chapel of Love” to “Johnny Angel,” “SUDS,” will take you back to your first kiss, your first makeout session under the boardwalk or your first ride in a GTO. The music serves as a fun-loving backdrop for the hilarious story of three girls trying to find love in a laundromat, and it bubbles over with fun! “SUDS” runs from Friday, July 29 through Sunday, September 4. Show times: Wednesdays @ 2 pm; Fridays @ 8 pm; Saturdays @ 2 pm and 8 pm; Sundays @ 2pm. Tickets $38 to $42 and are available at the Box Office at Miami Beach Stage Door Theatre, 500 71st Street, Miami Beach, call (305) 397-8977 or go to www.stagedoorafl.org SUDS AT THE BYRON CARLYLE We were lucky to be in attendance for the opening night of ”Suds” at the newly renovated Byron Carlyle in North Beach. It was really nostalgic, not just the music but the venue itself. Having grown up in the 60’s in North Beach, I spent a lot of hours in that theatre seeing movies; so the music and the surroundings brought back lots of memories. This colorful and joyful musical with leave you singing and dancing into the lobby at the end of the show and hopefully
remind you to tell all your friends to support this new professional theatre company in North Beach. The city and many of our neighbors have given a lot of time and effort to see this project get on it’s feet and it’s up to us to get it going. So, make a date with some friends and go spend a musical night or afternnoon in the theater, go have dinner or lunch at one of the neighborhood restaurants and help make the new Stage Door Theatre a success. You’ll have a wonderful time! “SUDS” runs from Friday, July 29 through Sunday, September 4. Show times: Wednesdays @ 2 pm; Fridays @ 8 pm; Saturdays @ 2 pm and 8 pm; Sundays @ 2pm. Tickets $38 to $42 and are available at the Box Office at Miami Beach Stage Door Theatre, 500 71st Street, Miami Beach, call (305) 397-8977 or go to www.stagedoorafl.org
Hi-Tech Air Service
Hi-Tech Air Service
13339 SW 88 AVE. Miami, FL 33176
August 11 - 24, 2011
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Third Quaterly Pillar Breakfast held at La Gorce Country Club Sponsor Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler Alhadeff & Sitterson, P.A.
Maria Suarez and David Clement
Chairman Jason Loeb, Mayor Carlos Gimenez, Ceci Velasco, COO of the Miami Beach Chamber, Jimmy Morales and Miami Beach Commissioner Michael Gongora
Representing TotalBank Linnette Blandly and Misshka Lopez
Jerry Libbin, President & CEO of the Miami Beach Chamber; Judge Darrin P. Gayles, 11th Judicial Circuit Court Judge, and Chairman Jason Loeb
Warren Henry Auto Representatives Robert Marique, Eduardo Molko, Larry Barditch, with Ric Roth, IGT Media Holdings, Inc.
Chairman Jason Loeb, Mayor Carlos Gimenez, Pillar Board Chairman Michael S.Goldberg, Rising Star Maria Guadamuz, Larry Barditch, Jerry Libbin, President & CEO of the Miami Beach Chamber
Pillar Board member Leila Chang Ripich, and Pillar Wayne Pathman and Jerry Libbin, President & CEO of the Chairman Michael S. Goldberg Miami Beach Chamber
Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler Alhadeff & Sitterson, P.A. and Representative Luis Garcia
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August 11 - 24, 2011
Third Quaterly Pillar Breakfast held at La Gorce Country Club
Judge Darrin P. Gayles, 11th Judicial Circuit Court Judge
Robert Newman, Martha Acevedo and Kobi Karp ABOVE: Warren Henry Auto Representatives, Larry Barditch, Eduardo Molko and Robert Marique
Jimmy Morales, Sponsor Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler Alhadeff & Sitterson, P.A.
