Palmetto Bay News 10.29.2013

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OCT. 29 - NOV. 11, 2013





Vice Mayor John DuBois enrolls in Good Government Initiative BY BILL KRESS

uts and bolts” of local government, sizzling dialog, and interactive fieldtrips are on agenda for Vice Mayor John DuBois. Palmetto Bay’s first-term vice mayor presently is enrolled in a certificate course titled “Leaders of Excellence” that is specifically designed for early career elected officials. The unique program is offered through former Miami-Dade County Commissioner Katy Sorenson’s Good Government Initiative at the University of Miami. DuBois is one of 18 public officials currently enrolled in Class III of the program. Fellow classmates include representatives of municipal and state offices in MiamiDade, Broward, Monroe, and Palm Beach County. The select group will meet for a total 60 hours of training in such areas as ethics, budget and finance, land use, VICE MAYOR and media relaJOHN DUBOIS tions. Instructors include University of Miami faculty, community leaders, public officials, and outside experts. The course features case studies, instruction, and lively discussion, as well as informative off-site tours. In fact, the group just returned from a formal “field trip” to get an in-depth look at how Delray Beach’s Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) is creating a sustainable downtown that encourages economic growth. While there, the class met with Delray Beach Mayor Cary

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DUBOIS, page 8

Young village tennis players honored for competition win

County to salute veterans; observance set at museum



Pictured (l-r. front row) are coach Leroy Pettis, Leonardo Bonanno, coach Kara Borromeo, Carly Stokes, Franz Bagayas, and Natasha Opaciuch; (back row) Palmetto Bay Councilmembers Tim Schaffer, Patrick Fiore, and Joan Lindsay; Mayor Shelley Stanczyk; Vice Mayor John DuBois, and Parks and Recreation direc(Photo by Bill Kress) tor Fanny Carmona-Gonzalez. Not present is team member Robert Acosta. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––



embers of the Coral Reef Sharks, a team of 10-and-under tennis players who have trained at the Coral Reef Park Tennis Center, were presented with Certificates of Achievement by Palmetto Bay Mayor Shelley Stanczyk and the other council members on Oct. 7 during the regular council meeting at Village Hall. Young players Franz Bagayas, Leonardo Bonanno, Natasha Opaciuch and Carly Stokes each received a certificate, as did their coaches, Kara Borromeo and Leroy Pettis. Team member Robert Acosta

was unable to attend. The team — Coral Reef Sharks — was at the Florida Junior Team Tennis Regional competition at Goodlet Park in Hialeah during August and finished first as undefeated champions. They also were undefeated during the regular season. “I’m proud of them,” said Coach Borromeo. “I’m also proud of our older kids who just won two regional tournaments back to back in a two-week span in different age divisions.” The Coral Reef Park Tennis Center offers lessons in the USTA teaching format for all age groups, from Mini Tennis (ages 3-7) to adults and seniors. For information call 305-253-8655.

or the first time in years, Miami-Dade will conduct a downtown “Golden Veterans Parade” Friday, Nov. 8, to honor Vietnam veterans from the South Florida area. In addition, a special observance for World War II veterans and families has been planned. The Miami-Dade Military Affairs Board headed by Miami-Dade District 12 Commissioner Jose “Pepe” Diaz planned the pre-Veterans Day parade for all county municipalities, local military organizations and community leaders, so as not to conflict with alreadyplanned events in various cities on Monday, Nov. 11. The downtown Miami Nov. 8 parade is scheduled to begin at noon at Government Center and march along Flagler Street to Bayfront Park for a commemorative ceremony and community concert. “This is a long overdue one-time com-

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Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013

Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013


St. Thomas Lutheran Church Fall Fair scheduled Nov. 16

Pictured is last year’s Fall Fair at the church. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––


This year’s Fall Fair at St. Thomas Lutheran Church takes place on Saturday, Nov. 16, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and offers a fun day of fellowship, food and shopping. Located at 17700 Old Cutler Rd. in Palmetto Bay (directly across from the village library), the church’s annual event features local craft vendors, homemade baked goods, a rummage sale, silent auction and a hotdog and hamburger café. Fair proceeds will benefit Camillus House, Habitat For Humanity and Lutheran Services Of Florida. Started more than 30 years ago, the fair began with crafts made only by the women, but now the event organized by the Women of the Church includes outside craft vendors. The entire congregation now participates in the production of the fair, according to Diana Orme, one of the fair’s organizers. “The cafe is run by Kim and Dennis Derr who are St. Thomas’ liaisons for Habitat for Humanity,” Orme explained. “All the proceeds from the cafe go to par-

ticipate in Habitat’s Faith House or Thrivent House. Dennis and Kim say while it is a lot of hard work making the funds to participate, it is so worthwhile and fulfilling to work side by side with the recipient of the Habitat House. “It is humbling to get to know others who are in need and be able to help them achieve their dream of home ownership. With this year’s fair proceeds we hope to be able to support our fifth Habitat House.” The rummage sale, always a popular attraction, includes household goods, furniture, children’s and baby items, clothes and assorted knickknacks. Annemarie Roberts, another member of the Women’s Group, explained that the proceeds of the Fall Fair are used to support a variety of charitable causes. “One of our favorite events is a Christmas party with gifts for local children in need,” Roberts said. “We also provide health kits used in world relief efforts, and we make donations to Habitat for Humanity.” Vendors or others may call 305-232-1227 or send email to <> for information.

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Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013

Pinecrest Premier Soccer celebrates opening day

Pictured (l-r, back row) Renato Salazar, president of Pinecrest Premier Soccer Club and senior vice president–managing director at TotalBank’s Pinecrest Banking Center; Nelson Hidalgo, executive vice president of the Banking Center Division at TotalBank; Luis de la Aguilera, president and chief marketing officer for TotalBank; Ramon Ferran, senior vice president for TotalBank, and Juan Rovira, assistant vice president and sales director at TotalBank’s Pinecrest Banking Center; (middle row) Tatiana Christin; Elizabeth Butler; Nina Chantres; Dylan Maier, and Olivia Lane; (front row) Atef Musa; Carlos Figueroa; Kevin Fitzgerald; Cameron Correoso and Aidan Cullen. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––


Pinecrest Premier Soccer Club (PPSC) celebrated its opening day kickoff event at Evelyn Greer Park on Saturday, Sept. 28, thanks to the generous support of sponsors like TotalBank and other local businesses. Balloons, banners, refreshments and a photo booth added to the opening day festivities, bringing families from the community together. “Each year we await the start of the fall session with great anticipation,” said Renato Salazar, president of Pinecrest Premier Soccer Club and senior vice pres-

ident at TotalBank. “Soccer is an excellent way for us to come together as a community. It provides young ones with an opportunity to not only acquire the technical skills of the sport, but instills team-building as well.” More than 1,375 local children enrolled in the program, many as young as age 4, participated in matches throughout the day. Pinecrest Premier’s recreation program for children ages 4-10 is the developmental arm of PPSC, created for children to have fun while learning good sportsmanship, acquiring knowledge of the game and improving skills.


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Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013


Volunteers help package meals for Feed My Starving Children

Young volunteers from Christ Fellowship Church in Palmetto Bay help assemble some 320,000 packaged meals for hungry children around the world. In September, Christ Fellowship church partnered with Feed My Starving Children to prepare the meals for children in need. More than 2,100 volunteers came together to serve the community during Love Miami, Christ Fellowship’s annual large-scale mission week where participants are challenged to serve the city and those in need. For more information on volunteer opportunities at Christ Fellowship visit

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Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013

WCS students ‘shadow’ Cutler Bay town manager BY GARY ALAN RUSE

As part of a special course at Westminster Christian School in Palmetto Bay, students Kristen Lazarus and Tim Irvin “shadowed” the Cutler Bay town manager for half a day to gain a better understanding of what the job entails. After an hour-long briefing on how local government operates, the students then went to work on a project the manager’s office was completing. Town manager Rafael Casals explained what they did. “Their assignment was to perform follow-up calls to parents who visited the town’s booth during the recent HealthSouth community event and requested bicycle safety helmets,” Casals said. “Additionally, the students were provided with a CD version of our Fiscal Year 2013-14 Budget which they will use to create a report for their government class.” Town staffers had given away more than 105 children’s bicycle helmets during HealthSouth’s Health Fair on Sept. 21, but at least 26 parents had signed a “stand-by” list for safety helmets. The students called them to let them know

Pictured (l-r) are Sandra Cuervo, Building and Code Compliance Division manager; WCS students Kristen Lazarus and Tim Irvin; Julian Perez, Community Development director, and Rafael Casals, town manager.

that more helmets were available. Lazarus, who is a senior at WCS and has been accepted to Auburn University where she will attend next fall, said she gained insight from the experience. “I was impressed at how friendly and nice the town manager was,” Lazarus said. “Spending the day shadowing him helped me realize how much the town

does to help its residents.” Tim Irvin, a junior at WCS and a standout athlete, lives in Cutler Bay and already has several college scholarship offers. He also was impressed. “I never imagined that working for local government could be that exciting,” Irvin said. “After spending the day working with the town manager and his staff, I could see

how it could be a career choice for me.” The course at Westminster, called “Career Research and Decision Making,” is aimed at helping students who are unsure of what they want to study when they go to college declare a major. They spend 18 weeks examining different careers, developing a personal portfolio and learning about interview and on-thejob skills, according to Ana Poveda, WCS spokesperson. “This course is designed to give students time to examine their own personalities, research different careers of their interest, and actually spend a day on the job with at least three professionals in careers of their interest,” Poveda said. “By the end of the course, some students will zero in on a specific career; others may simply identify a career area of interest.” The town manager says that although they have only a small core of staff dealing with various projects throughout the day, they want to take the time to give back to the community whenever possible. “Our town staff is committed to continue mentoring programs with all of our local schools and look forward to future opportunities,” Casals said.

Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013


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Obama/Romney Care survives 42 attemps to kill it R. Kenneth Bluh VIEWPOINT KENNETH’S COMMENTARY There is a rumor (actually a joke) running around that the RNC (Republican National Committee) is suing the Obama administration for stealing the Romney Health Care program that was so successful in Massachusetts during Mitt Romney’s term as governor. Remember Romney? Mitt Romney was the Republican Party’s candidate for President of the United States in 2012. At some point Republicans must have liked the healthcare plan designed and put into place by Republican Romney or they would not have selected him to represent the Republican Party for the Presidency. After all, Obama’s healthcare plan ended up looking a like Romney’s plan — basically with just a different name. Stopping the federal government from working and the idea that America couldn’t pay its bills is stupid, if for no other reason than Congress decides what we spend. So,

stopping payment is the equivalent of our running up a credit card bill and deciding not to pay it when it comes due. All this, because they don’t like a law that they, Congress, approved. Now that just doesn’t make any sense. What happened to the image of America, or more specifically, our elected officials and those of us that voted for them — Democrats and Republicans alike — is a disgrace. That elected officials could care so little about their country is hard to fathom. What is the problem? A small segment of the Republican Party does not like a law that Congress enacted. Not liking a law is their privilege. It is Congress members responsibility, if they do not like a law, to introduce an alternate law that would replace it. First, let’s review the process. The U.S. House of Representatives votes on a bill. Then, or the other way around, the U.S. Senate votes on a similar or matching bill. Then a compromise committee, made up of members of Congress and Senators meet and create a bill that will meet the approval of both houses. Once approved by both houses the bill goes to the White House for signature of the President, which then makes it the law of the land. If the President doesn’t like the bill he can veto it. Congress can override his veto. If




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Congress overrides the veto, it becomes law. If they can’t override the veto, it is dead. If someone believes any law, once approved by the Congress and the President is unconstitutional, they petition the U.S. federal court system (possibly all the way to the Supreme Court) to review the law as to its constitutionality. If it passes it is now the law of the land (for real). The U.S. House of Representatives has tried to do this 42 times and 42 times it has failed. So the Obama/Romney Health Care plan is the law of the land — like it or not. Just read what the world is saying about the impasse. There is the beginning of a movement to consider the Chinese currency the default currency in the event the U.S. dollar falls from grace. Is this what 40 or 50 members of Congress can do to America? I just don’t understand it. If you don’t like the current law get on the street and see to it that Americans elect sufficient Representatives and Senators to office who think like them and write a new law to replace the Obama/Romney health plan. Holding America hostage is not the way it is done. If Congress can stop our government every time a ceretin segment does not like a law that a previous Congress passed, we permanently would bring our nation to a halt.

We need a two-party system in Washington — two healthy parties, Democrats and Republicans. It is a basis of our checks and balances that prevent our nation from going off on some crazy tangent. The fringe Republicans who were holding America hostage reduced their party’s image to what Sen. John McCain described as a “party made up of elected Republicans and their paid staff” and no one else. And this isn’t the end. Congress just kicked the problem down the line a few months. It all comes back for reconsideration in December and January of 2014. Let’s see if Congress learned anything last time around. We appreciate your opinions on this column whether in agreement or disagreement. Please send your comments to (fax number) 305-6626980 or email to <>. The opinions expressed in this column are not necessarily those of this newspaper, its editors or publisher.

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DUBOIS, from page 1

Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013


Glickstein and former Mayor Tom Lynch who described their city’s evolution from blighted neighborhoods to a beautiful new downtown. DuBois noted that this field trip was particularly valuable in light of Palmetto Bay’s recent downtown redevelopment initiative being studied by a task force of village stakeholders. “It’s not just classroom training,” DuBois said. “We are benefiting from class discussions that explore real-world issues that elected officials frequently encounter. “It has been an enlightening and informative experience loaded with substantive material from a diverse and well-balanced group of participants,” he said. “Katy has facilitated an all-star lineup. I strongly recommend this course to my political colleagues who are in their first elected term.” Sorenson, president and CEO of the Good Government Initiative at the University of Miami, most recently served on the Miami-Dade County Commission representing District 8. She also currently serves as chair of the Citizens Advisory Committee of the

VETERANS, from page 1

Building Better Communities Bond Program of Miami-Dade County among many other leadership positions with local civic and educational organizations. Sorenson said the goal of the program is to better prepare leaders for the decisions they face as elected officials and to help them develop a supportive cohort of smart, ethical, engaged office holders from Broward, Miami-Dade, Monroe, and Palm Beach Counties. “Good government is the key to creating a community of lasting value for all residents,” Sorenson said. “It belongs to no party, nor to any particular ideology. Good government comes from leaders who are educated, transparent, have a clear political philosophy, and are able to communicate that philosophy to their constituents.” DuBois is joined by fellow Class III participants from immediate neighboring areas include Cutler Bay Councilmember Peggy Bell, Homestead Councilmember Patricia Fairclough-McCormick, Coral Gables Commissioner Vince Lago, and Florida State Rep. Kionne McGhee. Palmetto Bay Mayor Shelly Stanczyk attended Class II in 2012.


memorative event, inspired by a Presidential proclamation naming the next 13 years as the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War,” according to a statement from the board. “We seek to honor those veterans who, because of anti-war sentiments, were never given a proper welcome back reception,” said Commissioner Diaz, noting that the parade is planned especially to highlight the “courage and service of all veterans in the Tri-County area.” The board is asking a unified effort of county and city officials throughout the county to participate, as well as non-profit organizations, businesses and professionals willing to donate time, services and talent to the parade program. For more information, contact Gloria Garces at Commissioner Diaz’s office (305-599-1200) or send email to <> PEARL HARBOR DAY OBSERVANCE SCHEDULED AT MILITARY MUSEUM The Friends of the Miami Military Museum and Veterans Memorial will mark a special observance of Pearl Harbor Day at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 7.

Veterans, family members and visitors will join for both posting of the colors and a memorial ceremony inside the restored structure on the grounds adjacent to the Gold Coast Railroad Museum, 12450 SW 152 St. “We urge all veterans and their families to attend the Golden Veterans Parade and participate in the museum observance,” said Anthony Atwood, advisor to the Military Museum in Kendall where special programs have been conducted in recent years to honor veterans. The museum will be completing interior projects during the coming year after receiving a $500,000 line item appropriation from the State of Florida, part of a $5-6 million budget to open South Florida’s first museum honoring all services and their history, Atwood explained. Veterans parades are planned in several Miami-Dade communities on Monday, Nov. 11, including Miami Lakes, Hialeah, Homestead and Miami Beach. In Kendall. Jewish War Veterans Post 213 will hold its annual Graveside Flag Placement Service at the Mount Nebo Kendall Memorial Gardens, 5900 SW 77 Ave. For information, call 305-279-6412.

Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013


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Can’t we we all all just just get get along? along? Maybe... Maybe... maybe maybe not not Can’t Michael Miller EXECUTIVE EDITOR

AROUND TOWN The Village of Ethics Complaints? Palmetto Bay watchdog blog South Dade Matters recently exposed some insider information and is seeking info on whether the rumor is true, that Mayor Stanczyk filed an ethics complaint against Village Attorney Eve Boutsis and Council Members Tim Schaffer, John DuBois and Patrick Fiore. Our separate insider sources allege that a complaint was initiated by the mayor, but against only the council members. We say not a good leadership move from Madam Stanczyk, as if true, it’s not productive to be

slinging mud against the very people she should be trying to get along with for the good of Palmetto Bay. What a difference from the first eight years of the city, during which, our sources tell us that there were no ethics complaints. The current mayor and council do seem to like to keep lawyers in business. We will keep our ears open for how this one turns out and will be happy to publish specifics once the complaint becomes public. The Shelley chronicles continue while one of the targets of her alleged complaint, Vice Mayor John DuBois participates in a certificate course entitled “Leaders of Excellence.” The program is offered through former County Commissioner Katy Sorenson’s Good Government Initiative at the University of Miami. Our first thought was that Mayor Stanczyk surely would benefit from such a course, but then we learned

Palmetto Bay News

6796 S.W. 62 Avenue, South Miami, FL 33143 • Phone (305) 669-7355, Fax (305) 662-6980

PUBLISHER ................................................................................................................................... Grant Miller EXECUTIVE EDITOR ......................................................................................................................Michael Miller EDITOR................................................................................................................................... David Berkowitz WRITERS, COLUMNISTS............................................................... Ron Beasley, Kenneth Bluh, Robert Hamilton, Linda Rodriguez-Bernfeld, Gary Alan Ruse, Lee Stephens, Al Sunshine, Richard Yager

ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES................................. Albie Barnes, Beatriz Brandfon, Roberta Bergman, Celia Canabate, Diane Chasin, Henry Chau, Amy Donner, Diane Maddox, Denzel Miles, Miller Myers, Ann Robbins-Udel, Fara Sax, Lori Cohen, Diane Sedona Schiller, Karina Soave, Walter White

LEGAL ADVERTISING ..................................................................................................................... Georgia Tait BOOKKEEPING ............................................................................................................................ Jesus Toledo PROOF DEPARTMENT.................................................................................................................... Isabel Vavrek

GRAPHIC ARTISTS ............................................................ Denise Cebrero, Isabel Ortega, Cristian Ortiz

PUBLISHER EMERITUS.......................................................................................................................................... Ron Miller

Aventura News, Biscayne Bay Tribune, Coral Gables News, Cutler Bay News, Doral Tribune, Kendall Gazette, Miami Beach News, Miami Gardens Tribune, Palmetto Bay News, Opa Locka News, Pinecrest Tribune, South Miami News, Sunny Isles Beach Sun, West Park We will not return solicited or unsolicited editorial material including stories, columns and or photographs. Please make sure that you have duplicate copies of the material.

that she attended in 2012. Oh well, Katy, at least you tried, not everyone is paying attention in class. Hey even the loveable comic character Snoopy was an obedience school drop out! Keep up the good work Katy. After all, every program is going to have its individual successes and failures. Since Palmetto Bay has been hiring new employees, may we suggest the hiring of either council referee or village baby sitter to make the mayor and council behave better? On a related note... We also learned that at the special council meeting on October 16, long time Village Attorney Eve Boutsis was “let go” after years of service, by a 3-2 vote of the council, with DuBois, Fiore and Schaffer casting “aye” votes. The village will now be advertising for applicants to fill that vacant position, and although technically Ms. Boutsis would be able to re-apply for the job, we have it on good authority that she really, really would not be interested. Birthday salutes... Just last week Alexandra Flinn, popular Young Adult novelist and the wife of former Palmetto Bay mayor Eugene Flinn, celebrated a birthday, as did Ana Garcia, the village’s former Parks & Recreation director. Slightly belated B-Day wishes to both! Former District 3 Councilman John Breder’s birthday is

November 4th. Many happy returns, John! Do you DARE? Don’t forget the 4th Annual DARE Arts & Crafts Fair and Car Show, November 16th at Coral Reef Park, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Palmetto Bay’s Outreach Officers ask you to help the Policing Unit top last year’s fundraising efforts that brought in $2,900 to support the Drug Assistance Resistance Education program (D.A.R.E.). The entire community is invited to assist in that goal by supporting and attending. Donations will help fund the popular anti-drug program for school-age children in Palmetto Bay through the purchase of student workbooks and diplomas. For information, contact Officer Patience Glasko at 305-278-4016 or Rosie Hart at 305-331-3974. Thought of the Day: You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take. — Wayne Gretzky Gary Alan Ruse contributed to this column. Got any tips? Contact me at 305-6697355, ext. 249, or send emails to <>.

