TOMA Booklet

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Tales of Miniature Africa

About TOMA

Brand Mission

We are the voice of Cameroon in the luxury scented candle market, providing customers with energetic, unique, fun scents that are as exciting as the country they represent. Our name is a reference to Cameroon’s nickname, “Africa in Miniature,” which reflects the country having most of Africa’s diverse geographical landscapes. Our aim is to present Cameroonian culture to the Western world in a fun, aspirational, premium and creative manner, showcasing African excellence while creating an opportunity to expand the African scented candle industry.

Our Refills

Every year, over 300 million container candles are burnt, and many containers end up in landfill. To curb this issue, we offer a “Subscribe and Save” service that allows customers to order their favourite candles every month in pillar form at a reduced cost. The candles can be replaced after each finished burn cycle, allowing customers to keep and reuse their Tolek containers. Customers can choose a refill cycle that works best for them, be it monthly rolling, 3 months, 6 months, or 12 months.

Our Scents

Cameroon is the 5th largest global exporter of cocoa, and the 21st largest global exporter of coffee, with most of it being exported to Germany, France and Holland, among others. Coffee and cocoa are two of the most popular candle scents in the world, but Africa remains the smallest global market for scented candles. Because of this, we focus all of our scents around coffee and cocoa, working alongside local farmers to export the raw material to the UK and extract the scent for fragrance oils. This collaboration contributes to growing Cameroon’s GDP while offering pathways into luxury retail.

Our Containers

The containers in our Tolek collection are inspired by the mud huts of the Musgum people in the Far North region of Cameroon. These stoneware containers are able to achieve their gorgeous complex design thanks to being manufactured through ceramic 3D printing. They are designed using 3D CAD software (Solidworks), then printed on the Eazao Matrix M500 ceramic printer using stoneware clay, fired in a kiln, glazed, and fired once more to achieve a stunning glossy finish. The five colours of containers available are part of a colour palette inspired by Cameroonian landscapes and national colours.

The Gorges de Kola in the Northern region

About Cameroon

Cameroon is a country at the junction of West and Central Africa, bordering Nigeria, Chad, Central African Republic, Congo, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea. It is very ethically diverse, and one of the most urban countries in the region.

Referred to as “Africa in Miniature” thanks to its ethical diversity, vast landscapes and wild life.

Population: 29,000,000 (est 2023)

Capital city: Yaoundé (but Douala is the economic capital)

President: Paul Biya

National language(s): English and French

There are 10 regions in Cameroon, with over 200 ethnic groups and over 240 linguistic groups. The country’s name stems from the term Rio dos Camarões, “River of Prawns”, given to the Wouri River by Portuguese explorers in the 15th and 16th century due to an affinity in shrimp.

Cameroon Landscapes

The most popular waterfalls in Cameroon are the Lobé waterfalls in the southwest, and EkomNkam in the littoral. Ekom-Nkam waterfalls is Cameroon’s tallest waterfall and one of the film sites of Greystoke: the Legend of Tarzan.

The southern savannah plain of Cameroon extends from the edge of the Adamaoua region to Lake Chad. Its characteristic vegetation is scrub and grass. This is a region of sparse rainfall and high median temperatures.

The northern plains of Cameroon between Maroua and Lake Chad are part of the region known as the Sahel, which refers to the stretch of savannah at the edge of the Sahara Desert. The Sahel spreads from Mauritania and Senegal in the Western part of Africa.

Cameroon is divided into 1o regions, among which there are approximately 9 major landscapes!

Savannah Grasslands Deserts

Cameroon Landscapes

The largest lake in Cameroon is Lake Chad, divided into north and south basins. Other freshwater lakes, Lake Nyos and Lake Monoun, in the northwestern highlands, formed in volcanic craters. Both lakes contain toxic levels of carbon dioxide gas.

Mount Cameroon, in the South West region, next to the city of Buea by the Gulf of Guinea, is the only active volcano in the country. Sometimes referred to as ‘the hinge of Africa;’ Mount Cameroon is the highest mountain in SubSaharan west Africa.

Cameroon’s low south plateau is dominated by rainforests, with swamp-lands across its edges, and is less humid than the coast (Wikipedia, n.d). Most of this coastal zone is a flat area of sedimentary soils that stretch along the Gulf of Guinea.


Cameroon Landscapes

The longest river in Cameroon is the Sanaga at 515 kilometers (325 miles). It is formed by head streams from the centre of the country and flows southwest to the Gulf of Guinea. Three other major rivers are the Djérem, Bénuoé, and Nyong.