Jimmy Morales, Chairman Jason Loeb, Mayor Carlors Gimenez, Pillar Chairman Michael S. Goldberg , Jerry Libbin, Chairman Jason Loeb with Daughter, Sammy Loeb President & CEO of the Miami Beach Chamber
Jerry Libbin, Judge Darrin P. Gayles and Pillar Board member Michael Grieco, Criminal Law Offices of Michael C. Grieco
Chairman Jason Loeb, Mayor Carlos Gimenez, and Kobi Karp
Larry Bardich handing the keys to the new Rising Star Maria Guadamuz and Pillar Chairman Michael S. Goldberg
August 11 - 24, 2011
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The Resurgence of Miami Beach
Vice Chair, Miami Beach Visitor and Convention Authority (MBVCA) Remember when nothing could compete with the energy, the demand, the possibilities abounding in Miami Beach? 10 years ago, when you talked about “Greater Miami & the Beaches”, Miami Beach was indeed the “dog that wagged the tail”. And to a certain extent, it still is. Strolling down Lincoln Road last night, the minimum wait at any decent restaurant was a half hour, the energy was high; the mix of locals and tourists was good. Business is good, and this July, right? Maybe not as good as you would imagine. In Miami, we are accustomed to storms brewing on the horizon, which turn into hurricanes in due time. As Miami Beach has grown in popularity, for both residents and tourists, the City leaders, both elected and not, have wrestled with what has been termed explosive growth. In the process, we have made it clear that clubs and restaurants must never impede on the quiet enjoyment of residents, that noise from normal business cannot be heard 100 feet away from the source, and that growth – new business, new jobs, and new excitement must not happen without stringent, sometimes Machiavellian constraints and guidelines. Meanwhile, a mere mile or two from our shores, the City of Miami has embraced a 24 hour entertainment district, high rises to house and nurture a growing population with a desire to buy and rent in an urban setting, an arts district that rivals any City’s of similar size, and now several more large developments such as Resorts World Miami and Brickell City Center. While the City of Miami Beach has had some successes such as the New World
Campus, other important components to keep our City at the top of the world’s opinion and demand such as the Miami Beach Convention Center are mired in politics, in-fighting, unclear priorities and as such, paralyzed. City services in Miami Beach crawl along (Washington Avenue and Indian Creek come to mind), our infrastructure is stumbling (71st street sewer collapse) and the voice of the businesses in Miami Beach is becoming drowned out but those of a few “no-growth” others. The Miami Beach VCA is not standing still. We have recently hired the Public Relations firm of Hill & Knowlton/Samcor in order to, among other things; keep getting the message about our beautiful, dynamic destination in front of the world audience. This firm is being paid 100% by the resort tax collected from our tourists, not our residents. The value of our tourism business to us, both residents and business owners alike, is huge. The Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau, on whom we have always depended on to get our message out to the world, now has to choose between the Beach and Brickell, Mary Brickell Village, Wynwood, the Design District, the Arsht Center, Midtown, and the emerging products of Resorts World and City Center. Take nothing for granted. Miami Beach led the resurgence of popularity in the 90’s. We also led the failure of Miami in the 70’s. Support our businesses, get involved, and let your voices be heard. As a Miami Beach property owner, business owner, and manger of large assets, I will personally not sit back and let all of our hard work and successes be eclipsed. There is room for a lot of growth across the bay – in fact it is needed – but we mustn’t forget the jewel that is Miami Beach in the process.
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August 11 - 24, 2011
Pillar Reception at the Mondrian
Ana Fajardo and Rafael Villa with Ceci Velasco, COO of the Miami Beach Chamber
Representing Dream South Beach James Anderson, Peggy Benua, Jocelynn Carlos
Catherine Veinovic, Anaely Delgado, and Chantal Gloor
Maria Paulsen, Michael Candito, Lina Macki and Leo Gershoyg Madison Tyler Salon owners and Jerry Libbin, President & CEO of the Miami Beach Chamber Dr. Todd Narson , Dr. Corey Narson, Mirielle Enlow
Craig Martin, Edwin Perkins, Memo Margolis, Pillar Chairman Michael S. Goldberg, and Brenda Vargas Jaguar XLJ by Warren Henry Auto
August 11 - 24, 2011
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Pillar Reception at the Mondrian
Michael Grieco, Christine Kingspor, Jerry Libbin, President & CEO and Immediate Past Chair Aaron Perry Chris Holmes, Vanessa Elmaieh, and David Sacks
Maria Guadamuz, Jason Beukema, and Jocelynn Carlos
Scott A. Wagner, Dee White, Diane Gonzalez Guests at the Mondrian Pillar Reception Jesus Palacios, Tessa Van Den Hout
Michael J. Goldberg, Larry Barditch, Maria Guadamuz, Jason Loeb
Guests at the Mondrian Pillar Reception
Jerry Libbin President & CEO, Pillar Chairman Michael S. Goldberg, Chairman Jason Loeb, Larry Barditch, and Maria Guadamuz
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August 11 - 24, 2011
August 11 - 24, 2011
It’s not just pampering – Massages offer Health Benefits