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Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013

South Dade Volleyball Club season tryouts, Nov. 15-17 BY JESSE SCHECKNER

With a nearly decade-long history that has seen more than 35 of its athletes placed in colleges as a result of their involvement with the program, South Dade Volleyball Club offers an invaluable service to the community. Instituted in December 2005 to provide a winter and spring activity for young women who display above average volleyball skills, and to prepare them for the sport at the collegiate level, the club began modestly with only five teams. Since it came under the leadership of club director and coach William Gonzalez seven years ago, that number has more than tripled, and he has twice taken his team to the state championship. “I try to instill sacrifice, motivation, perseverance and leadership, amongst other qualities, by establishing the expectations I have of each of my players and by the quality of work that is taught,” Gonzalez said. “I look for desire, passion and dedication to the sport and for players to maintain a level of progress through the season by helping them recognize what their goals are and how much commitment it takes to reach them.”

South Dade Volleyball Club offers programs for young women between the ages of 8 and 18. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Gonzalez, a three-time recipient of the Miami Herald’s All-Dade Coach of the Year award, has been the head coach at Palmer Trinity School for the past seven years. He graduated from the I.S.C.F. Higher Institute of Physical Culture in Havana, Cuba with a bachelor’s degree in physical education and later earned a master’s in sporting science and games at the University of Matanzas. Before coming to the U.S. in 2001, he was the head coach of the men’s and women’s teams at the University of Havana. “Since I was a child, it’s been the sport I have always played,” he said. “I’ve been teaching and coaching since ’91, when I graduated college. I do it because it’s my

passion. I love teaching and watching the kids improve. For me, what distinguishes volleyball from other sports is the interaction between the players, the level of communication needed to play the game and how you must come up with different solutions for different situations in a matter of seconds.” This year the organization has an exciting new addition — sand volleyball. Aside from the conditional differences it has from the traditional format (sand versus floor and outdoor versus indoor), sand volleyball differs in amount of players per team and amounts of touches per set. Like its indoor counterpart, it is now recognized by the NCAA as an emerging sport for women. “It’s exciting because it offers another recruiting possibility for our players who want to play in college,” Gonzalez said. “It can also be a solution for players who don’t necessarily fit the indoor setting.” All South Dade Volleyball coaches are registered and certified by USA Volleyball and submit to background checks before every season. Several current coaches were once participating athletes who came back to support the association. According to Gonzalez, their organization is more than just a club or a business; it’s a family, and the most important goal is the improvement of their athletes, not only as players but as people. “The possibility and mentality needed to play in South Dade Volleyball can be achieved by anyone who desires to learn, no matter what their level of conditioning or skill is, because we pride ourselves in helping our athletes play better in their middle schools, high schools, colleges or even those who simply want to pick up a health activity,” he said. Club season tryouts take place Nov. 1517 at Robert Morgan Educational Center, 18180 SW 122 Ave. For more information, call 786-223-4306 or visit <>.

Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013


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MDC’s Dr. Eduardo J. Padrón The Giving Tree receives ‘Good Scout’ Award Needle Arts and Gifts

Creativity • Camaraderie • Charity Community • Exceptional Service Inspiration • Education Call for class schedule!

305-445-3967 Celebrating Our 38th Anniversary Fabulous Yarns • New Classes • Unique Gifts

Just In... Great New Holiday Gift Items 248 Giralda Avenue Coral Gables, Florida Carlos J. Arboleya, member of the award committee, (left) presents the award to Dr. Eduardo J. Padrón, president of MDC. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––


Miami Dade College (MDC) president Dr. Eduardo J. Padrón has been honored by the South Florida Council of the Boy Scouts of America with the 2013 “Good Scout” Award. This special award recognizes respected community leaders and organizations that exemplify the values of Scouting through their service and support of the community. Dr. Padrón’s has led Miami Dade College, the nation’s largest institution of higher education, since 1995. His energetic leadership also extends to many of the nation’s leading organizations. He is the immediate past chair of the prestigious American Council on Education and past chair of the Association of American Colleges and Universities. He also serves on the boards of the Federal Reserve; Council on Foreign Relations and the Business/Higher Education Forum among other major national organizations. During his career, he has also been selected to serve on posts of national prominence by six American Presidents, most recently as chair of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans by President Barack

Obama. Padrón also recently was named one of Time magazine’s “10 Best College Presidents,” one of the eight most “influential college leaders” in the U.S. in the Washington Post and the “Floridian of the Year” by Florida Trend magazine. Dr. Padrón is the recipient of hundreds of major awards during his career which began in 1970 including the 2012 National Citizen Service Award from Voices for National Service; 2012 Sand in My Shoes Award from the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce; 2011 Centennial Academic Leadership Award from the Carnegie Corporation; 2010 Chairman’s Award from the Beacon Council; 2008 Innovator of the Year Award from the League for Innovation; the 2008 Charles Kennedy Equity Award from the Association of Community College Trustees, and other honors. Internationally, Dr. Padrón’s accomplishments have been recognized by numerous nations and organizations including the Republic of France, which named him Commandeur in the Ordre des Palms Académiques; Republic of Argentina, which awarded him the Order of San Martin, and Spain’s King Juan Carlos II, who bestowed upon him the Order of Queen Isabella.

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Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013

Students take their best shots in Zoolens photo competition

Miami-Dade County middle school students enjoy a special event at Zoo Miami as part of the 2013 Zoolens Photography Project, a wildlife photo contest developed by Mercantil Commercebank. Ron Magill, Zoo Miami’s director of communications, offered students exclusive access to Zoo Miami animals as well as expert photography tips.

This student shoots a photo from the snakes point of view. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––


Mercantil Commercebank hosted a special event for Miami-Dade County middle school students on Oct. 12 as part of the 2013 Zoolens Photography Project. Ron Magill, Nikon Ambassador and Zoo Miami’s director of communications, provided an exclusive Zoo Miami experience for student attendees. While offering expert photography tips, he also engaged several animals to help students

get up-close looks, as well as their best shots. Fostering wildlife appreciation and education, the Zoolens Photography Project encourages students attending MiamiDade County’s public and private schools to visit Zoo Miami, creatively photograph their favorite animal and submit their photo entry before Nov. 1 for a chance to win a $2,000 savings account. Students and parents can learn more at <>.

Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013


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Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013





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Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013


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Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013

Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013


Ribfest returns to Zoo Miami with sizzling entertainment BY EDITH TORRES

The racks are back as Ribfest returns to Zoo Miami, Nov. 1-3, for a weekend jampacked with finger-licking barbecue and entertainment for the entire family. Enjoy award-winning barbecue from seven of the finest ribbers in the nation competing to win “best of” in five categories, including best ribs, pork, beef brisket, chicken and sauce. The winners will be selected in a blind taste test by a panel of celebrity judges to include Chef Ralph Pagano from season one of Hell’s Kitchen, Zoo Miami’s very own Ron Magill, Kiss Country’s Darlene Evans, Miami-Dade Commissioner Dennis C. Moss, Thunder Country’s Dougie Hitchcock, and others. Winners will be announced on Sunday at 4 p.m. In addition to great barbecue, patrons will enjoy all-day live rock and country music concerts by popular local bands including The Mojo Scoundrels, Havoc 305, The Click, The Vibe, Fire Brigade, Burnt Biscuit Band, Gypsy Road, Payback, and the Rodeo Clowns. There will be live remotes from Country music favorites Thunder Country with Dougie Hitchcock on Sunday, and Kiss Country with Darlene Evans on Saturday. Don’t miss beer-inspired cooking demonstrations and pairings throughout each day at the Chef’s Corner beginning at 12:30 p.m. on Saturday and noon on Sunday, or purchase home-grown Florida produce and products at the Farmers Market. Harley Davidson fans don’t miss out on the “Jumpstart” demonstration and motorcycle rally, or if you prefer cars, check out Homestead-Miami Speedway’s authentic NASCAR or test drive a brand new Chevrolet on site. Other activities include hay rides, arts and crafts vendors, themed photo opportunities, and more. Purchase Zoo Miami/Ribfest combo tickets to enjoy a wild day at the zoo, or enjoy Ribfest as a VIP with VIP tickets that include

general admission; a VIP meal (half rack of ribs, baked beans, cole slaw and dinner roll); six beers from an expanded craft/seasonal beer selection to include Blue Moon Pumpkin Harvest, Batch 19, Blue Moon Rounder, Crispin Cider, Fox Barrel Pear, Linenkugel Orange, Third Shift and Blue Moon Short Straw; an event koozie; access to shaded lounge area, and comfort station restrooms. “We are delighted that Zoo Miami will once again be the site for this year’s Ribfest bringing one of our most popular events to one of our most popular park attractions, providing quality entertainment at an affordable price to Miami-Dade County constituents,” said Jack Kardys, director of Miami-Dade Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Department. “This is a great time for our county family to come together not only to enjoy the outdoors but to enjoy the finest Rib’s that MiamiDade has to offer. I take great pride to participate in events that take place here in my district,” said Commissioner Dennis C. Moss Ribfest hours of operation and ticket information: Friday, Nov. 1, 4-9 p.m. Free admission and a free side with the purchase of a halfrack or whole rack of ribs. Saturday, Nov. 2, 11 a.m.-9 p.m., and Sunday, Nov. 3, 11 a.m.-6 p.m. General admission: $10; Ribfest/Zoo Miami combo: $20; and VIP: $75 which includes general admission ticket, a VIP meal and other amenities. Tickets can be purchased in advance at <> or at the door. Ribfest was created in 2004 as one of several events taking place at parks across the county in celebration of Miami-Dade Parks 75th year anniversary. In past glory days, the event brought thousands to its previous home at Homestead Air Reserve Park. After a two-year hiatus, Ribfest was resurrected last year to a new site at Zoo Miami, where it will be held again this year. For more information or to become a vendor, visit <>.