Cameroon’s coastal plain extends 20 to 80 km inland from the Gulf of Guinea to the edge of a plateau. Kribi is a popular coastal town in the Southwest region of Cameroon, known for its sandy beaches, resorts and the Lobé waterfalls.

Western Cameroon is comprised of an irregular chain of mountains, hills and plateaus extending from Mount Cameroon to the northern tip of the country. This region includes the Bamenda, Bamiléké, and Mambilla highlands.

Ocean Coast-land Deserts

Candle Names

Rhumsiki Candle

Scent Rating


This scent tends to be quite hit or miss. Customers either seem to love it or hate it, but that makes it all the more exciting. It has been cited as being very bold, rich, and fun, but also accused of veering towards overbearing and too sweet. Have a sniff and see what side of the feedback you agree with!

Rhumsiki is a village in the Far North Region of Cameroon located in the Mandara Mountains, a volcanic range extending approximately 190 km along the northern part of the Cameroon- Nigeria border.

Its inhabitants are members of the Kapsiki ethnic group, and live in small houses built from local stone and topped with thatched roofs.

Rhumsiki is one of Cameroon’s most popular tourist attractions and is considered the most touristic place in northern Cameroon.” It is a lunar landscape dominated by dormant volcanoes, mountains and parts of the Sahel.

Having adapted to the flow of tourists, children in the village act as tour guides, showing attractions to foreigners. Among these include blacksmiths, potters, spinners, and weavers; native dancers; and the féticheur, a fortune-teller who predicts the future based on a crab’s manipulation of pieces of wood. However, due to the influx of regular visitors, some now see the village as a tourist trap.

Rhumsiki Cameroon

Candle Names


Scent Rating

This scent is our undisputed top scent, with most customers falling involve with the fun combination of vanilla and coconut that both compliment and elevate the coffee and cocoa tones of the candle. Koza has been called sweet, lovely and well balanced, often reminding customers of a holiday or lounging! 4/5

Col de Koza is a mountain pass in the Mayo-Tsanaga Department in the Far North region of Cameroon. It is home to the Mafa ethnic group, who are known for being avid farmers of millet.

Similar to other villages in the region, the people of Koza also have hut homes made from mud / stone and thatch. Their huts are made from mud and stone walls and roofs of dried millet stems. The villages are very similar to small fortresses or eagle nests

The village is full of round huts with pointed roofs that seem to stick against the steep slopes, owned by the men. The number of huts a man has is determined by the number of wives he has.

The huts in Koza are a big tourist attraction in the Far North region, and a large part of the beauty of the landscape.

Koza Cameroon

Candle Names

Kapsiki Candle

Scent Rating


This is our second most popular scented candle. Many customers detail experiencing a variety of emotional memories when smelling this candle, with some citing memories of Christmas or autumn. The pumpkin spice enhances the seasonal feeling of this candle, while the strawberry creates a more fun, unique scent.

The Kapsiki are an ethnic group living on both sides of the border between North Cameroon and Northeast Nigeria. They are called Kapsiki in Cameroon, and Kamwe (Higi) in Nigeria. In Cameroon they live in the centre of the Mandara Mountains and are considered one of the country’s pagan ethnic groups due to their resistance to Islamisation. This is evidenced by the people of the Musgum tribe who believe and pray to multiple Gods.

The Kapsiki have been living in this area of Cameroon for five centuries, before the slave hunts of the 19th century. This isolation allowed them to hide from the Fulani and maintain pagan beliefs. This is also the case for other ethnic groups in the area such as the Mafa, Mofu, Podoko Guisiga, or Daba.

The Kapsiki live in villages of 2000-6000 people, supported by resourced achieved through livestock farming, agriculture and - in the village of Rumsiki in particular - tourism.

Kapsiki Cameroon

Candle Names

Waza Candle

Scent Rating


A fan favourite with fruity scent lovers, this scent is another partially divisive one, with many customers describing it as fresh and clean while others cite the zesty undertone as off-putting. But those who love it absolutely love it! To many, the spiced saffron brings a much welcomed muskier tone to the candle.

Waza National Park is one of the big attractions in the whole of Cameroon, located in the Far North region. It encompasses an area of 1,700 sq km.

There are five vegetation categories throughout the park, including shrub savanna, open grass savanna, acacia tree savanna, perennial grasses, and floodplains. This variation attracts multiple different species, adding to the overall wilderness experience.