This is August, which means it’s Miami Spa Month, when bargains on massage and other spa treatments abound. This should be reason enough to pamper yourself, but if you need another, think about this: Massage feels like pampering, but there’s growing evidence attesting to its health benefits as well. Massage has been used for this purpose since ancient times, and it’s been popular across the ages, and in many civilizations and cultures ever since. In fact, massage is used for a variety of health-related purposes, including pain relief, sports injury rehabilitation, stress reduction, anxiety relief, the promotion of relaxation, and general wellness. The government’s National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), which is part of the National Institutes of Health, finds that an analysis of research studies show a single message session can reduce “state” or situational anxiety (a reaction to a particular situation), as well as reduce blood pressure, and heart rate, and multiple sessions can help alleviate general anxiety, depression and pain. Nicole Gaynair, a licensed message therapist at the Spa at Equinox South Beach, strongly agrees. “The physical benefits of massage affect every age group and every body type. Massage has also been shown to increase endorphin levels (the body’s natural painkiller), provide greater joint flexibility and range of motion, foster faster healing from sprains or strains, and reduce swelling and pain and the formation of scar tissue after an injury.” “Massage is no longer a luxury for this who can afford it; therapy is becoming a necessity for all of us who experience the trials of daily life,” Gaynair added. Here’s a primer from NCCAM on a few popular types of massage from NCCAM Swedish Massage: Long strokes, kneading, deep circular movements, vibration and tapping Sports Massage: Similar to Swedish massage, but adapted for use on athletes Deep Tissue and Trigger Massage: focusing on myofascial trigger points, which are muscle “knots” that are painful when pressed and cause symptoms elsewhere in the body The NCCAM says massage therapy appears to have very few risks, but recom-
mends it be done by a certified professional, but recommends seeking out the services of a licensed massage therapist. For Miami Spa Month, Equinox South Beach is featuring a choice of either a 75minute facial, or a 50-minute deep tissue massage or a massage with hot stone therapy for $99. For more information, contact Gaynair at 305-673-1172. To learn about the other great summer deals at Equinox, contact Membership Advisor Andreas Heuser, also at 305-673-1172. To learn more about Miami Spa Month, now in its fourth year and hosted by Greater Miami and the Beaches, check out www.MiamiSpaMonth.com. Charlotte Libov writes books and articles on health and other topics for a variety of national, state and local publications. She is also a professional speaker on the topic of heart disease in women. Reach her at 305-333-8844 or char@libov.com.
Charlotte Libov is a writer and photographer whose work appears throughout South Beach, including in Ocean Drive Magazine, Florida Travel + Life, and many more publications. She is also the South Beach Culture and Events Examiner for Examiner.com. In addition, is also the author of five books, including “The Woman’s Heart Book,” which was made into the groundbreaking PBS documentary “Women’s Hearts at Risk.” She speaks both nationally and locally on the topic of preventing heart disease in women. Contact her at char@libov.com.
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August 11 - 24, 2011
The British are Coming... So are the Venezuelans, Brazilians, Canadians, French and more Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce Real Estate Council and Miami Association of Realtors Host Educational Seminar on How to Capture the Growing Foreign National Market The swirl of speculation continues around the South Florida real estate market, yet after a few down years, local agents and other industry professionals are finally optimistic that this could indeed be the year for a market upswing. The key to this resurgence? Foreign nationals. The Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce Real Estate Council will host in conjunction with the Miami Association of Realtors a luncheon seminar focusing on “What You Need to Know” about foreign real estate investing. Designed to educate and elevate the local real estate community, the annual event carefully selects a distinguished panel of speakers that includes brokers, mortgage lenders, lawyers and an array of other experts to cover every facet of the real estate transaction. The event takes place at the W South Beach hotel, which also contains an upscale residential component. While certainly not a new market South Florida, foreign nationals are an increasingly growing market for the region. According to a report by the Miami Board of Realtors, 31% of 2011 US real estate transactions placed by foreigners to date are within the state of Florida, up 9% from last year. Melissa Rubin, Vice President of Platinum Properties International boutique real estate firm and Co-Founder and Chair of the Chamber Real Estate Council, believes these statistics are very promising for the real estate outlook. “A year ago, we were struggling. Our luncheon event was aimed at helping agents uncover any and every opportunity they could within the grim realities we were experiencing,” she says. “Now, we’re educating them on how to best serve a booming market.” Since the real estate crash in 2008, there has been much contention over when property prices will finally bottom out. Rubin notes that many of her buyers, including her international clientele, have remained crouched on the sidelines for the past few years, waiting for the ideal time to capture the best prices. It appears they are now ready to buy. Venezuela leads the buying frenzy with 28% of total foreign national sales in