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Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013

Meet the author, illustrator of Eleven Gulliver seniors recognized by kids book Tommy’s Discovery National Merit Scholarship Program BY COSETTE MARTINEZ


Seven seniors of Gulliver have been selected among approximately 16,000 semifinalists in the 59th annual National Merit Scholarship Program. Gulliver’s qualifying seniors are Joyce Chen, Joshua Cohen, Benjamin Froomkin, Philip Kaifer, Ciara Keane, Sharon Peng and Paolo Scalla. All of the students took the Preliminary SAT (PSAT) and qualified during their junior year at Gulliver. Approximately 1.5 million juniors in more than 22,000 high schools took the 2012 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) last year. This test served as an initial screening of program entrants. The highest scoring students in each state are selected for the pool of semifinalists. The award honors students who show exceptional academic ability and potential for success in rigorous college studies. Gulliver semifinalists will continue in the running for 8,300 National Merit Scholarships. About 90 percent of semifinalists are expected to attain finalist standing, and approximately half of the finalists are likely to win a National Merit Scholarship,

Meet the author, Cindy Amar, and illustrator, Gonzalo Battaglia, of the children’s book Tommy’s Discovery at the Alper JCC, SW 112th Avenue and 112th Street on Sunday, Nov. 17, at 1:30 p.m. Amar, a native Miamian, is a retired teacher and counselor. Battaglia is a MiamiDade County art teacher. Learn how they collaborated to make this book a reality. The book is about Tommy Turtle. Tommy is worried about who would help him if something happened to his parents. He goes searching for answers by asking his animal friends for help. After almost giving up, he makes a fabulous discovery, one of self-worth and Cindy Amar self-importance. –––––––––––––––

earning the Merit Scholar title. The National Merit Scholarship winners of 2014 will be announced in April 2014. Gulliver also congratulates seniors Ciara Keane, Alexander McQuire, Juan Pino, Monica Rodriguez-Fernandez and Alejandra Ruttimann for being commended in the 2014 National Merit Scholarship Program. The students will not move forward in the competition for National Merit Scholarships, but they may be candidates for scholarships offered by corporate and business sponsors. Six Gulliver seniors have been selected as 2014 National Hispanic Recognition Program (NHRP) scholars. Gulliver’s qualifying seniors are Philip Kaifer, Alexander McQuire, Juan Pino, Monica Rodriguez, Alejandra Ruttimann and Paolo Scalla. All of the students took the Preliminary SAT (PSAT) and qualified during their junior year at Gulliver, and have at least a 3.5 GPA. This year, 5,300 of the highest-scoring students are recognized from more than 259,000 Hispanic/Latino juniors who took the 2012 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) last year. Students recognized by the NHRP are at least one-quarter Hispanic/Latino.

IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION FROM FLORIDA CITY GAS Every day, underground pipelines safely transport natural gas to homes and businesses throughout the area. Florida City Gas is responsible for the security and maintenance of pipelines in our service territory.

Call Before You Dig Before digging around your property, state law requires you call 811 to have your utility lines professionally marked – for free! You must wait the required amount of time before you begin your project. Pipeline markers indicate the presence of pipe and right-of-way. While they’re not present in all areas, it’s always best to call 811.If right-of-way is adjacent to your property, it is your responsibility to ensure no new landscaping or physical structure interferes with access to the pipeline, and with our ability to keep it safe through routine monitoring and maintenance. Information about transmission pipelines operating in your community is available through the National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS) and is available online at

© 2013 AGL Resources Inc. All rights reserved. AGL-11533

Water Heater Safety


The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission urges all users to lower their water heaters to 120 degrees Fahrenheit.

Although natural gas pipeline incidents are uncommon, these tips will help you identify a possible leak and know what to do.

Carbon Monoxide

LISTEN for a hissing or roaring sound near a natural gas appliance or line.

Incomplete combustion of any fuel – produces carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is poisonous and has no odor, taste or color. Carbon monoxide detectors are helpful, but they are no substitute for using equipment safely. This includes having it inspected once a year by a certified contractor.

Appliance Safety According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency: • It’s important that you have your furnace inspected by a qualified specialist. • Be sure all furnace controls and emergency shutoffs are in proper working condition. • Keep trash and other combustible material away from your air heating and water heating systems.

LOOK for blowing dirt or continued bubbling of standing water.

SMELL for the distinctive rotten-egg scent of natural gas. Take action if you detect even a small amount of this odor. LEAVE the area IMMEDIATELY if you detect a natural gas leak. Don’t try to identify the source or stop the leak. CALL Florida City Gas at 888.352.5325 or 911 once you are safely away from the possible leak site. Stay away from the area until a Florida City Gas representative or emergency personnel indicate it is safe to return. REMEMBER while near a possible natural gas leak, do not touch or use anything that may cause a spark. This includes lighters, matches, cigarettes, flashlights, light switches and telephones. Wait until you have left the area to use a cell phone. For more information,visit or call 800.9937546.

Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013


CBBC invites community to International Food Festival BY RAQUEL BANKSTON

Join Community Bible Baptist Church (CBBC Miami) for its inaugural International Food Festival to take place on Saturday, Nov. 9, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Admission is only a $1 donation per person. This annual event will showcase the talents of local food vendors, restaurants, food trucks, as well as many other exciting vendors. This is a family-friendly event featuring live music, performances, Kids Fun-blast Zone, and much more.

Enter the raffles for your chance to win. There will be a winner every hour. Enjoy free giveaways by one of the sponsors, Mercedes Benz of Cutler Bay. While you are there let a team member of Health Systems of South Florida offer you a complimentary health screening. CBBC Miami is located at 9855 SW 152 St. (next door to Coral Reef High School). For information, send email to <>; visit the website at <>, or call 786-487-7749.

Library seeking young artists BY VINORA HAMILTON

The Miami-Dade Public Library is seeking budding young artists, 6-12, to participate in its annual “Make-a-Bookmark” contest. Children are encouraged to submit a drawing depicting the theme: Why I Love My Library? The contest runs until Nov. 16. Contest entry must be original work and will be judged on creativity and neatness. One finalist will be chosen from each branch, and the grand prizewinner will be selected

from among these finalists. The winning design will be used on the library’s official bookmark for 2014, and the winner also will receive a large basket of art supplies and a certificate of recognition from the Miami Dolphins. Entry forms are available at all branches and online at <>. Final date for submission is Saturday, Nov. 16. The Bookmark Contest is made possible with the support of the Miami Dolphins Foundation and the Friends of the MiamiDade Public Library.

Homemade Redland jellies and more at Silver Palm UMC holiday bazaar BY BOB JENSEN

Homemade Redland jellies, Redland-grown fruits, vegetables and plants, baked goods, handmade crafts and other items will be featured at the Silver Palm United Methodist Church Holiday Bazaar on Saturday Nov. 9, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The bazaar, which is being conducted nearly a month earlier than in previous years, will be in the church Fellowship Hall and on the lawn at

15855 SW 248 St. (adjacent to the Miami-Dade Public Schools bus parking lot next to Redland Middle School and across the street from Knauss Berry Farm). The church is on Coconut Palm not Silver Palm Drive. A unique “scoop luncheon” will allow visitors to purchase a “scoop” of one or more dishes prepared by the ladies of the church. Many of the items on sale are very affordable and would make excellent Christmas gifts.

Seasons 52 to host another charity event BY GLORIA BURNS

Seasons 52 on Miracle Mile will host a fundraiser on Tuesday, Nov. 5, 5-7 p.m., to benefit the Coral Gables Woman’s Club Team for the American Arthritis Foundation Walk on Nov. 16 and the Club’s May Van Sickle Children’s Dental Clinic, a free clinic owned and operated by the Coral Gables Woman’s Club. For a minimum $10 donation, guests will receive one complimentary house wine, beer or soda as well as an assortment of Seasons

famous flatbreads. Aside from partying with friends, guests also will have an opportunity to win door prizes and raffle prizes adding some excitement to a fun evening for two great causes. Whether you want to help children in need of dental care or to help prevent and fund a search for the a cure for arthritis, this promises to be a great opportunity to show support. To RSVP, call 305-968-3090. This event is one of many ways that Seasons 52 supports and invests in the community.

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Do you or someone you know have Facial Acne? FXM Research in Miami is looking for males and females 12 years of age or older that suffer from Facial Acne, to participate in a seven [7] study-visit clinical research study. Medical Insurance is not required for study participation. Qualified participants will receive: • Evaluation by a Board Certified Dermatologist. • Investigational Study Medication at no cost. • Reimbursement for time and travel up to USD $350.00.

¿Tiene usted o alguien que usted conoce Acné Facial? FXM Research en Miami está buscando hombres y mujeres de 12 años de edad o más que padecen de Acné Facial, para participar en un estudio clínico de investigación que requiere de siete [7] visitas. No se requiere seguro médico para su participación en el estudio. Los participantes que califiquen recibirán: • Evaluaciones por un Dermatólogo Certificado. • Los medicamentos del estudio bajo investigación sin costo alguno. • Un reembolso por su tiempo y transporte de hasta $350.00. For more information please call:

Para más información por favor llame al:

(305) 220-5222 Hector Wiltz, MD., CPI. Board Certified Dermatologist FXM Research Miami

FXM Research Miami 11760 Bird Road, Suite 452 Miami, FL 33175

Do you or someone you know have Tinea Pedis/Athlete’s Foot? FXM Research in Miami is looking for males and females 18 years or older that suffer from Tinea Pedis “Redness, Itchiness, Maceration, Erosion, and/or Scaling areas in between your toes” to participate in a three [3] study-visit clinical research study. Medical Insurance is not required for study participation. Qualified participants will receive: • Evaluation by a Board Certified Dermatologist. • Investigational Study Medication or placebo at no cost. • Reimbursement for time and travel up to USD $150.00.

¿Tiene usted o alguien que usted conoce Hongos Entre Los Dedos De Sus Pies/Pie De Atleta? FXM Research en Miami está buscando a hombres y mujeres de 18 años o más de edad que padecen de Hongos Entre Los Dedos De Sus Pies “Enrojecimiento, Picazón, Humedad, Erosiones, y/o áreas de Descamación entre los dedos de los pies”, para participar en un estudio clínico de investigación que requiere de tres [3] visitas. No se requiere seguro médico para su participación en el estudio. Los participantes que califiquen recibirán: • Evaluaciones por un Dermatólogo Certificado. • Los medicamentos bajo investigación o placebo sin costo alguno. • Reembolso por su tiempo y transporte de hasta $150.00.

