Sunny Isles Beach Sun 12.16.2013

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VOL. 31, NO. 50

DECEMBER 16, 2013

Looking for gift ideas? Stop by the Visitor Center he Sunny Isles Beach Visitor Center offers more than just information for tourists and visitors. Everyone (residents and guests alike) can stop by the Government Center (18070 Collins Avenue), and visit us to pick up information on local attractions and events, register for City programs and activities, or purchase a gift for yourself or that special someone in your life. Merchandise includes various clothing (tee shirts, polos, and sweaters) as well as scarves, ties, and memorabilia (post cards, mugs, key chains, magnets, and more). Recently, some new items have been added to stock just in time for the holidays, including cuff links, manicure sets, travel candles, drawstring bags, and a plush terry bathrobe. Everything available for purchase in the Visitor Center has been imprinted with the logos of the City, or the Sunny Isles Beach Tourism and Marketing Council. All of these items are reasonably priced and are perfect for a gift, or make great stocking stuffers. The Visitor Center is open from 10:00am – 4:00pm, Monday through Saturday. Payments are accepted in the form of cash, checks, or credit card (Mastercard or Visa only). For more information, call 305-792-1952.

Homelessness and Trespassing, Public or Private Property... Part Two of a Series from Sunny Isles Beach Police Department Staff BY CHIEF FRED MAAS In Part One of a series dealing with Homelessness and its related issues, we covered some general perceptions and misconceptions about the topic. The feedback from a variety of concerned readers and residents was tremendous. It only bore proof that the issue has wide reaching effects on a great number of us. There was also feedback regarding citizen’s personal observations and their validated experiences in dealing with the Homeless over a great many years, both here and in other parts of the country. I wanted to acknowledge their contributions

and feedback to this series and I greatly respect their opinions. There was also a need for a few clarifications from the Part One article. When a crime has been committed, whether Felony, Misdemeanor or Ordinance violation, rest assured our Sunny Isles Beach Police Department officers will certainly take action and deal with it appropriately, including arrest or promise to appear in court. There are NO passes just because someone is homeless to commit a crime. Everyone is held accountable under the law. The other point needing clarification is that another root cause of homelessness is the fact that many are in the situation they are in because of felony and/or repeated misdemeanor convictions. This may have a direct result on whether

a person is eligible or acceptable of being hired for employment. Many are skeptical of repeat offenders with a history of criminal behavior so they steer clear of hiring them for their business. Others believe in second chances and are willing to give someone a chance at a job to prove themselves again. The point is valid however, that many who are homeless could have caused their own state of affairs. Moving on to this second part of the series, we deal with a legal issue of public vs. private property and the difference between when an officer or property owner want to take action. On first glance, it seems clear that the private property owner


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HOMELESS, page 13

Ring in the New Year with Events (PHOTO BY MIKE TRIBBY)

he year of events, offered by the city, for 2013 will draw to a close with the December 20 Beach Movie Night. So kick back and relax for 12 days, celebrate the New Year, and then, be prepared to welcome a busy 2014 with events and programs for the entire family on the dates as follows:

1/2 – Mt. Sinai Lecture Series, SIB Commission Chambers at 10:00 am. Reservations are required for this event to 305-674-2600. 1/3 – MINIFLOW, mobile licensing on wheels, 9:30 am – 2:30 pm, First Floor Meeting Room of the SIB Government Center. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– See

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•• Sunny Isles Beach •• Upco m ing Ev e n ts: Dec. 2013 & Jan. 2014 bingo. Win gift cards or cash prizes. Participation is $2 per person but call ahead to 305.792.1706 to reserve your seat.


Enjoy an evening out with friends and family on the Floridian Princess as we cruise the Intracoastal and enjoy a delectable holiday feast prepared by the ship’s Master Chef. Boat Boarding begins at 6:00 p.m. at Bella Vista Park. Boat Departs at 6:30 pm, and returns at approximately 9:00 p.m. Tickets are $60 with SIB Resident ID Card and $65 without. Limited Free Parking Available at Bella Vista Park or take the free shuttle from the Government Center beginning at 5:30 p.m. BEACH MOVIE NIGHT 7:00 – 9:00 PM FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2013 PIER PARK, 16501 COLLINS AVENUE

MT. SINAI LECTURE SERIES 10:00 AM – NOON THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 2014 SIB GOVERNMENT CENTER COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 18070 COLLINS AVENUE Learn about the many aspects of your health by attending these informative and free lectures offered once a month. Free but reservations are required. Call to the Mt. Sinai public relations staff at 305.674.2600. MINI-FLOW FLORIDA LICENSING ON WHEELS 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 2014 SIB GOVERNMENT CENTER, FIRST FLOOR MEETING ROOM, 18070 COLLINS AVENUE Renew your Driver’s License or State Photo ID Card, Fees and Documentation according to the State of Florida website. For questions call 305.792.1801. FAMILY MOVIE NIGHTS 7:00 PM FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 2014 AT HERITAGE PARK SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 2014 AT TOWN CENTER PARK Join your friends and neighbors at this free event for an old fashioned outdoor movie featuring a children’s film. Bring your own blankets and chairs or rent a blanket. The kid-themed activity begins at 7:00 pm with the movie following at 7:30pm.

Bring the family out and enjoy a special movie on the beach as winter break begins. This free (one night only) event will feature food for sale and special activities for the kids beginning at 7:00 p.m., with movie beginning promptly at 7:30 p.m.

BINGO 3:00 – 4:00 PM WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2014 SIB GOVERNMENT CENTER, COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 18070 COLLINS AVENUE Come sit with friends and neighbors and test your luck at

MT SINAI BLOOD PRESSURE AND GLUCOSE WITH CHOLESTEROL 9:00 AM – NOON THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 2014 Take care of yourself, let the qualified health professionals from Mt. Sinai check out your pressure and sugar. Cholesterol Testing is only offered in January and July sessions. Located in the First Floor Meeting Room, Government Center, 18070 Collins Avenue. No reservations required, first come, first serve basis. GOLDEN ERA MOVIE 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 2014 PELICAN COMMUNITY PARK Come and view a classic movie and stay for lunch. Free with SIB Resident ID Card, $5 without. RSVP required to 305.792.1706. THE WIZARD OF OZ 6:30 PM BROWARD CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 2014 Broward Center for Performing Arts Click your heels and join the characters as they travel to meet the Wizard. Moderate walking is required. Tickets in Mezzanine Right, seats 2-12, row E, F & G. Priced at $50 with SIB Resident ID Card, $55 without. Bus will return at approximately 10:30 p.m.

The Department of Cultural & Community Services hosts events throughout the year. Here you will find a listing of the upcoming city events, and any important information you should know in order to attend. For more information on any of these events call 305.792.1706.

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(i.e. a business owner or residential homeowner) has greater latitude in the enforcement of laws on trespassing that affect the homeless population. For example, if an individual is panhandling or begging in front of a privately owned business, it is indeed the owners’ right to allow or forbid that type of activity from going on. The police are often called by customers or others who are annoyed by this practice. Most often, it is the business owner’s call as to whether the police put the person(s) off the property under a trespass violation or not. The same holds true for the residential owner who wants people off their property. However, in cases of public property, i.e. government buildings, open spaces and parks owned by governments or cities, the homeless have the same rights as every other citizen during normal operating hours. Unless there is a specific ordinance, restraining a particular action, i.e. camping overnight on the beach or in a park, there is no difference under the law between the citizenry. Daytime hours in government centers and facilities like libraries, etc. during operating hours may only enforce their house rules on everyone, not specific against anyone. If a person is creating a disturbance or

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violating the rules of the facility or service provider then the person can be asked or demanded to leave. This refers back to Part One of this series, that often times we may find them to be an annoyance or disturbing to others, but that in and of itself is NOT a reason for selective enforcement. There are NO easy answers when one tackles such a difficult topic as Homelessness. But it should always be our goal as public servants, to at least offer assistance or direction to the individual who truly wants help. Even the authorities are sometimes divided on what is positive help and what is “enabling” help, but no matter the outcome, the fact that help was offered to another human being should be all that matters. AUTHOR’S NOTE: Contributions and research for this series was conducted by: Chief Fred Maas and Police Department City Manager’s Office Staff Corporal Cary Vesco Ms. Sandra Block, Crime Prevention Specialist The Champan Project and Miami Dade County Homeless Trust Information


1/3 – Family Movie Night, 7:00 pm with Despicable Me 2 at Heritage Park (19200 Collins Avenue).