Melissa Rubin, Real Estate Council Chair ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Florida, followed by Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, France and Mexico. Rubin attributes this to a variety of factors including strong dollars, such as what Brazil is experiencing; political uncertainty, as seen with many Venezuelans wanting to take their money out of the country; and better pricing and weather, spurring Canadians and other cold-weathered residents to invest in a South Florida hotspot. The educational luncheon will discuss additional trends and provide tips on how to capture and understand this very important demographic. In the meantime, Rubin cites her age-old tactic proven to work in any economic environment. “More than 50% of my sales are done through existing clients,” she says. “Foreign nationals have always been a key market, and I don’t see this changing. Success lies in the ability to reach these buyers and then create life-long relationships.” The “What You Need to Know” about foreign national investing seminar takes place 11:00am - 2:00pm at the W South Beach. To reserve a space or for more information, contact Susana Penaranda at susana@miamibeachchamber.com or visit www.miamibeachchamber.com
August 11 - 24, 2011
Vic & Angelo’s Enoteca on Ocean Drive
Mendiola@USGourmet.US The restaurant scene in South Beach has a newcomer. With its coal oven and extensive Italian menu, the David Manero Restaurant Group has turned the former DeVito South Beach Restaurant into their third South Florida Vic and Angelo’s Enoteca. The David Manero Restaurant Group is one of the leading restaurant development organizations in the country with several restaurants such as the Office in Delray Beach and BurgerFi in Lauderdale by the Sea forming part of their group. Vic and Angelo’s Enoteca has a traditional South Beach outdoor sitting entrance which immediately reminds you of where you are. A glass door leads to a most elegant indoor dining area with exceptional décor that is not only attractive but functional. The high chairs that virtually separate the bar from the main dining room have been tastefully placed without interrupting the view. Actually, the whole sitting arrangement has been tactically done so as to give guests the opportunity to view the entire room and not
David Manero
Canoli ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– miss the celebrities that have been known to available which include Baked Clams al Forno made in the coal oven, Ahi Tuna, unexpectedly drop by. For privacy, there are several outdoor Grilled Artichokes, Giant Beef Carpaccio, cabanas which along with the chef’s high top and Mozzarella in Carozza. The flavor and table are sure to become the restaurant’s texture of the clams was fantastic while the most exciting physical features. The large Giant Beef Carpaccio left us perplexed. second floor will feature a lounge area with Although it was of excellent quality and comfortable sofas which are expected to be good flavor, we found the sauce to be a bit ideal for after dinner dessert or to enjoy the sweet; to the point it seemed more like a atmospheric lounge music which is to play honey mustard sauce instead of the aioli sauce we were continuously told it was. on weekends. The rather extensive menu can be enjoyed Maybe our taste buds were off that night, but by the whole family, with everything from at least it is a great excuse to go back and try pizza to veal chop. Vic and Angelo’s award it again. Fish lovers will be happy to learn that at winning specialty pizzas are defined by their raised crust due to the extreme heat pro- Vic and Angelo’s they really know how to duced by the charcoal oven and the ancient cook fish. We ordered the sea bass and the starter dough that dates back to Manero’s black grouper. Along with the perfectly Neapolitan family recipe. Guests can choose cooked fish, it was rather pleasing to find from a variety of specialty pizzas or create how well the accompaniments enhanced the their own from an à la carte choice of top- dishes. The Roasted Sea bass with the sweet pings. The most popular choices include potato mash, spinach and lobster basil nage the Mott Street (Pepperoni, Mozzarella, San came together in beautiful harmony. As Marzano) and Truffle with Wild Mushroom much as I enjoyed that dish, I was pleasant(Truffle Cream, Wild Mushrooms, Truffle ly surprised by the Black Grouper topped Cheese). with Jumbo Lump Crab. An extensive assortment of Antipasti is The fish and crab were cooked exactly as