For more information please call:

Para más información por favor llame al:

(305) 220-5222 Hector Wiltz, MD., CPI. Board Certified Dermatologist FXM Research Miami

FXM Research Miami 11760 Bird Road, Suite 452 Miami, FL 33175

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Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013

‘Who Made the Everglades’ topic Florida City’s 100th anniversary of free lecture at Deering Estate highlights museum’s reopening BY CATHY GUERRA

In partnership with the Archaeological Society of Southern Florida, the Deering Estate at Cutler presents a free lecture on the second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. Lectures take place at the Deering Estate at Cutler’s Visitor Center, 16701 SW 72 Ave. The lectures are free to the public. The next lecture is on Thursday, Nov. 14, and the topic is “Who Made the Everglades” with Dr. Michele Williams. Consider taking a walk back in time and experience the Everglades through the eyes of Dr. Williams. From the Paleo-Indian period, 10,000 BCE-8,000 BCE, through the Historic period, 1750 AD-1930 AD, various populations of Native American people navigated through and wrestled the Everglades with its unique ecosystem — marshes, dense mangroves, towering palms, alligator holes and tropical fauna. But how did it all start? This talk will explore the geological and cultural history of the Everglades. In particular, it will look at the role of early Native Americans and

initial tree island formations. Michele Williams, PhD, RPA is the director for the Southeastern Region of Florida Public Archaeology Network at Florida Atlantic University. Dr. Williams has participated in excavations throughout the southeastern United States for the past 25 years. Her specialty within archaeology is the use of plants by prehistoric Native Americans. The Deering Estate at Cutler, a MiamiDade County Park, is located at 16701 SW 72 Ave. in Palmetto Bay. For more information on the Deering Estate’s educational and cultural programs, visit <>. The Archaeological Society of Southern Florida (ASSF) was established in 1949. The ASSF operates as a non-profit, volunteer organization, which acts as a support mechanism for the office of the MiamiDade County Archaeologist, serves as a focal point for local archaeology enthusiasts and professionals in the field, and helps to promote knowledge and appreciation of native archaeological and historical sites in the South Florida area.


Florida City will celebrate its 100th anniversary as an incorporated city in December of 2014. The Florida Pioneer Museum will reopen on Saturday, Nov. 9, highlighting the history of Florida City — originally called Detroit until incorporation. Visitors will view early photos of Detroit and Florida City, postcards, a newspaper published by the developers of the community — the Miami Land and Development Company. The museum recently purchased a collection of the earliest known photos dating back to 1912. They are being analyzed and will be then put on display later. A book of Florida City’s first laws and

ordinances also is on display as well as a large trophy won by the city in a competition in Miami for parade entries. The entry was a truck displaying blocks of ice containing fruit and vegetables grown in the area. Entry to the museum is free. It is open and staffed by volunteer docents from 1 to 5 p.m. on Wednesdays and Saturdays. The Museum Association is looking for volunteers to train for this coming season. No knowledge of the history of the community is required; you will acquire it and be trained by experienced volunteers. Two volunteers are always on duty. To volunteer, contact Meda Jensen at 305-248-0976 and leave a message or send email to <>.

Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013


Public Radio’s BURN to examine coming threat of rising sea levels BY JULIE FUSELLA

With reports and interviews from the beaches of South Florida, the glacier fields of Greenland, the coastal wetlands of Louisiana and the streets of New York City, public radio’s award-winning BURN: An Energy Journal takes an indepth look at the potentially devastating impact of rising seas on two major American cities and the Gulf Coast’s vulnerable marshlands and equally vulnerable oil-and-gas industry. It also captures the sights and sounds of Greenland’s ice sheets, which are melting more rapidly than anyone had anticipated and unleashing huge quantities of fresh water into the North Atlantic. That, in turn, is driving sea rise in places like Miami. In this one-hour special produced by SoundVision Productions, host Alex Chadwick and his BURN colleagues do what public radio does best — break down big, complex, controversial subjects into smaller, more personal, “human-scale” stories, offering powerful reporting and unique insights along the way. “Rising Seas” will be broadcast on WLRN in Miami on Nov. 12, following the recent release of the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s significant report compiled by hundreds of scientists worldwide. The IPCC’s advance summary of the full report is unequivocal: “Our assessment of the science finds that the atmosphere and ocean have warmed, the amount of snow and ice has diminished, the global mean sea level has risen and the concentrations of greenhouse gases have increased,” stated one of IPCC’s co-chairs. The BURN special also is being aired in conjunction with what is known in South Florida as the “King Tide,” an autumnal high tide that puts canals, rivers and coastal areas at risk of flooding. Also available online will be a wealth of additional content — exclusive photos, graphs and videos — that sheds more light on the global impact of rising seas. The website extras will include an essay by award-winning science journalist Dan Grossman who outlines current projections for sea level rise by 2100. BURN reporters will submit video “postcards”

from the field, and filmmaker Josh Kurz, who specializes in blending science with comedy, will present several “explainer videos.” BURN is launching a new Tumblr blog called “100 Years Rising” and is inviting all listeners to imagine what life might be like in the future when more of the world is underwater — and to share those written, photographic and video visions on the new blog. “100 Years Rising” is especially interested in hearing from local journalists — and high school and university students — who live in threatened coastal areas about how their communities will be affected, and what they can do about it. BURN stories on energy and climate change also can be explored on BURN Facebook and followed on Twitter. In the upcoming BURN special, Chadwick calls rising seas “the monster stepchild of climate change.” The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development recently conducted a threat assessment and determined the 20 most vulnerable coastal cities in the world — Miami is first, New York City is third, and New Orleans is 12th. From Miami, Chadwick reports that parts of the city will permanently flood as soon as 15 years from now. Already parts of Miami Beach flood regularly during abnormal high tides. Because the substrate for South Florida is porous limestone, there is basically no defense. He tells the story of Miami’s impending struggle for survival through two local scientists who are deeply involved with sea level rise. Nicole Hernandez Hammer is program manager for the Climate Change Initiative, a project out of Florida Atlantic University that pulls together academics, public officials and agencies to study and prepare for climate change. Hammer tells Chadwick that she is “very concerned about what lies ahead for Florida in the next 30 years. It’s going to be radically different.” Keren Bolter is a PhD student at FAU in the Department of Environmental Studies whose research compares “perceived and actual risk” for sea level rise in Florida. Her preliminary findings: many people who live miles from the coast are at high risk and don’t know it.

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Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013

CHI helping area residents access ACA Marketplace BY LEE STEPHENS

Linda Epps has spent her career caring for others. Yet this self-employed home healthcare provider has struggled to maintain her own healthcare. “I just couldn’t afford it on my salary” she confessed with misty eyes. Epps has been without health insurance for seven years. Five years ago she was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Without insurance she has not been able to properly care for herself and take the suggested medication to control her sugar levels. “I know that’s dangerous. I am the sole supporter of two daughters and I need to be healthy for them,” she continued. So like many others eager for help, Epps went to Community Health of South Florida Inc. (CHI) on Oct. 1. It was the

nationwide enrollment launch date for the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. It has been a complicated issue for many over the past few years that left many wondering how it would affect them. Coverage, pricing and eligibility questions seemed confusing for some. To address those concerns and help educate the community, CHI held an informational program and invited speakers from various agencies to explain everything about the new healthcare program. The event also involved oneon-one enrollment assistance. Hundreds showed up at the Doris Ison Center 10300 SW 216 St., for CHI’s program. However outreach and enrollment staff had to take down names and contact information because the government’s website wasn’t functioning properly. By the end

of the day they had close to 250 people to follow up with for enrollment assistance as soon as the Marketplace website was functioning again. One of those names on the list was Linda Epps. Despite the temporary setback she was enthusiastic. Just knowing that help was in the pipeline meant the world of a difference to her. “Today I have been rescued,” Epps said excitedly. “And now with my new insurance plan my girls will have coverage too until they are 26 year old. Me and my girls have been rescued.” The online Insurance Marketplace offers several different levels of coverage from which to choose. The services covered and the corresponding premium costs vary, allowing people to select the type of care and the affordability appropriate to each family. These options can be viewed and

compared online, or with a trained insurance plan specialist. There are out of pocket limits based on income. Enrollment for ACA is from Oct. 1 through Mar. 31, 2014. In order for the plan to be active by Jan. 1, 2014, the person must apply by Dec. 15. Those who do not make the Dec. 15 deadline will have the start of their coverage delayed. Next year, those without health insurance will be charged a penalty on their income taxes if they have not enrolled by the Mar. 31 deadline. Enrollment assistance will continue to be available at all nine of the CHI locations as well as additional satellite sites throughout the Keys, South Dade and Miami. Anyone can make an appointment with an outreach and enrollment assistant by calling CHI at 786-272-2100.

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Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013


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Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013

Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013


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Seasons Hospice Foundation recruiting Join the community in Making kids for Bereavement Camp, Jan. 18-20 Strides Against Breast Cancer BY AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY BY GREGORY ALFORD

Camp Kangaroo, a free three-day bereavement program offered through Seasons Hospice Foundation, is recruiting children ages 5 to 13 who have lost a loved one to participate in a camp experience in January. The camp will meet from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 18, through Monday, Jan. 20, 2014, at Shake-A-Leg Miami in Coconut Grove. Transportation, lunch and snacks will be provided for campers at no cost. Each day of camp consists of both recreational activities and grief therapy sessions. Camp goals are achieved using a variety of proven bereavement therapy methods. Seasons Hospice Foundation’s Camp Kangaroo began in the Chicago area two years ago, and is quickly expanding to other Seasons Hospice and Palliative Care locations across the country.

Camp Kangaroo has four identified goals: • Educate campers about grief and provide appropriate outlets for them to express their emotions. • Provide peer support by connecting campers with other children experiencing similar loss and grief emotions. • Provide a therapeutic opportunity for campers to honor their lost loved one and move forward through their grief. • Give campers an opportunity to explore medical questions related to their own loss with a Seasons Hospice physician. For more information, or to register your child for Camp Kangaroo, call 305-7629230. Camp Kangaroo is provided at no cost through the generous donations of individuals and organizations in the Miami-Dade community. Call 305-762-9230 if you are interested in becoming a Camp Kangaroo sponsor.