1/4 – Family Movie Night, 7:00 pm with Despicable Me 2 at Town Center Park (17200 Collins Avenue).

1/7 – Blood Drive from 10:30 am – 4:00 pm outside of the Government Center (18070 Collins Avenue) hosted by OneBlood. 1/8 – Bingo 3:00 pm at the Commission Chambers.

1/9 – Mount Sinai Blood Pressure and

Glucose Screening 9:00 am – Noon in the First Floor Meeting Room.

1/14 – The Golden Era Movie, featuring Grease from 10:00 am – 12:30 pm at Pelican Community Park (18115 North Bay Road). Reservations are required to 305.792.1706. The first 14 days in 2014 are packed with activities for young and old alike. Join in on all the City has to offer for this year. Check out the Winter 2014 SIB Living Magazine for events and programs throughout the rest of the winter season. Any questions may be directed to Cultural and Community Services at 305-792-1706.

SECURITY NOTICE All persons entering the City of Sunny Isles Beach Government facilities may be subject to an electronic metal detector screening/search for weapons. Any individual refusing to be screened/searched for weapons before being allowed access to the city facility and/or meeting will be turned away and advised to leave the premises.

December 16, 2013


Wandering & Pondering Faithful

John wonders why anyone should be drinks under his belt he has been known to unfaithful. He is of the old school where a give a play by play of the physical part of handshake is his word; yet has always felt their relationship. And that can be very borthat in a man–woman relationship it is ing. Mary sits there and blushes while gauging the reactions of the important to see that faithfulness women present. is the primary requisite. He likes Mary will tolerate quite a bit to preach this especially when since her ex-husband was a runMary is with him. ner who drank and occasionally He’ll come out with “here’s slugged her. This doesn’t happen Mary, she knows that I don’t with John, now she doesn’t fear cheat on her. Why would I? She any of this with him. She knows always knows where I am since DAN PALMER he is faithful to her because she she also works in my office. Of course she always knows where I am in the always knows where he is. And there is no evening. Even when we aren’t together she hint of him going off their reservation. He knows where I’ve gone and she has no rea- is faithful to her yes, but he is unfaithful to son to worry about me. She knows that I his wife. Mary is his girlfriend. It’s the wife am faithful to her.” His friends and associ- that never knows. One thing Mary knows, no matter what ates hear this and either silently agree or disagree. They look at their wives or girl- happens she will never marry John. She friends and silently compare themselves marries him and just like that, he’ll find to John. someone else to be faithful to. As far as she Sometimes it can be boring listening to is concerned being faithful a-la-John? No way... no way. John for an entire evening. With a few

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Tuesday, December 17, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. City Commission Workshop – Agenda Review Fourth Floor Conference Room, Government Center, 18070 Collins Avenue

December 16, 2013

The SIB City Commission Extends Best Wishes for a Prosperous 2014

Thursday, December 19, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. Regular City Commission Meeting David P. Samson Commission Chambers, Government Center, 18070 Collins Avenue Friday, December 20, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. Beach Movie Night Pier Park, 16501 Collins Avenue

Thursday, January 2, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. Mt. Sinai Lecture Series David P. Samson Commission Chambers, Government Center, 18070 Collins Avenue

Friday, January 3, 2014 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Mini-FLOW Florida Licensing on Wheels First Floor Meeting Room, Government Center, 18070 Collins Avenue Friday, January 3, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. Family Movie Night Heritage Park, 19200 Collins Avenue

Saturday, January 4, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. Family Movie Night Town Center Park, 17200 Collins Avenue

Thursday, January 9, 2014 from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Free Blood Pressure/ Glucose Screening First Floor Meeting Room, Government Center, 18070 Collins Avenue

Commissioner Jennifer Levin, Vice Mayor Isaac Aelion, Mayor Norman S. Edelcup, Commissioner Jeanette Gatto and Commissioner George “Bud” Scholl.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. City Commission Workshop – Agenda Review Fourth Floor Conference Room, Government Center, 18070 Collins Avenue Jane A. Hines, MMC, City Clerk All persons are invited to attend these meetings. If a person decides to appeal any decision made at such meeting or hearing, they will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, all persons who are disabled and who need special accommodations to participate in any meeting because of that disability should contact the City Manager at 305-947-0606, no later than 48 hours prior to the proceeding.



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PUBLISHER ........................................................................................................................................................................... GrantMiller Miller PUBLISHER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .Grant EXECUTIVE EDITOREDITOR ..............................................................................................................................................................Michael Miller EXECUTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . Michael Miller EDITOR ............................................................................................................................................................................. Palmer WRITERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .Ron Beasley, Robert Hamilton,Daniel Al Sunshine WRITERS, COLUMNISTS...................................................................................Bari Auerbach, Ron Beasley, Lee Stephens, Al Sunshine, ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . Albie Barnes, Roberta Bergman, Beatriz Brandfon, ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES................................ Albie Barnes, Beatriz Brandfon, Roberta Bergman, Celia Canabate, Diane Chasin, Lori Cohen, Celia Canabate, Diane Chasin, Enrique Chau, Lori Cohen, Amy Donner, Dianne Maddox, Denzil Miles, Diane Maddox, Denzil Miles, Ann Robbins-Udel, Fara Sax, Diane S. Schiller, Korinna Soave Ann Robbins-Udel, Fara Sax, Diane Sedona Schiller, Georgia Tait, Walter White LEGAL ADVERTISING ......................................................................................................................................Enrique Chau, Georgia Tait LEGAL ADVERTISING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enrique Chau BOOKKEEPING ..................................................................................................................................................................... Jesus Toledo PROOF DEPARTMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Isabel Vavrek PROOF DEPARTMENT............................................................................................................................................................Isabel Vavrek GRAPHIC ARTISTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Denise Cebrero, Isabel Ortega, Cristian Ortiz GRAPHIC ARTISTS............................................................................................................. Isabel Ortega, Denise Cebrero, Cristian Ortiz PUBLISHER EMERITUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ron PUBLISHER EMERITUS.............................................................................................................................................................. RonMiller Miller Every issue of Community Newspapers is fully copyrighted, all propertyNewspaper, rights, includingInc. advertisements produced by Community Newspapers. Artwork and/or POSTAL INFORMATION: Newspapers is published by Your and Hometown GENERAL PROVISIONS:Community typography arrangedFL for/by us, shall be the property of Community No such adand or any art thereof may be reproduced the prior consent of Community Newspapers. 6796 SW 62furnished Ave., S.orMiami, 33143. Periodicals Postage Paid Newspapers. in Miami, Florida, additional mailing offices. without Published weekly. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Community Newspapers, P.O. Box 43-1970, South Miami, FL 33143. Subscription rates: $27.50 a year. MILLER PUBLISHING and COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS GENERAL PROVISIONS: Every issue of Community Newspapers is fully copyrighted, and all property rights, including advertisements proud publish produced by Community Newspapers. Artwork and/or typography furnished or arrangedare for/by us,toshall be the the following property newspapers: of Community Newspapers. Aventuraof News, Biscayne Bay, Coral Gables News, Doral Tribune, Kendall Gazette, Community Newspapers. No such ad or any art thereof may be reproduced without the prior consent

Cutler Bay News, Palmetto Bay News, Pinecrest Tribune, South Miami News,

Editorial e-mail: • Sunny Isles Beach Sun, Miami Beach News, West Park News, Miami Gardens, Opa Locka Review We will not return solicited or unsolicited editorial material including stories, columns and or photographs. If you send us anything, make sure that you have duplicate copies of the material.