There are 30 species of mammals in the park. The wildlife of Waza features lions, leopards, cheetahs, and hyena. Lions are the national animal of Cameroon and there are very healthy prides of lions at the park, adding to its touristic appeal. Other wildlife species include giraffes, water-buck, roan, elephant, hartebeests, tsessebe, aardvarks, baboons, warthog, vervet monkeys, and hippopotamuses.

Waza is also home to 350 species of birds. Birdwatchers can keep their eyes open for hornbills, kestrel, heron, Arabian bustards, Nubian bustard, spotted eagle fish stork, and ostrich among others.

Waza National Park Cameroon

Candle Names

Mokolo Candle

Scent Rating


This scent is a fan favourite among herbal tea lovers, thanks too the freshness of the mint and the serenity of the white jasmine. The combination of the herbal scents alongside the vibrant coffee and cocoa create a very unique smell, described by customers as fresh, well balanced, professional and muted!

Mokolo, located in the Mandara Mountains, is the largest city of the Mayo-Tsanaga department, in the Far North region of Cameroon. It is the fourth largest city in the Far North after Maroua, Yagoua, and Kousséri. This city is home to many tourist attractions in the region, including Rhumsiki.

The Fulani and Mafa ethnic people dominate Mokolo. The Mafa, also known as the Mafahi, were the earlier inhabitants of the city. When the Fulani came to the area, many of the Mafa dispersed into the surrounding Mandara Mountains.

The Fulani are the biggest community within the Sudanic-speaking ethnic group of the north. They originally came from the Niger basin in the 11th and 19th century. The Fulani are mainly Muslim, being among the first group of Africans to convert to Islam. They helped revolutionise Islam in West Africa.

Mokolo is home is national parks, water parks, nature reserves, hiking trails, adventure parks and ancient ruins among others.

Mokolo Cameroon

Our Candle Wax

All of our candles are made using a rapeseed & coconut wax blend, resulting in a clean burn, long burn time, and candles that are vegan, biodegradable, and sustainable. This wax holds scent very well, allowing customers to enjoy their smells for longer. Rapeseed is a plant native to the UK, meaning less carbon is emitted in the production of the wax. The combination of coconut with the rapeseed makes the wax extremely pure. Our customers get a premium experience with a premium wax blend!

Design Inspiration

Musgum Mud Huts

• Huts are fully natural and sustainable, made from renewable resource (mud with clay, and thatch)

• Suitable to hot climates as the shape and material are good for thermal regulation

• Native to the Musgum people of the Far North region of Cameroon, in the village of Pousse

• Huts come in varying sizes, and a family compound will be composed of multiple huts connected to each other

About the Mud Huts

The Musgum mud huts, also referred to as Tolek, are traditional domestic homes built by the ethnic Musgum people in the Far North region of Cameroon, inspired by termite mounds.

These structures are built using Adobe, made from compressed sun-dried mud, thatch and water, with few tools, by the locals in the Pouss village. In the past these houses were liveable, but went out of style following the emergence of cement homes in Africa.

Very few Toleks are built now, but a resurgence in appreciation for their role in Musgum history has lead to more recent construction, particularly for tourism. The recent rise in popularity of these Toleks also corresponds to a rising trend in Africa to reject Western inventions and reinvest in archaic culture.

Although the design is simple from the outside, the Toleks are very well thought out and practical. The houses follow a centenary arch - the perfect form to maximise the sturdiness of the structure with minimal use of materials. The Toleks are slim and work on the principle of compression providing rigidity to the structure without any bending.

• The exterior geometric patterns on the Toleks serve multiple functions. They provide a foothold for workers to stand on during construction to build the huts, as well as mounting the house for maintenance.

• Additionally, they facilitate the drainage of rainwater during rainy seasons.

• The design and large height of the Toleks (nearly 9 m) keeps the houses cool inside on hot days.

About the Mud Huts

In many African cultures, families don’t inhabit a single house with multiple rooms. Each hut is a single room belonging to an individual. Traditionally the husband’s house would be positioned centrally while the wives Toleks encircled him. The women may share their Toleks with unmarried children and relatives. Sometimes bigger units were used for housing livestock. The smaller, smoother structures are a granary, used as a storehouse for grains. The Toleks are enclosed within a thatched connected compound wall.

A small opening on top of the huts helps with air circulation, and is used as an escape hatch in case of flooding. The hole is a few inches in diameter and is known a smoke hole. It is covered by a pot during rain to prevent water from entering the house.

Entrance into the huts is provided by a single door. Many believe its shape resembles a keyhole but it represents a front face view of a cow.

(Lucarelli, 2015)

The Musgum People

The Musgum people live primarily in the Far North Provence of Cameroon, but a few number also inhabit Chad.