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they should and the combination of the escarole, with the scampi jus, white beans and hidden garlic elevated the dish and makes it one of the best in South Beach. Even though we were thoroughly satisfied with the meal, it was hard to resist the deserts. The cannoli and the zabaione really came through as home made. After dinner, some friends told us that the Tiramisu was also excellent. The wine list is extensive and well thought out; customers should be able to enjoy many perfect pairings. Along with the excellent wine list, the restaurants’ full bar offers a large selection of mixed drinks at reasonable prices. There is a bar menu during happy hour which is served until late at night. Without doubt, Vic and Angelo’s Enoteca will soon be one of the hottest, trendiest spots on South Beach. Address: 150 Ocean Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 Phone: 305.531.0911 Reservations accepted Web Site: www.vicandangelos.com Type of Food: Italian Popular Dishes: Coal Oven Pizzas, In-House made Pastas, Linguine & Clams, Nona’s Sunday Gravy Macaroni, Veal Chop, Chicken Milanese, Black Grouper, Roasted Seabass Wine List: Excellent selection of Italian Wines Price Range: Appetizers $8 - $18, Pizzas $20 - $25, Main Courses $20 - $57 C redit Cards: All Major Credit Cards Accepted Hours: Open daily from 5:00 PM till late; Starting Oct. 1, Brunch, Lunch and Dinner will be served Parking: Metered parking on adjacent streets. Valet parking available Add Info: Elegant yet Casual
Conchita Espinosa Academy Bringing out the extraordinary in every child
Applications are now available for the K-4 through 8th grade 2010-2011 academic year. Summer Camp Registration Now Open
Visit our website and apply online www.conchitaespinosa.com or call 305.227.1149
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August 11 - 24, 2011
August 11 - 24, 2011
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August 11 - 24, 2011
August 11 - 24, 2011
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August 11 - 24, 2011
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August 11 - 24, 2011
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August 11 - 24, 2011
Would You Like Your Children to Pay for College Without Needing Financial Aid? What Financial goal should I have with paying for my children’s college? When planning to pay for college for your children, I encourage you to establish clear goals. First, you need to determine if you want to have your child’s education be paid with or without the need for financial aid. If you do not want your child or yourself to be burdened with a loan to have to pay back, then set the goal of having enough money saved before they enter college so that the college is paid. Who should pay for my children’s college? As parents we feel motivated or obligated to take on the full responsibility of paying for our children’s college education. The second goal is to establish a clear understanding with your child that if they want a college education they should invest in it by saving for it with earnings from a job. If they invest in their education, your child will value it more. What is an attainable financial goal? Harvard cost $52,000 a year for the 2009 – 2010 academic year. Saving $208,000 based on current costs is not attainable for most people. The University of Florida cost $16,690 a year for the 2009 – 2010 academic year. Saving $66,760 based on current costs is more attainable. Florida International University total matriculation and fees are $4,580.38 a year for the 2009 – 2010 academic year. Saving $19,215.20 is even more affordable. I suggest that you set your goal on a specific college and save enough to cover the actual cost when your child enters as a freshman. Your child should consider a job on campus during the school year and summer jobs during the college years.
I have a 401k plan at work; can I set up a matching savings plan with my child? Yes. If you can afford it and feel motivated to do so, you can match your child’s earnings dollar for dollar. My son, Steven, did pizza delivery for 4 hours on Friday, Saturday and Sunday for a total of 12 hours a weekend. Back in 1995 – 1996 he earned $10 an hour which was $120 a weekend or $480 a month. I matched it $1 for $1. Our goal college was the University of Florida, and in 1996 the 4 year cost was $32,000. When he graduated from high school, we had $32,000 in the savings account. $16,000 he earned and $16,000 I matched. No financial aid was needed. Does a Matching Savings Plan have other benefits? The matching savings plan may create a new dimension in the relationship you have with your child. You become partners in achieving a long term goal. Your child should be motivated to in essence to earn twice as much as their pay check. Your child may begin to ask you how to red the account statement and how to invest the savings. Their buying habits may be influenced by their employment. Those $150 sneakers may mean 20 hours of their work so maybe they are not so motivated to buy them because it is not worth 20 hours of their life to have them after all. They may start to look for value in what they buy. They may even appreciate you a lot more for working for a living and paying the bills. Rick Tonkinson is a Certified Financial Planner™ Practitioner who started his first job as a paperboy at age 12. Rick Tonkinson and his family focus on the financial planning needs of working people. Tonkinson Financial Inc. is located at 2398 South Dixie Hwy, Miami, FL. Securities and advisory services offered through Commonwealth Financial Network, Member FINRA/SIPC, a Registered Investment Adviser. Fixed insurance products and services offered by Tonkinson Financial Inc. are separate and unrelated to Commonwealth.