SIB Branch Library Programs Jan. 2014 Unless otherwise indicated* all Miami-Dade County Sunny Isles Beach Branch classes and programs are held in the first floor Meeting Room of the Sunny Isles Beach Government Center, 18070 Collins Avenue. Library hours: 10am – 6pm on Monday, Tuesday and Saturday, 12:00-8:00 pm on Wednesday and Thursday and 2:00-6:00 pm on Fridays. For more information about the classes below, call: 305-682-0726

Adult Ongoing Book Discussion Group Monday, January 13, 2014 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. E-mail/Internet Basics Tuesday, January 7, 2014 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Seniors

Joy of Yiddish Club Wednesday, January 15, 2014 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. Russian Social Club* Saturday, January 18, 2014 4:00 – 5:30 p.m.

Children Ongoing Reading Ready Baby Storytime Monday, January 6, 13, 27, 2014 10:00 – 10:20 a.m. Soothing stories, songs and finger plays for babies and their caregivers. Ages 0 – 18 mos. Reading Ready Toddler Storytime Tuesday, January 7, 14, 21, 28, 2014 10:00 – 10:30 a.m. Stories, songs and activities for toddlers and their caregivers. Ages 19 mos. to 3 yrs.

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December 16, 2013


The Birth State of Andrew Jackson?

Bob Diamond HISTORICALLY YOURS Andrew Jackson is rated in numerous historical polls as our sixth greatest president. South Carolina and North Carolina each claim to be his birth state. Which state is correct? Andrew Jackson (father of the future president), a farmer from Ireland and his wife Elizabeth decided to seek a new life in America. “In 1765, the Jackson’s settled in the Scotch-Irish farming community in the Waxhaw region straddling the border between North Carolina and South Carolina.” Elizabeth, with two young boys, advised her husband that she was again pregnant and that the baby would arrive before Spring. Jackson “doubled his efforts to plow additional land. His desire exceeded his strength as he lifted a log that was too heavy for him – he was forced to bed and soon died.” Elizabeth, facing “the daunting prospect of raising three children without the support of a man,” was fortunate to have two married sisters living near-

by. As her delivery day neared, Elizabeth and her boys moved in with her sister Mrs. Jane Crawford in present day Lancaster County, South Carolina, where many believe she gave birth on March 15, 1767. Elizabeth named her new son after her late husband. Even though Jackson believed he was born at the Crawford home in South Carolina, some respected historians argue that enroute to the Crawfords, Mrs. Jackson stopped nearby to visit her other sister, Mrs. Margaret McCamie, in what is now Union County, North Carolina, where she suddenly went into labor and there gave birth to the future president. Google adds to the birth state controversy, as it simply defines Jackson’s birth place as “The Waxhaw region of the Carolinas.” According to historian, William A. DeGregorio, “In 1979, local officials in the two counties decided to settle the matter in a most unique way: Each year high school football teams from Union County and Lancaster County square off in the Old Hickory (Jackson’s nickname) Football Classic. The victorious county wins the right to claim the seventh president as a native son and to place a 17-inch stoneware bust of Jackson in its courthouse for one year.”

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December 16, 2013

Norman S. Edelcup/Sunny Isles Beach K-8 News DR. ANNETTE WEISSMAN


Near… The Ballots were cast…and the votes were in!!! NSE SIB K8 students had elected their student government officers for the 2013-2014 school year. Ms. Carvajal, 7th grade Civics teacher and sponsor of the Student Government Association,

Students in the Norman S. Edelcup SIB K-8 use Skype to communicate with students in SIB’s Sister City of Netanya, Israel.

announced the winners and invited many SIB dignitaries to an installation breakfast. NSE SIB K8 was delighted that Mayor Edelcup, Vice Mayor Aelion, Commissioner Gatto, Commissioner Levin, City Manager Chris Russo and City Attorney Hans Ottinot were all able to attend. They were joined by our school board representative, Dr. Martin Karp, Police Chief Fred Maas and former SIB Vice Mayor Lew Thaler. Each of the city officials had the honor of installing one of the student officers: Timothy Byrd, President; Inake Unzue, Vice President; Celine Roncal, Secretary; Arianna Valera, Treasurer; and Natalia Torres, EESAC Representative. It was a wonderful event that celebrated student leadership and community partnership. Our young leaders had an opportunity to sit and talk with the city leaders and learn from the best. They look forward to a very productive and meaningful year.

and Far... NSE SIB K8 has spread its wings across the ocean to establish a relationship with a school in Netanya, Israel, a sister city to the City of Sunny Isles Beach. Under the leadership of Jenny Levinson, Media Specialist, our students have been “Skypeing” with stu-

Newly elected NSE SIB K-8 student government officers pose with Sunny Isles Beach officials and Miami-Dade County School Board Member Dr. Martin Karp. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

dents at the Herstog School in Netanya. Because of the time difference, our students report to the media center at 7:45am for the “Skypeing” session and the students in Netanya stay late at their school to participate. The students are asking “Getting to

Know You” type questions and are learning about other cultures in another land. Next, the students will begin to correspond on an individual basis through traditional snail mail. Maybe someday they will meet on the beaches of Sunny Isles Beach.

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December 16, 2013


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Sister Cities get together at FIU The Florida International University (FIU) School of Hospitality graciously hosted a gathering for the Sister City Delegation from Netanya, Israel during their recent visit to Sunny Isles Beach. Left to right: SIB Commissioner Jennifer Levin, SIB Vice Mayor Isaac Aelion, SIB Mayor Norman S. Edelcup, Netanya Mayor Miriam Ikar-Fierberg, FIU Vice Provost Steven Moll, SIB Commissioner Jeanette Gatto. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Mayor Norman S. Edelcup and Mayor Miriam Ikar-Fierberg (Netanya, Israel) take time to renew their relationship during a tour of Florida International University. Netanya was Sunny Isles Beach’s first Sister City. At the beginning of the relationship in 2007, Netanya sent a troupe of Israeli Dancers to help celebrate the City’s 10th Anniversary. Since then there have been several exchanges to fuel the cultural and economic connection between the two seaside locations.

December 16, 2013


Please join us in the Commission Chambers at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, December 19, 2013. The meeting will begin with three special presentations: first, recognition of Assistant City Clerk Mauricio Betancur upon obtaining the designation of Certified Municipal Clerk from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks. Next, there will be a presentation by Mayor Norman S. Edelcup announcing the winners of the Sunny Isles Beach Photo Contest for the City’s 2014 calendar. Lastly, Lynn M. Dannheisser, Esq. will make a presentation regarding the 501(c) (3) PIP. There are two Ordinances on the Agenda for first readings: Amending Chapter 265 “zoning” Section 265-35D(4) to add side yard setback restrictions in the Mixed Use-Resort district for lots with frontage between 211 feet and 299 feet in order to provide an option for design flexibility. Amending Chapter 104 of the city code of ordinances commonly known as the “Art in Public Places” ordinance to require the placement of artwork in private and public facilities as part of site plan approval.

There are 11 resolutions on the Agenda: Request to approve appointments to the City Advisory Committee for Calendar Year 2014. Request to support urging members of the Florida Legislature to oppose legislation that would mandate the use of a uniform chart of accounts for all governmental entities to report financial information. Request to approve budget amendment #BA1213-019 to FY 2012/13 budget for reclassification of budget to reflect actual expendi-

tures at year end. Request to authorize a charitable contribution to the Sunny Isles Beach K-8 Trust Fund for the Florida International University First Generation college scholarship program not to exceed $5,000. Request to approve support of the Kiwanis Club fundraising event, Feast of the Senses, with in-kind support in an estimated amount of $11,235.50 plus approve a donation of $10,000 to the Kiwanis Club for the event. Request to approve a donation to Joshua’s Heart Foundation for their fundraising efforts at Jazz Fest 2013 in the amount of $570.18. Request to approve a first amendment to the agreement with L&L Truck Repairs for fleet bus and heavy duty vehicle maintenance and repair services. Request to authorize City Manager or designee to negotiate a second amendment to the agreement with Ric-Man International, Inc. for construction services at Intracoastal Park and related parks. Request to approve a second amendment to the agreement with Keith and Schnars, P.A. for utility undergrounding consultant services. Request to approve a letter of intent between the City of Sunny Isles Beach and HJS, LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Company, for the sale of property located at 500 Sunny Isles Boulevard. Request for approving amendment and consent to assignment between the City of Sunny Isles Beach, 4M Investors, LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Company, and International General Contractor, Inc. for the design-build agreement for the Gateway Park project. Request to terminate invalid Declaration of Use for property located at 15701 Collins Avenue to facilitate the development of the property. Finally, there will be a discussion regarding a request by the North Miami Beach Little League for use of a City facility.

