South Miami News, January 12, 2010 Edition - Local, Community News - Miami, Florida

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One of Miami’s Community Newspapers _______________________________________ Supporting local businesses since 1958

South Miami

JANUARY 12 - 18, ______________________________

‘Spirit of the Season Awards’ presented by CRA homes decorated for the holidays Tommy Hilfiger also reads it



he South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) once again selected homes in the area that brought holiday cheer to the neighborhood during the Christmas season by displaying lights and other decorations, setting a festive mood. CRA Director Stephen David and Staff Member James McCants were joined by South Miami Mayor Horace Feliu, Vice Mayor Brian Beasley and Commissioner Valerie Newman as the awards team made the rounds to visit the families who had put in the extra effort to beautify their homes and celebrate the holidays. Each family was presented with a special yard sign reading “Spirit of the Season Award” and “In recognition of your efforts to share holiday cheer and inspire community pride.” The awards were presented to the following residents: Rosa Graggs, located at 6039 SW 63 Terrace; Ms. Thompson, at 6120 SW 63 Street; Jackie Hill of 6083 SW 62 Terrace and James Dean, located at 6020 SW 62 Street.

Tommy Hilfiger and his son Sebastian along with Mya Rochaix at his home in New York after having breakfast with some friends during the holidays. Mya is the daughter of Cecile Fanfani, a close friend of Hilfiger and staff member at Community Newspapers.

The top 5 fat loss foul-ups This is the time of the year that more Americans than ever will begin their attempt to lose weight and get healthy. Unfortunately, most will give up frus-

Now you see him, now you don’t... BY MICHAEL MILLER <>

(See photos on page 7)

BY SCOTT BAUMANN General Manager, Fitness Together Miami

Around Town

trated and disappointed within the first 30 days. Don’t be one of them this year. Avoid the most common mistakes in your weight loss efforts and make this the year that you reach your goals! The following are the “Top 5 Fat Loss Foul-Ups.” 1. “STARVING” THE WEIGHT OFF Restricting calories too severely or skipping meals is one of the worst things that

you can do. This strategy will give you immediate weight loss and gratification, but your body will adapt to this very quickly and slow down your metabolism in response. The result will be “yo-yo” dieting syndrome and a body that now burns fewer calories. Don’t skip meals and ––––––––––––––––– See

Co uld n’t help bu t notice that the last couple of times I went to city hall that I couldn’t find the city attorney’s vehicle. But yet the attorney was there. What’s that all about? Perhaps he’s parking offsite so he can walk to the office and get some exercise, not that he needs it. But, I’ll just bet you that he’s parking away from city hall so that someone won’t know that he’s there. Just some speculation on my part, but… And sp ea ki ng of speculation, it has been reported that Vice Mayor Brian Beasley is a bit concerned about all the questions that the authorities have been making about marriages, foreclosures, the Sunshine Law, money, money, money, the purchase of property by the CRA and more. It must be keeping him busy, busy, busy thinking about all the questions and answers that have been swirling around. A while ago, the city in its infinite wisdom made a few changes in the way it charges for the use of public streets, like when the streets get closed for things like the art show, and other feel-good events that bring lots of folks to the city. Well, the city upped its charge a bit and especially in the case of FootWorks, which puts on some foot races in the city like the Twilight Run each summer. Well, FootWorks paid the city $2,950 last year and I think that didn’t include the police that are needed, and this year, the city

FOUL UPS, page 5 ––––– See


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January 12 - 18, 2010

January 12 - 18, 2010



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wants $554,000. Yes, that’s not a typo; the city wants $554,000 to close the street for the 3.1-mile fun race/jog around the city. Yes, a half million bucks plus and by the way, that DOES NOT include the extra charge for the police. Golly, city fathers, can’t you rethink the ordinance and get it back to last years rate, plus maybe five percent more. South Miami Polic e are out and about this time of the year. On SW 62 Avenue the cop with the radar gun is there quite often enforcing the speed limit and, no, he does not hide in the bushes, he is out there in full view for everyone to see. And let’s see, Casa Larios continues to be a hangout for South Miami’s Finest. Many times they’re out on the patio getting Café con Leche and sharing war stories. Hmm, I’d love to be a fly on that wall, one day. And by the way, many thanks go out to Officer Friendly, who helped out a friend. And spea ki ng of he lping out: Many thanks to Dr. O, Emma, Juan, Pablo, Carolyn, Paulette, Ruben, Stella and their colleagues for the compassionate care that you provide to those that come to you during their time of need.


South Miami Miller Publishing • Community Newspapers 6796 SW 62 Avenue • South Miami, FL 33143 305-669-7355 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– PUBLISHER

Grant Miller


CONTRIBUTING EDITORS David Berkowitz, Gary Alan Ruse

WRITERS Ron Beasley, Linda Bernfeld-Rodriguez, Kenneth Bluh, Robert Hamilton, Gary Alan Ruse, Richard Yager

ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Albie Barnes, Roberta Bergman, Beatriz Brandfon, Ana Caceres, Celia Canabate, Diane Chasin, Henry Chau, Sharon Christian, Amy Donner, Cecile Fanfani, Dianne Maddox, Denzel Miles, Ann Robbins-Udel, Fara Sax, Diane Sedona Schiller, Lori Schwadron, Georgia Tait, Walter White


GRAPHIC ARTISTS Isabel Ortega, Angie Santiesteban, Catalina Roca


––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– We will not return solicited or unsolicited material including stories, columns and/or photographs. If you send us anything, please make sure that you have duplicate copies of the material. Every issue of the South Miami News is fully copyrighted, and all property rights, including advertisements, produced by Community Newspapers and Miller Publishing. Using artwork and /or typography furnished or arranged for/by us is the property of Community Newspapers.

MILLER PUBLISHING AND COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS are proud to publish the following newspapers: Aventura News, Biscayne Bay Tribune, Coral Gables News, Cutler Bay News, Doral Tribune, Kendall Gazette, Palmetto Bay News, Pinecrest Tribune, South Miami News and Sunny Isles Beach Sun

S o r ry to see that Eddie Barrones closed up his restaurant, Poblano, which was right next to Irish Times on Sunset Drive. Eddie, who has several other business interests, served on the City’s Parking committee, as well as being the President of the Red Sunset Merchants Association. A n d s p e a k i n g of the Red Sunset Merchants, Amy Donner, with whom I have the pleasure of working and who has been working tirelessly to promote the RSMA, was recently elected president of the organization. Amy knows how to promote South Miami and cares about the city and its merchants. Congratulations to her and to the members of the RSMA who gave her the nod. P.S. In case you haven’t noticed, we are proud of her. We l l , i t f i n a l l y h a p p e n e d : George Wilson, after serving up family style food and more for nearly 50 years, has said it’s time for the next phase, and has sold Fox’s. Yes, folks, the restaurant on S. Dixie Highway that has been providing food, booze, friendship and camaraderie for all the old timers, and some new ones, too, was sold a few weeks ago to Rene Dahdah and his wife. Wa n d e re d ove r to Sunset Drive last Saturday night. My goodness. What was going on in South Miami? There was so

much traffic that the police were out directing cars and pedestrians into and out of the Shops of Sunset. Not much parking around, but lots of people walking everywhere enjoying the coolness in the air and the beginning of a new year. My wife, Susan, and I decided not to park in the “Shops” but instead went to the city parking garage, and lo and behold, there were so many cars there too that we wound up on the top floor, AKA the roof, and in the nick of time found a spot. Not sure why South Miami is so hot, but it is, and we’re glad that so many people come to the City Of Pleasant Living to spend their time and money too. We e njoy ed d inne r over at Splitsville with Paul and Lizette Marolf and had lots of appetizers, a couple of drinks and dinner too. The staff at Splitsville did a great job in taking care of us and the teamwork concept that they have going on there helps you feel as though “they,” as in all of them, are there working together to keep the customers happy. Which they did and more. Th o u g h t o f t h e D a y May all your troubles last as long as your New Year’s resolutions. — Joey Adams

Got any tips? Contact me at 305-6697355, ext. 249, or send emails to <>.