Thousands of Miami residents, breast cancer survivors, businesses and community members will join together at the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 5K walk to fight breast cancer and provide hope to all people facing the disease. This noncompetitive, fundraising event will unite the community in celebrating breast cancer survivors, educate men and women about the importance of early detection and prevention, and raise money to fund lifesaving research and support programs that will further the progress against this disease. The 2013 Miami-Dade Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk will take place Saturday, Nov. 9, at Marlins Park, 501 Marlins Way (NW 16th Avenue) in Miami. The walk begins at 9 a.m. “We invite the entire community to participate in this year’s walk. Unfortunately, nearly everyone has been touched by breast cancer. We must do everything possible to raise the much needed funds to be one step closer to finding a cure,” said 2013 chair Jessica Samo, vice president/group manager with

Jones Lang LaSalle. “Breast cancer has a profound impact on Floridians as the state ranks second in the nation for the number of new breast cancer cases and third in the number of related deaths,” said Yomayra Mora-Perea, Making Strides Against Breast Cancer manager. “But out of these grim numbers comes the hope we create when we gather and work together to fight this disease. The Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event is not only a way to raise funds for that fight, but also gives us a chance to gather to celebrate survivors.” The Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 5K walk supports the American Cancer Society’s unique mission to fight cancer on all four fronts: research, education, advocacy and patient services. Over time, the Society has invested more in breast cancer research than any other voluntary public health organization. Since 1972, it has invested nearly $323 million in breast cancer research grants, resulting in many of today’s breast cancer treatments. For more information or to sign up for the American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer in Miami, call 305594-4363 or visit online at <>.

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Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013

More than 800 walkers ‘Step Out’ to raise awareness about diabetes BY VERONICA NOWELL

More than 800 Miami-Dade residents helped Stop Diabetes by participating in the American Diabetes Association’s Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes on Sept. 21. More than $100,000 was raised and will be used to support the Association’s mission: to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes. “Thanks to the energy, enthusiasm and commitment of our Red Striders, teams, volunteers, and sponsors, Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes was a resounding success!” said Russell Benford, Deputy Mayor of Miami-Dade County. “The money they raised will make a difference in the lives of people with diabetes and their loved ones.” Local sponsors included Navarro Discount Pharmacy, Baptist Health of South Florida, Pizza Hut, Assurant, Florida Blue, FedEx, Miami Herald and El Nuevo Herald, South Florida Times, Toyota, Jessie Trice Community Health Center, CarePlus, Leon Medical Centers, Hogan Lovells, Trivest, Life4Diabetes, Medtronics, Publix Pharmacies, Becker &

Members of Coral Gables Woman’s Club support ADA Step Out to Stop Diabetes Walk. Pictured (l-r) are Gloria Burns, Jessie Francisco, Carol Rosenau, Lauren Chiara and Kate Swain. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Poliakoff, Kaufman Rossi & Company, Nestle, Harvey, Covington and Thomas, and Perform Studios.

National sponsors included Novo Nordisk, Walgreens, Cary’s Sugar Free Syrup, Equal 0 Calorie Sweetener and

PureVia All Natural Zero Calorie Sweetener. Today, nearly 26 million Americans — including 200,000 in Miami-Dade — have diabetes. While an estimated 18.8 million have been diagnosed, unfortunately, 7 million people are unaware that they have the disease. If current trends continue, one in three American adults will have diabetes by 2050. Walking is one of the best forms of exercise for people with diabetes and helps to control glucose levels, and Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes provides an opportunity for people to come together for a fun, healthy activity. The American Diabetes Association is leading the fight to Stop Diabetes and its deadly consequences and fighting for those affected by diabetes. The association funds research to prevent, cure and manage diabetes; delivers services to hundreds of communities; provides objective and credible information, and gives voice to those denied their rights because of diabetes. For more information call the American Diabetes Association at 1-800-DIABETES (1-800-342-2383) or visit <>.

Adding a New Dimension to Breast Health BY DONNA SHELLEY Dr. Leslie Frost has opened a new office and third location for the Comprehensive Breast Care Center at 10300 Sunset Drive. She has the newest technology in breast imaging; 3D mammography or breast tomosynthesis. Dr. Frost is committed to providing the best and most personalized service for women’s health. Modern, two-dimensional mammograms have been available to women since about 1970. The test, a low-dosage x-ray image of the breast has proven effective in early detection of breast cancer and for diagnostic testing of abnormalities in breast tissue. A powerful tool, the mammogram has been extremely important to the fight against this nation’s most prevalent form of cancer among woman. Now, with the addition of 3D imaging, doctors can see the breast tissue in greater detail, from many different angles. Likened to turning the pages of a book, the doctor or radiologist can see the condition of the breast tissue in one millimeter slices at a time. This method creates a clearer picture and

addresses the primary limitations of 2D imaging, the superimposition of normal breast tissue. “3D mammography is very exciting new technology for breast radiologists. It significantly increases the sensitivity of the mammogram particularly when evaluating dense breast tissue, which so many women have. Breast tomosynthesis allows us to see through the best tissue in more detail so that we can find cancer earlier. And we better evaluate areas of concern reducing the need for additional studies,” stated Dr. Frost. With 3D imaging, the outcome can not only distinguish between tumors and dense, healthy tissue, it can mean fewer diagnostic tests and unnecessary biopsies. Regular breast exams and annual mammograms should be part of a woman’s routine health regimen if she is over 40 or in a group that is at high risk of breast cancer. The most prevalent form of cancer among women in the country, breast cancer ranks second only to lung cancer in number of deaths it causes in this demographic. Hispanic-

American women (the most common cause of death from all cancers) and African-American woman (who have a lower incidence of breast cancer than Caucasian women, but tend not to have the mammograms necessary for early detection of cancer) are two groups who are at risk, as well as those who lack health insurance? Dr. Frost reminds women that 85 percent of breast cancer occurs in those who have no family history of the disease. As it turns out, the most significant factors for breast cancer are gender (female) and age (growing older). Although it is rare, men, too can have breast cancer. The good news is that the five-year survival rate for breast cancer found in its earliest stages is 88 percent. Dr. Frost is a board certified radiologist and breast imaging specialist. She has designed her practice to provide her patients with individualized service and attention. She reads all the test results and discusses the tests with each of her patients. In addition to breast health services, Breast Care Centers provide diagnostic breast ultrasound, breast

biopsy, pelvic and transvaginal ultrasound and bone density assessments. The new Breast Care Center is located at 10300 Sunset Drive, Suite 400, Miami, Florida, 33173. Call at 305-602-0692 or visit online at

Dr. Leslie Frost

Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013


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Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013

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Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013


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Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013


Third annual ‘Teal Over Miami’ brings awareness of gynecological cancers BY LEE STEPHENS

after the second annual Teal Over Miami event, Lydia’s Legacy raised almost Lydia’s Legacy hosted its second annual $7,000. Teal Over Miami on Saturday, Sept. 21, at Lydia’s Legacy partnered with the the Courtyard Marriott Coconut Grove Doctors Hospital Gyneoclogic Oncology Sapphire Room. Lydia’s Legacy was Unit and other community organizations to founded by Carin Ross Johnson of Miami bring attention to gynecologic cancers. in memory of her mother, To mark the occasion, Dr. Lydia Greene Ross. attendees were encourThe organization is The organization is aged to wear “teal” attire dedicated to raising dedicated to raising highlighting the color awareness, funding teal, which is the awareawareness, funding research, supporting surness ribbon color for research, supporting gynecologic cancers. In vivors and supporting education about gynecoaddition, teal toes for survivors and logic cancers. Its annual supporting education women and teal ties for fundraiser, Teal Over men were appropriate. about gynecologic Miami, featured a silent Betty Davis, WPLG auction, live music, Local 10 meteorologist, cancers. Its annual health and wellness served as emcee. fundraiser, Teal Over exhibits and raffles. Dr. Lydia G. Ross was “Since our first Teal a leader in the MiamiMiami, featured a Over Miami, I continue Dade Community and silent auction, live to be amazed by the suplost her three-year battle port from the local comwith stage 3A music, health and munity,” Johnson said. Endometrial Cancer on wellness exhibits “This year’s event will June 20, 2010, surroundand raffles. focus on service to caned in love by her family. cer patients. We have Lydia’s chief concern asked attendees to bring hygiene products, through her battle with gynecologic cancer journals and puzzle books to support newly was that there was not enough awareness diagnosed women with cancer. We also or visibility about gynecologic cancer feature the best dessert bar in Miami, all in issues in the community. Hence, the idea of ‘teal,’ the awareness color for women’s “Lydia’s Legacy” was formed as an organgynecologic cancers.” ization targeted toward growing awareProceeds from the event provided fund- ness, education and research regarding ing for cancer support and education in the gynecologic cancers. Miami-Dade community. Since its foundDuring Lydia’s memorial service, teal ing in 2011, Lydia’s Legacy donated more ribbons were given to more than 300 attenthan $15,000 to organizations focused on dees and thousands of dollars in donations gynecologic cancer research, survivor care to the National Foundation for Women’s and finding a cure for these cancers in Cancer were raised and donated in her Charlotte, NC, and Miami. In doing so, honor.

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Not Feeling Quite Right? You Might be Low in Zinc Zinc is a mineral that is essential for immune function, protein synthesis, wound healing and cell growth and is required by the body to make many essential hormones. Due to food processing and soil depletion and interactions with medications such as protein pump inhibitors (PPIs), zinc deficiency is now a common problem. Fitness enthusiasts are prone to zinc deficiency caused by sweating. Older patients with poor dietary habits are especially vulnerable to zinc deficiency. Symptoms of deficiency include fatigue, poor appetite, digestive problems, and smell and taste dysfunction. The Zinc Taste Test is an easy, inexpensive method of assessing zinc deficiency in an office setting. Ask our compounding pharmacist for more information about the Zinc Taste Test and customized treatment for zinc deficiency.