SIB SOCIAL SENIORS EVENTS Featuring: Lourdes Valentin: Singer/Song Writer Date: Thursday, January 2, 2014 Time: 2 – 4p.m. Place: Pelican Community Park 18115 North Bay Road Sunny Isles Beach, Fl. 33160

RSVP to: President: Dennis Stubbolo 305-936-0986 Former Commissioner: Roslyn Brezin 305-949-1522 $10 Membership Fee per Person/Per Year

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CITY OF SUNNY ISLES BEACH, FLORIDA City Commission Meeting David P. Samson Commission Chambers 18070 Collins Avenue • Sunny Isles Beach, Florida 33160

Thursday, December 19, 2013 – 6:30 p.m. Mayor Norman S. Edelcup, Vice Mayor Isaac Aelion, Commissioner Jeanette Gatto, Commissioner Jennifer Levin, Commissioner George “Bud” Scholl, City Manager Christopher J. Russo, City Attorney Hans Ottinot, City Clerk Jane A. Hines, MMC



3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3A.Special City Commission Meeting – November 21, 2013. 3B.Regular City Commission Meeting – November 21, 2013. 4.ORDER OF BUSINESS (Additions/Deletions/Amendments) 4A. Request to Hear Items.

5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 5A. Recognition of Assistant City Clerk Mauricio Betancur upon Obtaining the Designation of Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC) from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks. 5B. Presentation by Mayor Norman S. Edelcup to Winners of the Sunny Isles Beach Photo Contest for the City’s 2014 Calendar. 5C. Presentation by Lynn M. Dannheisser, Esq. regarding the Sunny Isles Beach Partners in Progress (PIP) Foundation, 501(c)(3). 6.ZONING: ZONING HEARINGS ARE QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARINGS. None

7. ORDINANCES FOR FIRST READING 7A. An Ordinance of the City Commission of the City of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, Amending Chapter 265 “Zoning” Section 265-35D(4) to Add Side Yard Setback Restrictions in the Mixed Use-Resort (MUR) District for Lots with Frontage Between 211 Feet and 299 Feet in Order to Provide an Option for Design Flexibility; Providing for Severability; Providing for Inclusion in the Code; Providing for Repeal of Conflicting Provisions; and Providing for an Effective Date. 1. Report of City Attorney. 2. Recommendation: Adopt the Ordinance on first reading and schedule a hearing for second and final reading. 7B. An Ordinance of the City Commission of the City of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, Amending Chapter 104 of the City Code of Ordinances Commonly Known as the “Art in Public Places” Ordinance; Providing for Repealer; Providing for Severability; Providing for Inclusion in the Code; Providing for an Effective Date. 1. Report of City Attorney. 2. Recommendation: Adopt the Ordinance on first reading and schedule a hearing for second and final reading. 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Other than Ordinances for Second Reading) None


10. RESOLUTIONS 10A. A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, Approving Appointments to the City Advisory Committee for Calendar Year 2014; Providing for an Effective Date. 1. Report of Mayor Norman S. Edelcup. 2. Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. 10B. A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, Urging Members of the Florida Legislature to Oppose Legislation that Would Mandate the Use of a Uniform Chart of Accounts for All Governmental Entities to Report Financial Information; Authorizing the City Manager to Do All Things Necessary to Effectuate this Resolution; Directing the City Clerk to Transmit a Copy of this Resolution to the Officials as Stated Herein; Providing for an Effective Date. 1. Report of Finance Director. 2. Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. 10C. A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, Approving Budget Amendment No. BA1213-020 to Fiscal Year 2012/2013 Budget for Reclassification of Budget to Reflect Actual Expenditures at End of Fiscal Year 2013/2014, Attached Hereto as Exhibit “A”; Authorizing the City Manager to Do All Things Necessary to Effectuate this Resolution; Providing for an Effective Date. 1. Report of Finance Director. 2. Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. 10D. A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, Authorizing a Charitable Contribution to the Sunny Isles Beach K-8 Trust Fund for the Florida International University (FIU) First Generation College Scholarship Program, in an Amount Not to Exceed $5,000; Authorizing the City Manager To Do All Things Necessary to Effectuate this Resolution; Providing for an Effective Date. 1. Report of Finance Director. 2. Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. 10E. A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, Supporting the Kiwanis Club Fundraising Event, Feast of the Senses, with In-Kind Support in an Estimated Amount of $11,235.50; Approving a Donation of $10,000 to the Kiwanis Club for the Event; Authorizing the City Manager To Do All Things Necessary to Effectuate this Resolution; Providing for an Effective Date. 1. Report of Cultural and Community Services Director.

2. Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. 10F. A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, Approving a Donation to Joshua’s Heart Foundation for their Fundraising Efforts at Jazz Fest 2013, in the Amount of $570.18; Authorizing the City Manager To Do All Things Necessary to Effectuate this Resolution; Providing for an Effective Date. 1. Report of Cultural and Community Services Director. 2. Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. 10G. A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, Approving the First Amendment to the Agreement with L & L Truck Repairs for Fleet Bus and Heavy Duty Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Services, in an Amount Not to Exceed $60,000, Attached Hereto as Exhibit “A”; Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Said Agreement; Authorizing the City Manager to Do All Things Necessary to Effectuate this Resolution; Providing for an Effective Date. 1. Report of Assistant City Manager. 2. Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. 10H. A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate a Second Amendment to the Agreement with Ric-Man International, Inc. for Construction Services at the Intracoastal Park and Related Parks, in an Amount Not to Exceed $200,000; Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Said Agreement, Providing that it is Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency by the City Attorney; Authorizing the City Manager and the City Attorney to Do All Things Necessary to Effectuate this Resolution; Providing for an Effective Date. 1. Report of City Engineer. 2. Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. 10I. A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, Approving a Second Amendment to the Agreement with Keith and Schnars, P.A. for Utility Undergrounding Consultant Services for Phase II, in an Amount Not to Exceed $127,470.00, Attached Hereto as Exhibit “A”; Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Said Agreement; Authorizing the City Manager to Do All Things Necessary to Effectuate this Resolution; Providing for an Effective Date. 1. Report of City Engineer. 2. Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. 10J. A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, Approving a Letter of Intent Between the City of Sunny Isles Beach and HJS, LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Company, for the Sale of Property Located at 500 Sunny Isles

Boulevard, in Substantially the Same Form Attached Hereto as Exhibit “A”; Providing the City Manager and the City Attorney with the Authority to Do All Things Necessary to Effectuate this Resolution; Authorizing the Mayor to Execute the Letter of Intent in Substantially the Same Form Attached Hereto as Exhibit “A”; Providing for an Effective Date. 1. Report of City Manager. 2. Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. 10K. AResolution of the City Commission of the City of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, Approving an Amendment and Consent to Assignment of Design-Build Agreement between the City of Sunny Isles Beach, 4M Investors, LLC., “Assignor”), and (“Contractor” or International General Contractor (“Assignee”), Attached Hereto as Exhibit “A”; Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Said Amendment; Authorizing the City Manager and the City Attorney to Do All Things Necessary to Effectuate this Resolution; Providing for an Effective Date. 1. Report of City Attorney. 2. Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. 10L. A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, Terminating a Declaration of Use for the Property Located at 15701 Collins Avenue, Sunny Isles Beach, Florida; Authorizing the City Manager and the City Attorney to Do All Things Necessary to Effectuate the Terms of this Resolution; Providing for Severability; Providing for Repealer; Providing for an Effective Date. 1. Report of City Attorney. 2. Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. 11. MOTIONS


12. DISCUSSION ITEMS 12A. A Discussion regarding a Request by the NMB Little League for Use of Chief Fred Maas Baseball Field.