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Send e m a il t o : m ic h a e l @ co m m u n i t y n e w s p a p e r s . co m

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January 12 - 18, 2010

This year’s Junior Orange Bowl Parade a time to look back Gloria Burns GLORIA’S GAB Thousands gathered on the streets of Coral Gables on January 2, to watch the best youth parade anywhere, the 61st A n n u a l J u n i o r O r a n ge B o w l P a ra de. Festivities that night began with a preparade show sponsored once again by Miami Children’s Hospital and featuring T h e O u r L ad y o f L o u r d es Dan c er s. Among the many enjoying the pre parade in the bleacher seating in front of Coral Gables City Hall were JOBC past presidents, politicians and sponsors; as well as the guests of the JOBC’s biggest ticket buyer, Ly n n Ba ue r. Bauer, who used to throw big holiday parties for children, has opted the last few years to buy a section

or two of the bleacher seating to support the JOBC and to entertain her guests. Lynn employed the services of Burger Bob’s Rita who prepared great dinner packages for all to enjoy while watching a parade. Among her many guests were H a n k L a ng s t o n, who actually chaired the very first JOBC night time parade many years ago, and her new fiancé, UM Professor H a l Wanless. The parade this year was dedicated to the memory of JOBC Past President Bob Self, who worked hard for decades ensuring a quality parade for our young people. He is certainly missed. In keeping with what Self strived for as a dedicated JOBC member, this year’s parade had something for everyone, showcasing much local talent as well as the participation of visiting bands including one huge marching band that came all the way from Minnesota. On another nostalgic note, this year’s event included two cars from Carroll’s Jewelers, a parade staple for 61 years. Sadly, Carroll’s is now going out of busi-

Pictured at a soft opening of their new restaurant, Smoke’t, are Chef Michael Altman, Brandon Lurie and John Janette.

Finis Terrae Home Design Hand made furniture in forged iron and wood, imported from Chile and Colombia. Lamps, art, gifts and much more. 7221 SW 57 Court • South Miami


Pictured welcoming friends to her bleacher sections at the JOBC Parade are Lynn Bauer, with fiancé Hal Wanless and friends. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

ness and will be closing their doors in the near future. Of course, for those looking for special gifts,, St eve Moorman is liquidating and offering some great buys, with plenty of time for Valentine’s Day. While some businesses are closing, others are opening. In fact, a new restaurant, S m ok e’ t , featuring a southern kitchen menu, kicked off the New Year with its launch party on January 4. Smoke’t owners C h e f M ic h a e l A l t m a n , B r a n d o n L u r i e , a n d J o h n J a n e t t e held a soft opening earlier that brought rave reviews. Preview guests enjoyed their exciting new menu, a taste of the South and tap, with everything from great barbecued ribs and pulled pork to creative appetizers and desserts that will delight any pallet. With big screen televisions all over the place, a beautiful bar, and lots of open spaces, this promises to be another “happening place” to enjoy good food, watch sports or congregate with friends. It is located on S. Dixie Highway

across from the University of Miami, just south of Gables Waterway. Finally, while many Florida schools had a disappointing bowl appearances, hats off to the University of Florida’s G a t o r footbal l t ea m fo r w i nnin g t he Su gar Bowl in one of their best performances this season breaking all BCS records in the process. What a way to send off the awesome senior class and welcome a new recruiting class of highly ranked players. Until next week, keep making each day count.

Gloria Burns is Executive Director of the Community Foundation of Pinecrest, a 501 (c) (3) non profit organization, as well as a columnist for Community Newspapers. Keeping abreast of community activities is a challenge. If you would like to submit information for this column, send your news via email to <>.

Monday: Stormy Monday Blues Jam Thursday: The Fish House Jazz Cats Pro-Open mic @ 8:30pm til Midnight Happy Oyster Hour Mon-Thur All Day Doz.Raw $5.00 “Best Early Dinner” Daily @ $9.99 4:00 - 6:00pm Visit for discount coupons!

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January 12 - 18, 2010


FOUL UPS, from page 1 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– never skip breakfast. Eat a healthy breakfast within 30 minutes of awakening and eat a small meal or snack every 3-4 hours. 2. CUTTING OUT CERTAIN “FOOD GROUPS” “No carb” or “No fat” diets are not only ineffective, but they are dangerous to your health. There is no need and no benefit to completely cutting out fats or carbohydrates, as a certain amount of both are necessary to good health and even fat-burning. Instead of focusing on the things you have to eliminate, focus on eating more vegetables, more fruit and more lean proteins. 3. FOCUSING ON WEIGHT AND NOT BODY-FAT PERCENTAGE Too many people focus on the scale and what it says. The scale can only tell you how much you weigh, but not what that weight consists of. There is a huge, huge difference between being 160 lbs and 35% body fat, or 160 lbs and 16% body fat. Have your body fat level tested regularly so you can be sure that you are losing fat and not muscle and water. 4. RELYING ON “DIET” DRINKS AND PROCESSED FOODS Don’t make the mistake of using diet sodas, fat-free potato chips and diet microwave meals as a way to lose weight. This is one of the most unhealthy things you can do and ineffective for long term weight loss. Many diet foods and drinks have dangerous chemicals and additives

Page 5 John Balzola Photography

that are suspected of causing thyroid problems and even cancer. Stay away from processed foods and stick to wholesome natural foods and snacks like fruits, nuts and vegetables; so you can lose fat AND be healthy. 5. NEGLECTING RESISTANCE TRAINING Don’t wait until you lose the weight to begin your resistance training program. Resistance training is the best way to build and maintain muscle tissue, which is the key to long term weight control and fat loss. Muscle is the furnace that burns calories in the body and is the reason why men typically have a much easier time losing weight than women. The more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn throughout the day, even at rest. Both men and women can build muscle at any age, so don’t wait to start building muscle and start speeding up your metabolism. Start today. Fitness Together Miami is located at 5829 SW 73 St., Suite 2 in South Miami. For information, call 305-665-3694, or go online at: < w w w. f i t n e s s t o g e t h e r m i a m i . c o m > or email at: <>

Scott Baumann is the co-owner of Fitness Together in South Miami. “Where excellence in personal training meets privacy and luxury.”



Seven (7) Consecutive Day Pass. Must be 18 years of age, a local resident with a valid driver license or other government issued picture ID. Redeemable by non-members only. One pass per person, every six (6) months. Pass is not valid for re-sale or redeemable for cash. Extra charge for some amenities.