• They are an ethnic group of warrior people as they have spent the majority of the last 3 centuries in conflict with European invaders and neighbouring African groups including the Sultanate of Bagirmi and the Bornu empire.

• Most of the Musgums converted to Islam but their traditional beliefs still hold significant influence in their culture.

• The Musgums were traditionally polytheistic and worshipped multiple gods. Their creator God was referred to as Alaw, and is said to have created guardian spirits such as Zigla the goddess of fertility, Bangui the sky god, Math the wilderness God, Manna and Gangan the water deities, and Yaye the local god of the village of Pouss.

• Many Musgum people make their living as farmers or fishermen.

Packaging Design

The graphics design for the tube packaging is inspired by the Ndop traditional royal display cloth. Since 2020, the Ndop cloth has been classified as a Cameroonian national heritage by the Ministry of Arts and Culture. It is currently on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Arts. This cloth is traditionally a royal cloth that was once reserved only for the elites, but is now a celebration of Cameroonian textiles. The stunning design is printed onto a kraft paper-board cylinder, offering customers a portable, sustainable packaging solution that customers can proudly display, reinforcing the elegance of Cameroon’s culture.

Packaging Design

Standard Tolek Candle

This is the smallest candle size in our range, designed for a pillar candle that is 61.7mm wide by 74mm tall, with a single cotton wick in the centre. The candle size is 187g with a burn time of at least 35 hours, perfect for the irregular candle user or those who prefer smaller sizes. The container design draws inspiration from the smallest Tolek huts, typically used as a granary for storing grains during harvest seasons. It boasts a stunning brick layered pattern which customers have described as satisfyingly symmetrical. The consistent flat brick pattern makes this the most comfortable container to hold. Like our other Tolek containers, this one comes packaged in a kraft paper tube and is available in 5 colours. The candle can be lit with the container on, thanks to the hole that allows for the flow of oxygen to continue. Additionally, our containers can all be reused for candle refills, or serve a secondary purpose including being a decorative item, a storage container, a succulent planter, and much more!

Large Tolek Candle

This is the middle candle size in our range, designed for a pillar candle that is 89.3mm wide by 105mm tall, with a single cotton wick in the centre. The candle size is 560g with a burn time of at least 104 hours, perfect for the scented candle hobbyist. The container design draws inspiration from the second largest Tolek huts, corresponding to the wife in a Musgum housing compound. The triangular brick pattern is a fan favourite, described as being very urban and unique. Some customers have drawn comparisons to the look of a Christmas tree, evoking feelings of joy and an aura of nature. This large sized container is perfect for everyday use, and still compact enough to suit apartments, restaurants, salons, etc. Like our other Tolek containers, this one comes packaged in a kraft paper tube and is available in 5 colours. The candle can be lit with the container on, thanks to the hole that allows for the flow of oxygen to continue. Additionally, our containers can all be reused for candle refills, or serve a secondary purpose including being a decorative item, a storage container, a succulent planter, and much more!

Grand Tolek Candle

This is our largest candle size, designed for a pillar candle that is 130.7mm wide by 62.5mm tall, with 3 cotton wicks for an even burn. The candle size is 715g with a burn time of at least 133 hours, perfect for scented candle enthusiasts. The container design draws inspiration from the largest Tolek huts, typically used for sheltering farm animals. The unique arch brick pattern is our most praised design, with some customers describing the pattern as the perfect shape for a large container, very peaceful, and extremely satisfying to look at. This container is great for everyday use, and offers a great balance to the other containers in the Tolek range. Like our other Tolek containers, this one comes packaged in a kraft paper tube and is available in 5 colours. The candle can be lit with the container on, thanks to the hole that allows for the flow of oxygen to continue. Additionally, our containers can all be reused for candle refills, or serve a secondary purpose including being a decorative item, a storage container, a succulent planter, and much more!

Customer Photos

User Journey

Receives their order from TOMA including the container and candle of their choice.

Reads the thank you letter and scans the QR code to explore the brand further.

Unpacks their order. They can reuse their cylinder for storage or put it for recycling.

Can collect more Tolek candles over time in different colours and sizes.

Light pillar candle in their Tolek container and burns it over time, enjoying the scent.

Alternatively users can reuse their containers as succulent planters, storage, decor, etc.

User will receive a new candle with their rolling subscription ready for a container refill.


Thank you so much for your interest in our brand and products. For more information on our product range, and to see prices and more images, please scan this QR code and visit our website!

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Thank you for reading!

Student Name: Carlma Ngwitoh Fon-Akkum


Instagram: cnf_pdesign



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