14. ADJOURNMENT In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, all persons who are disabled and who need special accommodations to participate in this meeting because of that disability should contact the City Clerk at (305) 947-0606, no later than 48 hours prior to such proceeding. Anyone wishing to obtain a copy of any agenda item may contact the City Clerk at (305) 947-0606. Anyone wishing to appeal any decision made by the City of Sunny Isles Beach with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.

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December 16, 2013

The School Trust Fund Honors Sid Gersh

Left to right: Stephanie Tudor, Assistant Principal at ATM High School; Bryna Berman, Assistant to the Principal at NSE K-8 SIB School; Joni Balkin, family friend; Dr. Annette Weissman, Principal, NSE K-8 SIB School; Norman S. Edelcup, Mayor; Nancy Gersh; Lew Thaler, Vice President of the School Trust and ex Vice Mayor; and Bob Welsh, President of the School Trust. Photo by Dave Gartner.

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– BY BOB WELSH

The School Trust Fund raises monies to supplement and complement the budgets of our local schools for improving educational opportunities for our Sunny Isles Beach and Golden Beach students. We have engraved a plate on our “Wall of Giving” in the memory of Sid Gersh. Sid Gersh was a man who dedicated his life to public service and politics. His support for local politicos and national figures, made him very popular. He opened the door to the School Trust having a wonderful relationship with the political community. He first got interested in Florida politics

when he moved here from Providence, Rhode Island in the 1960’s. He opened doors to Dick Gephardt, Bill Clinton, Hilary Clinton, and Alex Sink for the Trust. He is survived by his wife Nancy and her children who looked upon Sid as a Father. Nancy says, “His happy smiling face, his love for people, and his ‘good guy’ attitude with friends and family will always be in my heart.” The Trust welcomes community support and contributions. Donations will be recognized on our “Wall” in the Norman S. Edelcup K-8 School rotunda. For further information, please contact Bob Welsh 305607-5706.

Free WiFi in City Parks Sunny Isles Beach offers residents and visitors free WiFi throughout the city’s parks as part of a Wireless Island Project. All of the city parks are WiFi Hotspots where internet connectivity is free, wireless, and commercialfree. The city parks that are WiFi Hotspots include Bella Vista Bay Park, Pier Park, Samson Oceanfront Park, Town Center Park, Senator Gwen Margolis Park, Golden Shores Community Park, Pelican Community Park, and Heritage Park. WiFi is also available at the Sunny Isles Beach Government Center. There are private companies that offer WiFi services for a fee in condominiums or private homes.

Connect to:

December 16, 2013


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Free Consultation A Law Firm Dedicated to Protecting Florida’s Families Medical Malpractice • • • • •

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December 16, 2013

December 16, 2013


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December 16, 2013



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December 16, 2013


Page 21

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December 16, 2013

Cosmetic & Family Dentistry and Orthodontics

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Se habla Espanol, Falamos Portugues, Nous Parlons Francais Most insurances welcome and payment plans available.

305-466-2334 The Art of Dentistry, Valeria Soltanik DMD P.A. 2999 NE 191st Street, Suite 350 • Aventura, FL 33180

December 16, 2013


Thoughts about Christmas BY RICHARD C. SCHULMAN

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City Historian

One of the things that make a Christmas party so delightful is that it is everybody’s party. Most other parties are in honor of some friend, relative, or colleague. We celebrate and salute the guest of honor’s great new achievement or anniversary. We come together to congratulate a particular individual for a notable accomplishment. But Christmas is something else. Christmas, of course, is a birthday party, but it is an idea, a symbol and above all a spirit of fellowships. At the same time, a Christmas party has another unique attribute we cannot ignore. Christmas is a giftgiving occasion and gift-giving and giftreceiving are times when most of us have more reason than elsewhere in the year to feel happy, to feel friendly toward our companions, perhaps even to be wallowing in the milk of human kindness. A great many of the things we accept, as

True Love BY RABBI YISRAEL BARON Chabad Rabbi of Sunny Isles Beach

Would you work for seven years in exchange for marrying the one you love? Jacob did just that. In addition, the Torah tells us, “They seemed to him like a few days because of his love for her.” Now that sounds counter-intuitive. If someone is in love, every moment should feel like a long time. Yet, the torah tells us that the seven years of Jacob’s work, leading up to his marriage with Rachel, felt like only a few days. Why?! After eating a plate of fish, a young man once told R’ Mendel of Kotzk that he really “loved fish.” R’ Mendel , known for his witty sayings, responded: “ You don’t love fish. If you really loved fish, you would not have killed it and eaten it. You love yourself! You are eating the fish to serve your own needs.” Malbim, a Torah commentator, says the Torah is making a point while describing Jacob’s love for Rachel. This love was not a reflective love - a love of desire, because if so

ancient Christmas customs are a lot younger than we think. It was little more than a hundred years ago that Americans began sending each other Christmas cards. The night before Christmas was a fine time for the kids long before Clement Moore wrote a poem about it in 1822. The Christmas tree, however, is a good deal older, and so is the Christmas party. George Washington won a great victory over the British in the American Revolution when he surprised Hessian troops who were sleeping off their Christmas revelry. I think it is only fitting to remember that Saint Nicholas, who is more celebrated at this time of year as Santa Claus, is not only the patron saint of children and of sailors but also of pawnbrokers, suggesting that it is all right to go into hock at Christmas time, but prudence argues as strongly against that course as against overestimating one’s capacity for spiked eggnog. Think before you drink and take stock before you hock.

May I wish you all, Happy Holidays, and a wonderful New Year, full of health, joy and happiness! every moment would feel like a year. Rather, Jacob loved Rachel in the pure sense of “True Love.” The reality is that we are nowhere near as capable as Jacob. As psychologist Sidney M. Jourard observed: “People marry for many reasons, and few people marry for love, because few people are able to love the person they marry at the time they marry them.” Does that mean that we must settle for “fish love?” The Mishna in Ethics of Our Fathers says that any love that is dependent on an expected benefit will dissolve once that benefit is gone. The Mishna is only concerned about a dependent love, but not concerned about the source of the love. We may start with self serving “fish love” but once we lessen the dependency (on our own needs and desires) and focus on the target of our love, then we have “true love” and it is sustainable. Rabbi Yisrael Baron resides in Sunny Isles Beach with his wife and five children. He is the Spiritual Leader and Co-Director of Chabad Lubavitch of Sunny Isles Beach, Co-Director of iVolunteer Florida Chaplain for Aventura Hospital, and Chaplain for the Sunny Isles Beach Police Department. To receive Rabbi Baron’s weekly newsletters (with his articles addressing the Torah’s perspective of life’s everyday challenges) go to or text the word: INCLUDE to 22828


Tuesday, Christmas Eve 12/24/13 & Tuesday, New Year’s Eve 12/31/13 Skate Park will be closed All Day

The following is closing at 1:00 pm: Pelican Community Park SIB Government Center Closing at 6:00pm Town Center Park Heritage Park

Library Hours Closing at 1:00pm For Post Office Hours Ask Mail Clerk

Additionally the Community Shuttle Bus will run as follows: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm The last shuttle southbound will be the Orange line leaving Aventura Mall southbound at 11:45 am ending at the Arlen House at 12:50 pm. The last two shuttles northbound will be:

Blue line departing Arlen House at 11:05 am and terminating at Aventura Mall at 12:05 pm. Green line will depart Arlen house at 11:45 am terminating at Ocean View condominium at 12:35pm. Please note that the last departures from Publix whether north or southbound will deliver passengers to their final destination within our city limits only. They will not be continuing on to either the Aventura Mall or the Intracoastal Mall. Wed., Dec. 25, 2013 Christmas Day Wed., Jan. 1, 2014 New Years Day CLOSED Sunny Isles Beach Government Center Sunny Isles Beach Branch Library Pelican Community Park Skate Park U.S. Post Office The Community Shuttle Bus does not run. Open 1:00 - 6:00pm Town Center Park Heritage Park

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December 16, 2013

• • • ORGANIZATION NEWS • • • ARTS BALLET THEATRE OF FLORIDA Arts Ballet Theatre of Florida, nurtured and grown under the direction of Ballet Master Vladimir Issaev since October of 1997, leaps into its 16th Season starting October 12, 2013 with Pentimento, and Firebird and ends with their Spring Gala on May 3 and 4, 2014. For more information regarding any of the season’s shows, visit or call 305.948.4777 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Contact us for the details of the next meeting At Denny’s Restaurant 17550 Collins Ave Sunny Isles Beach All Guests - $5 CONTACT: Robert Paget – 305-586-0242 (Email: BRING YOUR MEMBERSHIP CARD Democracy begins at the grass roots

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Concerned Citizens of NE Dade

Call for the date of the next Luncheon Meeting Peppermill Restaurant, Arlen House, SIB To RVSP call Nancy Leyton at 305.937.6285

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


“Live in the present, draw from the past, prepare for the future” A Non-Sectarian Program for The Active 60+ Senior


Classes are held at King David Condominium, 17555 Atlantic Ave. unless otherwise indicated.