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January 12 - 18, 2010

Prescription drug registry brings Florida into 21st Century R. Kenneth Bluh ––– VIEWPOINT ––– KENNETH’S COMMENTARY Joe Druggie walks into Doctor X’s pain relief clinic and pleads with the MD for pain medication. A prescription is written. Minutes later Joe Druggie walks into Doctor Y’s pain clinic and makes the same request. Another prescription is written. Ditto at Doctor Z’s clinic. Five minutes later Joe Druggie walks into a CVS pharmacy, a Walgreens pharmacy and an independent drug store and fills all three prescriptions. Can this happen in Florida? Today, yes. Can it happen in Georgia or 37 other states? No. Why? Because 38 states have prescription drug abuse registries in effect, some for almost 15 years. Last year, Florida’s legislators finally passed a similar law, which goes into effect in 2011. As far back as 2001, then Gov. Jeb Bush proposed a bill that would establish a computerized drug database to stop mis-

use of pharmaceutical drugs. The measure would have established penalties of up to 15 years in prison for doctors who “illegally” prescribe medication. The proposed legislation would have exempted everyone’s prescription drug records from public records’ law and make those records available only to doctors, pharmacists and law enforcement officers. Opponents of the bill stated the unintended consequence of the bill would probably be to expand the illicit drug trade by forcing pain patients and people addicted to prescription drugs to seek their medications from the illegal drug market place. Some expressed concern that such a database could violate people’s rights to medical privacy and making medical patients requiring prescribed pain medication vulnerable to drug abuse charges. Again, opponents to the bill cited that there are more effective ways to deal with prescription drug abuse that would include public education, training doctors and pharmacists in the identification and medical intervention procedures for people who may be abusing or addicted to prescription drug addicts.

They contend it would have been a serious mistake to extend the failed drug war policies that treat addicted people as criminals to individuals who may develop abuse or dependence problems related to prescription drugs. We frequently hear the fact that more lives are lost each year on Florida’s highways than are lost in the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Obviously many legislators never heard that two and a half times more people die from drug overdose, intended and not, than are lost on our highways each year. Beginning next year, the drug registry will enable a doctor to learn if a patient is abusing the system and give the MD the insight to better handle the drug request. It will enable the drugstore to prevent perpetuating illegal drug use. It will quickly permit law enforcement officers to separate legal and illegal drug users when facing an arrest.

Today, South Florida is considered the drug capital of America. Hundreds of pain clinics are in operation writing prescriptions for pain relieving drugs to undeserving patients. Starting next year we have a way of identifying the abusers of the system. Thanks to state Sen. Mike Fasano (RNew Port Richey) for filing the bill to create such a registry to make Florida the 39th state to enact such a law. Sorry it took almost 10 years to convince the objectors that the law is in the best interest in our residents. We appreciate your opinions on this column whether in agreement or disagreement. Please send your comments to (fax number) 305-662-6980 or email to <>. The opinions expressed in this column are not necessarily those of this newspaper, its editors or publisher.

POT HOLES CURBS The #1 cause of wheel & tire damage

The #2 cause of wheel & tire damage



January 12 - 18, 2010


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CRA — Spirit of the Season Awards

The city’s annual awards presentations honored homes that were decorated for the holidays in a bright and festive manner, lifting the spirits of residents. CRA leaders and city officials visited the winners’ homes after Christmas.

Rosa Graggs’ home at 6039 SW 63 Terr.

Avoid the Rush Apply NOW for your 2010 Property Tax Benefits Now accepting applications for the following exemptions / benefits:

Ms. Thompson 6120 SW 63 St.

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Jackie Hill 6083 SW 62 Terr.

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James Dean 6020 SW 62 St.

Sign up at for direct access to news and services.

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January 12 - 18, 2010

Letter to the Editor City seemed to have spirit of the holidays To the Editor: While Kenneth Bluh’s columns of late have been rightfully lambasting government entities that deserve it. I thought it might me beneficial for your reputation to speak positively of something. With that in mind, I share this with you: A friend was recently holiday shopping in South Miami and came back to her car and saw that her meter had expired and there was a note under her windshield. Thinking it was a ticket she was elated to read the note, which, under the City of South Miami Logo, read: The meter was red, as time expired. In the rush of the season, we knew you’d be tired. A parking ticket would just make you blue, And in the holiday spirit this just would not do. So during this time of friendship and good cheer, Season’s greetings to you and best wishes all year. Definitely appears that the City of South Miami is in tune with the holidays. All the best to you for the new year, Edward A. Fischer Kendall


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January 12 - 18, 2010


Kreativa for Kids Grand Opening weekend benefits St. Jude Children’s Hospital

Ana Furniss and the Furniss Family

(Photo by Amy Stone - Jady Images.) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––


After years at the Bird Road Art District, Kreativa for Kids has moved to a new location in Coral Gables bordering South Miami. Last weekend, they had a Grand Opening Celebration with twenty percent of all weekend proceeds being donated to the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. “It’s a great way to start the New Year, by giving back to such a worthy cause” said owner Ana Furniss. Kreativa over the past five years has become a Mecca for interior design aficionados and fashionable moms. When you step into the store your senses are immediately engaged. The vibrant use of color, patterns and design choices will astound you. It’s no wonder they won “Most Fashionable Store” by the Kids Industry news magazine “Kids Today.” Kreativa is a family affair with warm, personalized service. They offer customers a unique approach to furniture shopping by providing a fully coordinated bedroom setting without the aggravation of trying to coordinate the whole thing yourselves. Their products include a vast selection of quality as well as colorful designs - from modern to pastels to bold bright patterns in an inspiring range of innovative children’s décor bedding and furnishings for nursery and beyond. They also offer design services to their customers and provide them with distinctive and innovative solutions to their decorating dilemmas. The weekend’s featured door prizes included an 8-foot-by-11-foot Company C

rug valued at $1960 and room design services valued at $2000. Hors d’oeuvres and cocktails were served throughout the celebration. They are also sponsoring a Kid Room Makeover Contest at MomsMiami. To register online go to: <> “The wonderful thing about our stores is that you will never be bored with the same old pastel colors, you walk into the store and immediately see vibrant colors on display everywhere,” said Ana Furniss, president of Kreativa for Kids. “It is the perfect place to plan your dream room. We take your dream room and make it a reality.” Located at 1430 S. Dixie Highway, three blocks North of Sunset Place mall, on the corner of Madruga and Santona, the store is open seven days a week. Call 305-2840525 or visit <>. ABOUT ST. JUDE CHILDREN’S RESEARCH HOSPITAL St. Jude, America’s second-largest healthcare charity is unlike any other pediatric treatment and research facility. Discoveries have completely changed how the world treats children with cancer and other catastrophic diseases. With research and patient care under one roof, St. Jude is where some of today’s most gifted researchers are able to do science more quickly. St. Jude is a place where many doctors send some of their sickest patients and toughest cases. It’s a place where cutting-edge research and revolutionary discoveries happen every day. For more information, <visit>.

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New Massage of Asia $25 & Up

January 12 - 18, 2010

Teens bring holiday cheer to Heartland of Kendall

7159 SW 8th Street

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9:30am - 11:00pm • 7 days a week

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Pictured (l-r) are Lauren Cote, resident Fred Sosnowski, Joel Santana and Monica Rosell. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– BY MARIA PITSOULAKIS Lic# MM23675

UNIVERSAL HOME HEALTH CARE is committed to providing highquality, compassionate care. Our medical training and health care background means that your loved one will be in good hands. Universal Home Health Care is Medicaid/Medicare certified. Located in Pinecrest. • Alzheimer’s Care • Medication Management/Teaching • Blood Pressure Monitoring & Care • IV Administration & Monitoring • Physical/Occupational/ Speech Therapy • Cardiac Care

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Amedisys Home Health of Palmetto Bay recently collaborated with students from the Roxy Theatre Group (RTG) to perform for residents and patients at Heartland of Kendall. Lauren Cote, 16; Monica Rosell, 17, and Joel Santana, 17, members of the Roxy Theatre Group’s Senior Voice Troupe, volunteered their time and provided a musical performance to the residents and patients of Heartland of Kendall. The talented teens provided a spectacular performance of winter melodies comprised of The Prayer; Baby, It’s Cold Outside; Let It Snow, and The Christmas Song to an audience of about 30 elderly residents. At the conclusion of the musical performance, the students distributed get well cards to residents. The get well cards

were provided by students from three Kendall area schools — A+ Early Learning Center, Cypress Elementary and Riviera Middle School — who volunteered their time and made more than 200 cards for residents of the facility. The Roxy Theatre Group (RTG), a nonprofit organization, offers classes in drama, voice and dance to children ages 3-17, with year-round programs including after school care and a performing arts summer camp. For more information, call 305-226-0030, send email to <> or online at visit <> Amedisys Home Health of Palmetto Bay is a Medicare certified Home Health Agency providing Nursing, Therapy, and Disease Management Services to residents of Miami-Dade County. For more information, call 305-254-1610 or visit online at <>.