(305)-235-8333 • www.onetwotree.com
August 11 - 24, 2011
Mount Sinai Medical Center welcomes John Chaloupka, M.D. Mount Sinai Medical Center has recruited Dr. John Chaloupka as the new Section Chief of the Division of Interventional Neuroradiology. Dr. Chaloupka is an internationally acclaimed expert in the neuroendovascular surgical management of cerebrovascular diseases and was one of the first doctors in the world to perform the detachable aneurysm coiling operation. Dr. Chaloupka completed his medical doctorate at Johns Hopkins University in 1986. He received post-graduate medical training in internal medicine and diagnostic radiology at Sinai Hospital-Johns Hopkins Affiliate and Emory University, respectively. Dr. Chaloupka also completed three fellowships in diagnostic neuroradiology, endovascular therapy and neurosurgery. The Center of Excellence in Neuroscience at Mount Sinai Medical Center provides a full range of innovative and promising neurological solutions and is recognized by U.S. News & World Report as high performing in neurology and neurosurgery. In addition, The Mount Sinai Harvey R. Chaplin Family Emergency Stroke and Chest Pain Center has been designated a comprehensive stroke center by the Agency for Health Care Administration. This means Mount Sinai follows national standards and guidelines that can significantly improve the outcomes of even the most complex stroke cases. For more information or to contact Dr. John Chaloupka, please call 305-674CARE (305-674-2273) or visit www.msmc.com.
John Chaloupka, M.D. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
About Mount Sinai Medical Center Founded in 1949, Mount Sinai Medical Center is the largest independent, private, not-for-profit teaching hospital in South Florida. Mount Sinai’s Centers of Excellence combine technology, research and academics to provide innovative and comprehensive care throughout its various centers of excellence. One of only six statutory teaching hospitals in the state, Mount Sinai is the hospital of choice for those who seek the level of expertise and care that only a teaching hospital can offer. The medical center’s commitment to quality has garnered prestigious recognition, including designation as one of America’s Top Hospitals for by U.S.News & World Report.
(305)-235-8333 • www.onetwotree.com
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The Center for Research and Educa on on Aging and Technology Enhancement (CREATE) is conduc ng a research study involving the use of a Personalized Reminder Informa on and Social Management (PRISM) system designed to support social connec vity, memory, knowledge about topics and resources, and resources access for older adults. This Center is part of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. If you speak English, live alone, and don’t have a computer at home, you might qualify for this project. If you are interested in being part of this research study, please call (305) 355-9200 and men on the “PRISM Study”. You will be paid for your me and effort.
August 11 - 24, 2011
Coastal Cleanup
Making a Difference
Join ECOMB, the Ocean Conservancy, FPL Sunshine Energy, Açaí Power/Universal Taste and ECOMB’s volunteers on the world’s largest Community Cleanup Event.
THE INTERNATIONAL COASTAL CLEANUP DAY You’ve seen what ECOMB’s volunteers can accomplish in just one morning while cleaning up our beaches, parks, islands and canals! Now ECOMB’s energetic volunteers will, once again, clean up the Flagler Memorial Monument Island and Island View Park.
Services provided: Family Medicine EKG Pediatrics Podiatry OB/GYN Child Health Check Up Cardiology Immunization Dentistry Free Pharmacy Delivery Laboratory Board Certified Physicians X-Ray
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995 N. Miami Beach Blvd., Suite 100, N. Miami Beach, FL 33162
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DATE September 18th TIME 9am – 12 noon AGE All ages welcomed LOCATION Meet us at Island View Park, on Purdy Avenue, just north of the junction of the Venetian Causeway in Miami Beach. REGISTRATION At ECOMB’s web site: www.ecomb.org Journalists, please contact us for press interviews, by calling Luiz Rodrigues, Executive Director ECOMB, Inc. at 305.534.3825. Press and TV coverage are welcome for both events. To learn more about ECOMB, and to see photos from recent Beach Cleanup projects, go to our web site at www.ecomb.org. Join volunteers from high schools, local associations, churches, synagogues, and businesses, as they MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Refreshments will bee served and students may use these cleanup events towards Community Service Hours. ECOMB is a not-for-profit 501c(3) Florida corporation founded in 1994 to promote clean beaches, waterways and wetlands. Each year ECOMB coordinates events and programs that encourage responsible behavior and awareness in the Miami Beach vicinity. www.ecomb.org More info and registration at: http://w
August 11 - 24, 2011
Miami Beach Commissioner Jerry Libbin to hold Town Hall Meeting August 24 to share ideas on Memorial Day Weekend Miami Beach Residents and Business Owners Encouraged to Attend WHAT: Commissioner Jerry Libbin will host a town hall meeting to discuss potential measures to deal with large-scale events in the city, such as Urban Beach Weekend, Spring Break, and the Super Bowl. Libbin has held meetings with community groups including civic activists, business owners, residents, promoters and tourism officials to discuss measures that can be implemented for all major event planning weekends. The public will be invited to submit written questions to a panel. If you are unable to attend, please send question(s) in advance to Jerry@jerrylibbin.com. WHEN: Wednesday, August 24th at 5:30 p.m.