(Please use side entrance on 175th into The Chabad Lubavitch of SIB) For more information call Rachel @ 954-604-8838

MONDAY 9:30 - 11:00 ENGLISH for Russian Speakers with Rachel 11:00 - 1:00 RUSSIAN CHOIR with Marina TUESDAY 9:30 - 10:30 ENHANCE FITNESS with Debbie ($2) 10:35 - 11:35 CHAIR YOGA with Agi ($2) WEDNESDAY 9:30 - 10:30 ENHANCE FITNESS with Marian ($2) THURSDAY 9:30 - 11:00 ENGLISH for RUSSIAN SPEAKERS 11:00 - 1:00 RUSSIAN CHOIR with Marina 1:00 - 2:00 SPANISH with Agi (min 10 need to register) FRIDAY 9:30 - 10:30 ENHANCE FITNESS with Debbie ($2) 10:35 - 11:35 CHAIR YOGA with Agi ($2) ______________________________________ *Enhance Fitness classes require special registration, Please see Rachel for the application. Please see suggested donation for each of the classes.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

SIMCHA CHAPTER OF HADASSAH For more information on joining this organization, contact: Sheila Dvoor, VP MEMBERSHIP at 305-947-0120 or Roz Lebowitz, VP MEMBERSHIP at 305-895-0053

BEACH PATRONS BEWARE! City Code does not permit glass bottles or containers on the beach. This code, Section 201, is to insure a safe and clean, natural beach environment for all residents and visitors to enjoy. Notice is posted on the signs at all Beach Access points and Samson Oceanfront Park. Please be sure to comply with all City Codes to keep our city safe and attractive for the pleasure of all. Non-compliance may result in a citation, fine and possible imprisonment. For more information about City codes, please contact the Community Development Department at 305.792.1705. Thank you in advance for your continued support and compliance.

Adopt a Buddy! For general information on how to adopt a pet, call us at (305) 696-0800 or go online at: <>

December 16, 2013

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• • • RELIGIOUS NEWS • • •

Synagogue B’nai Zion

200 – 178 Street, Sunny Isles Beach, FL 33160 For information call: 786-768-7745 Rabbi Lankry or Rabbi Harrar

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

BEIT RAMBAM CONGREGATION 200 - 178th Street, Sunny Isles Beach, FL 33160 Phone: 305-935-6133 E-Mail: Orthodox Sepharadic

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church 17775 N. Bay Rd. Sunny Isles Beach, FL 33160 Phone: 305-931-0600 Fax: 305-931-0601 Web Page: E-mail: 2013 Winter/Spring/Summer Mass Schedule Weekend Saturday Vigil: English 6:00 PM Sunday: English 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM Spanish 1:00 PM

Daily English: Monday-Saturday: 8:00 AM Confessions: Saturday, 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM King David (ground floor) 17555 Atlantic Blvd. SIB, Fl. 33160 Rabbi Yisrael Baron: 305-792-4770 Enjoy a weekly class by Rabbi Yisrael Baron Thursdays 8:00-9:00 pm Shabbat Services Friday Mincha 15 minutes before sunset Shabbat Shacharis 9:30am followed by a Kiddush with the Rebbetzins cholent Shabbat Mincha 15 minutes before sunset

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Chabad Russian Center 250 Sunny Isles Boulevard, Suite 3 In the St. Tropez Building 305-803-5315 Rabbi Kaller

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Young Israel of SIB

An orthodox synagogue 17395 North Bay Road, Sunny Isles Beach, FL 33160 Rabbi Meir Moshe Haber Office:305-935-4443 • Cellular 786-395-6420 President Chaim Gidali: 305-935-9095 e-mail:

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

From all of us at Community Newspapers... Happy Holidays and a Safe and Healthy New Year!

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December 16, 2013

Jewish Film Festival Premieres 30 Films January 23 - February 3, 2014

Expect the unexpected at the 17th annual Miami Jewish Film Festival (MJFF), a program of the Center for the Advancement of Jewish Education (CAJE), with an exciting showcase of films, including Academy Award entries and World, North American, and Florida Premieres. “We are proud to share these films with our community, whose stories open the eyes and ignite our hearts,” said MJFF Director Igor Shteyrenberg. “In this revitalizing year for MJFF, we hope to continue to grow and inspire new audiences through the power of film to effect change in attitude, opinion, and cultural understanding.” MJFF kicks off its Festival week with the Opening Night screening of When Comedy Went to School, which shines a light on legendary comedians Jerry Lewis, Woody Allen, Jerry Seinfeld, amongst many other icons. The Opening Night celebration will also include a Gala Reception featuring live music, savory food provided by Miami’s finest restaurants, and complimentary drinks courtesy of L’Chaim Kosher Vodka. Festival highlights include the Florida Premieres of two Academy Award entries for Best Foreign Language Film, Bethlehem (Israel) and The German Doctor (Argentina); Israel’s box-office smash hit, Hunting Elephants, starring Sir Patrick Stewart; the Florida Premiere of Pawel Pawlikowski’s international award-winning film Ida; the critically acclaimed and hotly controversial Aftermath; the 30th anniversary presentation of Woody Allen’s Broadway Danny Rose hosted by Whit Stillman, and the 75th anniversary of Molly Picon’s beloved musical comedy Mamele, featuring a choir performing songs from the film. 1 World Premiere Feature Felix Tikotin: A Life Devoted to Japanese Art (Netherlands-Japan-Israel-France, directed by Santie Kramer) 3 North American Premiere Features Bureau 06 (Lishka 06) (Israel, directed by Yoav Halevy)

Here We Are (Estamos aqui) (Brazil-US, directed by Cintia Chamecki) Our Big Time (Blutsbrüder teilen alles) (Austria-Germany-Romania, directed by Wolfram Paulus) 11 Florida Premiere Features Bethlehem (Israel-Germany-Belgium, directed by Yuval Adler) Closed Season (Ende der Schonzeit) (Germany-Israel, directed by Franziska Schlotterer) The German Doctor (Argentina-FranceSpain, directed by Lucia Puenzo) Hunting Elephants (Israel-US, directed by Reshef Levi) Ida (Poland-Denmark, directed by Pawel Pawlikowski) Igor & The Cranes’ Journey (IsraelGermany-Poland, directed by Evgeny Ruman) Mamele (Poland, directed by Joseph Green & Konrad Tom) My First Wedding (Mi primera boda) (Argentina, directed by Ariel Winograd) Rue Mandar (France, directed by Idit Cebula) When Day Breaks (Kad svane dan)

(Serbia-France-Croatia, directed by Goran Paskaljevic) When Jews Were Funny (Canada, directed by Alan Zweig) 3 South Florida Premiere Features The Last Sentence (Dom över död man) (Sweden-Norway, directed by Jan Troell) Putzel (US, directed by Jason Chaet) When Comedy Went to School (US, directed by Lawrence Richards) 4 Miami Premiere Features Aftermath (Poklosie) (Poland-RussiaNetherlands, directed by Wladyslaw Pasikowski) All In (La suerte en tus manos) (Argentina-Spain, directed by Daniel Burman) Let’s Dance! (Israel, directed by Gabriel Bibliowicz) The Zigzag Kid (Nono, het Zigzag Kind) (Netherlands-Belgium-UK-Spain-France, directed by Vincent Bal) 2 From the Vault Features An American Tail (US, directed by Don Bluth) Broadway Danny Rose (US, directed by Woody Allen)