January 12 - 18, 2010


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January 12 - 18, 2010

Heat players spread holiday cheer for young patients







$54 DOWN



CLAUDIA GOMEZ 18901 SW 106 AVENUE • SUITE 132 T. 786.293.9141 • F. 786.293.9142 • C. 786.554.9785 LOCATED ACROSS FROM BJ’S WHOLESALE ON MARLIN ROAD

Charles Rodriguez, 7, is thrilled to receive a surprise visit from Miami Heat players Mario Chalmers (left) and Jermaine O’Neal when they came to Baptist Children’s Hospital bringing gifts and smiles to the young patients. (Photo by Mabel Rodriguez)

January 12 - 18, 2010


Why hire an arborist to care for your trees? An arborist is a specialist in the care of individual trees. Right Tree – Right Place Arborists are knowledgeable about the needs of trees and are trained and equipped to provide proper care. Well-cared-for trees are attractive and can add considerable value to your property.


Ser vices That Arborists Can Provide: Pr uning: An arborist can determine the type of pruning necessary to maintain or improve the health, appearance, and safety of trees. Removal: Although tree removal is a last resort, there are circumstances when it is necessary. An arborist can help you decide whether a tree should be removed. Emergency Tree Care: Storms may cause limbs or entire trees to fall, often landing on other trees, homes and other structures, or cars. The weight of storm-damaged trees is great, and they can be dangerous to remove or trim. An arborist can assist in performing the job in a safe manner, while reducing further risk of damage to property.

Planting: Arborists plant trees, and most can recommend types of trees that are appropriate for a specific location. The wrong tree in the wrong location could lead to future problems as a result of limited growing space, insects, diseases, or poor growth. Plant Health Car e: An Arborist keeps trees in good health by helping the tree to better defend itself against insects, disease, and site problems. How do I know if this guy with a chainsaw is an Arborist? Many people who love trees become ISA members for a small annual fee. Some unscrupulous tree trimmers pretend that this simple membership is the same thing as being a “certified arborist.” Every ISA arborist has an individual ID number and ID card that you can check on the ISA website: <>. Ron von Paulus is an International Society of Arboriculture certified arborist (ID # Fl-5770A). He has more than 20 years experience working with trees in South Florida. He offers free consultations to homeowners and businesses. Please contact him at Big Ron’s Tree Service 305-588-3091 or by email at <>

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Teaching Children “To Learn to Love to Learn”

January 12 - 18, 2010

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January 12 - 18, 2010


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Free lunchtime workshops offered at Miami-Dade Main Library The Miami-Dade Public Library System is offering a series of “Shape Up” workshops to help participants on a variety of subjects at the Main Library, 101 W. Flagler St. Workshops will take place from noon to 1 p.m. on the following dates: Wednesday, Jan. 13, Shape Up for the New Year: Organize It; Wednesday, Feb. 10, Shape up for the New Year: Get the Job You Want, and Thursday, Mar. 11, Shape Up for the New Year: Eat Healthy on a Budget. For additional information, call 305-3752665 or visit online at <>. MAGIC CITY CASINO INTRODUCES BAILAR MIAMI ON FRIDAY NIGHTS The all-new Magic City Casino, 450 NW 37 Ave., is hosting its first Bailar Miami Dance Competition which began on Friday, Jan. 8, and runs for 16 consecutive weeks every Friday from 9 to 10 p.m. A total of 15 contestants will be chosen to compete each Friday night. Each team of dancers will have two minutes for its performance. Contestants can select the music genre and/or song they would like to perform. Winners of the weekly competition will receive $150 for first place, $100 for second place and $50 for third place. Each week’s

winners will advance automatically to the Bailar Miami finals on Apr. 30, where the prizes will be $2,500 for first place, $1,000 for second place and $500 for third place. A $500 prize also will be awarded to the winning team’s dance school, if applicable. For more information or to download the entry form and official rules for Bailar Miami, visit online at <>. CELEBRATE THE ARTWORK OF JOHN LENNON WITH ‘WE ALL SHINE ON’ OPENING JAN. 15 Legacy Fine Art Productions, in conjunction with Ms. Yoko Ono, John Lennon’s widow, is pleased to showcase the artwork of Lennon in the “We All Shine On” exhibit scheduled on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 15-17, at Miami Beach Community Church, 1620 Drexel Ave. (corner of Drexel Avenue and Lincoln Road). The exhibit will be open from noon to 9 p.m. on Friday; noon to 8 p.m. on Saturday, and 1 to 7 p.m. on Sunday. For the past 17 years, the John Lennon Art Exhibits have been a place of refuge for John’s legions of fans to literally “come together” and share his messages of peace and love through his artwork. A $2 donation is suggested when you arrive.

COMMUNITY NEWS briefs For more information, call 305-674-4470. UNITY CENTER OF MIAMI OFFERS MINI SPIRITUAL RETREAT, JAN. 16 Join the Unity Center of Miami, 16320 SW 147 Ave., for a time of renewal and spiritual refreshment from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 16. The day will include Native American spiritual cleansing rituals, incorporating nature in meditation/prayer and a nature prayer walk. Pre-registration costs $30 and includes a vegetarian lunch, fruit snacks and all retreat materials. All registrants will be provided with an “instruction packet” to prepare for this, primarily outside, retreat. For information, call 305-232-9503 or send email to <>. SOUTH FLORIDA HISPANIC CHAMBER TO HOST U.S. CENSUS 2010 FORUM The South Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (SFLHCC) is hosting a forum on

the importance of the participation of Hispanics in the 2010 U.S. Census on Friday, Jan. 22, starting at noon at Casa Juancho Restaurant, 2439 SW Eighth St. The U.S. Census 2010 Forum will take place during a general membership luncheon of the SFLHCC. The forum participants are Dr. Antonio Villamil, dean of Economics and Research at St. Thomas University; Cheryl Little, executive director of the Florida Immigrant Advocacy Group, and Ralph de la Portilla, Miami Team Leader for the Census 2010. The moderator of the panel is Luz Urbaez Weinberg, vice mayor of the City of Aventura and board of directors member of the National Association of Latino Elected Officials (NALEO). The cost of participating in the lunch/forum is $45 for members and $60 for non-members. Reservations are to be made at 305-534-1903.