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Facial Plastic Surgery with Dr. Bustillo Dr. Bustillo, My son fell last week while running around the pool and cut his upper lip. We took him to the E.R. and the physician there stitched him. He is supposed to return to the E.R. this week to get his stitches removed and to have it checked, but I don’t like the way it is looking right now. What should we do? Should we have done something different? Sandra Dear Sandra, My best advice is for you to take her to a plastic surgeon. At this point the lip is healing and he will not be able to “re-do it”, but he will be able to make sure it is healing well. Lip lacerations can be tricky, as the vermilion border (the junction of the white lip and the red lip) has to be lined up perfectly. If it is not, a step or a notch can be created. If this occurs, it can be corrected about a year later in the office under local anesthesia. Regarding your second question, unless you know a plastic surgeon and can call him, it’s always best to go to the emergency room. If the laceration is large or on the face, it’s best to ask for the plastic surgeon on call to evaluate and treat you. Best,

Andres Bustillo, MD You can submit your questions to Andres Bustillo is a board certified facial plastic surgeon. 305-663-3380

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Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013

Bayfront Park’s free yoga classes Cancer Prevention Study-3: surpass 100,000 in attendance How you can help cure cancer BY AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY BY CAROL CUTT

Another milestone was reached at Bayfront Park’s free yoga class on Wednesday, Oct. 16, as total attendance since the inception of the classes surpassed 100,000. Assuming 525 calories burned during the hour-and-15-minute class, that amounts to a total of 52.5 million calories burned. Free weekly yoga classes started at Bayfront Park on Sept. 12, 2005. Eight people attended the class. The class was held every Monday, and by May 2006, the classes had become so popular they were expanded to three times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). Currently, average attendance is exceeding 100 per class.

The setting is ideal. Conducted outdoors by Biscayne Bay, the classes offer a unique atmosphere to relax and invigorate at the same time. In addition, participants can enjoy the stunning view. “The classes are about building a community and we are pleased that the community has responded,” said Timothy Schmand, Bayfront Park Management Trust’s executive director. Classes are open free to the public, and take place rain or shine and on holidays. In the event of rain, the classes are held inside the Bayfront Park Management Trust office. Current class sponsors are TeamFootWorks and Yoga Journal. Past sponsors have included smartwater, ZICO Beverages, Naked Juice, and NatureRaised Farms.

As the American Cancer Society marks its 100th birthday this year, we are asking South Floridians to celebrate with us and help finish the fight against cancer by participating in a historic cancer research study. This study, Cancer Prevention Study-3 (CPS-3), will give scientists a better understanding of cancer causes and prevention. If you’re between the ages of 30 and 65 with no personal history of cancer, you can enroll in the study. All you have to do is sign a consent form, complete a brief survey, have your waist measured and give a small blood sample. Then you’ll be sent follow-up surveys from time to time throughout the next 20 years so researchers can learn more about your lifestyle and look for clues about what causes cancer. “The question is not ‘why am I participating?’ The question is ‘how could I not?’’ said CPS-3 participant Bibiana Salmon who is championing CPS-3 enrollment in Miami. “Cancer affects so many lives and this is my chance to be part of the study that finds a cure.” There is an enrollment events coming up in the area on Tuesday, Nov. 5, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., at Baptist Health South Florida – The

Atrium Building, 1500 San Remo Ave, Suite 400, in Coral Gables. You do need to schedule an appointment before the enrollment events. Just go to <> and click on the “South Florida locations” tab or call 305592-3687. “Many individuals diagnosed with cancer struggle to answer the question, ‘What caused my cancer?’ In many cases, we don’t know the answer,” said Alpa V. Patel, PhD, principal investigator of CPS-3. “CPS-3 will help us better understand what factors cause cancer, and once we know that, we can be better equipped to prevent cancer.” Researchers say CPS-3 holds the best hope of identifying new and emerging cancer risks. “Of all the world’s enemies, few compare to cancer. No natural disaster, common trauma, crime or war claims anywhere near the number of lives that cancer does every year,” Salmon said. “Our country spends billions of dollars on cancer but rarely looks at the cause of the disease. Finding the cause would enable us to prevent it, because the cause is the cure.” We hope to see you at the CPS-3 enrollment event in November.

Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013


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Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013

Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013


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Puree Executivee Healthh & Wellnesss offerss medicall caree forr busyy professionals


Compassionate care, comprehensive treatment, preventive medicine, convenience and personalized service make up the core philosophy of Pinecrest’s newest patient care center – Pure Executive Health & Wellness — operated by Dr. Jennifer Miranda, a board certified internal medicine physician. At her modern offices in the Marlin Centre in Pinecrest Plaza, 11921 S. Dixie Hwy., Dr. Miranda focuses on building the patient-physician relationship, which she believes is the first step toward achieving total body wellness. “In traditional practices, many physicians do not devote proper time and attention to each patient,” Miranda said. “As a result, the focus of care is on putting out fires and treating symptoms and illnesses instead of being proactive with health and wellness.” Miranda provides comprehensive care to all patients over age 15. Pure Health and Wellness packages are designed for busy individuals who want to learn about their health and be involved in their wellness process. “Executive physical examinations for men and women help individuals in high-stress jobs maintain good health so they don’t lose time due to health issues,” Miranda said. “They are able to stay focused on their work and be there for their families.” Preventive medicine often begins with a complete physical and diagnostic screening. In her state-of-the-art facility, Dr. Miranda provides diagnostic testing services such as a complete blood workup, body composition, food sensitivity, bone density scan, hearing exam, lung function, genetic screening,

Dr. Jennifer Miranda of Pure Executive Health & Wellness ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

EKG and stress testing, breast exams, Pap Smears and sleep studies. In a traditional practice, such testing often requires several appointments at different facilities. And in many cases, patients leave screenings with numbers, but no explanations or instructions to improve the results. After a Pure Health and Wellness analysis, Dr. Miranda develops an individual action plan to achieve maximum health benefits. “A patient’s action plan may include recommendations on nutrition, exercise, vitamins and supplements, sleep habits,

stress strategies and medical or pharmaceutical intervention,” she said. Miranda received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Harvard University, graduating Magna Cum Laude. She was a four-time recipient of the John Harvard Scholarship for academic achievement and was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa national honor society. Her impressive credentials and experience enable her to diagnose and treat a variety of ailments, including asthma, diabetes and diseases of the heart, liver, lungs and thyroid, and, of course, cold and flu. A native of Miami, Miranda received her medical degree from the University of Miami School of Medicine and was admitted into Alpha Omega Alpha, one of the highest honors bestowed on a medical student. She completed her residency at the UM/Jackson Memorial Hospital where she was named Intern of the Year and served as chief medical resident. She also recently completed a comprehensive program at UM in Functional Medicine. “Advance testing shows the balance of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which can play a significant role in wellness,” she said. “Additionally, certain foods can cause inflammation and other negative symptoms. I’ve had many positive experiences with determining food sensitivities. When patients eliminated problematic foods, they felt so much better.” Miranda schedules ample time with patients to eliminate waiting and offers same day, next day and Saturday appointments. She also makes home visits and provides patients with her phone number so they can always reach her. For more information, call 786-227-6811 or go to <>.

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Do you or someone you know have Rosacea? FXM Research in Miami is looking for males and females 18 years or older that suffer from Rosacea “Redness on forehead, cheeks, and nose with acne type lesions on your face” to participate in a four [4] study-visit clinical research study. Medical Insurance is not required for study participation.

Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013

Friends of Nature Music Festival set Nov. 9-10

Qualified participants will receive: • Evaluation by a Board Certified Dermatologist. • Investigational Study Medication or placebo at no cost. • Reimbursement for time and travel up to USD $200.00.

¿Tiene usted o alguien que usted conoce Rosacea? FXM Research in Miami está buscando hombres y mujeres de 18 años de edad o más que padecen de Rosacea “Enrojecimiento en la frente, mejillas, y nariz con lesiones similares al acné”, para participar en un estudio clínico de investigación que requiere de cuatro [4] visitas. No se requiere seguro médico para su participación en el estudio. Los participantes que califiquen recibirán: • Evaluaciones por un Dermatólogo Certificado. • Los medicamentos del estudio bajo investigación o placebo sin costo alguno. • Reembolso por su tiempo y transporte de hasta $200.00. For more information please call:

Para más información por favor llame al:

(305) 220-5222 Hector Wiltz, MD., CPI. Board Certified Dermatologist FXM Research Miami

FXM Research Miami 11760 Bird Road, Suite 452 Miami, FL 33175

Do you or someone you know have Tinea Pedis/Athlete’s Foot? FXM Research in Miami is looking for males and females 18 years or older that suffer from Tinea Pedis “Redness, Itchiness, Maceration, Erosion, and/or Scaling areas in between your toes” to participate in a three [3] study-visit clinical research study. Medical Insurance is not required for study participation. Qualified participants will receive: • Evaluation by a Board Certified Dermatologist. • Investigational Study Medication or placebo at no cost. • Reimbursement for time and travel up to USD $150.00.

¿Tiene usted o alguien que usted conoce Hongos Entre Los Dedos De Sus Pies/Pie De Atleta? FXM Research en Miami está buscando a hombres y mujeres de 18 años o más de edad que padecen de Hongos Entre Los Dedos De Sus Pies “Enrojecimiento, Picazón, Humedad, Erosiones, y/o áreas de Descamación entre los dedos de los pies”, para participar en un estudio clínico de investigación que requiere de tres [3] visitas. No se requiere seguro médico para su participación en el estudio. Los participantes que califiquen recibirán: • Evaluaciones por un Dermatólogo Certificado. • Los medicamentos bajo investigación o placebo sin costo alguno. • Reembolso por su tiempo y transporte de hasta $150.00.

For more information please call:

Para más información por favor llame al:

(305) 220-5222 Hector Wiltz, MD., CPI. Board Certified Dermatologist FXM Research Miami

FXM Research Miami 11760 Bird Road, Suite 452 Miami, FL 33175


“FonFest,” the Friends of Nature Music Festival, takes place Nov. 9-10 at the historic Virginia Key Beach Park. An ambitious and innovative event, done on a grand scale, the environmentally conscious festival is billed as more than just a music festival, with hundreds of musicians, artists, filmmakers, inventors, comedians, and philosophers from all over the world pitching in to provide entertainment and to raise awareness about saving the planet. Besides the concert music by exciting bands in four “stage” areas there will be costumes, sculptures and art exhibits, food (including ice cream, ice cold lemonade, pop-corn and fruit) workshops, yoga, dancers, comedy, drum circles, movies on the beach, and non-profit

organizations participating. FonFest is presented by Eyeness Productions, co-founded by Miami locals Ines Galindo and Oscar Diaz. One of the first production companies in Miami creating events that implement eco-friendly initiatives and use alternative energy, making them more responsible to the environment, the festival founders hope that all attendees “will leave with the tools and knowledge of how to save the planet.” Unlike many music festivals, it will source all power from natural sources such as solar, bio-fuel and natural gas generators as well as ensure all products sold remain true to the festival’s eco-friendly mandate. For more information about the festival, the music and comedy lineup and other details, or to purchase tickets to FonFest, visit the website at <>.

Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013


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Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013

Chevrolet shows off 2014 Corvette Stingray to media BY RON BEASLEY

Automotive Editor Chevrolet sent a team of its top executives to Miami recently, along with a trio of beautiful new Corvette Stingrays, to showcase the latest rendition of the iconic sports car for members of the Southern Automotive Media Association (SAMA). A record turnout of more than 65 SAMA members showed up at the trendy Barton G’s restaurant in Miami Beach to drive the new version of the Corvette, a car that has become an international classic, and hear Chevrolet’s performance cars marketing manager John Fitzpatrick give a detailed review of the new sports car. He told the group that this is the first Corvette since the early 1970s to warrant wearing the legendary “Stingray” badge. “We didn’t set out to build a Stingray,” Fitzpatrick said. “We set out to build the greatest Corvette we could. It wasn’t until we got done that we said, ‘Ya know, this really does remind everybody of the ’63 Corvette in terms of not only the look of the car, but how the car feels and how it reacts.’ We thought it was natural to add the Stingray name at that point.”

He added that Chevrolet is “redefining modern performance with this latest Stingray. And only a Corvette with the perfect balance of technology, design and performance can wear the iconic Stingray designation.” Fitzpatrick also told the crowd that the new Stingray is the most powerful standard Corvette model ever produced, with 455 hp (460 hp with the available performance exhaust system), and that it is the most capable standard Corvette ever, with the high-performance Z51-equipped models clocking 0-60 acceleration in 3.8 seconds, running the quarter-mile in 12 seconds at 119 mph, achieving an amazing 1.03g in cornering grip and stopping from 60 mph in just 107 feet. He added that the new Corvette Stingray shares only two parts with the previousgeneration Corvette. It incorporates an allnew frame structure and chassis, a new powertrain and supporting technologies and completely new exterior and interior designs. Some of the highlights of the new Stingray are: • An interior of genuine carbon fiber and aluminum trim, hand-wrapped leather materials, dual eight-inch configurable

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Pictured is SAMA member Juan Robbin at the wheel of the new Corvette Stingray, with Chevrolet’s performance cars marketing manager John Fitzpatrick and communications manager Monte Duran standing by. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

driver/infotainment screens and two new seat choices, each featuring a lightweight magnesium frame for strong support. • Advanced driver technologies, including a five-position Drive Mode Selector that tailors 12 vehicle attributes to fit the driver’s environment and a new sevenspeed manual transmission with Active Rev Matching that anticipates gear selections and matches engine speed for perfect shifts every time. • An all-new 6.2-liter LT1 V-8 engine that combines advanced technologies, including direct injection, Active Fuel Management, continuously variable valve timing and an advanced combustion system that delivers more power while using less fuel. • Lightweight materials, including an aluminum frame; carbon fiber hood and removable roof panel on coupes; composite fenders, doors and rear quarter panels; carbon-nano composite underbody panels

and a new aluminum frame that help shift weight rearward for an optimal 50/50 weight balance. • A sculpted exterior that features advanced high-intensity discharge and light-emitting diode lighting, with raceproven aerodynamics that balance low drag for efficiency and performance elements for improved stability and track capability. • An all-new, fully electronic top on the convertible that can be lowered remotely using the key fob and operates at up to 30 mph. • Track-capable Z51 Performance Package, including an electronic limitedslip differential; dry-sump oiling system; integral brake, differential and transmission cooling; as well as specific wheels, tires, brakes and a unique aero package that improves high-speed stability. Pricing on the Stingray Coupe starts at $51,995 and on the Convertible at $56,995.

Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013


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Debuts and much more set for Miami International Auto Show BY JOHN G. KISKINIS

Auto aficionados will have the opportunity to get a first look at hundreds of 2014 model cars, trucks, crossovers, and SUVs when the Miami International Show returns to the Miami Beach Convention Center for its 43rd annual run. The show will open on Friday, Nov. 8, at the Convention Center (1901 Convention Center Dr.) in Miami Beach, and conclude its 10-day run on Sunday, Nov. 17. Models from more than 40 manufacturers will be displayed throughout the nearly half million square foot floor along with many of the same special features and exhibits that have made the auto show one of the keynote events of South Florida’s fall season. Miami is considered among the top five in attendance nationally among auto shows. “South Florida is a top market for introducing new automotive products,” said Mario Murgado, show chair of this year’s 43rd annual event. “Today’s engineering and technology are adding to efficiency, safety, reliability and value. These cars really offer something for everyone.” Two vehicles will be making their national auto show debuts in Miami. The

Cadillac Escalade, which set the standard for luxury SUVs when it was introduced as a 1999 model, is all new for 2015 as it enters its fourth generation. The 2014 Maserati Ghibli sedan, first seen as a coupe in the 1960s, is set to spearhead the Italian manufacturer’s ambitious plans to become a fine-line automaker by 2015. The 2014 Chevrolet Corvette, the Great American sports car that is entering its seventh generation, is the Official Show Car for the Miami Auto Show. In addition to being able to pore over the vehicles at their leisure, show attendees will be able to get behind the wheel of selected new models from manufacturers like Buick, Chevrolet, GMC, Cadillac, Chrysler, Volkswagen, Hyundai, Kia, Scion, Mazda, and Toyota during the show’s Ride and Drive opportunities on weekend hours and Veterans Day (Nov. 11). “There’s no better backdrop at any other auto show in the U.S. than Miami Beach’s famed Ocean Drive,” Murgado added. Camp Jeep, offering attendees the opportunity for an off-road experience as Jeep experts take riders around a special layout just outside the center, returns and will recognize its one-millionth rider during the course of the show. It could be you, so

don’t miss it! Also back will be the nostalgic Havana Classics presented in part by Telemundo 51. Cars that once toured the Cuba’s picturesque roads and backstreets will transport you back in time to the 1950s. A rare, 1936 Ford Cabriolet originally owned by Academy Award winning actress Katharine Hepburn will be among the featured vehicles, rumble seat and all. Who doesn’t like convertibles? For the second straight year, the Topless in Miami exhibit will have on display drop tops from the annual competition sponsored by the Southern Automotive Media Association. Once again, exotics like Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lotus and Aston Martin will be in Million Dollar Alley to entice those attendees holding winning lottery tickets. Speaking of nostalgia, Memory Lane, annually sponsored by the South Region of the Antique Automobile Club of America, will have a special attraction this year. See something you really, really, really like? Let others know immediately. Show attendees will be able to connect and interact with others in real time via Twitter at prominent screens displayed at high-traffic

points on the convention center floor. Oh, yes. Don’t forget to enter the show’s annual giveaway promotion for your chance to win a brand new Chevrolet Camaro. The prize car, a Camaro 1LT, carries an MSRP of nearly $30,000. The South Florida Automobile Dealers Association, which is comprised of more than 190 dealerships in Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach and Monroe counties, is the official sponsor of the Miami International Auto Show, which debuted in 1971. Admission to the show is $12 for adults, $6 children ages 6-12, and free for children 5 and under. Tickets may be ordered through the show’s website for a $1 convenience fee. Discount tickets knocking $2 off the admission price are available while supplies last at participating McDonald’s restaurants in Miami-Dade, Broward and Monroe counties and new car and truck dealerships throughout South Florida. They also may be requested through the auto show’s website. For more information on this year’s event, visit the website, <>, or contact show coordinator Cliff Ray at 305-981-1448.

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Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013

2013 RAV4 crossover SUV marks fourth generation Ron Beasley AUTOMOTIVE EDITOR

LET’S TALK CARS The all-new 2013 RAV4 is the fourth-generation of Toyota’s popular crossover utility vehicle. The new design features a sleeksloping roofline, an aggressive character line, sculpted front and rear fenders and boldly proportioned taillights. The new interior has a premium, sophisticated look with softtouch accents and driver-centric controls. In a break with its heritage, RAV4 switched from its side-hinged rear door to a convenient roof-hinged liftgate, with a spacesaver spare tire stored beneath the cargo floor. Standard on the Limited grade is a onetouch power rear liftgate with driver-selectable memory height settings. There’s tworow seating for five and a host of available in-cabin technologies. RAV4 offers a balance of performance and all-around capability, including excellent cargo capacity, striking design, eight standard airbags and a broad array of standard features. It’s available in three grades — LE,

XLE and Limited. For power, there’s a fuel-efficient fourcylinder engine mated to a new six-speed transmission. There are several powertrain technologies, including a 2.5-liter four-cylinder that produces 176 hp at 6,000 rpm and 172 pounds-feet of torque at 4,100 rpm. The optional V-6 of the previous-generation RAV4 has been discontinued. A six-speed transmission with Sequential Shift replaces the previous four-speed automatic. First and second gear ratios have been optimized for aroundtown performance. To keep engine revs lower at highway speeds and enhance fuel mileage, fifth and sixth gears are overdrives. RAV4 front-wheel-drive models have an EPA-rated fuel efficiency of 24/31 mpg, while all-wheel-drive models get 22/29 mpg. A new Eco mode is designed to promote more efficient driving and enhance fuel efficiency. The new RAV4 also delivers a more dynamic drive, with new technologies like a Sport Mode with Dynamic Torque Control AWD, enhancements in suspension performance and optimized electric power steering. The spring rates have been enhanced and the shock absorbers have been optimally tuned to enhance handling characteristics. RAV4 has a MacPherson strut front suspension, double-wishbone rear suspension and four-

RAV4 has a sleek-sloping roofline and an aggressive character line.

wheel disc brakes. The LE rides on 17-inch steel wheels, XLE on 17-inch alloys and the Limited on 18-inch alloys. In both front- and all-wheel drive RAV4’s Sport Mode sharpens shift timing, throttle response and steering response. When downshifting the RAV4 six-speed automatic transmission in “S” Mode, engine revs rise with a clearly audible “blip,” adding to the driving experience. In the RAV4 with AWD, Dynamic Torque Control AWD has additional benefits. When turning into and through a corner, power is

sent to the rear wheels to help enhance cornering performance, detecting steering angle and lack of yaw rate in Sport Mode (and detecting lack of yaw rate in Normal and Eco Mode). The MSRP on the 2013 Toyota RAV4 ranges from $23,300 to $28,410. Ron Beasley is the automotive editor for Miami’s Community Newspapers. He may be contacted by calling 305-662-2277, ext. 261, or by addressing email correspondence to <>.

Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013


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Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013

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Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013

Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013



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Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013


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Oct. 29 - Nov. 11, 2013

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