6 Short Films Audition (Netherlands, directed by Udo Prinsen) I Was a Child of Holocaust Survivors (Canada, directed by Ann Marie Fleming) Nyosha (Israel, directed by Yael Dekel & Liran Kapel) Paddle-Ball (Israel, directed by Avi Belkin) Seven Minutes in the Warsaw Ghetto (Denmark, directed by Johan Oettinger) Woody Before Allen (US, directed by Masha Vasyukova)

Mami Jewish Film Festival (MJFF), celebrating its 17th anniversary January 23 through February 3, 2014, is considered the preeminent film festival for showcasing Jewish cinema in Florida. The annual Festival, a program of Center for the Advancement of Jewish Education (CAJE), aims to create a platform designed to engage the public with diverse and award-winning films about Jewish culture, arts, and lifestyle. As a gathering of more than 11,000 local and international audience members, this world-wide convening of film aficionados has consistently provided the finest in emerging and established films. Center for the Advancement of Jewish Education (CAJE) promotes quality Jewish learning and identity-building opportunities throughout Miami; strengthens the capacity of Jewish organizations to deliver engaging and enriching educational programs; and serves as a catalyst for connecting Jews of all ages to their rich heritage. CAJE is a subsidiary agency of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation. The Greater Miami Jewish Federation for more than 75 years has worked to mobilize human and financial resources to care for those in need, strengthen Jewish life and advances the unity, values and shared purpose of the Jewish people in Miami, in Israel, and around the world. Press Contact: Sheila Stieglitz, MJFF Public Relations, 305-662-2359

SUNNY ISLES BEACH COMMUNITY SHUTTLE links up to neighboring bus lines in Aventura, North Miami Beach & Hallandale Beach

December 16, 2013


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2014 Lexus RX350 sets standard for luxury CUV class Ron Beasley AUTOMOTIVE EDITOR

LET’S TALK CARS Lexus developed the blueprint for the luxury crossover utility vehicle 15 years ago with the popular RX models, and company engineers continue to improve on the original with each new model year. The 2014 RX 350 follows the pattern of last year’s model that brought a freshened design with the bold new signature spindle grille and the addition of the new RX 350 F SPORT model to the lineup. The RX 350 continues in front-wheel drive and all-weather drive models, along with the F SPORT exclusively with allweather drive. Each is powered by the smooth 3.5-liter DOHC V-6 engine with 270 hp. The standard model (FWD and AWD) uses a six-speed automatic transmission while the F SPORT has an eight-speed automatic transmission. The 2014 Lexus RX350 is not only comfortable, but also boasts a wide array of technological features, including the Lexus

Remote Touch interface and navigation. The RX350, like most Lexus models, utilizes high quality materials and elegant styling to give it an upscale feel. Convenience and ease of use make another leap in the 2014 RX 350 with the addition of available Siri Eyes Free Mode technology licensed from Apple. Compatible with the iPhone, Siri lets you call contacts, select and play music from iTunes, get turn-by-turn navigation through Siri and Apple maps, and much more. To help you keep your eyes on the road and hands on the wheel, Siri can read notifications and calendar information and allow you to add reminders, calendar appointments and notes. The RX F SPORT is a special model, with an exclusive drivetrain and chassis tuning. It’s the first RX model equipped with an eight-speed paddle-shift automatic transmission, and it has a greater appetite for the road with twist-spoke 19-inch wheels and F SPORT tuned suspension. The eight-speed transmission not only makes the RX 350 F SPORT more responsive, but also boosts EPA highway fuel economy from 24 mpg to 26 mpg. The Lexus signature spindle grille gets the distinctive mesh style finish with the F

Lexus RX 350 continues with a design that was freshened last year with the bold signature spindle grille.

SPORT, which is also distinguished by its own front bumper design. The F SPORT interior stands apart, too, with black leather accented by contrasting silver stitching, ebony bird’s-eye maple wood trim, black headliner and aluminum pedals and footrest. The F SPORT steps up the standard luxury by including all features from the Premium and Comfort Packages, which remain options for the standard model. The Premium Package equips the RX 350 with a perforated leather-trimmed interior, power moonroof, memory system for the

driver’s seat, outside mirrors and tilt/telescoping steering wheel, and more. The Comfort Package adds heated and ventilated front seats, High-Intensity Discharge (HID) headlights and rain-sensing wipers. The MSRP on the 2014 Lexus RX350 ranges from $39,760 to $47,810. Ron Beasley is the automotive editor for Miami’s Community Newspapers. He may be contacted by calling 305-662-2277, ext. 261, or by addressing email correspondence to <>.

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Do you or someone you know have Rosacea? FXM Research in Miramar is looking for males and females 18 years or older that suffer from Rosacea “Redness on forehead, cheeks, and nose with acne type lesions on your face” to participate in a four [4] study-visit clinical research study. Medical Insurance is not required for study participation. Qualified participants will receive: • Evaluation by a Board Certified Dermatologist. • Investigational Study Medication or placebo at no cost. • Reimbursement for time and travel up to USD $200.00.

¿Tiene usted o alguien que usted conoce Rosacea? FXM Research en Miramar está buscando hombres y mujeres de 18 años de edad o más que padecen de Rosacea “Enrojecimiento en la frente, mejillas, y nariz con lesiones similares al acné”, para participar en un estudio clínico de investigación que requiere de cuatro [4] visitas. No se requiere seguro médico para su participación en el estudio. Los participantes que califiquen recibirán: • Evaluaciones por un Dermatólogo Certificado. • Los medicamentos del estudio bajo investigación o placebo sin costo alguno. • Reembolso por su tiempo y transporte de hasta $200.00. For more information please call:

Para más información por favor llame al:

(954) 430-1097 Francisco Flores, MD. Board Certified Dermatologist FXM Research Miramar

FXM Research Miramar 3000 SW 148th Avenue, Suite 216 Miramar, FL 33027

Do you or someone you know have Psoriasis? FXM Research in Miramar is looking for males and females 18 years or older that suffer from Psoriasis to participate in a seven [7] study-visit clinical research study. Medical Insurance is not required for study participation. Qualified participants will receive: • Evaluation by a Board Certified Dermatologist. • Investigational Study Medication at no cost. • Reimbursement for time and travel up to USD $350.00.

¿Tiene usted o alguien que usted conoce Psoriasis? FXM Research en Miramar está buscando hombres y mujeres de 18 años de edad o más que padecen de Psoriasis para participar en un estudio clínico de investigación que requiere de siete [7] visitas. No se requiere seguro médico para su participación en el estudio. Los participantes que califiquen recibirán: • Evaluaciones por un Dermatólogo Certificado. • Los medicamentos del estudio bajo investigación sin costo alguno. • Reembolso por su tiempo y transporte de hasta $350.00. For more information please call:

Para más información por favor llame al:

(954) 430-1097 Francisco Flores, MD. Board Certified Dermatologist FXM Research Miramar

FXM Research Miramar 3000 SW 148th Avenue, Suite 216 Miramar, FL 33027

December 16, 2013

FIU professor works to protect South Florida’s coral reefs On any given day, Deron Burkepile, assistant professor of marine science at Florida International University’s Biscayne Bay Campus can be found conducting research on how humans impact marine and terrestrial ecosystems, and what actions can be carried out to mitigate resulting damage. His latest work focuses on common South Florida pollutants from sewage, agricultural practices and other sources that can lead to a rapid increase in coral disease, as well as bleaching among nearby coral reefs. The three-year study examined the effects of increased exposure to nitrogen and phosphorous in a controlled testing site. It was one of the largest and longest experiments conducted to evaluate nutrient loading on coral reefs. The study, published in “Global Change Biology,” determined these common pollutants doubled the prevalence of disease and more than tripled the amount of coral bleaching, according to Burkepile. “The results of the study actually offer hope that local decisions to mitigate nutrient pollution can help corals survive the increasing stress of rising sea surface temperatures

as a result of climate change,” Burkepile said. “While slowing climate change will take coordinated, international action over decades, reducing nutrient pollution on coral reefs can have immediate effects on reef health and conservation.” For years researchers have observed the decline in coral reef health where sewage outflows or use of fertilizers, in urban or agricultural areas have caused an increase in the loading of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. But until now, almost no large long-term experiments have been conducted to pin down the impact of nutrient overloading to separate them from other possible causes of coral reef decline. According to the findings, once the addition of pollutants stopped, the corals recovered within months. A leading marine ecologist, Burkepile has completed two missions at FIU’s Aquarius Reef Base (, the world’s only undersea research lab located off the coast of Key Largo. For more information on Burkepile and FIU’s environmental research, visit or call 305-919-6000.