––––––– Continued on next page

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Page 16



Building Better Communities A Snapshot of Our Progress The Building Better Communities bond program has reached the five-year mark with a long roster of work completed or in various phases of planning, design or construction. Here are some of the projects leaving an imprint on our community. County Parks

Community & Human Services

A.D. Barnes - Aquatic Facility Amelia Earhart - New Facilities Black Point & Haulover - Marina Upgrades Crandon - Tennis Courts Re-surfaced Redland Fruit & Spice - Landscaping Greynolds - Facility Repairs Matheson Hammock - New Access Road Miami Metrozoo - Amazon & Beyond Exhibit Tamiami - Improved Sports Fields Tropical Equestrian Center - Phase 1

Allapattah YMCA ASPIRA of Florida Caleb Center Upgrades Daily Bread Food Bank Habitat for Humanity Hialeah Affordable Housing Homeless Trust Housing Complex New Victims’ Assistance Center Building Pierre Community Center Sunrise Community Training Center United Way Center for Early Education Wynwood / Allapattah Service Center

Neighborhood Parks Coral Reef in Palmetto Bay Dominoes in Sweetwater Doral Park and Sportsfields Grapeland Waterpark Little Haiti Soccer Lummus Park Miami Springs Recreation Milander Sports Fields Perrine Park Royal Oaks Activity Center South Pointe Park Sunny Isles Active Park West Miami Recreation Healthcare Facilities Jackson Memorial Hospital Emergency, Pediatric & Radiology Units Jackson South Community Hospital University of Miami Ear Institute Miami Beach Primary Healthcare Clinic Mental Health Diversion Facility Citrus Health Network Branch Libraries South Miami Renovations Miami Springs Upgrades Shenandoah (City of Miami) Improvements Northeast Regional Library - Design

The projects listed above are funded wholly, or in part, by the County’s Building Better Communities General Obligation Bond Program as approved by voters in a November 2004 referendum. The ambitious building program, launched in 2005, is scheduled to continue over the next 15-20 years.

Culture Cuban Museum Hispanic Ballet Theater Historic Hampton House Jewish Museum Lyric Theater South Dade Arts Center Vizcaya Museum & Gardens Restoration Public Works Bridge Repairs & lighting repairs Beach Renourishment - various locales Drainage Improvements - 87,196 LF (17 miles) New & Repaired Sidewalks - nearly 90 miles Road Re-surfacing - more than 50 miles Major Infrastructure Port of Miami Tunnel - Design Marlins Ballpark - Construction Miami Beach Convention Center - Pre-Design Museum Park - Design Countywide Water / Sewer Improvements Environmentally Endangered Lands Acquisition of more than 2,600 acres as part of Environmentally Endangered Lands Program

January 12 - 18, 2010

from previous page

ANNUAL WOMEN’S HEALTH DAY SCHEDULED AT BAPTIST HOSPITAL Proactively take care of your own health during the 19th annual Baptist Hospital Women’s Health Day set for Saturday, Jan. 23. The event, from 1 to 4 p.m., will take place in the Medical Arts Building, 8950 N. Kendall Dr. This year’s event, “Getting in Tune with Your Body,” will feature free screenings for cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar (diabetes), metabolic syndrome (pre-diabetes), body fat ratio and bone density (osteoporosis). You do not need to fast. Also offered will be leg circulation screenings for those at risk for vascular disease, foot screenings by podiatrists and skin cancer screenings by dermatologists. Cosmetic surgeons will give mini-consultations. There also will be fitness demonstrations, chair massages and exhibits on a variety of health topics. Music and refreshments will be provided in the Tea Room. This event is free, and no reservations are needed. Free parking is available at the Baptist Medical Arts Building garage, 8950 N. Kendall Dr. For more information, call 786-596-5981.

LUNCHEON AT SYNAGOGUE TO MARK JEWISH ARBOR DAY The first in the Temple Beth Tov-Ahovat Shalom Holiday and Remembrance Series, a hearty lunch, followed by a unique Tu B’Shvat Seder (as dessert) will be served on Sunday, Jan. 24, at noon to celebrate Jewish Arbor Day. The cost to attend this event is $7 for adults; children are free. Also available is the honor of being a Patron ($50) or of being a Friend ($25). There will be music and a raffle. For more information, call 305-261-9821 or 305-205-3846. MIAMI-DADE SPONSORS FREE SPAY AND NEUTER DAY FOR CATS A donor-subsidized spay/neuter service for cats will be offered free of charge on Sunday, Jan. 31, at 10700 SW 211 St. Local veterinarians will be donating their time to perform the spay and neuter surgeries. The check in and pick up time will be provided when you make an appointment ahead of time, which is required, by calling 305-805-1603. This service is for Miami-Dade County residents only. Proof of a current rabies vaccination for cats over 4 months of age is required. A rabies vaccine can be obtained, free of charge, on the day of the surgery. The veterinarian may decline surgery due to health reasons. All cats will be ear tipped to identify them as sterilized.

January 12 - 18, 2010


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FWC seeks more data on rare Miami blue butterfly BY PATRICIA BEHNKE

Only the luckiest among us have ever seen the delicate blue of the Miami blue butterfly. But to save them from extinction, more than luck is needed. The Miami blue’s fragile hold on its diminished coastal habitat in Florida requires diligent work to increase its numbers to a safe level for future sustainability. For that reason, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) will begin updating the management plan for this rare butterfly that calls Florida home. “We’ve received new information over the past few years, and management of the Miami blue must be revamped to address the best possible conservation measures for its survival,” said David Cook, the FWC biologist who heads up the Miami Blue Management Plan team. “More importantly, we want the Miami blue to thrive.” The FWC requests information on the status and conservation needs of the Miami blue. It also asks the public to comment on any economic, ecological and social factors that should be considered in the management of the species. Once, this thumbnail-sized butterfly fluttered as far north as Hillsborough County on the Gulf Coast and Volusia County on the Atlantic Coast. Suspected culprits, such as habitat degradation, fragmentation and loss, and pesticide and herbicide spraying, relegated the Miami blue to the Keys. After the devastation of Hurricane Andrew in 1992, scientists believed the butterfly was gone forever. Much excitement accompanied the discovery of a small colony of 50 Miami blue butterflies in Bahia Honda State Park in the Keys in 1999. The FWC listed the species as endangered in 2002 in an emergency action after the North American

Butterfly Association petitioned the agency. The FWC developed a management plan in 2003 to ensure a stable or increasing population to a level not requiring the endangered designation. Again, scientists were encouraged by the discovery of another population of blues in the Key West National Wildlife Refuge in 2006. A volunteer, on a walk with a refuge biologist, noticed the population. Ann Morkill, manager of the Key West National Wildlife Refuge, counts herself among the lucky few who have seen this unique butterfly. “It’s very exciting to see this population,” Morkill said. “We hope this species can persist in protected areas. This new discovery also provides butterfly researchers with the opportunity to expand their genetic studies on a population we didn’t know existed until just a few years ago.” The FWC has concentrated its efforts in conjunction with several partners, such as the University of Florida, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, to monitor existing populations and research the possibility of raising the butterfly in captivity and then releasing it into the wild. Since 2003, there have been inroads and some setbacks, but the work continues. The McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity at the University of Florida, with funding from the FWC and other sources, has been successful in breeding the Miami blue in captivity. “We keep a large captive colony,” said Jaret Daniels, assistant professor of entomology at UF and a conservation biologist. “We use the captive-bred Miami blues for research, reproduction and reintroduction.” However, disappointment has met the scientists when the captive-bred butterflies are released into the wild — they are unable to survive so far, but that doesn’t

Saturday, January 23, 10:00AM to 12:00PM 7685 SW 104th Street; Suite 100 Pre-paid reservations required by January 19 • $85 per person; $65 group rate (2 or more)

Payable to Helen E. Schuster, LCSW; 786-797-6341

Miami blue butterfly –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

worry Daniels. “Conservation and recovery take time, trial and error and luck,” Daniels said. “If we do good work and good research, we can learn and apply it to other organisms as well.” Send comments to the Miami Blue

Management Plan Revision, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, 620 South Meridian St., Mail Station 2A, Tallahassee, FL 32399-1600, or email <> until 5 p.m. on Feb. 2, 2010.