WHERE: Loews Miami Beach Hotel, 1601 Collins Ave., Miami Beach, FL 33139 PARKING: The city-owned parking garage at Anchor Shops (on 16th Street between Collins and Washington). The Loews Hotel also provides valet parking at their regular rates. WHO: The meeting is open to the public. RSVPs are suggested at Jerry@jerrylibbin.com. MEDIA: Interviews with Libbin are available before and after the town hall meeting. Please contact Frances Alban at frances@albancommunications.com / 786-200-4315.
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August 11 - 24, 2011
The 3D Revolution is Here to Stay BY SEBASTIAN FERRERO
Movies are more and more leaning toward 3D as the next generation cinematic experience. Nearly 90% of upcoming premieres over the next year will be shown in the 3D format. These will include a number of sequels & remakes including, “Alvin and the Chipmunks” with its third installment, “Alvin and the Chipmunks-Chipwrecked” as well as “Batman, The Dark Knight Rises” and a remake of “Titanic”. Recent 3D films have been in fierce competition for box office ticket sales including “Captain America: The First Avenger” and “The Smurfs.” Both films have capitalized on this new technology enabling them to appeal to not only the boomers who grew up with these characters but a new generation of viewers as well. Many industry pros have pointed to the 3D revolution as a critical factor in turning around slumping box office numbers. Although ticket sales have remained flat over the past couple of years, the higher priced ticket for 3D films has helped increase the overall gross numbers and the bottom line to movie studios. The top five grossing 3D films of all time are Avatar, Toy Story 3, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Alice in Wonderland and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 which shattered the record books with a whopping $170,000,000 opening weekend. August is a big month for 3D film releases which includes Final Destination Part 5, Glee the 3D Movie, Spy Kids: All the Time in the World, Fright Night (2011) and Conan the Barbarian (2011.) The trend of new 3D releases continue in September with Dolphin Tale 3D and Shark Night 3D. Like it or not, the 3D revolution is here to stay. As long as audiences are willing
to pay a premium for this new format, the movie studios will continue to crank out the product. Additionally, the race is on for the 3D experience without the need for having to wear those uncomfortable recycled glasses. No doubt the delivery of this technology is right around the corner as studios seek new excuses to raise the already sky rocketing prices for a night out at the movies.
Sebastian Ferrero is a 17 year old self made unsigned hip-hop artist based in Plantation, FL. He has written over 60 songs and currently has four albums pending release. You can reach Sebastian at 954-476-5761 or go online at Sebastianferrero71@yahoo.com
August 11 - 24, 2011
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August 11 - 24, 2011
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August 11 - 24, 2011
Chevrolet has a hit with new Camaro Convertible Ron Beasley LET’S TALK CARS Chevrolet’s beautiful new Camaro Convertible made its debut in January at the Los Angeles International Auto Show and it was an immediate hit; American consumers loved it. With the top up, the Camaro Convertible has the same sleek profile as its sibling hardtop. With the top down, it is much more seductive, and the overused term of “sleek and sexy” only begins to describe its beauty. The Camaro Convertible’s underlying body structure has been re-worked to accommodate the very tight and nicely tailored top mechanism. GM engineers made four primary additions to strengthen the body structure and eliminate cowl and steering wheel shake. They added a tower-to-tower brace under the hood, installed a new transmission support reinforcement brace, added an underbody tunnel brace and installed front and rear underbody “V” braces. The end result is a
convertible automobile that has a good looking profile and handles very much like a sport coupe. Additional structural safety reinforcements include a hydroformed tube in the A-pillars, an inner reinforcement bracket in the windshield header, a reinforced front hinge pillar and reinforcements inside the rockers to improve noise and vibration characteristics. The changes give the car’s body better bending characteristics and torsional stiffness. Designers also wanted to eliminate the appearance of convertible top support ribs, so they used composite knuckles rather than aluminum, extended the top material below the belt line and revised the top’s stitch lines for a smooth, taut and carefully tailored appearance that retains the sleek roofline of the coupe. The power top retracts in about 20 seconds, folding in a simple “Z” pattern, and latches with a single twist handle at the center of the windshield header. Turn the latch to the open position, push a button and the windows go down and the top goes down. And you don’t have to be parked to activate the top; you can drop it on a spur-of-the-moment, such as while stopped at a traffic light. A folding, one-piece tonneau covers the folded top for a finished look and an accessory windscreen is available that installs behind
Camaro Convertible top folds in a “Z” pattern and retracts in 20 seconds.