December 16, 2013


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...OUR Season’S BEST!! 2014 ATS $299.00 2.5L

c Premiu la

nance Inc te


e Mai Car n

No Dealers Fees ed Cadi l lud

COUPE 2014 CTS $369.00

Cadillac Premium Care Maintenance Included for 4 years/50,000 miles

2014 SRX $359.00

n Ope ays 7D 2014 XTS $459.00

2014 CTS $499.00

*36 Month Lease | 10K miles yr. | $1,500 Due at inception plus, Tax, Tag. | Includes Lease Loyalty/Conquest Incentive | Expires 1/02/2014


Loaded, Nav. Sunroof


2010 ESV Black/Black Low miles


2010 BMW328 Conv. Silver, Only 25K miles.


Page 30


December 16, 2013

Upscale Furniture Consignment Gallery Get a Fresh Look for the Holidays

Rita Schwartz (Owner)



Where Class & Vintage Meet

Open: Monday to Friday 10:30am - 6pm - Sat. & Sun. 10am - 5pm

Wher class and vintage meet... With prices that can’t be beat! Where In the Famous Warehouse District by the Falls next to Battaglia Shoes

8845 SW 132 St. • Miami, FL 33176 | 305.491.5651

December 16, 2013


Page 31

New Years Eve Bash 8:00 PM Enliven your senses in a night to Remember. Come and celebrate the successes of 2013 as we embark together in the beginning of an INCREDIBLE 2014!!! Dinner Buffet with Wine $99 Dinner Buffet with Wine and 4 hours Open Bar $149 Includes: Entrance-Party Favors-Concert-Grapes-Champagne Toast at Midnight *Price is per person. Gratuity & Taxes included for your convenience.

New Year Eve Bash Buffet Menu Greens, Mixed Baby greens, sliced tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots and peas with Raspberry Dressing Hearts of Romaine lettuce, homemade croutons, Parmesan cheese and Cesar dressing Sides Broccoli Florets infused in Butter Yellow Rice Piperade Sliced baked potato with Sour Cream and Chives Main Sliced Stroganoff Filet Mignon Grilled Alaskan Salmon Crusted Almandine Stuffed Chicken Breast with Wild Mushrooms Sweets Romance Tiramisu Cheese Cakes of the World New York – Greece – Rome Double Cheese Cake -Raspberry –Chocolate

Happy Hour 7 days a week

Ocean Front Bar and Grill HOTEL ROOMS

Starting from $99 Weekdays! Includes daily Continental Breakfast Buffet for 2 Adults & 2 Children (age 4 & younger ) Subject to 13% tax & $13 resort fee per room daily. Based on availability - Not valid with any other promotions.

For information contact our Reservations Department (877) 327-6363 Use promo code #C800

Monday thru Friday 4-6 PM Then… countinue the fun at the

TNT LOUNGE Restaurant & Bar

Monday thru Sunday 6-8 PM Watch your favorite sports while endulging on our new appetizers and International menu

Ask about Ladies Night, Free Concerts and Latin night…. For: RSVP 305-932-2244 Valet parking $5 with validated ticket at the Lounge

19201 Collins Ave-Sunny Isles Beach, Fl 33160--T- 305-932-2233 F- 305-935-5009

Page 32


December 16, 2013

#q50 #getmore


2014 Infiniti Q50 Premium Sedan


Lease per month plus tax $0 down

Always. 20850 NW 2nd Avenue (Hwy 441), Miami Sales: 866.497.5984


2014 Q50 MSRP $37,605. 24 month lease @ $349 per month plus tax. Due at start: ZERO down Cap cost reduction, ďŹ rst payment, bank fee plus tax, tag and fees. 10,000 allowable miles per year. $0.25 per mile thereafter. $0 security deposit. 1.9% APR with approved credit. Vehicle available from dealer stock only. Two or more available at this price. Offer expires: 1/4/2014

December 16, 2013


Page 33

THE DONOWAY CENTER FOR CANCER TREATMENT AND PREVENTION Surgical Oncology Associates of South Florida Robert B. Donoway, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.S.S.O. Surgical Oncology & Breast Surgical Oncology Practice Specializing in Cancer of Breast, Pancreas, Liver, GI Tract, Melanoma, Sarcoma, Thyroid and Parathyroid, Cancer Prevention and Risk Assessment, Surgical Oncology, Breast Surgical Oncology, Endocrine, and Laparoscopic Surgery, Minimally Invasive Image Guided Tumor Surgery, Genetic Cancer Counseling

ROBERT B. DONOWAY, M.D. Medical Director Institute for Breast Cancer Prevention

21110 Biscayne Boulevard • Suite 400 • Aventura, FL 33180 3800 Johnson Street • Suite 400 • Hollywood, FL 33021 17884 N.W. 2nd Street • Pembroke Pines, FL 33029

Phone: 954.986.6366 • 305.682.4993 • Fax 954.986.4355

Page 34


December 16, 2013

FIRE PLAN REVIEW The Fire Engineering Bureau, of the Miami-Dade County Fire Department offers review at the Sunny Isles Beach Building Department located at: 18070 Collins Avenue, 3rd Floor • Sunn y Isles Beach, FL 33160 Pho ne: 3 0 5 - 7 9 2 - 1 9 6 0 Plans review will be limited to Life Safety submittals only using the following criteria: New Construction/Addition plans under 50,000 sq. ft. Interior Alter/Repair plans under $100,000 in value Kitchen Hoods • Spray Booths • Walk-In Coolers • Minor Life Safety Revisions (4 pages or less) Off-site plan review will be on Tuesdays only from 12:00 p.m. through 3:30 p.m. Plans will be reviewed on a first come, first serve basis. Customer will be responsible for upfront fees at the time of submittal. Forms of payments accepted are check or credit card. (Visa, MasterCard or American Express)

BEACH PATRONS BEWARE! City Code does not permit glass bottles or containers on the beach. This code, Section 201, is to insure a safe and clean, natural beach environment for all residents and visitors to enjoy. Notice is posted on the signs at all Beach Access points and Samson Oceanfront Park. Please be sure to comply with all City Codes to keep our city safe and attractive for the pleasure of all. Non-compliance may result in a citation, fine and possible imprisonment. For more information about City codes, please contact the Community Development Department at 305.792.1705. Thank you in advance for your continued support and compliance.

Northeast Miami-Dade Service Center NOW OPEN to assist residents

North Dade residents won’t have to travel downtown for assistance with basic county services with the new Service Center at: North Dade Justice Center, 15555 Biscayne Boulevard. On October 1st the new office serviced over 100 people on its first day open. Open Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (closed noon - 1:00 p.m.)

• Golden Passport new applications and renewals • Homestead exemptions • Auto tags renewals • Property Tax and Local Business Tax payments • Sale of dog tags • Baby stroller permits • Contractor licensing SOME OF THE SERVICES AVAILABLE ARE:

“It’s not always easy for residents living at the north end of the county to travel downtown or even further south for service,” said Commissioner Sally A. Heyman. “Miami-

Dade is in the business of customer service and it makes a difference when residents and businesses feel like we are accessible to them.” A Miami-Dade staff person will be available to assist residents, as well as an automated computer touch screen that will allow residents to pay their bills and access other services online. Residents can call 3-1-1 for additional information on services provided at this Service Center.

December 16, 2013


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December 16, 2013

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