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January 12 - 18, 2010

Artwork of Dr. Ferdie Pacheco on display at Cauley Square BY LEE STEPHENS

Receiving honors and accolades locally, nationally and internationally, Dr. Ferdie Pacheco’s recently issued definitive stamp by the United Nations Postal Administration (UNPA) depicting Mahatma Gandhi, once again has escalated the treasured Miami artist to yet another level of artistic achievement. Gandhi was the leader of the Indian independence movement and pioneer of the philosophy and strategy of non-violence. Headquartered in Miami, Dr. Pacheco and his wife/manager, Lusita Pacheco, spearhead an international program of Pacheco produced original paintings, limited edition prints, giclees and branded merchandisable items from posters to their personally authored books to artifact and now highquality Gandhi painting depicted T- shirts that are timeless and for all occasions. With the release in October 2009 of the Pacheco painted artistic rendition of the Mahatma Gandhi stamp, there has been a surge of unprecedented interest in colorful, uniquely Pacheco-produced memorabilia and artifact. “It seems people want to share in the universal relevance of the principle of non-violence,” Mrs. Pacheco said about her husband’s works. So in demand, the Pacheco-created merchandise will be available exclusively at Cauley Square Historic Railroad Village in south Miami-Dade County off S. Dixie Highway (US1) at 224th Street in the historic Island Colors cottage centrally located across from the world famous Tea Room

T-shirt with Gandhi stamp art created by Dr. Ferdie Pacheco –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Restaurant directly on the main street of the village. “Cauley Square is indeed an appropriate environment for Pacheco works with the artist hailing originally from Tampa’s Ybor City that he helped make famous,” said Sherry Miller, publicist for Cauley Square. “The environmentally preserved 10 acres of lush tropical Florida foliage, plants and flowers with birds and kitty colony similar to Hemingway’s in Key West, make the village a ‘natural setting’ for the world-famous artist’s works. “Cauley Square is the last official railroad village in Florida and one of the last in the United States, and Pacheco’s works are one-of-a-kind too,” Miller concluded. “We invited Dr. and Mrs. Pacheco to exhibit at Cauley Square as our village represents a diversified history since being built in 1903 by multi-cultured pioneers of the Flagler Railroad,” said Frances Varela, owner and operator of Cauley Square. “Our pioneers came to South Dade from all parts of the world and created their own enclave of a peaceful family lifestyle that seems synonymous with Dr. Pacheco’s beautiful works that we celebrate today,” she continued. The Pacheco items of Einstein, Muhammad Ali and Gandhi T-shirts, posters, books and memorabilia are on exhibit and available for sale daily, except Mondays, at Island Colors in Cauley Square Village at 22400 Old Dixie Hwy.; telephone 305-258-3543 or visit at <>. Hours are Tuesday-Saturday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sundays, noon to 5 p.m. To order Pacheco memorabilia, call direct to Cauley Square executive offices at 305-258-3543 or visit Island Colors in Cauley Square Village.

January 12 - 18, 2010


Page 19

GET INSTANT RELIEF WITH NEW IN-OFFICE TREATMENT Our physicians perform a non-surgical procedure in the office that quickly and permanently treats hemorrhoids without discomfort or medication, so you can get back to your life the same day.



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Page 20


January 12 - 18, 2010

“Aged” is Not Dependent on Your Age One of our primal concerns is the ability to maintain ourselves financially for our entire lifetimes. Lifetime is directly linked to life expectancy and to the lifestyle that we are accustomed to.

9500 S.W. 97 Ave. • Miami, Fl. 33176 Pinewood Acres School provides an educational environment designed to foster leadership skills and

1) Am I old? The category “senior citizen” seems to be pre-determined by some other person or group rather than our own decision to be “aged.” Social Security will have you believe that you are a “senior” at age 62. AARP will have you believe that you are “retired” at age 50. Now the securities regulators say that you are a “senior” at age 55. You can get pigeon holed far too early in their “senior” (aged) box if you let them. Let me stop right here and say that it is our personal decision to say when we are aged, senior, or out to pasture. 2) Where can I get an idea of my life expectancy? I strongly encourage you to be proactive in trying to live to age 100. This is really an assessment of your daily life including what you eat and drink, exercise, friends, hobbies and rest. Your genes may be engineered to have you live to age 85, but if you want to have a healthy, happy life until age 100, then it will

take a deliberate daily decision to add an additional 15 years to your life expectancy. 3) W ith my financial plans, how does my life expectancy deter mine my life style as a retiree now? No one can predict how long you will live. If you retire at age 55 and you worked 30 years, you could actually be a retiree for more than 30 years. Living to age 100 is more realistic as medical advances continue. You may be retired 45 years. Your withdrawals from your savings to live on now need to be low enough as to not deplete your balance. Try to live only off your investment earnings each year. Financial plans are adjusted to address current economic conditions, but keep an eye on the real long run. It is now even more realistic to have you live longer than you expected. Enjoy it and be young in heart and soul! Rick Tonkinson is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP™) who works with working people in your area since 1991. The family business, Rick Tonkinson & Associates, Inc is located at 100 Almeria Ave, Suite 310, Coral Gables, FL 33134. Telephone # 305-447-6617. Securities offered through Securities America Inc member of FINRA/SIPC. Rick Tonkinson Registered Representative. Advisory Services offered through Securities America Advisors, Inc. Rick Tonkinson Investment Advisor Representative. Rick Tonkinson and Associates, Inc. & Securities America companies are not affiliated.

to stimulate and nurture the academic, physical and developmental needs of children. Located on a beautiful 10-acre campus, Pinewood Acres continues a strong commitment to academic excellence and good citizenship. Pinewood Acres


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January 12 - 18, 2010


Page 21


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Page 22


January 12 - 18, 2010

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January 12 - 18, 2010


Page 23

Award-winning films plentiful at Miami Jewish Film Festival BY SHEILA STIEGLITZ

The Miami Jewish Film Festival was chosen Miami’s Best Film Festival in 2009 and the 2010 lineup of films opening Saturday, Jan. 16, should live up to the accolades. The award-winning films from Israel, Argentina, France, Germany, Slovakia and the USA are comedies, documentaries and contemporary dramas that ironically weave a subtle theme — people having options and making significant life choices whether the characters are faced with life-threatening decisions, anti-Semitism, sexual orientation or marital issues. The 13th annual festival opens at the Colony Theater with the hilarious Israeli comedy A Matter of Size, which deals with personal battles and self-acceptance. Four overweight friends live in a small Israeli town and are fed up with diets and their dieting club. When Herzl (341 pounds), the main protagonist, loses his job and starts work as a dishwasher in a Japanese restaurant, he discovers the world of Sumo wrestling, a sport that involves “two fatsos in diapers and girly hairdos,” and finds a place where large people are honored and appreciated. This universally appealing story uses the richness of Jewish humor to reveal that selfacceptance and happiness come from within. On Sunday and Monday, the festival moves to the Cosford Cinema on the UM Campus. French film icons Gerard Depardieu (Alain) and Fanny Ardant (Gisele) star in Hello Goodbye, a romantic comedy about a Parisian couple who share a comfortable life, a beautiful home, a posh country club and a midlife crisis. Following a dream vacation to Israel where Alain explores his Jewish roots, Gisele insists they change their life and move to Tel Aviv. However, in opting for a fresh start not everything goes according to plan. Soon they’ll find out if the word shalom, means hello or goodbye. For My Father is a gripping yet sensitive film co-produced by Israel and Germany, about