the front seats to limit wind buffeting when driving with the top down. The Camaro Convertible is available in the same configurations as the coupe. The standard model comes with a 312 hp direct injection V-6 engine that delivers 29 mpg highway. The SS model has a 426 hp 6.2 liter V8 engine under the hood. A six-speed manual transmission is standard equipment and a sixspeed automatic is an option. Other distinguishing characteristics include locating the OnStar/XM/AM-FM radio antenna on the deck lid on LT models
without the RS package; embedding the radio antenna in the rear spoiler on RSequipped LT and SS models and moving the trunk lock cylinder to the rear seat area for a cleaner exterior. Pricing starts at $30,000, including $850 destination charges. Ron Beasley is the automotive editor for Miami’s Community Newspapers. He may be contacted by calling 305-662-2277, ext. 261, or by addressing email correspondence to <LetsTalkCars@aol.com>.
August 11 - 24, 2011
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MDC to offer new bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences BY TERE ESTORINO
Miami Dade College (MDC) soon will offer a new Bachelor of Science with a major in Biological Sciences (BS-BS) to meet the local demand for trained professionals in the biological/life science industries in South Florida, thanks to unanimous approval from the Florida Board of Education. Students choosing to pursue this degree at MDC can select one of three concentrations: biotechnology, biopharmaceutical sciences, or science education. Graduates will be prepared for in-demand careers such as those of biological scientists, research technicians, microbiologists, natural science managers, or science teachers. “We are extremely pleased to offer this new degree,” said Dr. Eduardo J. Padrón, president of Miami Dade College. “We know that our students will serve to fulfill a critical workforce need in areas that are pivotal to our local economy, and to the economic development efforts in this region.” The BS-BS degree program will allow
graduates to tap into the burgeoning demand for biological scientists with fouryear degrees, projected to increase by 21 percent during the next decade. Degree candidates can take advantage of the seamless transfer of existing credits toward the degree and the many other benefits of a quality education at MDC, including significantly lower tuition compared to other institutions, and the ability to access classes with convenient schedules and locations. The development of the BS-BS is another example of MDC responding to the workforce needs of the dynamic community it serves. In addition to more than 300 associate degrees and certificate programs, the BS-BS is MDC’s eighth baccalaureate program, following the recently added BS. in Electronics Engineering Technology. The BS-BS degree offers hands-on experience that emphasizes skill sets and workforce-driven training that is essential and in high demand by local employers. For more information, call the Biology/Health and Wellness Department at 305-237-1101.
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August 11 - 24, 2011
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August 11 - 24, 2011
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305.757.2500 DIVORCE & FAMILY LAW PERSONAL INJURY & Auto Accidents SIMPLE WILLS 8801 Biscayne Blvd Suite 105 Miami, Fl 33138 20801 Biscayne Blvd Suite 308 Aventura, Fl 33180 info@bschultzlaw.com
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Payment Plans Available-Major Credit Cards Accepted * The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience.
" " ! â&#x20AC;˘ Pay off current mortgage, eliminating monthly payments â&#x20AC;˘ Pay off credit card debt â&#x20AC;˘ Establish grandchild education fund â&#x20AC;˘ Repair the home: New roof? Paint? â&#x20AC;˘ Establish an emergency "cash" fund â&#x20AC;˘ Pay medical bills â&#x20AC;˘ Take a vacation
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