choices people face living in a volatile place. Tarek is a young man who is sent to Tel Aviv for a suicide mission. When his bomb fails to detonate, he is forced to spend the Sabbath there and wait for further instructions. To his surprise, several Israelis who live on the fringe of society befriend him. When the weekend ends, Tarek must literally make the decision of his life. Rita Zohar received the Best Actress Award at the Jerusalem International Film Festival, for her portrayal of Yolanda Moscowitz in the Israeli film Mrs. Moscowitz and the Cats. The beautiful and sensitive story deals with the loneliness, fear and limitations of growing old alone. Yolanda is a retired French teacher suffering from a broken hip and confined to a lengthy convalescence in a geriatric rehab center. There she discovers a new life when she makes two new friends who teach her to love again. Some of life’s decisions we bring upon ourselves. In the closing night film Coco, a nouveau riche Jewish Moroccan French businessman dazzles the public, politicians, and competitors with his flamboyant panache. After developing a heart condition along the way, (Gerard Depardieu as the cardiologist), he decides to throw an over-the-top bar mitzvah celebration for his son Samuel. Determined that the festivities will be the most fantastic event of the year, Coco alienates his entire family as he plans for the gala. This comedy about a son becoming a man and a father finally growing up is the perfect end to the festival’s 13th “bar mitzvah” year. National and international box office stars are featured in the Miami Jewish Film Festival, and include Catherine Denueve, Eli Wallach, Patrick Swayze, Carmen Electra and Lainie Kazan. Matinee and evening screenings are held at the Regal Cinema South Beach 18, the Sunrise Cinema at Intracoastal Mall, North Miami Beach, and the Cosford Cinema in Coral Gables. The Miami Jewish Film Festival is presented by the Center for the Advancement of Jewish Education. Tickets, except for open-

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Pictured is a scene from Villa Jasmin. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

ing and closing nights, are $11 general admission; $8 seniors/students, and $7 for Film Society members. A $95 Fast Pass provides entry into all films. Film Society members receive discounts on tickets and fast

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Page 24


SEEKING APPLICANTS FOR THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS REVIEW COMMITTEE Miami-Dade County is establishing a nine member Compensation and Benefits Review Committee to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of its standing personnel policies and to develop policies that will better manage the growth of costs while continuing to provide competitive wages, salaries and benefits. Members shall serve without compensation for a three year term and meet no less than four times a year. Qualified applicants should be Miami-Dade County residents and possess an outstanding reputation for civic pride, integrity, responsibility and business or professional ability and shall have no financial interests, direct or indirect, in the compensation paid to County employees. Members of this Committee should be representative of the community at large and should have demonstrated expertise in human resources, organizational design, public management, or related fields. A Nominating Council will recommend candidates to the Board of County Commissioners for appointment. Applications may be obtained from the County Executive Office, 111 NW 1st Street, Suite 2910, or online at All applications must be received by Diane Collins, Acting Division Chief, Clerk of the Board, at 111 NW 1st Street, Suite 17-202, Miami Florida, 33128. Applications can be emailed to or faxed to (305) 375-2484. It is The responsibility of the applicant to ensure electronic receipt of the application by calling the Clerk of the Board at (305) 375-1652. For additional information regarding the application process, please call Ms. Linda Weber (305) 375-2670. Background checks will be performed on all applicants selected for an interview. If selected, Committee members will be required to submit financial disclosure forms.

January 12 - 18, 2010

In-Office Hemorrhoid Treatment Provides Instant Relief BY EDUARDO RUAN, MD Board Certified Gastroenterologist

We are excited to announce that our office is now offering a new hemorrhoid banding treatment. This new system allows the treatment of internal hemorrhoids in the office setting, without surgery or pain. Although a frequently neglected area of healthcare, hemorrhoids affect more than 50% of the population over 30 years old. Prior to this procedure, definitive treatment for hemorrhoid was frequently avoided. Weary of the pain and discomfort associated with traditional hemorrhoid surgery, patients used to suffer for years with symptoms that would come and go, using countless creams, ointments

and suppositories, which only provided partial and temporary relief. The CRH-O’Regan ® rubber band ligation system consists of cutting off the internal hemorrhoids blood supply with a tiny rubber that is faster, more accurate, more comfortable and less likely to result in post-procedure pain and bleeding. This innovative technique is safe and effective. It does not require a preparation and, being virtually painless, can be done without anesthesia. It is done in three sessions, taking very few minutes each time. Patients are able to return to work immediately after the procedure. Dr. Eduardo Ruan is board certified in Gastroenterology and Internal Medicine and has been in private practice since 1996 with Gastroenterology Care Center. To schedule an appointment or for more information, call 305-913-0666 or visit <>


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January 12 - 18, 2010


Page 25

Gerald Hausman picture book based on song by Bob Marley BY HANNAH GREAUX

Author and storyteller Gerald Hausman will speak at Books & Books in Coral Gables on Saturday, Jan. 16, at 11 a.m. Children of all ages are invited to hear Hausman share tales from his book Three Little Birds, adapted with Cedella Marley, daughter of Jamaican singer-songwriter and musician Bob Marley. The colorful picture book, illustrated by Mariah Fox, is based on the song by Bob Marley and presents his personal vision of positive faith. The message is a good vibration if there ever was one: “Every little thing gonna be all right!� Hausman has lived in Bokeelia, FL, since 1994. In addition to his many books about Native America he has written extensively about animal mythology and the Caribbean. His lively presentations, complete with many sound effects, have

FOOTNOTES earned him praise from storytellers, speakers, writers and listeners. He is a frequent storyteller at college writers programs, schools and at young authors conferences. He has delighted audiences of children and adults on National Public Radio, History Channel and at the Kennedy Center in Washington. For more information, visit online at <>. For more information about Books & Books, 265 Aragon Ave., visit <>.

2010 - 2011 School Year PRE-K (AGES 3 & 4) THROUGH 8TH GRADE The Heritage School offers an enriched integrated curriculum; Arts, Music, Dance, Drama, Physical Education, Technology, Languages, wireless laptops, computer lab, robotics, Small Class sizes limited to 20 students - 10 acre campus, swimming pool, baseball field, soccer field, camera surveillance system,

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Page 26


Authentic Lebanese & Mediterranean at great prices! Catering, Outdoor Seating & Full Bar Available LUNCH & DINNER 7 DAYS

January 12 - 18, 2010

Acclaimed pianist Mei-Ting Sun to perform at Rosenstiel School

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Concert pianist Mei-Ting Sun –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

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Miami, FL 33176


Join the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science as it partners with the Chopin Foundation of the United States in welcoming critically acclaimed concert pianist Mei-Ting Sun. The recital will take place on Sunday, Jan. 17, 4 p.m., in the Rosenstiel School Auditorium located at 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway on Virginia Key (next to the Miami Seaquarium). Tickets, which are $25 and include a waterfront wine and hors d’oeuvres reception following the recital, can be purchased by calling 305-421-4061 or sending email to <>. Mei-Ting began his life on the stage at the prestigious Spring of Shanghai Festival at the age of 5. Since then he has performed in many of the world’s greatest concert halls and performing arts centers, such as Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center in New York, Benaroya Hall in Seattle, Orchestra Hall in Minnesota, Auditorio

Nacional in Madrid, Tonhalle in Zurich, Filharmonia Narodowa in Warsaw, and Obecni Dum in Prague. In 2008 he was invited to perform for the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Poznan, Poland, in honor of an award presented to Nobel Laureate Al Gore. In total, his career has led him to celebrated performances in 19 countries on five continents. He has won numerous prestigious awards, including unanimous first prizes in the Chopin Foundation’s Seventh National Chopin Piano Competition in 2005 (USA) and the first Minnesota International Piano-e-Competition in 2002. Founded by Blanka A. Rosenstiel in 1977, the Chopin Foundation stemmed from the First National Chopin Piano Competition held in Miami in 1975 under the auspices of the American Institute of Polish Culture. For more information, visit online at <>.

Hours: Tues.-Fri. 10-5pm • Sat. 10-2PM • Sun. - Mon. Closed

January 12 - 18, 2010


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January 12 - 18, 2010

FWC: Boating safety education requirements change for 2010 BY LEE STEPHENS

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Boating-safety education requirements have changed in Florida effective Jan. 1. Boat operators who were born on or after Jan. 1, 1988, must pass an approved boating safety course and possess photographic identification and a boating safety education identification card issued by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) to legally operate a boat with a motor of 10 horsepower or more. “We want to encourage everyone, regardless of when they were born, to take an approved boating safety education course, because all of us can learn something new, even if we have been boating all our lives,” said Capt. Carol Keyser of FWC’s boating and waterways section. “For some, it is now required to take the course.” There are a few exceptions. For instance, a person born on or after Jan. 1, 1988, who operates a boat within 90 days after purchasing it, does not need a boating safety education identification card if a bill of sale, which meets the requirements of

“We want to encourage everyone, regardless of when they were born, to take an approved boating safety education course, because all of us can learn something new, even if we have been boating all our lives.” — Capt. Carol Keyser Florida law, is onboard. After the 90-day period ends, the boat operator needs to meet the educational requirements. Those who possess a current United States Coast Guard license also are exempt. For course information and educational requirements, visit and click “boating,” then click “boating safety.” For inquiries, contact FWC’s Division of Law Enforcement at 1-850-488-5600, or send email questions to the FWC at <>.

January 12 - 18, 2010


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Audi A5 Cabriolet is an exciting, sporty ragtop Ron Beasley AUTOMOTIVE EDITOR

LET’S TALK CARS Give Audi extra points for sticking with a fabric top on the new A5 Cabriolet rather than opting for a retractable hardtop. And the sporty A5 ragtop is an exciting automobile; it’s a four-seater with sporty lines, a lot of interior comfort and excellent everyday utility. The A5 Cabriolet has a long hood and sharp lines, a distinctive front end and large wheels that combine in a sensual design. The front end is dominated by the single-frame grille flanked by large air intakes. The can’tmiss LED daytime running lights of the optional xenon-plus headlights mark the front of the car, along with high-gloss aluminum on the windshield frame. The rear has broad, distinctive LED taillights, straight tailpipes and an unobtrusive spoiler lip. Audi engineers say they decided on a triple-layer fabric top rather than a retractable hardtop because it’s lighter and reduces the overall weight of the car, thus lowering its center of gravity. The top has a

large glass rear window that fits smoothly into the design profile and is available in a choice of four colors, while the inside has three colors. The top opens in 15 seconds and closes in 17, and you can do either as long as you’re moving at under 31 mph. The top folds down so compactly that very little trunk space is taken up, leaving 11.3 cubic feet of unused storage space. The rear seatback folds down and there is a large pass-through between the luggage space and the interior that increases the storage space to more than 26 cubic feet. The A5 Cabriolet lineup offers a wide range of power options, including three gasoline engines and two diesel engines ranging from 180 hp to 265 hp. All five powerplants are fueled via direct injection and four are turbocharged. Available power trains include a six-speed manual transmission, the continuously variable multitronic, and the seven-speed S-tronic. In addition to front-wheel drive, Audi’s Quattro all-wheel drive is available for the higher-power engines. The innovative sport differential, which variably distributes power between the rear wheels, is available optionally to make Quattro even more dynamic and safer. Audi’s drive select vehicle dynamics sys-

Audi A5 Cabriolet has a long hood and sharp lines, a distinctive front end and large wheels.

tem is another option, which enables the driver to chose among three different engine maps controlling the characteristics of the fuel feed, the shifting points of the seven-speed S-tronic and multitronic, and the mode of operation of the servotronic steering system. If the MMI operating system is installed, a fourth, freely programmable level also is available. The A5 Cabriolet has a broad range of equipment, including 17-inch alloy wheels, automatic air conditioning, and an audio

system with a CD player. One optional highlight is the third-generation MMI operating system, which provides many nifty navigation and entertainment functions. Base price on the Audi A5 Cabriolet is $44,100. Ron Beasley is the automotive editor for Miami’s Community Newspapers. He may be contacted by calling 305-662-2277, ext. 261, or by addressing email correspondence to <>.

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January 12 - 18, 2010

“A Deal Too Good to Be True” January 2010 BY KAREN ARONOWITZ, President, United Teachers of Dade

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Last month, on behalf of United Teachers of Dade and our educators and children, I said I could not sign on the dotted line in order to possibly receive federal grant money through the Florida Department of Education. The money involved seemed huge -- up to $700 million, if Florida were to receive the maximum amount from the feds. I see you shaking your heads, thinking, ‘The woman must be off her rocker. Always complaining about not enough money and she’s saying no when they’re flinging dollars her way like beads at Mardi Gras.’ To restore my reputation for sanity, let me explain. There are some things that any of us will not do. For most of us, the list is pretty similar. I’m pretty sure no one reading this would commit murder for money. Or kidnap someone for money. Or sell ___________ (you fill in this blank.) You just wouldn’t do it. You wouldn’t do it for one dollar or a million dollars. United Teachers of Dade took a look at the grant when the federal government first started talking about it. We were excited. Race to the Top funds would be given to states that developed innovative, collaborative local proposals crafted by school districts and their teachers’ unions. It seemed, well, too good to be true. States chosen to apply would compete for the funding; points would be awarded to a state applicant based on the degree to which they demonstrated innovative, locally-developed program proposals, with a high degree of collaboration among all education stakeholders. A state’s application, called a Memorandum of Understanding, in fact was to be signed by the local district superintendent, the chair of the local school board, and the president of the local teachers’ union. Eureka! We teachers, the people who stand in front of students day after day delivering instruction, were finally being asked for our ideas and input. We said “yes” immediately. We began to work with the District on ideas that would make a difference in the lives of students living right here in Miami-Dade. Some good proposals were under way.

And then the Florida Department of Education sent us its Memorandum of Understanding, wanting us to sign an agreement that contradicted the intent and scope of the Race to The Top. The Florida Department of Education’s (DOE) proposed “agreement” was a prescriptive, non-collaborative, bureaucratic nightmare mandate. The DOE in effect said, ‘In order for you, local district, to receive this grant money, you must first do everything we put in Exhibit One. (Twenty-two pages long, small type.) That includes evaluating every teacher every year based 50% or more on the test scores of their students. The district must use a state assessment (FCAT) to evaluate teacher effectiveness, but if no state assessment (FCAT) is available because of grade level or subject area, the district must create a test for that grade level or subject area.’ For Miami-Dade schools, that would mean creating 2,300 new tests for our students, more or less. Not for the good of the student. Not to improve the instructional practice of the teacher. Do you know how much money that would cost? I do. More than any dollar amount we would win in this grant competition. Not only would there be no money left for the innovative, collaboratively developed local proposals, receiving this grant would end up costing our district money. There was much more in the DOE’s mandate, and it was as wretchedly bad as the bit I just shared. What’s in it for the teachers of Miami-Dade, if we had agreed to sign? Nothing. What’s in it for the students of Miami-Dade, if we had agreed to sign? Less time spent on learning. A lot more time spent on testing, and worse. I want you to know I would have said yes if I could. I wanted to say yes. We all wanted something wonderful for our students and our teachers right here at home. Instead, I said no. Because there are some things one just can’t do, and sometimes a deal can be too good to be true. The United Teachers of Dade represents 38,000 teachers and school support personnel in MDCPS. The union is committed to being a leader in creating public school reform, fostering a quality public education for all students and elevating the professional status of teachers, paraprofessionals, office employees, and all school support personnel.

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January 12 - 18, 2010

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